Andhra Pradesh State India Economic Snapshot

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Andhra Pradesh State India Economic Snapshot August 2013


Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13, Aranca Research

Most operational SEZs • Andhra Pradesh has 38 operational special economic zones (SEZs), higher than any other

state in the country. It also has the highest number of IT/ITeS-related SEZs in India. “The

hi-tech city” in Hyderabad is the largest IT facility in India.

Largest ITIR in


• India’s first Information Technology Investment Region (ITIR) will be developed in Andhra

Pradesh over an area of 202 sq km. ITIR is likely to attract investments of around US$

40.4 billion.

Revenues of US$ 10

billion from IT sector • Revenue from the IT sector crossed the US$ 10 billion mark over 2012-13.

World’s largest single

deposits of barytes

• Andhra Pradesh has the largest single deposits of barytes in the world. It has around 70

million tonnes of baryte reserves, accounting for 94 per cent of total baryte reserves in


Largest producer and

exporter of bulk drugs

• Andhra Pradesh ranks first in the manufacturing of bulk drugs in India and accounts for

around one-third of the national production of bulk drugs.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13, Aranca Research

One of the largest

mineral storehouses

• Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of barytes and limestone in India. It also has the

largest reserves of granites (estimated at 2.4 billion cubic metres) and beach sand (241

million tonnes) in the country.

Largest producer of

spices, fruits, eggs

• The state is the largest producer of spices, fruits and crops, including citrus, papaya, oil

palm and tomato, in India. It also ranks first in the production of eggs and third in milk

production in the country.

Largest exporter of

marine products • Andhra Pradesh ranks first in the production of brackish-water shrimps and fresh-water

prawns. It contributes around 40 per cent to the country’s total marine exports.

Second largest cement

producer • Andhra Pradesh is the second largest cement producer in India.

Electronic hardware


• Andhra Pradesh is the first state to develop an Electronic Hardware Policy in India (2012-

17), wherein, the state government plans to provide incentives for setting up more than

200 electronic manufacturing clusters in the stage.

Source: Socio-Economic Survey of Andhra Pradesh 2012-13

GSDP: Gross State Domestic Product

• The engineering sector is delicensed; 100 per cent FDI is allowed in the sector

• Due to policy support, there was cumulative FDI of USD14.0 billion into the sector over April 2000 – February 2012, making up 8.6 per cent of total FDI into the country in that period

Growing demand High economic growth

• GSDP expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16 per cent between 2004-05 and 2012-13

• Vast natural gas reserves in the Krishna-Godavari basin have opened up immense possibilities for the state economy

• Andhra Pradesh is a leading agricultural state in India

Hub for knowledge-based

industries • Key state for industries including IT,

pharmaceuticals and biotechnology

• Host to 71 out of 500 top global corporations and has the highest number of IT SEZs in India (56 as of 2011-12)

• Fourth largest IT exporter in India,

• accounting for 12 per cent of the

• country’s total IT exports

Policy and infrastructure

support • Wide range of fiscal and policy

incentives for businesses under the Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2010-15

• Well drafted sector-specific policies

• Well-developed social, physical and industrial infrastructure and virtual connectivity, and has good power, airport, IT and port infrastructure

Rich labour pool

• Large base of skilled labour, making it an ideal destination for knowledge-intensive sectors

• Provides 30 per cent of the country’s engineering talent through prestigious institutes such as IIT, JNTU, IIIT, BITS, ISB and NIT

• Furthermore, the state has a large pool of semi-skilled and unskilled labour


IT exports:

US$ 8.5



IT exports:

US$ 31.3





Andhra Pradesh is located in the southern peninsula of

India and has a coast line of 974 km.

The state of Andhra Pradesh is bound by Odisha and

Chhattisgarh on the north, Maharashtra and Karnataka on

the west, Tamil Nadu on the south, and the Bay of Bengal

on the east.

Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Tirupati,

Warangal, Guntur, Kakinada, Nellore and Kurnool are some

of the key cities in the state.

Most commonly spoken language is Telugu. Hindi, English

and Tamil are the other languages used.

Sources: Andhra Pradesh Government Website (,

* Provisional Data – Census 2011

Parameters Andhra


Capital Hyderabad

Geographical area (sq km) 275,100

Administrative districts (No) 23

Population density (persons per sq

km)* 308

Total population (million)* 84.6

Male population (million)* 42.5

Female population (million)* 42.1

Sex ratio (females per 1,000 males)* 992

Literacy rate (%)* 67.7

Source: Maps of India

Parameter Andhra

Pradesh All-States Source


GSDP as a percentage of all states’ GSDP 7.8 100 Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey,

2012-13, current prices

Average GSDP growth rate (%)* 16.0 15.6 Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey,

2004-05 to 2012-13, current prices

Per capita GSDP^ (US$) 1,582.2 1,414.2 Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey,

2012-13, current prices

Physical Infrastructure

Installed power capacity (MW) 17,098.7 225,133.1 Central Electricity Authority, as of May 2013

Wireless subscribers (No) 64,363,622 867,803,583 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India,

as of March 2013

Broadband subscribers (No) 1,342,750*** 15,050,000 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, as of

March 2013

National Highway length (km) 6,547** 79,116

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,

as of March 2013, Andhra Pradesh Government

press release, 2013

Major and minor ports (No) 1+14 13+187 Indian Ports Association

Airports (No) 9 133 Airport Authority of India

* Calculated in Indian rupee terms, ** As of January 2013, *** As of December 2011, ^ Advanced estimates

Parameter Andhra

Pradesh All-States Source

Social Indicators

Literacy rate (%) 67.7 74.0 Provisional data – Census 2011

Birth rate (per 1,000 population) 17.5 21.8 SRS Bulletin (, 2012


FDI equity inflows (US$ billion) 8.0 193.4 Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion,

April 2000 to March 2013

Outstanding investments (US$ billion) 922.0 10,499.2 CMIE (2012-13)

Industrial Infrastructure

PPP projects (No) 100 881

SEZs (No) 76 385 Notified as of March 2013,

PPP: Public-Private Partnership, SEZ: Special Economic Zone, SRS: Sample Registration System


58 66

91 93 101

125 137 136





































At current prices, Andhra Pradesh’s gross state domestic

product (GSDP) was estimated at US$ 136.0 billion over


Between 2004-05 and 2012-13, the average annual GSDP

growth rate was 16.0 per cent**.

Growth was mainly driven by service and secondary


Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-2013

* Advanced estimates, ** In Indian rupee terms

GSDP of Andhra Pradesh at current prices

(in US$ billion)



45 52


81 84 90


123 122





































At current prices, Andhra Pradesh’s net state domestic

product (NSDP) was estimated at US$ 122.3 billion over


Between 2004-05 and 2012-13, the average annual NSDP

growth rate was about 16.1 per cent**.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-2013

* Advanced estimates, ** In Indian rupee terms

NSDP of Andhra Pradesh at current prices

(in US$ billion)




719 819

1,105 1,122 1,202

1,484 1,604 1,582





































Andhra Pradesh’s per capita GSDP increased to US$

1,582.2* during 2012-13 from US$ 628.8 over 2004-05.

Average per capita GSDP rose at a CAGR of 14.9 per

cent** between 2004-05 and 2012-13.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-2013

* Advanced estimates, ** In Indian rupee terms

GSDP per capita of Andhra Pradesh at

current prices (in US$)



563 645


987 1,009 1,078

1,332 1,439 1,423





































Andhra Pradesh’s per capita NSDP grew from US$ 563.3

during 2004-05 to US$ 1,422.8* over 2012-13.

