Annex to Engineering 003-Civil Structural Design Criteria on Shore

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  • 7/25/2019 Annex to Engineering 003-Civil Structural Design Criteria on Shore


    Engineering 0003 Page 1 of 84 Master Language: EnglishVersion: 1.0

    Regulation Class Document Class

    Standard Annex

    Regulation Title

    Annex to Civil Structural Design Criteria On Shore Doc. No.Engineering 0003


    Non exhaustive Summary of Regulations valid for Structural Engineering which shall bebase for Engineering contractor.


    The Standard includes the basis requirements of input data for structural engineering.Whereas the Annext is a summary of valid local regulations.

    Target Group

    All engineers related to civil and structural engineering, involved in projects as well asoperations and maintenance in the respective country.Scope of Effectiveness

    OMV AG and all companies that are fully consolidated. In companies not fully consolidated,where OMV AG has a controlling interest. All stock corporations are excluded with the resultthat these regulations have to be separately enforced in these entities

    Editor: GTM-T Wolfgang Desch 28.03.2013Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

    Regulation Approver 1: GTM-T Christian Forberich 02.04.2013Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

    Regulation Approver 2: GT-M Rob Laane 02.04.2013Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

    As approved by the Executive Board of:

    Effective as of:

    Please note that Regulations are amended from time to time. Only the version currently published on the REAL IT Platform isthe valid version.

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    Index of content

    1. Introduction & Intended Purpose of Regulation ................................................ 4 2. Regulations as per country ................................................................................. 5 2.1. TUNISIA .............................................................................................................. 5 2.1.1. Basis of structural Design .............................................................................. 5 2.1.2. Actions on structures ..................................................................................... 5

    2.1.3. Design of concrete structures ........................................................................ 6 2.1.4. Design of steel structures .............................................................................. 6 2.1.5. Geotechnical design ....................................................................................... 6 2.1.6. Design of structures for earthquake resistance .......................................... 11 2.1.7. Crane loads ................................................................................................... 12 2.1.8. Fire Protection (passive) .............................................................................. 12 2.1.9. Machine Foundations ................................................................................... 12 2.1.10. Coating/corrosion Protection ....................................................................... 12 2.1.11. Material Standards ....................................................................................... 12 2.1.12. Design of Masonry Structures ..................................................................... 29 2.2. ROMANIA ......................................................................................................... 31


    Basis of structural Design ............................................................................ 31

    2.2.2. Actions on structures ................................................................................... 31 2.2.3. Design of concrete structures ...................................................................... 33 2.2.4. Design of steel structures ............................................................................ 37 2.2.5. Geotechnical design ..................................................................................... 44 2.2.6. Design of structures for earthquake resistance .......................................... 48 2.2.7. Crane loads ................................................................................................... 50 2.2.8. Fire Protection (passive) .............................................................................. 50 2.2.9. Machine Foundations ................................................................................... 50 2.2.10. Coating/corrosion Protection ....................................................................... 50 2.2.11. Material Standards ....................................................................................... 50 2.2.12. Composite Structures .................................................................................. 51 2.2.13. To be added .................................................................................................. 52 2.2.14. Executia Receptia - General ......................................................................... 53 2.3. TURKEY ............................................................................................................ 54 2.3.1. Basis of structural Design ............................................................................ 54 2.3.2. Actions on structures ................................................................................... 54 2.3.3. Design of concrete structures ...................................................................... 54 2.3.4. Design of steel structures ............................................................................ 54 2.3.5. Geotechnical design ..................................................................................... 54 2.3.6. Design of structures for earthquake resistance .......................................... 55 2.3.7. Crane loads ................................................................................................... 55 2.3.8. Fire Protection (passive) .............................................................................. 55

    2.3.9. Machine Foundations ................................................................................... 55 2.3.10. Coating/corrosion Protection ....................................................................... 55 2.3.11. Material Standards ....................................................................................... 56 2.4. GERMANY ........................................................................................................ 58 2.5. AUSTRIA ........................................................................................................... 59 2.5.1. Eurocode 1 .................................................................................................... 59 2.5.2. Eurocode 2 .................................................................................................... 63 2.5.3. Eurocode 3 .................................................................................................... 64 2.5.4. Eurocode 4 .................................................................................................... 70 2.5.5. Eurocode 5 Timber Construction Not used within OMV ...................... 72 2.5.6. Eurocode 6 .................................................................................................... 72

    2.5.7. Eurocode 7 .................................................................................................... 73

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    2.5.8. Eurocode 8 .................................................................................................... 74 2.5.9. Eurocode 9 .................................................................................................... 76 2.5.10. Divers Norms Concrete design .................................................................... 76 2.5.11. Geotechnics and Soil Mechanics................................................................. 78 2.5.12. Passive Fire Protection ................................................................................. 79 2.5.13. Anchoring and dowelling ............................................................................. 80 2.5.14. General .......................................................................................................... 81 2.6. PAKISTAN ........................................................................................................ 82 3. Internal Reference List ....................................................................................... 83 4. External Reference List ...................................................................................... 83 5. Obsolete Regulations ........................................................................................ 83 6. Certification Standards ...................................................................................... 83 7. Terms & Abbreviations ..................................................................................... 83 8. Keywords / Search Criteria ................................................................................ 83 9. Annexes ............................................................................................................. 84 10. Amendments from previous versions .............................................................. 84 11. Transitory provisions ......................................................................................... 84

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    1. Introduction & Intended Purpose of Regulation

    The Document is an Annex to the Civil Structural Desing Criteria On Shore DocNo. Engineering 0003.This Annex is a summary of Local Regulations which are to be used duringEngineering for Civil Works in the countries OMV is represented and involved in

    Project execution.The lists are not exhaustive but a useful working basis.A regular update is necessary!

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    2. Regulations as per country

    2.1. TUNISIA

    List based upon Catalogue 2007 des Normes Tunisiennes

    2.1.1. Basis of structural Design

    NT 30.172(2004) Rgles bael 91, revisees 99- rgles techniques deconception et de calcul desouvrages et constructionsen bton arm suivant lamthode des tats limites

    Rule 91, revised 99 - rulesand design techniquesdesign of structures andconstructions in reinforcedconcrete according to themethod of limit states

    NT 30.174(2004)(ISO 2103-1986)

    Charges dues l'exploitation dans lesbtiments d'habitation etpublics

    Operational loads onpublic and residentialbuildings

    NT 30.175(2004)(ISO 2394-1998)

    Principes gnraux de lafiabilit des constructions

    General principles ofreliability of constructions

    NT 30.176(2004)(ISO 3010-2001)

    Bases du calcul desconstructions actionssismiques sur lesstructures

    Basis of the design ofstructures with seismicactions

    NT 30.177(2004)(ISO 3898-1997)

    Bases du calcul desconstructions - notations symboles gnraux

    Basis for design ofstructures - notations -general symbols

    NT 30.178(2004)(ISO 4355-1998) Bases du calcul desconstructionsdtermination de la chargede neige sur les toitures

    Basis of the design ofstructures - determinationof the snow load on theroof

    NT 30.179(2004)(ISO 9194-1987)

    Bases de calculs desconstructions - actionsdues au poids propre desstructures, des lmentsnon structuraux et desmatriaux entreposes -masses volumiques

    Basis of design ofstructures - actions due tothe self-weight, of non-structural elements andstored materials

    NT 30.182(2004)(EN 1990-2003) Bases de calcul desstructures Basis of design ofstructures

    2.1.2. Actions on structures

    NT 30.173(2004)(EN 1991-1-1-2003)

    Actions sur les structures -partie 1-1 : actionsgnrales - poidsvolumiques, poids propres,charges d'exploitation desbtiments

    Actions on structures part 1-1: General actions -densities, self-weight,imposed loads forbuildings

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    NT 30.184(2004)(NF ENV 1991/2/3-1997)

    Bases de calcul et actionssur les structures - partie 2-3 :actions sur les structures- charges de neige

    Basis of design and actionson structures - part 2 - 3:actions on structures -snow loads

    NT 30.185(2004)(NF ENV 1991/2/4-2000)

    Bases de calcul et actionssur les structures - partie 2-4 : actions sur les

    structures - actions du vent

    Basis of design and actionson structures - part 2 - 4:wind actions on the

    structuresNT 30.186(2004)(NF ENV 1991/3-1997)

    Bases de calcul et actionssur les structures - partie 3: charges sur les pontsdues au trafic

    Basis of design and actionson structures - part 3: loadson bridges due to traffic

    2.1.3. Design of concrete structures

    NT 30.187(2004)(NF ENV 1992/1/2-2001)

    Calcul des structures enbton - partie 1-2 : rglesgnrales : calcul ducomportement au feu

    Design of concretestructures - part 1-2:general rules: calculation ofthe fire resistance

    NT 30.188(2004)(NF ENV 1992/1/3-1997)

    Calcul des structures enbton - partie 1-3 : rglesgnrales - lments etstructures en btonprfabriqus

    Design of concretestructures - part 1-3:general - elements andrules for prefabricatedconcrete structures

    NT 30.189(2004)(NF ENV 1992/1/4-1997)

    Calcul des structures enbton - partie 1-4 : rglesgnrales - bton degranulats lgers structureferme

    Design of concretestructures - part 1-4:general rules lightweightaggregate concrete withclosed structure

