Analyse cover and contents page

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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The main colours used on the cover are blue, white and black with a touch of red. The white background and the use of blue makes the black and red used on Keira Knightley’s outfit stand out more – therefore drawing more attention to the main image of the poster.

The image of Keira Knightley is a mid-shot with her looking straight at the camera. It shows confidence, which makes the magazine more appealing because she seems like she is enjoying being on the cover.

The photo presented on the cover is of sophistication, the use of an all black outfit makes the image seem more grown-up – which is more appealing to adult readers.



Centre of visual interest


Sell line

The masthead and sell lines use bold text to draw attention to the articles featured in the magazine.

The colours used on the contents pages are white, black and red. The main use of the white background makes the red and black stand out more on this background.

The main image is of Alex Pangman as the article is focused on her, the image is the biggest so the audiences attention is focused on her. There is also a series of smaller images nearer the bottom of the article, this is effective as the reader doesn’t become overwhelmed with text.

The images are sophisticated and relaxed, Alex Pangman is looking comfortable and grown-up in the image. This full-shot of her shows that the article is about her.

The use of bold headings and hints as to what the article is about are intriguing to the reader, these sections stand out against the body text.



Centre of visual interest

Sell line


Centre of visual interest


Strap boost

Sell line


The colours used on the cover photo are orange, blue and white. Orange and blue are both bright colours, compared to white which is very plain. The sharpness of the white stands out against the background which draws more attention to the main image. Orange and blue are also contrasting colours, so the orange text stands out more against the blue background – drawing more attention to the articles.

A mid-shot of Gwyneth Paltrow is used on the cover, she is smiling which is more appealing to people buying the magazine because she appears to be more welcoming.

The bold text on the cover draws in an audience to buy the magazine because it is eye-catching. The way the orange stands out is also an effective way to get more people to buy the magazine because it stands out to them.

The style of the magazine cover is very relaxed and happy, this is appealing to people because the cover looks more welcoming to an audience.

Tag line

The style of this magazine contents page is confident and happy because of the use of the model and the colours on the contents page. This is appealing to women as it presents them as confident and strong.

The masthead is in the largest text size and is in bold, it draws in the reader because it draws in their attention. The main body of the text has some bold words to draw attention to different articles that will be featured later on in the magazine.

A full body shot of the model is used to show all of her outfit, this fits in with the fashion magazine as the focus is on her clothes and not the model herself. She is also winking in the image which shows a flirty or playful image, making the magazine more appealing because it is fairly light-hearted and happy.

The colours used on the contents page are mainly oranges, yellows and white. The bright colours stand out against the white background, this makes readers focus on the text and the model as they standout more.

Strap boostCentre of visual interest


The style of this cover is youthful and playful, the young model and the innocent look gives the magazine this style. This is appealing to young women as it is a style that they are likely to desire.

The fonts used are bold to highlight the articles that will appear later on the in magazine. However, the largest and boldest font is used for the title of the magazine as it is one of the most important pieces of text for the reader.

The main colours are cream, white, gold and black for the text. The colour scheme gives an innocent feel to the magazine cover as light colours are often associated with purity. The gold as a touch of decadence to the article which also shows that the magazine is high-end.

There is a medium shot of Emma Watson used on the cover of the magazine. Her smile is more appealing to people because she looks like she is enjoying herself.




Strap boost

Centre of visual interest

Sell line

The style of the magazine is sophisticated and quirky. The unusual backdrops for the photos and the interesting and unique outfits give the images a quirky feel, but with a more grown-up image. This is appealing to people because they are new fashions and styles, which is intriguing to readers.

The masthead is in the boldest and largest font, with the main body of the text having small, bold headings to draw attention to the rest of the article.

The main colours used on the contents page is red and white. The red stands out against the white background white draws more attention to the sub-headings of the articles. The photos on the page use a variety of colours to add an array of images which make the article more interesting for the reader.

Two of the models have long shots which show their full body, this is because the magazine will focus on the outfits of the women. However, Emma Watson is featured in the corner in a medium shot as the focus is more on her as an actress. Readers will likely be more interested in her because of her celebrity status.




Centre of visual interest

Negative space