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PRONUNCIATION PERFORMANCE(A Classroom Action Research with the First Year Students¶ of SMA Islam Al-

HikmahMayongJepara in the Academic Year 2011/2012)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of 

The Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor

Of Islamic Education in English Language Education





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PRONUNCIATION PERFORMANCE(A Classroom Action Research with the First Year Students¶ of SMA Islam Al-

HikmahMayongJepara in the Academic Year 2011/2012)


Language is the thread that connects experiences of our lives, giving

access to the society of others, and allowing others to understand our thoughts,

needs, desires. Communication is our basic to our existence that live without

words is difficult envision.

Ramelan state, ³L

anguage is an arbitrary system of speech sounds or sequences of speech sound which is used or can be used in interpersonal

communication by an aggregation of human beings and which rather 

exhaustively catalogs things, process, and event in the human environment´1 

In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language which is taught

from elementary school up to University level. Students have to know many

types of grammar structure. In order, they can communicate well in using

language daily life. They also have to produce correct pronunciation, intonation

and stress. Mean while Indonesian, as our native language does not have as

much as structure like English. Moreover, students have already been

surrounded by their mother tongue and spoken it since they are childhood.

The English pronunciation is very important for all age levels. But it

is still pushed-aside, ignored, and neglected not only for teachers but also

students. Now day, there are many teachers that face difficulties to pronounce

some English words, and admit to a lack of their knowledge about the theories

of pronunciation. It gives a big influence toward their students at enhancing

English pronunciation in the classroom. Therefore, teacher is expected to

improve their practical skill in teaching pronunciation.

Pronunciation is a part of the language; it is very important part

when someone is transferring knowledge to other people. Someone does need

to pronounce some words clearly enough to be understood, and it is very

1Ramelan, Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, (Semarang: IKIP Press, Reprinted 1992), P.10

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important part of pronunciation. Like in Hadits, when Prophet Muhammad was

communicating to some people, his utterances could be understood clearly by

them; therefore the accurate of pronunciation will be a good tool in

communication especially to deliver our message and idea. 


]  [  )  (

 F rom Aisyahr.a said that the utterance of the great messenger is a

clear pronunciation (his utterance is very clear) that it is understandable for 

every people who listened him. (Abu Daud).2 

Language problems are very complicated in teaching learning

 process; it is an unavoidable problem, especially in pronunciation. In this paper,

the researcher will focus on English pronunciation problems, because the

 problems of English pronunciation are important. When they were reading or 

speaking some English words, they often faced a lot of difficulties of producing

the correct sounds, for instance: the soap /sp/ and soup /su:p/, paper /'peip/

and pepper /pep/.

Recently, according to the result of researcher¶s observation, there

are so many problems in teaching pronunciation such as: there are many

students that do not understand how to spell and how to differ between the phonetic alphabet especially vowels sound. It makes students can not combine

and produce two vowel sounds that would be a diphthong word such as: ³wait´

the right pronunciation is /weIt/ but students are pronouncing /wait/ ³white´.

Then, there are still many students that are confused to pronounce the

diphthongs words such as new /nju:/, now /naU/, and know /nU/. Finally,

through pronunciation software, it is hoped that students can be more interested

and easy to understand English pronunciation in teaching learning process.

English teacher has to be a facilitator to help students in order to

master all skills. He/she must try to give good model. Then, encourage them to

  practice the language. English teacher can use media and other source in

2 Abu Dawud al-Sijistany, SunahAbiDawud (bab al-Huda fi al-Kalam, Bairut: dar al -Fikr, 1994,

Juz 2, P. 450.

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teaching activity. He/she can use the media to teach or explain difficult material

to understand, or to make learn activity cheerful and not monotonous.

There are many advantages of using pronunciation software at the

classroom. It is also can help students to enhance their self confidence.

 Nowhere, students are easy to pronounce some words and they can know the

right pronunciation immediately. By using pronunciation software, students are

hoped to be easy to imitate and remember the phonemes. And it is the reason of 

researcher for choosing the topic.

Based on this fact, the writer will try to do a research in the use of 

  pronunciation software to improve students¶ pronunciation with first year 

students of SMA Islam Al- HikmahMayongJepara.


