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(A Descriptive Research at English Education Department)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Education

in English Department


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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Tasmaniar Taiyeb

Nim : 10535 6288 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Analyzing the Extrovert-Introvert Personality and Speaking

Performance of the Third Semester Student English

Department at Unismuh Makassar

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Makassar, November 2019

Yang membuat pernyataan

Tasmaniar Taiyeb




Jalan Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar no. 259 Telp. (0411) 86672 Makassar 90221


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Tasmaniar Taiyeb

Nim : 10535 6288 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Analyzing the Extrovert-Introvert Personality and Speaking

Performance of the Third Semester Student English

Department at Unismuh Makassar

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, November 2019

Yang membuat perjanjian

Tasmaniar Taiyeb



“My success can only come from Allah”

(Holy Qur’an 11:88 )

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating

yourself.” (George Bernard Shaw)

“Everything will be okay if you believe in yourself”

(The Researcher)

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and

the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe

is great work. And the only way to do great work is to

love what you do. If you haven’t found yet, keep looking.

Don’t settle. As with all matters of heart, you’ll know

when you find it.”

(Steve Jobs)



TASMANIAR TAIYEB 2019. Analyzing Extrovert-Introvert Personality and

Speaking Performance of the Third Semester Student English Department at

Unismuh Makassar. Under the Thesis of English Education Department the

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University Muhammadiyah

Makassar, Supervised by Bahrun Amin and Muh. Arief Muhsin.

The objectives of this research were: (1) to identify the students‟

personality extrovert and introvert. (2) to find out the speaking performance

between students‟ personality extrovert and introvert of the third semester English

department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

The method of this research was descriptive quantitative research. This

research used two instruments: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and

speaking test. The subject of this research was third semester English department

at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar in 2019 academic year. This research

used simple random sampling technique. The sample of this research consisted 32

from 220 students as the total of population.

The result of this research identified the students‟ personality that

categorized in extrovert personality (56, 26%), introvert personality (34, 38 %)

and ambivert personality(9, 38%). Based on the research result found that the

mean score of speaking performance of the extrovert score was 72.22 and the

mean score of an introvert was 62.72. It was indicated, that extrovert personality

more dominant in speaking than introvert personality.

Keywords: Personality, Extrovert, Introvert, and Speaking Performance.



TASMANIAR TAIYEB 2019. Analyzing Extrovert-Introvert Personality and

Speaking Performance of the Third Semester Student English Department at

Unismuh Makassar. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Dibimbing oleh Bahrun Amin dan Muh. Arief Muhsin.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengidentifikasi kepribadian

siswa extrovert dan introvert. (2) Untuk mengetahui kinerja bicara antara

kepribadian siswa extrovert dan introvert pada semester tiga Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini

menggunakan dua instrumen: Kuestioner Kepribadian Eysenck dan tes bebicara.

Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester tiga Bahasa Inggris Fakultas

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan pada tahun ajaran 2019. Penelitian ini

menggunakan teknik acak sederhana. Sampel dari penelitian ini terdiri dari 32

mahasiswa yang jumlah keseluruhan populasinya 220 mahasiswa.

Hasil dari penelitian ini teridentifikasi bahwa kepribadian siswa yang

termasuk dalam kategori kepribadiaan extrovert (56, 26%), kepribadian introvert

(34, 38%) dan kepribadian ambivert (9, 38%) . Berdasarkan hasil yang ditemukan

dari nilai tegah kinerja bicara extrovert adalah 72.22 and nilai tengah introvert

adalah 62.72 Ini mengindikasikan bahwa kepribadiaan extrovert lebih dominan

dalam berbicara dibandingkan dengan kepribadian introvert.

Kata Kunci: Kepribadian, Extrovert, Introvert dan Kinerja Bicara.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Alhamdulillah, all

praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the universe, master of the day

of judgment, God Almighty, for all blessings and mercies so the researcher was

able to finish this thesis and peace and blessing are addressed to the final chosen

religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW as his followers in this world.

Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the highest, the researcher could

finish her thesis after long hard effort of writing. Thus, she would like to express

her greatest gratitude to her beloved parents (Taiyeb and Dra. Maryam) who

always pray, support, and motivate her of every part of her life especially in doing

this research.

The researcher realizes that there are many people who are already helped

her in arranging and writing this final project directly or indirectly. In this chance,

the researcher would like to express deepest appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd Rahman Rahim SE.,MM. as the rector of Makassar

Muhammadiyah University and Erwin Akib M.Pd.,P.Hd as the Dean of

FKIP for their support and motivation during her study at UNISMUH.

2. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd the head of English Department of

FKIP also for their signature, support and motivation.


3. The Researcher‟s supervisior are: Dr. H. Bahrun Amin, M.Hum. and Muh.

Arif Muhsin, S.Pd., M.Pd. Who have given guidance, valuable advice, and

correction during the development of this research.

4. Her beloved sisters and brothers Tasminah Taiyeb, S. Pd., Tasmianti

Taiyeb, S. Pd., Tasmiar Taiyeb, S. Pd., Tasriani Taiyeb, S. Pd., Tasmaniah

Taiyeb., S. Psi., Arman Idris, S.E., and Agus S. Pd. Her aunt St.Ama and

her nephew Muh. Nashihan Ramadhan and all her big family who always

gives inspiration and motivation to continue her study.

5. All her beloved friends of English Education Department Class C 2015

(CHAZTALS) whose name cannot be mentioned one by one who always

help and motivate her in accomplishing this research.

6. Her beloved friends who have always been in the researcher side in facing

all the laughter and tears during her study Rika Afraini S. Pd, Wiranggi

Wahidin, Emilia Sianti, Epri Suryaningsih, Sri Arna Nengsi, Khairun

Nisa, Andi Elma Nadila Tamar, Nur Iqfathul and Rama Farandy.

7. Her beloved friends who always support the researcher finished her study

Sitti Rahmah Mustakim S.Tr.Kes, Andi Sutra Fona, S.M., Munnita

Apprianti, S.E., Nurul Pertiwi, S.E., Ridha Utari S.E., Kartika Cahyani,

S.Gz., Hardyanti, S.E., and Iin Fatimah Miftahuljannah, A.Md.Kep.

8. The students of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar especially the

third semester students of English Department.

May the Almighty bless us now and forever, and this thesis can be useful,



Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis has some weakness and shortage.

Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestions and corrections from

anyone for better writing.

Makassar, November 2019




TITLE ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... ii

COUNSELLING SHEET .............................................................................. iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN............................................................................... v

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................. vi

MOTTO.......................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................ x

LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xv

LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................ xvi

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ xvii


A. Background ............................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement..................................................................................... 5

C. The Objective of the Research .................................................................. 5

D. The Significance of the Research .............................................................. 6

E. The Scope of the Research ........................................................................ 6


A. Some Partinent Ideas ................................................................................. 8

1. Concept of Personality ......................................................................... 8

2. Speaking Performance ......................................................................... 15

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 18



A. Research Design ........................................................................................ 20

B. Research Variable ...................................................................................... 20

C. Population and Sample .............................................................................. 21

D. Instrument of the Research ........................................................................ 23

E. Data Collection .......................................................................................... 28

F. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 28


A. Findings ..................................................................................................... 32

B. Discussion.................................................................................................. 36


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 40

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 40

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 43





Table 2.1 Aspect of Extrovrt and Introvert .................................................... 11

Table 3.1 Number of Population ................................................................... 22

Table 3.2 The Criteria of Eysenck Personality .............................................. 23

Table 3.3 The Item Specification of the Questionnaire ................................. 25

Table 3.4 Interpretation of Students Personality ............................................ 29

Table 3.5 Oral Proficiency Scoring Categories.............................................. 30

Table 3.6 The Scoring Rubric of Speaking .................................................... 32

Table 4.1 Category of Students‟ Personality.................................................. 33

Table 4.2 Pecentage of Students‟ Personality ................................................ 34

Table 4.3 The Speaking Performance Score of Extrovert Group .................. 35

Table 4.4 The Category of Extrovert Students Score in Speaking Performance

........................................................................................................................ 36

Table 4.5 The Speaking Performance Score of Introvert Group ................... 36

Table 4.6 The Category of Introvert Students Score in Speaking Performance

........................................................................................................................ 37



Figure 2.1 The Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 18



APPENDIX 1 Students‟ Personality Score

APPENDIX 2 The Score of Students‟ Personality in Extrovert and

Introvert items

APPENDIX 3 Students‟ Speaking Test Score

APPENDIX 4 Transcript of Students‟ Speaking Test

APPENDIX 5 Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)

APPENDIX 6 Instrument of Speaking Performance

APPENDIX 7 Documentations




A. Background

Humans have different characters, these characters also affect them in

various aspects, such as when they learn languages. All of country has own

language and English has become an international language where be teach in

nearly all level education in the world. In English, there are four skills in the

teaching and learning process, they are reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Every student has own difficulty in speaking because they receive and obtain

information differently because of several factors. The factors such as

motivation, attitudes, personality, learning achievement, aptitude, intelligence,

and age are the dimensions that influence the learning process (Gardner in

Octavia 2017).