    NT 30.190(2004)(NF ENV 1992/1/5-1997) Calcul des structures enbton - partie 1-5 : rglesgnrales - structuresprcontraintes pararmatures extrieures ounon adhrentes

    Calculation of concretestructures - part 1-5:general structures withunbonded and externalprestressing tendons

    NT 30.191(2004)(NF ENV 1992/1/6-1997)

    Calcul des structures enbton - partie 1-6 : rglesgnrales - structures enbton non arm

    Design of concretestructures - part 1-6:general plain concretestructures

    2.1.4. Design of steel structures

    Not Specified Utilize current international standard

    2.1.5. Geotechnical design

    NT 30.99(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - glossairegeotechnique - dfinitions -notations - symboles

    Soil - and testing -geotechnical - definitions -ratings - symbols glossary

    NT 30.100(2003) Sols - reconnaissance et Soil - and testing -

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    essais - description -identification -dnomination des sols -terminologie - lments declassification

    description - identification -description of soils -terminology - elements ofclassification

    NT 30.101(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - mthode simplifie

    D'identification de lafraction 0/50 mm d'unmatriau grenu

    Soil - and testing -simplified method

    Identification of the fraction0/50 mm material godara

    NT 30.102(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - identificationGranulomtrique -mthode de tamisage parvoie humide

    Soil - and testing -identificationSize - by wet sievingmethod

    NT 30.103(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lateneur pondrale enmatires organiques d'unmatriau - mthode parcalcination

    Soil - and testing -determination of weight inorganic material to amaterial - ashing method

    NT 30.104(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lateneur en carbonate -mthode du calcimtre

    Soil - and testing -determination of carbonate- method of the calcimetre

    NT 30.105(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lateneur en eau pondraledes matriaux - partie 1 :mthode de la dessiccationau four micro-ondes

    Soil - and testing -determination of theweight of the materialmoisture content - part 1:method of the microwavedrying

    NT 30.106(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lateneur en eau pondraledes matriaux - partie 2 :mthode de la plaquechauffante ou panneauxrayonnants

    Soil - and testing -determination of theweight of the materialmoisture content--part 2:method of the heatingplate or radiant panels

    NT 30.107(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lateneur en eau pondraledes matriaux - mthodepar tuvage

    Soil - and testing -determination of watercontent weight of thematerials - drying method

    NT 30.108(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination deslimites d'atterberg - limitesde liquidite la coupelle -limite de plasticite aurouleau

    Soil - and testing -determination of atterberglimits - limits liquidity tothe cup - limit of plasticityroller

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    NT 30.109(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination deslimites d'atterberg - partie1 : limites de liquidite -mthode du cone depntration

    Soil - and testing -determination of atterberglimits--part 1: limits ofliquidity - the conepenetration method

    NT 30.110(2003) Sols - reconnaissance et

    essais - dtermination de lamasse volumique des solsen laboratoire - mthodesde la trousse coupante, dumoule et de l'immersiondans l'eau

    Soil - and testing -

    determination of bulkdensity of soils inlaboratory - cutting kit,mold, and water immersionmethods

    NT 30.111(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lamasse volumique desparticules solides des sols -mthode du pycnomtre eau

    Soil - and testing -determination of bulkdensity of soils inlaboratory - cutting kit,mold, and water immersionmethods

    NT 30.112(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination de lateneur pondrale enmatires organiques d'unsol - mthode chimique

    Soil - and testing -determination of weightorganic of a soil - chemicalmethod

    NT 30.113(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - analysegranulomtrique - mthodepar tamisage sec aprslavage

    Soil - and testing - analysis- method by sifting dryafter washing

    NT 30.114(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - analysegranulomtrique des sols -mthode par sidimentation

    Soil - and testing - particlesize analysis of soils -sidimentation method

    NT 30.115(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination del'tat de decomposition(humification) des solsorganiques - essai von post

    Soil - and testing -determination of the stateof decomposition(humification) of organicsoil - test von post

    NT 30.116(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination desmasses volumiquesminimale et maximale dessols non cohrents

    Soil - and testing -determination of densitiesminimum and maximum ofthe non-cohesive soils

    NT 30.117(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai dedessiccation - partie 1 :dterminationconventionnelle de la limitede retrait sur le Passant 400 um d'un matriau

    Soil - and testing - test ofdrying - part 1:determination of thewithdrawal limit on theturning to 400 um of amaterial

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    NT 30.118(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai dedessiccation - partie 2 :dtermination effective dela limite de retrait sur unprlvement non remanie

    Soil - and testing - test ofdrying - part 2: actualdetermination of the limitof withdrawal on a levy notoverhaul

    NT 30.119(2003) Sols - reconnaissance et

    essais - masse volumiquesche d'un lment deroche - mthode par peseehydrostatique

    Soil - and testing - an

    element of rock - methodby hydrostatic weighingdry density

    NT 30.120(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - coefficient defragmentabilite desmatriaux rocheux

    Soil - and testing -coefficient ofFragmentability of rockmaterials

    NT 30.121(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - coefficient de

    dgradabilit desmatriaux rocheux

    Soil - and testing -coefficient of degradability

    of rock materialsNT 30.122(2003) Sols - reconnaissance et

    essais - mesure de lacapacit d'adsorption debleu de mthylne d'unmatriau rocheux -dtermination de la valeurde bleu de mthylne d'unsol ou d'un matriaurocheux par l'essai la


    Soil - and testing -measurement of theadsorption capacity ofmethylene blue with rockymaterial - determination ofthe value of methyleneblue of a soil or rock by thetask test material

    NT 30.123(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essais l'appareiltriaxial de rvolution -gnralites - dfinitions

    Soil - and testing - testingin the revolution - general -definitions triaxialapparatus

    NT 30.124(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai decisaillement rectiligne laboite - partie 1 :cisaillement direct

    Soil - and testing - straightshear test to the box - part1: direct shear

    NT 30.125(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai decisaillement rectiligne laboite - partie 2 :cisaillement altern

    Soil - and testing - straightshear test to the box - part2: alternate shear

    NT 30.126(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essaiscissomtrique enlaboratoire

    Soil - and testing - vane inlaboratory

    NT 30.127(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai l'appareiltriaxial de rvolution -

    appareillage - prparation

    Soils - recognition andtesting - test to the devicetriaxial of revolution -

    equipment - preparation of

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    des prouvettes essai(uu) non consolide nondraine - essai (cu + u)consolide non draine avecmesure de pressioninterstitelle - essai (cd)consolide draine

    test specimens - test (uu)non consolidated nondrains - test (cu + u)consolidates non-drainingwith pressure interstitelle -test (cd) consolidateddrained

    NT 30.128(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai decompression uniaxiale

    Soil - and testing - uniaxialcompression test

    NT 30.129(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - indice cbr aprsimmersion indice cbrimmediat - indice portantimmediat - mesure surchantillon compacte dansle moule cbr

    Soil - and testing - indexcbr after immersion - indexcbr immediate - bearingimmediate index - measureon compact sample in thecbr mould

    NT 30.130(2003) Sols - reconnaissance et

    essais - essaioedomtrique - partie 1 :essai de compressibilitesur matriaux fins quasisaturs avec chargementpar paliers

    Soil - and testing -

    oedometer test - part 1:test of compressibility onmaterials purposes almostsaturated with loadincrements

    NT 30.131(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai degonflement l'oedomtre -dtermination desdformations parchargement de plusieursprouvettes

    Soil - and testing - test ofswelling the oedometer -determination of strains byloading of test pieces

    NT 30.132(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - dtermination desrfrences de compactaged'un matriau - essaiproctor normal essaiproctor modifie

    Soil - and testing -determination of normalmaterial - test proctorcompaction references -proctor test modified

    NT 30.133(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essaipressiomtrique menard -partie 1 : essai sans cycle

    Soil - and testing - mnardpressuremeter test - part 1:test cycle

    NT 30.134(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essaiscissomtrique en place

    Soil - and testing - place invane

    NT 30.135(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai depntration statique

    Soil - and testing - staticpenetration test

    NT 30.136(2003) Geotechnique - sols :reconnaissance et essais -essai de pntrationdynamique type a

    Geotechnical engineering -soil: recognition andtesting - penetrationdynamics type

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    NT 30.137(2003) Geotechnique - sols :reconnaissance et essais -sondage au pntromtredynamique type b

    Geotechnical engineering -soil: recognition andtesting - survey to thedynamic penetrometertype b

    NT 30.138(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai de

    pntration au carottier

    Soil - and testing - test ofpenetration to the core

    NT 30.139(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai au piezocone

    Soil - and testing - thepiezocone test

    NT 30.140(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai decisaillement au phicomtre

    Soil - and testing - testingof the phicometre shear

    NT 30.141(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai de pompage

    Soil - and testing -pumping test

    NT 30.142(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - essai d'eau lefranc

    Soil - and testing - testingof water lefranc

    NT 30.143(2003) Sols - reconnaissance etessais - prlvement dessols et des roches -mthodologie etprocdures

    Soil - and testing -sampling of soils and rocks- methodology andprocedures

    NT 30.144(2003) Execution desterrassements -classification desmatriaux utilisables dansla construction desremblais et des couches deforme d'infrastructures


    Execution of theearthworks - classificationof the materials used in theconstruction ofembankments and cappingof road infrastructurelayers

    NT 30.145(2003) Execution desterrassements -terminologie

    Execution of theearthworks - terminology

    NT 30.146(2003)(ISO 14688/1-2002)

