Anixter Ref

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7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 1/76

The Anixter StandardsR E F E R E N C E G U I D E

A reference guide to:





Now Including:

Current Telecommunications Systems Bulletins:

TSB-67, TSB-72, TSB-75 & TSB-95

Current Addendum

TIA/EIA-568-A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5(e) and B.3

 Anixter Levels

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As a value-added provider of communications cablingsolutions, Anixter can reliably support your network

infrastructure requirements. We do this by combiningtechnical expertise and market specialization with pre- and

post-sale services and products from the world’s leading

vendors. Then, we accurately and promptly deliver those

products through our global distribution network.

In an effort to continually support you, our customers,we have pulled together some valuable information from

ANSI/TIA/EIA. The information contained within this

reference guide covers the key aspects of the ANSI/TIA/EIA-

568-A, 569, 606 and 607 standards, in addition to

information on the value of the Anixter Levels Program. We hope you find its contents informative and useful.

Scope of this HandbookThis document is meant as a reference source that

highlights the key points of the ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A,

569, 606 and 607 standards. It is not intended as a

substitute for the original documents. For further discussionof any topic in the guide, refer to the actual standard. See the

section called “Reference Documents” for instructions on how

to order a copy of the standard itself.

Abbreviation References:

 ANSI American National Standards Institute ASTM American Society for Testing and MaterialsCSA  Canadian Standards AssociationEIA  Electronic Industries AllianceIEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronic EngineersNEC National Electric CodeNEMA  National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA  National Fire Protection Association TIA  Telecommunications Industry AssociationUL Underwriters’ Laboratories

Anixter: The Cabling Systems Experts

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I. ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A, Commercial BuildingTelecommunications Cabling Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

II. ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-A, Pathways and Spaces . . . . . . . . . 30

III. ANSI/TIA/EIA-606, Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

IV. ANSI/TIA/EIA-607, Grounding and Bonding . . . . . . . . 56

 V. The Anixter Levels Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 VI. Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


Table of Contents

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The Purpose:• Establish a generic telecommunications cabling

standard that will support a multivendor environment

• Enable the planning and installation of a structured

cabling system for commercial buildings

• Establish performance and technical criteria for

various cabling system configurations

The standard specifies:

• Minimum requirements for telecommunications

cabling within an office environment

Recommended topology and distances• Media parameters which determine performance

• Connector and pin assignments to ensure


• The useful life of telecommunications cabling systems

as being in excess of ten years

Purpose of the ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A Standard


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ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-ACommercial Building TelecommunicationsCabling Standard

Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1The Six Subsystems of a Structured Cabling System . . . . . . . . 1

Building Entrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Equipment Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Backbone Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Design Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Telecommunications Closet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Horizontal Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Specified Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Maximum Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Telecommunications Outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-Position Modular Jack Pair Assignments . . . . . . . . . 6

 Work Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Work Area Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Media and Connecting Hardware

Performance Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7100 Ohm Unshielded Twisted-Pair Cabling Systems . . . 7

Horizontal Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Backbone Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9UTP Connecting Hardware and Cords . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

150 Ohm Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP-A)

Cabling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Horizontal and Backbone STP-A Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 12150 Ohm STP-A Data Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13150 Ohm STP-A Patch Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Optical Fiber Cabling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Optical Fiber Cabling Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Optical Fiber Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Optical Fiber Telecommunications Outlet . . . . . . . . . . 15

Table of Contents


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TSB-67 Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16TSB-72 Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18TSB-75 Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

TSB-95 Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Addenda to TIA/EIA-568-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

568-A-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23568-A-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23568-A-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24568-A-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24568-A-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

TIA/EIA-568-B.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


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Design Considerations

The Six Subsystems of a StructuredCabling System

1. Building EntranceBuilding entrance facilities provide the point at which

outdoor cabling interfaces with the intrabuilding backbonecabling. The physical requirements of the network interfaceare defined in the TIA/EIA-569-A standard.

2. Equipment RoomThe design aspects of the equipment room are specified in

the TIA/EIA-569-A standard. Equipment rooms usually houseequipment of higher complexity than telecommunicationsclosets. Any or all of the functions of a telecommunicationscloset may be provided by an equipment room.


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3. Backbone CablingThe backbone cabling provides interconnection between

telecommunication closets, equipment rooms and entrancefacilities. It consists of the backbone cables, intermediate andmain cross-connects, mechanical terminations and patchcords or jumpers used for backbone-to-backbone cross-connection. This includes:

•  Vertical connection between floors (risers)

Cables between an equipment room and buildingcable entrance facilities

• Cables between buildings (interbuilding)

*Note: Backbone distances are application-dependent. The

maximum distances specified above are based on voicetransmission for UTP and data transmission for STP and fiber.

The 90-meter distance for STP applies to applications with a

 spectral bandwidth of 20 MHz to 300 MHz. A 90-meter distance

 also applies to UTP at spectral bandwidths of 5–16 MHz for CAT 3,

10 MHz for CAT 4, and 20–100 MHz for CAT 5.

Lower-speed data systems such as IBM 3270, IBMSystem 36, 38, AS 400 and asynchronous (RS232, 422, 423,etc.) can operate over UTP (or STP) for considerably longerdistances—typically from several hundred feet to more than1,000 feet. The actual distances depend on the type of system, data speed and the manufacturer’s specifications for

the system electronics and the associated components used(e.g., baluns, adapters, line drivers, etc.). Current state-of-the-art distribution facilities usually include a combination of both copper and fiber optic cables in the backbone.

Cabling Types Maximum Backbone

Recognized Distances

100 ohm UTP (24 or 22 AWG) 800 meters (2625 ft) Voice*150 ohm STP 90 meters (295 ft) Data*

Multimode 62.5/125 µm optical fiber 2,000 meters (6560 ft)

Single-mode 8.3/125 µm optical fiber 3,000 meters (9840 ft)


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Other Design Requirements• Star topology 

No more than two hierarchical levels of cross-connects• Bridge taps are not allowed

• Main and intermediate cross-connect jumper orpatch cord lengths should not exceed 20 meters(66 feet)

•  Avoid installing in areas where sources of high levels

of EMI/RFI may exist • Grounding should meet the requirements as defined

in TIA/EIA-607

 Note: It is recommended that the user consult with equipment 

manufacturers, application standards and system providers

 for additional information when planning shared-sheath

 applications on UTP backbone cables.

Specified Backbone Cabling Topology: Star 


UTP—800 meters*

STP—Application dependent

Multimode Fiber—2000 meters

Single-mode Fiber—3000 meters

Equipment Room

Equipment RoomIntermediate



Telecommunications Closets


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4. Telecommunications Closet A telecommunications closet is the area within a 

building that houses the telecommunications cabling systemequipment. This includes the mechanical terminations and/orcross-connect for the horizontal and backbone cablingsystem. Please refer to TIA/EIA-569-A for the designspecifications of the telecommunications closet.

5. Horizontal Cabling—(Specified Horizontal Cabling

Topology: Star)The horizontal cabling system extends from the work 

area telecommunications (information) outlet to thetelecommunications closet and consists of the following:

• Horizontal Cabling• Telecommunications Outlet • Cable Terminations• Cross-connectionsThree media types are recognized as options for

horizontal cabling, each extending a maximum distance of 90 meters:

• 4-pair, 100-ohm UTP cable (24 AWG solid conductors)• 2-pair, 150-ohm STP cables• 2-fiber, 62.5/125-µm optical cable

 Note: At this time, 50-ohm coaxial cable is a recognized media

type. It is not, however, recommended for new cabling 

installations and is expected to be removed from the next 

revision of this standard.


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8-Position Modular Jack Pair Assignments for UTP 

6. Work AreaThe work area components extend from the

telecommunications (information) outlet to the station

equipment. Work area wiring is designed to be relatively simple to interconnect so that moves, adds and changesare easily managed.

Work Area Components • Station Equipment—computers, data terminals,

telephones, etc.•

Patch Cables—modular cords, PC adapter cables,fiber jumpers, etc.