The writer¶s reasons for choosing the topic are: 

1.  Pronunciation is one aspect in spoken English and is very important, but it

is difficult for Indonesian students to master good pronunciation.

2.  The writer wants to know the improvement of students¶ pronunciation after 

 being taught using pronunciation software media.


According to the background of the study discussed above, the writer realizes

that the points to be discussed are follows: 

1.  How is the implementation of teaching pronunciation using TELL ME

MORE pronunciation software?

2.  How is the improvement of students¶ pronunciation after being taught

through using TELL ME MORE pronunciation software?


Related to the background and statement of the problems above the objectives of 

the study can be stated briefly as follows: 

1.  To describe the implementation of TELLME MORE pronunciation software

as the media to improve students¶ pronunciation.

Comment [l1]: Good. And pronunciation is veopen to judgment.

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2.  To find out the improvement of students¶ pronunciation after being taught

through using pronunciation software.


This research is important because pronunciation is important for spoken

language. This study may give some points to: 

1.  The English teacher 

This study is intended to become a source of information for the English

teacher in understanding whether songs can improve English pronunciation

ability for high school students


The studentsThey are expected to have English pronunciation improvement the spoken


3.  The reader 

By reading this study, the reader will get information and knowledge that

may be useful for English teaching, especially about English pronunciation

4.  The writer 

The writer will get some experiences in studying a subject and hopefully will

 be useful for her life in the future as a teacher 


1.  Teaching Media

1.1  Definition of Media

One way to support teaching and learning is using media. It can help

teacher¶s presentation in the classroom. It is also expected that students will get

  better understanding teacher¶s explanation; therefore, media also has

contribution in improving students¶ skill. Gerlach and Ely state that the media is

 person, material or events that established condition which enable the learners

acquire knowledge, skill and attitude.3 

Media can be defined as the instruments used to help teachers in

delivering the lesson so the students will accept it more easily. Another 

3AzharArsyad,  M edia Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Raja GrafindoPersada, 2003), P. 3.

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statement considers media as ³tool used to store and deliver information or 

data´. Media in teaching learning process are often used to improve students

understanding. According to IbrohimNasir, in teaching learning process need

media tom give explanation the material in order to be easier than used

conventional method, as follow:



³ M edia of learning are everything being presented from concrete media

and aimed to understand the meaning carefully and precisely´.4 

Media can be various forms. Some of them that are used in classroom are

  picture, text, audio- tape, etc. teacher usually use media as real form of the

explanation given.

Media will offer different situation which increase students¶ interest of 

the lesson. Media can be used by both teachers and students. It gives more detail

information and focuses the student on the material and skill that is being taught.

The use of media also allows the students to be involved in teaching and

learning process. It gives the teachers and students opportunity to do activity

together. Then, teacher has to know the appropriate media for the students.

Arsyad says that teaching media are means that are used to convey

teaching message.5

Another definition of the teaching media is forms of 

communication either printed or audio visual and the tools. From the definition

above, I conclude that teaching media are the means that are used by teacher to

convey the teaching material to the students. It can be printed or audio visual

and the tools. Media are needed in teaching and learning process because of 

several factors. In Arsyad¶sSudjana and Rifai said that they have benefits in it. 6 

They are:

y  The teaching process will be more interesting so that the students are

motivated to learn the material given by the teacher. By using media, the

teacher can attract the students¶ attention to the material given by him/her. From explanation above, it is expected that by using media in

4Ibrahim Nasir,  M uqaddimat  F i al- Tarbiyah, (anam: ardan, tth), P. 1695AzharArsyad.  M edia Pembelajaran. P. 256AzharArsyad.  M edia Pembelajaran. P. 6

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teaching learning process, students will be motivated in the learning the

material given by teacher by heart, if they learn by heart automatically

they will get maximum result.

