Animals 1st

Post on 26-May-2017

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The lion is yellow- Its main is also yellow.

Lions eat a lot of meat and drink water.

Lions live in Africa.

Lions weigh 150 and 250 kg.

Lions are mammals.

Hunting him that family is the male.

The clutch is lighter than the male.

It is one of the most dangerous animals in the world.



Eagle is a common name for some members of the bird family Accipitridae; it belongs to several genera that are not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the sixty species of eagles are from Eurasia and Africa. Outside this area, just eleven species can be found – two species (the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle) in the United States and Canada, nine species in Central America and South America, and three species in Australia.Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the Booted Eagle (Aquila pennata) (which is comparable in size to a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) or Red-tailed Hawk (B. jamaicensis)), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar Serpent Eagle (Spilornis klossi), at 450 g and 40 cm The largest species are discussed below. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles' eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 times human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.However, a few eagles may target prey considerably heavier than themselves; such prey is too heavy to fly with and thus it is either eaten at the site of the kill or taken in pieces back to a perch or nest. Golden and Crowned Eagles have killed ungulates weighing up to 30 kg (66 lb) and a Martial Eagle even killed a 37 kg (82 lb) duiker, 7–8 times heavier than the predating eagle. Authors on birds David Allen Sibley, Pete Dunne and Clay Sutton, described the behavioral difference between hunting eagles and other birds of prey thus (in this case the Bald and Golden Eagles as compared to other North American raptors). They have at least one singular characteristic. It has been observed that most birds of prey look back over their shoulders before striking prey (or shortly thereafter); predation is after all a two-edged sword.



This is a dog her breed is Samoyan.

It is tall and he has 4 legs. It is White. They

eat feed and when they live free they hunt.

They drink water but when they are little,

they drink milk. They come from Alaska.

They can run very fast.


Dogs are pets. All of them eat meat and fodder. They drink water but when they are little, they drink milk.

They live with their best friends, who is the man. Some of them live in the street.

Sometimes they can run very fast and they can swim.

There are more than 800 breeds.


This dolphin is grey every body.

The dolphins has got five fins and the tail

two fins next to the head, one fin on the back, two

fins in the abdomen and finish the tail.

On his head has got a hole because they need to


The dolphins swim very fast.

Dolphins eat fish sometimes.


In this picture there are four tigers the

most common is the one on the right. He

Is orange, black and white. They live in

the jungle and he eats meat. HE likes

running, they take care his litter and they

wash themselves with the tongue. He

doesn’t like fighting with other animals or





It’s a wild animal. This eagle has got a white heat, but the body is the

colour black. The eagle diet is varied,

but mainly eats fish. They live in

North America.



This wolf is black and white. Its 4 legs and tail are white.

it is very strong. It is dangerous. They live in the

mountains in cold places. It has very much hair; it has got

blue and white eyes. These animals are very strong, They

do not eat each day , they can run 35 mile per hour, but

run habitual for catch is 5 kilometre for hour. When they

can’t not find prey his size or bigger they hunt smaller

animals. It eats meat they are carnivore. They weigh 60

kilo. Adrià


This Cheetah

is yellow and

black. In this

picture are

three Cheetah

one adult and

two baby.

These animals

eat meat and

drink water.

In two seconds reach a speed of 72 km / hour and

carry them until you reach 100 km by hour. They

come from Africa. Pol


This fox is Brown,White and black. This fox is very fast. They only live between 5

and 7 years free. Lídia


The cheetah is a animal dangerous is colour is

yellow and black is fast and it has got 4 legs

and has got stain black it eat meat it live in

Africa in savannah is the animal the fast world

and run 72 miles of seconds hour and carry

them until you reach 100 km. Edgar


This animal has a dark colour: brown, grey ... It has

very long claws, four legs that help him to move

through trees and they have got up three fingers.

This animal is quite big and very lazy. It has a small

head with two eyes, a mouth, a nose, and it has not

got ears. It's a very furry animal. The sloth is able

to swim. They live between 10 and 20 years. They

eat leaves. They live in areas of high temperatures

why not stand the cold.
