Analyst Relations Regional Briefing · Equinix Confidential - 2014 7 Equinix Marketplace Diverse...

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Analyst Relations

Regional Briefing

Santa Clara

August 20, 2014

Agenda • 9:00 am - Welcome & “Optimizing Your Relationships With Gartner


- Jeff Golterman, GVP and AR Community Lead

• 10:00 am – AR Program Success at Equinix: An Evolution of Increasing AR Value

- Jason Starr, Senior Director, Analyst Relations, Equinix

• 10:30 am - New Strategies for Analyst Engagement at HP

- Chris Wilder, Corporate AR Lead, HP

• 11:00 am - Break

• 11:15 am - MQ, Critical Capabilities & Other Methodological updates

- Deborah Neitz Dailey, Research Director, Gartner Research

• 12:00 pm - Important Changes to the Copyright and Quote Policy

- Jeff Snyder, Vice President, Office of the Ombudsman

• 12:15 pm - Peer and Analyst Networking Lunch

- AR and Peers Network with Gartner Experts and Analysts

Agenda (ii)

• 1:00 pm Customer References Management Program

- John Taschek, Vice President of Strategy,

• 1:30 pm - Analyst Relations Maturity: Successful AR Program Long-Term Growth

- Peggy O’Neil, Senior Director, Analyst Relations, Informatica

• 2:00 pm - MQ Research Process Optimization Workshop

- Claire Dessaux, Managing Vice President, Research Content Process, Gartner Research, and Jeff Snyder, VP, Office of the Ombudsman

• 3:15 pm - Break

• 3:30 pm - Advanced AR Strategies: AR program ROI Through Business Relevance

- Joe Baylock, GVP, Gartner Research, Ken Dulaney, VP & Distinguished Analyst, Gartner Research and Martin Reynolds, Managing VP, Gartner Research

• 4:00 pm - Wrap –up


AR Success At Equinix Jason Starr, Senior Director, Analyst

Relations, Equinix Equinix Confidential - 2014 Equinix Confidential - 2014 6

Equinix Overview

The widest network-

neutral footprint

• 100+ data centers

• 32 strategic global markets

• 1,000+ networks

The strongest financial

metrics in our industry

• Over $2.1 billion in


• $7+ billion investment in

capacity 1998-2013

• NASDAQ-100 member

(Dec 2012)

The most dynamic

ecosystem in the


• 4,600+ global customers

• >65% of revenues come

from customers deployed

across multiple regions

• >135,000 customer


* As announced on Q4 2013 results call on February 19, 2014


Data Centers 100+ Data Centers

~10.0M+ Square Feet

>99.999% Uptime Record

Interconnection 1,000+ Networks

135,000+ Cross Connects

Direct access to 90% of

Internet Routes


Ecosystems Equinix Marketplace™

Revenue Opportunities Equinix Confidential - 2014 7

Equinix Marketplace Diverse and interconnected customer base

Did you know

Equinix is home to:

1,000+ network


450+ cloud & SaaS


600+ IT service


800+ financial firms

5 of the top 5 web

properties (Comscore)

4 of the 5 smartphone


Content &

Digital Media

Cloud Computing


Financial Services

Networks Equinix Confidential - 2014 8

Observations from the Beginning (Dec 2012)

• Equinix never had formal A/R function but occasionally briefed

analysts and a large SAS day in 2009

– Limited relationships overall

• Executive team largely unaware (read: highly skeptical) of influence

and customer use of Industry Analysts

• Equinix story mostly shallow across Analyst community

– “What does Equinox do?”

– “Yeah I know you – you provide “space and power” just like everyone else.”

– “Just brief me once a year – that’s all I need.”

– “I don’t cover your sector – why are we doing an inquiry?”

• Very little briefing materials, topics, analyst target lists, etc.

• Why did I leave Investor Relations????

Gartner Data Center Conference in December 2012 Equinix Confidential - 2014 9

What we tried in launching the program

• Deep dive on research reports and analyst presentations

– Helped figure out baseline, topics and who to focus on (and who not to)

– Identified several key/new analysts not on target list (e.g. Andrew Lerner)

• Aggressive outreach to networking, cloud and data center analysts

– Intro to Equinix inquiry/briefings and data center tours

– Tried to highlight our relevancy to their research areas

• SAS Day and Webinar

– Was critical in building relationship – and greater understanding of EQIX

– Analyst became supporter internally and externally as he learned more

• Analyst feedback on go-to-market, messaging and product strategy

• Licensed a few reports that were “early wins” for distribution

– Helped get attention of E-Team and other internal constituents Equinix Confidential - 2014

We were here in Dec 2012 Believe we are here….but more room to go! Equinix Confidential - 2014 11

What we’ve learned

• Help co-workers / leaders understand what analysts do – and that its

way beyond just writing reports and MQ’s

• Focus on analysts that matter, yet also choose ones to disengage

– 1 or 2 “champions” can go a long way at the start

• Teach analysts why company is relevant – and help them understand

the fit for their customers and their research

– Link your success to analysts’ success (win-win)

• Analyst feedback just as important as coverage (sometimes more)

– Share feedback with broader internal team and help get them engaged

– A/R can contribute to sales and marketing productivity

• “Break the silos” to expand your reach and relationships

– Who else should I talk to on the analyst team there?

– Have you spoken to your networking analyst X? He’s looking at things similarly



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