Andy resume · EDUCATION Pratt Institute...

Post on 21-May-2020

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EDUCATIONPrat t Ins t i tu te | B rook lyn NYBFA Commun ica t ions Des ign (Graph ic Des ign )

PROFILEOver 7 years leading branding and market ing concepts wi th career spanning 360 campaigns, broadcast, pr int , OOH, socia l , d ig i ta l , v ideo and exper ient ia l across major wor ldwide brands. Energet ic and a creat ive v is ionary offer ing demonstrated expert ise in a l l aspects of branding and strategy, wi th core focus on del iver ing business resul ts. An inspi rat ional leader wi th excel lent managing sk i l ls that inc lude superv is ion of dai ly operat ions, work load management, impossib le deadl ines, and budget ing. Strengths are in col laborat ing with partners to ident i fy and develop prof i table business ventures and ident i fy ing brand voice, and creat ive ly t rans lat ing through the art of storyte l l ing.

Successes have inc luded winning severa l accounts for g lobal business which contr ibuted to agency being awarded Global Agency of the Year by AdAge & Adweek.

EXPERTISECreat i ve S t ra tegyStory te l l i ng S to ryboard ing Ar t D i rec t ion Brand ing & Ident i t yGraph ic Des ign Management Conten t S t ra tegySoc ia l Med ia Management Product ion


561.714.1585mathur inandy@gmai l .comNew York

A s s o c i a t e C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r

02.11- 10.11


10.11- 9.14




Photoshop 96% 85%Acrobat98% 40%Illustrator HTML 595% 80%InDesign Powerpoint46% 72%Adobe Flash After Effects


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Universal McCann Worldwide | Manhattan, NY ACD + Sen ior Ar t D i rectorHands-on leader o f conceptua l b rand ing . Champion par t i c ipant i n w inn ing new bus iness p i tches . Gu id ing and adv is ing c l i en ts on h igh- leve l execut ions . Brands inc lude : Sony P ic tu res , GoPro , McCormick , BMW.. . and more .

Johnson & Johnson | Manhattan, NY Sen ior Ar t D i rector + Ar t D i rector Repor ted d i rec t l y to EVP G loba l Crea t i ve D i rec to r, l ead ing cus tom ideas and s t ra tegy, execut ing exempla ry a r t d i rec t ion on a l l p ro jec ts . Brands inc lude : Acuvue , C lean & C lea r, Ty leno l , L i s te r ine , Sp lenda. . . and more .

Demonst ra te s t rong leadersh ip oversee ing s ta f f i n the day- to-day p ro jec ts

De l i ve r aga ins t demand ing b rand ob jec t i ves and deve lop c rea t i ve tha t exceeds bus iness needs , manag ing p ro jec ts f rom concept th rough comple t ion : t ime l ines , budgets , schedu les , e tc .

Co l l abora te w i th S t ra tegy, Par tne r P rograms and Account Leads to deve lop g round break ing ideas/o r ig ina l conten t resu l t i ng in new bus iness

Improve cur ren t p rocess by cha l l eng ing convent iona l th ink ing , de fended th rough ins igh ts and s t ra teg ic ra t iona le

Spearheaded brand s t ra tegy, c rea t ing 360 adver t i s ing campa igns fo r p r in t , d ig i ta l , TV, OOH in suppor t o f p roduct l aunchManaged a l l i n te r na l s tud io deve lopment and oversaw day- to-day needs o f c rea t i ve depar tmentLed s t ra tegy and concept 35%. Hands-on execut ion 65%.

Expanded corpora te Ident i t i es , a long w i th re -brand ing ex is t ing s i tes . Des ign ing UX,U I and rap id p ro to typ ing fo r the I -pad, I -phone, B lackber ry, and Goog le-TV. www.Pow In te rac t i ve .ne

Pow Interactive | Brooklyn, NY UX Ar t D i rector