As one of the influencing factors, personality is defined as a dynamic

organization of an individual psychophysical system that determines its

adjustment to the environment (Allport in Octavia 2017). This includes how

people can adapt to the environment, which can be seen from the habit of

thinking, attitudes, and interests, as well as a typical life view, to have a balanced

life. Robert B. Ewen in Prakash, (2016) said that “Personality refers to the


important and relatively stable characteristics within a person that account for

consistent patterns of behavior”.

On the other hand, Jung in Prakash, (2016) divided personality into

two parts, one Introvert and second is Extrovert. He added that personality based

on individual behavior. An extrovert person tends to be active, talkative, easy-

going, risk-taker and friendly, while introvert person tends to be passive, quiet

and introspective. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there

are two kinds of human personalities, namely extrovert and introvert. Extrovert is

a type of personality that is easily open and easy to express opinions, the second

is introvert where this personality is more closed and tends to be quiet. It can be

assumed that differences personality of students can influence the performance of

students in the class. In psychology perspective, extrovert and introvert are types

of personalities that may influence students' motivation, the strategies they choose

to learn a language, classroom management, and teaching language. Personality is

of great significance in all near aspects of our life.

There were some previous researches who analyzed the extrovert and

introvert personality in speaking skill, the first from Lestari, (2015) found

that there was statistically significant difference between the personality types of

the participants‟ speaking performance. There was also had different learning

style between the introvert and extrovert students, introvert students prefer to

study alone while the extroverts prefer to participate and study in group.

Furthermore, this research can be useful for achieving more effective English

teaching and learning processes.


Salsabila (2017) found that extrovert students more dominate in critical

thinking and speaking ability whereas the introverts. Based on the research result,

the introverts got speaking mean score was 8, 35, while critical thinking was 54,

50 for lower mean score and was 63, 05 for higher mean score.

Maharany (2017) the result of this research, the students‟ personality

difference has no statistically significant difference to the students‟ English

speaking competence. Both group of students, the extrovert students, and the

introvert students may perform better English speaking ability through their own

way of learning. This research also shows that the extrovert students get lower

average English speaking score than the introvert students. It can be assumed that

the extrovert students do not always possess higher competency of English

speaking ability which is because of his natural willingness to speak than the

introvert students. Sometimes the introvert students may overlap the extrovert

students with their unique strengths.

Octavia (2017) the researcher found that 82% students are extrovert, and

18% students are introvert. She found that 96% students have positive attitudes in

learning EFL. The calculation of Pearson Product Moment showed that there is a

positive moderate correlation between extraversion trait and students‟ attitudes

which value 0.574. The level of introversion more affected students‟ attitudes

than extroversion. Therefore, there was positive correlation between personality

traits: extraversion/introversion.

Rofi‟i (2017) the result of the study shows that there was no different result

between the extrovert and the introvert students in their speaking skill. Groups,


the extrovert and the introvert students can perform better English speaking skill

through their own way of learning

Based on the previous related research finding above, the similarity in this

research was analyzed the personality students toward speaking skill which most

of the research found that there are correlation between personalities of students

in learning, especially in speaking skill. The personality influence students in

learning style which the extrovert students prefer to learning in the group and the

introvert student enjoy working alone. On the other hand, the differences of the

research were in the method. Likewise, the location of the research those were

different from previous research, where there was research conducted in schools

even though most conduct research on the campus, but certainly with different

semesters and different campuses. There was also research that focused more on

students' critical thinking, which was very different from this study which only

focused on speaking performance.

According to the experience of researcher as English students there were

some problems in the speaking class. The problems were faced by the students

can be stated in some phenomena such as: First, several of the students were

afraid of speaking English. Second, several of the students were not able to

pronounce English accurately. Third, several of the students were not able to

speak fluently. Last, several of the students were not able to speak grammatically.

Where the personality traits were interrelated, the researcher identified there were

some the students confident speak up in front of the class and some of the

students feel ashamed.


Based on the problem, the researcher thought that not only aspects of

speaking could influence students‟ performance but also their personality. Which

the personality had a big role in speaking because everyone had different

characters, there were extroverts and introverts. For centuries, personality has

been considered a practical force in determining success or failure in life. From

the statement, researchers want to conduct a research entitled Analyzing the

Extrovert-Introvert Personality and Speaking Performance of the Third

Semester Student English Department at UNISMUH Makassar.

B. Problem of the Research

The research problem of the study is formulated in question forms as follow:

1. What are the students‟ personalities in the third semester of English

Department at FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar?

2. What are the speaking performances between students‟ extrovert and

introvert personality in the third semester of English Department at FKIP

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar?

C. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to investigate:

1. To identify the students‟ personality extrovert or introvert in the third

semester of English Department at FKIP Muhammadiyah University of



2. To find out the speaking performance between students‟ extrovert and

introvert personality in the third semester of English Department at FKIP

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

D. Significance of the Study

The result of the research is expected to give some benefits as follows:

1. Theoretically

For students, to help and to be aware those to encourage

speaking performances based on their characteristic or

personality in order to get a good achievement in speaking


2. Practically

a. To give information to the English teachers or lecturers in

order to pay attention to the students‟ personality (extrovert

and introvert) and that effect toward speaking performance in

teaching and learning process.

b. For researchers as information on how the difference

between extrovert and introvert personality toward speaking

performance and increase the experience of the researcher.

E. Scope of the Research


This study only focused on analyzing differences in extrovert and

introvert personality in speaking performance of third semester English

Department at UNISMUH Makassar where in the speaking performance only

focused in two aspects, fluency and accuracy (pronunciation).





A. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of Personality

a. Personality Theories

In this world, personality becomes an essential and famous in

psychological concept. Where the personality is a description of the

way a person behaves towards his surroundings, which can be seen

from his habitual thinking, attitudes, and interests as well as his

unique outlook on life. The term “personality” is derived from the

Latin word persona means “mask.” For the Romans, persona means

“how someone looks at others,” not the actual self.

Cloninger in Rofi‟i (2017) defines, “Personality as the

underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and

experience”. It means that personality is a characteristic possessed by

a person, where this character distinguishes from each other, and this

is an underlying cause of the behavior.


Similarity Hollander in Qomaruddin (2010), personality is the sum total of

an individual‟s characteristics which make him unique.

The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines personality as

the whole nature or character of a person.‟ How someone is behaving, feels and

thinks where a person's behavior is largely determined by his state of mind.

Personality can be interpreted as a set of characteristics that are dynamic and

organized that someone has that influences their cognitive, motivation, and

behavior in certain situations (Ryckman in Lestari, 2013: 2).

From the theories above, it can be concluded that personality is the whole

of the way an individual reacts and interacts with other individuals described in

terms of traits that can be measured by someone including visible behavior

(external behavior) and thoughts that cannot be seen (internal behavior).

b. Extrovert Personality

Eysenck in Maharani (2017: 12) states that Extroversion is partly

identified with “fast accumulation” and “slow dissipation” of reactive inhibition.

In other words, extroversion is dimension of behavior formed by heredity factors.

Every human being has that dimension. This means that extroversion have existed

since someone was born and continue to exist along with human growth.

According to Zhang in Qomarudin (2008: 1) Extrovert means a person

more interested in what is happening around him than in his own thoughts and


emotions. In other words, the extrovert experiences the world more through

contact with others and shared experience than through self-examination or study.

Based on Vandenbos in Maharany (2017), extroverts are more influenced

by their surrounding than by their inner world. Extroverts enjoy social

interactions and tend to be enthusiastic, assertive, and excited. They more enjoy

large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. Extroverts

are likely to enjoy spending time with people and find themselves energized by

social interaction.

The extroverts are focus on the outer world, thus people who have extrovert

personality nature prefers themselves to outside life. They are people who have

more activities and think less. They are also people who prefer to be in a crowd or

in a place with more people, in a quiet place.

Extrovert are comparatively gregarious, sociable, enjoys group work,

enjoys being at the center of attention and openly expressive. They like to see new

places, meet new people, in order to they can express their feelings and thoughts

though interacting.

c. Introvert Personality

Introverts are often characterized by their capacity for inward reflection

and a need to understand the world before they experience it (Tieger & Barron-

Tieger in Prakash, 2016).

Introvert is a preference to focus on the world inside the self. Introverts tend

to be quiet, peaceful and deliberate and are not attracted to social interactions.


