Android Unit Testing With Robolectric

Post on 27-May-2015

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talk from DroidCon 2013 Berlin


Unit Testing with Robolectric

DroidCon Berlin

Danny Preussler, ebay Kleinanzeigen

•  Since 2012 Lead Engineer Android @ ebay Kleinanzeigen

•  Before Team Lead Mobile Enterprise Solutions @ Cortado

•  C++ Developer @ PSI AG •  Started career as developer @ Alcatel

•  articles in: android360, mobile Technology, Java Magazin

•  speaker: Blackberry Developer Conference SF, DroidCons

Believe in mobile

who's that guy?

eBay Kleinanzeigen Android app: • free app • 2 Mio downloads • 176 K Daily UV • 4.1/5 stars

(>6K ratings)


Flughafen Berlin-Brandenburg, Blick in die Abflughalle by Muns CC BY 3.0

Raus aus der Garage!

Tidy garage by Bryn Pinzgauer CC 2.0 http://www."

• Junit 4 (out for 6+ years!!) • Use all your utilities (i.e. mocking) • Use your coverage framework • Use CI tools without Android plugins (sonar)

Scyscrapers by elminium, CC 2.0 http://www."

Pure JUnit?

java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub!

Android Firewall by Uncalno, CC BY 2.0 "

Separate Java and Android Code?

• Android is not Java! • Intent, Bundle, SparseArray, Uri.. not fancy device classes! • Context everywhere • Recreate the System! (interface UI {...} ?)

Great Wall of China (IV) by isawnyu. CC 2.0 http://www."

Allows loading of Android Classes in pure Java projects

static Intent createIntent(Context context, String query, String value) { Intent i = new Intent(context, AdListActivity.class); i.putExtra(AppConstants.QUERY, query); i.putExtra(AppConstants.VALUE, queryString); return i; }

@Test public void createIntentForQuery() { Context c = new AdListActivity(); Intent intent = MyActivity.createIntent(c, "key", "value"); assertNotNull(intent); }

In practice (with programs of several thousand lines of code), we haven't discovered any signi!cant di"erences between the two VMs, and we would consider any di"erence to be a bug in one or the other VM.“

Is this valid?

static Intent createIntent(Context context, String query, String value) { Intent i = new Intent(context, AdListActivity.class); i.putExtra(AppConstants.QUERY, query); i.putExtra(AppConstants.VALUE, queryString); return i; }

@Test public void createIntentForQuery() { Context c = mock(Context.class); Intent intent = MyActivity.createIntent(c, "key", "value"); assertNotNull(intent); }

what's this mock thing?

Martin Fowler: „test-doubles ... pre-programmed with

expectations “


TelephonyManager mgr = mock(TelephonyManager.class); when(mgr.getDeviceId()).thenReturn("123456"); ...

verify(mgr).getDevice();and/or verifyNoMoreInteractions(mgr);

MyPreferences pref = spy(new MyPreferences(ctx)); ...


verify(pref).saveTitle(same(title)); verify(pref).savePersonalData(anyString());

Let’s do some Magic…

magic by digitlizedchaos, CC 2.0 "


@Test public void checkPhoneNumberIsHidden() {

MyActivity activity = new MyActivity(); activity.onCreate(); TextView tv = (TextView) activity.findViewById(; assertEquals(View.GONE, tv.getVisibility());


long shadows by Matthew Photography CC 2.0 "

let's talk about shadows...

Dead End - mid by bennylin0724, CC BY 2.0



@Test @Values(qualifiers = "fr-land") public void shouldShowBucolicFrenchLandscape() throws Exception { // ... }

•  less shadows, more real code (goal is to remove 99% of shadows)

•  since alpha2: support package complete shadow free •  aims for sherlock supported, library support •  performance boost •  Value quali$ers:

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eBay Kleinanzeigen