Androids in Education

Post on 06-May-2015

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Android devices are quickly becoming among the most innovative & exciting technology based teaching tools to become widely available in years. Many schools across the country have purchased Android tablets for their students, however comprehensive & essential device training to properly utilize the full power of these new platforms & their best educational apps is not available.



Karen D. BarleyAndroid Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards ©

Authored by: Karen D. Barley (Diploma of Teaching, Graduate Diploma of Education, Master of Education) ©

Use a QR Reader to learn more about DLT’s Android in Education course

Karen D. BarleyAndroid Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards ©

Why use the Tablet at all?

There’s lots of information in the media telling us how good the tablet is. You can’t go a day without reading about the interface and the outstanding graphics and the multi-sensory abilities of the Android. 

There are many applications, blogs and articles on the kinds of applications to use; and finally many teachers on the internet purporting that benefits of using tablet technology.

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So that being said, I’m not going to explore in great detail the benefits of using the Android during this slideshow instead I’m going to ask the question why? 

Why do you want to use mobile technology in your classroom or school and how WILL using the tablet benefit your students?

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I believe it is important to be clear about WHY we do anything in education. 

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It's not good enough to implement a new teaching strategy or teaching tool just because it is the latest fad.

There needs to be a purpose which forms a pedagogical foundation that will solidify how you will use the 'new' thing you're planning to implement.

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While I believed mobile technology could make a difference in my classroom, I was extremely mindful of ensuring that whatever I did had an educational/curriculum/pedagogical foundation.

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I also didn't want to 'fit' the curriculum into 'tablet' use, I want it to be the other way around.

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So the questions started to evolve? Why am I using this technology educationally?

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How much of a difference can the device make to my students’ educational outcomes?

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Were the apps appropriate and curriculum ready? And so on.

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I cannot stress this enough. If the device is being used this way, then you are missing out on the educational and pedagogical benefits of using this technological tool.

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These devices are extremely individual as they are designed for one to one use.

Students can also be taught to take responsibility for their own device and in doing so feel a sense of ownership for the Android and are more likely to take more care of it.

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The Android can become the student's Personal Learning Studio and the Google Tools & Apps their toolbox for successful learning.

Used this way. the device can really be utilized in an empowered, effective and vital way that is educationally beneficial for students.

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So coming back to the WHY question.

What is your motivation behind tablet use?

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If your answer is 'because it's the latest device' or 'your school wants you to use it...but you don't know how'...then you need to go back to the drawing board.

There’s no reason why you can’t formulate your own ‘why’ questions irrespective of what your school is doing.

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You can come up with your own ‘rationale’ for using the Android technology in your classroom.

In fact, I encourage you to write your rationale and plant it somewhere where you can view as a daily reminder.

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Karen D. BarleyAndroid Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards ©

Here are some things to consider when writing your rationale:

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The teacher's role changes to that of mentor & students can create their own curriculum

The teacher becomes a catalyst and mentor in assisting their students to acquire the information that is relevant to them.

The teacher’s role can be to facilitate educational content based on students’ interests.

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Teaching children to learn and to want to learn

Technology is a motivator and stimuli for learning.

Confidence also increases exponentially when there is motivation to learn.

Students then become risk takers along the learning journey.

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Motivation = Less Behavior issues

When I first trialed using the tablet in my classroom, what I immediately noticed was that 95 per cent of my behavior issues disappeared.

This continued throughout the year.

The biggest issue I had was getting the students ‘off’ the device, so we had to develop some new ground rules around ‘when it’s time to stop, it’s time to stop’.

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The Android as an Educational Tool only

One of the best decisions I made was to NOT put any games that were NOT educationally based on the Android.

This meant the students associated the Android with learning.

I did NOT have any issues with the students ‘playing games’ when I wanted them to work.

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It is vital to set up parameters early

I had clear schedules detailing how I wanted the Android to be used. We created the ground rules before we started.

Each student had a visual schedule with the App icons I wanted them to use. I had individualized each of the apps to suit where they were ‘at’ educationally.

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I also individualized their device, so if one student liked dinosaurs, he had dinosaur apps; another student who liked fairies had fairy apps etc.

This meant I was differentiating their learning to suit their learning style, learning ability but also what appealed to them. (This did take more work, but it paid off in the end).

Often students asked me to find them apps, so we would look for them together.

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Breaches of the ground rules meant withdrawal of the device.

After the first month, I did not have to even threaten to remove a device… The students knew the rules & consequences.

The best result was their learning outcomes and test scores all improved. Parents were so impressed, they wanted to learn how to use the device and purchased one for home.

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In Conclusion

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The educational paradigm shift is essential.

So, the future of education rests upon us all to embrace the technological changes that are occurring.

Education, in my view, should shine a light on talents, gifts and abilities and make a pathway possible to achieve goals, aspirations and potential.

I believe tablet technology makes this possible.

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Our children should be excited to attend school and be enthusiastic about learning.

Ultimately education should be where everyone is able to express their individuality in the most productive and fruitful way possible.

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Karen D. BarleyAndroid Apps to Teach K-12 Core Standards ©

Earn University Credits through University of The Pacific

Thank you for joining me today, if you are interested in learning more please visit us at:

Karen D. Barley