Anne Michelsen Illustration Portfolio

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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IArt by Anne Michelsen, including illustrations in watercolor, portraits, digital media, charcoal and pen and ink.


The Art of Anne Michelsen

A Portfolio of Illustration


Three illustration

ns from a story by David Sklar

“The wind of heaven is tbetween a horseHorses

that which blows es ears.”

~Arabian proverb


ild Animals





Still Life

Digital Illustration

Figures for the Partnership With Earth Found

dation illustrated website

Apple Orchard Family

Hiker group

Music & dance group


Portrait of Calvin Olafson, age 1 1/2

Line drawings for front and back

Apocalypse Cleanup Crew(T-Shirt design)

Front (fi nished design - white ink and chalk on black paper)


& Ink Nature Illustration

My children as Elves

About Anne Michelsen

Anne Michelsen was born with a crayon clenched in her fi st. As soon as her mother found it, she

snatched it away - and replaced it with charcoal pen-cils, kneaded erasers, good quality paintbrushes and watercolors in tubes.

Anne spent the next 18 years putting them to good use, sketching and painting the natural world around her - especiallly horses. Her mother had to put up fi rst with cave paintings on the walls, and then with unicorns painted on the fridge. Her moth-er was a good sport.

When Anne grew up, she went to St. Olaf College, where she - naturally - majored in art. After gradu-ating, she exhibted her watercolor and oil paintings and won awards both regionally in the Upper Mid-west and nationally.

Somewhere along the way Anne also learned to write. Today she works as a freelance copywriter, designer and illustrator, specializing in working with companies and nonprofi ts involved in building a more sustainable world.

Contact Anne... inquire about her illustration services, or to commission a portrait or fi ne art piece: Email: greengirlwrites@gmail.comPhone: 715-218-1373