anatomy & physiology 2 Lab Practicum 1 Sp15 Filled Out Study Guide

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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contains histology slides, cardiac, and blood vessels


Histology Slides

1. Neutorphil

2. Leukocytes

3. Monocytes

4. Eosinophils

5. Basophils

6. Cardiac muscle


7. Average blood volume in humans 5–6 L for males, and 4–5 L for females

8. Systemic circulation : Carries oxygen rich blood from the left heart through the body tissues and back to the right heart

Supplies the functional blood supplies to all body tissues

9. Pulmonary circulation: Right side serves as Pulmonary Circulation Pump

Strictly for gas exchange

Sends carbon dioxide rich blood entering its chambers to the

lungs to unload carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen and then back

to the left side

10. Sound of Korotkoff: arterial sounds heard through a stethoscope applied to the brachial

artery distal to the cuff of a sphygmomanometer that change with varying cuff pressure and

that are used to determine systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Cardiac cycle one complete heart beat: atria and ventricle contract and relax;

predictable sequence of changes in blood volume and pressure occur in the heart 11. Tunics of blood vessel- intima, media & externa

tunica intima endothelium that lines the lumen of all vessels; innermost layer

tunica media smooth muscle and sheets of elastin; middle layer

tunica externa "tunica adventitia"; collagen fibers protect & reinforce

12. Normal systolic pressure in Ventricle before contraction During this phase pressure in

aorta reaches approximately 120mm/hg

13. Nutrients that blood supply to body organs (Gases, Electrolytes Nutrients etc.) 14. 2 things that affect HR and Blood Pressure : 2 factors that alter blood pressure

posture & exercise .

On the Adam program you will find most of the HEART parts if you set the slider to the

left at 174

15. Right Atrium

16. Right Ventricle

17. Left Ventricle

18. Chordae Tendinae

19. Pulmonary Valve

20. Left pulmonary Artery

21. Right pulmonary artery

22. Left and right pulmonary vein

23. Brachiocephalic Artery

24. Brachiocephalic Vein

25. Common Carotid

26. Internal Carotid

27. External Carotid arteries

28. left Renal artery

29. Right renal artery

30. left renal vein

31. right renal vein

32. right Coronary Artery

33. Cardiac Veins

34. Radial arteries

radial vein

35. Ulnar Arteries

ulnar vein

36. Aorta- arch

37. abdominal aorta

38. Superior Vena cava

Inferior Vena Cava

39. External jugular vein

40. internal jugular Vein

41. Great Saphenous Vein

42. Femoral Arteries

43. femoral Vein