    Recherches et essaisgeotechniques -identification etclassification des sols -partie 1 : identification etdescription

    Research and testinggeotechnical -identification andclassification of soil - part1: identification anddescription

    NT 30.147(2003)

    (ISO/DIS 14688/2-2001)

    Genie geotechniques -

    identification etclassification des sols -partie 2 : classification etvaluation quantitative

    Engineering geotechnical -

    identification andclassification of soil - part2: classification andquantitative evaluation

    NT 30.148(2003)(ISO/DIS 14689/2-2001)

    Genie geotechniques -identification et descriptionde la roche

    Geotechnical engineering -identification anddescription of the rock

    2.1.6. Design of structures for earthquake resistance

    Refer to Basis of Structural Design

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    2.1.7. Crane loads

    Not Specified

    2.1.8. Fire Protection (passive)

    Refer to Material Standards and Design Criteria

    2.1.9. Machine Foundations

    Not Specified

    2.1.10. Coating/corrosion Protection

    Refer to Material Standards

    2.1.11. Material Standards

    NT 21.02(1984) Granulats - fidlit desmthodes d'essais

    Aggregates - accuracy ofthe testing methods

    NT 21.03(2003)(EN 932/2-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits gnrales desGranulats - partie 2 :mthodes de reductiond'un chantillon delaboratoire

    Tests to determine thegeneral properties ofaggregates - part 2:methods of reduction for alaboratory sample

    NT 21.05(2002) Granulats - mesures desmasses volumiques,coefficient d'absorption etteneur en eau des sables

    Aggregates -measurements of thedensities, coefficient ofabsorption and watercontent of sands

    NT 21.06(2002) Granulats - lments pourl'identification desgranulats

    Aggregates - elements forthe identification of theaggregates

    NT 21.08(2003)(EN 1097/1-1996)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesmcaniques et physiquesdes granulats - partie 1 :dtermination de larsistance l'usure (micro-deval)

    Tests to determine themechanical and physicalcharacteristics of theaggregates - part 1:determination of wearresistance (micro-deval)

    NT 21.09(2002)(EN 12390/4-2000)

    Essai pour bton durci -partie 4 : rsistance encompression -caractristiques desmachines d'essai

    Test for hardened concrete- part 4: resistance incompression -characteristics of thetesting machines

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    NT 21.10(1986) Betons - caractristiquesparticulires des machinesHydrauliques pour essaisde compression (pressespour matriaux durs)

    Concretes - particularcharacteristics of thehydraulics machines fortests of compression(presses for hard materials

    NT 21.11(1984) Agglomrs - blocs enbton pour murs et

    cloisons - dfinitions etvocabulaire

    Agglomerates - concreteblocks for walls and

    partitions - definitions andvocabularyNT 21.13(1984) Agglomrs - blocs en

    bton de granulatscourants pour murs etcloisons

    Agglomerates - concreteblocks of currentaggregates for walls andpartitions

    NT 21.14(1984) Agglomrs - blocs enbton de granulats lgerspour murs et cloisons

    Agglomerates - concreteblocks of light aggregatesfor walls and partitions

    NT 21.16(1984) Blocs en bton cellulaireautoclave pour murs

    Autoclave-sealed cellularconcrete blocks for walls

    NT 21.17(1984) Agglomrs - blocs enbton pour murs etcloisons - dimensions

    Agglomerates - concreteblocks for walls andpartitions - dimensions

    NT 21.18(2001) Granulats - prlvement dematriaux en coursd'coulement

    Aggregates shaped bywater (gravel)

    NT 21.19(2003)(EN 933/3-1997)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 3 :dtermination de la forme

    des granulats - coefficientd'aplatissement

    Tests to determine thegeometrical characteristicsof aggregates - part 3:determination of the shapeof the aggregates -

    coefficient of flatnessNT 21.20(2001)(ISO 390-1993)

    Produits en cimentrenforc par des fibres chantillonnage et contrle

    Cement productsreinforced by fibres sampling and controls

    NT 21.21(2001) Granulats - essai losangeles

    Aggregates - los angelesabrasion test

    NT 21.22(2003)(EN 1097/2-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesmcaniques et physiquesdes granulats - partie 2 :mthodes pour ladtermination de larsistance lafragmentation

    Tests to determine themechanical characteristicsand physics of theaggregates - part 2:methods for measurementof the resistance tofragmentation

    NT 21.23(2003)(EN 1097/8-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesmcaniques et physiquedes granulats - partie 8 :dtermination ducoefficient de polissageacclr

    Tests to determine themechanical characteristicsand physics of theaggregates - part 8:determination of thecoefficient of acceleratedpolishing

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    NT 21.24(2001) Granulats - mesure ducoefficient de friabilite dessables

    Aggregates - measurementof the coefficient ofbrittleness of sands

    NT 21.25(2001) Granulats - dterminationde la propret superficielle

    Aggregates - determinationof surface cleanliness

    NT 21.26(2003)(EN 933/8-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiques

    geomtriques desgranulats - partie 8 :valuation des fines -quivalent de sable

    Tests to determine thegeometrical characteristics

    of aggregates - part 8:evaluation of fines - sandequivalent

    NT 21.27(2001) Granulats - dterminationde l'indice des vides rigden

    Aggregates - determinationof voids (specific gravity

    NT 21.29(2001) Granulats - quivalent desable

    Aggregates - sandequivalent

    NT 21.30(2003) Granulats - dfinitions,conformit, spcifications

    Aggregates - definitions,conformity, specifications

    NT 21.31(2001) Granulats - dterminationde l'indice de continuite

    Aggregates - determinationof the index of continuity

    NT 21.94(2003)(EN 1097/7-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesmcaniques et physiquesdes granulats - partie 7 :dtermination de la massevolumique reelle du filler -mthode au pycnomtre

    Tests to determine themechanical characteristicsand physics of theaggregates - part 7:determination of the massvoluminal real of the filler -method of the pycnometer

    NT 21.95(2001) Granulats - dterminationde l'paisseur moyennedes gravillons

    Aggregates - determinationaverage thickness of finegravels

    NT 21.98(2001) Granulats - dterminationde l'homogeneite desgranulats (d > 4 mm)

    Aggregates - determinationof the homogeneity of theaggregates (D > 4 mm)

    NT 21.99(2001) Granulats - essai deval Aggregates - test devalNT 21.100(2001) Granulats - mesure de la

    rugosit d'une surface l'aide du pendule defrottement

    Aggregates - measurementofthe roughness of asurface using pendulum offriction

    NT 21.101(2003)(EN 1744/1-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits chimiques desgranulats - partie 1 :analyse chimique

    Tests to determine thechemical properties ofaggregates - part 1:chemical analysis

    NT 21.102(1990) Granulats - mesure de lateneur en chlore - mthodepar dissolution

    Aggregates - measurementof the chlorine content -method by dissolution

    NT 21.105(1990) Granulats - mise enevidence de matiresorganiques parcolorimetrie

    Aggregates - descriptionorganic matter bycolorimetry

    NT 21.109(1990)(ISO 1920-1976)

    Essais du bton -dimensions, tolrances etdestination des

    Tests of the concrete -dimensions, tolerances anddestination of specimens

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    NT 21.110(1990)(ISO 2736/1-1986)

    Essais du bton -prouvettes - partie 1 :chantillonnage du btonfrais

    Tests of the concretespecimens - part 1:sampling of freshly-mixedconcrete

    NT 21.111(1990)(ISO 2736/2-1986)

    Essais du bton -prouvettes - partie 2 :confection et conservationdes prouvettes pouressais de rsistance

    Tests of the concretespecimens - part 2:preparation andpreservation of specimensfor strength tests

    NT 21.113(1990)(ISO 4012-1978)

    Bton - dtermination de larsistance lacompression desprouvettes

    Concrete - measurement ofthe compressive strentghof specimens

    NT 21.114(1990)(ISO 4103-1979)

    Bton - classification de laconsistance

    Concrete - classification ofconsistency

    NT 21.115(1990)(ISO 4108-1980) Bton - dtermination de larsistance la traction parfendage des prouvettes

    Concrete - determination oftensile strength by splittingof specimens

    NT 21.116(1990)(ISO 4109-1980)

    Bton frais - dterminationde la consistance essaid'affaissement

    Freshly-mixed concrete -determination ofconsistency - slump test

    NT 21.117(1990)(ISO 4110-1979)

    Bton frais - dterminationde la consistance - essaivebe

    Freshly-mixed concrete -determination ofconsistency vebe timetest

    NT 21.118(1990)(ISO 4111-1979)

    Bton frais - dterminationde la consistance - degrede compactabilite

    Freshly-mixed concrete -determination ofconsistency - degree ofcompactability

    NT 21.119(1990)(ISO 4848-1980)

    Bton - dtermination de lateneur en air du bton frais- mthode de lacompressibilite

    Concrete - determination ofair content of the freshly-mixed concrete - methodof compressibility

    NT 21.120(1990)(ISO 6275-1982)

    Bton durci - dterminationde la masse volumique

    Hardened concrete -determination of thedensity

    NT 21.121(1990)(ISO 6276-1982)

    Bton frais compacte -dtermination de la massevolumique

    Freshly-mixed compactedconcrete - determinationof the density

    NT 21.122(1990)(ISO 6784-1982)