Average per capita NSDP increased at a CAGR of 15.0 per

cent** between 2004-05 and 2012-13.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-2013

* Advanced estimates, ** In Indian rupee terms

NSDP per capita of Andhra Pradesh at

current prices (in US$)



27.9% 25.1%

21.5% 22.4%

50.6% 52.5%

2004-05 2012-13*

Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary sector

During 2012-13, the tertiary sector accounted for 52.5 per

cent (US$ 71.3 billion) of GSDP (at current prices), followed

by primary (25.1 per cent; US$ 34.2 billion), and secondary

(22.4 per cent; US$ 30.5 billion).

The secondary sector grew the fastest at a CAGR of 16.6

per cent**, followed by tertiary (CAGR of 16.5 per cent**)

and primary (CAGR of 14.5 per cent**) between 2004-05

and 2012-13.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-2013

* Advanced estimates, ** In Indian rupee terms

GSDP composition by sector





Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13, Cotton Corporation of

India (, ^ Second advanced estimates as on 05 January, 2013,

*Data for 2011-12, ** ’000 bales of 170 Kg each ***Advanced estimates

Crop Annual production

(‘000 tonnes) – 2012-13^

Sugarcane 15,912*

Rice 10,488

Cotton 7,200**

Maize 4,484

Mango 3,901***

Total pulses 1,493

Chillies 1,757***

Onion 850***

Groundnut 1,027

Bengal gram 520

Turmeric 1,894

Black gram (Urad dal) 379

Jowar (Sorghum) 412

Red gram (Tur dal) 148

Green gram (Moong dal) 169

Over 2012-13, total area under food grain production in

Andhra Pradesh was estimated at 6.6 million hectares.

Overall production of food grains in the state was projected

at 17.1 million tonnes over 2012-13.

Major food grains# produced in Andhra Pradesh are rice,

maize, pulses and jowar.

Sugarcane, cotton, chillies, onion, groundnut and turmeric

are some of the other major crops produced in the state.

During 2012-13, total production of oilseeds in the state was

estimated at 1.5 million tonnes.

# Food Grains Include Rice, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Wheat, Pulses

and Other Millets.

Exports break-up, Andhra Pradesh (2011-12)

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

** In Indian rupee terms

Andhra Pradesh’s exports increased at a CAGR of about 23.4 per cent** between 2006-07 and 2011-12.

During 2011-12, exports from Andhra Pradesh totaled US$ 24.2 billion.

Computer software contributes around 35.0 per cent to the state’s total exports. Drugs & pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals,

engineering products, agriculture and agro-based products are the other major export items.

Exports from Andhra Pradesh (in US$ billion)







2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Software (IT &

ITeS) 35%


items 23%

Drugs & pharma

and chemical

plastics 18%

Agro-based and

forest products


Leather, animal and

marine products 4%

Mineral & mineral

products 4%

Handicrafts &

carpets 3% Handloom &

textiles 2% Electronics

& electronics

parts 2%



According to the Department of Industrial Policy &

Promotion (DIPP), FDI inflows from April 2000 to February

2013 totaled US$ 8.0 billion.

The state has had a healthy FDI inflow over the years. From

April 2012 to February 2013, FDI inflows amounted to US$

1.1 billion.

Over 2012-13, outstanding investments in Andhra Pradesh

totaled US$ 922.0 billion.

The electricity sector accounted for around 28 per cent of

total outstanding investments, followed by manufacturing

(25 per cent) and services (19 per cent).

Source: CMIE

Break up of outstanding investments by sectors



25% 19%



4% Electricity




Real Estate


As of June 2012, Andhra Pradesh had 17 national

highways, running through it and covering a distance of

4,537 km. 11 new national highways were notified in FY ‘12,

taking the total tally to 28 and distance covered to 6,547 km.

The roads network under Andhra Pradesh Roads and

Buildings Department covered a length of 70,879 km as of

October 2012.

As of October 2012, road density per thousand population

was 0.86 km.

As of September 2012, there were 41 public-private

partnership (PPP) projects in the roads sector that are at

various stages of development.

The central government announced plans to develop 1,817

km of state roads in the state into national highways at an

estimated cost of US$ 9.2 billion over the next three-five


Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

* Under Andhra Pradesh Roads and Buildings Department

Road type Road length* (km)

as of October 2012

National highways 4,537

State highways 10,491

Major district roads 32,262

Rural roads 23,396

Source: Maps of India

Growing demand

Sources: Andhra Pradesh State Portal,,

Hyderabad Metro Rail Website -

Andhra Pradesh railway network (as of March


Name of the Railway No of


Total route

length (in


South Central

Railway 604 4,348.44

Southern Railway 16 120.85

East Coast Railway 75 574.79

As of March 2011, Andhra Pradesh had a total railway

network of 5,044.08 km; of this, 4,348.44 km is under the

control of the South Central Railway with Secunderabad

as the headquarters.

The state had 695 railway stations as of March 2011.

The Mass Rapid Transit Service (MRTS) project is

expected to carry about 1.5 million passengers per day by

2015 and 2.2 million passengers per day by 2025.

Total cost for the MRTS project has been estimated at

US$ 2.9 billion. The Government of India has provided

US$ 0.3 billion as central assistance under the Viability

Gap Funding (VGF) scheme.

The state is the first to have a PPP Metro Rail project

sanctioned by the Government of India.

The metro rail project is eco-friendly and is expected to

reduce pollutants by about 3,100 tonnes per annum


The construction work of the project was awarded to

Larsen & Toubro Limited in September 2010 through a

competitive bidding process.

Growing demand

Sources: GHIAL Website,, Airports Authority of India

GMR-Hyderabad International Airport Limited

(GHIAL), Shamsabad

Started operations in March 2008.

Constructed by the consortium of: • GMR Group (63 per cent) • Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAHB) (11 per

cent) • Government of Andhra Pradesh (13 per cent) • Airports Authority of India (13 per cent)

Single terminal, expandable structure

Final capacity of 40 million passengers per year and

one million tonnes of cargo

Total built-up area of 900,000 sq m

A third-party airframe maintenance, repair and

overhaul (MRO) facility was set up by MAS-GMR

Aerospace Engineering Company Ltd, a joint venture

company of GHIAL and Malaysian Aerospace

Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (MAE).

A flight academy was established at the airport

Andhra Pradesh has an international airport at Hyderabad

and domestic airports at Visakhapatnam, Tirupati,

Rajahmundry, Warangal, Vijayawada, Donakonda,

Kadapa and Puttaparthi.

Hyderabad is connected to several key international

destinations, such as Amsterdam, Bangkok, Chicago,

Frankfurt, Dubai, Singapore, Sharjah, London and Kuala

Lumpur, besides all major destinations across India.

The Rajiv Gandhi International Airport near Shamshabad

(about 25 km from Hyderabad) is a newly completed

airport (5,495 acres). It has replaced the former

international airport of the city at Begumpet. Total cost for

this project was at around US$ 560 million.

Hyderabad airport received 2,147,172 passengers and

handled 46,495 tonnes of cargo during 2012–13.

The airport was recognised as the best airport in India by

the SKYTRAX World Airport Awards in 2013. It was also

recognised as a fifth best regional airport in Asia and

featured in Top 100 airport in the World.

Andhra Pradesh has a 974 km long coastline and the

second highest cargo-handling port.

The Visakhapatnam port ranks amongst the top three of 13

major ports in the country. During 2012-13, it had a port

traffic of 59.0 million tonnes.

Coking coal, iron ore, petroleum products and thermal coal

are some of the key products handled by the port. It also

has a high volume of container traffic.

Other than Visakhapatnam, the state has 14 intermediate

and minor ports.

The central government announced plans to set up a new

deep sea port in the state at an estimated investment of

US$ 2.3 billion. The port is expected to have a cargo

loading capacity of 62.0 million tonnes.

Source: Ministry of Shipping, Government of India

Indian Ports Association, * Tentative

Visakhapatnam port traffic (million tonnes)

64.6 63.9

65.5 68.0 67.4


2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13*

Andhra Pradesh has the largest hydro-power generation

capacity in India, ahead of Karnataka and Maharashtra.

