Anan Clinica Newletter Jan 13

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From June the 4th until July the 27th 2012, Joris Versluijs, a medical student from the Netherlands, was working as a volunteer for Anan Clinica. He left the Dutch hospitals and decided to do his public health internship with Anan Clinica. It was his first time in Africa.


Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique

Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | | page 1

Anan Clinica Newsletter • nr 6 • Jan 2013 AnanC


Malnutrition, diarrhoea, malaria and drinking waterFrom June the 4th until July the 27th 2012, Joris Versluijs,

a medical student from the Netherlands, was working as

a volunteer for Anan Clinica. He left the Dutch hospitals

and decided to do his public health internship with Anan

Clinica. It was his first time in Africa.

Mozambique is a beautiful country with an astonishing

nature and amazing people. However, Mozambique is very

poor and it has a low quality of healthcare. The figures are

shocking: the mortality rate among children under the age

of 5 is according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)

one of the highest in de world. This child mortality is the

highest in the northeast of Mozambique. That is where

Nanatha is located.

The leading causes of death among children under the

age of 5 are neonatal causes and pneumonia. Malaria and

diarrhoea diseases closely follow. Malaria and diarrhoea

are diseases that can be prevented by proper education.

This was the main reason Joris wanted to focus on malaria,

diarrhoea, malnutrition, especially among children, and the

drinking water during his stay.


The previous volunteers, Maaike and Marleen, produced a

theatre about malaria. The Activistas were the actors in

page 2 | Anan Clinica | Newsletter nr 6

the play. They taught the community about malaria and

how to prevent it. The community loved these theatres

and learned a lot from them. Joris continued these theatre

plays and he made mosquito nets available for the

community. Mosquito nets are one of the most important

measures to prevent malaria.

Diarrhoea and drinking water He also re-introduced a theatre that Jose, a volunteer who

also worked for Anan Clinica, produced. The theatre was

about diarrhoea; how it is caused, how to prevent it and

how to treat dehydration with oral rehydration solution

(ORS). ORS is a mixture of water, salt and sugar. To ensure

self-reliance, Joris taught the Activistas how to work as

village health workers to provide children with diarrhoea

with ORS.

One of the causes of diarrhoea is contaminated drinking

water. Nanatha has two wells with a hand pump. One

of these pumps is frequently broken. Alternative water

sources, which are often used, are dug holes in de ground.

The ground water that surfaces here looks very dirty.

Joris tested the drinking water of the community with a

homemade turbidity tube and a microbial testing kit. The

results were, not surprisingly, disappointing. The water

from the wells with hand pump is good, but the water

from the dug holes is very turbid and contaminated. This

water is dangerous to drink and further steps are needed

to help the community.

Malnutrition Lutske, volunteer and founder of Anan Clinica, provided an

overview of the nutritional state of the children 2 years

ago. She published the shocking results on the website

of Anan Clinica. Joris decided to repeat this assessment.

Diarhoea and drinking water

page 3

Silva in the middle


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For donations:;

Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

Anan Clinica

Anan Clinica Foundation is a non-religious charity that

aims to increase local knowledge of health issues and the

scope, quality, accessibility, acceptability and coverage of

primary health care services for the underserved people

of the Nanatha community in Northern Mozambique.

Anan Clinica focusses primarily on health education and

basic hygiene facilities.

Unfortunately, the nutritional state of the children is

still sorrowful. So there is still much to achieve. Detailed

results are shown on the website or and facebook page of

Anan Clinica. Interested? Surf to

A big thank you to Joris We would like to thank Joris for his dedication and

enormous support to the Nanatha community. He worked

very hard and was very much loved by the community!

Many thanks Joris. Your work is very much appreciated.


With great regret we have to announce that Silva, one of

our ‘ Activisitas’ has passed away. He was a committed

and enthusiastic Activista. He died of sickness with

unknown cause. Our thoughts are with his family.

Anan Clinica | P.O.Box 88 | Nacala Porto | Nampula | Mozambique

Stichting Anan Clinica at Bilthoven | the Netherlands | | page 4

Together anything is possible! Together anything is possible and also your

help will be very welcomed. It can be as simple

(but not less important) as making a financial

donation, volunteering time and knowledge;

even a useful suggestion or good idea can take

us further in helping the Nanatha Community. If

you are interested don’t hesitate to contact us:

For more information about Anan Clinica, please

visit our website:

For donations Anan Clinica at Bilthoven, the Netherlands