Angel's Haven Chapters 1-9

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  • 7/30/2019 Angel's Haven Chapters 1-9


    "Why the hell do I put up with this crap?" Haven asked herself the same question for the

    hundredth time this week LB had to mean Loser Boy. She smiled to herself, no matter how

    many times she thought the silly nickname she smiled. It did suit him, he was a loser. Meir, her

    best friend, had known. She was pissed that Haven had gone out with him.

    LB had been asking her out for months now. He came on too strong, and Haven had turned him

    down. She knew better then to get involved with a liar or someone who was known for cheating.

    Then her brothers started their crap.

    That made her picture Skye's light blond hair and laughing blue eyes. He hadn't been laughing

    when she left for her date, no he was pissed. Skye was normally so laid back, you could never

    tell how he was feeling. Their other brother was the opposite. Jayded had a hard time lately. He

    was very serious about his responsibility to his siblings and Meir. Jay looked more like her,

    brown hair and hazel eyes that changed with his moods. He rarely smiled, but when he did he

    was handsome, or so she had been told.

    Haven at first only went out with him, of course, because her brothers had told her she couldn't.

    She knew he dated one girl after another, more then one most of the time. If rumor was right, he

    treated all of them like shit. Now she knew for sure that he did. He had pushing up on some

    random girl the first night they had gone out. She had gone to the bathroom, when she walked

    back into the room. LB had a trashy blond cornered on the couch. She had only been out of the

    room 5 minutes!

    Tonight had been just as bad. He had acted like she was the only one in the room, then some

    shinny little chicky walked by, then she wasn't.

    She got out of the flashy little red car, without a look or word to the man sitting next to her. She

    didn't even want to know where he got it. She rolled her eyes at his clique lifestyle.

    "See you at school" She heard him call to her.

    "Whatever" She called back, escaping as quickly has she could. She was just glad he didn't try

    to come in. LB knew how her brothers felt about her going out with him. That alone would have

    stopped most, and did. LB was just stupid, but sadly he was the only one who had asked her

    out. She didn't know if it was the plain looks, the fact that she was a little over weight, or her

    over protective brothers. Whatever it was, no one had asked her out in almost a year. Then LB

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    came along. After Jay, her oldest brother had ranted at her, Meir had all but cussed her out, she

    didnt even want to think about what Cole, Jays best friend had said to her. In the end LB

    wouldn't go away, she thought "why not?"

    As she walked up the walkway into her childhood home, she sighed with relief, she was glad thenight was over. She stepped into her house, two guys were setting on the couch playing video

    games. One was what she called a almost man, he wasnt out of his teens yet, but he looked

    a lot older. He was one of the many boys that hung around the house hoping Jay would make

    them some money. It was bad enough Jay had to sale dope to pay the bills; these kids were

    just end it for the money.

    The other male was Cole. She smiled at him; he really was a great guy. Jay and Cole had

    grown up together; the two had gone to college to play football. When their parents died Jay

    came home to raise his sibblings, and Cole came home too. Jay tried to get him to go back

    after the funeral; they had even gotten into a bloody fight over it. Cole never listened; he uses

    the money he makes to go to school online.

    He is cute, with his short spikey black hair and dark blue eyes. Like Meir she thought of him as

    family, another person to love, and care for. There had been a moment when she had a huge

    crush on him. She still blushed when she thought about how much of a fool she had made of

    herself. It was the summer before last, and they never had talked about it. Which was fine with

    her, Cole was madly in love with his girlfriend Bailey. Haven liked the sweet quite girl. She

    wasnt who she pictured Cole with, but the way he was with Bailey made her wish for things.

    You ok? Cole asked with concern all over his face. She was standing their like an idiot, staring

    at him. That made her think of want happened between them, and she blushed. It took Cole a

    few seconds, concern left followed by a wicked grin. Oh, he knew that she still felt stupid and

    he used it against her has much as possible. It was an inside joke, but funny enough they never

    spoke about it. They would just give the other a look, thats all it would take.

    Are you ok Haven? Cole asked again. She hadnt moved at all. What was wrong with hertonight?

    "Have you two eaten anything?" What am I saying? Oh this has been a long day. She knew the

    two were hungry, males no matter the age, are always hungry.

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    The two looked at each other, and then Coles predictable answered. "We could eat


    "Are my brothers here?" She asked, as they went back to their game. She couldnt look at Cole


    She was so distracted by her lousy night; and Cole that she didn't notice the two strangers

    setting at the table with her brothers.

    "I've had the worst night ever!" Haven started complaining. "Loser Boy took me out then stared

    at this blond chicky the whole time. Fucking men!" Haven opened the refrig to see what she

    could cook a house full of men.

    "Haven you should be more observance" Skye's voice noted his amusement.

    She turned she saw why. Two dark strangers sat at the table with her brothers. She had been

    so upset about LB and then Coles look, she hadn't noticed the car, then the two in the same

    room with her.

    "Oh" Haven gasped. "Sorry, I..." Her voice trailed off.

    The two men were setting at their kitchen table playing cards. It was weird to see strangers in

    the house, the guys in her life were so protective of the two girls, Meir, her best friend andherself. They rarely invited new people over.

    Her eyes quickly scanned over the younger of the two, he is about her age. The term "almost

    man" didn't seem to apply here though. His dark brown hair was jelled so that it had spikes

    going everywhere. A lot like Coles. He seemed to see though her, like he could read her mind

    and her secrets. His grin and honey eyes where amused and welcoming. He shared chiseled

    features with the older man next to her. The sharpen jaw line and nose looked awkward on him,

    like he had not grown into his face. She didn't know anything about name brand clothes, but the

    black polo-style shirt he was wearing looks expensive. It had bright orange piping (why did she

    know that?), with a little penguin in the same color. His large watch brought attention to his large


    Haven reluctantly let her eyes slide out to the other male. His manner of dress was opposite,

    and a little much. He wore a white dress shirt and a black and silver tie. A Tie? Had she ever

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    seen her brothers in a tie? Maybe at their parent's funeral, but she was not going to think of that

    tonight. The other one was so far for almost, he is a man, broad shoulder and dark looks that

    made him look exotic. His bright green eyes seemed old and his skin the color of milked coffee.

    Milked coffee, I couldn't do any better then that? He was also wearing a large watch, she didn't

    get it, but it looked nice on him. The silver toned ring and bracelet also look expensive.

    He took her breathe away. Had she ever seen a male this beautiful? NO, defiantly not.

    She felt drawn to him.

    Angel had gathered there was a female that lived in the house, just by the way the house was

    clean. This girl was something he hadn't been prepared for. He had never believed in love at

    first sight, but damn if it hasn't just happened to him. He made himself look away, and looked

    right into his brother's always knowing glaze. It was a pity Drako saw everything around him,

    more unfortunately he could read Angel like a book. There was no way to keep the unguarded

    emotions he was feeling from his little brother.

    It's weird how a moment, just a few small seconds, could be so important. Everyone in the room

    would remember those moments differently.

    Haven would remember the first time seeing Angel and how she had never felt that pull to a

    male before. What was up with the butterflies in her stomach, and catch in her breath?

    Angel would never forget this moment, the first time he saw her. He would remember the

    emotions and feelings that were like waves through his body. This hadn't happened before, not

    even his first kiss had burned him like this. Normally he was too busy at work to notice his

    feelings at all. When she turned around it was like a kick to the chest.

    Drak laughed quietly to himself. Angel was doing a good job of seeming cool, so that the

    brothers wouldn't see his reaction to his girl. He looked over to catch Angel's look. He hadn't

    seen that look before. The confused look he's brother gave him, was comical. He could only grin

    wider, a twinkle in his eyes.

    Skye looked from his sister to the two strangers. What is going on here? He wasn't sure, but the

    two seemed to understand. His poor sister seemed to be paralyzed; oh this was going to be fun.

    He knew Haven didn't normally act like a normal teenage girl. She had never been around any

    males like the two men now setting at the table. He would have to keep a close eye on them.

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    Skye moved back in his seat, just watching the show. Haven could handle herself, and if not she

    had her brothers, these two didn't stand a chance.

    The other brother, Jayded, was a whole other story. He also knew the look on the man's face. It

    was quick, but he caught it. Angel was the type to take and use. He saw the potential for hissister to be hurt. She wouldn't stand a chance against this older, rich man. Angel didn't seem

    the type to commit to a naive poor girl from the middle of nowhere. In her innocence Haven

    might just fall for one of the two dark strangers. This could not happen, she was going to get out

    of this town and make a life she didn't have to worry about. He had done everything he could for

    his two siblings. Two, the third he had lost. Guilt fell to his heart, Megan, the baby, living with

    their Aunt. He fought for the older two, but she was just so young. With a deep sight he looked

    at his sister.

    "Haven, this is Angel and Drak." Skye finally broke the tension, pointed to the two in order, with

    his cards.

