Animal Card Using MS Power Point

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Animal Cards

By: Nethan Lanzaderas


Elephants are herbivores. Some times they are friendly but you have to watch out. They’re big, loves rolling on dirt and washes in water. They live in Africa and around the world.


Dolphins lives underwater. They eat fishes. They are smooth and fast swimmers. They watch out for sharks or anything that eats fresh flesh.


They are cute and small. They love spending there time with you. Fun to play with. Sometimes energetic.


They have an awesome camouflage. Experts in hunting. They are carnivores. They are very fast too.

Grizzly Bears

They are protective. Loves fish or anything that is meat. Sometimes are heavy sleepers. Can stand 7 ft long.


They are cute. Loves flying. They peck. They are herbivores.


They are crawlers. They live on a web and bites when you bother them. They have hairy legs and got 8 of them. They eat flesh, they get that from the web, when they get stuck and they die.


They are cute. They’re heavy sleepers. Loves the tallest grass on earth which is bamboos. They are fuzzy!


They are very good howlers. Loves meat and eats them too. They are carnivores. They are good hunters.


They are carnivores. Has a dangerous move called the “death roll”. They have powerful jaws, bumpy sharp skin. They are dangerous!


They are cute and fuzzy. They are little. When there having a baby there is like a million of them if they do. They are good sniffers too.