Anna-Lisa Jones Photo sculpture Portfolio

Post on 20-Mar-2016

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Anna-Lisa Jones Exhibit at Avondale Sky Winery and Photosculpture Portfolio


My work as an artist began with black & white photography. In learning to see in shades of gray, I was able to get beyond appearances; to capture something essential about a person or setting – to follow sightlines and shapes; to see how this landscape of life is both beautifully ordered and chaotic all at once. To create each photo sculpture, I take a base image and use filters to transform the image. As I work, a shape begins to emerge along with its transformation story. I am always amazed to discover how a simply colored image has many layers of color beyond its surface. This inspires me at many levels, and it is my hope that these photo sculptures ignite something in you too… Anna-Lisa is an artist, freelance writer, and real estate professional, who lives in a charming century home in Olde Bedford, NS. She is a member of the Writer’s Federation of NS, The Scandinavian Society of NS, and Visual Arts Nova Scotia. Anna-Lisa would like to hear your thoughts about her work, so please feel free to write the, and your contact information if you wish, in our special guest book; or, contact her directly at:

Contact: (902) 452-8044

Artist :Artist :Artist :Artist : AnnaAnnaAnnaAnna----Lisa JonesLisa JonesLisa JonesLisa Jones

MediumMediumMediumMedium : : : : Photo SculpturePhoto SculpturePhoto SculpturePhoto Sculpture

Building an Arizona Woman: A modern building is the base image for this photo sculpture of a woman with a strong back bone – a woman who doesn’t mind the heat, who stands tall, and who is anything but the driftwood shape that she appears to have.

Limited Edition Print on canvas in floating frame 26” x 38” $800 This piece has been published on the cover of Mise en Mots, an e-book of French Poetry written by Charles Baurin, Professor, Acadia University.

Floored Plans – Cancer’s Line: A photo of half rolled out floor plans is the base image for this photo sculpture which speaks to the re-design of one’s life, of one’s body after breast cancer - the spirit is always there, waiting in the shadows. Limited Edition Metallic photo print in brushed metallic frame 20” x 28” $500

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage (Anais Nin)


UN Radiant Iris: The entrance to the UN building in New York is the base for this photo sculpture– the point of unity where we are one – each color bright and unique. The iris gives us the colorful lens through which we see the world; yet, perspective comes from the light we allow in and to shine forth - together – we can be radiant.

Limited Edition Print on canvas in floating frame 26” x 38” $800

Peacefire: The transformation story depicted in this photo sculpture is related to the masks that people wear that keep them from peace. Once we release the ego, a passion for peace burns within us and allows our spirits to truly take flight. (This is the companion piece to UN Radiant Iris. Its base image is also the entrance to the United Nations’ Building in New York.) Limited Edition Print on canvas in floating frame 26” x 38” $800

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. (Mark Twain)


Kissing Berries: As the October sun burned off the harvest morning, the ice melted around the berries as they kissed… Limited Edition Metallic photo print in textured wood frame 27” x 28” $400

Nesting – Moss on Stones: Reeds framing the moss surrounding the stones softened by the tides, this image forms the base of this photo sculpture of birds nesting – the soft place to fall amidst the turbulence that surrounds us. Limited Edition Print on canvas in floating frame 22” x 32.5” $500

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. (Albert Einstein)


Night Sky Mountains –the moon is setting in the night sky – all that has been and is to be – the peaks glow with promise and the valleys with purpose – a layered pattern of challenge and opportunity….

Wrenched What is to turn in me for change to be? An old wrench is the base image for this photo sculpture that speaks to the twisting and turning we feel as we pray with longing for something to be… Only blind can I see with a pleading heart – All that is to be in promise – now – In a moment of Gnarled Resolve

If I could have one prayer answered, I would pray for patience. (Debra Winger)

Floored Plans for Breast Future – base image is actually floor plans for a home –once diagnosed –the ink is red as anger and runs from the tears shed…

Behind Weathered Door –a weathered door is the base for this photo sculpture which speaks to the fear of aging- to embracing all that we have braved to create the beautiful etching of all that we’ve become.

There are years that ask questions and years that answer. (Zora Neale Hurston)

Sorting Freedom – a handmade cranberry sorting machine is the base image for this piece- The transformation story is about freedom – about facing the winds of change – about choosing to take flight – to leave behind that which felt safe and solid…

Rising Above – A small corner window of a building is the base for this photo sculpture about keeping our perspective as we continue to rise above…

We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. (Anais Nin)

It is strange to be known so universally and yet be so lonely (Albert Einstein)

Gattopardo - Connectivity Aside The sign for the “Black Cat” restaurant in NY is the base for this photo sculpture which speaks to the irony behind “connectivity”; for being in it – we are indeed in the shadows of life’s light.

Red berries bridled the high horse is the story of the shiny red berries that look so appetizing but they are poison – much like someone who thinks himself better than others – the berries are like a crown of thorns that bridle the ego into submission –the weight of the way he was a burden too heavy to carry. The wolf represents the disdain and judgment held against this high horse stance.

Spirit Mountain – Moss on Stones – base image - reed framed, moss-covered stones In First Nation culture, stones and rocks represent the Grandfathers and Grandmothers of their past. This photo sculpture pays tribute to the spirit that lives in, and rises from, all things.

Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light. (Theodore Roethke)

Hosta Kelp – Lifeforce – the base image for this photo sculpture is a variegated Hosta Hostas and kelp both grow at prolific rates despite our negligence and waste–we should be so armed with defiance…