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I. Memorials..................................................................................2II. Report from the Clerk.............................................................3-8

A. Summary of 2014-15 Congregational Meetings..............3-41. Annual Meeting June 15, 2014.......................................32. Special Meetings.............................................................4

B. Summary of Church Council Meetings...............................4C. Statistics...............................................................................6

1. Membership....................................................................62. Membership Recognitions..............................................63. Baptisms and Marriages..................................................74. Worship Attendance........................................................85. Church Committees for 2014-15....................................8

III. Reports from the Staff..........................................................9-10A. Senior Pastor........................................................................9B. Settled Supply Preacher.....................................................10C. Choir Director/Organist.....................................................10

IV. Reports from Church Boards..............................................11-16A. Christian Education............................................................11B. Deacons..............................................................................13C. Missions.............................................................................13D. Music..................................................................................14E. Pastoral Relations...............................................................15F. Stewardship........................................................................16G. Trustees..............................................................................16

V. Reports from Church Committees......................................17-21A. Capital Campaign Committee............................................17B. Coordinator of Ushers........................................................18C. Cradle Roll.........................................................................19D. Church Fair Committee......................................................19E. Community Suppers Committee........................................19F. Flower Committee.............................................................20G. Gardens Committee...........................................................20H. Memorials..........................................................................20I. Mission Trip Committee....................................................21I. Nominating Committee......................................................22

VI. Church Organizations.........................................................23-24A. Foodshare...........................................................................23B. Friendly Circle...................................................................23C. Thrift and Gift Shop...........................................................24

VII. Financial Reports..................................addenda by June 7, 2015A. Proposed 2015-2016 Operating Expense Budget..addendumB. Proposed 2015-2016 Revenue Budget..................addendumC. Financial Secretary’s Report.................................addendumD. Treasurer’s Report.................................................addendum


I. In Memoriam

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. (John 14:27)

Guy N. Farnsworth, Sr..............................10/18/40 – 6/7/14

Harold W. Green.........................................2/14/28 – 7/3/14

Diane M. Menditto....................................11/28/56 – 8/4/14

*Rose M. Fowler.......................................11/21/41 – 8/8/14

*Arnold E. Carlson....................................10/3/24 – 9/27/14

Matthew L. Levesque..................................2/5/83 – 10/4/14

Thomas M. Moynihan...............................6/2/54 – 11/11/14

*Peter A. Sturrock..........................................2/8/44 - 1/1/15

Michael J. Pesce..........................................12/1/35 – 1/9/15

Jessie Linicus.........................................11/21/30 – 12/20/14

*Roy S. Campbell......................................11/8/20 – 1/25/15

*Barbara M. Hill..........................................6/30/27 – 2/7/15

*Dorothy E. Chesters.................................1/16/22 – 4/15/15

*Harold Arthur Loughrey............................1/13/27 – 3/1/15

*Barbara Louise Rose..................................12/8/27 – 5/8/15

*Indicates a member of First Church



A. Summary of 2013/14 Congregational Meetings

1. Annual Meeting Sunday, June 15, 2014 -Attendance: 45 members

Mark Skripol called the meeting to order at 11:17 a.m. In attendance were 45 members (see attached list) including Marcia Campbell, Clerk; Mark Skripol, Moderator; and Karen Burinskas, Financial Secretary. Pastor Sara opened with prayer, and the congregation sang “The Church’s One Foundation.”

I. Receive the reports of the boards and committeesMark Skripol led us through the reports from boards and committees. There being no questions for corrections, Herb Ridyard moved that reports be accepted. Jim Bement seconded, and the members approved without dissent.

II. Receive the reports of the Financial Secretary and TreasurerKaren Burinskas noted that pledge revenues have been good throughout the year. Suppers of the Month and Church Fair exceeded budget, as did Investments, due in large part to the court settlement around the Mary B. Yeoman’s Trust management. Non-operating budget revenues have continued strong.