y  The material will be clearer so that the students can understand the

material easily. Media make students easier in catching the material

given by teacher. Here, media acts as the means used by the teacher to

make the teaching material easily. If the students can catch the material

easily automatically the can understand it easily too. As a simple sample

is a white board. The teacher writes a material which is conveyed to the

students on the board in a form of diagram and writes the explanation of 

diagram so that the students can catch easily.y  There will be a variation in teaching and learning process. It makes

students enjoy the teaching learning process. Students will feel bored if 

the teacher only uses the explanation when presenting the material during

teaching and learning process. Students will not feel bored if the teacher 

uses media in teaching and learning process. They feel that there is a

variation in it.

y  Students can do more activities in teaching and learning process. For 

example, the teacher gives a topic to be discussed and the students do the

discussion. According to Derek Rowntree in Rohani¶s educational mediahave function:

a.  Motivate students to study

 b.  Review what students have learnt

c.  Give stimulus to study

d.  Activate students¶ responses

e.  Give feed back soon

From definition references above, I conclude that teaching media are

needed in teaching learning process. It is because students are motivated to

study. Students can catch the material from the material clearly. The teaching

learning process will be more varieties so that students enjoy it. Students will be

more active n giving responses to the material given by the teacher.

1.2 Classification of Media.

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According to Anderson teaching media can be classified into three

categories. They are:

1) Visual media : They are media that can be seen.

2) Audio media : They are media that can be listened.

3) Audio-visual media : They are media that have sound and picture.7 

Sudjana and Rivai classify media into four general categories, they are as


a. Graphic media ( two dimensions media) is media with length and width

such as picture, photo, graphic, diagram, poster, cartoon, and comic

 b. There dimensions are media with a solid model such as diorama, mock up

c. Projectors media such as slide, film stripe, film, OHP, etc.

d. Using environment as teaching media.8 

In this study, the writer use the audio-visual media named pronunciation

software as the interaction media, because by using pronunciation software, it

can motivate the students to learn and pay attention to the material given.

2.  English Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one of the most important language skills. Because

when the people are just good in a grammar and vocabulary, but if they are not

 pronouncing words correctly, the other people will not get understood. Someone

does not need to have exact perfect native speaker pronunciation, but someone

does need to speak clearly enough to be understood.

Pronunciation is act of producing the sound of speech including

articulation, vowel, formation, accent inflection and intonation, often with

reference to the correctness or acceptability of the speech sound.9


is the way a person utters a word or a language.10

The production of all vowels

needs vibration. That¶s why it is said that vowels are voiced. Which part of the

tongue, how high it is raised and the shape of lips are involved in the

7ListyaningSumardiyani and ZulfaSakhiyyah, Speaking for Instructional Purpose a Handbook  

(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Press, 2007), P. 48-598Sudjana N, and Rivai,  M edia Pengajaran, ( Bandung: SinarBaruAlgasindo. 2007), P. 3-4

9Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, ( London: Oxford

University Press, 1987), P. 29710

Rebecca M. Dauer, Accurate English, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents, 1993), P. 7

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classification of vowels. In producing those, our organs of speech remain at the

same position (no movement).11


E.g :Phonetic symbols key word in orthography phonetic writing 

/ i:/ bee /bi:/

Even /¶i: vn/

Eager /¶i:ge(r)/

/1/ Sit /s1t/

Exit /¶eks1t/

As in the production of vowels our speech organ remains in the

same position, in producing diphthong we glide our speech organs to the next

vowel position.a.  Stress

By stress is meant the degree of force or loudness with which a

syllable is pronounced so as to give it prominence.12 The ways of marking

stresses vary with different writers or dictionary. One of them is use the symbol

/¶/ above the syllable for primary stress, the symbol /,/ , below the syllable for 

secondary stress, while the weakly stressed syllable are left unmarked. 

b. Vowels

Avowel has been defined as a voiced sound during the production of 

which the air passes out freely and continuously throughout the middle of the

mouth without such narrowing as would cause any audible friction. A vowel

sound is oral because the production of the air goes out through the mouth, and

not through the nose. A vowel sound is voiced, which means that its production

is always accompanied by the vibration of the vocal cords. E. g: vowels /u, æ,

/. For example:

/u/ suit su:t/

/æ/ bat /bæt/

// above /bv/

Other opinion said that in English spelling, each vowel letter can be

 pronounced with different sounds. There are only five vowel letters (a, i, u, e, o),