They prefer activities they can do alone or with one other close friend, activities

such as reading, writing, thinking, and inventing. Introverts find social gatherings


The introverts could be categorized as close-minded personality. Close-

minded students tend to be quiet and keep independently working rather than

working together in a group. However, believe that well-organized and serious

introverts are seen better learners as far as the systematic study is concerned. In

brief, introvert is a person who has the focus on their own activity.

There were two experts, Eysenck and Dörnyei who express aspects of

extrovert and introvert. Some divided into 4 aspects and some divided 7 aspects.

The researcher used aspects according Eysenck as a reference for creating a

personality questionnaire.

According to Dörnyei in Nadzif (2015), aspects of extrovert and introvert

explain in the table below.

Table 2.1 Aspect of Extrovert and Introvert

Aspect Extrovert



Like parties, need to have

people to talk to.

Reserved and distant

except to intimate



Crave excitement; act

on the spur of the moment.

Do not like excitement,

Distrust the impulse

of the moment.

Expenditure of energies

Carefree, easygoing,

optimistic, like to laugh

and the merry, altogether

their feelings are not kept

under tight control.

Reliable, take matters of

everyday life with

proper seriousness,

pessimistic, quiet,

retiring sort of person,



Interests in external events

Do not like reading or Studying alone.

Fond of books rather

Than people.

d. Extrovert Personality Aspect

Eysenck (in Maharani, 2017:13) said that there are seven aspects of

personality which are based on extrovert dimension. They are activity,

sociability, risk-taking, impulsiveness, expressiveness, practicality, and

irresponsibility. Their explanation as follows:

1. Activity

The person who has high activity tends to be active and energetic likes to

do physical activities. A person gets up early, does the activities quickly

and different kinds of tasks.

2. Sociability

A man having high extroversion usually has high sociability. They have

many friends easily, like to go to a party, like to do social activity, like to

meet new friends, and feel happy in friendly situation.

3. Risk Taking

Human being having high risk-taking value likes to live in dangerous

situation and seek jobs that ignore the risk. They do the jobs without

paying attention on their own safety.

4. Impulsiveness


The person who has this value likes to do something spontaneously

without thinking firstly and make a quick decision.

5. Expressiveness

People having high expressiveness tend to their feeling freely. They

usually like to show their emotions such as sad, angry, afraid, and

pleasant. They show that they have high extroversion.

6. Practically

People who have this value usually are pleasant to do practical things and

not patient to do abstract and imaginative activities.

7. Irresponsibility

The man having high value on this aspect dislikes doing formal duty.

Extrovert person is dynamic and irresponsible in doing activities that

relate to social dimension.

e. Introvert Personality Aspect

Eysenck (in Maharani, 2017:17) states that there are seven aspects

of personality which are based on extrovert dimension. They are inactivity,

unsociability, carefulness, controlled, inhibition, reflectiveness and

responsibility. Their explanation as follows:


1. Inactivity

It relates to the physical activities. Person having this value does the task

slowly. He is also tired and easy to sleep.

2. Unsociability

People having unsociability tend to have a few close friends and like

doing independent activities such as reading. They sometimes feel

stressed in interacting with others.

3. Carefulness

It is usual that person who has this value does the activities carefully.

Introvert person avoids from dangerous things and does something that

is familiar and safe.

4. Controlled

The person plans and arranges the program before doing something.

Introvert person plans have bright future and thinks before acting.

5. Inhibition

People do not like to express their feelings freely. They are not easy to

feel angry and calm.

6. Reflectiveness


The person likes to make abstracts and interpretation, discusses, and

answers the philosophical question.

7. Responsibility

This aspect distinguishes individuals based on responsibility for actions

and their duties and work. People who have this character will be believed

by others easily.

2. Speaking Performance

According to Tetala in Nazlia (2015: 14), “speaking is an essential tool for

communicating”. In communicating, speaking is the way to convey ideas though

a message orally.

Pollard in Nizzu (2016) says that one of the most difficult aspects for

students to master is speaking. It is difficult when learners have to consider and

think about their ideas, what to say, language, grammar, vocabulary,

pronunciation in one time and how to react with a person who communicates with


There are a large number of measures that indicate speaking performance

(Ellis & Barkhuizen in Koizumi 2005), such as “the number of words per minute”

for fluency, and “the number of errors per word” for accuracy. In this study, the

qualities of various speaking performance measures are investigated. Moreover,


Hanse in Nazlia (2015: 14), said that student performance depends on different

socio-economic, psychological, environmental factors. Student performance may

be assessed along a variety of dimensions including class participation, individual

written work on papers and exams, and group activities such as projects and


The good performance will happen, if the students can control their self.

Manage to deliver to speak, where their ideas, feelings and thought is properly

conveyed and accepted by the audience. Whereas, the poor performance will

happen, when the student fail to convey the meaning of their messages, the

audience misinterpret their messages and idea. It can be concluded that the

students‟ performance whether in good or poor performance, show their mastery

level of the English language.

a. Aspect of Speaking Performance

There are two aspects of speaking performance that are fluency and


1. Fluency

Pollard in Rinamandasari (2014) stated that fluency is the ability to read,

speak, or write easily, smoothly, and expressively. Nunan in Husnawati (2017)

point out that fluency is the extent to which the learner can speak at an

acceptable speed with few false starts and hesitations.

2. Pronunciation


Pronunciation is the production of a sound system which doesn't interfere

with communication either from the speakers‟ or the listeners‟ viewpoint

(Paulston & Burder in Gilakjani 2016). Pronunciation is the way of uttering a

word in an accepted manner (Otlowski in Gilakjani 2016). Furthermore,

Richard and Schmidt Harmer in Husnawati (2017) provide more issues

related to pronunciation. He suggests pitch, intonation, individual sounds,

sounds and spelling, and stress.


B. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework underlying this research is shown in the following


Figure 2.1 The conceptual framework

The conceptual framework above mean that the researcher was focused to

analyzed the students‟ personality, extrovert and introvert in speaking

performance. The purpose of this research was to identified students personality



(Activity, Sociability, Risk

Taking, Impulsiveness,

Practically, Irresponsibility,

Comfortable in large group

that include strangers,

Energized by the outside



(Inactivity, Unsociability,

Carefulness, Controlled,

Inhibition, Reflectiveness,





extrovert or introvert and to found out the difference between extrovert and

introvert personality in their speaking performance.




A. Research Design

The method of this research was a descriptive quantitative research. Where

the descriptive method was a method of research that attempt to describe and

interpret the objects in accordance with reality.

According to Aliaga and Gunderson in Apuke (2017), quantitative

research is explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed

using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics). In brief, quantitative

research aims to collecting numerical data to explain a particular phenomenon.

This research used quantitative method because researchers want to get accurate

data, based on empirical and measurable phenomena.

B. Research Variable

Agravante (2018) said that variables represent the measurable traits that

can change over the course of a scientific experiment. In all there are two basic

variable types: dependent, independent variable. According of the statement

means that variable is one of essential part of the research. Where there are two

variable, independent and dependent variable.


1. Independent variable

According to Sugiyono in Nadzif (2015) independent variable can be

called stimulus, predictor, or antecedent. Independent variable is

variable which can give influence to dependent variable. In this

research independent variable are extrovert and introvert personality.

2. Dependent variable

According to Sugiyono in Nadzif (2015) dependent variable is variable

which is influenced or became effect of the independent variable.

Dependent of this research is speaking performance.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Azwar (2010) defined population as a group of

subjects who want to be subjected to the generalization of the results of the


Furthermore Sugiyono in Maharani (2017:50), defined population is

generalization that composed of the subject or objects that has certain

qualities and characteristics of the applied researcher to learn and then be

concluded. The populations of this research were the third semester of

English education department.

It was consisted of 220 students from eight classes (source of English

Education Department of Unismuh Makassar).


Table 3.1 Number of Population

Class Population

BG 2A 28

BG 2B 28

BG 2C 28

BG 2D 28

BG 2E 28

BG 2F 28

BG 2G 26

BG 2H 26

Total 220 Students

Source of English Education Department of Unismuh Makassar

2. Sample

According to Azwar (2010) defined sample is a part of

population, because of that the characteristics of sample must be same

with population. The sample of this research is will be select by simple

random sampling technique. The researcher chooses this technique

because it is the best ideal way to get sample objectively.

Arikunto in Salsabila (2017: 20) said that if the research subject

was large or more than 100, it can be taken between 10-15% or 20-25%

or more. Hence, the researcher took 15% from population. This

research took four students randomly in every class, thus the sample of

this research consisted of 32 students.


D. Instrument of The Research

This research used two instruments to collecting data, questionnaire and


1. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)

Questionnaire is the one of tools to collecting data or

necessary information from respondents. It included diversity of

tools which subjects answer the questions related to the way they

behave, feel, think et cetera. This research uses Eysenck Personality

Questionna (EPQ).

