Analysis of questionnaire responses for our rough cut

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Audience Questionnaire responses

Emma Irwin, Ellisha Summer Clapham, Alice Mee & Amber



The majority of people who watched our rough cut were around 17-19. This is beneficial as that age group is our target audience, so it has given us an idea of what we need to include and what we are doing right. As well as this, we got a response from a 41 year old which isn’t really our age group for our target audience but the feedback was helpful as it gave us a sense of what a different age group would want to see from this film.


Again, as the majority of people who took the questionnaire were below the age of 20, the occupation they put down was student. The 41 year old who took it is a nurse manager so will have a different perspective on our film than the other people. This was a good way to get different opinions and responses back about our first rough cut.

What genre do you think our film is?

This was an important question to ask as it gave us an idea about what our target audience thought our film’s genre would be/is. The main answer that came up was horror although the other responses were thriller, drama and psychological horror. This is very interesting, as we can see that most of the people understood the genre we are wanting to create, but some think it is slightly different. This shows that we will need to add some more iconography for horror films and possibly add some more jump scares. We believe that with the music, the end product will be scary and will appear to be a horror.

What music do you think will be in our film?

We are yet to add music to our film so we asked this question to get an idea and understand about what the audience would expect for our specific genre. The main responses was a mixture of suspense and dark music, similar to films such as, ‘Psycho’ and ‘The woman in black.’ Another response included classical, which could make our film appear creepier/sinister. An example of a film that uses classical music to make it appear sinister is, ‘A clockwork orange,’ so we could consider including this genre of music.

What was the scariest part of our film from this rough cut?

We asked this question as we wanted to see what aspects of our film the audience found the scariest. The main answers were the hanging scene at the beginning of the film. This shows that we made the scene believable and that with music, it will look a lot more creepier and realistic. The other scenes people found scary were the figure walking past the door and the cup being moved. This shows that we have understood how to create scary scenes, and that our target audience is finding it scary.

Do you understand the storyline for our rough cut?

We thought that asking our target audience what our film would be about would be beneficial because it would give us an idea if they understood the storyline. We understand that we are still missing shots which will explain essential parts of the story, but hopefully what we have already shot will point them in the right direction. From the responses we got back, the majority of people understood that ghosts were in the house and the protagonist got hanged. Also, some people mentioned that it was a non-linear narrative which is what we have created. However, some people said that they were confused with what was happening and that it didn’t really make much sense. This has allowed us to understand that we need to add more scenes in to help the plot develop.

Where do you think you would watch it?

We asked this question to see if our audience thought that our film could be of a certain standard. For example if it could be viewed by DVD or in the cinema. The majority of responses were DVD and film festivals. They also said cinema and Netflix but these were not given as much as the other options. This shows that our film could be viewed by more people on DVD and at film festivals. It also shows that people would watch our film, which is good.

Would you watch this film if it was in cinemas and why?

The majority of answers that we got from this was yes and probably. We only got one no but this was because the person doesn’t like horror films the other answers were good and shows that we have intrigued the audience. The majority of the people who said that they would watch it said it looked scary and that they like horror films.

What age rating do you think it will be?

This was important as would could establish our target audience, and also get an idea of what age rating the audience though the issues we were addressing are. The main answers were a 15, but a few people thought it could be a 12 or an 18. We will most likely give it a 15 rating because of the issues and subject matter (such as murder and drug-abuse) it is addressing.