11Dina Kristina, Pronunciation. (Kediri: Daffodil, 2004) P. 18

12Ramelan, English Phonetics , P. 25

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 but there are many more vowel sounds. The most common pronunciation is the

alphabet vowel sounds and the relative vowel sounds. Sometime vowel letters

are pronounced like their letter names. These sounds are called the alphabet

vowel sounds. The alphabet vowel sounds are pronounced with a small change

in the sound at the end. This change is called the ³off - glide´.13 

In some words, the alphabet vowel sound for the letter ±u- is pronounced

/yu/, as in ³cube´, the sound /u/ as in ³blue´. For example :

/e/ /i/ /a/ /o/ /u/

Mail leaf file phone use

Rain feed bite froze suit

Vowel letter are not always pronounced with their alphabet vowelsounds. Often a vowel letter is pronounced with a relative vowel sounds. This

sound is related to the alphabet vowel sound, but it has a different sound and

there is no ³off- glide´.14 

The relative vowel sounds in key words as follow:

/æ/ // // // //

Back leg pin lock cup

Half send kick clock fun

c.  Consonants

Consonant is negatively defined, that is sound which are not vowel

is consonant. It is, therefore, of some use if the basic featuresof vowels are

more closely examined. It is, therefore, of some use if the basic features of 

vowels are more closely examined.

The natural consequences of this definition are as follow:

  All voiceless sounds, I, e. sounds which the vocal cords are not in

vibration, are consonant. E. g: /s, f, , k. h/;

/s/ backs /bæks/

/f/ leaf /lif/

13Judy B. Gilbert, Clear Speech: pronunciation and listening comprehension in North

 American English, ( Hongkong, China :Cambridge University Press, 2005). P1014 Judy B. Gilbert, Clear Speech: pronunciation and listening comprehension in North American

 English, P.12-13

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// teeth. /µti: /

/k/ cup /kp/ etc

  All sound in which the air goes out through the nose (nasal sound) is

consonant. E. g: /m, n, /:

/m/ lamp /læm/

/n/ plants /plænts/

/n/ think //

  All sounds in which the air goes out through the sides of the tongue

(lateral sound) are consonant. E. g: /I/;

/I/ lift /lft/

 All sound which there is an interruption of closing and opening of the air 

  passage (trilled sounds) are consonant, E. g: /r/ or the lingual trilled

sound as produced in scotch or Indonesian, /R/, the uvular rolled sound

in German, Dutch, and French.

/r/ parcel /pa:sl/

  All sounds in which meet with a complete stoppage or complete

obstruction somewhere in the mouth or speech tract are consonant; these

are called plosive sounds or stops, e. g:/ p, b, t, k, g, t?, d3/;

/p/ pan /pæn/

/b/ cab /kb/

/t/ late /let/

/k/ can /kn/

/g/ green /gri: n/

/t/ wich /wt/

/d3/ judge /d3d3/

  All sounds in which the air meet with a complete stoppage or complete

obstruction somewhere in the mouth or speech tract are consonant. These

are called plosive sounds or stops, E. g: /f, v, s, z, , ð, , 3, h/;

/f/ life /laif/

/v/ very /veri/

  All sound which are not syllabic are also considered as consonants E. g:

/y, w/ and are usually called semivowels.

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/y/ you /ju:/

/w/ why /wa/

d. Diphthongs

A diphthong is kind of vowel sound with a special feature, that is

there is a deliberate glide made from one vowel position to another vowel

 position, and which is produced in one syllable. The term µglide¶ here refers to

the rationale sounds heard when the speech organs move from one position for 

a given sound to that for another. There are four English centering diphthongs:

//, //, /u/ and //.