•  Adapters(baluns, etc.)— must be external to telecommunications outlet 

T568-A T568-B


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Media and Connecting HardwarePerformance Specifications

100 ohm Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP)Cabling Systems

Horizontal Cable 

 As transmission rates have increased, higher performanceUTP cabling has become a necessity. In addition, some means

of classifying horizontal UTP cables and connecting hardware by performance capability had to be established. These capabilitieshave been broken down to a series of categories as follows:

Category 3 

Cables/connecting hardware with transmissionparameters characterized up to 16 MHz

Category 4 

Cables/connecting hardware with transmissionparameters characterized up to 20 MHz

Category 5 

Cables/connecting hardware with transmission

parameters characterized up to 100 MHz


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Horizontal UTP Cable 

 Attenuation: per 100 meters (328 feet) @ 20 degrees C 

 NEXT: greater than or equal to 100 meters (328 feet)

Characteristic impedance of horizontal cabling=100ohms ± 15 percent from 1 MHz to the highest referencedfrequency (16, 20 or 100 MHz) of a particular category.

Attenuation/Crosstalk Loss (Attn/NEXT)

Frequency Category 3 Category 4 Category 5Attn/NEXT Attn/NEXT Attn/NEXT

(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB)

0.064 0.9 / - 0.8 / - 0.8 /  

0.150 - / 53 - / 68 - / 74

0.256 1.3 / - 1.1 / - 1.1 / -

0.512 1.8 / - 1.5 / - 1.5 / -0.772 2.2 / 43 1.9 / 58 1.8 / 64

1.0 2.6 / 41 2.2 / 56 2.0 / 62

4.0 5.6 / 32 4.3 / 47 4.1 / 53

8.0 8.5 / 27 6.2 / 42 5.8 / 48

10.0 9.7 / 26 6.9 / 41 6.5 / 47

16.0 13.1 / 23 8.9 / 38 8.2 / 4420.0 - / - 10.0 / 36 9.3 / 42

25.0 - / - - / - 10.4 / 41

31.25 - / - - / - 11.7 / 39

62.5 - / - - / - 17.0 / 35

100.0 - / - - / - 22.0 /32


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Backbone UTP Cable 

 Attenuation: per 100 meters (328 feet) @ 20 degrees C 

 NEXT: greater than or equal to 100 meters (328 feet)

Characteristic impedance of backbone cabling=100ohms ± 15 percent from 1 MHz to the highest referencedfrequency (16, 20 or 100 MHz) of a particular category.

Attenuation/Power Sum NEXT Loss

Frequency Category 3 Category 4 Category 5Attn/NEXT Attn/NEXT Attn/NEXT

(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB)

0.064 0.9 / - 0.8 / - 0.8 / -

0.150 - / 53 - / 68 - / 74

0.256 1.3 / - 1.1 / - 1.1 / -

0.512 1.8 / - 1.5 / - 1.5 / -0.772 2.2 / 43 1.9 / 58 1.8 / 64

1.0 2.6 / 41 2.2 / 56 2.0 / 62

4.0 5.6 / 32 4.3 / 47 4.1 / 53

8.0 8.5 / 27 6.2 / 42 5.8 / 48

10.0 9.7 / 26 6.9 / 41 6.5 / 47

16.0 13.1 / 23 8.9 / 38 8.2 / 4420.0 - / - 10.0 / 36 9.3 / 42

25.0 - / - - / - 10.4 / 41

31.25 - / - - / - 11.7 / 39

62.5 - / - - / - 17.0 / 35

100.0 - / - - / - 22.0 / 32


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UTP Connecting Hardware and CordsTo ensure that installed connecting hardware

(telecommunications outlets, patch cords and panels,connectors, cross-connect blocks, etc.) will have minimal effect on overall cabling system performance, the characteristics andperformance parameters presented in this section shall be met.

UTP Connecting Hardware 

The preferred termination method for all UTPconnecting hardware utilizes the insulation displacement contact (IDC).

The following requirements apply only to wire and cable

used for patch cords and cross-connect jumpers:Jumper/patch cord maximum length limitations: 

• 20 meters (66 feet) in main cross-connect • 20 meters (66 feet) in intermediate cross-connect • 6 meters (20 feet) in telecommunications closet • 3 meters (10 feet) in the work area 

Patch cord cable construction: 

• stranded conductors for extended flex-life

Attenuation/NEXT LossFrequency Category 3 Category 4 Category 5

(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB)

1.0 0.4 / 58 0.1 / 65 0.1 /65

4.0 0.4 / 46 0.1 / 58 0.1 / 65

8.0 0.4 / 40 0.1 / 52 0.1 / 62

10.0 0.4 / 38 0.1 / 50 0.1 / 6016.0 0.4 / 34 0.2 / 46 0.2 / 56

20.0 - / - 0.2 / 44 0.2 / 54

25.0 - / - - / - 0.2 / 52

31.25 - / - - / - 0.2 / 50

62.5 - / - - / - 0.3 / 44

100.0 - / - - / - 0.4 / 40


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 Attenuation: per 100 meters (328 feet) @ 20 degrees C = Horizontal UTP cable attenuation + 20 percent (due to

 stranded conductors)

To ensure overall system integrity, horizontal cablesneed to be terminated with connecting hardware of the samecategory or higher. Also, cables used for patch cords and

cross-connect jumpers need to be of the same performancecategory or higher as the horizontal cables they connect.Lastly, UTP cabling systems are not Category 3-, 4-, or5-compliant unless all components of the system satisfy their respective category requirements.

Maximum Attenuation of Cable Used in Patch Cords

Frequency Category 3 Category 4 Category 5

(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB)1.0 3.1 2.6 2.4

4.0 6.7 5.2 4.9

8.0 10.2 7.4 6.9

10.0 11.7 8.3 7.8

16.0 15.7 10.7 9.9

20.0 - 12.0 11.125.0 - - 12.5

31.25 - - 14.1

62.5 - - 20.4

100.0 - - 26.4


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150 Ohm Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP-A)Cabling Systems

The recognized twisted-pair (STP) cables are IBM-type1A for backbone and horizontal distribution and IBM-type 6A for patch cables.

Horizontal and Backbone STP-A Cable 

2-pair, 22 AWG solid 

 Attenuation: per 100 meters (328 feet) @ 25 degrees C 

Characteristic Impedance = 150 ohms ± 10 percent 

(3 MHz-300 MHz).

Balanced Mode Attenuation/NEXT Loss (worst pair)Frequency Attn/NEXT(MHz) (dB)

4 2.2 / 58.0

8 3.1 / 54.9

10 3.6 / 53.5

16 4.4 / 50.4

20 4.9 / 49.0

25 6.2 / 47.5

31.25 6.9 / 46.1

62.50 9.8 / 41.5

100 12.3 / 38.5

300 21.4 / 31.3


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STP-A Data Connector 

150 Ohm STP-A Patch Cable 2-pair, 26AWG stranded

Characteristic Impedance = 150 ohms ± 10% (3 MHz–300 MHz)

Balanced Mode Attenuation of 150 ohm STP-A Patchcable is about 1.5× that of horizontal or backbone STP-A cable (4 MHz–300 MHz).

NEXT performance of 150 ohm STP-A Patch Cablemeasures approximately 6 dB less than horizontal orbackbone STP-A cable (5 MHz–300 MHz).


Frequency Attn/NEXT(MHz) (dB)

4.0 .05/ 65

8.0 .10/ 65

10 .10/ 65

16 .15/ 62.4

20 .15/ 60.525 .15/ 58.5

31.25 .15/ 56.6

62.50 .20/ 50.6

100 .25/ 46.5

300 .45/ 36.9


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Optical Fiber Cabling Systems

Optical Fiber Cabling Media• Horizontal—62.5/125 µm multimode optical fiber

(minimum of two fibers)• Backbone—62.5/125 µm multimode and 8.3/125 µm

single-mode optical fiber

Cable Transmission Performance ParametersSingle-mode (Backbone)

Wavelength Maximum Attenuation(nm) (dB/km)

1310 0.5

1550 0.5

Cable Transmission Performance Parameters

Multimode (Horizontal and Backbone)Wavelength Maximum Attenuation Min. Bandwidth(nm) (dB/km) (MHz-km)

850 3.75 160

1300 1.5 500


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Optical Fiber Connector

Specified Connector: 568SC 

Color Identification • beige—62.5/125 µm multimode connector/coupling• blue—8.3/125 µm single-mode connector/coupling

Note 1: Applications with an installed base of ST-type fiber 

connectors are “grandfathered” for continued use in both

current and future updates of existing optical fiber networks.