As Sue Harriman could not attend the annual meeting, Marcia reported that operating budget expenses were just $900 or so greater than revenues, very good in a year we assumed would have a $9,000 deficit. Unrestricted funds placed into the Investment portfolio were accounted for and moved to an Unrestricted Investment to be used as needed. Since First Niagara accounts are earning significantly less than other options, Council approved the closing of our Memorial Savings account and our Regular Savings account, and these monies were moved into the Unrestricted Investment.

Motion to approve the reports of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer was made (H. Ridyard), seconded (J. Bement), and approved.

III. Receive and vote on the proposed 2013-2014 budgetThe proposed budget was presented. Pledge giving was very good this year, permitting very little changes to our Expense Budget Proposal. Mostly, budgets are returning to where they were four years ago. Trustees have proposed $5,000 be placed into a Capital Projects account that will not be rolled into Unrestricted Funds but instead be set aside for unexpected, more expensive maintenance needs, such as the sanctuary ceiling repair we encountered this year. Motion was made (J. Bement), seconded (Betsy Sturrock), and approved without.

IV. Nominating: Elect Board Members and DelegatesCyndy Skripol presented the Slate of Candidates for Boards and Officers. In addition to the prepared report, Kim Chambers as agreed to serve on, and Betsy Sturrock will continue on Music Board. Rick Boccetti volunteered to serve on Board of Pastoral Relations, and Karen Bement has agreed to be a Deacon. We have four vacancies on Stewardship still and have not found a Treasurer. Marcia presented duties of both the Clerk of Council and the Treasurer positions in hopes someone would serve for one of those offices so that she could serve in the other office. There being no volunteers, Marcia will serve as Treasurer, with appropriate monitoring/auditing, and we will continue seeking someone to serve as Clerk or Treasurer. Jim Bement moved to accept


the slate of candidates as presented by Cyndy, Jack Cochrane seconded, and members approved without dissent. Peter Sturrock, then, stepped in as Moderator.

V. Receive the Report of the Apartments Mission CommitteePeter Sturrock described the committee’s work during this past year and presented their plan for upgrading the physical space and transition this mission to an entity that functions independently of and outside the church budget, similar to the Thrift and Gift Shop. (See Council minutes). Walter Chambers noted that, although the Thrift Shop has committed to donating money to the Apartments Mission, they are seriously needing volunteers and have already reduced their hours due to lack of volunteers. No action beyond continued updating was required.

VI. Receive the Report of the Capital Campaign CommitteeHerb Ridyard presented for the committee (also Peter Sturrock, Pastor Sara Worcester, Nancy, Tomastik, Kim Smith, and Ed Figiela). The campaign’s title is “Honoring the Past; Building for the Future,” and Nancy Tomastik has written a theme song “Onward and Upward.” The campaign has two branches: fundraising and oversight of the projects. Quotes are being gathered for all four aspects of the campaign – the leaky roof and steeple refurbishment, the HVAC upgrade, the fire protection system upgrade, and renovations of the Education Wing (notably, closet space and new flooring in Johnson Hall and renovating bathrooms). Some projects are more complex and, therefore, quotes are more involved. The fundraising side has met with Rev. Nancy Bjorling, and is rolling out the fundraising in stages and will culminate in opening fully by October 26. Campaign should be wrapping up mid-November. Our goal is $250,000, and pledges can be spread over three (3) years.

VII. Church Safe Conduct PolicyMark Campbell described the evolution of our Safe Conduct policy from its inception in the 1990s to its latest update. Committee members (Mark Larson, Susan Campbell, Mark Campbell, Ed Ingraham, and Marj Roach) have met all year and attended UCC workshops to get input and devise a meaningful policy. This is a living document and succeeds if church members and friends are fully aware of steps they can take to receive confidential, appropriate assistance in situations in which they might feel compromised in any way. The policy is posted as a link on the Sunday School page of our website: David Cayer moved to endorse the latest revision of our Church Safe Conduct Policy. Joyce Wicks seconded, and members approved without dissent.

