An Introduction Into Using Angular’s Material Design

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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“Nothing is as important as passion.”

—Jon Bon Jovi


Twitter: @ladyleetCo-Founder: This DotPreviously: DishcrawlOrganizer: Ng-CruisePodcaster: Modern WebBlog: Developer Expert: AngularSpeaker:NgPoland, AngularUp, AngularConnect, DevFestNL, Silicon Valley Code Camp, ReactNLConf, LondonJS, AngularZone, UtahJS, GEMConf, The Ember Show, TriangleJS, RTP AngularJS, Angular Berlin, EmberJS SF, Triangle EmberJSTracy Lee

Intro to Angular Material (2)



What is ngular Material?


What We’ll Learn Today

Components & StylingTips: Getting Started

Building with Angular MaterialDeploying Angular Apps to Firebase

Angular Material 2.0.0-beta.2Angular 4.0.0.rc-2

Angular-CLI 1.0.0-rc.1




Components & StylingComponentsLayoutNavigationForm ControlsPopups & ModalsButtons, Indicators & Icons

StylingMaterial Design ColorsDefault ThemesCustom Themes

Available Components (22)

Layout• List• Grid list• Card• Tabs

Popups & Modals• Dialog• Tooltip• Snackbar

Form Controls• Checkbox• Input• Radio Button• Select• Slider• Slide Toggle

Navigation• Menu• Sidenav• Toolbar

Buttons, Indicators & Icons• Button types• Button toggle• Chips• Icon• Progress Spinner• Progress bar


Material Styling

Material Design ColorsDefault ThemesCustom Themes



Pre-Built Themes



Custom ThemesCheck guides at


Building WithMaterial Components


Building a Pun App@ladyleet

Angular Material

Create new app with angular-cli

ng new name-of-app$ cd name-of-app

Install Angular Material (2)

$ npm install -S @angular/material

Getting Started


Import MaterialModule

import { MaterialModule } from ‘@angular/material’;

Add to imports array





Font, Icons & Themes


Custom CSS


Component Demonstration- toolbar (md-toolbar, md-toolbar-row)- sidenav (md-sidenav-container, md-sidenav)- icon (md-icon)- button (md-button)

- grid list (md-grid-list, md-grid-tile)- chips (md-chip-list, md-chip)

- tooltip (mdTooltip)- dialog (md-dialog-title, md-dialog-content, md-dialog-actions, md-dialog-close)- raised button (md-raised-button)

- card (cats) (md-card, md-card-title, md-card-content)- md list (banana) (md-list, md-list-item)- tabs (cow) (md-tab-group, md-tab)- snackbar

Changing Themes is Easy



Deploying to Firebase

In Progress


In Progress


Flex Layout


Angular Flex Layout


What You Learned Today

Components & StylingTips: Getting Started

Building with Angular MaterialDeploying Angular Apps to Firebase



Twitter @ladyleet

Github @ladyleet

Medium @ladyleet

Tracy Lee - May 29th! - Miami - Caribbean