Note 2: A key reason the standard now specifies the 568SC-type

 fiber connector is to harmonize with the IEC-specified interface

currently in use in Europe.

Optical Fiber Telecommunications Outlet

Required Features 

• Capability to terminate minimum of two fibers into568SC couplings

• Means of securing fiber and maintaining minimumbend radius of 30 mm

•  Ability to store a minimum of 1 meter of 2-fiber cable• Surface-mount box that attaches directly over

standard 4" × 4" electrical box 


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Transmission Performance Specification forField Testing of Unshielded Twisted-Pair CablingSystems (10/95)

For the purposes of testing UTP cabling systems, thehorizontal link is assumed to contain a telecommunicationsoutlet/connector, a transition point, 90 meters of UTP Category 

3, 4 or 5 cable, a cross-connect consisting of two blocks orpanels and a total of 10 meters of patch cords. The figurebelow shows the relationship of these components.

Two link configurations are defined for testing purposes.The basic link includes the horizontal distribution cable,telecommunications outlet/connector or transition point andone horizontal cross-connect component. This is assumed tobe the permanent part of a link. The channel link is comprised

of the basic link plus cross-connect equipment, user andcross-connect jumper cable.

TSB-67 defines the allowable worst-case attenuation andNEXT for an installed link. The following tables show thelimitations for attenuation and NEXT, respectively, for boththe basic and channel links.

Tests shall also measure physical length of each link,and employ Wire Map to verify pin terminations at each endand identify simple electrical faults. Level I and the higherLevel II field test equipment accuracy is defined.

Channel Link 

Basic Link 

Patch Cord





90 Meters UTP Cable


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Centralized Optical Fiber Cabling Guidelines (10/95)The ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A standard provides maximum

flexibility for distributed electronics for multi-tenant buildings. TSB-72 offers guidelines for single-tenant users who prefer centralized electronics (i.e. server farms)connected by a fiber horizontal and fiber backbone.

Centralized Cabling Scheme 

To connect fiber from the Work Area to the Equipment Room, within a single building, the user may use a splice orinterconnect in the Telecom Closet. The combined distancelimitation is 300 meters (984 ft) for Horizontal, IntrabuildingBackbone and patch cords. Alternatively, the user may simply pull cables through the closet. In this last case the fiber

Horizontal and Backbone consist of one continuous fiberpair, and the pull-through distance limitation is 90 meters(295 ft). Cabling is 62.5/125 µm multimode as described inTIA/EIA 568-A. Sufficient space shall be allowed for slack,addition and removal of cables, spares, and conversion to a full cross-connect system. Labeling shall be in accordance

 with TIA/EIA-606, with additional labeling to identify A-Bpairs with specific Work Areas.


Patch Cable

Patch Cable



Horizontal Cable—300 m including riser

Termination Shelf


MDCInterbuildingTrunk Cable


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Additional Horizontal Cabling Practices for OpenOffices (8/96)

This document specifies optional practices for openoffice environments, for any Horizontal telecommunicationscabling recognized in TIA/EIA 568-A.

 A Multi-User Telecommunications Outlet (MUTO)

facilitates the termination of multiple Horizontal cables in a common location within a furniture cluster. Work Area cables may then be routed through furniture pathways anddirectly connected to Work Area equipment. Each furniturecluster should have one MUTO which serves a maximum of twelve Work Areas.


Multi-UserTelecommunicationsOutlet Assembly






Work area cables

Work AreaBackbonecable


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 Note: No Work Area cable length may exceed 20 meters (66 feet).

For Optical Fiber, any combination of Horizontal,

 Work Area cables, patch cords and equipment cords may not exceed 100 meters (328 ft).

Only one Consolidation Point (an interconnection point in the Horizontal cabling) is allowed, at a distance of at least 

15 meters (49 ft) from the Telecom Closet and a Transitionpoint (transition from round to flat under carpet cable) isnot allowed. A Consolidation Point is installed inunobstructed building columns and permanent walls.

The Multi-User Telecommunications Outlet, andConsolidation Point methods are intended to be mutually 

exclusive. Labeling and allowance for spares is required.Moves, adds and changes should be administered in theTelecom Closet.

Work Area


Closet Horizontal Cabling




Work areacables

Work area telecommunicationoutlet/connector or multi-usertelecommunications outlet assembly


Maximum Work Area Cable length is

determined by the following table:

Length of Maximum Maximum combined lengthhorizontal length of work of work area cables, patchcable area cable cords and equipment cablem (ft) m (ft) m (ft)

90 (295) 3 (10) 10 (33)

85 (279) 7 (23) 14 (46)

80 (262) 11 (36) 18 (59)

75 (246) 15 (49) 22 (72)

70 (230) 20 (66) 27 (89)


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Additional Transmission Performance Guidelines for4-Pair 100 MHz Category 5 Cabling (10/99)

This Systems Bulletin describes Return Loss and EqualLevel Far End Crosstalk (ELFEXT) recommendations andadditional test methods for Cat 5 cable. It also describesPower Sum ELFEXT, because newer applications (1000BASE-T) will use simultaneous bi-directional transmission (fullduplex) over all four pairs.

 While the important topics of TSB-95 are coveredbriefly here, appropriate test equipment is required, andcontemporary test equipment contains software to simplify,compare and report the results (only up to 100 MHz).

The Return Loss will be less than 15 dB for both thebasic link and channel for any frequency less than 20 MHz,and decrease exponentially for frequencies from 20–100 MHz.

Frequency Return Loss(MHz) (dB)

1 15

4 158 15

10 15

16 15

20 15

25 14.03

31.25 13.0662.5 10.05

100 8.01


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ELFEXT and PSELFEXT upper limitations of the worst pair of the channel are shown below.

ELFEXT, Channel or PSELFEXT, ChannelFrequency Basic Link, Worst Pair or Basic Link(MHz) (dB) (dB)

1.0 57.0 54.4

4.0 45.0 42.4

8.0 38.9 36.3

10.0 37.0 34.4

16.0 32.9 30.320.0 31.0 28.4

25.0 29.0 26.4

31.25 27.1 24.5

62.5 21.1 18.5

100.0 17.0 14.4


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 29/76

Addenda to TIA/EIA-568-A

TIA/EIA-568-A-1 (Addendum 1) (9/97)

Propagation Delay and Delay Skew Specifications for 100-Ohm 

4-pair Cable 

Propagation delay is the time needed for thetransmission of signal over a single pair. Delay skew isthe difference between the propagation delay between any 

two pairs within the same cable sheath. Delay skew is causedprimarily because twisted pairs are designed to have different twists per foot (lay lengths). Delay skew could cause data transmitted over one channel to arrive out of sync with data over another channel. This one-page addendum (plus a one- and two-page Informative Annex), specifies delay skew and provides formulas for the benefit of cable and test equipment manufacturers.

TIA/EIA-568-A-2 (Addendum 2) (8/98)

Corrections and Additions to TIA/EIA-568-A

 Addendum 2 refers the Centralized Optical Fiber userto TSB-72 in regards to star topology and cross connections.It specifies that transposed UTP pairs (tip/ring reversal) beaccomplished only with adapters or patch cords. A slight reduction in strength of optical patch cord connectors isallowed. Laboratory and quality control measurements andmethods are detailed for contact resistance, test baluns andcommon mode terminations (Five pages, no Annex).


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TIA/EIA-568-A-3 (Addendum 3) (12/98)

Addendum No. 3 to TIA/EIA-568-A

This one-page document allows bundled, wrapped orhybrid cables for use in Horizontal cabling, provided that each individual cable type meets TIA/EIA-568-A specifications, and that power sum NEXT loss created by adjacent jacketed cables be 3 dB better than the normally allowed pair-to-pair NEXT for the cable type being tested.Color codes must follow individual cable standards todistinguish them from multipair UTP backbone cabling.

 ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A-4 (Addendum 4) (12/99)

A Production Modular Cord NEXT Loss Test Method and 

Requirements for Unshielded Twisted-Pair Cabling 

This addendum provides a non-destructivemethodology for NEXT loss testing of modular plug cords(patch and equipment cords) suitable only for a QClaboratory environment.

 ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A-5 (Addendum 5) (2/00)

Transmission Performance Specifications for 4-Pair 100 Ohm 

Category 5e Cabling 

This addendum specifies minimum Return Loss,Propagation Delay, Delay Skew. NEXT loss, PSNEXT loss, FEXTloss, ELFEXT and PSELFEXT @ 100 meters.

ELFEXT (Equal-Level Far-End Crosstalk): A measure of theunwanted signal coupling from a transmitter at the near-endinto a neighboring pair measured at the far-end, relative tothe received signal level measured on that same pair.(ELFEXT is FEXT adjusted to discount attenuation.)


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FEXT (Far-End Crosstalk): A measure of the unwantedsignal coupling from a transmitter at the near-end into a neighboring pair measured at the far-end.

PSELFEXT (Power Sum Equal-Level Far-End Crosstalk): A computation of the unwanted signal coupling from multipletransmitters at the near-end into a pair measured at the far-end, relative to the received signal level on that same pair.

PSNEXT (Power Sum Near-End Crosstalk): A computation of the unwanted signal coupling from multiple transmitters at 

the near-end into a (non-energized) pair measured at thenear-end.

UTP Cable


(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)

1 65.3 62.3 63.8 60.8 20.0

4 56.3 53.3 51.7 48.7 23.0

8 51.8 48.8 45.7 42.7 24.5

10 50.3 47.3 43.8 40.8 25.0

16 47.3 44.3 39.7 36.7 25.0

20 45.8 42.8 37.7 34.7 25.0

25 44.3 41.3 35.8 32.8 24.3

31.25 42.9 39.9 33.9 30.9 23.6

62.5 38.4 35.4 27.8 24.8 21.5

100 35.3 32.3 23.8 20.8 20.1


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UTP Basic Link


(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)1 60.0 57.0 58.0 55.0 17.0

4 54.8 52.0 48.0 45.0 17.0

8 50.0 47.1 41.9 38.9 17.0

10 48.5 45.6 40.0 37.0 17.0

16 45.2 42.2 35.9 32.9 17.0

20 43.7 40.7 34.0 31.0 17.0

25 42.1 39.1 32.0 29.0 16.3

31.25 40.6 37.5 30.1 27.1 15.662.5 35.7 32.6 24.1 21.1 13.5

100 32.3 29.3 20.0 17.0 12.1

UTP Connecting Hardware

Frequency NEXT FEXT Return Loss

(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB)1 65.0 65.0 35.0

4 65.0 63.1 35.0

8 64.9 57.0 35.0

10 63.0 55.1 35.0

16 58.9 51.0 35.0

20 57.0 49.1 34.025 55.0 47.1 32.0

31.25 53.1 45.2 30.1

62.5 47.1 39.2 24.1

100 43.0 35.1 20.0


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Modular Patch Cord

Frequency Return Loss

(MHz) (dB)

1-20 25.0

25 24.031.25 23.1

62.5 20.1

100 18.0

UTP Channel


(MHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)1 60.0 57.0 57.4 54.4 17.0

4 53.6 50.9 45.3 42.4 17.0

8 48.6 45.7 39.3 36.3 17.0

10 47.0 44.1 37.4 34.4 17.0

16 43.6 40.6 33.3 30.3 17.0

20 42.0 39.0 31.4 28.4 17.025 40.4 37.3 29.4 26.4 16.0

31.25 38.7 35.7 27.5 24.5 15.1

62.5 33.6 30.6 21.5 18.5 12.1

100 30.1 27.1 17.4 14.4 10.0


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Optical Fiber Cabling Components StandardThe TIA/EIA-568-A standard will eventually be

superceded by: TIA/EIA-568-B.1 “Commercial BuildingTelecommunications Cabling System,” TIA/EIA-568-B.2“Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Standard,” and TIA/EIA-568-B.3 “Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard.”

In March of 2000, the Optical Fiber section wascompleted and became available to the public in May. Thisstandard supercedes and replaces Section 12 of the previousdocument. The remaining B documents should be completedby mid-2001.

Optical Fiber Cabling Systems

Optical Fiber Cabling Media

• Horizontal—62.5/125 or 50/125 µm multimode optical fiber

(minimum of two fibers)

• Backbone—62.5/125 or 50/125 µm multimode and single-mode

optical fiber

Cable Transmission Performance Parameters Multimode

(Horizontal & Backbone)50 µm 62.5 µm

Maximum Minimum MinimumWavelength Attenuation Bandwidth Bandwith(nm) (dB/km) (MHz/km) (MHz/km)

850 3.5 500 1601300 1.5 500 500

Cable Transmission Performance Parameters Single-mode

(Backbone)Inside Plant Outside Plant

Wavelength Maximum Attenuation Maximum Attenuation(nm) (dB/km) (dB/km)

1310 1.0 0.51550 1.0 0.5


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Optical Fiber ConnectorNo Specified Connector: 568SC and other duplex designs 

may be used.

Color Identification 

• beige—multimode connector/coupling• blue—single-mode connector/coupling

Note 1: Applications with installed base of ST-type fiberconnectors are “grandfathered” for continued use in both

current and future updates of existing optical fiber networks.

Note 2: The ISO/IEC standard now specifies the568SC-type fiber connector in the work area.

Optical Fiber Telecommunications Outlet 

Required Features: 

Capability to terminate minimum of two fibers into568SC couplings or other duplex connection

• Means of securing fiber and maintaining minimumbend radius of 25 mm(1")

Optical Fiber Splices; Fusion or Mechanical 

• Maximum Attenuation 0.3 dB

Optical Fiber Connector (mated pair) • Maximum Insertion loss 0.75 dB


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 36/76

As the complexity of voice and data telecommunicationshas increased, standards have been established to ensure the

operability, flexibility, manageability and longevity of thesecritical commercial support systems. Telecommunications

now encompasses voice, data and video transmission of

business information, fire/security, audio, environmental and

other intelligent building controls over media that includesfiber optics, specialized copper data cabling, microwave and

radiowave. This booklet concisely describes the architectural

design elements of cabling pathways and dedicated rooms for

telecommunications equipment.

A multi-tenant commercial building has a life

expectancy of at least 50 years. Software, hardware andcommunications gear have far shorter lifespans of one to five

years. Moreover, in a multi-tenant environment, continuous

moves, adds and changes are inevitable. It is the purpose ofstandards to guide design and ease future changes—by

planning for the future now. These standards are intended to

provide for a generic structured cabling plant, capable of

running any voice or data application foreseeable in the next10 to 15 years.


AWG American Wire Gauge

 V volts

A amps

kVA kilovolt ampere

 V/m volts per meter


Purpose of the ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-A Standard

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 37/76

ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-ACommercial Building Standard forTelecommunications Pathways and Spaces

Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Service Entrance Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Entrance Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Equipment Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Intrabuilding Backbone Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Telecommunications Closet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Horizontal Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Underfloor Duct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Flushduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Multichannel Raceway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Cellular Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Trenchduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Access Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Plenum/Ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39Cable Trays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Consolidation Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Electromagnetic Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Firestops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Table of Contents


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Pathways and Spaces 

1. Electric Entrance2. Telco Entrance

3. Telecom Equipment Room

4. Data 

5. Voice

6. Telecom Closet 

7. Grounding & Bonding

8. Underfloor System


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TIA/EIA-569-A Design Considerations

Service Entrance PathwaysFor underground facilities, use a minimum 4-inch

conduit or duct constructed of PVC type B, C or D; multipleplastic duct; galvanized steel; fiber glass; with appropriateencasement. No more than two 90° manufactured bendsare allowed (10 times the diameter). Drain slope shouldnot be less than 12 inches per 100 feet. Recommendedconduit fill varies but should not exceed 40 percent formore than two cables.