    "Haven" Angel said, not meaning to let the name roll of his tongue, a husky whisper of pleasure.

    His deep voice thick with some sort of accent, she wasnt sure where he was from, but she liked

    the sound.

    Why did his voice affect her stomach so much? Her hand automatically when to cover the spot.

    None of the four makes missed the gesture. What about this man made her feel this way? She

    never had felt like this before, well I guess we'll find out.

    "Angel? An angel and a dragon, interesting." She said with a bright smile.

    Jay narrowed his eyes, Skye and Drak exchanged a knowing look.

    Angel fought the urge to touch her; the emotions running through him were sharp. What was

    this? He had been with many women, meet more than his share, but this little mouse was

    making him lose his sanity.

    Haven looked warily at Angel then Drak. "I ..." She started with a catch, "I was going to cook.

    Are any of you hungry?" She knew they would be, all men of their age, and goodness, size

    would be hunger. She couldn't look right at him, so she looked from one for her brothers to the

    other. She would take her cues from them.

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    Skye, of course was interested to see where this would lead. Slowly his grin spread across his

    pretty boy face. "Yes, sweetheart, we could eat." His voice was soft and brotherly. As he

    answered he glazed at Angel. What is he thinking? The whole weird scene was amusing to him.

    It would seem, Angel had fallen for her right there at the kitchen table. He just wished he could

    save his sister the heartache this man would cause her. "Run little girl" he wanted to yell at her,"You are in over your head." He didn't though, and he knew one day he would regret not

    warning her off. He smiled, Jay would take care of that he was sure.

    Has Haven left the room a big smile broke across her face. She just wasn't sure what, but there

    is something about that man. She didn't want to leave the room; she wanted to stay with him.

    Learn everything about him. Quickly she thought about what she would cook them. A house full

    of "almost men" and for some reason she wanted to impress Angel.

    "You set your sights too high brother." Drak said in Italian. Their mother would have killed them

    for speaking it in front of people that didn't understand. It was rude, and they were guests, but

    this was growing into a fight or flight situation. He could feel the fight brewing. He had ever

    intention of stirring this up. I'm so bad, he thought to him self.

    "She is very young and innocent. I'll have to be slow and careful." Angel answered back in the

    native language.

    Skye cocked an eyebrow at Drak, silently asking what he said. Drak just shrugged. A few

    seconds later Jay sighed. It was a sound only a father would make.

    Skye grinned at Drak, he was surprised Jay lasted that long. Here it came; Jay was never going

    to let Haven grow up. For the first time Skye kind of agreed with his brother.

    "She is too young and "we" don't know you." Jay looked up when he said we. He wanted the

    two new comers to understand he wasn't going to stand by and watch Angel hurt his sister.

    "Yes, but that doesn't change anything." Angel had no idea why he was saying anything to this

    man. He had no intention of making a move on that young girl, at least not yet. His plans where,

    at best, bad, he didn't need to involve Haven in them. The emotions rolling though his mind

    might drive him crazy. Was this love at first sight? Could he really fall in love with a girl he had

    just met, well that could change everything. If he was really in love with this stranger, then her

    brother couldn't change that.

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    Drak shook his head. Angel always was too blunt for his own good. He knew what would come

    next. He was still amazed that his brother had turned away so many women better suited to

    him. Just to fall for this young and slightly plain girl. Angel had some dangerous plans and who

    knows what could happen. Now was not the time for this. Angel in love, he never even relaxed.

    "What does that mean?" Skye loudly whispered to Drak. He could tell this was going to get


    Angel looked Jay in the eye. "I love her." Angel braced himself, why could he never keep his

    mouth shut. Beating up Jay would only piss Haven off, but he knew this fight was necessary.

    Jay jumped up from the table. "What the fu** did you say? You have the ba*ls to tell me you

    "love" my sister? You just meet her." Jay was shocked.

    The shock on Jay's face would have made Skye laugh; he didn't think anything could get to

    Jayded anymore. This seemed to do it though.

    "I want to be honest about this." Angel again wondered why he just didn't keep his mouth shut.

    He groaned inward, great job, dumb ass. "I know she's young, I'm a patient man, but I will have


    Jay lunged for Angel, the two men where about the same size. What Jay didn't know was Angel

    has been boxing since he was a kid, trained by some of the best.

    Haven had heard the noise, but fighting noises where nothing new around the house. She just

    hoped Jay wasn't doing something to embarrass her in front of Angel. Again she wondered why

    this man's option was important to her. She quickly finished changing and hurried back into the


    By the time she got there the two had been broken apart. Cole was standing between the Jay

    and Angel. Skye and Drak were staying out of the way, grinning like jackass. The table had

    been pushed aside, cards and chips where everywhere. The two had been fighting? Why, they

    were all fine when she when to change?

    "What the hell is going on here? I walk out of the room and you all start trying to beat the shit

    out of each other. She reached out to touch Jay's face. His left eye was swelling. Jay went to

    pull away, but he at the last minute, stopped himself. He knew Haven needed to feel needed.

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    She was a momma hen around here. She couldn't understand any of this, and the least he

    could do was let her "take care" of him.

    After looking closer at Jay's eye she turned to look at Angel. Strangely enough, Angel didn't

    have a visible mark on him. Her brother was no lightweight. Jay was still breathing hard, Angela little less. The look they were giving each other would have been comical, if it was someone

    else standing between them.

    "Is someone going to tell me what is going on?" She looked at the men gathered in the kitchen.

    When no one said a word, she turned to Cole. She gave him the look, like you owe me this, but

    as always he stood by Jay and didnt say a word. He did give her the grin, the one that says

    you know better. I hate that grin, she though.

    Angel saw the looks the two were giving each other, and for the first time in his life he felt what

    could only be, jealousy. Where the two in a relationship, maybe a secret one if she was dating

    another guy? Angel was puzzled by the whole scene. Who was this L.B. guy that had treated

    her badly, he would have to find out.

    "Youre not going to say anything, really? What had happened here and why was everyone

    covering it up? Ill have to ask Skye later, or maybe Jay would tell Meir.

    Skye and Drak both grinned at each other; they knew what was going on. Skye know

    everything that had happened between Cole, and knew the look would drive Angel crazy. If he

    really did love Haven he would have a lot of work, and Cole would be the least of his


    Haven was getting frustrated at the whole lot of them. "Ok, I won't pretend I understand this, and

    I'm not asking again." She moved away towards the refrig. "I'm thinking grilled cheese."

    Jay looked at Angel, his eyes angry, This isnt over. With that he turned to Haven, We will

    talk about you going behind my back and seeing L.B. I told you to stay away from him.

    Haven didnt want to talk to him about her date, and the look Cole and Skye gave her at the

    mention of his name made it all that much worse. She would have to deal with them too.

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    Jay shook his head. He walked out of the room, and a minute later Jay came running down the

    stairs yelling for Cole to get in the car. That was one more weird thing, tonight was full of weird

    and disappointment.

    Haven could feel the tension, what happened? The four had been playing cards peacefullywhen she had walked out. Was it something she had said or done? She couldn't see what it

    would have been. Males are so weird, she rolled her eyes.

    While she was getting out the sandwich fixings, Drak walks over to her.

    "Anything I can help with?" He lowered his voice, letting the accent be more pronounced. Girls

    seemed to like that. He knew how his brother would react to his showing some attention to this

    girl. She would one day be his sister so he wanted to find out more about her. Angel wasn't

    going to approach her tonight, he would gather information. He would analyze his feelings to

    death, and then start shuffling his plans around. Only after all that would he make his move. He

    looked over at Angel. I'll have to ask the questions he wouldn't, his brother would see that as

    flirting. I have a death wish, was the thought that when through his head first. Quickly followed

    but, this is going to be so much fun.

    I'm going to hurt that boy. Angel thought to his-self. They both knew what Drak was doing. He

    was going to push Angel into saying something to him. If he didn't warn him off tonight, then he

    would continue to torment him with her. He wondered how far he would go. Drak had played this

    game before, fortunately for Drak he hadn't care much about the other females. This one

    however was different. He was curious to see how long he would be able to play Drak's game.

    "No I got it." Haven said, a little too loudly. She stepped back to put more room between them.

    What was this? She did have to admit she could listen to them speak all night. She wanted


    "So Drak where are you from?" Haven couldn't help her-self, curiosity about the two men was

    killing her. They didn't grow up in the states.

    He hesitated, "Now we live in a house over on the..." He looked at Angel. What's the word,

    lago?" He thought for a second," water".

    "You live in the lake house?" She looked excited, she loved that house. "The wall of windows

    leading into the pool, and what is the loft that overlooks it?" She smiled eager to finally know.

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    Drak looked over at Angel with a grin.

    "My bedroom" Angel answered staring into Haven's eyes, causing her to blush.