    Bton - dtermination dumodule d'lasticit statiqueen compression

    Concrete - determination ofthe static modulus ofelasticity in compression

    NT 21.123(1990)(ISO 4013-1978)

    Bton - dtermination de larsistance la flexion desprouvettes

    Concrete - measurement ofthe specimens resistanceto flexure

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    NT 21.127(1990)(ISO 6782-1982)

    Granulats pour bton -dtermination de la massevolumique en vrac

    Aggregates for concrete -determination of the bulkdensity

    NT 21.137(1991) Betons - mesure du tempsd'ecoulement des betonset des mortiers auxmaniabilimtres

    Concretes - measurementof the workability of theconcretes and mortars

    NT 21.176(2002)(EN 934/2-2001) Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis - partie 2 :adjuvants pour bton -dfinitions, exigences,conformit, marquage ettiquetage

    Additives for concrete,mortar, and grout - part 2:additives for concrete -definitions, requirements,conformity, marking andlabelling

    NT 21.177(2002)(EN 480/1-1997)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie1 : bton et mortier derfrence pour essais

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 1: concreteand mortar of reference fortests

    NT 21.178(2002)(EN 480/2-1996) Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie2 : dtermination du tempsde prise

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testmethods - part 2:determination of settingtime

    NT 21.179(2002)(EN 480/4-1996)

    Adjuvants pour bton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie4 : dtermination duressuage du bton

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 4:determination of the liquidpenetration of the concrete

    NT 21.180(2002)

    (EN 480/5-1996)

    Adjuvants pour beton,

    mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie5 : dtermination del'absorption capillaire

    Additives for concrete,

    mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 5:determination of capillaryabsorption

    NT 21.181(2002)(EN 480/6-1996)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie6 : analyse infrarouge

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 6: analyzeinfrared

    NT 21.182(2002)(EN 480/8-1996)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie

    8 : dtermination del'extrait sec conventionnel

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 8:

    determination of theconventional sec extractNT 21.183(2002)(EN 480/10-1996)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie10 : dtermination de lateneur en chlorure solubledans l'eau

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 10:determination of thecontent soluble chloride inwater

    NT 21.184(2002)(EN 480/11-1999)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie11 : dtermination des

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - testingmethods - part 11:determination of the

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    caractristiques des videsd'air dans le bton durci

    characteristics of air voidsin the hardened concrete

    NT 21.185(2002)(EN 480/12-1997)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis -mthodes d'essais - partie12 : dtermination de lateneur en alcains dans lesadjuvants

    Additives for concrete,mortar and pure - testingmethods - part 12:determination of thecontent of alcains inadditives

    NT 21.186(2002)(EN 12390/7-2000)

    Essai pour bton durci -partie 7 : masse volumiquedu bton

    Test for hardened concrete- part 7: density of theconcrete

    NT 21.188(2002)(EN 934/6-2001)

    Adjuvants pour beton,mortier et coulis - partie 6 :chantillonnage, contrleet valuation de laconformit, marquage ettiquetage

    Additives for concrete,mortar and grout - part 6:sampling, control andevaluation of conformity,marking and labelling

    NT 21.189(2002)(EN 450-1994)

    Cendres volantes pourbton - dfinitions,exigences et contrle dequalit

    Fly-ashes for concrete -definitions, requirementsand quality control

    NT 21.190(2002)(EN 1097/3-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesmcaniques et physiquesdes granulats - part 3 :mthode pour ladtermination de la masse

    volumique en vrac et de laporosite intergranulaire

    Tests to determine themechanical characteristicsand physics of theaggregates - share 3:method for determinationof the loose bulk density

    and calculation of the voidsNT 21.192(2002)(EN 933/1-1997)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 1 :dtermination de lagranularite analysegranulomtrique partamisage

    Tests to determine thegeometrical characteristicsof aggregates - part 1:determination of thegrading size analysis ofgrading by sifting

    NT 21.193(2002)

    (EN 1097/6-2000)

    Essais pour dterminer les

    caractristiquesmcaniques et physiquesdes granulats - partie 6 :dtermination de la massevolumique reelle et ducoefficient d'absorptiond'eau

    Tests to determine the

    mechanical characteristicsand physics of theaggregates - part 6:determination of theeffective density and waterabsorption coefficient

    NT 21.194(2002) valuation des liquides,sols et gaz nocifs pour lebton - partie 2 :prlvement et analyse deschantillons d'eau et de sol

    Evaluation of the liquids,grounds and gases harmfulfor the concrete - part 2:sampling and analyzingwater and ground samples

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    NT 21.195(2002)(EN 206/1-2000)

    Bton - partie 1 :spcification,perforfmances, productionet conformit

    Concrete - part 1:specification,perforfmances, productionand conformity

    NT 21.198(2003)(EN 932/1-1996)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits gnrales desgranulats - partie 1 :


    Tests to determine thegeneral properties ofaggregates - part 1:

    sampling proceduresNT 21.199(2003)(EN 932/3-1996)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits gnrales desgranulats - partie 3 :procdure et terminologiepour la descriptionpetrographique simplifie

    Tests to determine thegeneral properties ofaggregates - part 3:procedure and terminologyfor simplified petrographicdescription

    NT 21.200(2003)(EN 932/5-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits gnrales desGranulats - partie 5 :quipement commun ettalonnage

    Tests to determine thegeneral properties ofaggregates - part 5:common equipment andcalibration

    NT 21.201(2003)(EN 932/6-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits gnrales desGranulats - partie 6 :dfinitions de rptabilitet de la reproductibilit

    Tests to determine thegeneral properties ofaggregates - part 6:definitions of repeatabilityand reproducibility

    NT 21.202(2003)(EN 933/2-1995)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 2 :dtermination de lagranularite - tamis decontrle, dimensionsnominales des ouvertures

    Tests to determine thegeometric characteristicsof aggregates - part 2:determination ofgranularity - control sizesof sieve openings

    NT 21.203(2003)(EN 933/4-1999)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 4 :dtermination de la formedes grains - indice deforme

    Tests to determine thegeometric characteristicsof aggregates - part 4:determination of the shapeof the grains-.shape index

    NT 21.204(2003)(EN 933/5-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 5 :dtermination dupourcentage de surfacescassees dans les gravillons

    Tests to determine thegeometric characteristicsof aggregates - part 5:determination of thepercentage of brokensurfaces in gravel

    NT 21.205(2003)(EN 933/6-2001)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 6 :valuation des

    caractristiques de surface

    Tests to determine thegeometric characteristicsof aggregates - part 6:evaluation of thecharacteristics of surface -

    the aggregate flow

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    - coefficient d'ecoulementdes granulats


    NT 21.206(2003)(EN 933/7-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits geomtriques

    des granulats - partie 7 :dtermination de la teneuren lments coquilliers -pourcentage des coquillesdans les gravillons

    Tests to determine thegeometric properties of

    aggregates - part 7:determination of thecontent of elements -percentage of shells in thegravel

    NT 21.207(2003)(EN 933/9-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesgeomtriques desgranulats - partie 9 :qualification des fines -essai au bleu de mthylne

    Tests to determine thegeometric characteristicsof aggregates - part 9:qualification of fines - bluemethylene test

    NT 21.208(2003)(EN 1097/4-1999) Essais pour dterminer lescaractristiquesmcaniques et physiquesdes granulats - partie 4 :dtermination de laporosite du filler seccompacte

    Tests for determining themechanical and physicalcharacteristics aggregates -part 4: determination of thedry compacted porosity ofthe filler

    NT 21.209(2003)(EN 1097/9-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits mcaniques etphysiques des granulats -partie 9 : mthode pour la

    dtermination de larsistance l'usure parabrasion provoquee par lespneus crampons - essaiscandinave

    Tests for determining themechanical and physicalproperties aggregates -part 9: method for the

    determination of theresistance to wear byabrasion caused bystudded tires nordic test

    NT 21.210(2003)(EN 1367/2-1998)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits thermiques etl'alterabilite des granulats -partie 2 : essai au sulfatede magnesium

    Testing to determine thethermal properties and thealterabilite of aggregates -part 2: magnesium sulfatetest

    NT 21.211(2003)(EN 1367/3-2001)

    Essais pour dterminer lesproprits thermiques etl'alterabilite des granulats -partie 3 : essai d'ebullitionpour les basaltes - coup desoleil

    Testing to determine thethermal properties and thealterabilite of aggregates -part 3: tests for thermaland weathering propertiesof aggregates. Boiling testfor sonnenbrand basalt

    NT 21.212(2003) Granulats - guided'interprtation de lanorme nt 21.30 (2002)

    Aggregates - guide for theinterpretation of thestandard nt 21.30 (2002)

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    NT 21.281(2003)(EN 13369-2001)

    Rgles communes pour lesproduits prfabriqus enbton

    Rules for precast concreteproducts

    NT 21.282(2003)(EN 12504/1-2000)

    Essais pour bton dans lesstructures - partie 1 :carottes - prlvement,examen et essais en


    Testing concrete instructures - part 1: coredspecimens- taking,examination and testing in

    compressionNT 21.284(2004)(ISO 9882-1993)

    Normes de performancedans le btiment - essai deperformance des planchersprfabriqus en bton -comportement sous chargenon concentre

    Performance standards inthe building - test ofperformance of precastconcrete floors- behaviourunder non-concentratedload

    NT 21.285(2004)(ISO 9883-1993)

