Analysing magazines

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Analyzing Magazines

By Grace Morrison

Front Cover Analysis 1

2. Masthead3. Main Image4. Main Cover Line

5. Left Third

6. Cover Lines

1. Date Line

Close Analysis Front Cover 1

The main image on the front cover is of Britney Spears. This demonstrates to the reader that the main article in the magazine will focus on her. The wild hair, comfortable look and lack of obvious make up portrays Britney Spears both as sexy and happy. This mixture could be used to attract both male and female readers, due to both her look and genre of music. The relaxed image also reflects that the article to follow will be one that sheds her in a positive light, not negatively.

Close Analysis Front Cover 1

The cover lines are all on the left third so it can be seen by buyers in newsagents. The sub heading ‘THE HOT ISSUE’ is highlighted from both the back round and other contents by being the only line with the colour scheme red and gold. This catches the eye of the reader and tells them what to expect in the issue and also draws their attention to the contents underneath. The contents uses the colour scheme white and gold to emphasize certain information. For example, both the words ‘Twilight’ and ‘Gossip Girl’s’ are in gold. This is to catch the attention of possible Twilight and Gossip Girl fans and demonstrating that this issue will contain articles on these two programmes.

Front Cover Analysis 2

1. Masthead

2. Main Image3. Main Cover Line

4. Cover Lines

5. Left Third

6. Barcode, Date and Price

Close Analysis Front Cover 2

The main cover line ‘BEYONCE STRIPS DOWN’ attracts the attention of buyers through both the syntax and colour scheme of the phrase. The name ‘Beyonce’ is emphasized from the rest of the text by being in black. The following two words ‘strips down’ is highlighted by the colour red. It also stands out as it is written in a slightly different font compared to that of the surrounding words. The words ‘for summer’ are much smaller compared to ‘strips down’ showing that the sex appeal of the words ‘strips down’ is more important. The sex appeal theme is also reflected from the image of Beyonce on the front, showing her in black hot pants and a white almost see through shirt, dripping with water.

Close Analysis Front Cover 2

The Masthead stands out from the back round by being in capital letters and contrasting a bright colour red with a plain white back round. The title VIBE is covered by the main image of Beyonce. This demonstrates that Beyonce is the main feature within the magazine and also a very important figure. The Masthead being covered also shows that the magazine is so well known that it can afford to cover some of it’s title and still be recognized.

Contents Page Analysis 1

1. Heading

2. Main Image

3. Sub Heading

5. House Style

4. Cover Story

7. Photograph Details

6. Other Features

Close Analysis Contents Page 1

The simplicity of the House Style creates a sophisticated tone. By using neutral colors such as navy blues, greys and whites for the text, it doesn’t attract too much attention away from the main image. The heading ‘contents’ is formatted in a weird way which highlights the heading whilst also keeping the straightforward yet sophisticated format.

Close Analysis Contents Page 1

The Main Image is of Barack Obama and he wears a slick black suit with a satin tie. The pose in which he stands shows him as being confident and relaxed, with an easy smile and linked hands. This image adds to the sophisticated tone created by the simple House Style, suggesting that the contents of the magazine will focus on more mature themes. For example, Politics.

Contents Page Analysis 2

1. Issue Number

2. Heading

3. Sub Heading

4. Cover Story

5. Other Features

7. Photograph Details

8. Page Number

6. Kicker

Close Analysis Contents Page 2

The Sub Heading on the left side of the page stands out from the different colors used. By enlarging the font and by using the colour red, it catches the reader’s eye. This is useful as the sub headings clearly tell the reader what articles will be under a specific section, for example under ‘Rock and Roll’ an article on the Foo Fighters can be found on page 15.

Close Analysis Contents Page 2

By separating the Main Feature from the other articles on the page, it emphasizes it’s importance and priority within this issue of Rolling Stone. By including an image related to the content of the main article, it catches the reader’s eye and reflects that the main focus of this magazine will be on the music genre Hip Hop. This is also reinforced by using the title ‘The 50 Greatest Hip-Hop Songs of All Time’ along with its kicker underneath, explaining in more detail the feature’s main focuses.

Double Page Spread Analysis 1

Main Image


Drop Letter

House Style

Double Page Spread Close Analysis 1

There is no title to the magazine’s article. Instead there is a large image of Lady Gaga on the left page and her name written in the top right corner. This creates intrigue within the reader as they only know that the article will be focused on Lady Gaga, but they do not know what topics will be covered. Therefore, to discover if there is any exclusive content within the feature, the reader will have to read the article. Not having a title also leaves more room for information.

Double Page Spread Close Analysis 1

The large L which covers the majority of the double page spread article highlights that the article is about Lady Gaga also, the colour of the L anchors the logo of Q magazine. The drop letters S and I clearly signify the beginning of two new paragraphs. Also, the logo of the magazine can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the page, reinforcing the idea that the reader is finding this article in Q magazine.

Double Page Spread Close Analysis 1

The heading’s text is the same colour as the colour of the back round page and have black box surrounding each letter. Also the different size fonts for each letter creates a quirky atmosphere, reflected by Lily Allen’s style in the main image on the right and also, for fans of her music, by her songs.

Double Page Spread Close Analysis 1

The Kicker underneath the main caption informs the reader of what is to come in the following article. The phrase ‘get behind the headlines’ creates an air of mystery as it does not state in the kicker exactly what will be revealed. This is an effective technique as it captures the attention of the reader therefore making them more likely to read on. Also the language used is colloquial, not formal, causing the reader to feel more involved in the interview.