Table 3.2 The Criteria of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire

Sub concept Extrovert Introvert


Generally active of

energetic. They are

get up early, does the

activities quickly and

different kinds of


They are

inactive, doing

their task

slowly. They

are also tired

and easy to



They have many

friends easily, like to

go to a party, like to

do social activity,

like to meet new

friends, and feel

happy in friendly


They prefer to

have only a few

special friends,

enjoy solo

activity like

reading and has

difficulty in

trying to talk to

other people.

Risk taking They are likes to live

in dangerous

situation and seek

They are

preffered for

familiarity, safety


jobs that ignore the

risk. They do the

jobs without paying

attention on their

own safety.

and security even

if this means

sacrificing some

degree of

excitement in life


They are like to do



without thinking

firstly and make a

quick decision.

They are consider

matters very

carefully before

making a

decision. They

are systematics

orderly and

cautious and plan

out their life

advance. They

think before they

speak and look

before they leap.


They having high

expressiveness tend

to their feeling

freely. They usually

like to show their

emotions such as

sad, angry, afraid,

and pleasant.

They have


mindest, tend to

be interested in

ideas, speculation

and they like to

think and



They usually

pleasant to do

practical things and

not patient to do

abstract and



They have


mindset, tend to

be interested in


spectulation and

they like to think

and introspection.


They are dynamic

and irresponsible in

doing activities that

relate to social


They are likely to

be when doing

job, they are

more likely to do

things than think

about them. They

tend to have a

directional and

practical mindset.



reliable, trust-

worthy and

serious minded

with a little bit of


Source: Adapted from Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) in Wulandari (2017)

The questionnaire according to the indicator above that explained

in table 3.3 below.

Table 3.3 The Item Specification of The Questionnaire

Variables Indicators Number of item Total



1. I often take on more activities than

I have time for.

4 2. I have many different hobbies.

3. I like plenty of bustle and

excitement around myself.

4. I am a talkative person.


5. I usually let myself go and enjoy

the moment at a lively party or


4 6. I enjoy meeting new people.

7. I usually take initiative in making

new friends.

8. I can easily get some life into

rather dull party.

Risk taking

9. I call myself happy-go-lucky.


10. I am a person who brave to take


11. I like doing something challenge.

12. I rarely think of the risks that I

will face.


13. I often make decisions on the

spur of the moment.

4 14. People say that I act too rashly.

15. I am often in a hurry to act.

16. Sometimes I tend to ignore



17. I am a person who anger quickly.

4 18. I am a person who sad quickly.

19. I am a person who afraid quickly.

20. I am a person who easily to


express my emotion.


21. I like work that involves action

rather than profound thought and



22. I have difficulty in work that

requires continuous


23. I often react to new ideas by

analyzing them.

24. I get bored when doing something

that only requires a little action.


25. I often forget little things that I

am supposed to do.


26. I often postpone work until the

specified time limit.

27. I need a long time to start

working or doing activities.

28. I usually forget something I

should do.



29. I am inclined to be slow and

careful in my action.


30. I am not usually moving about at

a leisurely pace.

31. I do not need a lot of time in

completing assignments or doing


32. I am not easily feel tired and not

easily fall asleep.


33. I dislike to have few special



34. I am not quite when I am with

other people. (Saya tidak diam

ketika saya bersama orang lain).

35. I feel comfortable if people are

very close to me physically.

36. I tend not to avoid others.

Risk taking

37. I tend to take part in social



38. I am not careful in new situation.

39. I am a person who does brave to

take risks.

40. I dislike to do things that I usually

do because I dislike feeling safe.

Impulsiveness 41. I never think things over before I

speak. 4


42. I dislike planning things well

ahead of time.

43. I never think carefully before

making a decision.

44. I am not often consider what will

happen later.


45. My temper is well not controlled.


46. When I am angry with someone, I

never wait until I cooled off

before tackling him or her about

the incident.

47. I dislike to be quiet when I have a

different opinion with my


48. I am a person who does easily

show emotion.


49. I dislike to have time to be alone

with my thoughts.


50. I am not often spend an evening

with reading a book.

51. I prefer meeting people than

reading books.

52. I am a person who does not like

to dreams.


53. I never on time for task in my



54. I rarely keep my promises.

55. I live with the motto that the work

that must be done.

56. I rather have fun before finish my


Total 56

Source: Adapted from Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) in Wulandari (2017)

2. Speaking Test by Using Record

Test is an instrument to collect the data that gives response about the

question in the instrument, and the students have to show their ability.

Furthermore, test applies to measure competence, knowledge, intelligence,

and ability of the individual or in a group. The researchers using record to


help to giving the students score. By using this test, the researcher will get

data about the students‟ performance of speaking.

E. Data Collection

The procedure of collecting the data as follows:

1. The researcher took about 32 students from the population.

2. After that, the researcher gave the students Eysenck Personality


3. Next, the researcher prepared the test items to measure students speaking


4. Then, the researcher collected the data and analyzed the result of

students‟ personality and students speaking performance

F. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the way to simplify the data in order to makes easy to read

and to know the result. Hence, the researcher was analyzed the data used

questionnaire, speaking test.

The kinds of data as follows:

1. The Score of Questionnaire

This questionnaire was adapted from yes/no format which

answering with 5 point likers scale. The questionnaire consists of 56

items that have 28 for extrovert and 28 for an introvert. In filled out the

questionnaire students needed to express they strongly agree, agree,

undecided, disagreement, and strongly disagree. Students answering the


statements based on their personal opinions. Thus, every student gave

checklist 5 categories indicated his or her agree or degree of extraversion

statement. Once the students completed the questionnaire with a checklist

the statement based on the 5 categories statement. Each response gave a

value of 1 through 5, with 5 indicating the highest level of extrovert in

every item of the extrovert. The questions indicated introvert was reverse

code; hence that someone who strongly disagrees with the statement then

mark a '1' was coded as a '5'. When the higher score obtains, it means the

students have personality extrovert and conversely the lower score means

the students have the personality introvert.

Table 3.4 Interpretation of Students Personality

Score Interpretation

81-100 Very Strong Strongly Extrovert

61-80 Strong Extrovert

41-60 Moderately Ambivalence

21-40 Low Introvert

0-20 Very Low Strongly Introvert

Source: Adapted from Velicier and Stevenson in Wulandary (2017)

To calculate the percentage of the student in answering from the questionnaire

will be used formula:

Score = The result of score x 100

Maximum Score

Note : Maximun score was 280


2. The Score of Speaking Test

According to Brown (2004: 171) the speaking assessment also requires the

rates to pay attention to some components of speaking. The components

are grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, pronunciation, and

task. The oral proficiency is ranged by FSI levels which are firstly

advocated by Foreign Service Institute in Washington D.C. It is from 1 to

5 for each of the six categories.

Table 3.5 Oral Proficiency Scoring Categories

Fluency 5

Has competence fluency in the language

such that his speech is fully accepted by

educated native speakers.


Able to use the language fluently on all

levels normally pertinent to professional

needs. Can participate in any

conversation within the range of this

experience with a high degree of fluency


Can discuss particular interests of

competence with reasonable ease. Rarely

has to grope for words.


Can handle with confidence but not with

facility most social situations, including

introductions current events, as well as

work, family, and autobiographical.


(No specific fluency description. Refer to

other four language areas for implied

level of fluency)


5 Equivalent to and fully accepted by

educated native speakers.

4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare.


Errors never interfere with understanding

rarely disturb the native speaker. Accent

may be obviously foreign.

2 Accent is intelligible though often quite


1 Errors in pronunciation are frequent but

can be understood by a native speaker


used to dealing with foreigners

attempting to speak his language.

1. To got speaking performance score used :

Score = The result of score x 100

Maximum Score

2. To got the mean score of speaking used :

M =

Notation :

M = Average number of mean

Σx = Total score

N = Total of sample

Table 3.6 The Scoring Rubric of Speaking

Indicators Score

Excellent 80-100

Good 70-79

Enough 60-69

Less <60

Source: Assessment of Speaking adapted by David P.Harris in Maharani, 2017




A. Findings

The data analyzed in this research were the result of the Eysenck Personality

Questionnaire (EPQ) and Speaking Test. The research description is based on the

score of the test to find out students‟ speaking performance based on their

personality at the third semester English department in Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar.

1. The Student Personalities

After the researcher distributed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire

(EPQ), the researcher identified the students to categorize into extrovert

and introvert as in the table below.

Table 4.1 Category of Students’ Personality

No. Score Frequency Category

1 81-100 1 Strongly Extrovert

2 61-80 17 Extrovert

3 41-60 6 Ambivert

4 21-40 11 Introvert

5 1-20 - Strongly Introvert

Total 32


The table above indicated there were 21 students acquired 81-100, 17

students acquired 61-80, 6 students acquired 41-60, 11 students 21-40. The

personality of the students was categorized into 3 categories; those are extrovert

(81-100), ambivert (41-60) and introvert (21-40).

