Ancient egypt

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Egypt was located in the northeastern of africaegypt is divide in two equal partsThe Nile start 100mi south of Meditrranean and goes out to sea front of 155mi between the cities of Alexandria of Prot.

•The period between 2650-2134 BC the old kingdom was the most richest and creative period in Egyptian history

The third dynasty of Egyptian kings began powerful.

•The middle kingdom was the period of Anciet Egypt stretching from the establishment of the 11 dynasty.

•To the end of the 14 dynasty between 2055 BC and 1650 BC although the period comprises two phases the 11 dynasty which ruled from Thebes and 12 dynasty onwards which was center around el-lisht.

•The expulsion of the Hyksos, began during the late 17th dynasty

•Ahmose in 1522, was the start of a series of conquests that would bring Egypt peace and prosperity.

•The age of conquest had begun Even though Ahose was the brother or nephew of his predecessor Kmose, Manetho, has placed him at the head of a new royal house.


•Cheops was the second king of the 4th dynasty.

•Cheops was the builder of the great pyramid of Giza.

Statue of Djoser in the cairo musum

DJOSERIn contemporary inscriptions he was called netjerikhet meaning the body of the god

Later sources which in clued a new kingdom.

Netjeriket and djoser are the same person


3100- Hieroglyph-ic developed 3100- narmer unifie upper and lower egypt.

2700- first stone pyramid built.

2600-pyramind of was Giza built.

2200-various kings ruled Egypt. 2100-2055

Mentuhotop II gained control of entire country

1900-agricultural development of the Faiyvm earliest part of temple of Karnak built Egyptian.