VIII. To act on any other necessary and proper businessThere being no other business, motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn at 12:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,Marcia CampbellActing Clerk of the Council

2. Special Meetings

No special meetings were called during the year June 1, 2014, to May 31, 2015.

B. Summary of 2014-15 Church Council MeetingsTen meetings of the Church Council were held from June 2014 through May 2015. Since Council’s role is oversight, communication, and support for the various boards and


committees, most activities will be reported below. The following are some Council specific highlights from this year

Council officers met with Pastor Sara following Bill’s diagnosis to support her need for flexible schedules and to provide assistance in managing church activities as needed. Council approved Pastor Sara to work from home on Mondays during the year and to schedule office meetings and classes on Tuesdays through Thursdays for the year.

We had not found a Clerk and/or Treasurer by August, so Council approved Marcia serving as Treasure with oversight from the Board of Trustees while continuing the search for Clerk of Council. Lynne Simmons stepped up in late September.

Efforts by the Town to build a preschool facility began in the summer of 2014 and are actualizing; therefore, we will lose the CECC program as tenants beginning July 1, 2015. Council discussed several possibilities for the use of the space downstairs, viewing 2015-16 as a transition year for tenants but hoping to make good use of some of the space for Sunday School and youth programs.

Council also provided input and support to the Capital Campaign Committee and the Board of Trustees in prioritizing projects to be completed and promoting these to the congregation during the fund drive in October and November.

Revenues were lower than in prior years across nearly all accounts. Fair revenues were under budget without a tag sale in the spring. Two suppers were cancelled due to the extreme weather in January and February. Rent revenues were down because two tenants were not paying and had to be evicted. Even pledge giving was lower than other years, possibly due to competition with the Capital Campaign. This campaign succeeded beyond our expectations, and pledges have been coming through as promised.

No unusual maintenance and repairs were required, even through a difficult winter. However, two apartments were significantly renovated this year, and the others will be upgraded as tenant turnover allows.

Council will suggest to the congregation that a committee be formed to recruit tenants for renting the downstairs spaces in order to generate revenue. Council will also propose a change to the by-laws to create a Board of Finance; ideally, this board would incorporate the Board of Stewardship but also take on long-term financial planning and managing the church’s investment portfolio which is currently being managed through the Board of Trustees.

Council approved Fred North’s Scrip-Sure suggestion and Robin Carlson’s idea to have the Missions Board coordinate a Pumpkin Patch fundraiser as ways to create revenue for the coming year. Council also approved the use of the sanctuary for a Take Note concert in support of the Windham Area Habitat for Humanity on October 3, 2015.

We lost a wonderful Moderator in January, and we find that Peter Sturrock’s commitment to this church and his volunteer work on our behalf will be hard to replace. We are grateful to Mark Campbell for serving as Acting Moderator in Peter’s absence. We are also very grateful for all the time our Moderator-Elect spent visiting every Board and gaining a thorough understanding of our budget.

Again, specific reports of boards and committees follow in this report. Detailed minutes of all Council meetings are available in the church office.

Respectfully submitted,Marcia CampbellMarcia CampbellClerk of the Council Pro TemFor Lynne SimmonsRetiring Clerk of Council


C. Statistics: June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2015

1. Membership Totals

Beginning membership as of June 1, 2014: 324

Additions to the church membership:

New members November 9, 2014: 8Lisa CornellWillard CornellRyan DarcyLindsay DarcyEdward FigielaKimberly FigielaEric LeversonSusan Leverson

New members April 26, 2015: 3Jean CromConstance RockCarol Whitney

Confirmation May 17, 2015: 2Zachary ShroyerChristine ShroyerKathryn Pugh (already member)

Removed from Membership:

Deaths: 8Rose FowlerArnold CarlsonPeter SturrockRoy CampbellBarbara HillDorothy ChestersHarold LoughreyBarbara Louise Rose