    Chapter 2: The Party

    The next morning before school Meir walked in to Haven's room.

    Her reddish/brown hair pulled up into a perky ponytail. She looked like she hadn't slept well, but

    she was a morning person, which everyone hated. She was always ready to start a new day. A

    smile on her face, even if the night before was long and horrible. Some of their nights had been


    Meir had been Haven's best friend since kindergarten. She had spent all her time here. When

    her parents had noticed the bruising on a 7 year old Meir, they had basically moved her in. They

    had talked to Meir's parents, fought with is a better description. After that Meir was just kind of

    expected to stay there, but sometimes Meir wanted to be with her parents. No matter what she

    did love them.

    Haven looked at her "sister". She was a little taller, and skinnier then her. She tried not to

    compare her self to Meir, but it was hard. Looking in the mirror, Haven sighed, I wish, she


    "So how was last night? I wish I had been here for you." Meir asked looking away. She was

    ashamed of her need to be with her parents.

    Haven looked at her. "Meir, how are your parents? Why did you stay there last night? You didn't

    that your phone." That wasn't like Meir to leave her phone when she went to visit her parents.

    "Jay brought it to me." Again Meir looked away blushing. Jay had come to her parent's house to

    check on her, and to bring to phone he was pissed. It had been stupid to forget her phone. She

    never knew what her parents would do.

    "Good, I was worried about you." Haven would have called the house, but it could have pissed

    her dad off. He didn't need any reason to be an ass.

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    "So how was the date with Loser boy last night? What jack ass thing did he do?" Meir really

    hated him, with good reason.

    "Nothing new, he was fine until the blonde waitress started flirting with him." She hadn't meant

    to tell her anything. Meir was just going to get pissed at her for going out with him in the firstplace.

    "I told you he's a creep." And she had, 10 million times. Her dark green eyes flashed fire, and a

    wicked grin appeared on her lips. She was thinking of all the evil things she could do to hurt LB.

    "Yes, you did." Haven really didn't want to talk about this. She hurried to get ready for school.

    As they got to the door, they meet Jay. He was dressed for work. Coming down the stairs his

    steeled toed boots made loud noises on the hardwood floor. As he walked into the living roomhe glared at Meir. When he saw the girls, he dropped his work bag and crossed his arms. He

    made a impressive picture, big alpha male, glaring at the two smaller females. He was mad at

    both of them.

    "You know better than to leave your phone at home when you go over to their house." Jay's

    face was tense, he had been thinking about why he had bought Meir the phone. He wished she

    wouldn't go visit them at all. She had slept there! So many things could have happened. He had

    gone over there to bring her home, but they had teased her and him. He wanted to punch the

    old drunk bitch, but in the end Meir had begged for him to leave. She was embarrassed she had

    forgotten her phone, and that he brought it to her. He was paying for the phone and all the least

    she could do was remember it.

    Meir smiled to herself. He had always called this her home too. It made her feel safe, and

    welcome. Meir couldn't remember ever hearing him call them her parents. She didn't think Jay

    liked her when she was little. They had never been close, but it was worse when they were

    younger. Jay didn't like to be in the same room with her. He spent more of his childhood

    outside. All that had changed when he saw the burses; he was the one that told his parents. He

    had yelled, ranted about her parent's abuse. He had been 12 that year, and he was protective

    over females. The thought of an abused child was an unforgiveable offence He had become so

    worse since the death of his parents.

    "I can handle "them" Jay. I was ok; you don't have to get so mad." Meir tried to act like none of

    this bothered her. Unknown to her, every emotion she felt was on her face.

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    Jay looked even more pissed. "Handle them, little girl, I will handle them. You should stay away

    from those..." He cut off; he didn't want to upset the girls. "I will do what I need to protect you."

    With that he gapped his work bag and left.

    Both girls staring after him, what had gotten into Jay? Haven exchanged a look with Meir. Jaynever yelled at them, sure he yelled, just not at them.

    Jay was feeling a little out of control, first Angel has the balls to start a fight in his own house

    last night. Then he had seen Meir's phone on her bed side table. Why he had even gone in to

    her room last night, he wasn't sure. He guessed the fight over Haven had really shaken him up.

    He had raced out the door. Scaring the crap out of Cole, has he yelled for him to get in the car.

    If Meir was in trouble she wouldn't have been able to reach him. The girl had begged him to

    leave; she could "handle" them. Ha, he had seen the evidence against that. The black eye her

    mother had given her a few years ago, had led him to get the phone for her and try to talk her

    out of going as much as possible.

    Jay felt Angel was just as big a problem. That man is too old for Haven, and into something

    dangerous. Why would two rich boys move to this small town unless they were hiding from

    something. What, he didn't what to know, but he didn't what his sister around him.

    When Haven got to school, LB was waiting at her locker. Why Haven had no idea, hadn't she

    made it clear last night she didn't want to see him.

    "You going to the party Friday?" He asked Haven.

    "Not with you." Meir answered for her. Hate dripped in her dry tone.

    Haven smiled, she really loved Meir.

    "I didn't ask you." He would have called her a bitch, but he still thought he had some chance

    with Haven. He was only pretended to care, but it pissed him off Haven didn't seem to be very

    interested in him. He had been trying for months to get Jay to take him seriously. Jay was his

    ticket out of this town. He knew people, the right people to make a lot of money.

    He watched as both girls walked away, Haven hadn't said a word to him. Why did she act like

    she was better then him? That bitch Meir was going to eventually get what her mother had

    started years ago, beaten the fuck up.

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    The girls had an uneventful week and when Friday finally came. Haven didn't what to go

    anywhere, defiantly not to some party, when LB was going to be there. She just wanted to stay

    home and read. Meir on the other hand thought she needed to go out, LB didn't matter. They

    needed a little fun, and flirting, her answer to ever problem.

    Friday after school Meir walked into Haven's room and found her sitting on the bed, not getting

    ready to go. All week Haven had been trying to get Meir to understand, she didn't want to go to

    that stupid party. LB was going to be there, he had been telling her all week at school. Even

    time he saw her, why wouldn't he just leave her alone. She also knew Skye was going to be

    there. LB was bound to clause trouble. Skye hated LB, and by dating LB that had only made it


    Meir was already wearing a pink tunic and black leggings, and matching pink converse. Her hair

    was up waiting to be messed with, poor hair, the stuff she would do to it.

    What's up? Have you decided what you are going to wear? Meir walked over to Haven's closet.

    Flipping the hangers, frowning in thought, and shaking her head. After a few minutes she

    walked out of the room. She came back with a right orange hoodie, and a low cut white silky

    shirt. Meir picked out a pair of skinny jeans (which I don't know why I bought.) then throw the

    outfit to Haven.

    "Get dressed, I'll do your makeup and hair." Meir said with hands on hips.

    Really, you want ME and wear That, tonight? I'll look crazy in that shirt." She motioned over to

    the shirt in question.

    "Yes Haven I want you to wear this, you will look hot." With that she walked out of the room,


    Haven wished one of her brothers were home, so that they would veto the outfit, but they


    Chapter 3: Did you hear what happened at the party?

    Meanwhile at the party.

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    Angel stood watching Haven move in the crowd. She was dancing like she was to only person

    in the room, which would be fine, but there were a lot of teenage boys here. She looked too

    sexy, sex and innocence rolled off the two young girls.

    Mine! He wanted to yell, she is mine. He couldn't though, the thought pissed him off. Well if Ican't have her, they sure as hell couldn't either. If he saw that ass hat LB so much as looked at

    her wrong he would hurt him. LB deserved a good old fashion beating.

    After a few songs Haven makes her way back to her brother. By now he has his hand up girl's

    shirt and tongue down her throat.

    Skye was getting worse the older he got, any girl would do, and the more the better. Drak was

    right there with him, he was standing very close to the girls back. Weird, Skye didn't notice, but


    Haven didn't really talk to anybody. She just stood watching Meir, every so often she would

    glance over to where Angel was watching her. She would quietly look off. Before Meir came

    back she walked over the get something to drink. That's when LB made his move.

    Angel tensed, but didn't move. He would wait and see what LB did next.

    "What's going on between you and that guy, Angel?" LB screamed at Haven. He moved in

    closer to him, she tried to step back but he wouldn't let her get away.

    "What?" The question took her off guard. "I barely know him, but what does that matter?" Haven

    tried to move away again. "We aren't together, I can date who I want."

    LB grabbed Haven's arm, pain shooting through her. She cried out, but over the music no one

    heard her, but people where looking over at them. Too bad Skye is busy, maybe Meir will come

    looking for her.

    Before she could even really panic, LB's hand was ripped from her arm, which hurt worse. A big

    fist quickly flew by her head, more than once. Out of the corner of her eye she saw LB fly

    backwards. It all happened so fast.