As of May 2013, Andhra Pradesh had a total installed power

generation capacity of 17,098.7 MW, which comprised

9,050.1 MW under state utilities, 4,891.9 MW under private

sector and 3,156.8 MW under central utilities.

Thermal power accounted for 11,980.7 MW of total power

generation installed capacity, followed by nuclear (275.8

MW), renewable power (1,107.7 MW) and hydropower

(3,734.5 MW).

The private sector contributed to the entire capacity of gas-

based power plants.

Per capita consumption of electricity in Andhra Pradesh was

1,050 kWh during 2011-12. Source: Central Electricity Authority

Installed power capacity (MW)





16,949 17,099

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14*

The integrated Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board

(APSEB) was restructured in 1999 to form the following


AP Genco’s hydro power plants

AP Genco’s thermal power plants

Segment Company name


Generation Andhra Pradesh Power Generation

Corporation Limited (APGENCO)


Transmission Transmission Corporation of Andhra

Pradesh Limited (APTransco)



Central Power Distribution Company

of Andhra Pradesh Limited

(APCPDCL), Hyderabad

Southern Power Distribution

Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited

(APSPDCL), Tirupati

Eastern Power Distribution Company

of Andhra Pradesh Limited

(APEPDCL), Visakhapatnam

Northern Power Distribution

Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited

(APNPDCL), Warangal

Telecom infrastructure (as of March 2013)

Wireless Subscribers 64,363,622

Wire-line Subscribers 2,239,363

Broadband Subscribers 1,342,750*

Telephone Exchanges 4,266**

Public Call Offices (PCOs) 130,282**

Sources: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India,

Department of Telecommunications, Annual Report 2011-12,

Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, India Post

*As of December 2011

**As of March 2012

According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

(TRAI), Andhra Pradesh had nearly 64.4 million wireless

subscribers and 2.24 million wireline subscribers as of

March 2013.

According to the Department of Telecommunications,

Government of India, the state had 4,266 telephone

exchanges and 130,282 public call offices (PCOs) as of

March 2012.

Optical fibre cable networks of BSNL with 44,500 km,

Reliance with 6,000 km, Bharat with 3,450 km and TATA

with 1,700 km provide a wide range of communication

networks to Andhra Pradesh.

As of January 2013, there were 16,165 post offices in the


Water supply

Sewerage system and


management system

• Average water supply in

various urban local

bodies (ULBs) increased

to 85 LPCD from 63

LPCD during the 11th five-

year plan (2007-12).

• During 2007-11, 43 water

supply schemes with an

estimated cost of US$

191.8 million were

completed, adding 370.44

MLD of water and raising

installed capacity to

1,599.68 MLD from


• Solid waste

collection efficiency

is 95.0 per cent

across the cities of

Andhra Pradesh.

• Area coverage of the

sewerage system in

the major cities

varies from 10 per

cent to 45.0 per cent.

Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal

Mission (JNNURM), 52 projects worth around US$ 1,159.4

million were sanctioned for Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam,

Vijayawada and Tirupati.

Some of the key areas of development are roads/flyovers,

water supply, storm water drainage, solid-waste

management and mass rapid transport system.

As of March 2013, 20 projects worth US$ 223.4 million were

completed. These projects, which were related to roads,

water supply, drains/storm water drains and sewerage, are

located in Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Vishakhapatnam.

The state has 170 urban local bodies (ULBs), comprising 19

corporations, 113 municipalities and 38 nagar panchayats.

Sources: JNNURM, Ministry of Urban Development,, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

LPCD: Litres per capita per day, MLD: Million litres per day

Some of the urban development projects in Hyderabad

• Outer Ring Road Project • P.V. Narasimha Rao Elevated Expressway • Flyover at Lunger House Junction • Hussain Sagar Lake and Catchment Area Improvement


Project Name Sector PPP Type Project Cost

(US$ million) Stage

Vodarevu Nizampatnam ports and port-

based corridor Development Ports BOOT 3,652.2 Construction

Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project Energy BOO 3,650.3 Construction

Gangavaram Port Ports BOT-Toll 358.6 Construction

Four-Laning of Cuddapah Kurnool Road Roads BOT-Toll 347.8 Construction

Integrated solid waste management for Hyderabad Urban development DBFOT 195.0 Construction

Four-laning of Hyderabad Karimnagar

Ramagundam Road Roads BOT-Toll 295.2 Bidding

Narketpally Addanki Medaramitla Road Roads BOT-Toll 260.2 Bidding

Bus Terminal and Commercial Development at

Musheerabad Urban development Lease 54.3 Bidding

Health spa and resort Tourism Lease 13.0 Bidding

Four-Laning of Khammam Tallada Devarapalli

road Roads BOT-Toll 143.5 EOI

Four-Laning of Perecherla Thokapalli road Roads BOT-Toll 113.5 EOI

Four-Laning of Warangal Khammam road Roads BOT-Toll 103.5 EOI

Source:; P-P-P: Public-Private Partnership

EOI: Expression Of Interest, BOOT: Build-Own-Operate-Transfer, BOT: Build-Operate-Transfer,

DBFOT: Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer, BOO: Build-Own-Operate

NIMZ: National Investment and Manufacturing Zones

Two new NIMZs

• State received “in-principle” approval from the central government in January 2013 for

setting up two National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs).

• The two NIMZs are proposed to be set up in Chittoor and Medak districts and would be

spread over an area of 50 sq km each.



• The state would develop NIMZs as integrated industrial townships, with state-of-the-art

infrastructure and land use on the basis of zoning, clean and energy efficient technology,

necessary social infrastructure and skill development facilities.

Investments up to US$

5.5 billion • NIMZs could attract investments of US$ 5.5 billion.

Total employment

potential of around 0.6


• Andhra Pradesh expects these NIMZs to have an employment potential of 0.3 million


Source:, SEZ: Special Economic Zone

Name/Developer Location Primary Industry

Visakhapatnam SEZ Vishakhapatnam Multi-product

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd Nanakramguda IT/ITeS

Brandix India Apparel City Private Ltd Achutapuram, Visakhapatnam Textile

Ramky Pharma City Pvt Ltd Mandal, Visakhapatnam Pharmaceuticals

CMC Limited Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad IT/ITeS

DivyaSree NSL Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad IT/ITeS

DLF Commercial Developers Ltd Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad IT/ITeS

Hyderabad Gems SEZ Ltd Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad Gems and jewellery

L&T Phoenix Info Parks Pvt Ltd Mandal IT/ITeS

Infosys Technologies Ltd Pocharam, Rangareddy IT

Vivo Bio Tech Ltd Medak Dist Medak Bio-technology

Some of the operational SEZs in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC) is the agency responsible for the supervision and execution of

SEZs in the state.

Of the projected investments of US$ 19.4 billion, US$ 2.6 billion were achieved during 2012-13.

Andhra Pradesh has the highest number of operational SEZs in India. There are 38 operational SEZs in the state as of

December 2012.

Source: Department of Commerce,

SEZ: Special Economic Zone, * As of FY2012

Wipro Limited,

Manikonda, Mandal*

• IT SEZ with exports worth US$ 763.5 million over FY 2008-11

• Investments of US$ 65.3 million made and US$ 64.5 million projected

• 9,018 direct employment opportunities generated, with an estimated employment of 7,000

Divi’s Laboratories

Limited, Chippada

Village, Visakhapatnam*

• Pharmaceutical SEZs with exports worth US$ 439.4 million over FY 2008-11

• Investments of US$ 65.3 million made and US$ 64.5 million projected

• 6,912 direct employment opportunities generated, with an estimated employment of 1,500

Hyderabad Gems

Limited, Hyderabad*

• Gems and jewellery SEZs with exports worth US$ 724.3 million over FY 2009-11

• Investments of US$ 44.8 million made and US$ 46.0 million projected

• 6,912 direct employment opportunities generated, with an estimated employment of



Name/Developer Location Primary Industry

South Coast Infrastructure Development Co of

Andhra Pradesh Private Ltd (SCIDCAP)

NH-5 between Prakasam and

Nellore District Building materials

Lepakshi Knowledge Hub Private Ltd Ananthapur Multi-product

M/s Sri Kubera Infracom India Ltd Sadasivpet, Medak Strategic


M/s Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Manufactures

Association Nakkapalli Mandal, Visakhapatnam Pharmaceuticals /APIs/formulations

M/s Vivimed Labs Ltd

Boyapalem, Naruva & Chittivalasa

villages, Ranasthalam Mandal,


Chemicals &


M/s Planet SEZ Private Limited Visakhapatnam Petroleum and oil & gas


SEZs with valid in-principle approvals

Andhra Pradesh has six SEZs with valid in-principle approvals, as of January 2013.