Removed by Diaconate: 0

Removed by Request: 0

Total Membership as of May 31, 2015: 329

2. Membership Recognitions

65-Year Membership: Audrey Moran

50-Year Membership: Darlene Palmer MorganSusan Cochrane Toomey


40-Year Membership: Nancy Gillon ThurnauerDennis KnowltonJoyce KnowltonCheryl Allen McIntireTheresa Crickmore

30-Year Membership Tammy Crickmore ReganLaurel AtwoodBruce JohnWilliam HoffmanMarsha MalonKimberly Chambers

25-Year Membership: Richard KnowltonElizabeth KennardSteven DunnackDorine MorseCarter SutherlandLeigh WajdaWilliam WajdaBruce CampbellMarcia CampbellDonn FederowiczRose Federowicz

3. Baptisms and Marriages


Alexis Marie Olzinski June 1, 2014Ella Lynn Tomaszewsky July 20, 2014Ariana Jeanne Maggella Cote August 24, 2014Makayla Elizabeth Joyal October 26, 2014Rowan Niele Fine December 28, 2014Genevieve Emma Dionne February 8, 2015Bella Lynn Jackson February 22, 2015Paxton Jace Magrey April 12, 2015Rosalie Emelia King May 10, 2015Zachary Shroyer May 13, 2015Isaac Van Zilen May 31, 2015


Jennifer Leigh Marrio and Michael Moses Gale June 5, 2014Adelina Listro and Riccardo Terranova August 9, 2014Ashley Burgie and Colin Dunnack September 20, 2014


4. Worship Attendance 2014-15This is a listing of the average attendance per month for worship services:

June 2014 88July 2014 76August 2014 82September 2014 103October 2014 104November 2014 98December 2014 121 (plus 167 attending Blue Christmas/both Christmas Eve)January 2015 81February 2015 (cancelled on 2/15, storm 2/22) 61March 2015 103April 2015 115May 2015 110

5. Church Committees for 2015-16Church Fair Co-chairs: Carol North, Joyce Wicks, and Tammy ReganCommunity Suppers: Mark Skripol, Kim Smith, and Emma Jane WrightCoordinators of Ushers: Rev. Sara Worcester and DeaconsHistorical Committee: Carol NorthMember-at-Large: vacantMemorials: Carol HodgkinsCradle Roll: Susan MillsFlower: Linda Keenan, Chair, Pam LaMarche, Karen Bement and Janet CayerGarden: Sabrina Nadeau, Joyce Wicks and Crystal Snow



A. Senior Pastor

Dear Friends and Members,2014-2015 was tremendous and difficult. But that is exactly why I’m

thankful that God promises to always be with us and why as a community faith we are given each other to walk the faith journey.

We have remained strong in active members and ministries this year, and for that we can be thankful. The summer of 2014 began a tough journey of 9 months with my husband being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and the leadership being supportive of us. This spring Bill is doing well, having had a bone marrow transplant, and we are truly grateful for the love of this church body. From June 2015 to December 2015, with everyone contributing, we superseded a Capital Campaign goal, reaching over $300,000 to complete some six large capital projects such as the HVAC, sanctuary roof, and steeple. The committee for this included Marj. Roach, Kim Smith, Herb Ridyard, Nancy Tomastik, Peter Sturrock, and Ed Figiela. The spirit was high and the volunteers very helpful.

Mother Nature took her time but finally brought winter in January and caused us to cancel church once and church school twice. And we were told in February that the Nursery School of over 35 years would be moving out summer of 2015. On January 1st our friend, Moderator, and longtime member, Peter Sturrock, passed into God’s care, and we are still figuring out how to fill all the roles he served. But it is happening, and people who care deeply for the church’s ministries are stepping forward to meet the need.

In spring 2015 I launched an effort to offer the church’s first Vacation Bible School in decades to the greater community. And with my husband’s help in April, we have restarted a church YOUTH GROUP. I continued from September to May to offer some 3-4 small groups on a weekly basis including a Sunday morning bible study. And in summer 2015, we will have many Summer Suppers so that members can get to know one another better. I and the Deacons will also offer, on August 2nd, Adult Baptisms in Coventry Lake for anyone wishing to be baptized. It is good to be among such faithful and hope-filled people as First Church has. I pray that our efforts to reach far into the greater community offering the love and grace of Jesus Christ will flourish in the years ahead.

