Angie Arsenault - My Crowd Funding

Post on 20-Sep-2014

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MY Crowd Funding

[[Angie Arsenault]]

[Angie] - The Girl Geek?[Angie] - The Girl Geek?[Angie] - The Girl Geek?[Angie] - The Girl Geek? @angiearsenault

Markets Making Music: Out with the middle man

Martin Prosperity Institutes Program on Innovation and Creative Industries.

By: Professor Ajay Agrawal Rotman School of Management U of T

[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?

Crowd Funding: For all creative ideas

Music - Film making - Community fundraising - Charity fundraising - Philanthropy Writing - Research & development - Innovation - Business startup - Much more…

[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?

Crowd Funding: The network economy

Let’s democratize the economy

and liberate creativity!

[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?

Crowd Funding: Available platforms

[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?[Angie] – The Entrepreneur?

Crowd Funding: Comparing platforms

Not all platforms are created equal

1.Browse the crowd funding websites

2.Compare based on your own project needs

3.Read the terms and conditions

4.Experiment; “play in the sandbox" before "going live"

[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?

Crowd Funding: Resources & starting points

[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?[Angie] - The Entrepreneur?

Crowd Funding: The effects Collaborative Consumption Connecting with the Fans (Socan article) Reaching out to a Captive Audience

Message from Laurence - (Hamilton, Ontario)A Believer / Supporter

“Wow, Angie. Absolutely WOW! What a treat it is, to finally see those wonderfully creative dreams you have, make their way to our screens. It’s ironic that the dream you are sharing with us, was made possible by your fans and in this way, you were able to show us you; Angie Arsenault.”…

[Angie] - The Human?[Angie] - The Human?[Angie] - The Human?[Angie] - The Human?

Shadow Revelations: The shorter short film

The full length version is available on Youtube

Gender Equality: We girl geeks can do it too!

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg:

“The Women Of My Generation Blew It, So Equality Is Up To You”

“If you want to make a difference, you better think big and dream big, right from day one.”

[Angie] - The Feminist?[Angie] - The Feminist?[Angie] - The Feminist?[Angie] - The Feminist?

Geeks and Crowd Funding…

“The difference between nerds and geeks:

Geeks get it done.”

Go Girl Geeks !!! Go Girl Geeks !!! Go Girl Geeks !!! Go Girl Geeks !!!