Maintenance holes (typically 3,500 lb./sq. in., concrete)must be equipped with sump, corrosion-protected pullingiron, cable racks, grounded ladder, and only suchpower/light conductors as required for telecommunicationssupport per NEC requirements.

Entrance FacilitiesEntrance facilities include the pathways for outside carrier

services, interbuilding backbone, alternate entrance andantennae entrance pathways. The entrance facilities consist 

of a termination field interfacing any outside cabling to theintrabuilding backbone cabling. The local telephone carrier istypically required to terminate cabling within 50 feet of buildingpenetration, and to provide primary voltage protection.

In buildings larger than 20,000 usable square feet, a locked, dedicated, enclosed room is recommended. Beyond

70,000-square feet, a locked, dedicated room is required, with a plywood termination field provided on two walls. Inbuildings up to 100,000 usable square footage, a wall-mounted termination field may serve as the entrance facility,using 3/4-inch plywood, 8-feet high. Beyond 100,000-squarefeet, rack-mounted and free-standing frames may also be

required. Minimum space requirements are given as follows:


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 Rule of Thumb: Allow one square foot of plywood wallmount for 

each 200 square-foot area of floor space.

Equipment Room

 An equipment room is essentially a largetelecommunications closet that may house the maindistribution frame, PBXs, secondary voltage protection, etc.The equipment room is often appended to the entrancefacilities or a computer room to allow shared air conditioning,security, fire control, lighting and limited access.

 Rule of Thumb: Provide 0.75 square feet of equipment room

 floor space for every 100 square feet of user workstation area.

Number of Equipment RoomWorkstations Floor Space (sq. ft.)

1–100 150

101–400 400

401–800 800

801–1,200 1,200

Gross BuildingFloor Space(sq. ft.) Plywood Field Room Dimension

5,000 8’ high × 39” wide10,000 8’ high × 39”

20,000 8’ high × 42” (A room recommended

40,000 8’ high × 68” beyond this level)

50,000 8’ high × 90”

60,000 8’ high × 96” (A dedicated room req’d.)

80,000 8’ high × 120” 12’ × 6.3’100,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 6.3’

200,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 9’

400,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 13’

500,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 15.6’

600,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 18.3’

800,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 22.3’

1,000,000 8’ high × 2 walls 12’ × 27.7’


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Typically, rooms should be located away from sources of electromagnetic interference (transformers, motors, x-ray,

induction heaters, arc welders, radio, radar) until interferenceis less than 3 V/m across the frequency spectrum. Avoidsources of flooding.


Typically, no false ceiling; all surfaces treated to reduce dust; walls and ceiling painted white or pastel to improve visibility.

Limited Access 

Typically, single or double 36" × 80" lockable doors.


Typically, no piping, ductwork, mechanical equipment orpower cabling should be allowed to pass through the

equipment room. No unrelated storage.HVAC 

24 hours/day, 365 days/year, 64°-75°F, 30%-55%humidity, positive pressure.


Typically, 8.5 feet high, providing 50-foot candles @3 feet above floor.


Typically, a minimum of two dedicated 15A, 110VACduplex outlets on separate circuits is required. Convenienceduplex outlets shall be placed at 6-foot intervals around the

perimeter. Emergency power should be considered andsupplied, if available.


Less than 100 micrograms/cubic meter/24-hour period

 Note: The term “typically” is applied here to indicate, where applicable, that these requirements also apply to other elements

of the cabling system spaces. Lighting requirements, for instance, are largely identical for entrance facilities, equipment rooms and telecommunications closets.


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Intrabuilding Backbone Pathways Within a building, the intrabuilding backbone pathways

extend between the entrance facilities, equipment room andtelecommunications closets. Telecom closets should bestacked vertically above each other on each floor, andprovided with a minimum of three 4-inch sleeves (a stub of conduit through the floor) for less than 50,000 square feet served. An equivalent 4" × 12" slot may be used in lieu of three sleeves. Firestopping is required. If closets are not 

 vertically aligned, then 4-inch horizontal conduit runs arerequired. Include no more than two 90° bends between pullpoints. Pulling iron or eyes embedded in the concrete forcable pulling is recommended. Fill should not exceed40 percent for any run greater than two cables.

Backbone and Horizontal Pathways 

1. Telco Conduit 6. Vertical Backbone

2. Telco Manhole 7. Telecom Closet  

3. Entrance Conduit 8. Horizontal Cabling

4. Telco Entrance Facility 9. Interbuilding Backbone

5. Telcom Equipment Room 10. Electrical Entrance Facility 









7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 43/76

Telecommunications ClosetThe telecommunications closet on each floor is the

junction between backbone and horizontal pathways. It contains active voice and data telecommunicationsequipment, termination fields and cross-connect wiring.

More than one telecom closet per floor is required if distance to a work area exceeds 300 feet, or if floor area served exceeds 10,000 square feet. Recommended closet sizing is 10' × 11' for each 10,000 square-foot area served.

Power, lighting, air conditioning and limited accessare typical. See requirements for Equipment Room. Thereare a minimum of three 4-inch firestopped backbone sleevesin the floor at the left side of a plywood termination field, which are ideally located near the door. A fire extinguisheris recommended.

Typical Telecommunications Closet 

Riser Sleeve 

4"Inside Diameter 

1" minimum

Equipment power 

Power bar 

Power bar Instrument 


Rear Rear  

F r  ont  

F r  ont  

Equipment power 

19" equipment rack 

19" equipment rack 



39" aisle(Eqpt. repair & install)








ladder rack 

Ceiling levelladder rack 

Distributionfacilitiesto offices

Closet interconnectingconduit (fire stopped)3/4"


Three 4" sleeves(minimum)

M   i   n  i   m  u  m   3   6   "     x   8  0   "    d   o  o  r  

w  i   t  h   l   o  c  k   e   x  t  e  r  n  a  l   l    y   o   p  e  n  e  d    o  n  l    y  

Distribution facilities to offices


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Horizontal PathwaysHorizontal pathways extend between the

telecommunications closet and the work area. A variety of generic pathway options are described. Choice of pathway(s)is left to the discretion of the designer. The most commonly employed pathway consists of cable bundles run from thetelecom closet along J-hooks suspended above a plenumceiling, fanning out once a work zone is reached, droppingthrough interior walls or support columns or raceways, and

terminating at an information outlet (I/O). Other options are:

Underfloor Duct 

Single- or dual-level rectangular ducts imbedded ingreater than 2.5-inch concrete flooring.


Single-level rectangular duct imbedded flush in greaterthan 1-inch concrete flooring.

Multichannel Raceway 

Cellular raceway ducts capable of routing telecomand power cabling separately in greater than 3-inchreinforced concrete.

Cellular Floor 

Pre-formed hollows, or steel-lined cells, are provided inconcrete, with header ducts from the telecom closet arranged at right angles to the cells.


 A wide, solid tray, sometimes containing compartments,and fitted with a flat top(with gaskets) along its entire length.It is embedded flush with the concrete finish.

Access Floor 

Modular floor panels supported by pedestals, used incomputer rooms and equipment rooms.


Bundled cables, suspended above a false ceiling, fan out to drop through walls or along support columns tobaseboard level.


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To be considered only when outlet locations arepermanent, device density low and flexibility (future

changes) not required.

Cable Trays 

Options include channel tray, ladder tray, solid bottom, ventilated and wireway.

Perimeter Pathways 

Options include surface raceway, recessed, molding andmultichannel (to carry separate power and lighting circuits).

 Rule of Thumb: Typically, size horizontal pathways by providing 

1 square inch of cross-section area for every 100 square feet of 

workspace area being served.

 Note: Typically, a pull box, splice box or pulling point is required  for any constrained pathway where there are more than two 90°

bends, a 180° reverse bend or length more than 100 feet.