Peace,Pastor Sara


B. Settled Supply Pastor

Due to a very serious injury, Pastor Leslie was on leave for much of 2014-15. Even so, Pastor Leslie was able to preach three times this year and was on call during Pastor Sara’s time off throughout the year! We are thankful for her healing and return as Settled Supply Preacher, and we appreciate our guest ministers who covered in her absence.

C. Choir Director/Organist

This year marked the return of our Junior Choir! While small in number, this group is full of energy and are fast learners. Thanks to Sue Gamache, Sebastian Szafranski, and Nancy Tomastik for their help!

We were again blessed to have many people donate anthems this year. The complete list is in the Board of Music report. If we haven't sung "your" anthem yet, please be patient. We will soon.

The Senior Choir again did a wonderful job, along with some extra singers (for whom we are extremely grateful), presenting Joseph Martin's "The Christmas Rose" on December 14. We were again blessed to have Bill Kelly narrate and Jim Bement manage the recorded orchestra. The Senior Choir also enjoyed a choir exchange with Bruce Gale’s choir from Gilead Congregational Church, as well as our two joint services with Second Congregational Church.

As we enter the summer season, I would like to speak with anyone who would be willing to sing or play for church.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred North II



A. Board of Christian Education

Annual Report of the Board of Christian Education

Members of the Board: Bill Worcester (Chair), Caroline Johnson (Superintendent), Ed Ingraham, Regina Malsbary, Cathy Green, Bobby Johnson, and Kim Smith.

The Board of Christian Education had another successful year, meeting every fourth Sunday at 8:30 AM from August through April. Caroline Johnson served as the representative for council, and Ed Ingraham stepped in if she could not be present. The year began with a registration number of 37 children; however, attendance for each week was somewhere between 10-25 children. The classes continued to be split by age, with one class being pre-k and kindergarten, a second class for 1st and 2nd graders, and the third class being 3rd graders and above. This structure has allowed the teachers to have the same children in the class, rather than rotating, in hopes of continuing lessons from week to week. Teachers worked diligently on teaching the New Testament to their classes by giving a lesson and then doing a craft or a game to keep the classes interactive, sometimes even going as far as taking the children outside for games that encouraged gross motor skill. The curriculum guideline that was created for the classes gave the teachers the section of the bible that should be taught for that month as well as a few ideas as to which stories could be covered. This helped to keep the entire Sunday School in the same areas of study so that siblings in different classes could “compare notes” at home while talking about Sunday School. The teachers were then allowed to use their own creativity and ideas as to how to execute the lessons. This year the team added a “Parable of The Month” to the curriculum, and each class focused on that given parable for the first Sunday.

The teachers for this past year showed incredible dedication and enthusiasm for the program and growth of the Sunday School. Rarely were there any instances of teachers not being able to fulfill their weekly commitment, and if anything, they chose to give more and more as the year continued. Teachers sometimes even found their own replacements by utilizing their assistants and having them prepared ahead of time when they were unable to be there. The teaching staff consisted of four lead teachers, Caroline Johnson (3rd grade and up), Cathy Green (1st and 2nd), and Janine Elliott and Dan McClintock (pre-k and kindergarten). Also an important part of our team and on the monthly schedule were ten assistant teachers, the two Cherub Choir Directors and one Junior Choir Director.

The children in the Sunday School continue to thrive and seem to appreciate the religious foundation that they are getting as well as the fellowship that being part of a church school program has to offer. Children enjoy everything from taking part in one of the two offered choirs, in youth group, in extra events, and in simply just hanging out at the church. The church has become a very comfortable place for the children of the program, and we often rejoice in seeing them play hide and seek in the sanctuary and just playing in the play yard. The environment that our church community has created for the youth of the church is much appreciated by the families. This will continue to be an important objective as we secure our own Sunday School space once preschool leaves.