    The same big hand latched onto Haven's, firm but gently. Everybody saw what happen, Skye

    finally came out of his self-absorbed bubble and made his way towards her. Angel didn't slow

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    down he pulled her out the side door. It was dark, but not so loud. Everyone converged on the

    patio, and started talked at once.

    "What happened?" Skye yelled at the same time as Meir. Meir pushed by Angel and pulled

    Haven into her arms.

    Haven wouldn't let herself cry, but she wanted to. What was wrong with that loser? They had

    only gone a few dates, and he had messed around with other girls the whole time.

    Haven couldn't talk she was in shock, she didn't really know what happened. Her arm hurt and

    she felt like she might get sick.

    Angel motioned to Drak, who walked away. Then looked at Skye, "He yelled at her then

    grabbed her arm, I forced him to let go of him"

    "Which really hurt by the way." Haven interrupted.

    "Yes, sorry about that." He looked down with an apologetic smile on his face. Then the anger

    fell back in his eyes, as he looked away.

    "Then I hit him in the face; I wish I would have beaten the shit out of him." Angel's voice lowered

    and became deeper.

    Suddenly the whole scene hit Haven, and she covered her face with her hands. "Everybody just

    saw that, god what will they say." She looked from Skye to Angel.

    "Who cares, I may go back in there and do it again." Angel said through his teeth.

    Skye seem to be amused even thought everybody knew he was just as pissed.

    "Jay may do it first." Meir of course would have thought about Jay. He was going to go through

    the roof.

    At that moment they hear a scream come from inside, the music doing nothing to cover the

    sound of another fight. People came rushing out the door. Following the crowd was Jay

    dragging a semi concise LB with him. Cole as always quickly followed behind. The smaller man

    was thrown on his hands and knees in front of Haven. She gasped surprised to see Jay, how

    did he get here so soon?

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    "What the hell did that piece of crap do to you know?" Jay's voice sounded strange. No one

    knew what the say.

    "He just grabbed me, I'm not hurt Jay." Haven said, but didn't move.

    Jay walked over and grabbed LB by the neck. "Next time you want the grab some one you

    come try that with me. Stay away from my family. Got it" Jay paused between each word. He

    waited until LB hastily nodded, his face turning red. Then he throw the crying man away from

    him. Looking at the girls, he said "Let's go".

    Being stupid, L.B. was trying to stay back up as Cole walked by him. Cole kicked him back

    down and said some things Haven was glad she didnt hear.

    The whole group walked out, not looking at anyone. Haven however looked back at Angel andDrak. She gave him a questioning look, silently asked him to come too. She motioned towards

    the car with her head, and gave him a brilliant smile. Of course he was coming too. He couldn't

    smile yet, so he winked and followed. He kicked the piece of crap back to the ground as he

    walked by.

    Chapter 4: "That could have been worse."

    After everyone piled in the cars, the car ride was silent as Jay drove. Haven had gotten in the

    car with Jay, Meir and Cole. Why he wanted to brave Jay's temper Haven couldn't figure out.

    Back at their house the family, Angel, and Drak sat on the big wrap around couch. Jay reached

    under the couch and brought out his freshly wrapped blunt. He lights it as he leans back. Then

    he started asking questions.

    "What the hell just happened?" He looked around waiting for anyone to answer him. He

    wondered which one would start. "I knew this would happen. Damn it!" He shouted and

    slammed his fist on the coffee table.

    Everyone jumped and two girls retreated back into their seats. Jay held his hands up, he didn't

    want to freighted the girls. "Sorry, I just don't understand the situation here. Why was the ass

    hole anywhere near my sister?" He asked looking at Skye, "Where were you, better yet. What

    was her name?" Jay glared at Skye.

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    "I don't know to tell you the truth." Skye looked like he might blush at the confession.

    "Nice, so while you were making a new friend." He pause "Your little sister was being man

    handled." Jay said through his teeth.

    "Haven want happened?" Jay asked.

    "I went to get something to drink after dancing with Meir." Haven started. Meir nodded, eagerly.

    "A drink?" Jay didn't like the sound of that. He really didn't like her going to these parties. Skye

    was there, a lot of good at did. He had been on his way when Drak had called him to tell him

    what was going on. If he had been 10 minutes sooner none of this would have happened.

    He hit the blunt again and passed it to Angel. "I owe you, and I don't like it" Haven could see

    Jays jaw tighten and his eyes were narrowed, he was pissed.

    Angel hesitated to take the blunt. He didn't smoke often, but now seems appropriate.

    Jay looked back at Haven "Go on." He motioned. He wanted to get this over with. He was still

    very pissed.

    "LB walked up and started yelling at me." She hoped he wouldn't ask what LB had said yet. She

    would tell him, but she didn't want to have to in front of everybody. Quickly she added. "Then hegrabbed me. Before I could do anything Angel pulled his hand off of me." When she finished

    she reached over taking the blunt out of Angel's hand. He met her eyes with an amused look.

    Skye and Meir sat up in shock, Jay just raised his eyebrow. Haven didn't have anything against

    smoking; she just didn't like it much.

    After taking a big hit, she let the smoke out with a cough. Cole reached over and took it away

    from her. She once again gave her the grin, oh yes she knew he was think about the last time

    they had smoked together. She has suddenly felt like telling him her secrets.

    Smiling Jay looked at his little sister coughing her lungs up. Ha, ha she was such a beginner.

    She was also avoiding telling him what that loser had said to her.

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    "What did he say Haven" He asked quickly, When he saw her eye fly to Angel he knew he

    wasn't going to like this. She looked back and forth between him and Angel, her eyes begging

    him not to push this.

    "Tell me, Haven?" His voice deepened, he wasn't going to let this go. How was Angel involvedin this?

    "He... um... asked what was going between Angel and I." She stuttered slowly and quietly.

    "Good question" Jay replied. "What did you say to him?" Jay looked over at Angel, he was

    watching Haven closely.

    She looked at her brother. "I said I barely knew him, we are friends." She shrugged not wanting

    then all to know how embarrassed she was. Haven looked at Angel out of the corner of hereyes.

    Everybody was looking at Angel, but he didn't show a single emotion. Drak was the only one

    that could tell that bothered him. Angel definitely wanted to say something. He did a good job

    keeping his cool.

    Drak knew this was going to be hard for Angel. He knew his brother had never been in love

    before. The fact he can't just take her away, was killing him. If Haven was older and out of

    school, Angel would have just moved her into the lake house. No, he wouldn't, Angel hasn't lost

    sight of why they were there. Things are getting complicated.

    "That's when he grabbed me, it happened so fast, before I could do anything Angel pulled him

    off me and punched him." Haven continued, hoping to move off the embarrassing subject. She

    was ready to go to her room, and die now.

    "Twice" Angel said, "I punched him twice, I wished I had done more.

    Jay nodded his thanks again. He really didn't like that Angel had saved Haven. That just made

    the other man seem like same kind of hero. He knew Angel was no hero.

    "Then I got her out the side door, everyone seemed to follow," Angel finished telling his part of

    the scene.

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    "That's where I come in. I was on my way, and I had already been informed of the fight." He

    looked towards Drak.

    Leaning back he looked at his family and the brothers. He took a long hit off the blunt. A

    thoughtful, but pissed look on his face.

    Drak looked at Skye and rolled his eyes. This is so dramatic, but he didn't what to anger Jay.

    That would make Skye and Haven life harder.

    Jay seemed to calm down as he looked at them and thought. Finally Jay spoke, "I don't know

    what's going to happen with this whole LB thing, but we'll deal with it." He gives Haven a

    frustrated look. "I told you to stay away from him to begin with." Jay just couldn't figure out why

    she picked LB as a form of rebelling. Teenage girls are crazy. With a sigh he finished his

    speech, he needed a beer. "I want you all to be more careful; I don't want LB anywhere near the

    girls. Skye you are pissing me off." His brother needed to grow the fu** up. "Angel we will take

    later." Now was not the time for that conversation.

    When Jay and Cole were out of the room, all five of them just sat there in silence. Haven and

    Skye stared at each other, seeming to communicate without talking.

    That happened a lot around here; Angel was going to have to watch them very carefully.

    Then Haven, Skye and Meir let out a big sigh of relief. Drak laughed at them what was up with

    that? Skye bust out laughing, "That could have been worse." Skye threw himself back on the

    couch, relaxing for the first time since all this started.

    Meir looked at Skye. "You know you really do need to pay more attention to what's going on

    around you." Her tone was serious, Jay have become more "popular" lately.

    "I know" He yelled back at Meir, he was pissed at himself, but she didn't need to rub it in. The

    whole night had quickly gotten out of control. The girl, what was her name, had been a major

    distraction. He hadn't thought much of it, Meir had been with Haven.

    "You know? What do you know?" Haven yelled, why was he so mad? She was the one getting

    handled by losers.

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    "More than you, little sister" Skye growled at her. The three were now standing in the middle of

    the room in each others face.