Name/Developer Location Primary industry

WIPRO Ltd Hyderabad IT

APIIC Visakhapatnam Multi-product

M/s Krishnapatnam Infratech Pvt Ltd Chillakur Mandal, Nellore Multi-product

Deccan Infrastructure and Land Holdings Ltd Mahabubnagar Agriculture and livestock

Rassai Properties & Industries Ltd Hindupur, Anantapur Multi-services

Infosys Technologies Ltd Pocharam Village, Ghatkesar Mandal,

Rangareddy IT

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure

Corporation Ltd (APIIC) Nellore Leather

Stargaze Properties Private Ltd Kancha Imarath, Maheswaram IT/ITeS/electronic hardware

Some of the SEZs with formal approvals

There are 109 SEZs with formal approvals in the state, as of January 2013.

Colleges Number of

colleges (2012-13)

Government junior colleges 812

Private-aided junior colleges 225

Private un-aided junior colleges 3,889

Government degree colleges 252

Aided-degree colleges 179

The state has a literacy rate of 67.7 per cent, according to

the provisional data of Census 2011; the male literacy rate

is 75.6 per cent and the female literacy rate is 59.7 per cent.

During 2012-13, 13.39 million students were enrolled in

102,436 schools. There were 66,721 primary schools,

15,579 upper primary schools, 19,053 high schools and 903

higher secondary schools. Number of teachers totaled


For polytechnic and engineering students, 25 skill

development centres have been planned in 23 districts in

the state.

Andhra Pradesh increased projected expenditure on

education in the 12th five-year plan (2012-17) by more than

fourfold to US$ 5,615 million from US$ 1,248 million

incurred during 2007-12.

The University of Hyderabad and the Osmania University

are among the leading universities in the country.


Number of



Number of



Engineering 707 335,000

Master of Computer

Application (MCA) 644 46,795

Master of Business

Administration (MBA) 926 86,905

Bachelor of Pharmacy 290 29,520

Polytechnics 263 76,000

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

Life-Sciences institutes

• Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

• Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics

• Indian Institute of Chemical Technology

• International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-

Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

• Directorate of Rice Research

• National Academy of Agricultural Research


• National Institute of Nutrition

• Indian Council of Agricultural Research Centers

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-13

At the intermediate college level, courses are available in

science, arts and commerce streams.

Vocational courses are offered in the fields of agriculture,

engineering and technology, home science, paramedical,

business and commerce, and humanities.

Over 2012-13, there were 6,136 junior colleges (aided and

unaided, regular and vocational), with a total enrolment of

1.02 million students.

The Department of Technical Education, Government of

Andhra Pradesh, supports 707 engineering colleges.

During 2012-13, three new government polytechnic

institutes and two new engineering colleges were


Health Indicators (2010-11)

Apollo Hospital

Yashoda Hospital

Care Hospital

Wockhardt Kamineni Hospital

Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences

MNJ Institute of Oncology and Regional Cancer


Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital &

Research Institute

Global Hospitals

Medwin Hospitals

Mediciti Hospitals

L V Prasad Eye Institute

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences

Sources: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India,

Sample Registration System (SRS) Bulletin 2012


*Per thousand persons, ** Per thousand live births

Health indicators (2011)

Birth rate* 17.5

Death rate* 7.5

Infant Mortality Rate** 43

Life expectancy at birth (years)

Male (2002-06) 62.9

Female (2002-06) 65.5

Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) is fully

responsible for the management of secondary level


APVVP covers 1,624 primary health centres (PHCs), 292

community health centres (CHCs), 91 area hospitals, 17

district hospitals, 12,522 sub-centres and 272 urban health


APVVP controls 234 hospitals equipped with 16,184 beds.

Major stadiums and sports complexes in


Swarnandhra Pradesh Sports Complex

G. M. C. Balayogi Athletic Stadium

Gachibowli Indoor Stadium

Fateh Maidan Sports Complex

The Lal Bahadur Stadium

Aquatics Complex

Kotla Vijay Bhaskar Reddy Indoor Stadium

SAAP Tennis Complex, Fateh Maidan

Shooting Range, Hyderabad Central University

Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium

There are several sports complexes in Hyderabad,

Visakhapatnam, Tirupati and other cities. Although

swimming and tennis are the major sports, other games are

also popular.

The Boulders Hill in Hyderabad, The Army Golf Course in

Secunderabad and the East Point Golf Club in

Visakhapatnam are well-known golf courses in the state.

The Tirupati temple in Southern Andhra Pradesh makes the

state one of the leading religious tourism spots in the


In Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Tourism has promoted

convention centres including Taramati Baradari, Hyderabad

International Convention Centre, Shilpa Kala Vedika,

HITEX, Marriott Convention Centre, Ramoji Film City and

Katriya De Royal – Convention facilities.

Kuchipudi is the classical dance form from Andhra Pradesh.

It is known for its graceful movements and strong

narrative/dramatic character.

Natural resources, policy incentives and infrastructure in the

state are favourably suited for investments in major sectors

such as drugs and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, IT and

ITeS, mines and minerals, textiles, leather and tourism.

Andhra Pradesh is one of the foremost states to have

developed sector-specific policies.

Forming industrial clusters and developing infrastructure,

such as biotech parks, textile parks, leather parks, auto

parks, fab city and hardware parks, has been the state’s key

strategy to attract investments in various industries.

Andhra Pradesh has shortlisted three new industries to

develop under the cluster model during the 12th five-year

plan (2012-17): marine food processing at Bheemavaram,

leather at Nellore and precision & engineering tools at


Key industries in Andhra Pradesh

• Agro and food-based industry

• Biotechnology

• Bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals

• IT and ITeS

• Mines and minerals

• Textiles and leather

• Tourism

• Automotive & auto components

• Gems and jewellery

98,920 clearances with proposed investments of US$ 83.8 billion have been granted as of October 2012 under the Industrial

Single Window Clearance Act, which was enacted in 2002 to create an investor-friendly environment in the state.

As of October 2012, the state received 7,632 proposals for large-scale industries. Of these, 3,206 proposals have been

utilised for production with an investment of US$ 15.6 billion; providing employment opportunities to 516,403 people. 548

proposals with an investment of US$ 21.5 billion are under the implementation stage.

During the Partnership Summit of 2012, the state received 234 proposals worth US$ 119.7 billion.

The state government has projected investments of US$ 20.6 billion in large industries and US$ 6.2 billion in MSMEs during

the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-13

MSMEs: Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Large scale industries proposals



proposals established

Investments^ Employment Investments^ Employment

2005-06 350.0 10,875 55.3 15,832

2006-07 1,218.2 26,193 195.7 36,019

2007-08 1,570.8 23,075 537.0 79,258

2008-09 1,237.2 25,058 572.4 85,211

2009-10 2,448.9 11,933 932.9 64,844

2010-11 2,063.4 20,626 1,076.4 104,620

2011-12 1,816.2 21,543 1,018.1 120,435

2012-13* 977.1 12,959 286.1 52,932

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-13

*Till August 2012, MSMEs: Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

^ In US$ million

The share of IT exports from Andhra Pradesh accounts for

around 12.4 per cent of national IT exports. The IT sector

contributes about 39.0 per cent to total exports from all

sectors in the state.