Table 4.2 Percentage of Students’ Personality

No. Score Category Frequency Percent (%)

1 81-100 Strongly Extrovert 1 3,13%

2 61-80 Extrovert 17 53,13%

3 41-60 Ambivert 3 9,38%

4 21-40 Introvert 11 34,38%

5 1-20 Strongly Introvert 0 -

Total 32 100%

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that 1 student (3, 13%) was

strongly extrovert, 17 students (53, 13%) were extrovert, 3 students (9, 38%) were

ambivert, and 11 students (34, 38%) were introvert. This research only focused on

students‟ extrovert and introvert personality. Hence, ambivert students were


2. The Speaking Performance between Students’ Extrovert and

Introvert Personality

The researcher found out the speaking performance that described

in the table 4.3.


4.3 The Speaking Score of Extrovert Group

Based on the table above, it can be seen the higher score of student extrovert

was 90 and the lower score was 60. From the data above showed the mean of

student extrovert was 72.22.

The final result of introvert students were categorized based on speaking

assessment that adapted by David P.Harris in Maharani, 2017.

4.4 The Category of Extrovert Students Score in Speaking Performance

No. Score Indicators Frequency Percent (%)

1 81-100 Excellent 7 0,39 %

No. Code Speaking Score (X1)

1 S1 70

2 S2 80

3 S3 60

4 S4 80

5 S5 90

6 S6 60

7 S7 60

8 S8 60

9 S9 70

10 S10 60

11 S11 90

12 S12 60

13 S13 70

14 S14 90

15 S15 80

16 S16 90

17 S17 70

18 S18 60

SUM 1300

High Score 90

Low Score 60

Mean 72.22


2 70-79 Good 4 22,22 %

3 60-69 Enough 7 38,89 %

4 <60 Less No student get the value -

Total 18 100%

Next, the following table was score and category of introvert students in

speaking performance.

4.5 The Speaking Score of Introvert Group

The table above convey that the higher score of student introvert was 70 and

the lower score was 60. From the data above showed the mean of student introvert

was 62.72.

Then, the final result of introvert student were categorized based on

speaking assessment that adapted by David P.Harris in Maharani, 2017.

No. Code Speaking Score (X2)

1 S1 60

2 S2 60

3 S3 70

4 S4 70

5 S5 60

6 S6 60

7 S7 60

8 S8 70

9 S9 60

10 S10 60

11 S11 60

SUM 690

High Score 70

Low Score 60

Mean 62.72


4.6 The Category of Extrovert Students Score in Speaking Performance

No. Score Indicators Frequency Percent (%)

1 81-100 Excellent No student got the value -

2 70-79 Good 3 27,27%

3 60-69 Enough 8 72,73 %

4 <60 Less No student got the value -

Total 11 100%

B. Discussion

Based on the data in the findings, this section to answer the problem

statement in this research. First, to identify the students‟ personality extrovert or

introvert in the third semester of the English Department at FKIP Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Second, to find out the speaking performance between

students‟ extrovert and introvert personality in the third semester of the English

Department at FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The data were

collected by using questionnaire and speaking test.

Data analysis that collected through questionnaire was used to identify

students‟ personality and speaking test to find out speaking performance students‟

that categorized in extrovert personality and introvert personality.

1. The Student Personalities

From the data of Esyenck Personality Questionnaire that consists of fifty

six items from the seven aspects that described by Esyenck in that have twenty

eight item for extrovert personality and twenty eight for introvert personality,

which has been distributed in third semester of English department at Universitas


Muhammadiyah Makassar to thirty two students in eight classes from two

hundred twenty two, researcher summarized that eighteen students categorized

into extrovert personality, eleventh students were introvert personality and three

students were ambivert. From the overal personality results of students in the third

semester of English department, an extrovert personality was dominated and the

first question has been answered that where there were three categories of student

personality in the third semester English department student, extrovet personality,

introvet personality and ambivert personality.

2. The Speaking Performance between Students’ Extrovert and Introvert


To answer the second question, can be seen from the speaking performace

score. The researcher gave students test and only focused in two aspect of

speaking performance that were accuracy and fluency. From the table 4.3,

expalined about extrovert speaking performance score, that the higher score of

student extrovert was ninety and the lower score was sixty which seven students

were excellent in speaking, four students were good and seven students were

enough. For the mean score of student extrovert was 72,22. Introvert students

score showed in table 4.5, and for the higher score was seventy and the lower was

sixty which three students were good and eleven students were enough. The mean

score of the students introvert was 62.72. Based on the mean of the speaking

performance score indicated that extrovert personality more dominant in speaking

than introvert personality.


This finding was supported by the theorities in chapter II for example,

Vandenbos in Maharany (2017) said that, the extrovert personality more

influenced by their surrounding than by their inner world. Extroverts enjoy social

interactions and tend to be enthusiastic, assertive, and excited. They more enjoy

large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. Extrovert

personality was likely to enjoy spending time with people and find them energized

by social interaction.

The extrovert focused on the outer world, thus people who have extrovert

personality nature prefers themselves to outside life. Extrovert personality talk

ative and prefer to be in a crowd or in a place with more people, in a quiet place.

Meanwhile, introvert personality was focused on the world inside the self. Tend to

be quiet, peaceful and deliberate and are not attracted to social interactions. They

prefer activities they can do alone or with one other close friend, activities such as

reading, writing, thinking, and inventing. Introverts find social gatherings draining

(Vandenbos in Maharany 2017).

All theories showed that the differences in speaking between extrovert and

introvert. This research was also in line with previous research in Lestari,

(2015) that found there was a statistically significant difference between the

personality types of the participants‟ speaking performance. There was also had

different learning styles between introvert and extrovert students, introvert

students prefer to study alone while extroverts prefer to participate and study in a

group. The result of this study was also the same line with Salsabila (2017) that

found extrovert students more dominate in critical thinking and speaking ability


whereas the introverts. Based on that, these findings on this research same line

with the previous researchers that the speaking performance score indicated that

extrovert personality was more dominant in speaking than introvert personality.




A. Conclusion

Based on the whole results that described in findings and discussion, it can

be concluded that :

1. Most of the students personality in the third semester English Department at

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar have extrovert personality (56, 26 %)

introvert (34,38 %) and ambivert (9,38%).

2. There was a difference in speaking performance between students‟ extrovert

and introvert personality in the third semester English Department

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. The higher score extrovert student

was 90 and the lower score was 60, the mean of the score was 72.,23.

Introvert higher score was 70 and the lower score was 60, the mean of the

score was 62.72.

B. Suggestion

1. For students, it will be better if students know theirself sooner by finding out

their personality thus they can find learning styles that are suitable for

themself, and then they can help get satisfying achivement in speaking



2. For the lecturer, they should know that every student is different. By seeing

students‟ personality when they are learning at the classroom, the teacher can

choose the best method to treat every students to be better in language class.

3. For the next researcher, this research was discussed about speaking. For next

it would be useful if discuss in another English skill.



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Appendix 3

Students’ Speaking Test Score

No. Code Accuracy Fluency Total

1 S1 3 3 60

2 S2 4 3 70

3 S3 4 3 70

4 S4 3 3 60

5 S5 3 3 60

6 S6 5 4 90

7 S7 3 4 70

8 S8 5 4 90

9 S9 3 3 60

10 S10 3 4 70

11 S11 5 4 90

12 S12 4 5 90

13 S13 3 4 70

14 S14 3 3 60

15 S15 4 3 70

16 S16 4 5 90

17 S17 4 3 70

18 S18 3 3 60

19 S19 3 3 60

20 S20 3 3 60

21 S21 3 3 60

22 S22 4 4 80

23 S23 4 4 80

24 S24 4 5 90

25 S25 4 5 90

26 S26 3 3 60

27 S27 3 3 60

28 S28 3 3 60

29 S29 4 4 80

30 S30 4 4 80

31 S31 3 3 60

32 S32 3 3 60

SUM 2280

High Score 90

Low Score 60


Appendix 4

Transcript of Students’ Speaking Test

S1 Unforgettable Moment

When I was 8 years old I was lost in the middle of the city with my brother. it

happened because our parents suddenly decided to move house and didn't tell us

because they planned to pick us up from school but before dad came to pick me

up, my brother and I had arrived at our old house. The neighbors told us that our

mother and father had moved and told us to wait for them there, but my brother

invited me to look for the new house, and I followed him until we were in the

middle of town and did not know the way home. Luckily we met father on the

street who was also looking for us. We went home but of course my brother got a

reprimand from my father.

S2 Social Media

Social media is one of the most important things in human life. Not only among

adolescents but has spread among parents. Social media is very helpful in finding

or accessing information easily. Not only that, now social media can also be a

place to make money. As used to trade or sell online. Social media is also a link

for communicating with distant relatives as well as a place to make new friends.

