Animal Farm: understand the book in 5 minutes

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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1. ANIMAL FARM @[? @@[m@@TW3 @u1@1m@ @tu1Lr@@ 2. V*'FVT%'. ?D r_ * ". rz>: =rT. %Tr77El FF .7.. "V5F1"H +Z*V7;TTT.7F. T"E!V2 : ?i%: F"i*%k%rr~i% F" DD """"W 71'7"T- F~WfE-'. I 7 Fv'. .7f. "I": I 3. AUTHORName :Eric Arthur Blair Born:25 June 1903 Died:21 January 1950Occupation:Novelist,political writer,journalist,and criticNationality:BritishHis work is marked by: - lucid prose,- awareness of social iniustice,- opposition to totalitarianism, - commitment to democratic socialism. 4. - Animal Farm reflects the events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917.- The author used some strange words to express how the political world is odd,and how it is rude. - The story takes place on a farm somewhere in England. - The story is told by an all-knowing narrator in the third person. 5. The action of this novel starts when the oldest pig on the farm,Old Major,calls all animals to a secret meeting.He tells them about his dream of a revolution against the cruel Mr.Jones.- The three younger pigs are:Snowball,Napoleon,and Squealer are considered the most intelligent animals;they work out the theory Anima| ism. - The animals agree that no animal shall have contact with humans. - Three years later,the pigs became more and more like human beings. 6. I" rsi= Wiii1 KWHTE 7. "so'1"ii: iziiic vgum wnsiusmimgig, ... vc-V. I CONCEBHED RBOUT THEFUTUHE.., /V 1l5TET3m'mRET%mi ~: mE / @ A nEI. P!1,mrsjn, izn, cni>Man is the only real enemy we have.Remove Man from the scene,and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever. 13. INSPIRATIONALI MOTIVATIONALAll men are enemies.All animals are comrades Man is the only creature that consumes without producing> p 91.> p.28> p.73 14. Four | egs ALL ANIMALS ARE 'i; iw. Lgood, hNo legs better!Alhnus Are Equal.But Some Animals Are More EqualBUT SDME ANIMALS ARE- .9: E1;THAN OTHERS Than 15. The animal farm song/ Beast of England. ATheir anthem ANIMAL FARMGEOIIGE Ollllllll. 1* O 16. LIKE I DISLIKES 17. WORK CITEDAnimal Farm 1954 George Orwell.YouTube.25 apr.2015 .Web https: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=DsU3CdQdhWs Animal Farm.Sparke notes.25 apr.2015 .Web http: //www. sparknotes. com/ lit/ animalfarm/Joseph Stalin.Bio.25 apr.2015 .Web http: //www. biography. com/ people/ josephstalin9491 723 Joseph Stalin.History. com .25 apr.2015 .Webhttp: //www. history. com/ topics/ josephstalin