The IT industry recorded a turnover of US$ 11.1 billion over

2011-12. Of this, exports accounted for 76 per cent and the

remaining 24 per cent was generated from the domestic


Andhra Pradesh has emerged as a state that provides the

right climate for the growth of IT business and is currently

one of the most preferred destinations in the country.

In 2012, the state government unveiled the Electronics

Hardware (EH) policy, 2012-17, aimed at providing

incentives in the areas of industrial electronics,

communication and broadcast equipment, computers and

peripherals and strategic electronics and components.

The EH policy is the first of its kind initiated by any state in


As of January 2013, there were 43 IT/ITeS notified SEZs in

the state.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

* In Indian rupee terms

Total employment generated by the IT and ITeS industry

in the state increased to 318,624 over 2011-12 from

279,438 during 2010-11.

Exports from IT industry (in US$ million)


6,491.6 7,081.0




2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12



Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

ITIR: Information Technology Investment Region

First ITIR in India

• Andhra Pradesh received “in-principle” approval from the central government in

September 2012 to its ambitious plan of setting up India’s first Information Technology

Investment Region (ITIR).

• ITIR would be developed around Hyderabad and Rangareddy districts on an area of about

202 sq km (78 sq miles) over a period of 25 years.

Self contained

integrated ITIR

• ITIR would include SEZs, Industrial parks, free trade zones, warehousing zones, export-

oriented units and growth centres.

Exports potential of

US$ 43.3 billion • ITIR could generate revenue of US$ 57.2 billion, with exports of US$ 43.3 billion.

Investment potential of

US$ 40.4 billion

• The state expects the project to have an investment potential of US$ 40.4 billion.

• Direct employment generated from the project is estimated at 1.5 million once it is fully


Mahindra Satyam




• Formerly Satyam Computers, Mahindra Satyam was established in 1987 and has its global

headquarters in Hyderabad and several offices in 39 countries including India. The company

provides software solutions to over 370 customers including four of the top 10 electronics and

electrical equipment manufacturers, three of the top 10 in aerospace and defence firms, two of

the top five chemicals manufacturers, and four of the top five networking and communications

equipment manufacturers.

• Microsoft India Development Centres (MSIDC) was established in 1998. It is located in

Hyderabad on a 54-acre state-of-the-art campus. MSIDC has offices in nine cities, with 5,800

employees in India. The company focuses on strategic and IP sensitive product development for

Microsoft. It is one of the largest software development centres for Microsoft outside the US. It

has established centres of excellence for storage, networking and mobility, and has filed over

180 patents in the last three years.

• IBM is a leading global IT services and solutions provider, with operations in over 170 countries

across the world. Products offered by the company’s Indian operations include software,

storage, systems and servers and semiconductors. IBM has been present in India since 1992.

Since inception, IBM in India has expanded its operations considerably, with regional

headquarters in Bengaluru and offices in 14 cities; including a global delivery centre in


• Cognizant was founded as a captive arm of Dun & Bradstreet, with headquarters in the US and

operations in India. The company currently has over 50 development centres (including one in

Hyderabad) and 25 regional sales offices globally. Its services include business process

outsourcing, application and IT infrastructure services and business consulting. It generated

revenue of US$ 7.4 billion in 2012. In December 2009, Cognizant invited 120 personnel from

Invensys Rail in Hyderabad to work on its global product research and development tie-up with

the latter.

Andhra Pradesh is the hub of the bulk-drugs industry,

accounting for one-third of the national production of bulk

drugs. The state produces a majority of the 500 basic drugs

produced in the country.

Andhra Pradesh accounts for around 40 per cent of

country’s bulk drug exports.

Jawaharlal Nehru Pharma City was set up in Parawada,

Visakhapatnam. This is an integrated industrial park for bulk

drug manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and fine

chemical manufacturers. The industrial park is spread over

an area of 2,143 acres; of this, 611.37 acres has been

notified as a pharmaceutical SEZ industrial park.

The state government helped to develop the pharmaceutical

and biotechnology industry via specific policies, promoting a

knowledge-based cluster approach with financial incentives

and appropriate infrastructure support.

Presence of related educational infrastructure has helped

the industry. The Biotechnology Incubation Centre was

commissioned in 2008.

Some of the key players

• Albany Molecular Research Inc (AMRI)

• Novartis

• Matrix Laboratories Ltd

• Indian Immunologicals Ltd (IIL)

The state ranks first in the manufacturing of bulk drugs

and third in formulations in India.

Source: PHARMABIZ Statistics

Albany Molecular

Research Inc (AMRI)


Mylan Laboratories Ltd

Indian Immunologicals

Ltd (IIL)

• AMRI’s research centre is located in the ICICI Knowledge Park in Hyderabad. AMRI

provides custom synthesis of scaffolds and building blocks, as well as preparation of

reference standards. A second laboratory for preparing larger amounts of pharmaceutical

intermediates, starting materials and other compounds is now operational as well. The

centre's operations are fully integrated with US-based resources.

• Novartis has presence in over 140 countries and 115,000 employees. It has been present in

India for over 64 years in the healthcare sector. The company has a healthcare-related

IT/ITeS and R&D facility in Hyderabad. It has a development centre in Hyderabad. The

facility also operates as a global centre for marketing and sales, sourcing, business

planning and analysis. In 2012, the company generated revenue of US$ 56.7 billion.

• Mylan Laboratories Ltd (formerly known as Matrix Laboratories Ltd) is a subsidiary of US-

based Mylan Inc. It has four USFDA-approved facilities in Hyderabad and one USFDA-

approved facility in Visakhapatnam. It is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and

suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for a wide range of therapeutic

categories including antibacterials, central nervous system agents, antihistamine/anti-

asthmatics, cardiovasculars, antivirals, antidiabetics, antifungals, proton pump inhibitors and

pain management drugs. In 2011, its revenue totalled US$ 671.4 million.

• IIL produces a range of veterinary vaccines such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)

vaccines, anti-rabies vaccines, bacterial vaccines, canine vaccines and a host of other

combined vaccines. Its range of human vaccines comprises rabies, Hepatitis B, measles,

MMR and DPT. IIL has one of the leading research and development centres in India. The

company has headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Hyderabad, an institute in Ooty

and an overseas office in Vietnam.







2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Andhra Pradesh is one of the leading cotton producing

states in the country, with production projected to reach a

record of 7.2 million bales over 2012-13 from 5.6 million

bales (bales of 170 kg each) during 2011-12. Medium grade

and superior long staple varieties of cotton are

predominantly grown in the state.

The state government has identified the textile sector as one

of the long-term growth engines. To utilise the potential of

the sector, the government has established five apparel

export parks (AEPs) and seven textile parks. It has proposed

to establish another five AEPs and 12 textile parks in the


There are over 150 spinning mills including a number of 100

per cent export-oriented units with state-of-the-art

machinery; producing cotton, synthetic and blended yarns.

Between April 2006 and February 2012, 55 handloom

clusters were sanctioned under the Integrated Handlooms

Development Scheme (IHDS).

Apparels, fabrics and furnishings have been identified as

potential products for exports by the state.

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13,

Cotton Corporation of India, * In Indian rupee terms

Andhra Pradesh has emerged as a large textile

processing centre. There are over 100 units with an

annual processing capacity of about 13 million metres of


The number of power looms totaled 50,000, and 0.7

million families depend on the textile and clothing sector.

Handloom and textile exports (in US$ million)





1,263.1 1,230.3



2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

A variety of agro-climatic conditions in the state make it

conducive for growing a variety of horticulture crops such as

fruits, vegetables, spices, tuber crops, plantation crops and


Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest producers of rice in

India. It is a leading producer of cash crops such as tobacco,

groundnut, dry chilly, turmeric, oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane

and jute.