The Sunday School continued to host one coffee hour per month as well as have children take part in the service every 4th Sunday. This was originally initiated to help promote family and children involvement with the church community. Families were happy to donate an item to the coffee hour. Children enjoyed reading scripture, doing the offering, and attending the entire service on this particular Sunday each month.

Highlights of the year included Christmas celebrations such as the children’s Christmas service and Christmas in the Village. Many members of the church said that the children’s participation in the church service for Christmas was the best they had seen yet and nicer than a typical play. Children displayed their talents by dressing up, playing instruments, singing, and reading for the congregation. Christmas in the Village was also a special time because the children helped to promote their church and belief in God by giving trinkets away to the Coventry community right out on Route 31. Other fun events that were sponsored by the BOCE were the Easter Egg Hunt and the Fall Festival. Both were a success, and attendance was good, so they will continue to be offered.

The nursery care room continued to offer care during the service with Heidi Stevenson and Heather Hill as the providers. We saw again this year that the child care service was rarely utilized for anyone other than the occasional teacher’s own child. Heidi and Heather did an excellent job and were always happy to do special projects to keep them busy, from organizing and cleaning the room, helping BOCE get ready for an upcoming event, and also occasionally helping in the classroom. The decision was made this year not to continue offering this service for next year; however, we will brainstorm throughout the summer to see if we can offer something and if we can get a volunteer.

The BOCE has found that communication with the families has remained good. We have a Facebook page that is updated regularly with information and pictures. Regular monthly emails are also sent out to the families reminding them of upcoming dates and any important information such as projects that are due or practices that are taking place for shows or choir.

The BOCE and Sunday School teachers feel that the year was a success but that some changes do need to be made for next year. Unpredictable class sizes remained a constant challenge and sometimes caused teachers to spend a great deal of time planning for, in the end, a very small number of children. The thought of having children in a class based on their age and following a curriculum was a good one, but the classes would have completely different children week to week. So following a curriculum and expecting children to get the most out of it was unrealistic. A child may attend one week but not again for the next two weeks. The team is now brainstorming ideas and considering beginning the class as a large group and then breaking off into smaller groups. This will require fewer teachers and assistants each Sunday and a class room energy that will be increased on the days that attendance is low. We feel that we want to allow families the flexibility to simply come when they are able. We wish not to appear rigid by expecting them to attend every single week and want them to know that our doors are always open. It is important that we offer a program which fosters that, and Bill and Caroline will work hard throughout the summer to achieve that goal for the upcoming Sunday School year.

Respectfully Submitted,Caroline Johnson, Superintendent


B. Board of Deacons

Annual Report of the Board of Deacons, 2014-15

The Board of Deacons met each month with Pastor Sara to assist with the spiritual direction of the church. Our responsibilities include serving communion, baptisms, Adult Christian Fellowship, hosting receptions, confirmations, and new member activities. Being that we have had several vacancies that remain unfilled, we have continued to enlist the help of volunteer Communion Assistants, who were a great addition to the celebration of communion. Thanks to all who participated in serving this year!

During the year we held our typical receptions/events including: two new member receptions in the fall and spring, Christmas Tree Lighting and Carol Sing in December, Confirmation Sunday in May, and Remembrance Sunday in May.

The Board of DeaconsJim Bement, Fred North, III, Jo Aitken, Marilyn Barrette, Bob Ford, Linda Keenan, Peter Larson, Karen Bement, and David Mills

C. Board of Missions

Annual Report for the Board of Missions, 2014-15

Board of Mission members include Robin Carlson, Lil Ford, Edwina Rodrigues, Louise Rose, Cyndy Skripol and Joyce Wicks.

June, July, and August: We collected and delivered food and toiletry items for Coventry Human Services. Pew Envelope donations of $184.00 went to Silver Lake.

September: Pew envelope donations benefitted Holy Family Shelter, with the BOM adding $200.00. We outlined our goals and donations for the coming year, designating $1,000.00 to our church Apartments Mission Fund.

