Analyse film opening

Post on 02-Feb-2016

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Analyse film opening


Analyse a film opening of your choice (Fast and Furious 6)

Khalid Deyr

Shots and Movement• The opening scene starts with a low angle

shot that shows the two cars coming towards the camera. The point of view shot from the car makes you feel as though you are in the car and it shows how fast the car is moving. Close ups are used to show the characters facial expressions while driving at this high speed. The birds eye view s used to show more of the surroundings and the pathway that the two cars are going to take. all the way through the opening scene the camera is used effectively making the audience feel as though everything is at a ridiculously high speed.


The mise en scene such as the light blue sea and rock mountains shows that it is a hot country. The colours in the scene create a warm, calm environment. The use of high key lighting makes the location seem friendly and safe which is complete opposite to the racing.


• All throughout the opening scene the editing was incredibly fast, the clips kept cutting from one scene to another in blistering pace. However, towards the ending of the opening scene the editing starts to slow down which shows that it was getting nearer to the end of the race. The match on action technique is used many times, this allows the viewer to see smooth action despite the cut in the shot.

Genre of film in the opening

• From the opening audience you can tell that its an action because from the car racing and everything going on around it being really fast shows the key features in action films. The two men; Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are very built up which shows they are ready for action at all times which is another key feature in action film.


• The Diegetic sound of the cars engine has been increased to create the fast racing atmosphere that shows the engine is working at its full capacity. All throughout the opening scene you can hear screeching from the wheels when the car is turning corners which adds to the action. Sound effects are added to small things the driver does such as changing gears or pushing down on the accelerator