    "Really, do you know the girl's name form the party?" Haven spat the question out.

    They always seemed to get into a fight after Jay sat them all down, normall after one of them

    got into trouble.

    "Did you know LB was harassing your sister?" Meir chimed in.

    "Did you listen when we all told you to stay away from LB? NO!" Skye was still pissed about


    "He's right about that Haven, what were you thinking?" Meir turned to Haven, now yelling at her

    just as loudly.

    For the next ten minutes Angel and Drak sat and watched as the three yell at each other.

    "What the heck is happening here?" Angel whispered to Drak, He knew Drak could read

    anybody, and could follow almost any story spoken or not.

    Drak slowly tore is eyes from the fight. Smiling he whispered back "I'm not sure but it seems

    Haven's mad because neither of them were around when she was being manhandled by afreak, she really doesn't like LB. Skye is treating to "he pauses to add more drama. With a

    confused face he looks a Skye, "spank her, if she doesn't say out of trouble."

    Angel laughed, that was interesting. "Why is Meir yelling?" She asked with narrowed eyes. He

    really didn't understand what was going on here.

    "Meir keeps defending the person getting yelled at, but agreeing every once and a while. God,

    this is fascinating." Drak wasn't having trouble keeping up but he was paying more attention to

    them than normal. They sat there for about another minute when Jay walks in.

    "Enough, you had 10 minutes, shut up, get over it, or leave." He sat down and turned on the TV.

    Meir sat down with him. Skye said he wanted to play some cards; Drak followed him to the

    kitchen. Haven walked outside, a few minute later Angel followed her. Seeing the look Jay was

    giving him, but he needed to talk to Haven.

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    He did wish he could control himself. The thought of Haven outside by her-self made him feel


    "At least someone listened to me. Why him, though?" Jay mumbled to himself.

    Meir smiled. "You'll get over it; I don't think he's going anywhere, soon."

    Chapter 5:

    When Angel walked outside Haven was on the swing. Someone had hung the swing from a tall

    old tree in their front yard. Without a word angel starts pushing Haven, both became lost in their

    own thoughts.

    Angel looked down at Haven's head. Damn, she is so young, beautiful, and innocent. That

    seems to be a dangerous combo. Guilt washed over him, he should walk away from her. He just

    didn't see himself without her now. He never wanted to leave her again. She needed to be

    young, and someday meet a guy her own age. That didn't seem to set well with his body. Every

    muscle in his body tensed, he would kill another man for touching her. This was getting way too

    complicated. Jay didn't know it but he was right to keep them apart. Let it go, Angelo, she didn't

    need to be dragged into you mess of a life. Wait, when did I start thinking about my life as a

    mess? Better question, when did I start talking to my-self? That made him frown.

    Haven was also thinking hard, and talking to her self. What is this hot man doing out here with

    me? She knew she wasn't pretty and she wouldn't sleep with him, maybe that was it. Maybe

    not, he hasn't even flirted with me. After the thing with LB tonight, I'm surprised he hasn't run for

    the hills. She looked out, there were no hills here. She chuckled to her-self.

    Angel heard her and looked at her, what was up with her? Was she in shock? Then he heard

    Haven broke the silence.

    "Can I ask you something?" She whispered.

    "Anything" Angel whispered back.

    "What'ch thinkin about? You have a very serious look." She smiled up at him.

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    "You" Angel looked into her eyes, he couldn't lie to her, which was probably a bad thing. He

    didn't want her to know his feeling yet, he still was going to try to stay away from her. Right! The

    little voice in the back of his mind said. You cant even stand seeing another man looking at her,

    and you beat you one for touching her. How are you going to stay away from her.

    "Interesting, care to elaborate?' Why was she asking so many questions?

    "No" Angel shock his head. He knew telling her his thoughts would not be a good idea.

    "Why are you out here with me?" Haven blushed, was she crazy? If a hot guy wants to hang out

    with you don't question it. Why can't I ever just go with the flow? He's going to leave now. Stupid

    girl when are you going to learn to keep your mouth shut?

    Angel narrowed his eyes. How to answer that question? He was out here because no one elsewas and she needs protection. He was out here, because he wanted to spend time with her. He

    wanted to be near her, get to know her. None of these things needed to be said. So he tried to

    go for the safe route. He opened his mouth to tell her something, probably a lie, but before he

    could she interrupted.

    "Whatever!" She said. The word coming out harsher the she meant it.

    Even in the darkness Angel could see her blushing, which made him grin.

    She fidgeted on the swing. Having him standing over her, while pushing her, made him seem so

    much bigger and more intimidating. "I..I never did get to thank you for tonight. I would have

    been ok, but thanks anyway." She looked over at the door. "I guess I'll go in now, before Jay

    comes out looking for us." She smiled. I do seem to do dumb things when I smoke anyway.

    She wasnt going to tell him about that.

    Angel wanted to know what she meant, but could tell she wouldnt tell him. He reached out his

    hand to help her up. When her hand touched his, fire shot up his hand and arm. He ached to

    pull her into his arms and hold her. He had to resist. If he started something with her, he would

    have to go very slowly, like 2 years worth.

    When they walked back into the house, Haven and Meir went up stairs. Angel sat down on the

    couch with Jay.

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    Chapter 5: What happened to your face?

    When Angel walked outside Haven was on the swing. Someone had hung the swing from a tall

    old tree in their front yard. Without a word Angel starts pushing Haven, both became lost in

    their own thoughts.

    Angel looked down at Haven's head. Damn, she is so young, beautiful, and innocent. That

    seems to be a dangerous combination. Guilt washed over him, he should walk away from her.

    He just didn't see himself without her now. He never wanted to leave her again. Which in itself

    was crazy, he had just meet her. Why did he feel like he couldn't live without her? She needed

    to be young, and someday meet a guy her own age. That didn't seem to sit well with him.

    Every muscle in his body tensed, he would kill another man for touching her. This was gettingway too complicated. Jay didn't know it, but he was right to keep them apart. Let it go, Angelo,

    she didn't need to be dragged into your mess of a life. Wait, when did I start thinking about my

    life as a mess? Better question, when did I start talking to my-self? That thought made him


    Haven was also thinking hard, and talking to her self. What is this hot man doing out here with

    me? She knew she wasn't pretty and she wouldn't sleep with him. Maybe that was it! Maybe

    not; he hasn't even flirted with me. After the thing with LB tonight, I'm surprised he hasn't run for

    the hills. She looked out over the horizon, there were no hills here. She chuckled to herself.

    Angel heard her and looked at her, what was she thinks? Was she in shock? Then he heard

    Haven broke the silence.

    "Can I ask you something?" She whispered looking into his eyes.

    "Anything" Angel whispered back, leaning over towards her.

    "What'ch thinking about? You have a very serious look." She smiled up at him.

    "You" Angel looked into her eyes, he couldn't lie to her. Which as probably a bad thing. He

    didn't want her to know his feeling yet. He still was going to try to stay away form her. Right!

    The little voice in the back of his mind said.

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    "Interesting, care to elaborate?' Why was she asking so many questions?

    "No" Angel shook his head. He knew telling her his thoughts would not be a good idea.

    "Why are you out here with me?" Haven blushed, was she crazy? If a "hot guy" wants to hang

    out with you. Don't question it! Why can't I ever just go with the flow? He's going to leave now.

    Stupid girl when are you going to learn to keep your mouth shut? She sighed, and let her chin


    Angel narrowed his eyes. How to answer that question? He was out here because no one else

    was and she need protection. He was out here, because he wanted to spend time with her. He

    wanted to be near her, get to know her. None of these things needed to be said. So he tried to

    go for the safe route. He opened his mouth to tell her something, probably a lie, but before he

    could she interrupted.

    "Whatever!" She said. The word coming out harsher the she meant it. She blushed again, she

    felt so stupid around him. Why did she always say the first thing that came to mind? No

    wonder he thought of her as a child.

    Even in the darkness Angel could see her blushing, which made him grin.

    She fidgeted on the swing. Having him standing over her, while pushing her, made him seem

    so much bigger and more intimidating. "I..I never did get to thank you for tonight. I would have

    been ok, but thanks anyway." She looked over at the door. "I guess I'll go in now, before Jay

    comes out looking for us." She smiled.

    He reached out his hand to help her up. When her hand touched his, fire shot up his hand and

    arm. Right to his heart. He ached to pull her into his arms and hold her. He had to resist. If he

    started something with her, he would have to go very slowly, like 1 years worth of slow. He

    wasn't sure where he would be in a month, much less how he would be able to wait over a year

    for her. He somehow know he would though.

    When they walked back into the house, Haven and Meir went up stairs. Angel sat down on the

    couch with Jay. They sat in silence for a while, Angel was waiting for him to make the first

    move. He was going to have to prove that he was a patient man. He figured now wasn't the

    time. So he got up to leave, then Jay spoke.