    Normes de performancedans le btiment - essai deperformance des planchersprfabriqus en bton -comportement sous chargeconcentre

    Performance standards inthe building - test ofperformance of precastconcrete floors- behaviorunder concentrated load

    NT 21.286(2004) Norme de performancedans le btiment -presentation desperformances desplanchers prfabriqus enbton arm ou prcontraint

    Standard of performancein the building -presentation ofperformance ofprefabricated orprestressed reinforcedconcrete floors

    NT 21.287(2004)(EN 771/1-2003)

    Spcifications pourlments de maonnerie -partie 1 : briques de terrecuite

    Specification for masonryunits - part 1: bricks ofterracotta

    NT 21.288(2004)(EN 771/2-2003)

    Spcification pourlments de maonnerie -partie 2 : lements demaonnerie en silico-calcaire

    Specification for masonryunits - part 2: elementssilico-limestone masonry

    NT 21.289(2004)(EN 771/3-2003)

    Spcification pourlments de maonnerie -partie 3 : lments demaonnerie en bton degranulats (granulatscourants et lgers)

    Specification for masonryunits - part 3: elementsmasonry concreteaggregates (light weightaggregates)

    NT 21.290(2004)(EN 771/4-2003)

    Spcification pourlments de maonnerie -partie 4 : lements demaonnerie en btoncellulaire autoclave

    Specification for masonryunits - part 4: elementsautoclave cellular concretemasonry

    NT 21.291(2004)(EN 771/5-2003)

    Spcification pourlments de maonnerie -partie 5 : lements demaonnerie en pierrereconstituee en bton

    Specification for masonryunits - part 5: elements ofrecycled stone in concretemasonry

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    NT 21.292(2004)(EN 771/6-2000)

    Spcification pourlments de maonnerie -partie 6 : lments demaonnerie en pierrenaturelle

    Specification for masonryunits - part 6: elements ofnatural stone masonry

    NT 21.293(2004)(EN 772/1-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai pourlments de maonnerie -

    partie 1 : dtermination dela rsistance lacompression

    Test methods for masonryunits - part 1:

    determination ofcompression strength

    NT 21.294(2004)(EN 772/2-1998)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 2 : dtermination dupourcentage de vides dansdes lments demaonnerie en bton (parempreinte sur papier)

    Test methods for masonry- part 2: determination ofthe percentage of voids inelements of masonryconcrete (by paper mark)

    NT 21.295(2004)(EN 772/3-1998)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 3 : dtermination duvolume net et dupourcentage des vides deslments de maonnerieen terre cuite par peseehydrostatiqu

    Test methods for masonryunits - part 3:determination of thevolume and the percentageof voids of masonry interracotta by weighinghydrostatic

    NT 21.296(2004)(EN 772/4-1998)

    Mthodes d'essai pourlments de maonnerie -partie 4 : dtermination desmasses volumiques reelleet apparente et desporosites ouverte et totaledes lments demaonnerie en pierrenaturelle

    Test methods for masonryunits - part 4: real andapparent determination ofdensities and total ofmasonry elements andporosity of natural stone

    NT 21.297(2004)(EN 772/5-2001)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 5 : dtermination dela teneur en sels solublesactifs des lments demaonnerie en terre cuite

    Methods of test formasonry units.Determination of the activesoluble salts content ofclay masonry units

    NT 21.298(2004)

    (EN 772/6-2001)

    Mthodes d'essai pour des

    lments de maonnerie -partie 6 : dtermination dela rsistance la tractionpar flexion des lments demaonnerie en bton degranulats

    Test methods for masonry

    - part 6:Determination of tensilebending strength ofaggregate concretemasonry units

    NT 21.299(2004)(EN 772/7-1998)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 7 : dtermination del'absorption d'eau l'eaubouillante des lments de

    maonnerie en terre cuite

    Test methods for masonry- part 7: part 7:determination of waterabsorption of clay masonrydamp proof course units

    by boiling in water

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    servant de coupure decapillarite

    NT 21.300(2004)(EN 772/9-1998)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 9 : dtermination duvolume et du pourcentagede vides et du volume netabsolu des lments demaonnerie ensilicocalcaire parremplissage de sable

    Test methods for masonry- part 9: determination ofvolume and percentage ofvoids and net volume ofclay and calcium silicatemasonry units by sandfilling

    NT 21.301(2004)(EN 772/10-1999)

    Mthodes d'essai pourlments de maonnerie -partie 10 : dterminationde la teneur en humiditdes lments de

    maonnerie en silico-calcaire et en btoncellulaire autoclave

    Test methods for masonryunits - part 10:determination of moisturecontent of calcium silicateand autoclaved aerated

    concrete units

    NT 21.302(2004)(EN 772/11-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 11 : dterminationde l'absorption de l'eau parcapillarite des lments demaonnerie en bton degranulats, en pierrereconstituee et naturelle etdu taux initial d'absorptiond'eau des lments demaonnerie en terre cuite

    Test methods for masonry- part 11: determination ofwater absorption ofaggregate concrete,manufactured stone andnatural stone masonryunits due to capillaryaction and the initial rate ofwater absorption of claymasonry units

    NT 21.303(2004)(EN 772/13-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai pourlments de maonnerie -partie 13 : dterminationde la masse volumiqueabsolue sche et de lamasse volumiqueapparente sche deslments de maonnerie(excepte les pierresnaturelles)

    Test methods for masonry- part 13: determination ofnet and gross dry densityof masonry units (exceptfor natural stone)

    NT 21.304(2004)(EN 772/14-20010

    Mthode d'essai pour deslments de maonnerie -partie 14 : dterminationde la variation due l'humidit des lments demaonnerie en bton degranulats et en pierrereconstituee

    Test method for masonry -part 14: determination ofmoisture movement ofaggregate concrete andmanufactured stonemasonry units

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    NT 21.305(2004)(EN 772/15-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 15 : dterminationde la permabilit lavapeur d'eau des lmentsde maonnerie en bton decellulaire autoclave

    Test methods for masonry- part 15: determination ofwater vapour permeabilityof autoclaved aeratedconcrete masonry units

    NT 21.306(2004)(EN 772/16-2000) Mthodes d'essai pourlments de maonnerie -partie 16 : dterminationdes dimensions

    Test methods for masonryunits - part 16:determination ofdimensions

    NT 21.307(2004)(EN 772/18-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 18 : dterminationde la rsistance augel/degel des lments demaonnerie en silico-calcaire

    Test methods for masonry- part 18: determination offreeze-thaw resistance ofcalcium silicate masonryunits

    NT 21.308(2004)(EN 772/19-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 19 : dterminationde la dilatation l'humiditdes grands lments demaonnerie en terre cuiteperfores horizontalement

    Test methods for masonry- part 19: determination ofmoisture expansion oflarge horizontallyperforated clay masonryunits

    NT 21.309(2004)(EN 772/20-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai deslments de maonnerie -partie 20 : dterminationde la planeite des lmentsde maonnerie en bton degranulats, en pierrenaturelle et en pierrereconstituee

    Test methods for masonry- part 20: determination offlatness of faces ofmasonry units

    NT 21.310(2004)(EN 680-1993)

    Dtermination du retrait desechage du bton cellulaireautoclave

    Test methods for masonry- part 20: determination offlatness of faces ofmasonry units

    NT 21.311(2004)(EN 1052/1-1998)

    Mthodes d'essai de lamaonnerie - partie 1 :dtermination de larsistance la


    Test methods for masonry- part 1: determination ofresistance to compression

    NT 21.312(2004)(EN 1052/2-1999)

    Mthodes d'essai de lamaonnerie - partie 2 :dtermination de larsistance la flexion

    Test methods for masonry- part 2: determination ofresistance to flexure

    NT 21.313(2004)(EN 1052/3-2002)

    Mthodes d'essai de lamaonnerie - partie 3 :dtermination de larsistance initiale aucisaillement

    Test methods for masonry- part 3: determination ofthe initial shear strength

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    NT 21.314(2004)(EN 1052/4-2000)

    Mthodes d'essai de lamaonnerie - partie 4 :dtermination de larsistance au cisaillement,en tenant compte de lacouche de coupure decapillarite

    Test methods for masonry- part 4: methods of test formasonry. Determination ofshear strength includingdamp proof course

    NT 26.01(1983) Tubes en acier, tubesronds souds formes froid executes partir deproduits lamins chaud

    Steel tubes, welded tubeshapes cold formed fromhot-rolled products

    NT 26.02(1983) Tubes en acier, tubesronds souds formes froid executes partir deproduits lamins froid

    Steel tubes, welded tubeshapes cold formed fromcold-rolled products

    NT 26.03(1983) Tubes en acier, tubescarres et rectangulairesexecutes partir deproduits lamins froid

    Steel tubes, square andrectangular tubing formedfrom cold-rolled products

    NT 26.04(1983) Tubes en acier, tubescarres et rectangulairesexecutes partir deproduits lamins chaud

    Steel tubes, square andrectangular tubing formedfrom hot-rolled products

    NT 26.05(2004) Acier bton pourarmatures passives - partie2 : barres nervures

    Steel for the reinforcementof concrete - part 2:deformed bars

    NT 26.06(1984)(ISO 4948/1-1982)

