Ancient Chronology & Hebrew History. Problems of Ancient History What counts as evidence? –...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Ancient Chronology &Hebrew History

Problems of Ancient History

What counts as evidence?– Secularist: ancient records, archeological evidence

interpreted through an evolutionary lens– Christian: The Bible, ancient records, archeological

evidence interpreted through a Biblical lens

Problems (2)

Example of different approaches– Matthews: primitive man slowly gropes his way out

of animal barbarism, mysteriously learns to farm after millions of years, mysteriously learns to write and produce culture after thousands more years

– Bible: man is created in God’s image, learns agriculture, music, metalworking quickly (Genesis 1-4)

Chronology Issues

The problem: no unbroken timeline until the Romans

Centrality of Egypt to chronological construction

Pitfalls of Egyptian chronology– Non-linear view of time– Practice of dual reigns of kings

Chronology Issues (2)

“Current Consensus Chronology” (CCC)– Sumer and Egypt ca. 3000 B.C.

Issues for Christians– Genealogical record of Genesis 5, 11– Flood account

Christian Chronology (Ussher, etc.)– Noah’s Flood—24th or 23rd century B.C.

Pre-history Timeline

CCC– Millions of years . . .– Ice Age– “Agricultural Revolution”

Biblical Chronology– Creation– Flood– Tower of Babel

Why the Hebrews?

Contemporary insignificance Spiritual heritage Relevance to us

The Genesis Account

Abram/Abraham– Mesopotamian (Ur of the Chaldees)– God’s Call; the “Promised Land”– Genesis 12:1-8

Jacob/Israel– Abraham’s grandson– 2 wives, 2 concubines, 12 sons, 1 daughter

Israel and Egypt

Centuries in Egypt– Joseph: 11th son of Jacob– Genesis 41– Slavery

The Exodus– Moses the Levite– God’s Call (burning bush)– Ten Plagues– The Red Sea: Exodus 14

Becoming a Nation

Journey to Sinai– Ten Commandments– Golden Calf

Years of Wandering Invasion of Canaan (15th

century?)– Crossing the Jordan– Jericho: Joshua 6

Period of the Judges

15th-11th centuries Cycle of disobedience, judgment, repentance,

restoration Deborah Gideon: Judges 6-7 Samson Samuel

United Kingdom

Call for a King (1 Samuel 8) Saul (1020-1000) – killed by

Philistines David (1000-970)

– Fight with Goliath: 1 Samuel 17

– One of Saul’s lieutenants– Defeated the Philistines– Author of many of the Psalms

United Kingdom (2)

Solomon (970-930)– “Wisest man in the world”– Building projects

Temple Royal palace

– OT author Proverbs Song of Songs Ecclesiastes (probably)

Divided Kingdom

Reign of Rehoboam– Oppression– Jeroboam and the northern secession

Northern ten tribes Israel (Samaria) Southern two tribes Judah (Jerusalem)


Succession of wicked kings– Jeroboam and idolatry– Ahab– Jehu

Prophets fail to bring lasting change Assyrian invasion (722) Elimination as a separate people


Mix of good and bad kings– Hezekiah– Josiah

Gradual apostasy Chaldean invasion (586) Return of the Exiles (538) Esther’s deliverance (mid-5th century?)