An Introduction to Missional Social Media

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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A beginner level overview of Missional Social Media in churches and ministry.


An Introduction to Missional Social Media

Lauren Rodriguez@room1012

What is Social Media?

How can we use Social Media to improve the quality of our ministry and move our church’s objectives forward?





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—modified from Bill Reichart, Ministry Best Practices

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“No one was better at tweets than Jesus. Jesus was a master

at sound bytes that bite with terseness and immediacy. In fact,

he was always twittering the gospel in pithy, memorable


…and even expressed his gospel in The Great Tweet: ‘Love

one another as I have loved you.’ I suspect his followers

would be well advised to RT (ReTweet) everything he said.”

—Leonard Sweet, The Theology of Twitter

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This is my family.When I look at this picture I feel all sorts of things.I feel love, joy, peace, excited, infatuated, blessed,

hopeful, and thankful.I also feel stress, worry, pressure, dependence,

hopeless, and like a loser.They deserve someone leading them that knows what

the crap they are doing.A dad that looks like Brad Pitt, has the heart of Mother

Teresa, the wisdom of Billy Graham and the strength of Craig Groshel.

The last one would have been a joke until I saw his guns at Catalyst West.

They deserve so much more than me.Then I whimper to the mirror and look square in my

eyes.HE has called me to not only lead my family but to

propel them into a lifestyle of Christianity that this world has not seen since the days of Christ.

One that looks far different then the one we live out today.

A radical one.An unsafe one.One that makes most Christians feel uncomfortable.One that makes me feel uncomfortable.But without that small voice screaming that into my

head I might actually believe the nuclear family with a house, dog, white picket fence was the end. And that I suck for not providing that.

I live in a rental house with a whole floor empty of furniture.

But it’s not about that.If that is what you’ve got then great. But that should

only be the wall hiding the army that you are building.

The army of children that will actually help His Kingdom come.

Remember that our lives are but a vapor.The blessings he has blessed us with will be gone

tomorrow.We have a short time to equip the Saints.So turn off Sports Center tonight and go look in the

mirror.Remind yourself that our time here is short.And we have a lot to do.

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