    Aciers - classification -partie 1 : classification enaciers allis et en aciers

    non allis basee sur lacomposition chimique

    Steels - classification - part1: classification of alloy andnon-alloy steel based on

    the chemical compositionNT 26.07(1984)(ISO 4948/2-1981

    Aciers - classification -partie 2 : classification desaciers allis et aciers nonallis en fonction desprincipales classes dequalit et descaractristiques principalesde proprit oud'application

    Steels - classification - part2: classification of allioyand non-alloy steelsaccording to main qualityclasses and main propertyor applicationcharacteristics

    NT 26.08(1998)(ISO 404-1992)

    Aciers et produitssiderurgiques - conditionsgnrales techniques delivraison

    Steels and steel products -terms and conditionsdelivery techniques

    NT 26.09(1984)(ISO 630-1980)

    Aciers de constructionmtallique

    Structural steels

    NT 26.10(2000)(ISO 3573-1999)

    Tles en acier au carbonelamines chaud dequalit commerciale etpour emboutissage

    Hot-rolled carbon steelsheet of commercial anddrawing qualities

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    NT 26.11(2000)(ISO 3574-1999)

    Tles en acier au carbonelamines froid de qualitcommerciale et pouremboutissage

    Cold-reduced carbon steelsheet ofcommercial anddrawing qualities

    NT 26.12(1984)ISO 3575-1976

    Tles en acier au carbonegalvanises en continu parImmersion chaud, de

    qualit commerciale, pourpliage et agrafage ou pouremboutissage

    Continuous hot-dipgalvanized carbon steelsheet of commercial and

    drawing quality forbending and stapling

    NT 26.13(1984)(ISO 65-1981)

    Tubes en acier au carbonefiletables selon ISO 7/1

    Threadable carbon steeltubes according to ISO 7/1

    NT 26.14(2000)(ISO 7/1-1994)

    Filetages de tuyauteriepour raccordement avectanchit dans le filet -partie 1 : dimensions,tolrances et dsignation

    Pipe threads wherepressure-tight joints aremade on the threads -- part1: dimensions, tolerancesand designation

    NT 26.16(2000)

    (ISO 228/1-1994)

    Filetages de tuyauterie

    pour raccordement sanstanchit dans le filet -partie 1 : dimensions,tolrances et dsignation

    Pipe threads where

    pressure-tight joints arenot made on the threads -part 1: dimensions,tolerances and designation

    NT 26.17(2000)(ISO 4145-1986)

    Raccords en acier non alli,filetes suivant ISO 7/1

    Non alloy steel threadedfittings according to ISO7/1

    NT 26.18(1984)(ISO 4019-1982)

    Profils creux en acier, finis froid - dimensions etcaractristiques

    Hollow steel profiles, cold -finished size and features

    NT 26.30(1994)(ISO 4998-1991)

    Tles en acier au carbonegalvanises en continu parImmersion chaud, dequalit destine laconstruction

    Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheetof structural quality

    NT 26.31(1994)(ISO 4999-1991)

    Tles en acier au carbonelamines froid, revtuesd'un alliage au plomb encontinu par immersion chaud, de qualitcommerciale et pouremboutissage

    Continuous hot-dip terne(lead alloy) coated cold-reduced carbon steel sheetof commercial, drawingand structural qualities

    NT 26.32(2000)(ISO 5000-1993) Tles en acier au carbonelamines froid, revtuespar immersion chaud encontinu d'une couched'aluminium-silicium, dequalit commerciale etpour emboutissage

    Continuous hot-dipaluminium-silicon-coatedcold-reduced carbon steelsheet of commercial anddrawing qualities

    NT 26.33(1991)(ISO 5002-1982)

    Tles en acier au carbonelamines chaud et froid, revtues par zingagelectrolytique (tleslectro-zinguees) de qualit

    Hot-rolled and cold-reduced electrolytic zinc-coated carbon steel sheetof commercial and drawingqualities

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    commerciale et pouremboutissage

    NT 26.34(1994)(ISO 5950-1991)

    Tles en acier au carbonelamines froid, revtuesen continu d'un dptlectrolytique d'tain, dequalit commerciale etpour emboutissage

    Electrolytic tin-coated cold-reduced carbon steel sheetof commercial and drawingqualities

    NT 26.35(2000)(ISO 5951-1993)

    Tles lamines chaud enacier limite d'lasticit etaptitude au formageaccrues

    Hot-rolled steel sheet ofhigher yield strength withimproved formability

    NT 26.36(1991)(ISO 5952-1983)

    Tles en acier deconstruction lamines chaud en continu

    rsistance amliore lacorrosion atmosphrique

    Continuously hot-rolledconstruction steel toimproved atmospheric

    corrosion resistanceNT 26.39(2000)(ISO 3755-1991)

    Aciers au carbone moulspour constructionmcanique d'usagegnral

    Cast carbon steels forgeneral engineeringpurposes

    NT 26.40(1985)(ISO 4950/1-1981)

    Produits plats en acier haute limite d'lasticit -partie 1 : prescriptionsgnrales

    Products in high yieldstrength steel plates - part1: general requirements

    NT 26.41(1985)

    (ISO 4950/2-1981)

    Produits plats en acier

    haute limite d'lasticit -partie 2 : produits livrs l'tat normalis ou delaminage contrle

    High yield strength flat

    steel products -- part 2:products supplied in thenormalized or controlledrolled condition

    NT 26.42(1985)(ISO 4950/3-1981)

    Produits plats en acier haute limite d'lasticit -partie 3 : produits livrs l'tat traite (trempe +revenu)

    High yield strength flatsteel products -- part 3:products supplied in theheat-treated (quenched +tempered) condition

    NT 26.43(1991)(ISO 4951-1979)

    Barres, profiles etpoutrelles en acier hautelimite d'lasticit

    High yield strength steelbars and beams profiles

    NT 26.44(1997)(ISO 4995-1993)

    Tles en acier deconstruction lamines chaud

    Hot-rolled steel plate

    NT 26.45(2001)(ISO 4996-1999)

    Tles lamines chaud enacier de construction haute limite d'lasticit

    Hot rolled high yieldstrength steel

    NT 26.46(2000)(ISO 4997-1999)

    Tles en acier deconstruction lamines froid

    Cold-rolled sheet steel

    NT 26.47(1991)(ISO 6316-1982)

    Feuillards lamins chauden acier de construction

    Hot-rolled steel strip ofstructural quality

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    NT 26.48(1986)(ISO 6317-1982)

    Feuillards en acier aucarbone lamins chaud,de qualitCommerciale et pouremboutissage

    Hot-rolled carbon steelstrip, quality commercialand drawing

    NT 26.49(1985)(ISO 6930-1983)

    Produits plats en acier haute limite d'lasticit

    pour formage froid

    In high yield strength steelplates for cold formed

    productsNT 26.50(1986)(ISO 4957-1980)

    Aciers outils Steel tools

    NT 26.52(1997)(ISO 4885-1996)

    Produits ferreux -traitements thermiques -vocabulaire

    Ferrous products - thermaltreatments - vocabulary

    NT 26.53(1999)(ISO 11950-1995)

    Fer-chrome lectrolytiquelamine froid

    Electrolytic iron chromecold laminated

    NT 26.54(1999)(ISO/TR 15510-1997)

    Aciers inoxydables -composition chimique

    Stainless steels - chemicalcomposition

    NT 26.55(1999)

    (ISO 13976-1998)

    Tles fortes en acier de

    construction lamines chaud en bobines

    Hot-rolled steel plate in

    coilsNT 26.64(1986)(ISO 1052-1982)

    Aciers de constructionmcanique d'usagegnral

    Structural mechanics ofgeneral purpose steels

    NT 26.69(1999) Produits siderurgiques -dtermination del'allongement total pourcent sous charge maximale

    Steel products -determination of totalelongation percent undermaximum load

    NT 26.70(2001)(ISO 5954-1998)

    Tles en acier au carbonelamines froid

    caractristiques spcialesde duret

    Cold-reduced carbon steelsheet according to

    hardness requirementsNT 26.71(1995)(ISO 10384-1992)

    Tles lamines chaud enacier au carbone pouroutillage

    Hot-rolled carbon steelsheet as defined bychemical composition

    NT 26.77(2001)(ISO 7788-1985)

    Acier - tat de surface destles et larges-platslamins chaud -conditions de livraison

    Steel - hot rolled plates andwide flanged shapescondition - terms ofdelivery

    NT 26.80(1986)(ISO 7452-1984)

    Tles en acier deconstruction lamines

    chaud tolrances surdimensions et forme

    Hot rolled steel -construction tolerances- on

    shape and dimensionsNT 26.86(1997)(ISO 1035/1-1980)

    Barres en acier lamines chaud - dimensions desbarres rondes

    Rolled hot steel bar -dimensions of round bars

    NT 26.87(1997)(ISO 1035/2-1980)

    Barres en acier lamines chaud - dimensions desbarres carrees

    Rolled hot steel bar -dimensions of square bars

    NT 26.88(1997)(ISO 1035/3-1980)

    Barres en acier lamines chaud - dimensions desbarres plates

    Steel bar rolled hot -dimensions of flat bars

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    NT 26.89(1997)(ISO 1035/4-1982)

    Barres en acier lamines chaud - tolrances

    Hot rolled steel bars -tolerances-

    NT 26.90(1994)(ISO 185-1988)

    Fontes grises de moulage -classification

    Gray cast iron--classification

    NT 26.91(1987)(ISO 945-1975)