During 2012-13, total area under food grains in the state is

estimated to be 6.6 million hectares.

The state government received a proposal to set up an

mega agro and food processing park in Nizamabad district

that remains subject to sanction from the Union Agricultural

Ministry. Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

* In Indian rupee terms



Agro-based and forest products exports

(in US$ million)

The state is one of the largest producers of horticulture products, with an estimated production of 28.9 million tonnes over 2012-

13. Exports from horticulture stood at about US$ 148.0 million over 2011-12.

Andhra Pradesh ranks first in the production of spices, fruits and crops including citrus, papaya, oil palm and tomato.

The state produces some of the finest varieties of mangoes, grapes, guavas, papayas and bananas.

Horticulture exports break-up, 2011-12 Horticulture production (in million tonnes) and

area (in million hectares)

19.1 20.5 20.4

26.6 27.3 28.9




2.5 2.6 2.7




























Production (LHS) Area (RHS)

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-13

**Advanced estimates

Processed fruits,

vegetables 34%

Other fresh fruits


Onions 17%

Other fresh

vegetables 13%

Pulses 10%

Floriculture and

seeds 6%

Cocoa products


ConAgra Foods

Cargill India Pvt Ltd


Andhra Pradesh Dairy

Development Cooperative

Federation (APDDCF)

• ConAgra Foods Inc, US, is one of the world’s leading food companies. It has partnered with

Agro Tech Foods Ltd (formerly ITC Agro) and established an R&D centre to adapt food

technologies to Indian conditions. The company has a dominant market position in edible

oils and branded foods sectors. Brands include Sundrop, Healthy World, ACT II and Rath.

Agro Tech Foods Limited, an affiliate of ConAgra Foods, has its registered office at


• Cargill maintains a number of businesses in India, with operations including handling and

processing of a wide range of products such as refined oils, grain and oilseeds, sugar,

cotton and animal feed. Cargill’s presence in India has been growing since it began a joint

venture (JV) operation in 1987. In 2006, it entered into a JV and subsequently owned a

leading shrimp feed manufacturing farm in Rajahmundry. It has also entered into a JV with

EID Parry for a sugar refinery at Kakinada in the state.

• ITC is a large Indian business conglomerate with diverse business interests including agri-

foods, paper, fast moving consumer goods, lifestyle and retailing and hotels. Over 2011-12,

its revenue totalled around US$ 7.27 billion. A substantial part of ITC’s agri-business is

located in Andhra Pradesh. The company has a unit in Anaparti and Chirala, and a research

centre in Rajamundhry. The company also runs its innovative internet-based “e-choupal”

initiative in the state for the benefit of farmers.

• APDDCF runs 12 dairy plants and manufactures milk products under the Vijaya brand.

These plants together have a production capacity of 2,437 thousand litres per day. Products

include butter, ultra-high-temperature (UHT) milk, milk powder, ghee, flavoured milk, khoa,

kulfi and processed cheese. It is one of the 15 dairy cooperatives operating under the

National Dairy Development Board (NDDB).

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2011-12,

Forestry sector

• Andhra Pradesh has 6.38 million hectares of forest area, which accounts for 23.2 per cent

of the total geographical area of the state.

• Major products include timber, bamboo, firewood & charcoal and beedi leaves.

• During 2012-13, the contribution of forestry and logging to GSDP was estimated at US$

1,566 million.

Fisheries sector

• The fisheries sector has been identified as one of the six growth engines in the agriculture

sector under Vision-2020 of the state.

• Andhra Pradesh ranks first in the production of brackish-water shrimp and fresh-water

prawns, contributing around 40 per cent to the country’s total marine exports.

• Total production of fish and prawns in the state expanded at a CAGR of 11 per cent over

FY 2008-12 to reach 1.60 million tonnes.

• The contribution of fisheries to GSDP was estimated at US$ 3.0 billion during 2012-13.

Fisheries sector


• The state government entered into an agreement with US-based World Tuna

Development International (WTDI) to develop a tuna fishery in the Bay of Bengal

• The government sanctioned US$ 2.94 million for the construction of four fish landing

centres in the state under Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and

other Allied Activities (ASIDE) funds.

Animal husbandry is rapidly expanding in the state and is

playing a significant role in improving the rural economy.

The sector provides gainful employment to a large number

of small and marginal farmers and agricultural labourers,

and enhances their economic status.

Activities of the animal husbandry department have been

oriented towards improving health of livestock and increased

production of milk, eggs and meat.

As of 2011-12, the state had 5,045 institutes supporting

production in the animal husbandry sector and 5,305

institutes for health of livestock.

Livestock was estimated to account for 28.5 per cent of the

agriculture sector and 5.3 per cent of GSDP over 2012-13.

Product Production




Milk (million

tonnes) 12.1 11.2

Egg (in million) 21,210 20,128

Meat (million

tonnes) 0.82 0.75

Milk and egg production

7.9 8.9 9.6 10.4 11.2


15.9 17.6 18.3 19.4 20.1 21.2

2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Milk (million tonnes) Egg (in billion)

Source: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

According to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the net natural gas production was about 1,353 million cubic metres

during 2011-12. The state’s Krishna-Godavari basin area has a total hydrocarbon resource base of 1,130 million metric


Andhra Pradesh is the second Indian state, after Gujarat, to enter the oil and gas exploration and production segment

through bids for oil and gas blocks under the central government’s New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP).

The Andhra Pradesh government decided to enter the oil and gas exploration and development sector and set up a special

purpose vehicle (SPV), the Andhra Pradesh Gas Infrastructure Corp. Limited (APGIC), as a joint venture between two state-

owned entities. The infrastructure provider for industries in the state, Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation

(APIIC), owns 51.0 per cent in the SPV and the remaining is held by AP Genco.

APGIC secured four blocks under auction as part of consortium led by ONGC. APGIC owns 10 per cent in the consortium,

while other partners ONGC, British Gas and Oil India hold 40 per cent, 35 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively.

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation is setting up a diesel hydro-treater unit of 2.2 MMTPA at Visakhapatnam refinery with an

investment of US$ 569.4 million. The project is presently in the completion stage.

MMTPA: Million metric tonnes per annum

In October 2009, the Department of Petrochemicals,

Government of India, signed a Memorandum of Agreement

(MoA) with the Andhra Pradesh Government for setting up a

Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment

Region (PCPIR) in the Visakhapatnam-Kakinada region as

an industrial cluster. The state government is in the process

of finalising the master plan and obtaining environmental


PCPIR: Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region


Anchor projects in PCPIR

Other major investors in PCPIR

Key features of PCPIR

The investments generated in the PCPIR are estimated

to be around US$ 72.3 billion.

Total area of PCPIR is 603.58 square km.

The project is said to have an employment generation

capacity of 1.2 million.

As per the latest update, total committed investments

stood at US$ 35.8 billion.

The petroleum and petrochemical sector accounted for

around 28 per cent of total committed investment.

The state government is investing around US$ 3.95

billion to develop external infrastructure in Andhra


Andhra Pradesh is known for its pristine beaches, sacred

places of worship, lush green forests, spicy cuisine and

hospitable people.

With tourist attractions such as Charminar, Golconda Fort,

Ramoji Film City, Araku Valley, Borra Caves, Tirupati Balaji

Temple and Puttaparthi Saibaba, the state offers attractive

investment opportunities to developers and investors.

Andhra Pradesh is ranked 13th in international tourist

arrivals and accounted for 1.4 per cent of total international

tourist arrivals in India in 2011. With 18.0 per cent share of

domestic travelers, the state is ranked second in domestic

tourist arrivals.