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    "You know how I feel about your "feelings" for my 16 year old sister." Jay paused and looked at

    Angel. Why would this man want my little sister? Not that he was too good, or even good

    enough for her, but why this young innocent girl? All this question running through his head.

    "I understand, but like I've said, that doesn't change how I feel about her." Angel sighed, hedidn't feel the need to explain himself, but as Haven's brother he knew he had the right. He

    looked Jay in the eyes "I don't understand how I fell in love with her so fast, but that's the truth."

    He held his hand up before Jay could say anything. "There's so many thing that I have to take

    care of. I will not rush her, and I will wait for as long as it takes."

    "She's only 16, LB was her first boyfriend." Jay stated again.

    "Like I could forget." He sighed again, this was going to be harder than he first thought.

    Her brother was going to keep pushing. I'll just have to prove myself to him, and everyone else.

    "We'll see, but know I will be watching, don't hurt her." With that he went back to watching TV

    like Angel wasn't ever there.

    Angel went and asked Drak if he wanted a ride to the lake house. As he walked out of the

    house he heard Haven's beautiful voice float down the stairs, he stopped and looked up. He

    wished he was the one she was talking about her day with. Soon he told himself. Soon he

    could see her again, but they all had enough excitement for one night. God this was going to

    end up hurting.

    Ironically that was the last thought he had before sleep claimed him.

    It had been two weeks since Haven had seen Angel or Drak for that matter. It was strange that

    she had only seen him twice, but she thought about him often. She wondered at his mysterious


    The night before her and Meir had been down at the lake. The large house looked dark and

    lonely as it always had to her. Now that she knew Angel's bedroom was through that wall of

    windows she couldn't help but look up at them. She hadn't realized she was straining to try to

    see some sign of life up there, until Meir had started teasing her.

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    "Really Haven you can't possibly see any better from here. Do you want to go knock on the

    door?" Meir motioned to the house.

    "NO" Haven jumped "Are you crazy? Besides it doesn't look like anyone's home." There was

    no way she was just going to go up and knock on the door. She would feel stupid, if no one washome, or if someone was, what would she say. Just checking to make sure you were still alive?

    Ha right. She seemed to embarrass herself every time she tried to talk to him.

    Saturdays Haven volunteered at the animal shelter. Those poor animals, and there were never

    enough people to help. When she got home, there was a football game going on in the front

    yard. It was warm enough that some of the guys had their shirts off. Soon school would be out

    for the summer, and she would be a senior That made her smile, she had worked hard, and with

    a lot more, she was sure she could get a scholarship to a good college.

    Haven look at the guys and her eyes landed on Drak, she couldn't help her self her eyes flew

    across the yard until she saw him. Angel, it felt like the first time again, the butterflies came

    alive in her stomach. He was sweaty and panting a little, but he was beautiful.

    What?! What was she thinking? She shook her head. Angel looked at Drak, who had seen her

    and was grinning at her, that was weird.

    Angel turned to where Drak was grinning like a idiot. That boy was getting on his nerves.

    Haven was standing at the road looking at him. He knew the second she saw his face. Shock

    crossed her face, and then she grimaced and ran in the house. Did he look that bad, it's a good

    thing he stayed with his parents the last week. No telling how she would have reacted if she

    had seen him before now.

    "Yes you look that bad." Drak laughed from behind him, of course he knew what Angel was


    About 15 minutes later Haven came back outside. She had changed her clothes, she now wear

    shorts and a t-shirt. She looked so good, and he had missed her.

    Drak had taken upon himself to talk about her every chance he got. He went as far as hinting to

    his parents that "he was watching a girl". Whatever that was support to mean, the sad thing

    was even though his parents were confused. Angel had known that was exactly what he was

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    doing. That sounded so stalkerish. It wasn't like that. He hadn't done anything inappropriate,

    he was just getting to know her.

    When she had come out in the yard Angel had just jumped up to catch the ball, as he landed,

    Haven had come into his view. He had turned to look at her, long legs distracting him. He washit from all side. With a grunt he lost his breath, but he never took his eyes off the girl. Her

    eyes wide, she brought her hand up to cover her mouth.

    Haven didn't know what to think. That man had lost all his brains, along with a fight, if his face

    was any evidence. Poor crazy male, why was he smiling at her, god that had to hurt, but he

    didn't even seem to notice that a freight train just hit him.

    While he was getting his breath back she went to sit down on the stairs. Angel was moving

    slowly across the yard, when one of the younger guys walked over and started talking to Haven.

    That made him pause. What to do? He thought to himself. Should he go and punch the boy in

    the face? That was the first image that came to mind. Did this boy really have a chance with

    Haven, he was her age. The thought really irritated him.

    Walking up on them he felt the jealousy grip him, he hadn't seen her in two weeks. Normally

    that wouldn't bother him, but the sight of Haven swept through him.

    Haven gasped up at him. He looked intimidating, if not downright scary. His face seemed to be

    almost healed from some sort of abuse. He seemed to be larger than before. Maybe he had

    been locked up, her brother's friends always bulked up in jail. Even she could tell he had been

    working out. His poor face, it was yellow and green; the bruising would have been awful. She

    would never admit it, but it looked sexy on him. Wait where did that come from? He looked

    scary, and she was thinking sexy?

    "Not going to happen." Angel said under his breath to the boy, when he walked over to him.

    Haven looked up confused, but the boy took the hint and moved on. Angel almost grinned; the

    kid had awe in his eyes. He must of been there for Drak's dramatic play by play of him boxing

    last weekend. It had been a good fight. He was sure the weeks of constant training and his

    messed up face didn't help.

    Angel's eyes looked deep into Haven, he seemed to be searching them for something. "Buon

    giorno" Angel said with a charming smile. He knew the effect his voice would have on her.

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    "Please, say more to me" She couldn't resist it. She wanted to hear more.

    "If you would like." The charming, smug smile deepened. Come mi sei mancata" (How I missed

    you!)He knew Haven didn't understand, so he said what was in his heart. "Sei la prima cosa che

    penso quando mi sveglio, e l'ullima quando mi addormento." (You're the first thing I think aboutwhen I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep.)

    "That was nice. What did you say?" Haven asked a little dazed. She giggled, but neither really

    knew why. Teenage girls, they are so silly.

    "One day I will tell you." Angel chuckled. He heard Drak behind him laughing. He was enjoying

    this too much.

    "So what happened to your face?" She didn't know if she should ask, but she was staring and itslipped out.

    Angel never lost his smile; it was weird how easily a smile came to his face around her.

    "I had a fight last weekend." Angel could tell by the confusion on her face, she didn't

    understand. "I'm a boxer. Haven" She was cute when she looked confused, he was going to

    have to try to keep her off balance more often.

    "A boxer, since when?" She was having a hard time believing him. He just didn't want to tellher why he had gotten locked up. It much have something to do with a female.

    "Since I was 9 years old, I had an anger problem. I can tell by the look on your face you don't

    believe me, but it's true." His smile vanished, he was completely serious. Haven I would never

    willingly lie to you." His eyes begged her to believe him, they had to trust each other or there

    couldn't be a relationship.

    "OK, Angel," Haven said, she didn't want to offend him. "So did you win?" She asked

    hesitantly, do you win in boxing? She asked herself, she sounded so stupid.

    "He beat the crap out of the other guy." Drak's voice said from over his shoulder. Why did that

    boy always get in the middle of Angel's business?

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    "Drak enough" Angel turned toward his brother. He would have said more, but the sound of

    Haven's laugh detracted him, she seemed to have that effect on him. He would have to be

    more careful around her.

    Haven laughed to the two of them, Drak liked to pick on Angel. They seemed very close.

    "Well I'm glad to hear your poor face doesn't look like that for nothing." Laughter still in her

    voice, but she was trying not to smile.

    "My poor face?" He asked, leaning in to her, flirting a little. He knew it was too soon, but the

    temptation for too great. "You like my face?" The smile was back.

    "Well not right now. I can't imagine what it looked like a week ago." She scrunched up her nose

    that the picture in her mind.

    "That's why I stayed with my parents" He says with a quiet voice. He didn't need Drak hearing

    him admit that to her.

    "Really, it looked that bad?" She asked concern in her eyes.

    "Yes, and I didn't want you to see it. I will see you at the party tonight.", and walked away. He

    knew the longer he stood there the more he would confess to her. He never lost control of

    himself, but every time he was around her, words just poured out of his mouth. He didn't know ifhe was going to last thru the night, much less over a year.

    Party tonight, ok after the last one she wasn't really looking forward to it. Angel said he would

    see her there, nice. Maybe she would get to spend a little time with him. Oh she was pathetic.


    Chapter 6:

    Haven looked over at Meir, for like the 20th time. She hadn't asked why they were up here in

    Meir's room, when there is a full blown block party going on outside. The parties were

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    something their parents had started. Back then it was just a few families that got together. Now

    her brother had continued and the whole neighborhood came out.