// near /n(r)/

// hair /h(r)//u/ sure /su(r)/

// your /j:(r)/

From the statement above Indonesian students might find many

difficulties in learning English, such as having less vocabulary, the difficulties

of listening English words and how to pronounce English words as natural as a

native speaker. The problems come because there are always similar and

different element between the target language and their own language. The

  problem here can be understood since their mother tongue has been deeply

implanted in them as part of their habits. The elements, which cause the

 problems, are grammatical and sound systems. The similar element usually do

not cause problem, while the different ones usually do. There are many

differences between Indonesian and English so the learners have to make much

effort to overcome the problems they meet. The students has to imitate the

native speaker of the foreign language or his teacher in the class room as

closely as possible and use him as a model in speaking, lest his speech should

sound µforeign¶.

3.  Teaching Pronunciation using Pronunciation software

Pronunciation is a term used to capture all aspect of how we employ

speech sound for communicating.15


15 Norbert Schmitt, An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, (London: Oxford University Press,

2002), P. 219

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In teaching pronunciation, certainly, there are many ways which

teachers do to enhance their students¶ pronunciation; teachers can try some

methods in order to make their students¶ understanding increase. Many

linguists believe that to help students¶ pronunciation development is by doing

some relaxation first. And researcher tries to use pronunciation software as

alternative way for relaxation and it is used to improve students¶ pronunciation.

Actually, learning pronunciation should be fun and interesting. It is very

common when teachers use pronunciation software in teaching pronunciation.

They do this by studying, practicing and enjoying pronunciation of English

words through pronunciation software 

There are many factors that influence language teaching especiallyEnglish pronunciation teaching. Beside teacher should select the media that

suitable to be applied in teaching English pronunciation, they also should know

how to teach pronunciation well. By knowing the goal way in English

 pronunciation, the result that is achieved will be more maximal and alternative

in pronunciation is teaching.16


A learner who consistently mispronounces a range of phonemes can

  be extremely difficult for a speaker from another language community to

understand. This can be very frustrating for the learner who may have a good

command of grammar and lexis but have difficulty in understanding and being

understood by native speaker.17

Pronunciation software is designed to help

students identify key elements of speech habit and then improve students¶

American English Pronunciation by practicing these important patterns of 

sound and speech. This software allows students to record their voice and then

see visual representations of how their voice compares with a sample. This lets

them see where their voice is different from the standard pronunciation

allowing them to target specific problems areas in their own pronunciation.

16 Jeremy Harmer, The Language Practice Teaching , (Malaysia: Person Educated Person, 2002)

P.12.17Gerral Kelly, How to Teach Pronunciation, (Malaysia: Longman 6

thpublished, 2005), P. 11

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Pronunciation software where the students listen to a sample and then speak it

 back into the computer via their microphone.18


Computer assisted language learning is an approach to language

teaching in which computer technology is used as a language teaching aid to

the presentation, adoption and mastering of material to be learned. Today

among numerous language teaching and pronunciation aids , it is learn to read

 programsand improving pronunciation softwarewhich are of vital importance

for those who want to communicate easily with native speakers and not only to

understand them, but to be understood as well. Nowadays computer 

 pronunciation programs present the most effective pronunciation helpers. Using

computer pronunciation aids you can study pronunciation with easily.


 Pronunciation software includesaudio visual media.Audio visual is

the manner of product or convey of materials by using mechanic machines and

electronic to serve messages audio and visual. Teaching that through audio

visual have characteristics, it is using hardware during teaching learning

 process. So, teaching that use audio visual is production and using material that

absorption through view and listen.20 

In this study, writer tries to use pronunciation software in improving

student¶s pronunciation. The writer tries to use and apply some methods above

in improving student¶s pronunciation through pronunciation software.

To acquire a goal pronunciation, teacher can also drill with learning

to listen and imitate every phoneme that will be thought. In lines with this

condition, according to Orion quoted from William Acton's article, describes

that "Acquiring good pronunciation is the most difficult part of learning a new

language. As you improve your articulation you have to learn to listen and

18Teachers CALL, ³Pronunciation Power´

software-to-improve-english-pronunciation.html/trackback.downloaded on October , 10th 2011

19 http:// on

 November 18th 2011.20

AzharArsyad.  M edia Pembelajaran.P. 30.