However, excessive use of social media can also have a negative impact on self

and health. Because of opium in social media, someone can forget important

work and always procrastinate.

S3 Unforgettable Moment

When I was in Senior High School, I had so many friends, and my best friends

were my classmates. We made a good relationship and looked out for each other,

they were very kind and friendly. There was a moment with my classmates that I

never forget. When I was in third grade. We went to Bira beach for 3 days, and I

was very happy because we spent out time together.

The first day of holiday we went to Bira beach, and we burnt fish in front of our

villa. That was a great moment for me. After that, we swam and enjoyed the

beach. Not only bira beach, but also we visited appalarang on the second day.

Appalarang was a great canyon, we took a picture together and enjoyed the



And the last day, we went Marumasa beach. We could see cayon and wonderful

beach in Marumasa. So we enjoyed our holiday, and we were very happy.

Finally, we returned to our hometown. And I think that was unforgettable moment

for me.

S4 Holiday at Toraja

Experience that I cannot forget on a New Year's holiday in Toraja for one week,

the atmosphere there is very different from Makassar. in Toraja has a very good

tourist spot, the new year celebration is held for three nights and is very

interesting because it has performances, such as dances, fashion shows, traditional

Toraja clothing shows, lighting firecrackers on Jesus statues as well as Christmas

towers equipped with colorful lights. As for some of the tourist attractions that I

visited in Toraja, example Kete Kesu, Pungtorra ‟Puncak Tinggi Lolai, Heritage

Hotel. and many more that I have not visited.

S5 Unforgettable Moment

When I was in senior high school, I had so much friends and my best friends were

my classmates.we made a good relationship and looked out for each other,they

were like my family. I was very happy because i have a good friends and

friendly,and when i celebrated a new year with my friends we spent our time for a

night,it was unforgettable in my life.

S6 Social Media

In accordance to its definition, social media is forms of electronic communication

which users create to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other

content such as video. At its present, social media is used as our current platform

that being used outside the mainstream media nowadays.

With the rapid development of technology, there are many benefits in its use. In

terms of its efficiency, social media can be the most effective tool in reaching

large audiences. A person can communicate directly with its audience, creating its

own content (organic), and you also can evaluate your performance. For example

are, in term of education, throughout this medium people can be more innovative

to finding ways to study; in term of business, people can enhance or market their

products in larger outreach; and in term of social structure, social media could

provide more awareness to the society through campaign, advertisements, and

promotions so they can obtain an updated information. Moreover, connected

social media allows us to connect with many people around the world who may

share common interests. Thus, we could learn more about the diversity among the

people with its various backgrounds.


Nevertheless, social media also has many disadvantages. There is a decreased in

real-world (face to face communication), personal connectivity, possibility in

cyber-bullying, stalking, and other privacy concerns. Most of these often mis-use

by certain group or personal desires. For examples are; students may lose the

ability to engage themselves with the teacher; in business, negative post from

other users may lead to the organization's failure; and in term of society, it may

easily affecting kids when people shares photos and videos on social media that

may contain violence and negative things (affect the behavior of kids and

teenagers). Therefore, as the technology is growing and the use of social media is

become the routine for every users, there will always be an advantages and

disadvantages in its use. Smart users must know its limits and directions on which

contents they can obtained and ignored.

S7 Social Media

In this very modern world, the role of social media is important as part of

marketing. However, have you thought about utilizing the platform to optimize

your small business? What can you get from using social media? Here are the

benefits that you should know as an effective marketing channel.

1. Marketing through social media, does not require big marketing costs. The

most popular social media currently occupied by facebook and twitter. The

accuracy of making facebook and twitter content very important to attract the

attention of the audience. How to marketing through social media is more

effective than you have to pay move to advertise. If the content that you

deliver contains and effective and targeted message, thet it‟s not impossible

your sales will increase.

2. Through social media, your business can be known through search results. If

your expect social media to influence the position of your business website on

search engines, you must make the content relevant and interesting. Maybe

other websites will increase traffic. Through social media too, you can find

the target audience that you expect. If your social media content is very

successfull, they will repeatedly visit your website, even volunteeting share


S8 Unforgettable Moment

Two weeks ago, precisely Saturday, my friends in Surabaya, Alika, Yani, Ara,

Agung, and Ardian invited me to go to the Carambola sunflower garden to see the

sunset. we left there at 5 pm by bicycle because the distance was quite close from

where we lived. when we got there each of us paid two thousand rupiahs for the

entry fee. Then we started taking pictures in the space provided. we also feel


thirsty then buy a drink and drink it while talking about many things. because it

was already sunset time we chose to go home. but when it came to the parking lot,

Ardian's bike lost the key and could not be ridden. so we called our friend to bring

the spare key. while waiting for our other friends, we pray Maghrib at the mosque

there. when the prayer was over shortly afterwards our friend came with a spare

key so the bicycle could be ridden. because of that incident we went home at 7


S9 Social Media

Social media is a media which consists of facebook, whatsApp, instagram and

many other types. nowadays, social media plays an important role in people's

lives, in addition to having many kinds of forms of social media also has a variety

of benefits one of which is trading or commonly called a market place. with this

social media we can also find out important events that occur both domestically

and abroad.

S10 Unforgettable moment

I left for school at 7:00. I arrived at school I traveled 15 minutes from home to

school. Arriving at school I parked my motorcycle at the school parking lot After

that continued walking along the at 7:15 a.m school corridor to the classroom.

When I arrived in class I put my bag on the table and I sat on the chair to get rid

of my fatigue. Soon the entrance bell rang. All students outside the class enter and

sit in their seats. The first and second subjects have finished and now is the time

to rest canteen with my friends. Before I arrived in the canteen I passed the takraw

field. I went to the And there are 2 teams playing takraw. When passed the takraw

ball it rolled towards me spontaneously I took it and kicked it to the person who

played it. When I kicked him I forgot that was wearing a skirt, and spontaneously

I fell on the edge of the field. Many students laugh at me as well as my I am

embarassed. I decided own friends. to go back to the class instead of going to the

canteen because if I continued walking to the canteen wouldhave been their

laughing stock.

S11 Social media

Social Media is a virtual world that presents various conveniences in getting

information online. Social media is almost used by most people in the world who

have an internet connection. The most commonly used social media by the public

at this time is Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. Through social

media, the public perpetuate their health activities. However, social media is also

inseparable from its effects, both from the positive and negative sides. The


positive side of social media used today is the ease in getting information without

knowing distance. In addition, social media also makes it easy to make profits

which can be used as a business area for most people, so they will be very easy to

get money. Apart from that, social media also has a negative side if used

incorrectly. There are so many negative effects that will be caused, such as fraud,

crime, reduced social relations between people, ease in getting pornographic

content, to acts of murder. Therefore, the use of social media must be done wisely

and continue to prioritize good and polite interactions.

S12 Social Media

Today is the new era. The people called revolution industry 4.0, its all about

tehnology. However, there is impact coming with this, are negative and positive.

Here are the positive impact that will came up with this:

1. The people will become a lazy person. Everything count on media.

2. The people are wasting time with their gadget.

3. And many things more.

And the positive impacts are:

1. Easier the people to communicate

2. Easier the people to get information

3. Helping people work.

All the impacts (negative or positive) of the Revolution Industry 4.0, its back to

self each other. How we control our social media activities.

S13 Unforgettable Moment

Her named is Wardiah, but I always call Rabbit. I don't knew why we can make

friend, literally bestfriend because she's my junior. Sometimes, When I was

graduate, She gave me a special gift. Because she knew I like to read holy

qur'an,So she gave me a mini quran. It's very simple and has gold color. I said it's

very simple cause I can bring everywhere, and also I can save it averywhere. I'm

very happy to got that gift.

S14 Social Media

Moreover, another problem that could be persisted is mental disorder. These can

be seen as people become more addicted to the likes and the loves they got in their


post. When they get a lot of likes from other people, they will be very happy. And

if they don‟t get those likes, they will be sad and they will try to get more likes on

their next post. One who addicted in social media, tend to think that

viewers/followers are important matter. Thus, acknowledgment from others in

their social media is really mean for them. This problem can lead miss-behavior in

one perception toward others. They will think that the real competition is not just

happen in the real life, but also in virtual (number of followers, like, or viewers).

No matter how bad the negative side is however, social media has changed the

way people communicating. Now it is depend on us, human, to be more wise to

use the social media.