    Meir knew what was going on and as Haven's best friend and sister, she would go with it. She

    wanted to be outside, EVERYBODY was here. She had to think of a way to get Haven out ofher room, without having to embarrass Haven. Her stomach helped out, and growled loudly.

    "I'm getting hungry, why don't we go down and get some food, it has to be done by now. Meir

    got off the bed, walking to the door. She looked behind her to make sure Haven was coming


    Haven looked nervously at the door. What was wrong with her? She loved the parties. Everyone

    came, but that was the problem. Angel, he would be out there somewhere. For some reason the

    thought of him warmed her, and sent chills down her legs. It was the craziest feeling.

    (Listen to "Secret"-By Maroon 5 "I know I don't know you, but I want you" )

    Angel looked up; he had been standing here for almost an hour. Waiting for her to come down,

    he missed her. It has only been a few hours, get a hold of yourself. He drank in the sight for

    her. She was beautiful, the skirt she had on looked sexy like it was hiding something from him.

    He had to keep that emotion under control. The shirt was fitted to her curves, but not tight.

    Which was good , because he would have had to send her to change if it had been. How would

    he explain that to her? I think I would lose all control, so go put a robe on. No it was way too

    soon for that.

    He tried to keep the longing out of his face. If only a 10th of what he felt showed, he was in

    trouble. Drak, of course would read it from across the room, but he hoped no one else saw it.

    He didn't know what would come of this, so for now he would try not to get too involved.

    "Right" Angel mused, a mocking smile came to his lips.

    And Haven was looking at those lips; he was sooo sexy, and sooo out of her league.

    Yes she knew it, she wasn't about to take any of his attention too seriously. These two brothers

    with their sexy bodies and faces, not to even get into that accent, trouble. She would do

    anything to hear him say her name. How weird was that?

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    "Hello Angel," Meir gave him a smile, and a knowing look. Jay had told her everything that had

    happened between them. Skye had laughed at Jay, Jay was determined to protect Haven from

    Angel. There names even go together. It was almost too cute. Meir was starting to believe in

    fate, because Angel could be perfect for Haven. Could be, was the important part. She had a

    feeling life was going to get interesting, soon.

    Haven looked shyly towards the large man standing in front of her. He had a blank look on his

    face, but for some crazy reason it looked forced. She smiled, but didn't say anything. The look

    on his face confused her. Was he mad, or bored? If he didn't want to come he didn't have to , or

    he could leave. She hoped he stayed though. Maybe would talk later, she wouldn't have to

    worry about L.B. here, too many of her brother's "boys" were here.

    "What do you think of our party?" Meir asked

    "It reminds me of home." Angel looked out the window.

    "Oh, where's home?" Haven asked, before she thought to stop her self.

    "Italy" The one word rolled off his tongue, it was obvious he was proud of his country.

    The girls made their way outside, Haven tried to ignore Angel. She could act normal, and have a

    great time, if she didn't think about him. Moving through the crowd, she talked to everyone.

    Hugging, and kissing little ladies cheeks. Laughing with older men, bring a smile to their lips.

    The two girl finally got plates of food from Jay, who was manning the grill, and sat down to eat.

    Angel positioned himself across the yard from Haven, but not close enough to be noticed much.

    He knew he might seem creepy, so he tried not to look directly at her, much. He just wants to

    spend a few minutes with her, get to know her a little. He had a lot to think about, but he felt he

    needed to get to know her a little before deciding anything. She may not feel anything for him,

    that would kind of make everything more copulated. He would have to try to find the right time to

    talk to her tonight.

    "Is it weird that Angel hasn't been out of my sight all night?" Haven asked, nodding her head at


    "Maybe" Meir answered, looking over her shoulder at him.

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    "Don't look!" Haven's voice lowered in volume, but raised an octave.

    Meir smiled back at her, "You like him?" She had never seen Haven act this way over a boy.

    Even though Angel was no "boy", and that's what worried her. Haven had only dated a few time,

    and mostly to L.B. She wasn't really counting him though.

    "What? NO!" Haven's eyes widened. She hadn't meant to say that so loud, even with the music

    people looked her way.

    Haven's eyes darted towards him. For the hundredth time today a female had walked up to him,

    flirting, they couldn't be anymore obvious. One older lady from down the street had rubbed up

    against him, and whisper in his ear. A wide, charming, sexy smile broke across his face. Haven

    had the urge to run over there a hit the old pervert. He bent down and whispered something to

    her. Ewww, He was a perv too. Haven of course, didn't know what he said, but the woman

    blushed, and walked off. What could have made her blush? It was probably his voice alone that

    did it. She thought of the way She felt when he talked to her, which made her blush. Crazy

    enough, when she looked up Angel was staring at her with a confused look.

    Drak walked up, he saw what happened with the cougar. That was exactly want Angel didn't

    need. Some older lady messing things up for them before he could get them together with

    Haven. Drak didn't have to think about the look on the girl's face; when grandma had blushed up

    at Angel. Angel could charm anyone. The look Haven was giving Angel, was screaming.

    "I don't think she likes you talking to the cougar." Drak chuckled; oh he loved the opportunity to

    get his brother hell. Ha ha, take that Angel, now who feels weak and vulnerable. Bet he never

    felt these emotions before. He knew his brother was fighting it all, every step of the way. He felt

    his smile brighten. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

    Haven couldn't take her eyes off of Angel. Even though she was discussed by his PDA with

    Mrs. White, his eyes held hers. He stood, and moved closer to her. He was so graceful, his eyes

    never left hers, he seemed to float over to her.

    They just looked at each other. Finally Haven couldn't take it anymore. "Why is Drak laughing?"

    She looked at the crazy man.

    "Don't give him any attention. If you ignore him, you will get less headaches." Angel smiled

    down at her.

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    "If you ignore him, he's supposed to go away." She looked confused.

    Angel laughed. "He never goes away, that's the thing. He's always watching," He leaned into

    her "never forget that." He finished quietly.

    Was that a threat, or a warning? She didn't understand, but he was deadly serious. Shock ran

    through her.

    Angel hadn't meant to be so blunt, or harsh. She had to understand that Drak would always be

    watching, good or bad Drak knew everything. Worse he remembered everything. At this minute

    Angel wished he could. He was trying to commit every detail of this girl's face. He wanted to be

    able to remember every look, every word. He had it bad, and he had only see her a few times.

    The next year was going to be hard, and long.

    Haven saw the frown grow on Angel's sexy face, even his frown is sexy, and a little intimidating.

    What was going on with her, she was really interested in him? She was a teenage girl; the

    feelings could mean anything, right? Her hormones were insane; she didn't even understand

    her self.

    "Are you having fun?" Haven asked, when he moved back.

    "Yes, thank you." Angel nodded.

    Right as he was going to ask her to dance, he heard something that sounded like betrayal. He

    spun as he heard Drako's voice though the speakers. No he chanted, please don't do this to

    me, he begged Drak silently. He knew what his brother was up to, and he was going to kill him.

    "Ciao e grazie" Drak purred, some of the younger girls giggled. He grinned in their direction. "My

    brother and I are pleased to be invited to this wonderful party. We didn't have time to bring

    anything." With that came shouts that you didn't need to bring anything, we are all family. "Yes

    well, I offer the only thing we can give. A song, brother please give a song for our dinner."

    Drak's eyes shined with mischief.

    The crowd was pleased. The yelled their encouragement well the females did.

    Reaching Drak, Angel leaned into him, "I'm going to kill you for this. Why are you doing this?"

    Both men knew the game Drak was playing. He grabbed the guitar that was handed to him. He

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    sung a song that was in Italian, then echoed in English. It was a song dear to him; his mother

    sung it to him as a child. He closed his eyes hearing his mother's voice singing with him.

    Drak smiled at Haven, who was enjoying every second, if her face was any indication.

    After the crowd stopped clapping and yelling, Angel walked over to Haven. "I apologize for that,

    my brother is acting like a child." Was he blushing?

    "That was beautiful." Haven was stunned. His voice was sexy, but his singing wrapped around

    her like a sensual blanket. She wanted him to sing for her, alone. That would never happen. He

    would probably go home with one of the groupies waiting on the other side of the yard. They

    were looking their way and giggling. Why did she have to feel like this with him? And what about

    the old lady he was whispering with, was she the one he wanted. Which was just nasty, she is

    twice his age, but she had heard that some men liked that.

    "What's wrong, little one?" Angel asked moving close to her. Wanting to understand the sudden

    sadness in her eyes.

    The sadness turned to anger. "Men" Haven throws up her hands, and made a dramatic exit.

    It was Angel's turn to look stunned. What had just happened? She had seemed pleased by his

    song, but then looked sad. He had just asked what was wrong. Did he insult her some now? He

    knew there was a reason he didn't date. Even has a teen he had been too busy. Girls are

    confusing, and completed.