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imitate all over again. As with any activity you wish to do well, you have to

 practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more ".21



The research will describe works which are relevant to these thesis to

make the thesis arrangement easier. The writer is inspired from final project of:

1.  ³Reading Poem As a Strategy to improve English Pronunciation Ability

of Grade XI Students of SMA 12 Semarang in the Academic Year 2008/

2009 ´by NurSyafa¶ah (2201404034), English Department faculty of 

Language and Arts Semarang State University (UNNES) 2008.22


State that there are many advantages teaching pronunciationusing poetry in the classroom. It can avoid student¶s boredom in the

class; poetry can convey simple ideas, using very simple technique.

When using poetry in the classroom, teacher could therefore exploit the

use of unusual language as a basis for expanding students¶ language

awareness and interpretative abilities. 

2.  Improving Students¶ Pronunciation of English Diphthongs through

Songs (A Classroom Action Research with Eight Graders Students of 

MTs N 01 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2008/2009) by Ali

Miftahul Amin: 043411126, English Department of TarbiyahFaculty

Walisongo States Institute for Islamic Studies Semarang 2010.23

He did

this study because he wants to know the used of songs to improve

students¶ pronunciation of English Diphthongs.

The similar between her research and the researcher¶s are on the

research approach that is classroom action research, the object of study

that is pronunciation and the analysis that use pronunciation test, the

collecting data that use observation and test, and calculate the

21William Acton, ³The language teacher, Seven suggestions of highly successful pronunciation

teaching ,́ (Nagoya University of commerce: February 11, 1997), http:// jalt- NurSyafa¶ah (2201404034), ³Reading Poem As a Strategy to improve English Pronunciation

Ability´ Final Project of English Department faculty of Language and Arts Semarang State University(UNNES) 2008, Unpublished.

23Miftahul Amin (043411126) ³Improving Students¶ Pronunciation Of English Diphthongs

Through Songs´, Final Project of Tarbiyah Faculty (Semarang: Walisongo States Institute For Islamic

Studies, 2010), Unpublished. 

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achievement of study. The difference on this previous researcher is

media that is songs while the research that is media of pronunciation



A form of research which is becoming increasingly significant in

language education is action research. This research has been defined in a

number of different ways.24 Action research is a form of self-reflective inquiry

under taken by participants (Teachers, students, principals) for example in

social situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own

social or education practice, their understanding of these practices and thesituation in which the practices are care out.

25Other opinion said that action

research is research carried out by practitioners in order to improve their own

  practice.Then they develop a plan for (a) introducing the change and (b)

investigating the effect of introducing the change. For example, an action

research plan for the on- line classroom might involve a teachers¶ decision to

switch from paper journals to e- mail journals.26 

Based of the definition above, it can be conclude that action research

is done by a teacher systematically. The research is to solve the problems faced

in teaching and learning process. At the same times, to increase the teaching

and learning process in the future. By doing action research, the research may

give contribution to him/her self other teachers and students.

There are four components in one cycle for doing classroom action

research. They are:

a). Planning

Planning is a plan to conduct treatments or after making sure about the

 problem of the research. A researcher needs to make a preparation before

doing an action research.

24 David Nunan,  Research  M ethods in Language Learning, (New York: Cambridge University

Press. 1992) p. 1725

FakultasTarbiyah, PenelitianTindakanKelasBagi M ahasiswa IAIN Walisongo Semarang ;(Semarang: IAIN Walisongo, 2009), P. 3.

26 Mark Warschauer, Heidi Shetzer, and Christine Meloni, Internet for English Teaching ,

(Illionis USA: Capital Communication System TESOL. 2000) P.105

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 b). Acting

This section discusses the steps and activities that would be taken by the


c). Observing

A researcher has to observe all events or activities during the research.

d). Reflective

Reflecting is the inspection effort on the success or the failure in teaching

the temporary purpose in order to determine the alternative steps that are

 probably made to get the final goals of the research.

Model of Actin rsearchAccorging to Kurt Lewin.27 


The classroom action research will be held of first grade students of SMA Islam

Al- Hikmah Mayong Jepara. The students consist of 40 students. 


Method of data collections is very important in a research. According to

Arikunto data source in a research is basically source of which a researcher gets

27SuharsimiArikunto,  ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik, (Jakarta: PT.