    Fonte - dsignation de lamicrostructure du graphite

    Cast iron - designation ofthe microstructure ofgraphite

    NT 26.92(1987)(ISO 946-1975) Fonte grise - essai de chocsur prouvette nonentaille

    Grey cast iron - notchedimpact test

    NT 26.93(2000)(ISO 1083-1987)

    Fonte graphite spheroidal- classification

    Ductile cast iron -classification

    NT 26.94(1987)(ISO 2892-1973)

    Fonte austenitique Austenitic cast irons -classifications

    NT 26.95(1987)(ISO 5922-1981)

    Fonte malleable Cast iron malleable

    NT 26.112(1996)(ISO 6935/1-1991)

    Acier bton pourarmatures passives - partie

    1 : barres lisses - rondslisses

    Steel for the reinforcementof concrete - part 1:

    smooth round barsNT 26.114(1997)(ISO 10144-1991)

    Systme particulier decertification des barres etfils d'acier pour lerenforcement desconstructions en beton

    Certification scheme forsteel bars and wires for thereinforcement of concretestructures

    NT 26.115(1992)(ISO 7900-1988)

    Fil en acier galvanis pourclotures

    Wire galvanized fence

    NT 26.116(1992)

    (ISO 7989-1988)

    Dpts de zinc sur fils


    Steel wire and wire

    products -- non-ferrousmetallic coatings on steelwire

    NT 26.117(1997)(ISO 10065-1990)

    Barres en acier pour btonarm - essais de pliage-depliage

    Steel bars forreinforcement of concrete -- bend and rebend tests

    NT 26.125(1994)(ISO 6929-1987)

    Produits en acier -dfinition et classification

    Steel products definitionand classification

    NT 26.126(1994)(ISO 10474-1991)

    Aciers et produitssiderurgiques - documentsde contrle

    Steels and products steel -control documents

    NT 26.127(1997)(ISO 11484-1994) Tubes en acier pour servicesous pression -qualification et certificationdu personnel d'essais nondestructifs (end)

    Steel tubes for pressure -personnel certification andqualification for non-destructive testing (ndt)

    NT 26.128(1997)(ISO 12094-1994)

    Tubes en acier soudspour service sous pression contrle par ultrasonspour la dtection desimperfections de laminagedes feuillards/plaques

    utiliss pour la fabrication

    Welded steel tubes forpressure - ultrasonictesting for the detection ofimperfections in rolledstrips/plates used in themanufacture of welded


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    de tubes souds

    NT 26.129(1997)(ISO 13663-1995)

    Tubes en acier soudspour service sous pression contrle par ultrasons dela zone adjacente aucordon de soudure pour ladtection des dedoubluresde laminage

    Welded steel tubes forpressure purposes --ultrasonic testing of thearea adjacent to the weldseam for the detection oflaminar imperfections

    NT 26.130(1998) Profils en acier lamins chaud - partie 1 : cornieres ailes gales - dimensions

    Hot-rolled steel sections --part 1: equal-leg angles dimensions

    NT 26.134(1998) Profils en acier lamins chaud - partie 5 : cornieres ailes ingales - tolrancespour les sries mtriques

    et inch

    Profiled steel hot-rolled -part 5: wings anglesunequal - tolerances forseries metric and inch

    NT 26.135(2002)(ISO 10544-1992)

    Fils en acier btontransformes froid pourarmatures passives et lafabrication des treillissouds

    Cold-reduced steel wire forthe reinforcement ofconcrete and themanufacture of weldedfabric

    NT 26.136(2003)(ISO 6935/3-1992)

    Acier bton pourarmatures passives - partie3 : treillis souds

    Steel for the reinforcementof concrete - part 3: weldedmesh

    NT 26.137(2003)(ISO 11082-1992)

    Systme particulier decertification des treillis

    souds pour lerenforcement desconstructions en bton

    Special system ofcertification of the welded

    for fabrics thestrengthening of concretestructures

    NT 26.138(2003)(ISO 15630/1-2002)

    Aciers pour l'armature et laprcontrainte du bton -mthodes d'essai - partie 1: barres, fils machine et filspour bton arm

    Steels for thereinforcement andprestressing of concrete test methods--part 1: bars,wire machine and wire forreinforced concrete

    NT 26.139(2003)(ISO 15630/2-2002)

    Aciers pour l'armature et laprcontrainte du bton -mthodes d'essai - partie 2: treillis souds

    Steels for thereinforcement andprestressing of concrete test methods--part 2:welded fabrics

    NT 26.140(2003)(ISO 15630/3-2002)

    Aciers pour l'armature et laprcontrainte du bton -mthodes d'essai - partie 3: armatures deprcontrainte

    Steels for thereinforcement andprestressing of theconcrete test methods--part 3: prestressing steel

    2.1.12. Design of Masonry Structures

    NT 30.192(2004) Travaux de btiment - Building work - small

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    ouvrages en maonneriede petits lments - paroiset murs - partie 1 : cahierdes clauses techniques

    elements - masonrystructures part 1:specification of thetechnical provisions

    NT 30.193(2004) Travaux de btiment -ouvrages en maonneriede petits lments - parois

    et murs - partie 2 : rglesde calcul et dispositionsconstructives minimales

    Building work - smallelements - masonrystructures part 2: rules for

    the calculation andminimum constructiveprovisions

    NT 30.194(2004) Travaux de btiment -ouvrages en maonneriede petits lments - paroiset murs - partie 3 : guidepour le choix des types demurs de faades enfonction du site

    Building work - smallelements - masonrystructures part 3: guide tothe selection of the typesof walls of facadesaccording to the site

    NT 30.195(2004)(NF ENV 1996/1/2-1995)

    Calcul des ouvrages enmaonnerie - partie 1-2 :rgles gnrales - calcul ducomportement au feu

    Design of masonrystructures - part 1-2:general rules - calculationof the fire resistence

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    2.2. ROMANIA

    2.2.1. Basis of structural Design

    CR 0/2012 Cod de proiectare. Baza deproiectare pentru structuri

    Design Code . Basis ofStructural Design inConstruction

    SR EN1990:2004/NA:2006

    Bazele proiectriistructurilor. Anexanaional

    Basis of structural design.National Annex

    SR EN1990:2004/A1:2006/NA:2010

    Bazele proiectriistructurilor. poduri deosea, pasarele i poduride cale ferat. Anexa naional

    Basis of structural designAnnex A2: Application forbridges. National Annex

    2.2.2. Actions on structures

    CR 1-1-3/2012 Cod de proiectare.Evaluarea actiunii zapeziiasupra constructiilor

    Design Code. Evaluation ofsnow action uponconstructions.

    CR 1-1-4/2012 Cod de proiectare.Evaluarea actiunii vantuluiasupra constructiilor

    Design Code. Evaluation ofwind action uponconstructions.

    STAS 9470/1973 Hidrotehnic. Ploi maxime.Intensiti, durate,


    Hydrotechnics. Maximumrainfall. Intensities,

    durations, frequenciesSR EN1991-1-1:2004

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-1:Aciuni generale, greutispecifice, greuti proprii, ncrcri utile pentru cldiri

    Actions on structures - Part1-1: General actions -Densities, self-weight,imposed loads forbuildings

    SR EN1991-1-1:2004/AC:2009

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-1:Aciuni generale, greutispecifice, greuti proprii,

    ncrcri utile pentru cldiri Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-1: General actions -Densities, self-weight,imposed loads for

    buildingsSR EN1991-1-2:2004

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-2:Aciuni generale.Aciuni asupra structurilorexpuse la foc

    Actions on structures - Part1-2: General actions -Actions on structuresexposed to fire

    SR EN1991-1-2:2004/AC:2010

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-2:Aciuni generale.Aciuni asupra structurilorexpuse la foc Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-2: General actions -Actions on structuresexposed to fire

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    SR EN1991-1-3:2005

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-3:Aciuni generale. ncrcridate de zpad

    Actions on structures - Part1-3: General actions -Snow loads

    SR EN1991-1-3:2005/AC:2009

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-3:Aciuni generale. ncrcri

    date de zpad - Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-3: General actions -Snow loads

    SR EN1991-1-4:2006

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-4:Aciuni generale. Aciuniale vntului

    Actions on structures - Part1-4: General actions - Windactions

    SR EN1991-1-4:2006/A1:2010

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-4:Aciuni generale. Aciuniale vntului - Amendament

    Actions on structures - Part1-4: General actions - Windactions

    SR EN1991-1-4:2006/AC:2010

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-4:Aciuni generale. Aciuniale vntului Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-4: General actions - Windactions

    SR EN1991-1-5:2004

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-5:Aciuni generale. Aciunitermice

    Actions on structures - Part1-5: General actions -Thermal actions

    SR EN1991-1-5:2004/AC:2009

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-5:Aciuni generale. Aciunitermice - Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-5: General actions -Thermal actions

    SR EN1991-1-6:2005

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-6:Aciuni generale Aciunipe durata execuiei

    Actions on structures Part1-6: General actions -Actions during execution

    SR EN1991-1-6:2005/AC:2008

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-6:Aciuni generale Aciunipe durata execuiei - Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-6: General actions -Actions during execution

    SR EN1991-1-7:2007

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-7:Aciuni generale Aciuniaccidentale

    Actions on structures - Part1-7: General actions -Accidental actions

    SR EN1991-1-7:2007/AC:2010

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-7:Aciuni generale Aciuniaccidentale - Erat

    Actions on structures - Part1-7: General actions -Accidental actions

    SR EN1991-2:2004

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 2:Aciuni din trafic la poduri

    Actions on structures - Part2: Traffic loads on bridges

    SR EN1991-2:2004/AC:2010

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 2:Aciuni din trafic la poduri -Erat

    Actions on structures - Part2: Traffic loads on bridges

    SR EN


    Aciuni asupra structurilor.