The Ministry of Tourism approved 40 projects during the 11th

five-year plan period (2007-12, up to March 2011) at a

project outlay of US$ 44.3 million and 11 projects over 2012-

13 with an outlay of around US$ 10.7 million (including the

recently approved Visakhapatnam-Bheemunipatnam Beach

Corridor Mega Circuit).

The state government has identified Hyderabad,

Visakhapatnam, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Nagarjunasagar and

Warangal for tourism development. Source: Ministry of Tourism, Government of India

Arrival of international tourists in Andhra Pradesh

(in ‘000s)

Arrival of domestic tourists in Andhra Pradesh

(in million)

770.0 789.0 795.2



2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

127.9 132.7

157.5 155.8


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

The Union Ministry of Tourism is planning to set up the

Southern Zonal Tourism Council (include Andhra Pradesh,

Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of

Puducherry) to develop integrated tourism circuits.

Andhra Pradesh has ventured into the development of eco-

tourism with private developers on the basis of design, build,

finance, operations and maintenance.

Sources: Ministry of Tourism, Government of India

Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey, 2012-13

Upcoming mega


Current & upcoming

eco-tourism projects

• Kadapa Heritage Circuit • Hyderabad Botanical


• Tirupati Heritage Circuit • Mahavir Nischal Van

• Charminar Area • Night safari and Eco-park,

Kothaguda (upcoming)

• Buddhavanam Project at

Nagarjuna Sagar

• Bird park, Kothaguda


• Vishakapatnam-

Bheemunipatnam Beach

Corridor Mega Circuit

• Mrugavani National Park,

Chilkur (upcoming)

Leather Industries Development Corporation


• Nodal agency for leather industry development in the


• Plans to establish 72 mini-industrial parks on 25 acres of

land each for processing raw material, 16 medium

industrial parks of 100 acres each for processing semi-

finished leather and six mega industrial parks of more

than 300 acres each, including an International Leather

Complex at Krishnapatnam (KILC)

• KILC has world class infrastructure for leather tanning

and leather processing. The project finance is supported

by the Government of India, Government of Andhra

Pradesh and has private participation in the Special

Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

• KILC is located in Krishnapatnam in the Nellore district in

an area of 412 acres near the sea coast. It is proposed

that KILC would house about 25 tanning units in a floor

area of 250 acres of land and about 21 leather

processing units with capacities ranging between six and

25 tonnes and a total capacity of 300 tonnes over a floor

area of 220 acres.

The state is a major producer of hides and skins, producing

around 19 million pieces per annum, constituting around

10.0 per cent of the country’s output.

Around 34 large and medium tanneries in the state produce

about 40 million sq ft of processed hides and skins per


Hyderabad and Nellore are the key leather production

clusters in the state.

The government provides financial assistance in the form of

investment grants to the extent of 30.0 per cent of cost of

plant and machinery for small scale industries (SSI) and

20.0 per cent of cost of plant and machinery for other units,

subject to a ceiling of US$ 120,000 for technology

upgradation or/and expansion.

Source: Leather Sector in AP, ILC Profile, LIDCAP


Share of the national mineral reserves (%) in


Barytes 94.0

Kyanite 78.0

Corundum 70.0

Ball Clay 61.0

Calcite 42.0

Mica 41.0

Garnet 26.0

Ilmenite 23.0

Limestone 20.0

Dolomite 15.0

Diamond 6.0

The state’s mineral production was estimated at US$ 3.1

billion over 2011-12.

Andhra Pradesh contributed about 7.0 per cent to the

country’s mineral value production during 2011-12.

The state received around US$ 0.5 billion of revenue from

minerals during 2011-12.

Andhra Pradesh has the highest deposits of barytes,

limestone and beach sand heavy minerals in the country.

The Government of India has started exploration of sizable

uranium deposits in Kadapa and Nalgonda districts in

Andhra Pradesh through M/s. Uranium Corporation India

Ltd, a public sector undertaking.

Sources: Indian Mineral Scenario - States, Ministry of

Mines Website,

Coal is the major mineral produced in the state. Coal contributed 32.8 per cent to total revenue generated from mineral

production in the state over 2011-12.

Andhra Pradesh is the second largest cement producer in the country, with an installed capacity of 50 million tonnes per annum

across 42 plants.

Value of exports (in US$ million) Andhra Pradesh - Minerals revenue (in US$ million)

Sources: Andhra Pradesh Socio-Economic Survey 2012-13

680.9 673.7





2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12



382.2 415.7















2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

All minerals (LHS) Coal as a % of total production (RHS)

Hyderabad Gems SEZ Limited (HGSEZ)

• Spread across 200 acres, the Hyderabad SEZ

houses about 75-100 diamond, gold and watch

manufacturing units.

• The SEZ has a training centre for manufacturing

jewellery and cutting and polishing of diamonds.

Hyderabad is one of the leading hubs for the jewellery

sector in India. The state produces a wide array of precious

and semi-gems as well as pearls.

Andhra Pradesh Gems and Jewellery Park is a joint venture

between the IOI Corporation and Andhra Pradesh State

Trading Corporation. It has been developed as a state-of-

the-art facility, in which the floor space would be sold to

jewellers and pearl dealers.

The state has an estimated reserve of 12.10 million tonnes

of gold ore and 1.82 million carats of diamond.

In the state, diamond is mostly found at Cuddapah,

Anantapur, Bellary, Kurnool, Kistna, Godavary and Guntur


M&M tractor manufacturing plant in Medak

Entry of automobile manufacturers

• One of India’s largest automobile manufacturers

Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) inaugurated Asia’s

largest tractor manufacturing plant at Medak district,

Andhra Pradesh in March 2013.

• The facility has been set up with an investment of

around US$ 55 million and has a production capacity of

0.1 million tractors per year.

• M&M is planning to set up a passenger vehicle plant in

the state.

• Japanese auto manufacturer Isuzu Motors Ltd

announced plans to set up a light commercial vehicle

(LCV) manufacturing plant in Chittoor district in 2013,

with an estimated investment of US$ 276 million.

APTDC: Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation

Hospitality, leisure and


• Being a major tourist hub in the country, the state is making rapid strides in the retail and

entertainment segment.

• The sector is attracting investments in projects such as world-class spas, entertainment

centres, mega shopping malls, multiplexes, business convention centres and theme parks.

• Urban entertainment, including amusement parks, has redefined leisure and entertainment

activities in the state.

• Hotel projects under development include Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts, Pride Hotel, Duet

India Hotels Ltd, Hotel Leela Ventures (all at Hyderabad), Svenska Hotels Ltd (port town).

• APTDC has planned to invest US$ 62.6 million to implement nine hotel projects and

develop new facilities, including three eco-tourism sites.


• Organised retail is catching up fast with significant mall development in the pipeline.

• Shopping malls are being developed in suburban and peripheral areas followed by central

business district.

• Reliance Retail opened its first 'Reliance Fresh' stores in Hyderabad and Secunderabad in

late 2006.

• Reebok has opened its largest store in the world in Hyderabad.

• GVK Group opened ‘GVK one’,a world-class shopping space measuring over 700,000 sq

ft in Hyderabad in May 2009.

• ‘GVK one’ also hosts a 1,257-seat INOX multiplex, along with a themed entertainment

centre Funzone in Hyderabad.

Electronics hardware

• Key segments within electronics hardware industries in the state include

telecommunications, industrial electronics, test and measuring equipment, computer and

consumer electronics and strategic electronics.

• There is immense scope for investments in the fields of nanotechnology, semiconductors,

computer peripherals, appliances, precision engineering, integrated circuits, large scale

integration chips (LSICs) and very large scale integration chips (VLSICs).


• An investment of US$ 3 billion has been announced for setting up a fabrication unit in Fab

City, Hyderabad, to manufacture semiconductors used in computers, mobile phones and

other digital devices

• Fab City has been allotted 1,050 acres, close to the new international airport.

• The Electronics Hardware Policy of the state offers various incentives, such as

exemptions, reimbursements and facilitating technical education to promote the industry.

