Anjay, Ben and Ella are excited to be starting at ......Anjay is doing some creative learning with...

Post on 13-Oct-2020

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Anjay, Ben and Ella are excited to be starting at Englefield Green Infant School and NurseriesExcellence in Early Education

What happens when I get to school?

Are you excited about coming to school?

You will hang your coat on the coat peg that has your name on it. Then you put your book bag and your water bottle in the boxes where they are kept.

Ben has found his coat peg and is now hanging up his coat.

Ben, Anjay and Ella have all put their book bags and water bottles away. Now they are ready to start their day in school.

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“Hello everyone,” says the teacher as Ella, Anjay and Ben arrive with their grown-ups. “I am so happy to meet you all. We have lots of exciting things for you to do, today.”

When you get to school, your grown-ups will bring you to the classroom door where your teacher will be waiting to meet you. Your teacher will welcome you into school as you say goodbye to your grown-ups.

What will I do in school?

What are you looking forward to doing at school?4 5Excellence in Early Education

Your teacher will be helping you learn and there are lots of fun activities for you to choose from.

Anjay is doing some creative learning with his teacher’s help. “That looks good, Anjay,” says his teacher.

Ben and his new friend Lily are reading a lovely story book together.

Ben and Anjay are having fun in the sand tray.

“Let’s build a sandcastle,” Anjay says to Ben.

Ben, Anjay and Ella think it is great fun learning new things and making new friends.

Ella is racing round the playground on her bike.

“Look how fast I can go,” she says to her friends.

Ella and her new friends, Mia and Harry, are building a

crane on the carpet. “This is going to be the best crane ever,” Ella tells her friends.

What happens if I am hungry or thirsty?

What is your favourite food?6 7Excellence in Early Education

During the morning, you will have a snack of fresh fruit to eat, and water or milk to drink. Fruit is good for you and it tastes great too! So we want you to eat some every day.

Ben is choosing his snack. He will then sit and chat with his new friends as they all enjoy their morning snacks.

At lunchtime, we all go to the hall. There are lots of friendly adults there to help you get the food you want.

Anjay, Ella and Ben have collected their delicious lunches and they are now chatting together as they enjoy their food.

“What did you bring for lunch?” Ella asks Anjay.

“My dad has packed my lunch today with a salad sandwich and lots of fruit. I love it and my dad says it is all really good for me,” Anjay replies.

What happens if I need the toilet?

Can you use the toilet by yourself?8 9Excellence in Early Education

You can just go to the toilet when you need to, but if you are working with your teacher, it is polite to let them know. If you need any help just tell them.

Ella has been working with her teacher. Now Ella needs to go to the toilet so she lets her teacher know.

“Please may I go to the toilet?” asks Ella.

“Yes, of course,” says her teacher. “We will see you back here soon.”

Ella goes to the toilet. When she has finished, she makes sure she flushes to leave the toilet nice and clean for the next child who will use it.

She washes her hands with warm water and soap. She loves the bubbles that help her get her hands really clean. Then Ella dries them and goes back to her class.

Ella feels so grown-up going to the toilet on her own. She is so glad she practised lots at home before starting school.

What happens at the end of the school day?

Are you looking forward to coming to school?10 11Excellence in Early Education

When school is finished for the day, you will collect your coat and belongings. Then you will all sit together on the carpet to listen to a story.

Ben and his friends are listening to an exciting story about children living in other countries.

“Who has been to another country?” asks their teacher.

“I have been to Spain,” says Ella. “It was very hot!”

When it is time to go home, your teacher will let you know when your grown-ups are here and hand you over to them.

The teacher has seen Ben’s dad.

“Your dad is here, Ben,” says the teacher, and she lets him go and join him.

Ben waves goodbye to his teacher as he leaves with his dad.

“I have had lots of fun and made new friends too,” Ben tells his dad. “I can’t wait to come back tomorrow.”

Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries

Barley Mow Road, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0NP

Tel: 01784 435586

Ella, Ben and Anjay love coming to Englefield Green Infant School and Nurseries and they think you will too!

Excellence in Early Education