S15 Uforgettable moment

When I went on vacation with my friend in Bulukumba. At that time we were on

a farewell holiday, there we visited several places in Bulukumba. the first place

we visited was bira beach there we took a photo session as a memento. the

second place we visited was the ember beach, well this dipabtai bara we played

with white sand and some of our friends had a standard romp and some ran in the

water and there were also swimming and not forgetting we took a photo session

here as a moment Unforgettable. after that we returned to the villa to get ready to

visit the next place. the next place that we visited was the place of the cliffs of

marumasa, well, on this marumasa cliff it was a very extraordinary sight, this is a

moment that I will never forget, let alone we went not with debgan homeroom

teacher, this is a really enjoyable vacation. we care about each other friends. but

besides us on vacation our teacher called him angry because we didn't ask him

even though we had invited him instead we persuaded him many times but he was

stubborn he still didn't want to come with us. maybe this is the only experience I

will never forget that I can tell. actually there are many more but the memory has

somewhat forgotten so that's all.

S16 Unforgettable Moment

I will tell you about my unforgettable moments when I was in high school. It was

Saturday, as usual, I went to chemistry lessons with friends. After returning home,

I contacted my boyfriend to pick me up. but he said he couldn't because he had to

take his mother to the hospital. and i believe that. Finally I decided to go home

using public transportation. while I was waiting, I saw my boyfriend in love with

another woman, not her mother. there I feel hurt. To make sure I tried to contact

him and ask where he was. but he lied, he said he was in the hospital with his

mother. I am very disappointed. when I was at home, I cried uncontrollably.

Finally I decided to end the relationship with him. because I don't like being lied


to the most. I will never forget this, because this is the first time I have been

disappointed and cried by a man.

S17 Unforgettable Moment

My experience that I cannot forget is when I was able to take part in a major

national scout event, the National Raimuna IX 2017 in Cibubur, Jakarta. after

rigorous selection and training I was finally selected as one of the participants.

starting from traveling by ship for 4 days was not felt because I met with other

contingents from Sulawesi and Papua. when i was there i was very happy because

i had never been to jakarta before. along with 15,000 participants from all districts

in Indonesia, some even from abroad we studied, practiced and were guided to be

more creative and become good scouts. one of the fun things is we can watch

Nidji, Jroks, Kikan, Maudy Ayunda and other concerts for free. but one thing that

was most memorable was that I was able to meet friends from all districts in

Indonesia with different ethnicities, religions, cultures, races, and skin colors but

no one cared about that we were friends laughing together that was the best thing

as long as I attended the event this national raimuna.

S18 Social Media

Now not everyone uses television as a tool to find out news, but social media has

become everything to be able to access other facilities. One of these advantages

can be used for business. Social media now has an important role in marketing

strategies. Social media can promote business and products wider and bigger.

One important point of marketing through social media is its ability to build and

attract the interest of the community. As business owners. We have the

opportunity to interact with new customers through social media. From there we

have been able to build and attract their interest trough effective communication

or shared content. Social media can be used as a direct communication tool and

reach customers who are spread in various places.

S19 Social Media

In this modern era, everyone knows how to use the social media. But the

disadvantages of social media, such as hoax can north be hold anymore.

And then hoax in social media, there's a lot of hoax, in social media because the

user of social media itself, they don't even search for the truth of that information.

But also there are a lot of advantages by being the smart user of social media.

Such as we can explore the information not only in our reach area buta also the


overseas information, and we can event say that open the social media open the

world either.

S20 Unforgettable Moment

When I was little, I really liked playing football. Because near my house there is a

soccer field, me and my friends play there every day. In the past, even though

heavy rain did not become an obstacle for us to play football. In fact, it was the

rain we were waiting for the most because it made the game more exciting. What I

remember the most, when I played soccer when it was raining, my mother would

always come with her umbrella to pick me up home. If from a distance I saw a

woman wearing an umbrella, I already knew for sure that it was my mother. So

that was one of my experiences that was very memorable for myself.

S21 Unforgettable Moment

The best moment in my life when I was Senior High School. I joined a scout

organization for about two years. At first I do not want to join scout organization

but one of my friend wanted me to join the scout organization and finally I joined

scout organization.

After second class senior high school I became a scout committee on the

commemoration of August 17, 2017 to hold camps and also competitions between

schools in the “Bonto Ramba”. I felt proud and happy because only me and my

friend called to be the committee in my school. Finally I thought that I was lucky

to join the scout organization because there I felt brotherhood.

S22 Social media

Social media is a means of communication that makes it easy for humans to

communicate with others and can facilitate the dissemination of information

Communicating through social media has several advantages, that is, being able to

obtain and disseminate information and be able to broaden horizons and also be

able to add friends and as for the lack of social media, there are many people who

use social media as an alt to commit crimes such as fraud and others As for ways

or solutions that can be done in using social media, namely being careful in

spreading information and being careful in filtering information.

S23 Unforgettable Moment

When I was a senior high school in second grade, I got ranked 3 and my

classroom teacher gave me a trophy and gave me a chance to take a picture with

our principle in school and not just me but also my 2 other friends. and the

happiest moment again when I went home and brought a trophy and showed it to


my grandmother and aunt, they were very happy and proud of me even though it

was only ranked third but it was my best achievement at that time. When that

moment I feel very happy because I can make my family pround of me.

S24 Unforgettable Memories

A few days ago, my friends and I went to an entertainment place in Makassar,

namely Trans Studio, I was with my friend named; Sharmila, Fadly and Raqib. At

the entertainment center we entered a harmless vehicle, which was usually played

by children, and after that we queued to continue the more dangerous authority,

and when we boarded the vehicle my friend named fadly was very scared, he

shouted very loudly, and his voice was so loud that when he stepped down from

the vehicle he became the center of attention, and became the object of captivity

by many people, and his initially pale fadly face suddenly turned red from


S25 Social Media

Social media is an online media used by people in this world, that is used as a

medium of communication, as a moneymaker, and as a tool that makes it easy for

us to find what we don't know. social media like instagram, whatsapp, facebook,

twitter, youtube, etc. since the presence of social media in our lives, we more

easily communicate with friends who are far away and the information that is

outside the country and in the country quickly know. Social media has both

positive and negative impacts. Many people abuse social media for their personal

interests. like cheating through social media.

S26 Social Media

Social media is a platform for human to share lifestyle, passion and etc. As a

social media user, me myself want to share about how i use my social media

wisely. social media could make us addictive if we couldn't control ourself. it

would be great if we use social media when the activities in the real life have been

completed, because if we cannot control ourselves using social media, social

media will control us. the tip that i could share is always manage the time for

using the social media.

S27 Unforgettable moment

My strange day

It's exactly in last my august when i to go to school i should have cooked my own

breakfast because my mom said that she got a lot of works to di in her office so

she wnt ti work in earlier time. At my class at 9.30 while getting math lesson anf


its time to get a break, my teacher didn't let me my class get break before one of

us answered all of the 50 confusing questions. And my friends appointed me to do

them. Hm i didn't know why everybodys so mad to me at the time. Leaving my

class at 2 o'oclock trouble came again to me. The front tire of my bike was flat.

Where as it's just mended few days before.. unlucky me because of i was forced to

walk the long way my home. Arriving at home, i saw nobody right there the door

was closed and it's so quite. When i opened the door everybody jumped and

shouted happy birthday all of my family, classmates, and also my teacher were

right there what a great day i had.

S28 Unforgettable moment

I have an unforgettable experience last year, exactly on April 2018. In that time, I

went to Yogyakarta for a competition. It was a speech competition was held by

state university of Yogyakarta. I went there with my friend and we stayed there

for 4 days. It was an amazing moment because it was the first time. I was in a

plane since a long time I want it. Also, it was the fisrt time I went to another city

out of makassar. I was happy to stayed there, and enjoyed an days. The society

there were friendly and kind. Also the goods are cheap. I like that city as well.

Although, I did not win the competition, I was still happy enough because I have

given my best and for me, the most important is not about win or not. It is about

how we did it, and get a new experience as well.

S29 Unforgettable moment

I'm trapped in a room. At that time I wanted to get up early and wanted to get out

of the room, but suddenly my room was locked and could not open. Instantly I

began to panic. I tried to contact my mother but my cellphone was off. Finally I

thought to shout at the window. It took several minutes for mom to hear me. And I

also told him that I could not get out of the room because the key was broken.

After I spoke my mom called my brother and told him to help me. A few minutes

later my brother tried to open it but he was unsuccessful. Half an hour had passed

he did not succeed too until he finally told me to open it using the tool he gave me

through the window I tried and until a few minutes I managed to open the door.