Perimeter Pathway 




Modular Office Path 

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A Variety of Horizontal Pathways

Access Floor 

Ceiling Utility Pole 


Utility Column

TelecomCellular Floor 




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Consolidation Points and MUTOsConsolidation Points provide limited area connection

access. Typically a permanent flush wall, ceiling or support column-mounted panel serves modular furniture work areas.The panels must be unobstructed and fully accessible without moving fixtures, equipment or heavy furniture.

 A Multi-User Telecommunication Outlet (MUTO) isanother methodology to reduce cabling moves, adds andchanges in modular furniture settings. The user cord isdirectly connected to the MUTO. A MUTO location must beaccessible and permanent, and may not be mounted inceiling spaces or under access flooring. Similarly, it cannot be mounted in furniture unless that furniture is permanently secured to the building structure.

For more descriptive information on distance limitationsand purposes of Consolidation Points and MUTOs, see ANSI/TIA/EIA TSB-75.

Electromagnetic Interference Voice and data telecommunications cabling should not 

be run adjacent and parallel to power cabling—even along

short distances—unless one or both cable types are shieldedand grounded. For low-voltage communication cables, a minimum 5-inch distance is required from any fluorescent lighting fixture or power line over 2 kVA and up to 24 inchesfrom any power line over 5 kVA*. In general, telecommuni-cations cabling is routed separately, or several feet away from

power cabling. Similarly, telecommunications cabling isrouted away from large motors, generators, inductionheaters, arc welders, x-ray equipment, and radio frequency,microwave or radar sources.

*Note: Distance recommendations from (1990) TIA/EIA-569 are reproduced here by popular request. For current recommendations, refer to NEC/NFPA 70,

Article 800-52.


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Firestops Annex A of the standard discusses various types of 

packing used to re-establish the integrity of fire-ratedstructures when these barriers have been penetrated by cable. The section that briefly discusses passive mechanicalsystems and non-mechanical systems such as putty, caulk,cements, intumescent sheets and strips, silicone foams andpre-manufactured pillows. The most common method isstuffing the aperture with ceramic/mineral wool and caulking

both sides with fire-resistant putty. The information refers thedesigner to check manufacturer specifications and UL ratingsagainst NFPA, ASTM and NEC codes.

Cutaway of Typical Firestop 

Firestopping putty or caulk 

Metallic conduit sleeve or cable

Ceramic fibreor mineral wool

 Wall assembly 


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Purpose of the ANSI/TIA/EIA-606 Standard

Modern buildings require an effective telecommunicationsinfrastructure to support the wide variety of services that rely on

the electronic transport of information. Administrationincludes basic documentation and timely updating of drawings,

labels and records. Administration should be synergistic with

voice, data and video telecommunications, as well as with other

building signal systems, including security, audio, alarms andenergy management.

Administration can be accomplished with paper records,

but in today’s increasingly complex telecommunications

environment, effective administration is enhanced by the use

of computer-based systems.

A multi-tenant commercial building has a lifeexpectancy of at least 50 years. Moreover, in a multi-tenantenvironment, continuous moves, adds and changes are

inevitable. Administrative record-keeping plays an

increasingly necessary role in the flexibility and management

of frequent moves, adds and changes. This booklet concisely

describes the administrative record-keeping elements of amodern structured cabling system.

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 51/76

ANSI/TIA/EIA-606Administration Standard for theTelecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings

Administration Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Telecommunication Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Optional Linkages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Work Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Identification Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Circuit Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Administrative Labeling Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Summary of Record Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Pathway & Space Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Wiring System Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Grounding and Bonding Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Label Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Label Color Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


Table of Contents

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 52/76



Administrative ConceptsThe typical administration system includes records,

reports, drawings and work orders.


Each space, pathway, cable termination point andground is assigned a unique identifier—a number that can

be simply encoded to provide supplemental information.Telecommunication Records 

Minimum required records for each cable, space,pathway, ground, termination hardware and position aremaintained. These records are required to be linked (cross-referenced) to all related records.

Optional linkages 

Optional linkages may be made to other records. Suchrecords might include blueprints, PBX records, equipment inventories (phones, PCs, software, LAN, furniture) and usercodes (extension, account billing number, passwords).

It is desirable that reports can be generated from one ormore sets of interlinked records in a variety of formats.


Drawings, both conceptual and as-built, include floorplans, cable schematics and rack layouts.

Work orders 

 Work orders may involve spaces, pathways, cables,splices, terminations or grounding, individually or incombination. The work order should list those responsiblefor physical changes, as well as those updating thedocumentation to ensure future accuracy.

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 53/76

Identification Formats 

 A unique alphanumeric identification code is createdfor every location, pathway, cable and termination point.

Suggestions in the standard include:

Alphanumeric Identification Code

BCxxx bonding conductor

BCDxxx backbone conduit

Cxxx cable

CBxxx backbone cableCDxxx conduit

CTxxx cable tray

ECxxx equipment (bonding)conductor

EFxxx entrance facility

ERxxx equipment roomFxxx fiber

GBxxx grounding busbar

GCxxx grounding conductor

HHxxx handhole

ICxxx intermediate cross-connect

Jxxx jackMCxxx main cross-connect

MHxxx manhole or maintenance hole

PBxxx pull box

Sxxx splice

SExxx service entrance

SLxxx sleeve

TCxxx telecommunications closet

TGBxxx telecommunications groundingbusbar

TMGB telecommunications maingrounding busbar

WAxxx  work area


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 54/76

The actual format in the preceding chart is not mandatedby the standard. However, the chosen format must beconsistent and provide a unique identifier number for each

system element. This method lends itself to organization andupdating of multiple records by the use of powerful relationaldatabases (three-dimensional spreadsheet) programs.

Some Identifier Examples 

J0001 Label for an information outlet jack 

D306 Designation for a work area 

3A-C17-005 Termination in closet 3A, column C,row 17, block position 005

Examples like those above (taken from the TIA/EIA 606text and Administrative Labeling Map) indicate the flexibility of conventions that can be established for purposes of 

naming. Logical naming conventions can also convey considerable additional information about other linkages.

Circuit Example 

 As an alternate conceptual example, this string of codes (resembling links on an Internet address) logically describes a series of voice communication links. It can be

read as follows: JONES / X2440 / LC99 / A001V1 / C001 / TC.A001V1 /  HC01 / Pr1.2. / MDF.C17005 / PBX.01A0203

 Bob Jones,

 at extension 2440,

is connected by line cord 99

to information outlet A001, voice jack 1.Cable 001 extends from that voice jack

To telecom closet A, where it terminates on a blocklabeled by adding TC in front of A001V1 (the I/O label).

The voice signals travel on house cable 01,

Carried on pairs 1, 2.

The pairs terminate at the main distribution frame in

column C, row 17, block position 005.

They are interconnected to PBX 01, row A, card 02, port 03.


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 55/76

Administrative Labeling MapHere is a combination schematic/elevation view of a 

structured telecommunications cabling system, detailing a TIA/EIA-606-compliant labeling scheme. The examplerecords in this booklet follow the labeling shown below.










scope ofstandard


TMGB Term. Hdwr.B101-01

Term. Hdwr.C3R6

Term. Hdwr.C4R6

Term. Pos.B101-02-A1









Term. Hdwr.


Term. Pos.3A-B19-05


Work Area




Equipment User Code:8021

Term. Pos.





Term. Pos.


Term. Pos.C3R6-001

Term. Hdwr.B101-02

Term. Pos.




Term. Hdwr.3A-B19

Term. Pos.



Eq. Bond. Cond.EC301

Equipment Room/Entrance Facility


Backbone CablesF16 CB02








Work AreaD307

Term. Pos.J0011


Term. Hdwr.3A-C17

Term. Pos.3A-C17-005





TelecommunicationsCloset 3A



Term. Pos.




7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 56/76

Summary of Record ElementsThis table outlines the minimum required information

and required linkages. Further information is optional. A multi-dimensional database or spreadsheet is helpful.

Record Required Information Required Linkages To

Pathway Pathway Identification # Cable Records

Pathway Type Space Records

Pathways Pathway Fill Pathway Records

& Pathway Load Grounding Records

Spaces Space Space Identification # Pathway RecordsSpace Type Cable Records

Grounding Records

Cable Cable Identification # Termination Records

Cable Type Splice Records

Unterminated Pair #s Pathway Records

Damaged Pair #s Grounding Records

Available Pair #s

 Termination  Termination Hardware #s Term. Position Records

Wiring Hardware  Term. Hardware Type Space Records

Damaged Position #s Grounding Records

 Termination  Termination Position # Cable Records

Position  Term. Position Type Other Term. Records

User Code Term. Hardware RecordsCable Pair/Condition #s Space Records

Splice Splice Identification # Cable Records

Splice Type Space Records

 TMGB  TMGB Identification # Bonding Conductor

Busbar Type Records

Grounding Conductor #s Space Records

Resistance to EarthDate of Measurement

Grounding Bonding Bonding Conductor ID# Grounding Busbar

Conductor Type Records

Conductor Busbar Identification # Pathway Records

 TGB Busbar Identification # Bonding Conductor

Busbar Type Records

Space Records


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 57/76

Pathway & Space AdministrationHere are examples of a conduit path and telecom closet 

space record (see Administrative Labeling Map). The TIA/EIA 606 standard also includes examples of cable tray, work area and manhole records.

Optional information could include length, maximum fill, bends,

drawing number, etc.

 Explanatory Notes

conduit 43

 size 2 metal conduit  present fill 

no conduit load spec.

office 306 floor 3,

closet A pull/splicebox above D302 other 

 pathway record 

Pathway Record Sample Data

Required Information

Pathway Identification # CD43

Pathway Type 2” EMTPathway Fill 20%

Pathway Load N/A

Required Linkages

Cable Records C0001, C0002

Space Record (end 1) D306

Space Record (end 2) 3ASpace Record (access) D302

Pathway Record

Grounding Record N/A


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 58/76

Optional information could include floor size, space served,drawing, key number, etc.

The design of pathways and spaces is defined by theTIA/EIA-569-A Commercial Building Standard forTelecommunications Pathways and Spaces.

Wiring System AdministrationOther examples in the TIA/EIA-606 standard include fiber

backbone and patch panel, horizontal UTP and others. Theconcept is outlined below (see Administrative Labeling Map).

Optional information could include length, ownership, etc.

 Explanatory Notes

copper backbone cable 02copper Cat 3 riser 

list of unterminated pairs

list of damaged pairs

list of pairs not in use

 pair punchdown at each end 

(pairs 2–99 not shown)

last pair punchdown

 sleeve 02-05

Cable Record Sample Data

Required Information

Cable Identification # CB02Cable Type 100-pair CMR-3

Unterminated Pair #s 0-none

Damaged Pair #s 15, 37, 95

Available Pair #s 80-100

Required Linkages End 1 End 2

 TerminationRecord Pr 1 C4R6-01 3A-A17-001

 TerminationRecord Pr 100 C4R6-100 3A-A17-100

Splice Records N/A

Pathway Record SL02-05Grounding Record N/A

 Explanatory Notes

 floor 3, closet A

telecom closet 

 pathways terminating here

cables terminating here

 grounding busbar 

Space Record Sample Data

Required Information

Space Identification # 3A

Space Type TC

Required Linkages

Pathway Records CD34, CT64

Cable Records C0001, C0002

Grounding Record TGB35


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 59/76

Optional information could include voltage protection positions

 and type, etc.

Here is a termination position record for an information

outlet (see Administrative Labeling Map).

Optional information c.ould include jack catalog number, signal 

type (voice/data), category, etc.

 Explanatory Notes

information outlet jack 11

insul. displacement 


telephone extension

4-pair modular 

cable serving this

information outlet 

term. at other end 

cross-connect term.

 N/A for work area

office 307 

Termination Position Sample Data

Required Information

 Term. Position ID# J0011

 Term. Position Type IDC

User Code x8021

Cable Pairs 1–4

Required Linkages

Cable Record C0011

Other Term. Pos. Record 1 3A-C17-005

Other Term. Pos. Record 2 3A-A17-001

 Term. Hardware Record N/A

Space Record D307

 Explanatory Notes

closet 3A, column C, row 17 

110 punchdown block

none damaged 

4-pair cable terminations

(positions 2-9 not shown)

last termination floor 3, closet A

Termination Hardware Sample Data

Required Information

 Term. Hardware ID# 3A-C17

 Term. Hardware Type 110

Damaged Position #s 0

Required Linkages

 Term. Position Record 1 3A-C17-001

 Term. Position Record 10 3A-C17-010

Space Record 3A

Grounding Record N/A


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 60/76

The TIA/EIA-606 standard provides numerous examplesof single and separately administered spliced cables.

Optional information could include splice equipment, date,

name, etc.

Structured cabling system standards are defined by the ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A Commercial Building TelecommunicationsCabling Standard.

Grounding/Bonding AdministrationTelecommunications systems require a reliable electrical

ground reference potential, provided by a dedicatedgrounding/bonding conductor network. Bonding conductorcabling shall be colored green or labeled appropriately with

an alphanumeric identifier and warning label.

Grounding records are similar to cable record format.

Grounding/Bonding Terms (with acronyms):

TMGB Telecom Main Grounding Busbar

TBB Telecom Bonding BackboneTGB Telecom Grounding Busbar

TBBIBC Telecom Bonding BackboneInterconnecting Bonding Conductor






 Explanatory Notes

 splice 106 

 splicing method 

 fiber cable 18 

manhole 01

Splice Record Sample Data

Required Information

Splice Identification # S106

Splice Type Fusion

Required Linkages

Cable Record F18

Space Record MH01


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 61/76

Label Color CodingShown here are the color codes used for termination

field labels.

Termination Type Color Comments

Demarcation Point Orange CO terminations

Network Connections Green also aux. circuit terms.

Common Equipment Purple PBX, Host, LANs, Mux

First-level Backbone White MC-IC terminations

Second-level Backbone Gray IC-TC terminationsStation Blue Horizontal cable terms.

Interbuilding Backbone Brown Campus cable terms.

Miscellaneous Yellow Aux., maint., security

Key Telephone Systems Red


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 62/76


The Purpose of ANSI/TIA/EIA-607

This standard specifies a uniform telecommunicationsgrounding and bonding infrastructure that shall be followed

within commercial buildings.

Following the AT&T divestiture of 1984, the end-user

became responsible for all premises cabling for voice anddata. Advancements in voice communications and the

convergence of voice and data communications led toincreasingly complex interactive systems owned andmaintained by the end-user. These systems require a reliable

electrical ground-reference potential. Grounding by

attachment to the nearest piece of iron pipe is no longer

satisfactory to provide ground-reference for sophisticated

active electronics systems.

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 63/76

ANSI/TIA/EIA-607ANSI/TIA/EIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding And Bonding Requirements ForTelecommunications

Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Table of Contents


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 64/76


Design Considerations

Solid copper grounding busbars are installed

with insulated standoffs in entrance facilities(1/4" thick × 4" high × variable length) and theequipment room, as well as each telecom closet(2" high is sufficient here). Each busbar is drilledwith rows of holes according to NEMA standards,for attachment of bolted compression fittings.

Telecommunications equipment, frames,cabinets and voltage protectors are typicallygrounded to these busbars. Busbars are connectedby a backbone of insulated, solid copper cablebetween all closets and rooms (minimum 6 AWG,3/0 AWG recommended). This backbone is

connected to a main grounding busbar in thetelecommunications entrance facility, to an earthground in the electrical entrance facility, andto structural steel on each floor. Bondingconductor cabling shall be colored green orlabeled appropriately.

Terms• Telecommunications Main Grounding

Busbar (TMGB)

• Telecom Bonding Backbone (TBB)

• Telecom Grounding Busbar (TGB)

• Telecom Bonding Backbone Interconnecting BondingConductor (TBBIBC)

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 65/76

Schematic of Grounding/Bonding Network 

Telco Closet 



Electrical Entrance

Structural Steel

6 AWG Minimum

To Upper Floors




Telecommunications Entrance



Equipment Room








TGB Detail


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 66/76


The History of Anixter Levels Program

Over a decade ago, Anixter established the Anixter LevelsProgram as a means to distinguish among the hundreds of 4-paircopper cables available on the market. In 1992, the industry adopted the Levels specs as the standard.

Since then, Anixter has continued to lead the industry  with its purchasing specification program, known as the

 Anixter Levels Program. As mentioned, the Levels Programbegan as a component specification for UTP cable andconnecting hardware. It evolved into an end-to-end channelspecification, with three distinct levels of channelperformance, ALC (Anixter Levels Channel) 5, 6 and 7. Andtoday the Levels Program includes the revolutionary active

(Mbps-based) testing, called Levels XP.

 Anixter Levels Labs now UL Certified 

 As the premier standards-based testingorganization in the world, UL® continues toprovide guidance and confidence to the data 

communications industry. Under its CertificateServices, UL conducts an independent, third-party engineering and management systems audit to verify thecompliance of Anixter’s Levels Lab® with the testingprocesses, personnel training and data recording proceduresassociated with the Levels Program. Anixter submits its Levels

Lab to these audits each year to check that Anixter Levels’results are independently repeatable and verifiable.

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 67/76

The Anixter Levels Program

Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

The Levels Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Levels XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Levels and the Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Comparison Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Table Of Contents


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 68/76


The Anixter Levels® Program

The Levels Program is a set of purchasing specifications.

These specifications are designed to ensure the products wesell perform to your expectations. Our cabling solutions aredivided into three distinct performance levels so you canselect the solution that best meets your application needs:

The Levels Program is also a quality assurance program.In the Anixter Levels Lab®, products are continually testedfor compliance with the various Levels specifications

(see p. 64–65 for specification detail).Levels-rated products: 

• Meet all national and international standards.•  Are tested individually for compliance to Levels-

component specifications.• Combined channel solutions are tested for

compliance to ALC-specifications.• High-end combined channel solutions are tested for

Levels XP-compliance.• Channels include individually-tested patch cords.

Levels Application

5 Ethernet

6 Fast Ethernet

7 Gigabit Ethernet

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 69/76

Levels XP

Levels XP—expanded performance—introduces

active (Mbps-based) testing. Active testing transcends thepassive (MHz-based) testing used in the Anixter LevelsChannel (ALC) and Levels component specifications andthose in industry standards.

Levels XP specifications require testing that examinesand characterizes everything from the PC to the server—

NICs, hub/switch ports, environmental factors, short cablelengths and much more. This active channel testing allows Anixter to verify network efficiency. It also indicates how wellactive and passive devices work together in the real world.

Testing an XP solution includes three essential steps: 

1. Passive testing of all Levels-rated components

2. Passive and basic efficiency (SmartBits) testingof all end-to-end Anixter Level Channels (ALC)

3. Testing of active networking components overcabling systems in many environments and a variety of configurations.

To achieve Anixter Levels XP certification, each channel

must be able to transmit a series of worst-case Ethernet  waveforms that represent typical network glitches. Thistesting is accomplished by running Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet over cabling systems and determining the efficiency of that cabling channel.

Bottom line: Levels XP ensures your data cabling solutionminimizes bit errors, reducing slowtime SM  and making your 

network more efficient.

Note: Levels XP 6 and XP 7 solutions exceed all existing standard.

There is no standard that requires active Mbps-based testing.


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 70/76

 6 4 

*   (  T  h   e

L   O WE R t  h   en um b   er  ,t  h   e b   et  t   er t  h   e s  ol    ut  i   on )  

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A T  

T   N *  

 (   d  B  )  

 (   d  B  )  

 (   d  B  )  

 C  a b  l   e

2 2 

 . 0 

2 2 

 . 0 

1  9  . 8 

 C  o n n e c t  o r 

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 0  .2 

 C  h  a n n e l  

2  4  . 0 

2  4  . 0 

2 1 

 . 3 

P  S 

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 C  a b  l   e

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 3 2 

 . 3 

 4 2 

 . 3 

 C  o n n e c t  o r 

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 C  h  a n n e l  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

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 3  7  .1 

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A  C R *  *  

 C  a b  l   e

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

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 . 5 

 C  h  a n n e l  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

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 C  a b  l   e

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

2  0  . 8 

2  4  . 8 

 C  o n n e c t  o r 

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

 C  h  a n n e l  

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R  e 

t   ur nL   o

 s  s *  *  

 C  a b  l   e

1  5  . 0 

2  0  .1 

2  0  .1 

 C  o n n e c t  o r 

1  4  . 0 

2  0  . 0 

2  4  . 0 

 C  h  a n n e l  

 n o  t   s   p  e  c  i    f   i   e  d  

1  0  . 0 

1 2 

 . 0 

Passive Testing @ 100 MHz

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 71/76


 This chart is accurate as of 07/15/00. For an updated version, please visit

Levels XP solutionsminimize errors—regardless of NIC orreceiver quality.

How Anix ter Leve l s Exceed   the S tandards

 ALC 5 ALC 6 ALC 7

 XP 6 XP 7R98 R15.24L R15.24L 15.24XP 15.24XP

May-00 May-00 May-00 May-00 May-00

200 MHz 350 MHz 400 MHz 350 MHz 400 MHz

(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)

22.0 22.0 19.9 21.3 19.7

0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2

24.0 24.0 20.9 23.1 20.7

32.3 34.3 43.3 34.3 43.340.0 41.0 50.0 41.0 50.0

27.1 28.6 37.6 28.6 37.6

10.3 12.3 23.4 13.0 23.6

3.1 4.6 16.7 5.5 17.0

20.8 23.8 25.8 23.8 25.8

n/a 34.0 40.1 34.0 40.114.4 16.8 20.8 16.8 20.8

20.1 20.1 20.1 21.5 22.5

20.0 21.0 24.0 21.0 24.0

10.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 14.0

Cat 5

Cat 5e

XP 6

XP 7

Source: Anixter 

Levels Lab

Typical Errors per Port Test

   E   R   R   O   R

   R   A   T   E   S

7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 72/76

Reference Documents for FurtherInformation on Cabling Standards

TIA/EIA-568-A (1995)Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard

TIA/EIA-569-A (1998)

Commercial Building Standard for TelecommunicationsPathways and Spaces

TIA/EIA-570-A (1999)Residential and Light Commercial Telecommunication Wiring Standard

TIA/EIA-606  (1993)

 Administration Standard for the TelecommunicationsInfrastructure of Commercial Buildings

TIA/EIA-607  (1994)

Commercial Building Grounding/Bonding Requirementsfor Telecommunications.

TIA/EIA-758  (1999)

Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications

Cabling Standard

IS0/IEC 11801 (1995)

Generic Cabling for Customer Premises

IEEE 802.3-1998  (1998)

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

(CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical layer Specification(also known as ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1998 or ISO 8802-3:1990 (E))

IEEE 802.5-1998  (1998)

Token Ring Access Method and Physical LayerSpecifications (also known as ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5-1998)


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 73/76

Obtaining TIA and EIA Documents

TIA and EIA documents may be purchased through

Global Engineering Documents at 1-800-854-7179 IEEE documents may be purchasedthrough IEEE, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855 . CSA documents may be purchased throughthe Canadian Standards Association at or call(416) 747-4000.


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 74/76














7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 75/76

For further assistance or more information contact yourlocal Anixter sales office, or 1-800-ANIXTER.

 Worldwide Headquarters: Anixter Inc.4711 Golf Rd.

Skokie, IL 60076-1278847/677-2600

Some material in this publication is reproduced fromstandards publications which are copyrighted by theTelecommunications Industry Association. Where suchmaterial is used, it is included by written permission of the

copyright holder.This handbook was prepared by Anixter Inc., which is

not affiliated with the Telecommunications Industry  Association or the Electronic Industries Alliance. Neither EIA nor TIA are responsible for the content of this publication.

For direct assistance in interpreting telecommunications

standards, consider Registered Communications DistributionDesigners (RCDD) certified by the Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) at (800) 242-7405or . Hundreds of Anixter technicalprofessionals are registered with BICSI.


7/28/2019 Anixter Ref 76/76