And so the journey continues…. As participants build their portfolios they can always check the...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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And so the journey continues…

As participants build their portfolios they can always check the rubric to make sure they on track with what is required of them.

A.OverviewB.Personal Mission StatementC.Classroom Mission

StatementD.ReflectionE.Action StepF.Additional Artifacts

Developing Personal and Classroom Direction

A.OverviewB.DISC AssessmentC.ReflectionD.Action StepE.Additional Artifacts

Identifying and Developing a Personal Leadership Style

A.OverviewB.ReflectionC.Action StepD.Additional Artifacts

Culture, Climate, and Community

A.OverviewB.ReflectionC.Action StepD.Additional Artifacts

Designing and Leadership Change

A.OverviewB.ReflectionC.Action StepD.Additional Artifacts

Facilitating Learning

A.OverviewB.ReflectionC.Action StepD.Additional Artifacts

Leading From the Classroom

I have submitted my flash drive with my completed project to the TAL Portfolio Coordinators.

Nancy McLellen

Who would have thought that rat dendrites would make all the difference in the world?

I want to be compassionate,

steadfast, and dependable with an

enthusiasm for teaching.

Veronica Crawford

Lynne Bombard

If we get stagnant in our ways, we never see what we can do better. We should never change just to change, but we need to look at what is working and what we can improve upon.

Paula Fowler

I have 154 students and 154 opportunities each day to affect my student’s classroom experience for good.

Amy Toro

My philosophy of teaching is to provide as many “aha” moments as possible and to help my students see that success is more than a letter or a number.

Hope Boyd

I need to be a better listener, and quicker to throw in the towel and chart a different course as needed. I am masterful at doing this when working with students, but not so with adults.

Jody Matthews

Most importantly, I have learned developing character and leadership habits is an essential skill. All teacher-leaders have the ability to create a positive impact on the culture of their school.

Kimberly Hobgood

Thus my journey began…the leader inside of me now had the perfect environment to grow and emerge into a confident teacher and leader.

Darryl Colley

“Though you cannot go back and make a brand new start, my friend, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.”

Brian Howe

The real benefit of the DiSC assessment for me was the information it provided on how my personality profile relates with others.

Logan Malm

Experiences provide an outlet through which teachers can change their knowledge and skill, and this was meaningful to me.

Vanessa Platto

Leading doesn’t always have to be done in the forefront but can also be accomplished working side-by-side with peers. It can be through words of encouragement and gentle reminders.

Emily Treuman

I was reassured that its okay to focus on the things that I value and am best at, and say no to those things that would interfere.

While poor attitudes can inhibit the process of change, they can also be redirected in order to help support change.

Grace King

Teachers should present lessons that promote student engagement, while embracing students’ diversity and parlaying opportunities into teachable moments. My motto is; if students can’t learn the way we teach, we need to teach the way they learn.

James Meadows

Humans often become set in their routines and become comfortable with their procedures. Successful leaders design programs to lead and inspire change.

Casey Nestor

“We’re from BB Harris School and we’re here to say, we’ve come to learn in a major way. We’re gonna go inside and gain in knowledge, ‘cause every single one of us is going to college!”

Erica Parkman

Slowing down and taking the time to actually know more about someone will cause less problems in the future.

Karen A. Phillips

Leaders don’t need a loud voice and a strong hand to get people to follow.

Elizabeth Lyons

Many of the teachers including myself had a small epiphany that although it may seem at times in education we stand alone, we realized how much we can rely on one another for support, guidance, and professional advice.

Mona Brawley

Through this program I have been able to fan the flames and embrace my passion for teaching with others who are like-minded.

Sheryl Ackers

For some time, I felt that in order to be a true leader I needed to be able to do almost anything with an exceptional degree of greatness—envisioning a leader with weaknesses or with non-talents seems unreal….such thinking has affected my ability to take risks and explore other opportunities beyond my comfort zone.

Through this TAL experience, I am learning that leadership is definitely not about being perfect.

Jennifer Chambers

“Be willing to change the container to get the water to the students.”

Whitney Young

My Epiphany: TAL has changed my way of thinking as an educator and as a professional

Melissa Van Sant

EVERYONE’S actions (verbal and nonverbal) affect the culture, climate and community within a school. We all need to work together to create a positive change.

Jennifer Dalton

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." ~Jack Welch

Kara Bohannon

I can now use what I know about myself to practice patience and warmth as I work with others who are not like me.

Kinsey Edwards

Helping students to learn how to be self-motivated and how to embrace 21st century skills may require a different approach to education for both the students and the teachers, but the results will undoubtedly benefit the work force and surrounding communities in the future.

Melisa Jeffers

Classroom leadership goes beyond the daily task of planning and teaching. Teachers must be actively involved in nurturing not only the educational needs of students but foster a love of school and community.

Karlene Hamilton

Lawrence Lezotte said that “You cannot improve a school from the outside. To improve a school, you must be an insider with the eyes of an outsider.”

Alison Stover

Mike said that we need to say “No” to some good ideas in order to say “Yes” to some better ideas that align with our personal mission.

Katie Ford

TAL makes teacher leaders for life!

Derico White

I learned that my mission was my compass, my vision was a picture of the destination I wanted to get to, and my core values were the rule by which I would reach that destination.

Sheri Boutin

(Superintendent's Panel) It was so impressive to me that the top leaders in education would take time out to be with us and add to our experience in TAL. WOW!

Lynn Fagan

Common Core: Needed and over due in education. It provides character, competence, rigor for all. Teacher leaders need to make a case for change, stitch together a strategy and form a unified approach.

Jennifer Prince

You can motivate the younger generation by equipping them more than entertaining them

Brandon Bell

Rutherford’s capacity to develop teacher leaders is unmatched. Blending a unique combination of humor, practical materials, and superior oration skills, Rutherford makes what is seemingly perplexing, very fundamental.

Cecilia Anderson

“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”

John C. Maxwell

Rebecca Mdabe

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell