A/N/N/A/R/C/H/I/V/E WarlockofFiretopMountain... · 2017. 1. 31. · Created Date: 11/24/2007...

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:r- story palt game/ this is a book with a:l-eGnce - one in which YOU becorne lhe-:rol



1 The Warlock of Firetop Mountain2 The Citadel of Chaos3 The Fotest of Doom4 Starship Traveller

5 City of Thieves6 Deathtrap Dungeon

Cover ill us tration by Peterlones


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.rsBi 0 1403,15331

Steve fackson and Ian Livingstone


' - . . D. t r :cholson

. 'y rvrJ,r ,

Puffin Books

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Pui6n Boolr P.n4in Bool! Ltd, Itmondworrh Middle!.x, EnslmdPmNin Book[ ao west 23.d StE.t, New Yoi! New Yod( 10010, U S A

- Ptuuh B@kr ALsb,li. Ltd, i$Rwood vicloia AuFdrP@uin Boob Grrd! Ltd 2sol johr StF.fMrUr4 orlrno. CMrda l-rR rBr

Pnsdn Boob 0.1-Z) Ltd, r32-19O W.lEu Rdd Au&Lnd 10, N.w ZeLnd

tu Pulkh.d 193,R.pdnd 1e52 (fiv. lio.rt 1933 (tm times), I93. (twie)

Copyridt O steve J&bd and re Livinslton., reullustr.hoE oprnsht O Ru$ N'ch"l5otr 1932

All nehtr re$P€d

Marle ana pnnrd h Cre.t Brit in byB.i.l'rd chy (Th. Chas Pe, lt4

8usey, Sufiolts€t in !4P P.latirc


Exept in ih. Ur'lt.rl States of An ncailur book i! $id lebiRt to fhe mndition














DeLlicdLed lo Iodn a Ashton,a lr e Galodtiel of the sqirtt

and Io Anne d d Nextlle,Lhe ,enl wizards.


Before embarking on your adventure, you must firstdetermine your own strengths and weaknesses.You have in your possession a sword and a shjeldlogelher with a rucksack containjnS provisions(food and drink) for the trip You have been prepar-ing for your quest by training yourself in swordplayand exercisiig vigorously to build up your stamina.

To see how effective youi preparaLions have been,you must use the dice to determine your initial5(ILL and STAMTNA scores. On pag€s 18-19 theleis an Adoe ture Sheet which you may use to recordthe details ofan adventure On it you will find boxesfor recording your sKILL and srAMtNA scotes,

You are advrsed to either record youa scores on theAdoetrLure Shce! in pencil, or make photocopies ofthe page to use in future adventures.

Skill, Stamina and Luck

Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter thistotal in the gKrLL box on the AdL,entwe Sheet.

Roll both dice. Add 12 to the number rolled andenter this total in the sTAMTNA box

There ls also a LUCK Ltox. Roll one die, add 6 to thisnumber and enter this total in the LUcx box.


For reasons that wil l be explained below, sxILL,srAMrNA and LUCK scores change constantlyduring an adventure. You must keep an accuraterecord of these scores and for this reason you areadviscd erther to write small in the boxes or to keePan eraser handy. But never rub out yofi IniLialscores. Although you may be awarded additional5XrLL, STAMTNA and LUCK POintS, these totalsmay never exceed your.lfiirial scores, excepton veryrare occasions, when you will be instructed on a

Particular Page,

Your s rr r- r- score reflects your swordsmanshiP anclgeneral fighting experhse; the hrgher the better.Your srAMr NA score reflects yourgeneral constitu-rion, your will to survive, your determination andoverall fitness; the higher your srA M I NA score, thelonger you will be able to survive. Your LU cx scoreindlcates how naturally lucky a person you are.LucL - and magic are facts of life in the fantasykingdom you are about to exPlore.


You will often come across pages in the book whichrnstruct you to fi8ht a creature of some sort. Anophon to flee may be given, but if not - or if youchoose to attack the creature anyway - you mustresolve the battle as ddsc bed below.

First record the creature's SKILL and STAMINAscores in the first vacant MonsLer Encounler Bor on


yortr Adoenture Sheet The scores for each creatureare given in the book each time you have anencounter.The sequence of combat is then:

1. Roll the two dice once for the creature. Add itssKILL score. This total is the creature's /4tfackStrcngth.

2 Roll the two dice once for yourself Add thenumber rolled to your current sKt LL score_ Thistotal is yov. Attack Strength.

j. lt yottr Attack StrenStfi is higher than that of thecreaturc, you have wounded it. Proceed tostep4.If the creature's Attack Strength is higher thanyours, it has wounded you. Proceed bo step 5. Ifbolh Attack Strength totals are the same, you haveavoided each othels blows - start the next /4ttactRound kom steD 1 above.

4. You have *ouhded the crealure, so subtract 2Points from its 5TAMTNA score. You may useyour LUcx here to do additional damage (seeover)-

5. The oeature has wounded yoD, so subtract 2Pomts trom your own STAMINA score, Againyou may use LUCK at this stage (see over).

6, Make the appropriate adjustments to either thecieafure's or your own srAMrNA scores (andyour LUcK score if you used Lucx see over).

7. Begin the next Attsck Round (repeat steps 1-6).This sequence continues until the STAMTNAscore of either you or the creature you are fighFing has been reduced to zero (death)



On some pages you may be given the option ofrunning away from a battle should ihings be goingbadly for you. However, if you do run away, thecreature automatically gets in one wound on you(subtract 2 srAMrNA points) as you flee. Such is theprice of cowardice Note that you may use !ucKonthis wound in the normal way (seebelow). You mayonly Escap? if that option i9 specifically given to youon rne Page.

Fi8hting Mone Than One Crcature

lf you come across mole than one creatute in aParticular encounter, the instructions on that pagewill tell you how to handle the battle. Sometimesllou will treat them as a siflgle monstet; sometimesyou will 6ght each one in turn.


At various times during you! adventure, either inbattles or when you come acloss situations in whichyou could either b€ lucky or unlucky (details ofthese are given on the pages themselves), you maycallon your luck to make the outcome more favour-able. But beware!Using luck rs a risky business andif you are arlucky, the results could be disastrous

The procedure for using your luck is as follows: rollt$'o dice. If the number tolled is equal to or less Lhdn

your cudent LU c( score, you have been ltlci'y andihe result will go in your favour. [f the numberrolled is rlrgrel than youl current LUcK score. youhave been anlacl<y and you will be Penalized.

more risky this will become.

Ust g Luck in Baltles

On certain pages of the book you will be told to Tastyorlr Lrc,t and will be told the consequences of yourbeing lucty or unlucky. However, in battles, yotlalways have the opliot of using your luck either toinflict a more serious wound on a credfuTe you have

iust wounded, or tominimize the effects of a woundthe creature has iust inflicted on you.

If you have iust wounded the creature, you may leslyotrr Lacl< as described above. If you are lacky. youhave inflicted a severe wound and may subtract anerft4 2 points from the creatule's srAMr N A scoreHowever, ifyou are lnltcky, the woun.l was a mere

Sraze and you must restore I Point to the cr€ature sST^MINA (i.e. instead of scoring the normal 2points oI damage, you have now scored only 1)

lf the creature has iust wounded you, you may Tcsruout Luck to try to minimize the wound lf you areilrcky, you harre managed toavoid the fulIdamage oftheblow. Restore 1point of 5TAMrNA (i e lnstead

of doing 2 points of damage it has done only t). lfyou are unlucky. you have taken a mone seriousblow. Subtract r artra sr^MrNA point.

Remember that you mustsubtract l point from yourown LucK score each time vou fesl vour Lacft.

Restoring Skill, Stamina and Luck

skillYour s KI L L score will not change much during youradventure- Occasionally, a page may give inskuc-tions to rncrease or decrease your s(tLL score, AMagrc Weapon may increase youi sKrLL, butremember that only one weapon can be used at atime! You cannot claim 2 sxrL L bonuses for cafty.ing two Ma8ic Swords. You! sxrLL score can neve!exceed itslritid value unless sFcifically instructed.Drinkrng the Potion of Skjll (see later) will rcstoreyour sxlLL to its lrrlrrl level at any time.

S tamin a a n il P rouisio ns

You! sTAM INA score will change a lot duiing youradventure as you fight monsters and undertakearduous tasks. As you near your goal, yoursT A M rN a levelmay be dangerously low and battlesmay be particularly risky, so be careful!

Your haversack contains enough Prcvisions for tenmeals. You may rest and eat only when allowed bythe instructions on a page, and you may eat onlyone meal at a time. Eating a meal restores 414

9TAMINA Points. When you eat a meal, add 4points to your sraMrN^ score and deduct i Pointtrom your Pnmisions- A separate Ptouisions Remdin_rng boxis provided on the Adoenlwe Sheet tot rccord-ing details ofProvisions. Remember thatyou have along way to go, so use your Provisions wisely!

Rcmernber also that you! 9TAMINA scote mayneve! exceed its Initiol valve unless sPecificallyinstlucted on a page. Drinking the Potion ofStrength (see later) wil l restore your sraMlNA toits hrli4l level at any time.


Additions to your LUcK score arc awarded throughthe adventure when you have been Particulatlylucky. Details are glven on the pa8es of the book.Remember that, as with SKIL! and 9TAMINA,your LUcx score may never exceed its Initir, valueunless specifically instructed on a page. Drinkin8the Potion of Fortune (see later) wil .estore yourLUcx to its Initi,4l level at any time, and increaseyottr Initial LucK by 1 Point.



You will start your adventure with a bare minimumot equipment, but you lnay find other items during\ our travels You are armed with a sword and aredressed in leathe! armour, You have a rucksack(haversack, backpack) on your back to hold yourProvisions and any treasures you may come across.You also carry a lantem which lights your way.

ln addition, you may take one bottle of a magicalpotion which will aid you on your quest. You maychoose to take a bottle of any of the lollowing:

A Potion of Skill - restores sKrLL pointsA Potion of Strength - restoFes srAM lN A pointsA Potion of Fortune - rcstores LUcK points and

adds 1 to lni l ial LucKThese potions may be taken at any time duringyouradventure. Takin8 a measure of potion will restoresKrLLT srAMrNA o! LUc( scores Io therr lnrLiallevel (and the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point toyoer lni l iaL LUcK score bcfore LUcI< is restored)

Each bottle of potion contains enough for k!'dmeasures i.e. the characteristic may be restoredtwice during an adventure. Each time it is usedmake a note on your AdLe ture Sheet.

Remember also that you may only choose one of thethree potions to take on your trip, so choose wisely!10


fhere is one true \4'ray throuBh the Warlock'sdungeon and it will take you several attemPts to

findlt. Make notes and draw a map as you explore-this mdp wil l be invdluable in future advPnlurec and

enable you to progrets raPidly through to uner-

plored sections

Not all rooms contain treasulei many merely con-

the way.


The one true way involves a minimum of risk andany player, no matterhow weak on initialdice rolls,should be abte to get through fairly easily

May the luck oI the gods 8o with you on the adven-ture ahead!


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Only a foolhardy adventurer would embark uponsuch a pedlous quest without Iirst Iinding out asmuch as possible about the mountain and its treas-ures. Before your anival at the foot o(Firctop Moun-tain, you spent several days with the townsfolk ofalocal v lage some two days' ioumey from the base.Belng a likeable sort ofperson, you found tt easy toget on with thc local peasants. Although they toldmany stories about the mysterious Warlock's sanc-tuary, you could not feel sure that all - orindeed any-of these were based on fact. The villagers had seenmany adventurers pass through on their way fo themountain, but very few ever teturned. The journeyahead was extremely dangerous, that yoll knew forcertain. Of those who rcnrmed to the village, nonecontemplated going back to Firetop Mountain.There seemed to be some huth in the rumour thatthe Warlock's treasure was stored in a magnificentchest with two locks, and the keys to these lockswere guarried by various creatures within thedungeons. The Warlock himself was a sorcerer ofgreat power. Some described hrm as old, others asyoun8. Some said hrs power came from anenchanted deck ofcards, others lrom the silky blackgloves that he wore.


The enkance to the mountain was guarded by apack oI warty-faced Coblins, stupid creatures, fondof their food and drink. Towards the inner cham-bers, the creatures becan1e more fearsome, To reachthe inner chdmbers you would havc to cross a r iverThe ferry service was reSular. but the ferrymanenjoyed a good barter, so you should save a ColclPiece for the trip. The locals also encouraged you tokeep a good map of your wanderings, for without amap you would end up hopelessly lost within themountain,

When it finally came to your day of leaving, thewhole village tumed out to wrsh you a safe journey.Tears came to the eyes of many of the women,young and old alike. You couldn't help wonderingwhether they were tears of sorrow shed by eyeswhich would never see you alive again . . .

Now turn over


1 Th c s t p ry la? i r lrc n t of yo u looks to h aoe brc sauaged b! t he.ta1ts ol sme Saryantuan bzosl

aAt last your two-day hike is over, You unsheatheyoursword, layit on the ground and siSh with reliefas you lower yourselldown on to the mossy rocks tosit for a moment's rest. You stretch, rub you! eyesand ftnally look up at Firetop Mountarn.

The very mountain itselflooks menaonS. The steePface in front of you looks to have been savaged bythe claws of some gargantuan beast. Sharp rockycrags jut out at unnatural angles. At the top of themountain you can see the eerie red colouring -probably some stran8e vegetation - which has giventhe mountain its name. Perhaps no one will everkno,v exactly what grows up there, as climbing thepeak must surely be impossible.

Yourquestl iesaheadof you. Acrosstheclearin8isadark cave entrance. You pick uP your sword, get toyour feet and considet what dangers may Iie aheadof you. But with determination, you thrust thesword home into its scabbard and aPProach the

You peer into the gloom to see dark, slimy wallswith Dools of water on the stone floor in fuont ofyou. ihe air is cold and dank. You lightyour lantemand step wadly into the blackness. Cobwebs brushyour face and you hear the scurrying of tiny feet:rats, most likely, You set off into the cave. After afew yards you arrive at a iunction. Will you turnwest (tum to 7r) or east (tum to 276)?

Test lout Luck If you are Lucky, you escape withoutattracting the Ogre's attention. lf you are Unlucky,you curse as you kick a small stone rvhich goesskrdding across the cavem floor You draw yoursword In case the Ogre has heard it - furn to 16. Ifyou were Lucky, you creep down the co idor backto the crossroads. Turn to 269.

The bell gives a dull clang and after a few momentsyou see a withered old man climb into a small row-ing boat moorcd on the north banl<. He rows slowlyacross to you, moors the boat and limps towardsyou. Hc asks you for I Cold Preces. When youprotest at the price he mumbles some flimsy excuseabout 'irrflation' He begins to get angry at yourprotestations. Do you pay him thc I Gold Pieccs(turn to 222) or threaten him (tum to 127)?

You find yourself in a north-south corridor. To thenorth the passage turns east some metres ahead. Toinvestigate, turn to 46. To the south, the pass-ageway also turns east. Turn to 332 to go south.

5A rough timber doorway is on the east wall of thepassage. You listen at the door and can hear a jollysort of humming sound. Do you want to knock onthe door and Bo in (turn to 97) or will you conhnuenorthwards (turn to 292)?


The large sohd door has no handle. You charge it,but to no avail. The door is not going to budge. Youdccide to give up and go through the openrng youpassed in the east west passageway some wayback. Turn to 89

7You are on the norlh bnnL ofd fast-f lowing river in alarge underground cavern Turn to 214.

8The passage ahead ends at a sturdy door- You l istenbut hear nothing. You try the handle, i t turns, andyou enter the room. As you look around you hear aloud cry from bchind you and swrng round to see awild man leaping towards you wielding a largebatt le axe. He is a mad BARBARIAN and youmust f iSht him!


9Amazed at the success of your bluff, you decide topush your luck a little further. You can eitherexamine the Skeletons' tools orptetend you're look-ing fotwork-sheets and look through the drawersofthe variousbenches. Ifyou choose the tools, tum to14. Ifyou search the drawers, furn to322 You heara

There is a door in the north wall opposite, throughwhich you may Esctlp( during the battle (turn to189). II you defeat the Barbarian, turn to 2ZJ.



noise from behind the north door and rcalize youwill have to hurqr!

You afiive back at thewards. Turn to 77.

You follow the passage we6twards until tr tumsrounda corner to the south, Justbcfore the bend ls asignpostwhichreads'UnderConstruction' In fronrof you is the begmning of a stairway leading down-wards. Only three steps have been blrilt so far. Anumberof shovels, picks and other tools were lyingon the ground by the steps but, as you turned thecorner. they suddenly flurried into action and beganworking on the steps. You are now watchingvarious tools digging and hammering as if bernghandled by invisible workerg. A humming chanrbecomes louder and you recognize it ast 'Heigh-ho_Heigh-ho, It's off to woik we go . . .' As you standwatching you start to chuckle - the scene is quiteamusmg- You sit and watch and even manage tochat to some of the magical toolg. Gain2 srAMrNApoints and 1 sKrLL point whilst you lelax. Thenturn back up the passageway to the crossroadswhere youmay go either northwards (turn to 366) orsouthwards (tum to 25o).

a2As you pdl the knob, a deaferung clanging norserings through the passageways. You franticallypush the knob back to stop the alarm, but rt hasalready had its effect. You can hear footsteps



and turn north-


t7 You arc nou uatchng &l',ous tools digl|/.g and hrmmer-rng as I WtnS hondted by iwlsibli un*(E


coming closerdown the codidor. Tum to 161to findwhat you have attracted. Note down the number 12so that you may retum to this section after fighhngyour batt le.

When you have defeated this creature, you mayeither return to the iunction (turn to 256) or you maypush the knob (turn to 364).

atYour head hurts and you feel dizzy as you rise toyour feet. Thc four men stir into action and movetowards you in single hle with their weapons ready.You grope your way down the watl for the southdoor but it will be touch and go whether you makeit. Your foot slips on a loose pebble and you fall tothe ground. Before you can regain your fooLing. thecreatures are upon you Tum to 282.

L4There are no signs of any secret passages, but yousuddenly hear footsteps coming towards you. Tofind out what is coming, turn to 161. You must fightthis creature,

If you defeat the monster, tum to 1i7. Note thisrelerence so you know where to rehrrn to,

Asyou sit on the bench and eat yourfood, you beginto feel deeply relaxed and the aches hom your bodyseem to be soothing themselves away. This reshngplace is enchanted. You may restore 2 additionalsraMrNA points as well as the normal amount (butonly i f this does not exceed your Inrlral srAMrNA


score) and restore l SKILL pornt if any have beenlost. When you are ready to continue, move alongthe passage and turn to j67.

16You draw your sword, and as you do so the Ogrehears you and prepar€s to attack:


lf you defeat him, turn to 50. After the secondAttack Round, yov fiay Escape down the passage(turn to 259).

Using the wooden stake and mallet (or makeshiftmallet if you aren't carryin8 one), you form a crossand move towards the Vampire, backing it into acomer. I t hisses and snatches at you but cannotcome near you. However, it is going to be trickygetfing the stake through its heart.

As you advance, you sturnble and fall forwards. Asluck would have it, the stake flies forward andplun8es into the shrieking creature. Tesl yoar Lack. lfyou are Lucky, the stake pierces the Vampire'sheart. lf you are Unlucky, the Vampire is merelygrazed by the wound (deduct 3 points from itssrAMrNA) and it f l ings you backwards across theroom towards th€ west door To Escrpe through it,turn to J8o. To keep on fighting, turn to q4. tf youwere Lucky and killed the Vampire, you may lookfor rts treasure - turn to 327

18You walk westwards along the passageway. Afterfifty metres orso, the way hirns northwards. Iwoor

srAM rNA point. If you were Lucky, you had b€tterretum to the junction (turn to 25r). tf you wereUnlucky, turn to 34t.

a9These two evil creatures are GOBLINS. Theyattack you one at a time.


lf you kill the Goblins, tum to ,17.

20The skirmish commences- You have your sword,they have their axes. They come atyou;ne ata time



lI you win, turn to 376. lf the battle is going badly,you may Escdpe through the door. Turn to 291 _ buldon't lorget your Esaapirrg penalty

21The green blood of the dead Orcs smells loul as itseeps from their bodies. You step around the


junction (tum to 229)?

After you have suff"*flyo* third wouno, you






notice that your strength is ebbinS. Lose 1 sKrLLpoint. You deduce that this is yet another magicalpower of thig foul creature and you feel a shiver ofpanic. Will you continue or run? If you want toEscap", pay the penalty and tum to ,60 to fleethrough the north door. Otherwise the fiSht goeson.

lf you defeat the creaturc, turn to 135. But from nowon every third wound that the beast inflicts takes 1point from your sKrLL.

The paintings are portraits oI men Your sPin€ shiv-ers as vou read the nameplate undea the one on theirest wall - it is that of Zagor, the Warlock whosetreasure you are seeking You look at his Porkaitand realize you are pitting yourself against an awe-some adversary. You have the feeling that you arebein8 watched and notice the Piercing eyes follow-ing you as you move. You f ind yourself drawntowards his oortrait and vour fear rises. Lose rsKrLL point. Do you havi the courage to try tocombat the Warlock? You mayeither leave throuShthe north door straightaway (turn to 90) - but treatthis as an Escrpe. Or you may look through yourpack for a weapon to use against the Warlock's

POWer - turn to 34o.


You rememb€r Di MaSgio's small, leather-boundbook, and silently mouth the sPell contained withinrts pages.


You shout loudly at the Dragon and it stops in itstracks. It cocks its head to one side and eyes yoususpiciously. You fling a stone at its head, and thero.k bounces off i ts nose. Thebeastletsout an angrycry and breathes deeply, a roaring sound beingcreated from within its throat. The Dmgon exhales,and from bctween its teeth you can see anothetfireball building up. You prepare yourselt, and asthe ball of flame comes from its mouth, you cry:

'Ekil ErifEkam ErifEdf EdIDi Maggio'

The fireball continues no further. With an agonizedscream, the Dragon tries to shake the f'lames from itssnout But there the bLrrning continues.

Squealing in agony, the Dra8on turns its back andleaps into the blackness, flailing its head ftom sideto side. Turn to ,7r.

The sword is enchanted and will aid iou in battleAs long as you use lhis sword, you may increaseyo.ur Initial sKrLL by 2 points. You may also add 2Points to your cudenl sKrLL value. Add 2 points toyour LUcK for finding this sword. Throw your oldsword away and tum to 319. lf you would ratherkeep your own sword, leave your s(rL L ag it is andjust take the LUCK bonus


The mighty Ciant lies dead! You search his cavernafld find little of use, although a purse m his beltcontains 8 Gold Pieces. You are a l i t t le concernedabout the second chair; to whom does it b€long?You decide to lcave the cavern the way you came.Iurn to 351. But add 2 LU c( and 2 sKlLLpointsforyouf viclory.

29Apart from the boots, which you decide to ignore,there appears lo be little of value in the cavern. Youdecide to head back theway youcame. Turn tor75.

3oA loos€ slone falls out to reveal a rope in the rock. Ifyou wish to pull it, tum to 57. lf you feel it would bewiser to leave it alone, you can retum to the cross-roads (turn to 267).

31lf you have the iewel from the Eye of the Cyclops,you hold it in front of the Warlock. His rntimidatingstare turns to an expression of pain. He obviouslyfeels the jewel's powcr. Suddenly his eyes tumwhite and his expression goes limp. Your confi-dence gains as you realize you have won your firstreal batt le. Gain 2 sKrLL points. Put the jewel intoyourpack andleave through the northdoor. Turn to90.


12You toss the Cheese across the room at the Ra ts andthey scramble for it, nipping and scratching eachother as they fight lor it. Having distracted them,you pass through the room and leave by the door lnthe north wall. Turn to 124. Add 2 Luc( points foryour good fortune

The sleeping crearure awakens startled- He iumpsup and rushes at you, unarmed. With your swordyou should be able to defeathim, buthis sharp teethlook rather vicious You fiay Lsaape through thedoor (hrm to 32o) or stand and frght the O RC whois attacking you.


take the box.If you defeat the creature, you mayTum to 147.

34Looking through the tools you come across a malletwith a hardwood head and a chisel with a solidsilverblade. You may keep either of these if you areprepared to forfeit one of the items of equipmentyou are carrytng lf you wish to do so, make theappropriate adjustments to your Equipment List,The noise from the north door gets louder and youmove up to investigate. Turn to 96.




As you step into the room, the door swings shutbehind you. As it closes, there is a click and a hiss.From the centre of the ceiling, a jet of gas is fillingthe room with an ac d vapour. You breathe andcough deeply. You look at the door and then thekey. Will you return to the door and escape quickly(tum to 136) or hold your breath and dash for thekey first (tum to 361)?

36The locked door burcts open and a nauseatingstench hitsyour nostrils. Inside the roomthe floor iscovered withbones, rotting vegetaLion and slime. Awild-haired old man, clothed in rags, rushes at youscieaming. His beard is lonB and grey, and he iswaving an old wooden chairJeg. ls he simplyrnsane as he appears, or has this been some kind ofhap?You may eithershoutat him to tryto calm himdown (rurn to 263) or draw your sword and attackhim (tum to 353)

Standing at the crossroads you may go either north(tuln to366), west (turn to 11) or south (turn to22).

38You open the door to find rhe Werewolfs larder, amiscellaneous collection of bones and decayingmeats. The smell $ nauseating, although a iar ofpickled eggs seems to olfer lairly palatable food If

t6 lnsule lhe rcofi the floot ls @ured with bo es, tutttngPegelalon and sttme


you wish to take these, there willbe enough for twomeals; add 2 points to your Provlsions.

Back in the room you may now go out through thesouth door. Tum to 66.

39Your opponent is surpnsed as you disaPPear infront of him, but he raises his hands as if to coverhiseyes and he scans the room with an intense 8lare.He can sense your Presence but cannot make outelactly where you are. You draw your sword andadvance He tilts his head and sniffs the atr. You willhave to fight him from a distance as, if he Eets hishands on you, your invisibility will be no advan-tage But whilst you remarn invisible, you have thefollowing advantages:

You may add 2 to yourdice rol lwhen determiningyour Attack Strength,

Each successful attack will cause him 3 Pornts ofdamage as, since he cannot see you, he cannotdefend himsetf properly.

Each time he inflicts a wound on you, throw onedie. lf the number is odd, he wounds you asnormal. Ifthe numberis z or4, he only inflicts a1-point wound Ifyou rol la 6, youcan Parry theblow and he does no damage.

Resolve the battle:


If you win, tum to 396


srAMtNA 18

40The ear-piercing sound Sets louder and loudcr Thepain is unbearablc- Reduce your sKILL score by rior the agony. You begin to groPe in the dark for awall. Do you head for:

The wcst wall?The north wall?The east wall?

Turn to 155Turn to 265Turn to 181

4aHe is a powertul adversary-a W I C HT! He rs largestrong and evil. The battle commences

WICHT sKr t - 19 srAMlNAo

You fight with your sword. After you have inflctedyour first wound on him, turn to 31o.

42You eventually arrive at the end of the Passa8e, at athree-way junction. You may iurn either to the west(turn to 257) or to the east (turn to 11J).

43You are in a north-south Passageway To go northturn to 354. To 8o south, turn to 52



44Panting after the struggle, you sit do\tn to collectyourself and finish the Provisions you started.Eventually you pack your bag and wade into thestream. Tum to 399.

45The Cheese hits the portrait and bounces off. Youhearan evi l Iaugh coming ftom the walls and realizethe Warlock is mocking you. You decicle to leave theroom by the north cloor. Turn to 90

4bYou are standng in a short east-west passageway,\!,iih a door blocking the way to the east. To the\vest, the passage turns southwards aftcr severalmetres- To go round this bend turn to 4. To gothrough the door, turn to 206.

47ln the middle of the river, the bddge swings to andfro as it strains to take your lverght. The handrailcorncs away suddenly as you lean on it Roll one die.A rol lof6 sendsyou plunginBinto the riverbelowtLrrn to 158. A rol l of r s me.lnc you rcg.r in yourbalance. To go on, turn to 298.

48You are in an east-west corridor. Ifyou go east, yourvill turn a corner northwards. Io go thrs way, turnto 391. To go west, furn to 60.


49Ihe doorsqueaks open on rusty hrnges. The room isdark and your eyes begin to adiust themselvcs asyou close the door behind you. You hear a shuff l ingin the room but before you can react, a blow to yourhead knocks you senseless. Lose 2 srAMrNAPoints and tllrn to 122

5oThe slain creature crashes to the ground. You gothrough his garments and find nothing, but a smallpouch hangs around his neck. Inside this pouch is asmall bronze key, with the numberg castinto i t . Youmay take this i f youwish. Nothingelseis ofvaluernthe cavern so you leave and head back to thc junc-t ion. Turn to 269.

You drink the Potion and can see the look of aston-ishment spread across the Troll's face. He comes upto you and fecls for you, but you step aside and hegropcs thc air fruitlessly. He thrashes around,clutching foryou, but you are easily able to sidestephim. Eventually he gives up and returns to hischamber, lust in hme, as you feel yourself reap pear-ing. Add 2 LUc( points. You may leave along thePassage to the north. Turn to 287.

52You are standing at a T-junction where a passage tothe east comes off a north-south cor dor.

To go southTo check for secret passages

on the way southwardsTo go northTo check for secret passages

on the way northwardsTo go east

Turn to 191

Turn to 362Tum to 354

Turn to 234Turn to 29r

5tYou charge the door, hitting it squarely with yourshoulder Roll2 dice,l f the numberrol led is equaltoor less than your s Kr L L score, the door opens (tunto 155). lf the nuDlber exceeds your sKrL L score, thedoor shudders but does not budge, and you wincem parn as you hit the door lose r sraMrNApointand continue up the corridor (turn to 3oo).

54You are standing outside a door at the north end ofanorth-south passage To go south, turn to 3o8 Togo through the door, tum to 129.

5JRoll lwo drce- lf the total rolled ts less than or equalto your LU c( score 44d is also less than or equal toyour srAMrNA score then you manage to hold onand manoeuvre the raft across to the north bank (donot deduct a LU cK point). You arrive saJely but asyou step on to the bank. the raft ddfts away andmakes its own way across the river to the southbank Turn to 7.


lf you exceed your Luc( and/or 5TA MI NA totals,the raft throws you into the water and you start toswim back to the south bank. Turn to a66-

56As your sword splashes into the water, a bubblyvoice says, 'Thank you!'lt now seems that the onlyway onwards is to swim downgtieam to the eastYou plunge into the water. Tuln to 399.

t /As you enter the cavern you hear loud footstePsbehind you, crunching heavi.ly on the rccky floor'You crouch down beside the enhance in a smallalcove in the rock- The steps get louder and you seea great O G RE enter the cavern ! He stands ovet twometres tall and is dressed in ill-fitting garmentsmade fron some so of hide. He carries a largewooden club. You may:

Attack him as he entersTry to creep out without him

nohclng you

Turn to a6

Turn to 2Try to distract him by throwing

something into a far corne!oI the cavern Turn to 119


58Cautiously you creep along the passageway. After ashort time it turns sharply to the north. At thecorner there is a bench oI solid wood and above thebench a sign reads'Rest Ye Her€ Weary Traveller'Here you may stop and eat Provisions if you wish(tuIn to 15) o! continue (tum to 367).

59You walk westwards for some time, then northround a peculiar bend which hairpins straightround to the south. Eventually you wind up at athree-way junction. Turn to r5o,

60You walk along the coridor, only to find rhar theway westwards is blocked by a heavy portcullisYou walk back to where you were Turn to 48.

6aAs you rnvegtigate the cavern/ you suddenly hear ascurry of steps behind you and swing round to facethe grotesque black shape of a GIANT SPIDERwhich has been stalking you. The Spidelsbody ls atleast a metre across and you qulckly draw yoursword to defend yourself.


lf you win the battle, turn to 29, You may Escapefrom the fight down the passageway after NvoAttackRounds and will end up at the iunction - turnto 37i58 AI thr@m theft 6 s tten.h ol sold t0ood, uherc you nay

sto| and ea! Ptouistons il Yoh uish


6zYou continue alon8 the passageway to the east.After some thirty metres it tulns to the south.Following it round thebend you eventually come toa stop at a large armoured door. To try the doo!,tum to 6. If you would prefer to retum along thepassage and go through the narow opening, turnto 89-

6tAs you walk along the cor dor, you can see aheadthat it ls getting narrower. At one point you stoop,and as you do so, a deep, resonating laugh starts uparound you. Do you wish tocontinue? lf so, turn to281. If you wish to turn back, turn to 10.

64The Ghoul dances with glee around yourbody, laysit next to the others on the ground, furns you overand sinks its teeth into your rump. lt is not often itgets fresh meat to feed on.

Your advenfure is over.

65As you spring at the Chieftain, his servant rises tohis feet, picks up a hefty \ Tooden stick and joins themelee. But to your disappointment he attacks you!Ungrateful wretch! Seeing this, you may Escapethrough the door down the coridor (turn to 293) orconhnue the fight (tuIn to 322). If you choose toEscape, you suffer normal escaping penalties.


66The door opens and youfind yourselfin the passageleading back to the riverbank. You return to theriver and may now either go for the door in themiddle of the rockface (turn to 1o4) or go down thepassage running off eastwards along the riverbank(turn to 99).

67You pull on the rope and a small door swings openreveailng a passage into a north-souih corridor.Will you return to the crossroads (furn to 267) or gothrough the secret door (turn to 127)?

68The two GOBLIN torturers look at each otheramazed, then look at you. They chatter to them-selves and then indicate for you to wait while theygo off and get another Dwarf to give them somemore fun. They disappear out of the room and youcut down the Dwarf who is, as you guessed, quitedead You decide it best to leave and ptess onnorthwards up the corridor. Turn to 3o3.

69Some way along the passage. the corddor b€ndsround to the north and you follow it until you reachanother junction. At this iunction you see an a owcut into the rock, pointing to the north, and youdecide to try this direction. Tum to 244.

,7r As uo't lool tn. vou Mn seeaslnnleCoblin-ltkr crealurc inttath'et armow aslee? al his PosI


7oYou follow the cobbled codidol east, then norththen east again and finally north until you wind upat a crossloads, Turn to 267.

There is a ri8ht-hand turn to the north in the Pass-age. Cautiously you approach a sentry Post on thecomer and, as you look in, you can see a stmngeGoblin-like creature in leather armour asleeP at hispost. You hy to tiptoe Past him. Test yorr Luck ltyou are Lucky, he does not wake uP and remainssnoring loudly turn to3ol.lfyou are Unlucky, youstep with a crunch on some loose Sround and hiseyes flick open - turn to 248.

You now have a fresh get of armour, equivalent toyour own. Decide which of the two you wish tokeep, throw the other away, and turn to 319.

The passage ahead leads you northwards The rockyfloor becomes sandy unfl eventually you are walk_ingon a sorto[coarse:and. You notice the Pa5sage is\! ideninB dnd rhedd )ou can hear r 0owing nver'You continue unlil you find yourselfn a large cavernthrough which a dver flows. Tum to 218.

74Test your Luck. tI yolt are Lucky, you break his gazeand can prepare to attack. Turn to 27g If you are



Unlucky, you are under his control and droP yoursword at hrs command - turn to 118-


You sit back and rest from the exhausting battle.You may eat Provisions here- You prise the

'ewelfrom the stjll statue. [t is heavy in your hancl ancl rcworth 50 Gold Pieces. You Put i t in your Pack Asyouexplore the room and the statue, you notice thatone of i ts breastPlate sections is loose When vouopen this, a small key is inside You examine thisand notice the number l l l on i t . With a smile youput the jewel and the key in your P"ck and set offback to the junction. Turn to 93, after addin8 3LU c( points - you have a valuable artefact here'

76You anive at another,unction An aEow on the wallpoints northwardsand you decrde toProceed in thisdirecLion. Turn to 244.

77Several metres LrP the Passageway you arnve at ajunction whereyoumay turn either west or east Setin the rock on the north wnll is a small recess whereyou may rest and eat Provisions without being seen.If you wish to take Provisions here, do so. After-wards yolr may set ofl eithereastwards (tum to 345)or westwards (tum to 18)

7aThe passage ends at a solid wooden doorwith metal


hinges. Listening ar the door, you hear strangemutterings and the clatter ofwhat could be pots andpans, Whatever is in there, there are several o[them. Do you want to go through the door (turn to159) or tnrn back (tum to 232)?

79I}te passageway ends in front of you in a dead endIf y uuwish to sc..r n h tor secret pasjngeway\, turn lorl7. l l not, relurn to thc cro-sroid. dt 267

8oIhe key fits the lock and opens the door you findvouEelf in a iarge boathouse Various ooars, rn

look at you. They prck up planks of wood and harnmers ancl advance towards you There are 6ve ofthem. Do you:

Smile nervously and back out ofthe door into the passage? Turn ro 129

Tell them you've come ab,-outbuyrng a boat? Turn to r2J

Tell them you're therr new bossand order them back to work? Iurn ro r95

Draw.vour sword and prepare forbatt le? Turn ro r4o


ErA noise startles you, prompting you to leave theroom quickly. You walk up to investigate the northdoor. Tum to 2o5.

The door opens to reveal a small. gmelly room. Inthe centre of the room is a rickety wooden table onrvhich stands a lit candle. Undemeath the table is asmallwooden box. Asleep on a straw mattress in thefar corner of the room is a short, stocky creaturewith an ugly, warty [ace; the same sort of creaturethat you found asleep at the sentry post. He mustbethe guard for the night watch. You may eitherreturn to the couidorand press on northwards (turnto 208) or creep into the room and try to take the boxiLithout waking the creature. If you want to try tosteal the box, Test yo11r Luck. If you are Lucky, hedoes not wake up - turn to 147. If you are Unlucky,rurn ro JJ.

83Tesl your Luck. If you are Lucky, you make it outthrough the north door - turn to 360 lf you areLnlucky. tum to 154.

84The door opens into a small room, comfoltably fur-.rshed with a table, several chairs and a large book-case which covels one wall. Seated at the table is ancld man with a long grey beard, and squatting onihe old man's shoulder is a small winged beast. This84 SeoLed ot thc lable is an old on ,ith a long SreV beanl. Md

squattng on his shoulder is a smalL w1 ged beast

iunction?Draw your sword and rush


85You ale at a crossroads

To go northTo go southTo go eastTo go west


creature is no more than six centimetres tall. lt has

Sit down as he tel ls you? furn to 2o4Leave the roorl and return to the


Your combired thrashrngs attract a ,turbulence, inthe water that you had nottced before and this now

87You arrivc back at the iunction and this t ime turnnorthwards Turn to 262


Turn to 28o

T t\n to )77

Turn to 1o5Turn to 37JTurn to 318Turn to 59




9oYou open the door into a narrow passage and followit northwards. Some metres up the passageway, itturns to the east, then turns to the north. However,at thrs second b€nd, thcre rs a small alcove in therock. l t seems a convenient hiding place and a largerock forms a comfortable seat You may stop hereand eat Provisions if you wrsh. When you haverested, continue northwalds Turn to 251.

91lf you are lucky, your cheating will not be dis-covered. Tesl lout Luck. ll you arc Lucky, you getaway with it. Roll two dice to see how many GoldPieces you win. Mark these oi yovr Adaenfure Sheetand tutu to 131.

lf you are Unlucky, the four notice you are dealingfrom the bottom ofthe deck They pick upaxes ftombehind their chairs and turn on you. Tum to 20.

92You arive back at the iunction in the passage. Youlook left to see the cave entrance in the dim distancebut walk straight on. Turn to 71.

9JYou arrive back at the iunchon and this time youturn northwards TLrm to E

94You walk along a passageway that runs due south,


v7A voice bids you'Come rn! 'and you walk mto asmall room furnished with a table and chair,shelves, cupboards and the like, all of whrch haveseen better days. Plates, bowls, cups and hundredsof old books line the shelves ln the mrdst of all thigclutter, you see a little old man rn a grubby whitegown swayinB to and fto in a rocking chair, stillhumming happily to himself, hrs eyes fixed on you,but seeming at peace with the world He bids you'Good day ' Do yorr:

Start to make conversation with

Draw your sword and charge at

Decide not to waste time with himand leave, going nbrthwards?

Turn to J3{

Turn to 247

Turn to 2912

98As you crawl into the room, a voice booms out.'Welcome, adventurer. I have been expecting you.'You stop, Iook around and rise to your feet. Thelittle old man haschan8ed. He is not soold and greyany more, and he's of an rmposrng hei8ht. His eyesare deep and black and they are fixed on you relent-lessly. Turn to 358.

99The passageway runseastwards Aheadofyou, youcansee that a solid-looking door blocks thepassageYou step up ro investigate Turn to 38f

q7 ln lhc mdsl ol all lhts(lu!!er, you see a hllle old tun m a'Stltbby uhLte goun ,waVn| to and fto n a rccAtry chtir



Hesrtantly, they agree to let you ioin in. As you playand chat, they loosen up and eventually you are alllaughhg and exchanging stories.

They secm quite harmless You may play cardserther Iairly or you may try to cheat lf you wish toplay fairly, turn to 346 lf you wish to cheat, turn to9a


Your lucky throw catches the Vamprre unawaresand he shneks in agony as the stake sinks into hlsheart. You leap over and thrust it further lnto hisbody His death cries grow weaker and his lilelessbody slumps to the floor. TurF. to J27


The door is not locked and opens. The roon inhontof you seens to be a small torture chamber, wrthvanous torture devices around the walls. ln thecentre of the room, two small, hunchbackedcreaturcs are havhg thcir fiendish way with aDwarf, who rs tied to a hook in the ceiling by hisw sts. The tlvo hunchbacks are poking and cuttinghrm vlclously with thcir swords. Thc Dwarf lets outa final scream and falls silent, eyes closed His cap-tors makc disappointed noises al,d look roundangrily at you as if it were your fault that the Dwarfhas collapsed. You must act quickly Wil l you'

Close the door qulckly andcontinrre up the collidor?


Draw your sword and try to fightthe creatures? Turn to 19

St de over to the Dwarf, give him ^jab with yoursword and puton

an evil laugh for the torturers? Turn to 58

103You feel a stone move and behind ityou find a lever.Will you pull the lever, or leave it and return to thecrossroads? Ifyou dare pull the lever, turn to 252 lf).ou go back to the crossroads, turn to j59.

ao4You find yourself in a short, nanow passagewayr\'ith a door ahead to the north. You try this doorTurn to 49.

ao5You rummage through your haversack. What is inthere? You may attempt to use any of the followrngltcms iI you have them on your Equipment List:

Pofion of lnvtsibilityThe Eye of the CyclopsA piece of CheeseBow wrth Silver ArrowA Y-shaped Stick

Tum to 39Turn Lo 382Turn to 358Turn to 194Turn to 215

106The passageway ahead runs northwards for somefime. You may rest along the passage to eat Pro-! lsions It then bcnds to the west and begins to getrluite nanow You rcach a small rocky arch whichTuIt1 Io 3o3


you will have to stoop to get through. On the otherside of the arch you pause and look around. You arein a large cavern which disappears into distantblackness. The cavern is partially lit by natural lightwhich streams in through a hole in the roof Youcannot see a way through.

As you shine your lantern around the cavern, youhear a rumble A dull glow flickers in the blacknessSuddenly, a jet of fire shoots from the depths of thecavern, narrowly missing you and singeing themossy growths on the walll You throw yourself onto the ground and look up to see a large D RA C O Nstalkrng out of the darkness towards you Smokecurls from its nostdls lts scaly red skin ghstens withan oily covering. The beast is some fifteen metresLong! How will you attack the creature?

Draw your sword and prepare toattack? Turn to 152

Search your memory for anothermeans of attack? Tdrn to 126

ao7You tiptoe through the room, Lrp a narow stalrcase,ending up at the top of the stairs ln a passage'Thatrvas easv,' you thmk, and you begin to have seconclthoughts about whether i t would have been worth-while to search thebodies. [fyou want to return andsearch the bodies. starting with the rhrrd, turn ro48 If you want to press on. tu to 197

ao6 Snoke curls lrcm its nosttils. Its scal!utlh an ottv cooennS

tul skln ghstens




The monrent your foot touches a hand tile, you feelavicelike grip on your ankle and look down to see aghostly white hand Brrpprng your leg. You fight foryour balance and manaSe to regain i t But to yourhorror you see that, from every hand-shaped trle ir'tthe floor, a similar apparition has appearcd. and thefloor across to the door is now scattered with ghoul-ish hancls, flexing and snatchin8 in the air. Youdraw your sr,r'ord and chop at the hand. Resolve thisbatt le:


lf you have already looked at the parchment. youmay leave the room northwards (turn to 12o). l f youhave not, you may look at it (tum to 212) or you lnayforget about i t and go northwards anyway,


You are now 8 Colcl Picces richer. You also f inclanother 2 Gold Pieces in his boot, hiclclen there forsafety. Turn to 319. Record the Cold on your Adrc,r-lurc Sllt:ct


He wil l not be pacif ied- As you shift uneasily aroundthe room, he shouts a word at the clog. Turn to 249.


You see nothing rn the room l ikely to help you inyour bitt le. Wil l you:

Draw your sword. g t your teethand advance? Turn to 142

Search your rucksack for a weaponto use? TLlrn to 1o5

aa1You arrive at another junction in the passage, Youmay either go northwards (turn to 285) or continueenshvards (tum to 78).

ra4The passage goes south, then east and you evenfu-ally find yourself at a crossloads. Turn to 359


l f you win, turn to r85.

Thc l iquid is smooth and watery and, as you drinkit, you beg to glow. You feel euphonc and a littledrunk at the same time Your confidence Srows ardyour weariness disappears.

The bott le contains HOLY WATER, blessed byth€ Ovcrpriest ofKaynlesh-Ma. It has restored yoursrAMrN,{ alnost to ful l stren8th. Increase yoursTAMTNA to 2 points below your ln i l in l sTAMINA(if your srAMrNA was already higher than this,leave rt as i t is you are strong enough !). Addpointsto your current sKrLL to take the total to 1 Pointunder your l t l i t ial 9K|LL. Ydu may add 4 LUCKpoints for making such a lucky find.


I ;r:15-:r:16

aasThc poor wretches lying dead at yoff feet almostlook happy tobe relieved of the burden oI life. Butasyou look down at them, you sense that you aie notthe only one to know of therr deaths Lookingaround the room, you may:

lnvestigate the weapons lyingaround

Go over to the dead body in thenorth-east corner

Check the barrels

aa6The two drunken ORCS you now face are obvi-ously start led at your entrance and, as quickly asthey are able, they fumble around for the weapons.\ou must attack each one in tum Their drunken-nessallows you to add l point to your dicerol l whenroll inS to work oLrt your Attack Strength, duringeach Attack Round


First ORC j 4Second ORC 5 5

lf you win the battle. turn to 378 If you wish toEsffp. during the battle, you may dosoby tuming to42


aa1You are in an east-west passageway. To go east,turn to j54. To go west, turn to JoE

118As you approach he rises from his coffin, spreadshis cloak and takes you under i t . Your last l jvingmemory is a flash oI pain as his sharp tceth sink intoyour neck. You should never have let yourself getinto eye-contact with a VAMPIRE!

aa9You open your pack and reach inside for somethjngsuitable to throw across the cavern. Check yourEquipment List, choose one item to throw and crossit ofl your List If you have no Equipment you willhave to throw a Gold Piece. You throw the objectacross the cavern, where it lands with a clatter. TheOgre looks towards the noise, and goes over toinvestigate. Meanwhile you creep out, down thepassage and back to the junction. Turn to 269


You leave the chamber, walk down a short passageand reach a starrcase going up You climb the stairsand arrive at the top in a passageway. Turn to 197

a2\The corridor goes east for several metres, thensouth_ then east again, where it finally ends. Wrllyou investigate the dead end (turn to 1o3) or returnto the crossroads (tum to 359)?

Turn k) 95

Turn to IjTurn to 33o

greefly-gfey cot( Their clothF ar?slrnltttered an



You awake with a throbbing head and look around.The room is about eight metrcs square, with doorsto the north and south. You have been dumped rnthe south-wcst corner- Standing motionless in thecentre of the room are four men. Atleast, theyap/earto be men. Their skin is a greeny-grey colour- Iherclothes are tattered and to - and they are allstaring vacantly at the ceiling. One carries a club,one a scythe, one an axe and one a pick. They areignoring you completely.

Around the room are various peasant-styleweapons (pitchforks, axe-handles, polnted sticks,etc.), one o! two shields, and several barrels ln thenorth-east corner is a human corpse with a sword rnone hand and a shield in the other You move yourhand up to your head to feel for signs of blood andyou are relieved to find you are not bleedlng. But asyour hand moves, the strange creatures ln thecentre of the loom turn their eycs down towardsyou. Do you:

Try to talk to them? Turn to 26EJump to your feet and charge them

with your sword? Turn to 282Scramble for an exit through the

south door? Turn to 1j

Will they believe your st;ry about buyrng a boat?Skeletons are pretty simple-minded, so rollonedteA r, z or 3 means they believe you, and they all go


running through the door in the north wall, leavingyou alone in the Boat House. Add 2 LUc( pointsand turn to 184.

A 4 or 5 means they're not sure. They send two oftheir members throuBh the north door whilst theother three watch you with their makeshiftweapons. Tum to 164.

A roll of 6 means they definitely don't believe youand keep on advancing. Turn to 14o

r24The door opens into a qride passageway and youfollow this for some distance before reachrng a junc-tion. Here you may either go northwards (turn to138) or turn to the east (tuln to 76).

You pick up the rope. [tlooks normal. In factitlooksas iI it mightbe quite useful. You open your pack toput it in Suddenly, it comes alive in your fingers,snakes quickly up your arm and attempts to wrapitself around your neck. You struggle to cut the ropewith your sword before its grip tightens. Iesr yorlLu.k. If you are Lucky, you cut the rope and itdropsto the ground Ifyouarenot, the rope tjghtens - lose1 srAM INA print. You must lestyorr l l tcft again totry to cut the rope, and keep hying until you do.Each time you fail, you lose another srAMrNApoint (and reduce you! LucK sco!e). If you finallydefeat the rope, you may leave through the northdoor. Turn to 23.


r25Does the name 'Farrigo Dr Maggio' mean anythingto you? lf not, you must fight the Dragon. Turn tor5z. tf it does, turn to 25.

He doesn't take at al l khdly to your threats. As youargue and his anger builds, you notice a transforma-

him down (deduct this lrom your Cold and turn to272), or pteparc to attack him (turn ro 188)?

128You hear a deep rumbling noise and the gloundbegins to shudder. Slowly and nois y the po;tcullisrises into the ceiling. You may now walk to thejunction, Will you tum west (turn to 21o) or east(tum to 5E)?

429You return to the riverbank and decide to hy thedoor in the middle of the rockface. Turn to 1o4.

130The old man asks you your stake. You may betbetween 1 and 20 Gold Pieces (but not more thanyou possess!). He tosses the white dice he has beenplayin8 with to you and asks you to rcll Roll two


drce once {or youtself and once for the old man. lfyour total ls higher, you win the amount of yourstake from the old man. If his total is hiSher, youlose your stake. You maycontinue {oras long as youhave Gold Pieces, and then leave throrLgh the doorand return to the junction. Add 2 Points to yoursKrLL, sraMrNA and LUCK scores i f you winTurn to 28o,


!ou chat about vanoLrs things and they seem eager

to be frrendly. They feel lonely in the dungeon withso much evil about and are happy to sPeak tovrsitors of a law{ul disposlhon. They tell you thatyou are rn The Maze ofZagor The onlyway outis togo deeper into the dungeon. They tell you that theway through the maze is to leave the room, tulnright, nght, left, keep going strai8ht . anil thenthey begin to 8et a bit vague. They're not entirelysure lt ls cofect

)ou may if you wish, eat a ncal from your Pro-vrsrons, but you will have to share it wiih them andthus wil l only gain half the normal STAMINA


pornts Eventually you thank them and leave theroom, Co to 29a.

432The shield is a standard wooden type- You maykeep it or throw it away Turn to 3a9

You are in a no h-south corridor whrch ends in adead end. You look arouhd thc rockface for signs o{anything interesting, when suddenly a rock breaksloose above you and Jands on your head. Althoughtheblow was not particularly hard, you find you arefeeling dizzy. You fight to remain conscious, butareunable to do so. You slump to the ground. Whenyou open your eyes/ you are at a junction. Turn to


434The room is unoccupied and there seems to be noother means of exit. [n the centre of the floor standsa table, and on this table are two helmets; one ofbronze and one of iron. Both are about your sizeWill you try one on, or is this worth the risk?

Try on the bronze helmetTry on the iron helmetReturn to the junction

Turn to 2o2Turn to 325Turn to 87

The Wight lies in a heap in the comer of the roomYou approach his desk and open the box. There are18 Gold Pieces within the box. You may take thesewith you enter them on yolut Ad1)efiture Sheet. Ioucan add 2 r,ucK points for defeating the creatureandmayrest a while to take someProvisions. Whenyou are ready, you may leave by the north doorTum to 35o.

a16You arrive at the door, struggle with the lock andopen the door. You burst out, closing the doorbehind you and take several deepbreaths. Return !othe junction (turn to 229).

aJ7You find no secret passages, but as you press thewall, you hear a click. You feel dizzy and slump tothe ground. Vvhen you come to, you do not recog-nize your slrrroundlngs. Turn to 354

On the table therc are hw helnets: one ol btonze and ofle oliron Both are about yo t size



118The passage widens and you realize you are aboutto enher a large cavern. You can hear noises comingfrom the cavern ahead and you proceed cautiously.As you approach, you can make out a large figure inthe distance and you are overawed as you realizethat this oversizcd human must be at least threemehes talllDressed ina leather funic, thecreature isabsorbed in a meal he is eating at a table

The cavem is at least a hundred metres aaoss andmust be the home of this G IANT Alarge table andtwo chairs are along one of the walls, and it is herethat the creature sits. Intent on his meal (a latge pig),he is unlikely to notice you. Around the rest of thecavern you can see his skaw mattless, a gleat furrypelt which may be his blanket or a shawl. and a hugestone-headed hammer, which you would have nohope of budging. A fire burns in one corner of thecavem, under a hole rn the ceiling, There appeals tobe no other way through the cavern, Will you takeon this brute (turn to 163) or return to the junction(turn to 351)?

aJgDuring your adventure, you will have come acrossvarious keys and should have collected some ofthese. You may now use three of these keys to try toopen the locks on the chest.

Each key is identified with a number. To determinewhether you have the right keys. add their threenumbers together Now turn to the section which


has the same number as this total. where you willdiscover whether you have used the correct keys.

If you do not have three numbered keys, this is theend of your journey. You sit on the chest and weepas you realize that you will have to explore themountain once more in order to find the keys.

440The Skeletons advance and force you back to thedoor. The leader approaches, wlth two behind, andthe final twobehind them Resolve the battle by firstfighting the leader:


and then fighting the pairs. Both members of a pairwill have a separabe attack on you in each AttackRound, but you must choose which of the two youwill fight. Attack your chosen Skeleton as a normalbattle. Against the other you will throw for yourAttack Strength in the normalway, but you w l notwound it i f your Attack Strength is the greater, youmust just count this as though you have defendedagainst its blow. Of course if rts Attack Strength isgreater, it has wounded you in the normal way,


'arr : sKELL.foN B 6 6



tut t SKELEToN B ;lf you win, turn to J95.



L4J SudhnIy a lsrgp tubul head.bt?a|s thtou\h lhe<uiace.tutsl\ atounJ tfl ltu ai and picks up Vou, stctll



When the old man learns of your quest for heasurehe becomes angry and bids you begone he'll havenothing to do with fortune-hunters His dog senseshis anger and snarls menacingly. You may eithersmile, thank him and exit through the south door(tum to 66)or you may stay to try topacfy him (turnto 111).

442His booming voice calls out, 'Poor fool. Do youthink you could match my power with your punyweapon?' You continue with determination 'lf it isa simple brawl you want, stranger, then I shall giveyou your lastl 'and with these words, he vanishesand reappears behind you You swing round to facehim and the fight starts. But this is a battle to thedeath. There is no escaping here


If you win, turn to 396

443You squat on rhe sandy bank As you prepare yourmeal you notice a movement in the sand a couple ofmetres to your left. The movement becomes quiteturbulent and you spring to your feet, sword at theready. Suddenly a large tubular head breaksthrough the surface, twists around rn the air andpicks up your scent. The smooth, segmented bodyof a GIANT SANDWORM rears up and swaysover in your direction As lt does so a large orifice,



with short, spiky teeth, opens in what must be itshead You must do battle with this creature,


If you win, turn to44. lf you want to Esmpe, afterthree Attack Rounds, you may dive into the dverand swim downstream (turn to ,9D), but you havelost the Provisions you started to eat,

The creature catches youreye with its own gaze andyou fjnd yoursell unable to contlol you! ownactions. lt beckons you forward. You move slowlytowards itwith your mouth gapingopen.It tellsyouto throw down the stake. As you look down at thestake, you suddenly feel a surge of power return toyour own will, and you fling the stake at him fromclose ranBe.

Test your Luck If you are Lucky. hrrn to ao1 lf youare Unlucky, turn to 217

145The box has fallen to the ground during you! fighrwith the Snake and out of it has fallen a bronze-coloured key with the numt€r99 carved into it. Youmay take this key with you (note it on your Equip-ment List) and leave the room Add 1 LUcK pointand turn to J63.



a46You find no secret passageg. You return to thecross-roads and proceed either northwards (tum to 366)or westwalds (turn to 11).

447You leave theroom andopen the box m the passagelnsrde you find a single Prece of Cold and a smallmouse, which must have been the creature,s pet.You keep the coin and release the mouse, whichscurries off down the passageway. Gain 2 | uc|.polnts and turn to 2o8.


to 23o.


449As you watch the living mural, you are unaware ofthe speed with which your candle is burmng.Suddenly it flickers and goes out! You again begmtohear the piercing screams and theirpitch grows toan unbearable level. You drop to your knees clutch-ing your eais and cmwl towards the wall. Whichwall w l you crawl towards:

452Resolve your battle:


If you win, turn to 321

The east $'all?The north wall?The west wall?

150You are at a three-way junction.

fo go northTo go eastTo go south

As you put the Lwo swords into your bclt, your newone seems to take on a mind of its own. It cuts yourleg (lose r sreurvepoint)and, as you drawitout,Lt turns rubbery in your hand- It's useless now soyou fling it into the dver. It seems that the only wayforward is for you to swim eastwards down thedver. You plunge in and start swimming. Tum to399.

454As you move, the creature's eyes flash open. Hesees you and slowly gets to his feet. His breathingbecomes heavy and he stalks towards you. Youmust stand and fight him. Turn to 41.

The door splits along its length and you can wrenchthe timbers apart to let yourself in. A torch hangs

Turn to a81Turn to 265Turn to 355

Turn to 222Turn to 297Turn to 13J


You gain ground on the'turbulence in the waterbut a few metres from the north bank you notice twosinister reptilian eyes on the suface of the wateri 'atching you. You are swimming straight for them.lI you decicle you'd rather not face the owner of theeyes, you rnay turn round and head straight back tothc south bank at iull speed you arrive exhausted,lose 1 s-rAMrNA point and turn to 218. Alterna-h\rely you can risk the eyes ahead - tum to 86 Youmay try a detour which will send you nearer the'turbulence' tum to 158.




from one wall lighting up a small armoury roomstocked with swords, shields, helmets, daggers,breastDlates and the like. You examine theweaponry and find nolhing appearing superior to

)rour own sword, However, a circular iron shieldwith a golden crescen t at lts cen tre catches your eye.You pick itup and feel its weight on your arm. lf youwish to take this shield it will aid you in battles byhelping to lend ofl wound damage inflicted by acreatureonyou. It infutuleduringabatt leinwhichyou are usin8 this shield, a creature wounds you,you may throw one dje, lf you throw a 6, thecreature inflicts only I point of damage instead ofthe normal 2. If, for some reason, the creatulewould normally only inflict 1 pointof damage, thena successful roll of 6 would mean that no damage isdone. However, the shreld is heavy and you willhave to leave behind one ltem of equipment (adjustyour Equipment List) to be able to carry it-

You now leave the loom and continue up thecorddor Turn to 1oo,

150You charge the door with your shoulder. Roll twodice. If the number lolled is less than or equal toyour sKrLL score, you succeed - tuln to 343. If thenumber rolled is greater than your s(rLL. you rubyour bruised shoulder and decide against tryingagain. Turn to 92 to retum to the iunchon

Ba A torch hntlps lrom onc roall ltehttnp up o <'aall annouryraan sto,kdwiti ',.tottls, shAlds, h;l,nd:. d;t'.R(ts and the ltk;



t t /

The door opens into an east-west passage, whichturns north after several metres To follow thisdirection, turn to 4. lf you decide against toingthrough the door, turn to r!9.

r56The water around you bristles with activity, as if aninvisible hand is dropping unseen pebbles into theriver You gulp - P I RA NH A S !- and you begin tofeel their sharp teeth biting into your flesh- You kickwith your l imbs and slash wrth your weapons tokeep them off untilyou reach the south bank. Treatthe Prranhas as a single creature.


Resolve this batt le.

Ifyou win, you rnanage to srcramble out of the waterand l je pantin8 on the south bank You may eatProvislons here. Turn to 2r8,

r59You open the doorinto a large room which can onlybe the dining room of the same warty-facedcreatures you now recognrze. Sitting round a largetable are f ive ORCS busily drinking and d bblingtheir bowls of ra t-gjzzard soup. All are involved in arowdy ar8ument as to who will get to chew the ratbones left in the large soupcauldron, so they do notsee you enter You may be bold and prepare toattack them (turn to 355) or you may not relish theprospect of taking on five oI thes€ creatures and iry



to escape. lf yolr wish to leave the room, Irsf yo!/Luck. l f yor are Lucky, you get out without themnolicjng (turn to 2f7)- there is no penalty for escap-ing. If you are Unlucky, they notice you. Prepare forbattle and turn to J65.

160You follow a long, narrow passageway whrch goessouth, then east, then south again unti l you eventu-al ly frnd your'el l dt a crossroids. I urn to 267

a6tMake sure you have noted the reference asinstructed on the last page! You will refurn to tharreference alter dealing with the creature you areabout to encounter.

Your tappings and scrapings at the rock face as yousearch for secret doors and passageways resoundthrough the dungeon corridors Various creaturesroam freely through the underworld and yournoises have iust attracted the.lttentions of one oI thefol lowing monsters.

Roll one die. Consult the table below and over rofind out what has comc to investigate. Fight thecreature as normal. Wandering monsteE nevercarry any trensure. If you defeat this monster,return to the reference you have noted,

Dte rol l Creature sKrLL 5rAMtNAr COBLIN 5 )2ORC6tI c RE MLIN 6 +





a62The passageway ahead runs noithwards and youfollow this until you reach another junction. Hereyou may either continue northwards (tu!n to 23) oryou may tum westwards (turn to 69).

a63You draw your sword and enter the cavern. TheGiant stops rn the middle of a mouthful, raises hishead and sruffs the air. He swings round andcatches sight of you approaching. Roaring loudly,he flings the pig's carcass at you. Tesl yout Luck Ityou are Lucky, it misses. lf you are Unlucky, it hitsyou with quite some force - lose 1 sTAMIN A point.Then he picks up his hammer and prepares to clubyou with it. Resolve this battle.


lf you win, turn to 28. You may Esaap? after thre€Attack Rounds down the passageway, where hewill not be able to follow (turn to 351),

a64You realize that the two Skeletons who have justrun off will soon return and expose your bluff. Youmust react quickly. Will you beat a hasty retreatthrough the door behind you (turn to i29) or drawyour sword and lash out at the remaining Skeletons(turn to 236)?


a65The old man thanks you and rather sheepishly tiesup his boots. You explain that you mean no harmand he calms down, cal l ing off his dog. He tel ls youthat thjs area is the only passageway through to theinner chambers. Some years ago the river swelledafter a part icularly severe spring thaw and cut offsupplies from the outside world. All the area'sinhabitants starved to death but the Master, realiz-ing he needed defences against the outside world,Put a curse on the area. The last remaining creaturesbecame the Undead and now guard the pass-ageways through.

He starts to inquire about you, Wil l you:

Be straight with him and tel l him ofyour quest? Ium to 141

Thank him for the chat and leavethrough the south door? Turn to 66

Try to grab the keys and go for thenearest door? Tum to 249

16You land in the icy water and frantically swim forthe south bank. To your amazemeflt the raft turnsround in mid-stream and makes itsownwayback tothe south bank. You quicken your pace, aware thatyour splashings may at any time attract the atten-tions ofany underwater creafures living in the river.

Roll one die. I fyou rol la r,2,I or4 you make it sa felyback lo the south bank. Turn to 2rE lfyourol la5or6, turn to r58.

- ; - - -== _:

a()B With the whiv in his hand, the Orc Chieftafi has beenbeolin. h$ sertant, who is uhinpenng beheath hin


a67You find a secret door which opens into the bendwhere two passageways meet. To the north a shoitpassage runs into a dead end, and to the east, thepassageway reaches a crossroads. If you will stepthrough this secret door into the passageway, turnto 182. lI you decide against going through the sec-ret door, close itand retum down the passage to thecrossroads - turn to 359.

a6EYou open the door to a large room. A large chairbehind a solid-looking table suggests to you thatsomeone, or somefhi/i8, of rank uses this room. Achest in the centre catches your eye. In a corner ofthe room stands a man-sized creature with a wartyface, standing over a smaller creature ofsimilarrace.Wirh rhe whioinhishand, rhe ORC CHIEFTAINhas been beiting his servant, who is whimpedngbeneath him. Will you:

Attack themboth? Turn to 372Spring at the Chieftain in the hope

thathis servant wjll aid you? Turn to 6jLeave the room and head back for

the junction? Turn to 293

a69One by one all the keys click and turn in the locks.You have placed them all correctly! As the last keyturns, the lid of the chest comes free and you openit. Turn to 4oo to see whaL lies within


InThe crucifix is solid silver and worth 4 Gold PiecesRccord this o n your A duenture SheeL and, t\trn to 3a9.

a7aYou are standing at the north end of a shortnorth south passage. You are at a dead end. Toinvestigate the wall, tum to 337. To 8o southwards,turn to 187.

The old man's eyes flutter oPen. He sees you andgrabs for a half oar lying by his bench. You tell himyou mean him no harm but he remains on Euardand eyes you cautiously. Although he looks harm-lessenough, his dog could be dangerous The man'sboots are undone. will you:

Rush the dog with your weaPondrawn? Tuin to 249

Ask the man queshons re8ardingyour quest? Turn to t41

Tell him his boots are undone? Tum to 165

Silver weapons only will be effective hele. Whenthe creature inflicts its fftird wound on you, turn to24. lf you defeat it before this haPPens, turn to 135,or you may Esc4le throuBh the noth door (turn to

360). If you can use 'The Giver of SleeP', Iesl yorrL ck. If you are Lucky, you hit and the creatule diesinstantly. If you ate Unlucky, you miss


474Turn to r98.

You are standingin a narrowco rdor. Bel-indyou lsa secret door to the easL. Ahead oI you is a cross-roads. To go through the door, turn to 177. To walkto the crossroads, tum to 267.

a76As you walk up the passage, lt visrbly widens andeventLrally you find yourcelf standing at the mouthof a rough cavern, a naturalcave rn the rock, As youlook into the darkness, the cavern appears to beabout jo metres deep, with no visible exit. Do youwant to go into lhe cavem (tum to 27o) or go back tothe iunction (turn to 175)?

477You are standing in a north south passage. To thenorth you can see a passage off to the east. Toinvestigate, tum to 52. To the south, the passageturns westwards You may go to the southcrn endof the passage by turning to 391. ln the west wall infront olyou is a secretdoor. To gothrough this, turnto 175.

a78You tiptoe precariously across the room to the dootin the north wall. You open the door and proceedthrou8h lt. Turn to 162

:\:FF..<--Ja79 You sung round.lo.lact o sianEe-l(nkhg deaturc, hav

matr, nal ouu - uno 6 gunng at you,


179You have entered a lalge squar€ room. Bloken pot-tery lies scattered all about. One large clay vase isuntouchedand is full ofclear liquid. A large bowl isfull of gold coins. As you enter the room the doorslams behind you and you 6wing rcund to face astrange-looking creature, hall man, hall bull - whois glaring at you. He is a MINOTAUR, and hestalks towards you!

He lowers his head, hornB pointing at your chest.and charges. You must fight him:

MINOTAUR s(rr- L 9 9TA M INA 9

After three Attack Rou nds, you manoeuvre youEelfround to be able to run through the door. lf youwish to Escape at this time, turn to 54 and pay thep€nalty- lI you continue fighting and kill him, turnto 2j8. lf you have alr€ady been in this room on thisadventure and kitled the Minotaur, you find itemPty. Leave and tum to 54.

atoThe passageway goes west and then south. Finallyyou come to a stop at a dead end. You may return tothe three-way junction and go east (tu!n to Zo) ornorth (turn to J29), oryou may investi8ate the deadend (tum to 22).

1E1You run along the wall s€archinS for a door but 6ndnone. Your ears are on fire with the agonyl [,ose 1


sxrLL point You may try either the west wall (tumto 355) or the north wall (tum to 265), but you mustfind a way out soon!

162Two of the keys fit the locks perfectly. The otherdoesn't. You leap to one side as a iet of clea! liquidspurts from the chest. It ,ust misses, but you lose2 STAMINA points as the liquid emits an acidicvapour which makes you cough and droke.

You retum to the chest and try another combinationof three keys. Add the key totals and tum to thatsechon.

It you have no more keys to try, you sit downexhausted and in despairafter having got so near toyourSoal. Remember to look for keys next time youenter the dutgeon!

181You search thebodiesof the dead Orcs but frnd onlya few teeth, nails, bones and knivesin theirpockets.You search the cupL\)ards rrou nd the room but findonly crude bowls, plates and spoons. But under theserving hatch you find a thin leather case half ametE long. You may open the case (tum to 266) oryou may leave it behind and walk out of the doo!(tum to2rZ). You are proud of your victory and mayadd r sxrLL and 5 srAMrNA points,

184Youare alonein the Boat Houseandhave some timeto search before the Skeletonswill inevttablv return


18EThe handwithers and shli;ks back into the floor. Atthe same time, the other hands stop dead andslowly fade away downwardg into the tiles. youdecjde this t jme to step on the Etar-shaped t i les, andstep cdrefully across to the door in the north wall.The door opens. Add 2 Lu cK points, Turn to 182.

1E6Turn to r98.


rvYou are standing in the comer of a bend in thepassage. To the north the passage ends in d deadend. To investigate this, tum to r7r. To go east-walds/ turn to 3oE

188Fle now stands just under two metres tall. Headvances towards you_ His body is hairy. His teethare pointed. His eyes f ldsh. His f ingernails are sharpclJws. His nose has become a raFli l \e snout, He i5 aWERERAT!

Resolve your battle with him lf you win, tum tot42. If you decide to E5c4p?, you may run over rherickety bridge (tum to 2o9).


169The door opens into a short codidor which endssevelal meLres ahead at another doo!, similar ro theone you have just come through. You listen andhear nothing. You tly the handle and it turns, allow.urg you into another room of a similar size. But thlsroom is splendidly deconted, with a polished mar-ble floor and rough walls painted white. On each ofthe fou!walls hangs a painting, and there is anothe!door in the north wall, You can either go straighttfuough the room (turn to 90) or you may stop tolook at the paintings (turn to 25).

190You arein a narrow north-south corridor. There is adeadend to the north. You maycheck the dead end(tum to f7) or give up and rctum to the crossroads(tum to 359).

agaHe shrieks and hidee behind his desk He is terrifiedof your aggressive manner. His squeaky little voiceexplains that he is the Mazemasterin charge ofTheillf.aze of Zagor. You talk to him and reassure himthatyou meannoharmand he eventually comes ourfrom behind the desk. He sits down and as hisconfidence returns, a stran8e thing happens H(smanner t ecomes firm and self-assured. He rcfers toa book, points his finger and the book slips fromthe shelf and floats on to the desk in front of himYou deduce that he iB a Wizard of Bome power. per-haps even the dungeon Master himself, come rorb Ths r@nt ts sqlendidlv decoraled. uilh a Dolished m.rble'

floor ahd rongh uals Ninted uhit,.

agl Mc6aiiJ a'd ntatul. tnlays Sive tht6 rffin a kind oJ b.autyvou hnn nelaf gen tElofe


investigate you. You ask him the way out of themaze. He tells you to leave by the south doo!, walkpast a door on yourright until you can go no furtherand tum left- Go over a crossroads and tum left atthe next one.

If you take hisadvice. leavethrough the south door and keepgoing unhl you rcach the secondcrossroads Tum to 3o8

lf you leave through the south doorbut intend to make your ownway round Tum to J92

lfyou leave via the west door Turn to 46

192Tum to 169.

rgtThe door opens and you enter a small room. Youreyes widen as you look around to s€e that thewalls of the room are covered in ornate stonework-Mosaics and marble inlayB give this room a kind ofbeauty you have never seen before, ln a corner ofthe room is a large metal statue of a one-eyed crea-ture. In its single eye is a sparkling jewel, As thereappear to be no other ways through the room, youwill have to go back to the iunction - but that large

iewel is very tempting. Will you leave it alone andgo back to the lunction (turn to 93) or try to take thelewel with you (turn to 338)?

494You load the bow and firc, but desparas the arrow


flies through the air directly at him, stops centi-melres from hischest and falls to thefloor. He looksup and smiles at you wlth an evil, gloating smile.What can you do:

Draw your sword and advance? Tum to r42Try somethmg else from your

backpack? Turn to ao5

t95Thls is a ratherunlikely story, considerint that theysee very few humans around, Nevertheless, Skele-tons arc pretty dim - you knew this and that's whyvou tried the stolv. Roll one die. lf you roll a r or z,ihey don'tbelievjyou and keep on idvancing. Turnto 14o.

A I or4 meansthatthey arcn'tsure, afld send two oftheir number off thlough the no h door whilst thercst hold you at bay with their weapons. Turn toa54,

A roll of 5 or 6 means they'vebelieved you and theyall get back to wo!k! Turn to 9. Add 2 LU cK points

a96You search the room. Try as you Inay you cannotfind the s€cret switch to open the door in the book-shelf - the old man must have locked it from thenside. You do find 5 Gold Pieces in a drawer in thetable. You decide to return to the iunction to thesouth Tum to 2Eo.

r97At the top ol the stairs the passage turns shaiPly lo


the east. As you pause to get your bearings, youhear a creaking in the rock behind you. You spinround in time to see a heavy poficullis drop to s€aloff the passageway behind you. Your only way nowis forward ! You may either press on forward (turn to4t) or may check the walls for secret Passa8es (tumto 295).

19EOne of the keys turns, but the other two will not fit.As you srruggle to try to make them tum, you heartwo small clicks and then 'pings' as two miniaturedarts shoot from the chest at you. You leap back-wards to try to avoid them, crack your head on thewall behind you, and slump to the floor, uncon-sclous,

Test your Luck. lf you are Lucky, the darts miss you,and you awake with a sore head. Lose 2 srAM rNApoints. lf you ale Unlucky, the dartg strike and youneverrecover consciousness. [f you ruere Lucky, youmay try different keys (remember - one of the keysyou just used fits perfectly). Add the key totals andturn to that page.

If you have tried allcombinations for the keys thatyou have, you bury your head in your hands andweep after havrng got so far. You are so near toachieving your obiective, but you will have to tryagain. Re-enter the dungeon -but remember to lookfor keys as you progress!

19The passageway ahead widens and you can see


ahead a large cavern. As you shine your Ianternaround it you can see crude stone weapons on thefloor and a smouldering fire in the cenLre of thecave. But you see no way through. As you turn tomake your way back you stop in your tracks to seetwo Neanderthal CAVEMEN barring your exit.They grunt aggressively at you. You clraw yoursword and must prepare to fight


First CAVEMAN Z 6Second CAVEMAN 6 4

Fight them one at a time. lf you win, leave thecavern and return to the junction. Tum to 283.

Turn to 382


You sink to the floor. You pull the dart out anddecide to bandage the wound. This gives somereliet but you still feel weak. You decide to take iteasy and examine the contents of the chest, but ifyou wish you may ea t some Provisions here Thereare 25 Gold Pieces and the label on the bottle showsit to be a Potion of lnvisibility, good for one dose.The glove is a mystery. You may put any or all ofthese into your haversack and leave the room. Turnto 29j.




You place the helmet on your head. It fits well.Suddenly a searing pain flashes across your fore-head. You cannot think stlaight. This helmet iscursed and, try as you might, you cannot remove it!Reduce your sKrLr- score by 1. The pain soon sub-sides, but you still cannot shift the helmet. Youstagger back to the junction, trying desperately tocompose yourself. Turn to 82.

203Add 1 point to your LucK for defeating theWerewolf. You may rest and eat Provisions if youwish. Asyoulookaround the roomthere appears tobe little of use, although the bunch of keys looksinteresting, particularly the one marked 'BoatHouse'. None are numbered. You may take thekeys if you wish. There are doors to the west andsouth. If you open the west door, go to 18. If youwant to go south, turn to 56.

204The old man does notlookup from the table, buthisdevilish little pet eyes you suspiciously and startschattering in a small squeaky voice. The old mangrunts and asks you whether you are game for awager. Will you accept (you may only do so if youhave atleastone GoldPrece with you)? Ifso, tum tolJo lf not, you may either leave the room (turn to28o) or attack the man (turn to 372)


- 205The door opens and you find yourselfin a dark cryptoI some kind. The room is very large At one end isan altar, and various coffins are strewn about theroom. There is a doorbehind you in the south wall,and alsoone in the west wall. lf you want to investi-gate the room further, tuin to 254: If the place givesyou the creeps, youcan leave via the west door(tumto 38o).

206You enter a large square room. In the centre of theroom is a g!ey-haired old man sitting at a desk. Hisdesk iscovered in papersand parchments ofvarioussorts and he holds a long quill pen. He is sur-rounded by books. Thousands oI them line theshelves around the walls, froft floor to ceiling. Asyou enterhe looks upatyou. Will he recognize you?lf you have been in this room before, turn to 2E4; iInot/ turn to 341.

207Goin8 throuBh dre door you enter a large room.Various bits oI wooden debrig are strewn untidilyacross the floor. Apart from your entrance door,there is also a door in the nolth wall. ln one coherisa crude wooden desk with a box on it. In anothercomer, apparently asleep (or dead), is a hideous-looking man-sized cneature with warty skin, wildhair and long claws for fintemails. Will you tipboeout through the north door (turn to 8j) or tiptoeacross to the desk to look at the box (hxn to 1j4)?2o1 TIrc roon 6uenllutge Atone end .a4 allar, anduanous

- rcff'n>-areitran ataut the room



Further up the passage alon8 the west wall you seeanother door. You listen at it but hear nothing lfyou want to tryoPening the door, furn to3gT Ifyouwant to conhnue northwards, turn to 363

209The timbers of the bridge are rotting and decayedirom years of neglect. A single Plank snaps underyour foot. Rotl one die A roll of 6 sends you sPlash-ing into the dver below - turn to a58 A roll of F5means you regain your footing. Tum to 47.


Shortly along the passage you a[ive at another

iunction where you may 8o either straiSht aheadwestwards(tum to 225) or northwards (turn to 357)


Wights are vulnerable only to weapons made ofsolid silver. If the weaPonyou are usin8is notmadeof silver, have one more Attack Round Rememberthat any wounds he inllicts on you will count, butyour wounds will not harm him; and he will still beat ful l stren8th (sxrrr- 9 stAurNe 6) unless youhave chosen a silver weaPon,

tf you have a silver weaPon. you had better use rtnow and tum to 173. ll you have not, or if you havesuffered enough damage. you'd better run for thenorth door tum to 360. Remember that you areEsupng here and he inflicts a final wound as youflee



The parchment is well wom and almost illegible. ltis a map of some sort, headed'The Maze of Zagot' .You can make little sense of it, although a room tothe north is marked ' . . . GER' and anothei to theeast is marked 'SM. . . P. . .LE' .

You fold up the map and put it in your pocket. lf youhave notyettested theliqurd and wish todo so, turnto 369. Otherwise, you can make your way north-wards (turn to 12o).

The dooris locked. You may try to charge it downbyrolling two dice. If the number rolled is equal to orless than your sKrrL score, the door bursts open -turn to 36. If the number is greater than your sKrLLscore, the door remains locked, you lose rsrA M rN A point for your bruised shoulder and youmust progress up the passage - tum to J14.

274Facing northwards, the rock face is smooth andglistening with moisture. Moss of many differenthues grows on the surface. There is an eerie silencepunctuated only by the splashings of the river as itf lows behind you. You have three options:

A passage runs off to the north-west.lf you take this route Turn to 271

A large timber dooris directly inftont ofyou in the middle of therock face. lf you open the door Tum to 1o4

tthnd opfid Mlel)

2rB you are on the south bank of an underyrou Nl tnel, faaftgaqoss rls blick depths-


Another passage runs out along theriver eastwards To follow thisalong the riverbank lurn ro 99

You reach into your pack for the stick only to find rtspl i t in two pieces!It has broken du ngyouradven-ture. What else can you try:

Draw your sword ancl advance? Turn ro 142Try somcthing else from your

pack? Turn to 1o5

216The water is rcfreshing. As you drink more you feela glow spreading through your body as if you weredrinking at the fountain of Me. Add 4 srAMrNApoints, and restore your sKrLL and !ucK scores totheir rr?i lral levels. The fountain of l i fe for you mustbe the fountain of death for the evil Goblins Youmay eat Provisions here lvhen you have restedleave through the north door Turn to 384

247The stake narrowly misses the Vampire's head Asyou watch it travel, you pick up the creahrre's gazeagain. He beckons you towards him once moreYour will has gone Tum to 118

2a8lou are on the south bank of an underground rr,"erfacing acloss its black depths There appear to oefour ways of crossing. To your left, a rustect bellbears the sign 'Ferry Servrce 2 Gold Pieces - Please


Ring.'There ls a small raft in front of you on thebank with a long stick resting beside it: you couldpunt across the dver. A rickety old bridge crosses onthe right. lf you don't trust any of these, you mayswim, Which will you choose?


You walk up a long corridor, round a sharp hairpinbend at the top and finally along an east-west cor-ridor, eastwards to a crossloads. Tuln to 85,

223The door is firmly locked. You may try to force itopen (hrm to 53) or you may continue along thecorridor (tum to 3oo).

224As youreyes watch the creature's movements, theysuddenly make contact with its piercing stare. Youare mesmerized and, as it beckons you towards it,your will disappeals, Turn to 118

225fhe passageway continues westwards and thenturns due north. Some wayup, you reach ajunchonwhere a narrow passage runs off to the west. Willyou conhnue northwards (turn to 77) or take thewest way (turn to 63)?

226You walk ashort distance south and find yourselfata crossroads. Turn to 267.

Ring the bellPunt the laft acossRisk the bridgeSwim

249Turn to 1E2.

The armour?The shield ?The sword?The gold?The crucifix?


He is enraged by your pleasantries. He waves hishand in the air, mumbles a few strange syllables andthen points at you. You feel your head spinning andpass out, You awake in a dead-end passage Turn tor7a.

What ale these mystedous items you have col-lected? Which have you written down first on yourEquipment List:

Turn to JTurn to 386Tum to 2o9Turn to 316

Turn to 22Tu:rn to 132Turn to 27

Turn to 11oTum to 17o

227 SLlht1e tn thc roo, arc ,,d a L\nde tabb arc fow hnvtt?n tuth u$thered skD and long hlshy brards


The door op€ns and you find yourself in a small.smoke-filled room. Sitting in the room around awooden table are four tiny men, each about onemetre tall, but all are apparently fully mature, withweathered skin and long, bushy beards. They arecursing, laughing and joking as they play a cardgame. Each one is leaning back on his tiny chai!,puffing a long clay pipe. On the table are a numberof copper coins and four mugs of ale.

As you walk in, their merriment stops. They are ontheir guard but don't appear to be too dangetolrsOne stands up and makes some comment aboutyour lack of manners, not knocking belore you camein. The others nod their agreement. Do you:

Chat to them and try to b€ftiendthem? Turn to 1rl

Apologize, bow and leave theroom?

Offer to jom in their card game?Draw your sword and go for the


lf you have already been in this room, you find rtemPty Turn to 291

226You find no secret passageways. You are careful notto make too much noise in case you attract anywandedng creahrres. You stop and listen but can-not hear anything. You return to the crossroadsTum to E5

Turn to 291Turn to aoo

Turn to 20


237You move swiftly down the passage and arrive back'at the junction. Turn northwards this time - turn to285.

4EYou are at a three-way junction.

To go eastTo go westTo go north

Turn to 70Turn to 18oTurn to ,29

the lid and a smaLl Snake dalts out to biteat Vour wnst!

239You think back to the words of the old man. 'Yoirmight need it sooner than you think You gropetn your pack and pull out the candle Immediately itlights itself of its own accord. The howling stops andthe room appears bathed in a blue light from thecandle. On the walls, the figures in the mural are,loolt?g lThey are mouthing silent screams as if trap-ped in a two-dimensronal hell. On the wall oppositeis another door, which you may leave throuSh (turnto 88), or you may stay to investigate (turn to 49).Add 1 LUcK for your foresight.

240The box is light, but something rattles within. Youopen the l id and a small SNAKE darts out to biteatyour wrist! You must fight the Snake-


tf you kill the Snake, turn to 145.


244As vou attack the porhait with the wooden stake,you feel a wrench of pain in your wtist You areforced by some unseen power to droP the stakeYou decide to run andleave thlough theno hdoor'Turn togo, but los€ 1 more 5I( I LL Point in awe of theWarlock's power-


The door opens to reveal a small, dimly tit rcomThe walls are hung with omate curtalns, laced insiher and gold. A single flame burns in one corner,throwrng light on a low table m lhe middle of thefloor On this table is a lar8,e chest. You steP uP toInvestrgate the chest and ftom all around, yet from

nowhere, a mystetious sound fills the room. ltsounds like therumbling of thunder clouds prepar-Ing to make storm.

)ou apDloach the chest and cafl see that it $ h€ldshut by'three Iocks. As you aPProach, the noise Setslouder Will you:

Hack at the box with yout sword totry ro split rt oPen?

Search through your bags to see ifyou can 6nd keys to fit?


yourhand badly. Did you uge yourrightor your left

Roll one die. lf the number you roll is odd, this wasyour sword hand and your fightin8 prowess hasbeen severely hamlxred. Lose I s Kr L L points and 1sra ur N n. lf you rolled an even nmber, you us€dyour other hand, and so the injury is not quite soimportant. Lose 1 s(IL L point and 2 srA M rN A. IIyou now wish to pull the right lever, turn to uE. lfyou don't wish to pull the right lever, you won't begetting much further - and remember which handyou will use I

244The passage runs northwards, and ahead you canhear the splashings ofan underground river. The aitbecomes cool and fresh. You soor. reach a wideopening of a river tmnk but despair as you lookacross to see no way through on the other side. Tothe east the rivea flows thlough a cave in the lockYou may either sit, rest and eat Provisions (turn tor43) or continue by what seems to be the only waylorward, jumping lnto the river and swimmlntdownstleam (tum to 399).

Turn to J79

Tum ro 139

,41To your horror, you realze that thrs dummy levetwas a trap I Although it looked like a handle 1t wasm lact a war-coated Eword blade and it has now cut


Turn to 198.

246]ou set off south along a cobbled passageway. ltswrngs west, then south, then west again until youfind yourself at a three-way junction.


lf you defeathim, you may continue up the passage- turn to 3o1.

249The dog springs as you move. Its hideous blackteeth are coming straight for your throat! Twometres ftom you, a blast of fire shoots ftom itsmouth right at your face! You duck just in time butmust now fieht the beast.



To go northTo go westTo go back east

Tum to 329Turn to 160Turn to 70 srAM rNA 6

He is a little starded by your onslaught, but simplymrseshishand. Ashe does so, you suddenly collideheavily into . . . apparently nothing. You sit on thefloor in a heap, rubbrng your nose Lose 2STAMTNA points. The old man chuckles and says,'You poor fool. Did you think I was defenceless rnsuch a den ofevilas fhis?You willregret your folly.You rise to your leet and return to the passageway,furning north up the corridor. Turn to 29a.

248The crearure that has just awakened ls an ORC! Hescrambles to his feet and tums to grasp at a ropewhich rs probably the alarm bell. You must attackh1m quickly.


ln addrtion to its nomal attack, throw one die everyAttack Round for its fiery breath. On a roll of r or 2,i t scorches you for 1 point of damage - subtract fromyour sTA M I N A -but on a roll of3-6, you avoid Lheblast. You may use your LucKagainst the 6re. Theonly E cnpe open is through the south door (turn to6).

The old man watches the lighl but does not moveunless you kill his do8. lfyou kill the dog, you mayEscape through the south door (hrrn to 66), but youwill not have time to take anythin8 with you. If youwish to stay, tum to 3o4. Add 1 LUCK point any-w^y


You are in a short passaBeway which comes to adead end several metres ahead oI you. You studythe rock face carefully but there appears to be no



way through You return to the crossroads and thistime continue stralght ahead northwards Turn to766

The passageway twists sharply northwards andahead you can hear water flowing. You eventuallyreach the south bank of an undetground river. Asyou stand on the pebbled bankyou hear a flutteringof winBs and look up to see three G I AN T B ATsswooping down on you to attack. Fight these threeas a single creature:


If you win, turn to 344. You may Esoflpe by lumpinginto the river (turn to 399)

You pull the lever and, with a great groaning noise,the rock face in front of you and the ground you arestanding on start to move. As if you were on a gjantrotatin8 table, you spin round unLilyou stand on theotler side of a rock face ln a north-south passage.Wil lyou go north(turn to312) or south (turn to225)?


The passageway ends ln another wooden door, thrstime a small one wlth a carved bone handle Yotrhsten but hear nothing coming from inside. You trythe handle and the door opens into a pear-shapedroom with a rough stone f loor, making walkrngacross rt somewhat awkward In one corner of theroom ts a prle of rubble, marnly stones and dust, but


2.1 As voll standon the pcbbled ban^ Vou heat allutteti Solinncs ind lool, up rc sei lhrce Cbnl Bats suooPtnB doun


there are also Lwo odd-shaped pieces of wood and aIength of rope. A door in ihe ;orth wall leads on.Wil l you:

Examine the bits ofwood?Study the length ofrope?Leave through the north door?


you want to try opening it, turn to 193. If you wantto go back to the junction and try anotherroute, turnto 93.

255You are at a junction where you may go north (tumto39E), although this passage ends shortly in a deadend. You may go west (turn to 297) or you may gosouth (turn to 114).

Ihe passageway runs straight for several metresand then ends at a wooden door. You listen at thedoor and hear angry shouting coming from wlthin.Will you investigate (tum to r6E) or turn bdck (turnto z9r?

258You sort through the broken pots and find little ofinterest. The liquid looks, smells and tastes like

As you tip the vase out it slips and breaks. A red-coloured key appears, hidden inside a false bottonrin the bowl. You may take this key. It rs inscribedwith the number r1r.

You may rest here and eat some Provisions, Youmay add 2 LUc( points for de{eating the MinotaurFinally you leave the room. Turn to 54

Tum to 32ETuln to 125Turn to 7j

room. A creaking noise makes you whirl round andthe light from you! lantern fallton the largest coffin.It is opening!

As you watcll a tall man with a white face sits

you to come over. Do you:

means of attack?Run for the west door?

The passageway ends in a sturdy wooden door. If

Turn to 279Turn to JEo


259As you swim to the bank away {rom the crocodileyou look back to see the mysterious 'furbulence'approach the reptile's body, break into a frenzy andthen move o{f, leaving not a trace of the animal.Thankful that you were not there to find out what itwas, you liltyourself out of the wateron to the northbank. Add r s(r LL and 2 LU cK Poit l ts. Turn to 7.

26.,You find no secret passages. If you are on your waynorth, turn to 359. lf you are Soing south, turn to



You reach the iunchon and continue eastwalds,Tum to 3,45.


Some way up the Passage, you reach another junc-tion where you may either go eastwards (turn to199) or turn westwards (turn to 251).

261You shout: 'You ate freed, old manl' at the toP ofyour voice. lnstantly, his rantings cease He stoPsdead in his tracks and sink) to the f loor, weePin8Loudly. As he gradually composes himself, hethanks you many times. You talk with him in thehope of drscovering some of the secrets of themountain and he begins to tell his story Many yearsago he was an adventurer like you in search of the


Warlock's treasure. He was captured by the Orcsand thrown into his solitary cell as a sort of pet torthe creatur€s. You ask whether he would like toaccompany you into the mountain, but he simplywants to leave and see the woild again. You ask himfor advice but he says he knows little. He advisesyou to pay your respects to the boatman. He tellsyou that you must pull the right-hand lever on thewatl ahead to open the iron gate at the end of thepassage. He has also leamed that the keys to theBoat House are Buarded by a man and his dog. Youshake hands, leave the room and go your separateways. Add I LUCK. Tum to 314,

264There is no way you are going to charge the doordown, as it ls twelve centimetres of solid oak! Youbruise your sword arm at the atte[lpt - lose 1 s Ki L Lpoint. Youcaflonly get throughthe door ifyou havethe Boat Hou8e key (rfyou have this key, tuln to 80,and more fool yolr for not using it stralghtaway)Otherwise you will have to return to the riverbankand try again. Turn to 129.


265You grope around the length of the walland find adoor. Quickly you fumble with the handle. lt opens !Turn to E8.

266The case opens easily and inside you find a magnifi-cent bow and one silve! arow. An inscription onthe case says: 'The give! ofsleep to those who nevercan' You put the bow, arrow and case in your packand leave the room, but you may eat Provisions first- and add 1 LUcx point. Tum to 237,

You now stand

To go northTo go southTo go westTo go east

at a cro9sroads,

Tum to 312Turn to 246Turn to 79

Turn to 349

26Their vocabulary is limited to a series of moans andgroans. They appear not to be intelligent at all.Furthelmore your convelsation merely serues toattract their attention to you. They grip theirweapons and it looks as thou8h you will have tofight them. However, there is a slim chance that youcould make it to the door you came in ttuough. lfyou want to try for that door, turn to 13, lf you haveresigned yourself to a battle, turn to 28r.

266 The Mse opens easiu and nside lou fnd a nagnificen t bowand one nlaef 0rrbw


2qYou arriveback at the iunction and tum westwardsTurn to 225

270You enter the cavern and look around to see dozensof beautifully coloured stalactites and stalagmitesbordering the perimeter. Numerous drips can beheard, but the whole place seems like a magicgrotto. Nearthe back ofthe caveh, you come acros8a parrofboots, which s€em tohavebeen madequiter€cently. Wil l you:

Continue investigating the cavem? Tum to 51Try on the boots? Turn to r94L,eave the caveh and return to the

iunction? Tum to 37j

2VThe short passage begins to narrow and ends a fewmetres ahead at a doorway. lf you wish to gothrough the door, turn to 316. If you decide againstthls direction and go back to the river, furn to 214

He calms down, takes the Cold (deduct this lromyour Cold) and rows you across to the nolth bankAfter mooring the boat he ambles off down a pass-ageway. Turn to 7.

27JA search of the room reveals nothing oI any value,although an old boxln the comercontarns a wooden


mallet and five short sfumps of wood, sharpened atone end. You may take these if you wish, and cannow leave through the door in the north wall. Tumto d9,

274You leave the cavern along a long, narrow corridor,After several hundred metles, it ends at a largewooden door which is sl ightly ajdr. Careful ly youease it open a little furthe! and poke your headaround the side to see what is in the room. You see asmall old man sittlnt at a table on his own, playingwith a pack of cards. He looks quite a harmless oldsoul, grey-haired and bearded, He is seated Whatwill you do:

Burst through the door, sworddrawn. to surprise the old man? Tum ro r24

Knock on the doorand enterSreeting the old mancourteously? Turn to 356

Cet down on all fours and try tocreep into the room unnoticed? Turn to 98


275As you move over towards the second body, youaccidentally kick the third corpse on the floor. ttseyes flick open and it quickly sits up and slashes atyou with its long, sharp lingernails.

Test your Luck.Ifyou areLucky, the creature mrsseslf you are Unlucky, it has caught you across the le8and you sulfer 1 srAMrNA point 's worth of dam-age. Turn to 23o.

276Turn to 182

275 Th. otp*'s eyes fli.k oPen and. it qut lly stb up tndsltsh6 ot W uilh tE lont 6huP lngemats

You are in a short passageway which comes ro adead end several metres ahead of you- You maysearch for secret Passages (furn to 146), or you mayreturn to dre crossroads and either follow the Dass-a8e ahead to the north (tum to 355). or tum t; lhewest (tum to a1)-

27EThe passageway soon comes to an end at a lockedwooden door. You listen at the door but hearnothing. W l you try to charge the door down? lf soturn to 156. II you would rather tum round and goback to the junction, turn to 92

279The qeaturc you ale facing is a VA MPIRE! Youhave vadous lines of attack Your sword will do littlereal damage. A Crucifix will hold him at bay but willnot kill him. If you have eilher of thege you may use


it to get you through the west door (tffn to 38o). Ifyou are determined to kill the vampire, you mustoverpower it and ddve a wooden stake through itsheart. Ifyouhave a wooden stake and wish to try tokill the Vampire, hrm [o 17. lf you have none ofthese, draw your sword and turn to 333.

.28oYou arrivebackat thejunctionand dlis time take thepassageway to the east. The passageway runs forseveral paces eastwards. then turns north. Turn to3aa

28aThe narrow passageway eventually becomes toosmall for you to walk along. You get down on yourhands and knees, and crawl. Eventually, you willget no further and there seems to be no waythrough, so you decide to return to the main pass-age. You head for the iuncLion. Turn to 10

282The four creatures shlrfl'lin8 towards you are mind-less ZOMBIES. Their vacant eyes suggest thatthefu actions are controlled by a will which is notthetu own. You are still too dizzy to think properly,but you must act quickly. The first Zombie reachesyou and prepares to swing his club. You must fighthim.


l f you defeat the f irst Zombie, add 2 LUCK pointsand turn to face the other three (fight each in turn):

SKIfL STAMINAZOMBIE with scythe 6 6ZOMBIE with pick 6 6ZOMBIE with axe 6 j

If you defeat all four, tum to 115.

28JYou arrive back at the Junction and progress west-wards. Turn to 251.

284'You again?' says the Mazemaster, obviouslyannoyed at berng dis turbed. 'You are disturbing myconcentration. Be off with youl' You begin toexplain that you only refurned by mistake, but asyou open your mouth, an icy glare from the old mansilences you. You decide to leave him to it. To leaveby the west door, turn to 46. To leave by the southdoor, turn to 392

285You see a well-used door on the right-hand (east)side of the passageway. With your ear to thekeyhole, you listen and hear a man screaming forhelp from inside. Will you open the door (tum to213) or walk on (turn to tq)?ZOMBIE SKILL 7 STAMINA 6


286The narrow staircase is cut into the rock and thereare about twenty steps teading down. At thebottomof the steps a passageway leads you into a largeopen chamber. This chamber stinks of putielyingflesh. The smell is so bad that you are tempted totum back. Threebodres lie in the chamber. You mayeilher sear(h rhe bodies, or t ipLoe quietly throughthe room. What wil l you do:

Search the first body?Search the second body?Search the third body?Iiptoe through the room?

Tum to 294Turn to 275Tuln to r48Turn to aoz

2E7 Cnaung at lhe bones are lhrce Chnt Rtts uhtdl stop tolook al you as uot enter-

2VThe passage continues for quite som€ time. thenyou reach the foot of a staircase cut into the rock.You ascend the stairs and they end at a woodendoor with rusty hinges. Listening at th€ door, youcan hear some scratching sounds. You try thehandle and the door credls open. You step into dbare room scattered with bones. There iB a door onthe wall opposite. Cnawing at the bones are threeGIANT RATS which stop to look at you as youenter. Each is at least one metre long and their tattycoatsindicate that theyare fighters. You willhave totake them on if you are going to get through theroom, as they no doubt see you as a ta6ty meal. lfyou have collected any Cheese during your adven-fure. turn to 32. Otherwise, turn to 3o9


fum to r8r.

2EYou look frantically round the room but can seenothing to aid you. Suddenly your eyes stop on thcpack of cards he was fintering as you entered, andyou remember the rumours and stories the villagerstold you: 'The Warlock's power comes from hiscards.'The sorcerer sees your interest in them andyou both rush for the table. You get there first.'Leave those alone,' he screams. 'or you risk myfullest wrath!' But you move backwa:rds and set 6reto one with your lantern. He c es out wildly andthen begins to plead with you to leave them alone,One by one you burn the cards and, as you do so,the Wallock dimrnishes in stature. As the last cardBoes up in flames, he stands facing you. a brokenman. 'My bookl' he croaks, and he tries to unlockthe door on the farside. You race acrosg to him withyour sword drawn and spring at him. Resolve thisbattle.




lf you win, turn to t96.

Turn to 198.2go


294You are standing rn the middle ol an east-wesrcoffidor. To the east is a dead end, whrch you caninvestigate by tuming to 3i5. To the west Ls a fam-i l iar iunchon To go this way turn to 52. Anotherpassageway - quite a short one - leads olf ro thenorth and ends in a lalge wooden door. l f you wrshto try the door, turn to 222

292Northwards the passagewayends ata sol id woodendoor. You listen at the door but can hear nornrnsI here appears to be no choice but to opcn the doorand enter the room, which you rlo lt's a largesquare room. You flash your lantern around theroom and catch a quick glimpse of its emphness -although there are mlrrals on the wall - before vourlantem suddenlygoes out. You try to re-l ightrt, buti t wil l not catch. ln the blackness you hear a succes-sron of fi-ightful noises. Howls, screams, cnes andwails are getting louderand Iouder until they reachthe pitch whele you must cover your ears. Do youhave a Blue Candle? lf so, turn to 239. li nor, rurn ro4O.

29tYou arnve back at the iuncrion in the passage andwalk straight on eastwards Turn to ut

294You find 5 Gotd Pieces in the pockets of rhe corpse


Enter these on yourAdoenfute Sheet and add,1 Lu cKpoint for your find. You may now either:

Search the second bodySearch the third bodyTiptoe through the room


Turn to 275Turn to r48

Turn to 1o7

295You find no secret passages. However, your explo-rations attract some sort of creature, and as youlisten you can hear something coming down thecorridor towards you

To find out what sort of wandering monster youhave come across, turn to 161. You must fight thecreature and, if you defeat it, you may press ondown the passagewayby turning to48. However, atsection 151you will noLbe told where to progress to,so write down '48 now so you will know where to8o after 161

296The box contains a small leather-bound bookentitled lhe Making and Cssting of Dtagonffe. yo11open the pages and begin to read. Fortunately it iswdtten in your own language and so was probablynot understood by the Orcs otherwise this treas-ure would certainly not be as loosely guarded as it

The book is written in tiny handwriting by FarrigoDr Maggio. In it he tells the story of his life's work;the creatjon of the Dragonfire spell with which to


fight ev Dragons. You read how, in his last years,Famgo finally perfected his spell but by then wastoo old to make use of it. So he completed hls book,locked it in a chest and hid it in the depths ofFiretopMountain, alrard that it might fall into the wrong

You say these words slowly and softly. Suddenlythe pages seem to glowand as this glow disappears,

hands. The last page reads:

nil So,vouwho nswhddori.d bSoh.rrou htnre rrw

if vou r nslt it, lJut cto notill Unlcss vorr use thc

Spell fur the purFse for whichit ums fufended..vou shcll be


so do the words on the pages of the book. Yourepeat the spell to yourselfto memorize it and leavethe room. Tum to 42.

297You are in an east-westcorridor with a T-iunction atboth ends. To go westwards, turn to 15o. To goeasti /ards, tum to 256,

298The bridge is slippery from the splashings of thewater. At one point you slip on a tuft of wet mosscovenng the timbers. Roll one die. A roll of 5 meansyou slip from the bridge into the water below andstart swrmming for the nearest bank - turn to 86.Any other roll is lucky; youmanaged to hold on andyou reach the north bank (tum to Z).


2ggThe passageway runs east for several metres andthen runs north. You walk a long way northwards.You may check for secret passages along the way(turn to 260) or simply proceed northwards (turn to15.

300On the east wall of the passage you see anotherdoor, this time made of solid metal. Listening at thedoor you hear the sound of tortured screamscoming from within. If you wish to hy opening thedoor, turn to 1o2. If you decide to ignore this roomand continue up the corridor, tum to Jo3.

104To your left, on the westface of the passage, there isa rough-cut wooden door. You listen at the doorand can hear a rasping sound which may be somesort of creature snoring. Do you want to open thedoor? lf so, turn to 82. lf you wish to press onnorthwards, turn to 2oE.


A uon portcl/llis blocks uou unv ahdchatgng ts totig to brdI. t.

lf you defeat him, tum to 2o3,


to2Tum to r9E.

jo3You alrive at the end of the passage, where tt meetsanother going east-west. But an iron portculligblocks your way and no dmount of chdr& nt rs tolntto budge it. On the wall to your righr are two leversand itseems likely that these levers havesomethtngto do with raising the portcullis, Do you wish to pullthe rieht lever oi the'left lever? '


Tum to 126Turn to 243

304The old man is furious at your killing his dogt Hrseyes tum v/hite with anger. He slowly rises hom hisseat and as he stands he appears to gain rn srze anostaturc. He is changing in ftont of your eyes. Hesprouts hair on his face and forearms. His noselengthens and becomes dogJike, His teeth arepointed. He is a WEREWOLF and he advancestowaros you,You can Escrpe only tluough the door behind you tothe south (turn to 66). Otherwise you must fightnrm:WEREWOLF sKrLL 8 sTAMINA 8


305Tesl lloul Luck three times. If you are Lucky eachtime. you make it across to the far door and canleave the room. Turn to 162. On the first throw thatyou are Unlucky, you step on a hand tile - turn to10E.

106You shll find no secret passageways. But comingto$rards you down the corridor you can see acreature-like shape. To find out what is comingtowards you. turn to 161 and prepare to fight.

If you kill the creatule you encounter, you can goback along the corridor. Turn to 29r, Write downthis number so you know where to retutn to.

307The passage twists and turns and eventually ends ina solid iron door. You listen but hear nothing. Youcan try to open the door (turn to rj4) or you can goback to the junction (tum to 8Z).

30tYou are standing at a crossroads. To the west thepassageway goes on a few metres and turns north-wards. To the north the passageway cndsatadoor.To the east th€ paggage conttnues and eventuallyturns southwards. Looking south, the passage goeson as lar as you can see

Io go westTo go northTo go southTo go east

to9You draw your sword and wait


Turn to 187furn to 54

Tuln to 160Turn to 354

for the Rats tospring. As the leader prepares to iump, you shoutloudly and leap forward at it. Your cry frightens offthe other two and they scamper back a few paces.Fight each of the Rats in turn:


First RAT j 4Second RAI 6 JThird RAT 5 5

tf you win, you may leave through the door in thenorth wall. Turn to 14.

laoSomething is not quite right. You landed a fair blowon him, but he appears not to have noticed thewound!You deduce that this Undead creature ts notvulnerable to normal weapons- You may choose anew weapon. Armed with this, or you r old weapon,turn to 211



1aaThe passageway ends in a door at which you listenbut hear nothing. Trying the handle, you ftnd thattlrc door opens to reveal a large, square room. Theroomis completelybare, but the flooris covered rnamosaic of tiles. Two shapes stand out on Lhe floor;star-shaped Liles and hand-shaped tiles. A door onthe opposite wall js the only way through. Will you:

Walk across the room to the door?Walk across the room stepping

only on stars ?Walk across the room stepprng

only on hands?

Turn to 3o5

Iurn to 178

Turn to 1o8

342You follow a long, narlow passageway which goesnorth, Lhen west, then north again arrd you eventu-ally find yourself at a crossroads. Tum to jo8.

343You check over the body. The poor wretch wasobviously caught in the same way that you were,but his weaker skull shattered under the club'sblow. He wears a suit of leather armour no betterthan your own, holds a wooden shield on one wristand clutches a steel-bladed sword in his otherhand.lnhispockets are 8 Gold Pieces and aroundhis neckls a silver crucifix.

You may take any two of tnese items you wish.Wdte them on your Equipment List and turn to 221AIso add r LucK and I sKrLL point.The rcom 6 completelV barc, htt the fLoot ts cooered i a

uosalc ol tlles311


314Further up the passage you scc a door in the castwall. You l isten hard, but can hear no sound. Doyou want to opcn the door to invcstigate? [f so turnb 22j. l f vou want to walk f!rthcr up the passagc,rLrrn ro Joo_

The dead-end appears to havc no secret pass-agewavs, but you cancheck by lurning to306 l lyoudon't wan i to double-check for sccrc t passages, turnb 291

3a5lhc water is icv cold. You start to swim ano noocethat your splashings are attracting a movrng'tur-bulence' in the rvater Wil l \ 'our strength andstamina hold out? Roll trvo dice. l f t l le rol l is equal toor lcss than your sTAMINA scorc, you believe youcan make it and swim furiously for t lre north bankturn to 151. If the rol l totals Dlore than yours r A M t N A score, you decde not k) r isk i t and retumto the south bank - tum to 218 You may eat Pro-visions on the south bank.

347You cut down the Dwarf. He is, as you guessed,dead. CoinB through the pockets of the two Gob-lins, you find a large piece of sweeFsmellingCheese. l f you wish to take this wrth you, put i t inyour pack and leave the room northwards. Turn ro301.


318The passageway ends in a dead end You may eithcrrefurn to thc crossroads (turn to E5) or search forsecret passageways (turn to 228)

349To find the sccrct of the second rtem you havc col-lected, turn to 221 and rnvestigate. t f you havealready investigated both i tems, turn to 81

)20You run out of thc room and slam the door shutbehind you. You turn northwards up the pass-ageway passing a similar-looking door furtlrer upTum to 351.

124Turn to 169

The drawers are all full of nails, tacks and miscel-laneous bi is dnd pjeccs. [n one driwer is a coppcr-coloured key, inscribed with the number 66 whichlooks interestin8 You may keep this key if youdrscard one item of equipment you are carryingAdjusl your Equipment on your Ad-oenture Sh|f l i fyou want to take the key. The norse ftom the northgets louder. You go to the north door to investigate.Turn to 95.

Afler a few metres you reach another three-wa)

126 A smatt room with ba,ffi f;{11".

on n" f', ,*t no"t"


junction, You may go eithe! northwards (turn to 8)or eastwards (turn to 255).

124As you burst through the door, the old man turnstoIook at you, notin the least perturbed by yourintru-sion. Suddenly he vanishes! He reappea$ againstthe wall and. as you spin round to see him, helaughs. Not the feeble cackle of an old man, but thebooming laugh of a much younger man. Again hedisappears, and reappears in another comer of theroom, glaring at you and taunting you with hisevil laugh. You swirl round just in time to see himdisappear again. This time he reappears in theair above you and slowly floats down to you. Hisglartng eyes make you shiver as they approach.Turn to j58.

t-tYou place the helmet on your head. lt 6ts well. Aglow begins to fill your body and you seem to pos-sess a power and confidence beyond anything youhave felt before. The helmet is blessed with magicand will allow you to add 1 point to all future dicerolls when computinS your own Attack Strengthduring combat so long as you wear it. Note this onyour Equipment List and return to the junction(turn to 8Z).

325You enter a small room with bare, rocky walls. Onthe far wall hangs a golden key. There appears tobeno way through the room. Doyou want to go for the


key (tuIn to 35) orleave it and return to the junction(turn to 229)?

The body on the floor turns visrbly older in front ofyour eyes. The face looks fifty, then ninety, thenwell over a hunclred years old The skin rots and theeyes decomPose as you watch, You notice a move-ment coming from the creahrre's chest. As theremnants of the Vampire decay, a small black facebreaks through its chest lt resembles a small blackshrew, but as it ftees itsclfand unfurls its wmgs yourealize i t is a bat. You Iunge at i t , but i t f laps awayinto the darkness.

)ou search the whole chambcr quicklv (rcmernber,there are several other coff ins therel) and f ind loCold Pieces, a book, ancl a Y-shaped stick You maytake these items (enter them on your AdusrttrcSfteet) if you will leave behind one item of Equip-ment you aie already carrying.

You can leave through the west door. Turn to 38o. lfyou are hungry you may takc Provisions here, andyou can add I LUcK points for defeahng the Vanr-Pue.

328Both pleces olwood are Y-shaped and smooth. as rfwashed up from a river. You may put these 1n yourpack and then either leave through the north cloor(turn to 73) or stay and examrne the rope (tum to

The door in the west wall?The door to the north?Eastwards?Southwards?


125). If you take the pieces oI wood, you must leavebehrnd one rtem from your pack

329You set off and frnd yourse)f in the middle of anorth-south passageway. There is a door in thewestern wall of the passage Opposite the door is apassage going off eastwards. To the north you cansee a door some metres ahead, To the south you cansce a luncho11. Which wil l you choose:

Turn to r57Turn to 392Turn to 299Turn to 2JB

J30Theba els contain a clcar brolr 'n l iquid. You sniff i t .It smells like rum. You taste it. lt is rum. You cupyourhands, pour sone in and takea swig You gasp

by golly, i t 's goodl Restore 6 points of srAMrNAand 1 LUc(. TuIn to 8r.

JJAThe creature is man-sizccl but its long arms lookvery powe ul. Rcsolvc this batt le:


It you n rn. you may heJJ norlhwrrd\ (turn to 287)


3t2You find yourself at a door blocking the east end ofan east-west passage. To go through the door, turnto329. Looking westwards, the passage turns to thenorth. To go this way, turn to 4,

As you swing your sword at the creatute, it reachesout and catches the blade ln its hand! Your weaponis almost ineffective against the considerablestrength of the creature. You realize this and panic,but you must fight on.

VAMPIRE s( l !L 10 STAM INA 10

lfyou defeatthe Vampue, tum to 327. Ifyou wish totry to Escape, which you may only do after 6 full

Rounds before trying to Escape again. If you roll anrr or rz and you are Unlucky (i e. your curentLUCK score is below 11), then turn to 224.


As you speak the old man rises to his feet 'Oh my,oh my, a stranger! 'he starts. 'Well. do come rn, theshop is open. What can I get you? What would youlike to buy? What takes your fancy? Whrch way areyou headed? North? Well?' You tell the old manyour story. He listens intently and replies, 'Oh yesin that case you will undoubtedly need one oI myBlue Candles. That will be 20 Cold Pieces pleaseCdsh if you don't mind. Yes, I know i l 's e\pensive.but isn't everything these days? Not so long agothese were only 5 Cold Pieces each; but you knowwhat has happened to the pnce of candlewax slncethe Long Dark Night - oh, but you probably don'tsince you don'tcome from these parts. NevermindI can guarantee it's stillwo h the price. You mightneed it sooner than you think .. . '

lfyou decide to buy a candle, pay for it and add it toyour Equipment List. You are getting a little tired ofhis constant prattling. Leave the room and gonorthwards. Turn to 292.


Turn to 182.

336You are in a small, foul-smelling room You noticetwo doors: one to the west and one behind you tothe south. The furniture in the room is sparse andhas been made mostly from bits of old boats ThereaPPears to be nothrng of value in the room, but abunch of keys hangs on the wall. An old man inragged clothes 1s slumped asleep on a 'bench' madefrom half a rowing boat. snoring loudly Nexttohimis a vicious-looking brown dog with red eyes andblack teeth, whom you havc awakened and whonow is eyeing you suspiciously. A deep growl iscoming from its throat You may:

Tiptoe an exit through the southdoor

Bang on the door behind you andcough a few 'Ahem's' to wake upthe old man Turn to172

Leap across the room with sworddrawn to cut down the dog Turn to 249

JJ7You lind no secret passages, but as you press thewalls, you hear a click. You feet dizzy and slump tothe ground. When you mme to, the surroundingslook strange. Turn to 267.

,38You approach the statue cautiously. A scampenng

Turn to 66

An old man in nR?ed (lothes i.slumpetl aslp.p on a benchnade ftbm halJ a ouing:boat.


behind you makes you flash round . . . but it is only arat. You feel at the iewel, but it is solidly in place.You try to work your sword in behind it and asyou wolk, you hear an orninous deaking noise. Toyour horror the statue is beginning to move! Youjump down and dlaw your sword. The IRONCYCLOPS cranes its head round towards you andsteps down ftom its pedestal. You must fight!


If you win, turn to 75. If you want to Escape duringcombat, you can run through the door back to thejunction. Tum to 93.

Jt9The lock was obviously inadequate; it flies off andlandg on the floor several mehes away. You liit upthe healy lid and your eyes widen as you sc\e thegold sheen coming from within. A fair number ofCold Pieces are inside. In one cotner lies a small

shoots forward into your stonaci. Roll one die andsubkact this number of points from your srAMrN Ato determine the effect of the poison on the dart tip.lf you are still alive, tum to 2oa,


wYou try various i tems of equipment against the gazeof the painting, but none s€ems to work. You maytry any of the folowing if you have them:

Slash the painting with your sword Turn to 388Hold a jewel up in front of it Turn to 31Plunge a wooden stake into it Turn to 241Throw cheese at it Turn to45

,44The old man glares at you as you enter the room.You may either apologize, explain that you lost yourway and leave through either the door in the west(tum to 46) or south (turn to 392) walls, or altema-tively you may try to talk to the old man.lfyou wantto talk to hirn, you can either b€ pleasant (tum to2,o) or yo'u can demarld that he answerc your ques-tions (tum to a91).

142The Werelat slumps to the ground. You search hisbody and find z Gold Pieces, his fare from the lastcrossing. You curse him for trying to overchargeyou. Add the 2 Gold Pieces to your Gold and rowyou$elf acloss the river. Add 2 LUc( points. Asyou moor the boat on the north bank you look backat the body, It has vanished! Turn to 7.

143The door bursts open and you fall headlong into aroom. But your heart iumps as you r€alize you arenot landing on the floo!, but plungingdown a pitof


some kind! Luckily the pit is not particularly deepand you land in a heap less than two metres down.Lose I srAMrNA point for your bruises, cl imb outof thc pit into the room and leave through the door,heading westwards. Turn to 92.

344You sheathe voLrr sword and walk up to the water.ls i t safe to iwim? Although you c;nnot see anyrmmediate signs of danger eiLher in the water orarcund its banks, there is no way through on thenorth sldeoftheriver. You suddenly notrcea gleam-mg sword lying on the river bed several steps rn.You wade in to retr ieve it . I t is l ight in yourhand, farless cumbersome than yourown weapon, and it hasa keen edge. This marvellous weapon will add rpoint to your sKrLL whilst you use it. Note this onyour Equipment List A mysterious voice speakrngdirectly to your mind seems to be telling you tothrow your own sword rnto the river. Wil l you? lfso, turn to 56. lfyou want to keep both swords, turnIo a53.

3+5You follow the passage eastwards for severalmetres, then it turns to the north Shortly you reachanother iunchon wher! you may either go strailihton (turn to 38a) or you may tum right, into an cast-wards passage that soon turns north (turn to J11).


t45The luck of the cards may or may not be with you.You have Lwo choices

You may leaveall luck to the cards. Throw two dicelf the number is even, then you lose this numberofGold Pieces or all your Gold if you don't haveenough. If the number is odd, then you wm thlsnumber of Gold Pieces,

Altematively, you may use your LU cK to help youwin. Test your Luck.lf you arc Lucky, throw two diceto see how many Gold Pieces you win. lf you areUnlucky, throw two dice to see how many GoldPieces you lose.

Make the appropriate alteralions on yost Adoen I uteSheet.lf yo|lwon, you may add 2 LUcK points foryour good forfune. When this is done, turn !o a31

Turn to I8r.147

uglV head pokesatoutld the corner Lnd 4 Troll


348You are in a pit, a little bruised but not too se ouslyhurt. You look around as you get back on your feetand can see two passageways: a short one to thesouth which opens into a small chamber, andanother headrng northwards. You are a littleworried about the crash your fall has made, andeven more bv lhe grunling( you Ldn hedr comingfrom the chamber to the south. Before you can col-lect your thoughts, a large, ugly head pokes aroundthe corner and a TROLL emerges from itschamber. YoUr ankle is twisted and you cannotmove quickly, but the Troll is ready for a fight Youwill have to face the brute. Turn to 331 - but if youhdve a Potion of In\ isibi l i ty, turn to 5r.

349You walk a few metres down the passage and findyourself at a dead end You may either return to thecrossroads (turn to 267) or investigate the end of the

Passage (turn to 3o).

350As the 'turbulence' surounds you, you can feel theiostlin8s of many small fish. They start ripping yourflesh with viclous bites and you realze that you aresurrounded by deadly PIRANHAS !

lf, du ng your struggle with the Crocodile, youhave wounded it, you are lucky and mostof the fishattack the bleeding replile. lf you have not woundedthe Crocodile, then the fish may go for either you orrt. Throw one die. If ydu throw a 1 or2, the majority!,48 A large,


ot the Piranhas go for you. lf yoLr throw a l-6, themalority attack the Crocodile.

Treat the Prranhas as a single creature. lf, as a resultof the above, the dfo,'ify of the fish attack you, theirSCOreS atei


II as a result of the above, the majority attack theCrocodile and the rsmamdet altack yo17, they havei



with outstetched arms - and run him through thechest with your sword. You cuise as you realize thathe was maling no attempt to attack you; his wildexcitement must merely have been relief afterhaving been imp soned for what had apparentlybeen a verylong time. You willno\r, get noinforma-tion out of him on the perils of the adventure ahead.Turn to 314 to progtess up the passageway.

354You are standingatabend in thepassage whereyoumay go either west or south

To 8o west Turn to jogTo go south Tum to 5tlf you want to check for seclet

passages on the waywestwards Turn to 14If you wantto check for secret

Passages as you go south Turn to 234

You Brope along the wall but can find no way ofescape. The noise is causing you to scleam in painlSubkact 1 sKrLL point. You may try either tha eastwall (tum to 18I) or the north wall (turn to 265)

356I he old man looks at you, accepts your greetingsand bids you sit down. You sit at the table and noticethat he is glaring at you. His piercing stare is be-coming h)?notic, but you realize this and break eyecontact. He opens lus mouth to speak and to you!

ll you win you can swim to shore. Turn to 7. Youmay eat Provisions here-and restore l Luc K Point

354You amve back at the tunchon and tum eastwardsTurn to 76.

As you approach you feel his eyes burn into youwlth considerable power. You begin to weakenunder his gaze. Lose 1 srAMINA Point. You aregradually losingyour own will. Will you try to drawyour sword and fight him (turn to 74) or look torsome other means of attack in your bag (turn to27?

You lunge at the old man as he leaps towards you

!5A The l9arlock rcad! lor baltle


amazement, instead of an old man'g voice, thewhole room iesonates to a powerful voice whichseems to be coming from the walls themgelves. Youthrow a glance back at the man and can see himchanging before your very eyes. He iB of imposingheight. His tatteled old rags have become robes ofvelvet arrd gold. His black eyes are fixed directly onyou$. He has been expecting you . . .

Turn to 358.

The passage runs for some distance northwards andthen starts to open into a large cavern with roughwalls. There appears to be no way through. Will youreturn to the junction (turn to 269) or enter thecavern (turn to 57)?

15EThe battle will call upon all yourreserves of strengthand cunning. Your adversary has disappeared, andnow stands at the far end o{ the room in front of adoor with two lockg. How will you apptoach him:

Grip your sword firmly andadvance towards him?

Look through your pack for aweapon to use?

Look around the room foranothermeans ofattack or defence? Turn to f8g

Tu.n to r42

Tum to ro5


359You are at a ctosstoads.

To go northTo go southTo go eastTo go west

Turn to 19oTurn to 94

Tum to 121Turn to 3E

1@The door slams shut with a loud bang behind you.You find yourself in a passageway running aheadnorthwalds, You follow itforseveral meLres, until itbends to the west, and continue onwards. Someway down the passage you come acloss a narlowopenin8 in the northwall and decide to go through.Turn to 89.

t6aYou snatch the key from itshook. Ithas the numberr2J mscribed on it. But your lungs arebursting. Rolltwo dice, lf the number is less than or eoual to voursKILL score, you make lt across the r;om to thedoor (turn to 136). lf it exceeds your sKrLL score,you are forced to take abreath ofpoison gas. Reduceyour s K I L L score by 2 and your sre urrl score by3 and dash for the door (turn to 136).

362As you try the walls up the pa$ageway, a secretdoor opens up along the west wall. TuJn to a77.

t6t .Further up the passage on the wesr wall you seeanother similar door You listen at the door and


grimace to hear the worst singing you have everheard in your Lifel Do you want to go into the roomto investigate this hideous din (turn to rTo) or walkon up the pagsageway (turn to 42)?

t64As you push the knob, a small stone doorway slidesopen. You can either rgnore it and rcturn to theiunction (turn to256) oryou can climb through (tumto 323). You must make your decision quickly, as thedoor shuts of itg own accord rn a minute'g time

,65The Orcs attack you one at a time

9 KILT STAMI NAFirst ORC 6 4Second ORC j JThird ORC 6 4Fourth ORC , 2Fifth ORC + 4

lfyou win, turn to 183. lf you wish to Esc4ps duflnBthebattle (don't forget your penalty for this), turn to217.

t66You are followrng a passageway which leads aheadto the north. After severalmetres l tbends sharply tothe east. You continue eastwards unti l you eventu-ally come across a natrow openingrn the north wall.You may go through this operung (turn to E9) orconhnue eastwards (turn to 62).


t67You arrive at another iunction in the passageway. Ifyou would like to turn westwards, turn to:35. IIyou wlsh to go east, turn to 323.

,6EThe Warlock's Iaugh resonates in his chamber. 'Wewill see which of us is the mouse!'he cries, and heholds his hand in the air. As he snaps his fingels, ablue flame streams ftom his hand at vou. Los€ 1s-rAMrNA points. You wil l have to try somethingelse:

Draw your sword and advanceTry something else fiom your


Turn to 142

Tum to ro5

37o Seale.l arcund the table arc tM sttdll crea twes uth uarhlshtn. dlessed h l?alher armow.

,qYou swallow some of the liquid (tum to rc9).

170The door opens to reveal a small room. The room isdirty and unkempt. A straw matttess lies in onecomer. In the centre of the room is a wooden tableupon which a candle bwns, lighting the room withits flickering flame. A small box rests under thetable. Seated around the table are two smallcreatures with warty skin, dressed in leatherarfilour. They are drinl<ing some sortofgrogand, bythe way they stagger to their feet on your arrival,you assume they are very drunk. You may either


draw your sword and leap forward at them (turn to1a6) or slam the door quickly and run on up thePassage (turn to 42)

J7aSafe for the moment, you rnvestigate the cavern andfind a passageway which continues to the west.Turn to 274. You may rest and eat Provisrons beloreyou continue, and add 3 LU cK points for defeatingthe Dragon.

372The battle commencesl



Fight them one at a time. II you defeat them both,Rrrn to 21,

You are at the gouth end of a north-south pass-ageway at a dead end. lf you go northwards youwill reach a crossroads. Turn to 85.

t74The Skeletons do not notice you and disappearthrough the door into the Boat House- Breathing asigh of relet you press on to try the door at the


north end of the passage- But before you go, youmay eat some Provisions and you may add 2 LUcxpoints for evading the Skeletong. Iurn to 2o7.

17sYou a ive back at the iunction afld this time turnnorthwards. Turn to 5.

176You may collect all the copper pieces on the tableThey are worth a total of 4 Gold Pieces. Then youcan leave through the door. Turn to 291. You maypause to eat Provisions, and you may add J, LUCKpoints

3nAs you draw your sword, the WINGED GREM-LIN flaps into the air and attacks you, while the oldman rushes over to the bookshelf, touches a bookand escapes through a secret doorway that opensfor him. But you must fight his pet.


If you beat the Gremlin, turn to 196,

t7tYou wipe your bloodied sword on the mattrcss- Thegeen blood leaves a slimy stain on the straw


Steppin8 pver the bodies towards the table youflinch at the foul stench of the creatures. You pick upthe box from under the table and examine it. It is asmall wooden box with crude hinges. The name'Farrigo Di Maggio' is inscribed on a brass name-plate on its lid. If you wish to open the box, turn to296. lf yo,r decide to leave it behind and leave theloom, turn to 42.

379As you prepare to strike the box, the rumblingsound Sets louder. You l t your sword high andprepare to strike. As your blade comes down on thebox, a loud crack deafens you and, from one cornerof the room, a small bolt of lightning darts throughthe air to the sword hilt, sending you reeling acrossthe room.

Test yoltt luck. lf you are Lucky, your sword hasshattered and lies on the floor, but you managed torelease your grip just be{ore the lightning shuck. Ifyou are Unlucky, your charred remains haveformed a small black outline on the floor. Next time,do not try to strike thechest!Ifyou wereLucky, youmay try to use keys from yourrucksack. Turn to 139

380You are in a narow east-west co idor. Lookingwestwards you can see a crossroads ahead. You goon to the crossroads Turn to 37


,81Ihe passage ends at a wooden door, trimmed iniron Various inscriptions adorn the door, but nonemakes any sense to you. You listen, but hearnothing. You may either open the door (turn to 84)or relurn to the junction (turn to 28o).

382You hold the Eye up in front of him and the jewel

Bives off a dull glow. You point it towards him andhe shdeksl He backs away into a corner and a beamof light shoots from the iewel. As it falls on hirn hesinks to the floor and a remarkable transformahontakes place. He starts to shrivel and grow visibly oldin front of you. His skin wrinkles and cracks and heslowly becomes an amorphous heap in the comer.After some moments, the iewel stops glowing andyou approach the lifeless bundle of cloth; his robesare all that remain. Turn to 396.


363A sign above the doorreads'Boat House'. The dooris firmly locked but a small barred window allowsyou to look inside. You can see a numlrer ofSkeleton-men workrng on building a boat of somesort. They move in a series of quick, ierky actions,rather insecFlike.

If you have a key clearly labelled'Boat House' Turn to 8'o

lfyou want to try to break the doordown Turn ro 264

lf you want to return to theriverbank and ky another route Tuin to i29

384The door opens into a passage which you follownorthwards. Shortly you reach a bend and follow itround to the east. Several metres on, you reach aiunction at which you may either go north (turn to252) or continue eastwalds (turn to 3oZ).

185You travcl westwards for several paces, then thepassage turns to the north. Some way up, you reacha iunction. You may go south (turn to rr4) or west(tum to297). To the north, the passage ends short lyat a dead end. lt you wish to go up here, turn to 39A.

,65You climb on the raft and start to punt your wayacross dre river. The going ts not easy. ln the middleof the river the laft seems to take ona willof lts own

J8J yol aan see o numtEr ol Skelelorl -den uotkrnBo hltldtdgo boal of gme sorl


andbob8 up and down dangerously. Yollrealize itisattempting to capsize itself and throw you into theriver!You may either trustyou! stlength and luck tohold on and keep punting to the north side (turn to55) or jump into the waterand attempt to swim backto the south bank (tuin to 166).

!47You tly the keys. Not one will turn. As you try toturn the third key, small catches drop and your lastmemoly rs a sting of pain as three small darts pierceyour skin, Each is treated with a quick-acting


Remember not to use this combination of keys nexthme!

3E8Your sword flies out of your hand, into the aii andyou mugt leap aside as it comes down on you. [tgrazeg you! cheek as it falls. Lose 1 sTA M l N A point.You decide you'd better leave the room. Pick upyourswordand tuln to9lo. Lose r more 5Kr LL pointin fear of the Warlock's power.

t89fest your Luck. {f you are Lucky, turn to 2E9 lfyouare Unllrcky, turn to 112

390The Choul twrtches and dies at your feet Yousearch its body and hnd little of interest A couple of


earrings, worth I Gold Piece between them, are rnone of its pockets. You may take thege, If youhaven't aheady sealched the first body, you do soand find j Gold Pi€ces, which you may also rakeYou may alsostop here, rest and eat Provisions. Youcan add 2 LUc( points lor killing the Ghoul. Nowyou may either press on northwards (turn to 12o) orsearch the second body (turn to 393)-

394You are at the south end of a north-south coEidorLooking northwards, you can see a pdssdge comingoff ftom the east wall. Do you want.

To go up to this passage? Tum to 5r,To check for secret passages as you

walk northwards? Tum to 162To go south, following a bend to

the west?

192You are in a north-gouth corridoreither northwards through a large(hrm to 206) or south (turn to 329)

Tum ro 4t

You may gowooden door

t93You search the pockets of the other body and find 8Gold Pieces, a bottle of liquid and an otd prece otparchment. You may take these rtems To read thePaichment, tum tO 212 To tesr the liquld. ruan ro359.


t94The boots are well-fashroned in a deep red leather.They are much sturdier than your own and fit youwell. You try a few steps but are horrrfied to findthat you cannot move, and the boots seem to begripping your feet with considerable force. As youstruggle to free yourself, you hear a crack and asmash as a stalactitc falls from the roof; you craneround to see a large black shape shifting towardsyou. As lt approacheg, you turn cold- Severalmetres away is a C IANT SPIDER, atleast a metreacross, advancing towards you on spiny legs,mandibles clicking nervously in anticipation of itsnext meal. You draw your sword to defend yourselfas i t stalks you. You cannot move and thus mustsubtract 2 lrom each dice roll you make to calculateyour Attack Shength.


If you win the battle, turn to 232.


395You step over the bones on the floor to take a closerlook atthe Boat Hous€. You pick up and study a fewof the tools scattered around: hammers, nails,chisels and the like, but they appear very ordinary.You heara banging sound coming from beyond thenorth door and have time for one further searchbefore you must react. Do you look through thedrawe$ of the b€nches around the room (tum toJ22) or check the tools more carefully (turn to 34)?jg4 You non( rcund to see o lary. block shape sh ifinS tountds

wu As il awrcachas w lum cotd


i96With the Warlock now defeated, you know yourquest is almost over You approach the door withtwo locks There are no keys around. You retdevetwo keys from your pack and try them in the locks.They turn!You open the doorand peerround. Turnto 242. lI yon have no keys, you may try to breakdown the door, and this you will do at the cost ofalmost al l your srAM rN a. Reduce your sraMr N Aby 5 and enter the room. Turn to 242.

397The door opens to reveal a small room with a stonefloorand dirty walls. There is a stale smell in the afu.ln the centre of the room is a makeshift v'oodentable on which is standing a lit candle. Under thetable is a small box. ln the farcomer ofthe room is astmw mathess. You may either open the box (furnto 24o) or leave the room (turn to 36J).

tf.You feel around the rock face at the end of thepassage One rock comes free and reveals a smallknob with a handle on the end. W you push ir(turn to 354) or pull it (tum to 12)?

199The curent is strong and takes you swiftly down-stream. You are y/ashed along through a narrowoperung and out into a large cavem with banks onboth sides The current washes you on to the southbank Tum |o 218

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain r5 no more andyou are now the owner of the Sotcerer's riches, Atleast a thousand Cold Pieces, jewellery, diamonds,rubies and Dearls are in the chest. Hidden underthese you find the Warlock's spell book and as youleal through the pages, you realiz€ that this tome rsprobably more valuable than all the treasurelnstructions are civen for the control of all thesecrets - and the ireatures - of Firetop MountalnWith this book. unlimited oower $ vours and thesafety ofyour return to the village rs ;nsured. Or, rfyou would prefer, youcould remaln as masterof rhedomain of FiretoD Mountaln


Stcve lack$n and lan L'vrn8stone are ntemahonally well-known figures n thc Fanlasy Games world They wereamo,rgst thcfirstBDtons to becom e obsessed with AmencanRo/e P/,yuS Ca,r.s like D!(qco"s A Drdgors, R,"eQrcst andTftrellcr intbally as players and later as .o fou.ders ofGorts Wotkshtp Ltd Therr compaDy was sei up lo promotethis new hobby and 6 now the la.gest U K companysPectal i2tngrnthese games I tsa.hvi t iesrrc lude: publ ishingboth

'ls olvn gamesand Amencan best-selle.s undcr licence,

publ,sh,ng Wrrle Dud4, a Nagazrne devotcd entrrely toscrence liction and fantasy gamcsi minufactunng C,rnlclMraraiu6, m,n,alure mctal figures lvh,ch are used In lhcgancs, and orSan,z'ng Br(arn's largest Sames conventron.Cetcs Diy, whtch rs held In London every SeptcmberBascd rn London, lhe Workshop now has shops rnHrmmcrsflth, Manchester Birmrngham. Sheffield and

Rolc- Play,ng G ames, of the sort sold by the Workshop wereihe rnspiration for Tld lvdr"/ock 0/ l'rretof Morrirx, Dcsrgncdfor solo adven tures. the bookworksrna rmrlar r lav to thesegamcs Role Pla)4ng Ga,nes are un'que

'n that a 'Cames

Master ' , whoa.ts as a 'god' fo! the advcnture pursued by lheplaycrs, E essenhal t^The Watloekaf Ftctop Mounta , rhtsGamesMaster ls replaced by th€ book ttscu, usng a te.hnque fam,lia. to those who have undcnaken prcgrammed

Steve and Ian are both still achve gamers, listh8 amongsrtheir own favouLte Aa es: Apacalypse, 1829, IhlelhlrtsionEassbu ll, Pisaand the 'brg l' Role-Playing Gam€s. R!rieQresr.Dunseons & DrcBons nd Ttalreller