    Haven was sitting in the lunchroom, thinking about Angel. It had been a month since the party,

    and Angel had sung that song. It was stuck in her head. She had seen Angel a couple of time,

    and had wanted to ask him about it. She just couldn't figure out the right words.

    "Did you hear Skye's having a graduation party? I wonder what I could "do" to get invited." The

    chick behind her giggled to her friends.

    Haven sighed; she knew Skye would be having a party. Why did she always have to hear about

    it from strangers? For once couldn't her brothers tell her their plans before everyone else?

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    "Oh my, speaking of Skye, here he comes. Is he walking this way?" The girls voice when up an


    "I think so" came from another high pitched voice.

    Why can't girls control their voices? Why can't they see though Skye's charm? Not that she

    thought he was a bad guy, but he just used girls.

    Was Angel like that? Why can't I stop thinking about him? She yelled at herself.

    "Thinking about Angel?" Skye's voice cut through her thoughts. He smiled knowingly at her.

    Meir chuckled form the other side of the table; she never looked up from her textbook.

    "No, why would you think that?" Haven was doing everything to stop the blush she felt. She

    guessed she did a bad job, when Skye chuckled.

    "I know you." The smug bastard said. "How is your day going?" he ask.

    "I'm ready to go. I just heard youre having a party." Haven raised her eyebrows. She knew her

    brothers didn't tell her things, because it made her mad not to know. They found it amusing, but

    if Meir or her make plans they had to know beforehand. Males!!

    "Friday, I graduate. I can't believe I finally made it out of this place. God, did I have some goodtimes." A smile came to his face. He looked around like he was reminiscing.

    Haven smiled, but didn't really feel it. "I'll miss you." She commented, but more to herself. Then

    him, she knew she was being silly.

    Skye looked at her, he hadn't really thought about it. Only being one year apart in school, they

    had seen each other all day, every day their whole lives. It was be different, but he wasn't going

    anywhere. What would he do? It was his turn to get a job and help pay some bills. Haven would

    be going to college soon, he was so proud of her.

    "What's that look about?" Haven stared at her brother, what was he thinking about? Probably

    about some stupid girl, as usual, she rolled her eyes. Like the ones setting behind her, trying to

    get Skye's attention. Skye was setting with his back leaning to the table, facing the table the

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    obvious girl is at. He of course was looking at the girl, a small smile on his face. Haven could tell

    he was laughing at the stupid girls, but he just couldnt help himself, he winked at her.

    "What face? The face that says I'm proud of my little sister." Skye looked at her, and then

    dropped his voice so only she could hear. "Or the one where I think this girl is stupid?" Helowered his voice so she could hear him over the noise of the cafeteria. He nodded in her

    direction. Haven looks over her shoulder in time to see her smile at him. They both bust out


    "I knew that's what you were thinking. Well the second one, the first part intrigues me. Proud are

    me?" His trademark smug smile appeared on his sister's face. It was a little weird, that she

    could still copy him so well. Guess that comes with being around a person all the time. He


    "You know it!" He leaned over kissing her on the cheek. He normally didn't do that, but the girls

    at the other table gave Haven such crazy looks when he did. It was so much fun messing with

    his sister.

    "I'll get you back for that." She finished the rest in her head, he was too far away to hear her

    cursing him now.

    Haven looked across from her; Meir was still reading her history book. They had a test today,

    and she had to study. Unlike Meir she had no life. She breathed heavily, she never wanted to go

    out, and she didn't really cared about guys at all. Then Angel came around and everything


    "He's right about you thinking about Angel. It shows on your face." Meir said looking up from her

    book. She had the same smug look; it must run in the family. Haven smiled at Meir.

    "We've been hanging around the brothers too much." She mumbled under her breath.

    "Probably" Meir laughed, and then went back the reading.

    "Are they his sisters? How could that be?" The girls giggled and tried to whisper about them.

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    The rest of the week went the same way. Everyone was talking about the party. Everyone

    wanted to go, but it was only Srs. Which was stupid, because half the Srs. dated girls from

    lower grades?

    Graduation was fun, for the girls anyway. Skye graduated in the top of his class. His siblingswatched with pride. The two girls tear up, and the brothers laughed at them. Cole was there but

    strangely Haven hadnt been him much lately.

    Then the party started. It was epic. No one would forget this party. They had a DJ, and a live

    band. Freestyle rappers, and the girls did some singing contest. Which no one really won, every

    one of them were drunk.

    Haven watched from the sidelines. Angel stayed close, but far enough away her brother didn't

    say anything. They didn't talk much, when she walked out the room he followed.

    "Haven, what are you doing going outside by yourself." Angel asked from behind her, his voice

    soft and tender.

    She spun on him. "Look I really don't need a bodyguard; my brothers are just over protective of


    "Maybe I am too." Angel said bluntly. He meant it too; he had never felt this protecting of anyone

    outside his family. He just wanted to know she was ok, at all times.

    "I don't understand. You haven't given me any reason to think we are friends." Haven wasn't

    sure, but she didn't hesitate to tell him what she was thinking.

    They were standing a few feet apart, but the look of an emotional war played across his face;

    was plain to see. He had never let her see his really feeling before. Well his eyes were shooting

    fire with anger after the whole L B thing.

    "Friends, is that what you want to be, friends? She noticed he didnt answer the question.

    He could tell by the confused look on her face. He wanted her to make the next move. She was

    young and he wanted to give her time. What he was feeling was very forever. At 16 she didnt

    really need to be making forever choices.

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    You dont want to be my friend?" Haven's eyes widened, what had she ever don e to him?

    "What Haven? You are misunderstanding everything I've say. Are you doing it on purpose?"

    Angel was trying to stay calm, but he didn't know if he was going to start laughing, or yelling.

    She didn't seem to know anything about men, maybe boys like LB, or Skye. It would be easier ifhe could just tell her everything, but it was too soon for that. In his mind he had everything

    worked out. The whole thing planned. First she would finish high school, and then ... His mind


    "Are you listening to me? Angel? Where are you? Whatever" She gave up and walked over to a

    bench in the yard and sat down. She was relieved people were starting to leave. It had been a

    long night, and clean-up had to happen before bed.

    "Haven" Angel voice deepened. He wasn't ready for her questions. "Yes, I want to be your

    friend, it's just more copulated then that. I want to spend time with you, get to know you." Angel

    looked down to where he was touching her arm. It felt good to touch her. He really did have it


    They sat side by side not talking just watching the drunks leave the house and walk out into the

    night. Most would make it to a bed, but whose they didn't care. Haven looked over at Angel, he

    didn't seem like he was going to leave here with anyone, but he was setting with her in the dark.

    "So umm, get to know me. Ask anything; well I will not answer anything." What am I saying, why

    do I act like this around him? She knew she was going crazy, talking to herself.

    Angel chuckled; he didn't think he had ever acted this way in his life. He leaned back, throwing

    an arm across the back of the bench. "Favorite ice cream?"

    "Cookie Dough" Haven smiled. She waited for another silly question.

    "Ok your turn." Angel said after it seemed she wasn't going to say anything else. "This was your

    idea." He wanted her to ask him too.

    "Religious preference?" Haven asked straight faced.

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    "You just jump right in there don't you?" Angel was a little shocked she asked him that. He

    thought for a second then answered. "I believe there is a God, but beyond that, I don't know."

    He didn't think about God much, that couldn't be good.

    "Same here, God has always had a place, but I've never really searched my heart about it." I'vebeen thinking about a lot of new things lately.

    "Should I ask about politics?" Angel eyed her, smiling.

    "No it's too soon for that." Haven smiled back.

    They sat talking about things like that for a while, but soon Jay came out looking for her. .

    "Clean up, sorry Haven we need your help. Angel." Jay nodded at him, but was shocked when

    he followed them in the house. Skye would get to miss the fun, he would be passed out, or off

    with some girl. Jay didnt like to go to bed with the mess, so Haven had to help.

    "You two don't have to do this." She said to Angel and Drak as they helped clean.

    "This was one of the top ten partied I've ever been to. For that I can clean." Drak laughed at the

    curious look Haven gave him.

    "Tell me about the top one?" Haven eyes twinkled. This would be good.

    "I don't think so" Came a deep voice. Angel gave his brother a deadly glare.

    I take it Angel was there too." Haven laughed.

    By the time Haven got to bed the sun was coming up. It was soo worth it. Angel and Drak kept

    her laughing, they argued over everything. Once or twice punching each other, hard, Angel was

    a boxer, he had to be used to being punched. She fell asleep thinking about Angel, with a smile

    on her face. The summer would be interesting with those two around. Hopeful they would stayaround.

    Chapter 8:How am I going to fix this?

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    Sunday they decided to go to the lake. Haven and her family had only been there about 30