    Partea 3:

    Actions on structures - Part

    3: Actions induced by

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    Aciuni induse de podurirulante i maini

    cranes and machinery

    SR EN1991-4:2006

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 4:Silozuri i rezervoare

    Actions on structures - Part4: Silos and tanks

    SR EN1991-1-1:2004/NA:2006

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-1: Aciuni

    generale. Greutispecifice,greuti proprii, ncrcriutile pentru cldiri. Anexanaional

    Actions on structures-Part1-1: General actions-

    Densities, self-weight,imposed loads forbuildings. National Annex

    SR EN1991-1-2:2004/NA:2006

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-2: Aciunigenerale. Aciuni asupra structurilor expuse la foc.Anexa naional

    Actions on structures- Part1-2: General actions-Actions on structuresexposed to fire. NationalAnnex

    SR EN1991-1-3:2005/NA:2006

    Actiuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-3: Aciunigenerale. ncrc ri date dezpad. Anexa naional

    Actions on structures - Part1-3: General actions - Snowloads. National Annex

    SR EN1991-1-4:2006/NB:2007

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-4: Aciuni generale- Aciuni ale vntului. Anexa naional

    Actions on structures - Part1-4: General actions Windactions. National Annex

    SR EN1991-1-5:2004/NA:2008

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-5: Aciunigenerale. Aciuni termice.Anexa naional

    Actions on structures - Part1-5: General actions -Thermal actions. NationalAnnex

    SR EN1991-1-6:2005/NB:2008

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-6: Aciuni generale-Aciuni pe durata execuiei. Anexa naional

    Actions on structures Part1-6: General actions -Actions during execution.National Annex

    SR EN1991-1-7:2007/NB:2011

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 1-6: Aciuni generale-Aciuni accidentale. Anexa naional

    Actions on structures - Part1-7: General actions -Accidental actions.National Annex

    SR EN1991-2:2004/NB:2006

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 2: Aciuni din traficla poduri. Anexa naional

    Actions on structures - Part2: Traffic loads on bridges.National Annex

    SR EN1991-3:2007/NA:2009

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 3: Aciuni induse depoduri rulante i masini. Anexa naional

    Actions on structures - Part3: Actions induced bycranes and machinery.National Annex

    SR EN1991-4:2006/NB:2008

    Aciuni asupra structurilor.Partea 4: Silozuri irezervoare. Anexanaional

    Actions on structures - Part4: Silos and tanks. NationalAnnex

    2.2.3. Design of concrete structures

    CR 2-1-1.1/2005 Cod de proiectare a Design code for

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    constructiilor cu peretistructurali din beton armat

    construction withreinforced concretestructural walls

    NE 012/1-2007 Normativ pentruproducerea betonului siexecutarea lucrarilor dinbeton, beton armat si

    beton precomprimat Partea 1: Producereabetonului

    Normative for concreteproduction and executionof plain concrete,reinforced concrete and

    prestressed concrete works Part 1: Concreteproduction

    NE 012/22010 Normativ pentruproducerea si executarealucrarilor din beton, betonarmat si betonprecomprimat Partea 2: Executarealucrarilor din beton

    Normative for concreteproduction and executionof plain concrete,reinforced concrete andprestressed concrete works Part 2: Execution ofconcrete works

    ST 009 - 2011 Specificatie tehnica privindproduse din otel utilizate caarmaturi: cerinte si criteriide performanta

    Technical specification forsteel products used forreinforcement:requirements andperformance criteria

    P 59-1986 Instruciuni tehnice pentruproiectarea i folosireaarmrii cu plase sudate aelementelor de beton

    Technical Instructions forthe design and the use ofconcrete elementsreinforced with wire nets

    C 122-1989 Instruciuni tehnic e pentruproiectarea i executarealucrrilor de construcii dinbeton aparent cu paramentnatural

    Technical instructions forthe design and executionof construction works ofexposed concrete withnatural parament

    C 130-1978 Instruciuni tehnice pentruaplicarea prin torcretare amortarelor i betoanelor

    Technical instructions formortars and concretesapplication by spraying

    NE 020 2003 (P 134 2003)

    Normativ privindproiectarea planeelorcompuse din tabl cutat -beton

    Normative for the design ofcomposite slabs, concretecladding

    C 248-1993 Instruciuni tehnice pentrurealizarea betoanelor denisip

    Technical instructions forcarrying out concrete sand

    GE 039-2001 Ghid pentru determinareaexperimental in situ i nlaborator a modulului statici dinamic de elasticitate abetonului.

    Guidelines for determiningthe in situ experimentallaboratory static anddynamic elasticity moduleof concrete

    GE 040-2001 Ghid privind utilizareametodei electromagneticela determinareaparametrilor de armare aelementelor existente dinbeton armat

    Guidelines on the use ofelectromagnetic method todetermine the parametersof reinforcing existingconcrete elements

    NE 013-2002 Cod de practic pentru Code of practice for the

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    execuia elementelorprefabricate din beton,beton armat i betonprecomprimat

    implementation of precastconcrete, reinforcedconcrete and prestressedconcrete

    ST 043-2001 Specificaie tehnic privindcerinele i criteriile deperforman pentru

    ancorarea n beton cusisteme mecanice imetode de ncercare

    Technical specificationsand performance criteriarequirements for anchored

    in concrete withmechanical systems andtest methods

    ST 042-2002 Specificaie tehnic privindancorarea armturilor curini sintetice la lucrrilede consolidare aelementelor i structurilordin beton armat proiectarei execuie.

    Technical specification forsynthetic resin anchorfittings to work tostrengthen reinforcedconcrete elements andstructures design andexecution.

    NP 093-2003 Normativ de proiectare aelementelor compuse dinbetoane de vrste diferitei a conectorilor pentrulucrri de cmuieli isuprabetonri

    Normative for design of thecomposed concreteelements of different agesand the connectors forlining and slab finishingcast

    GP 081-2003 Ghid privind proiectarea iexecuia rezervoarelor micidin elemente prefabricate n zone rurale

    Guidance on the designand execution of smallprefabricated tanks in ruralareas

    GP 075-2002 Ghid privind stabilireacriteriilor de performan ia compoziiilor pentrubetoanele armate disperscu fibre metalice

    Guidance on criteria forperformance andcompositions for concretereinforced with metal fibersdispersed

    GP 080-2003 Ghid privind proiectarea iexecuia consolidrii prinprecomprimare astructurilor din beton armati din zidrie

    Guidance on the designand execution ofconsolidation bypresterssing of concreteand masonry structures

    NP 007 1997 Cod de proiectare pentrustructuri in cadre din betonarmat..

    Design Code for reinforcedconcrete frames

    P 73 1978 Instructiuni tehnice pentruproiectarea si executarearecipientilor din betonarmat beton precomprimatpentru lichide.

    Technical instructions forthe design and executionof prestressed concretecontainers for liquids

    P 103 1982 Instructiuni tehnice pentruproiectarea elementelordin beton precomprimatpartial, folosind armaturipretensionate sinepretensionatecomplementare.

    Technical Instructions forthe design of partiallyprestressed concreteelements usingcomplementary normaland prestressedreinforcement.

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    P 119 1983 Instructiuni tehnice pentruproiectarea, executarea siexploatarea cailor de rularepe grinzi din beton armat sibeton precomprimat.

    Technical instructions forthe design, execution,exploitation of the runingpath made of reinforcedconcrete and pre-stressedconcrete

    C 155 1989 Normativ privind

    prepararea si utilizareabetoanelor cu agregateusoare.

    Norm on the preparation

    and use of lightweightaggregate concrete

    C 212 1987 Instructiuni tehnice pentruaplicarea procedeuluitehnologic de vacuumare abetonului.

    Technical Instructions forthe application of theconcrete vacuumtechnology process.

    C 11 1974 Instructiuni tehnice privindalcatuirea si folosirea inconstructii a panourilor dinplacaj pentru cofraje.

    Technical Instructions onsetting up and usingconstruction formworkplywood panels.

    C 162 1973 Normativ privindalcatuirea, executarea sfolosirea cofrajelormetalice plane pentrupereti din beton monolit lacladiri.

    Norm of composition,execution using flat metalformwork for monolithicconcrete walls forbuildings.

    C 181 - 1988 Indrumator pentru

    metodologia de incercare aprototipurilor si seriei zerola elemente prefabricate,din punct de vedere alcomportarii la solicitaristatice.

    Advisor and testing

    methodology forprototypes andprefabricated zero series,in terms of behavior atstatic loading.

    C 222 1985 Instructiuni tehnice privindutilizarea metodeloracustice prin soc lacontrolul calitatiielementelor prefabricate.

    Technical Instructions forthe use of acousticmethods by shock forprecast elements qualitycontrol.

    C 117 - 1970 Instructiuni tehnice pentrufolosirea radiografiei ladeterminarea defectelordin elementele de betonarmat.

    Technical Instructions forthe use of radiography indetermining defects inconcrete elements.

    C 28 - 1983 Instructiuni tehnice pentrusudarea armatu