S30 Unforgettable moment

Swimming is not a new thing in my village. A village with a wonderful natural

beach and a beautiful river. So this story is about a couple years ago when I'm still

8 years old. When i was young i lived with my grandparents. One day i just come

home from school and asked my gramma if i want to go to the river with my

friends and she said yes i can go. The river is not really good but its perfect to


swim, the water is cold and fresh. My friend jump one by one and they told me to

jump too. Without anyfurther I jump and I was drowning. All I can remember is

my friend scream out ask for help and then it's dark, I passed out? Perhaps

because I remembered I open my eyes th ere are a lot of people including my

friends looking at me and asked how I'm doing, I didn't answer that I just stand up

and I saw my uncle. He asked me a something but I didn't really remember, I just

get up to his bike and drive me home. After we arrived my gramma is already

there, she didn't asked me anything, she just hug me and it made her clothes

getting wet. I get shower and change my clothes, not for long my father come

with angry face. I didn't remember what he said but after that he told me to pack

my clothes drive me to my parents house.

S31 Unforgettable moment

Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in

my home.In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with

my cat. In the afternoon, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I

watched untill I felt boring.My daily activities were like that during the holiday.

So, I was sure last holiday was my worst holiday.

S32 Social Media

In this modern era, everyone knows how to use the social media. But the

disadvantages of social media, such as hoax cannot be hold anymore. And then

hoax in social media, there's a lot of hoax, in social media because the user of

social media itself, they don't even search for the truth of that information. But

also there are a lot of advantages by being the smart user of social media. Such as

we can explore the information not only in our reach area but also the overseas

information, and we can event say that open the social media open the world



Appendix 5

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)

Name :

Reg. Number :

Class :

Answer the following questions by giving a number on the table (from 1-5

scale) that suits to your condition. This questionner will help you to your

personality, strong extrovert or introvert person.

Note : 5 (Strong Agree), 4 (Agree), 3 (Undecided), 2 (Disagree), 1 (Strongly


No. Question SA A N D SD


I often take on more activities than I have

time for. (Saya sering melakukan lebih

banyak kegiatan ketika saya memiliki


2. I have many different hobbies. (Saya

memiliki banyak kegemaran yang berbeda).


I like plenty of bustle and excitement

around my self. (Saya suka banyak

kesibukan dan kegembiraan di sekitar diri


4. I am a talkative person. (Saya orang yang

banyak bicara).


I usually let myself go and enjoy the

moment at a lively party or gathering. (Saya

biasanya membiarkan diri saya pergi dan

menikmati suasana di pesta atau pertemuan

yang meriah).

6. I enjoy meeting new people. (Saya

menikmati bertemu orang baru).


I usually take initiative in making new

friends. (Saya biasanya mengambil inisiatif

dalam mencari teman baru).


I can easily get some life into rather dull

party. (Saya bisa dengan mudah membuat

hidup membosankan menjadi ramai).

9. I call myself happy-go-lucky. (Saya


menyebut diri saya tidak pernah merasa


10. I am a person who brave to take risks. (

Saya orang yang berani mengambil resiko).


I like doing something challenge. (Saya

menyukai melakukan sesuatu yang



I rarely think of the risks that I will face.

(Saya jarang memikirkan risiko yang akan

saya hadapi).


I often make decisions on the spur of the

moment. (Saya sering mebuat keputusan

secara mendadak).


People say that I act too rashly. (Orang

mengatakan bahwa saya bertindak terlalu


15. I am often in a hurry to act. (Saya sering

terburu-buru untuk bertindak).


Sometimes I tend to ignore something.

(Terkadang saya cenderung mengabaikan


17. I am a person who anger quickly. (Saya

orang yang cepat marah).

18. I am a person who sad quickly. (Saya orang

yang cepat sedih).

19. I am a person who afraid quickly. (Saya

orang yang cepat takut).


I am a person who easily to express my

emotion. (Saya orang yang gampang

mengekspresikan emosi saya).


I like work that involves action rather than

profound thought and study. (Saya suka

pekerjaan yang melibatkan tindakan

daripada pemikiran dan pembelajaran yang



I have difficulty in work that requires

continuous concentration. (Saya mengalami

kesulitan dalam pekerjaan yang

membutuhkan konsentrasi terus menerus).


I often react to new ideas by analyzing

them. (Saya sering bereaksi terhadap ide-ide

baru dengan menganalisisnya).


I get bored when doing something that only

requires a little action. (Saya bosan ketika

melakukan sesuatu yang hanya

membutuhkan sedikit tindakan).



I often forget little things that I am

supposed to do. (Saya sering melupakan

hal-hal kecil yang seharusnya saya



I often postpone work until the specified

time limit. (Saya sering menunda pekerjaan

sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan).


I need a long time to start working or doing

activities. (Saya perlu waktu lama untuk

mulai bekerja atau melakukan kegiatan).


I usually forget something I should do.

(Saya biasanya melupakan sesuatu yang

harus saya lakukan).


I am inclined to be slow and careful in my

action. (Saya cenderung lambat dan berhati-

hati dalam bertindak).

30. I usually move about at a leisurely pace.

(Saya biasanya bergerak dengan santai).


I need a lot of time in completing

assignments or doing things. (Saya

memerlukan banyak waktu dalam

menyelesaikan tugas atau melakukan hal-



I easily feel tired and easily fall asleep.

(Saya mudah merasa lelah dan mudah



I prefer to have few special friends. (Saya

lebih suka memiliki beberapa teman



I am mostly quite when I am with other

people. (Saya kebanyakan diam ketika saya

bersama orang lain).


I feel uncomfortable if people are very close

to me physically. (Saya merasa tidak

nyaman jika orang-orang sangat dekat

dengan saya secara fisik).

36. I tend to avoid others. (Saya cenderung

menghindari orang lain).


I tend to keep in the background on social

occasions. (Saya cenderung tidak mengikuti

kegiatan social).

38. I am rather careful in new situation. (Saya

agak berhati-hati dalam situasi baru).


I am a person who does not brave to take

risks. (Saya adalah orang yang tidak berani

mengambil risiko).



I prefer to do things that I usually do

because I feel safe. (Saya lebih suka

melakukan hal-hal yang biasanya saya

lakukan karena saya merasa aman).


I usually stop think things over before I

speak. (Saya biasanya berhenti dan

memikirkan hal-hal sebelum saya



I like planning things well ahead of time.

(Saya suka merencanakan segala sesuatunya

jauh sebelumnya).


I prefer to think carefully before making a

decision. (Saya lebih suka berpikir dengan

hati-hati sebelum membuat keputusan).


I often consider what will happen later.

(Saya sering mempertimbangkan apa yang

akan terjadi nanti).

45. My temper is well controlled. (Watak saya

terkontrol dengan baik).


When I am angry with someone, I wait until

I cooled off before tackling him or her

about the incident. (Ketika saya marah

dengan seseorang, saya menunggu sampai

saya tenang untuk menyelesaikan insiden



I prefer to be quiet when I have a different

opinion with my friends. (Saya lebih suka

diam ketika saya memiliki pendapat yang

berbeda dengan teman-teman saya).


I am a person who does not easily show

emotion. (Saya orang yang tidak mudah

menunjukkan emosi).


I like to have time to be alone with my

thoughts. (Saya suka menghabiskan waktu

sendirian dengan pikiran saya).


I often spend an evening with reading a

book. (Saya sering menghabiskan malam

dengan membaca buku).


I prefer reading books than meeting people.

(Saya lebih suka membaca buku dari pada

bertemu orang).

52. I am a person who often dreams. (Saya

orang yang suka bermimpi).


I usually on time for task in my campus.

(Ketika saya mengatakan akan melakukan

sesuatu saya selalu menepat janji).



If I say I will do something I always keep

my promise. (Ketika saya mengatakan akan

melakukan sesuatu saya selalu menepat



I live with the motto that the work that must

be done. (Saya hidup dengan moto bahwa

pekerjaan itu harus dilakukan dengan baik).


I always finish my work before having fun.

(Saya selalu menyelesaikan pekerjaan

sebelum bersenang-senang.).

Source: Adaptation from Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) in Wulandari (2017)


Appendix 6

Instrument of Speaking Performance

1. The researcher provided 2 topics about Unforgettable Moment and Social


2. The students chose 1 topic randomly.

3. The students explained the topic.

4. The researchers pay attention and record the speaking performance of the

student and gave them a score according to the assessment.

Source: Assessment of Speaking by David P.Harris in Maharani, 2017






Tasmaniar Taiyeb was born on June 28th, 1997 in Ujung

Pandang, South Sulawesi. She is the younger daughter from the

marriage of her parents Taiyeb and Maryam. She began her study

at Kinder Garten at TK Aisyah Bustanul Athfal Rappokaling

Makassar and graduated in 2003. In the same year, she continued her study at SD

Inpres Rappokalling 2 and graduated in 2009. In the same year, she continued her

study at SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Makassar and graduated in 2012. Then, she

continued her studies at SMAN 5 Makassar and graduated in 2015. In the year

2015, she accepted as a student of the English Education Department, Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.

To finish her study, she wrote a thesis under the title “Analyzing the Extrovert-

Introvert Personality and Speaking Performance of the Third Semester Student

English Department at Unismuh Makassar”.