Andhra Pradesh is the first state in the country to have enacted the Industrial Single Window Clearance Act No 17 of 2002. The

Act made it compulsory for new industries to register with the single-window to obtain clearances quickly. It also simplified

procedures for getting industrial clearances.

Committees were constituted at district and state levels to communicate to the applicant, the status of their clearances. It has

set time slots for issuing clearances and incorporated a provision for deemed approval after the expiry of time limit.

District level committees can clear investments not exceeding US$ 219,442. State level committees can clear those exceeding

US$ 219,442.

Above the district and state level committees is an empowered committee headed by the Chief Secretary of the state

government, who reviews and monitors disposal of applications. Overall, a State Board under the chairmanship of the Chief

Minister oversees the progress of the scheme.

The maximum time taken to issue clearance of applications at all stages is 45 days. Violation of the provisions of the Act made

either through self-assessment or otherwise would invite a penalty of US$ 109 in the first instance and US$ 219 in the second


Agency Description

State Investment

Promotion Board


• The SIPB has been created by the Government of Andhra Pradesh with the state Chief Minister as Chairman and members (consisting of Finance Minister, Minister for Revenue, Minister for Major Industries, Minister for Energy, and other ministers) connected with specific projects as special invitees as well as the Chief Secretary to Government as member or convener.

• The Industries & Commerce Department issues a single order on each project, incorporating the decisions of the Board. The concerned Departments of Secretariat issue further necessary orders, with which they are concerned, on the decisions taken by the SIPB.

Major Industries,

Commerce and

Export Promotion


• Controls the office of Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Commissioner of Industrial Promotion.

• They are responsible for SSIs and control the office of the Commissioner of Industries & Export Promotion, Commissioner Handlooms and Textiles, Commissioner for Sugar and Director, Mines and Geology.

• The Industries & Commerce department is headed by the Industries Minister and is controlled by the Principal Secretary.

Corporations under Industries and Commerce Department

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (APIDC)

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC)

Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation (APMDC)

Andhra Pradesh State Finance Corporation (APSFC)

Andhra Pradesh State Trading Corporation (APSTC)

Andhra Pradesh State Handloom Weavers Co-operative Society Limited (APCO)

Leather Industries Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (LIDCAP)

Andhra Pradesh Handicrafts Development Corporation (APHDC)

Andhra Pradesh Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB)

Agency Contact information

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure


6th Floor, Parisrama Bhavan Fateh Maidan Road, Basheerbagh

Hyderabad - 500 004 Phone: 91-40-2323 7622, 2321 2798

Fax: 91-40-2323 3393, 2323 3251 E-mail:


Department of Industries and Commerce

Industries and Commerce Department 2nd Floor, D Block, Room No-348A

Secretariat Hyderabad - 500022

Phone: 91-040-23454449 Fax: 91-040-23452985

E-mail: Website:

S No Approvals and clearances required Respective departments of state Estimated time

1 Registration, Industrial Entrepreneurs

Memorandum (IEM), Industrial Licenses Registrar of Firms 7 days

2 Allotment of Land/Shed in Industrial Estates or Industrial Areas

Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation

7 days for up to 1,000 sq m

21 days for above 1,000 sq m

3 Acquisition and alienation of government lands

Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA)

45 days

4 Site and Building Plan Approval

Panchayat Raj Department

7 days

Urban Development Authority

Town and Country Planning


5 Change of land use

Urban Development Authority

45 days Town and Country Planning


Source: Commissionerate of Industries, Government of Andhra Pradesh

S No Approvals and clearances required Respective departments of state Estimated time

6 Consent for establishment under Pollution Control


AP Pollution Control Board

7 days

Orange 21 days

Red 45 days

7 Consent for operation

under Pollution Control


AP Pollution Control Board

7 days

Orange 21 days

Red 45 days

8 No-Objection Certificate for Fire Safety Fire Services Department 15 days

9 Permission for Establishment of Distillery

Excise Department

30 days

10 Licence for possession and use of Rectified Spirit

7 days

11 Licence for possession and use of Denatured Spirit

7 days

12 VAT/CST registration Commercial Taxes Department 7 days

Source: Commissionerate of Industries, Government of Andhra Pradesh

S No Approvals and clearances required Respective departments of state Estimated time

13 Power feasibility

Power Distribution Companies

7 days

14 Power connection 23 days

15 Approval of factory plans

Factories Department

7 days

16 Factory license 7 days

17 Sanction of water supply Hyderabad Metro Water Supply and Sewerage Board

7 days

18 Water connection 23 days

19 Permission to draw water from rivers and/or public tanks

Irrigation Department 30 days

Source: Commissionerate of Industries, Government of Andhra Pradesh

Parameter Cost estimate

Land Price (US$ per sq m) 20 to 200

Labour Cost (minimum wages per day) US$ 2.8 to US$ 5.5

Lease Rent (US cents per sq ft per month) 36.6 to 61.0

Electricity (US cents per kWh) Commercial: 8.0 to 18.7

Industrial: 7.6 to 12.5

Residential Rent (US cents per sq ft per month) 12.6 to 62.5

Five-Star Hotel Room (US$ per night) 125 to 512

Water Cost (US$ per 1,000 litres per month) Commercial (Hyderabad ): 0.42 to 1.04

Industrial (Hyderabad): 0.52 to 2.08

Sources: Andhra Pradesh Government Websites and Industry Sources, Ministry

of Labour and Employment, Government of India,

Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission,

Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board

Electronic Hardware Policy 2012-2017

• To provide special incentives and facilities for the electronic hardware sector in line with the

present ICT policy. The policy would cover areas such as industrial electronics, communication &

broadcast equipments, computers & peripherals, and strategic electronics & components

(semiconductors, solar & displays)

Read more


Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Policy -2012

• To encourage, develop and promote solar power generation in the state with a view to meet

growing demand for power in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner

• To attract investment in the state for the establishment of solar power plants Read more


Food Processing Policy 2010-2015

• To provide a special focus to the food processing industry by extending the benefits for five years

from April 2010 to March 2015. The policy would cover areas such as horticulture, agriculture,

animal husbandry, fisheries, agro food processing industries and allied industries Read more


Industrial Investment Promotion Policy (IIPP) 2010-2015

• To build a strong and vibrant industrial economy that spins off large capital formation in the

state and advances inclusive development of all sections of the population and industry that

creates increasing employment opportunities, and raises wage incomes to higher levels

through skill upgradation to improve the quality of life of citizens of the state. Read more


Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy 2010-15

To make Andhra Pradesh one of the fore runners in the IT sector in the country The objective would

be achieved through the following initiatives:

• Provision of congenial, industry-friendly and proactive climate for IT companies to locate, grow

and sustain their operations in a most competitive and hassle-free environment

• Creation of employment opportunities for the educated youth of all sections of the society across


• Achieving higher levels of exports, resulting in enhanced productivity and augmentation of GSDP

• To spread IT to every nook and corner of the state

• Leverage IT as a tool for the socio-economic development of the state. Read more


Biotechnology Policy 2001

• To undertake a detailed inventory evaluation of bio-resources in the state to encourage research

and development (R&D), develop high-quality infrastructure and provide special incentives to the

biotech industry Read more


Tourism Policy 2010

• To position the state competitively for attracting private sector investments in the tourism and

hospitality sectors

• To target the incentives to the private sector better as per the state government's priorities in

terms of geographical areas and tourism products

• To focus on maximum generation of employment in the sector by the development of Human

Resources through capacity building Read more


Average for the year

Year INR equivalent of one


2004-05 44.95

2005-06 44.28

2006-07 45.28

2007-08 40.24

2008-09 45.91

2009-10 47.41

2010-11 45.57

2011-12 47.94

2012-13 54.31

Exchange rates

India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) engaged Aranca to prepare this presentation and the same has been prepared

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