AsdiMahaSatiya, 2006), P. 96-99.




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data, depends on the necessity and kind of information which is needed.28 In this

research, the researcher will use observation and test. a.  Observation

Observation will be applied to monitor the students¶ activities during teaching

and learning process.

b.  Test

Test is a shares of questionnaires or exercise and another media which is used

to measure some skills, intelligent, knowledge, or ability that are owned by

individually or personality.

This method is applied by researchers to know the students¶

achievements that have done in learning English, especially in teaching pronunciation by using pronunciation software as a media.


1.  Steps of Method Implementation.

a) Pre-cycle

In this pre-cycle, the researcher will see teaching pronunciation of 

the material in the classroom. By doing pre-cycle, the teacher has still done

conventional method which does not use the researcher¶s method in

teaching and learning process. 

In teaching learning pre-cycle will also measure with the research

indicator which will see the students¶ activities in learning process, the

concept, and the students¶ result. In this study is done as basic to compare

the produce of learning by using the researcher¶s method in teaching and

learning on first cycle and second cycle. 

b) First cycle (first meeting)

1.  Planning : Plan the action to students in pronunciation teaching.

2.  Acting : -Implementation teaching pronunciation using

 pronunciation software.

- Explain how to use pronunciation software.

28SuharsimiArikunto,  ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktek , P. 149.

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- Give the students¶ individually assignment to

 pronounce some words or sentence.

3.  Observing : Observe students¶ activities while they are doing


4.  Reflecting : Conclude the result of the first cycle. 

c) Second cycle (second meeting)

1. Planning : Plan the action to students in pronunciation software. 

2. Acting : Ask students to perform assignment.

3. Observing : Observe students¶ activities in practice to pronounce.

4. Reflecting : Conclude the result of the second cycle.

XII. Data Analysis

In analysis study, the writer used quantitative analysis. The

quantitative analysis was taken from tests that had been scored by using the

rating scale. The writer scored the students¶ ability of pronunciation, counted

the cumulative scores and the total average or the mean score of the cycle. At

the end, the mean scores would be reflected in a form of diagram.29


Data from oral test will be analyzed from the students¶ performanceand done through the following procedure:

1.  Recording the students¶ performance.

29SutrisnoHadi,Statistik (jilid 1), ( Yogyakarta: ANDI, 1989), 14

thED., P. 37






M : Mean

x : Students¶ marks

n : Number of students

nx : Students¶ marks multiplied by number of 

the students who get mark 

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Since the test is done oral test, I should record the students¶ performance

to prevent from left scoring the language items criteria to be scored.

2.  Scoring the students¶ performance.

In scoring the students¶ performance, there are four aspects of language

scored. They are: pronunciation, accuracy and fluency. I choose these

scoring criteria on since; it is suitable to score pronunciation ability.

Then, to provide the students¶ over all score, I use the formula below:

A students¶ score = Total score x 100%Max score

Meanwhile, to figure out the students¶ average score, I use the formula


Students¶ average score (M) = Students¶ total score

 Number of students


Table 2: Procedure and Timeline

No Task Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Getting familiar with the

school situation

2 Doing pre-cycle (observing the

teacher¶s teaching in


3 Doing the first cycle (using the

researcher¶s method)

4 Doing the second cycle (asking

the students to pronounce someword or sentences and then

check it correctly use

pronunciation software.

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5 Analyzing data


The outline of the thesis can be seen as follow: 

Chapter I present the introduction, which contains background of the

study, reasons for choosing the topics, research question, objectives of the

study and pedagogical significance study.

Chapter II review of related literature, deals with theoretical review and

 previous research.

Chapter III present the methods of the research and the action, it deals

with design of the study, setting, participants, instruments, analysis, andresearch procedures.

Chapter IV focuses with the findings of the result of research. It also

  presents the students improvement in teaching pronunciation using

 pronunciation software.

Chapter V talks about conclusion and suggestion for future research.


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Date Signature

DaviqRizal , M. Pd. _____ _ 

Advisor I

Drs. Ikrom, M. Ag. _______  

Advisor II

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The Researcher