October: Pew envelope donations benefitted WAIM (Windham Area Interfaith Ministry) to which we added $250. We hosted Heather Powell from Church World Services to speak on CWS and our annual CWS CROP Walk (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) with Second Church. Our walk total this year was $1,800. We donated $300 to Coventry School Food Services to cover the outstanding balances on accounts of free and reduced meals for students here in town, lessening the burden on families already hard hit financially. We began our annual coat, jacket, sweater, etc. drive to benefit WAIM as the cold weather sets in. Sunday School parents were emailed, also.

November: Pew envelope donations benefitted the No Freeze Shelter, to which we added $250. We hosted Leigh Duffy from the Shelter as our Mission Moment speaker. Our coat drive resulted in 47 coats being donated to WAIM. We also hosted a canned food drive to benefit Coventry Human Services.

December: Pew envelope donations benefitted the Coventry Clergy Fuel Bank, to which we added $500. We hosted Peter Bachiochi from Habitat for Humanity, presenting him with a $250 check. We provided Christmas gifts for 25 DCF children through the annual “Tags for Tots and Teens” drive. We sent $100 to the Coventry Volunteer Fire Department.

January: Pew envelope donations benefitted our Inter-generational Mission Trip to Haiti. Therese John was our Mission Moment speaker. The BOM donated $500 to the Mission Trip.

February: Pew envelope donations benefitted WAIM, to which we added $250.00. Joyce Wicks was our Mission Moment speaker for WAIM. We raised $200 selling Valentines and “make your own” Valentines to support Church World Services’


“Blanket the World with Love.” We donated $250 to Windham Hospital Pastoral Services.

March: Pew envelope donations benefitted Silver Lake Camperships. We hosted two wonderful Silver Lake “ambassadors,” Minnie and Chrissie, who spoke for our Mission Moment, gave the Children’s Sermon, visited with the Sunday School, and then visited with members during coffee hour. Their visit resulted in a number of our youth wishing to attend Silver Lake summer camp. The BOM designated any remaining funds in our budget be directed to scholarships. We donated $300 to the Covenant Soup Kitchen, $150 to Patriots Park Camperships, $250 to Holy Family Shelter, and $200 to Coventry Human Services for Back-to-school needs.

April: Pew envelope donations benefitted the Covenant Soup Kitchen. Heather Smith was our Mission Moment speaker from the Covenant Soup Kitchen. The Board began looking into an all-church Mission from PumpkinsUSA. We would chair and run this event between September and November. The Council voted to allow us to pursue this project further, getting more information on what exactly would be involved.

May: Pew envelope donations benefitted Patriots Park Campership funds. Robin spoke during the Mission Moment about the PumpkinsUSA project, and a bulletin board with sign-up sheets is posted at the Missions Board table in Johnson Hall. We hope to have members commit to helping with delivery and working two-hour shifts during the three to four weeks we are selling pumpkins, gourds, etc. Going forward will depend largely on the response from the congregation, which to date has been very, very positive.

Respectfully submitted, Robin Carlson, Chairperson

D. Board of Music

Board of Music Annual Report 2013-2014

The Board of Music is responsible for overseeing the general music program of the church and manages the music budget. The Board also oversees the care and maintenance of the church’s musical instruments. The Board is composed of six members with the Music Director/Organist as an ex-officio member. The Board seeks input and feedback from the congregation, the pastor, and choir members.

Our Music Director/Organist, Fred North II, continues to lead our Senior Choir, which rehearses Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. This year, Fred has also started a Junior Choir which performs on the fourth Sunday of the month to rave reviews!

The Senior Choir performed the Christmas Cantata “The Winter Rose” by Joseph Martin on Sunday, December 14, during the main service. Thanks to all who joined the choir in singing, producing, and helping with this event.

The Cherub Choir has brought joy and smiles to the fourth Sunday worship service. We thank co-directors Mark Campbell and Jason Altieri for their dedication and enthusiasm and Nancy Tomastik for her expert assistance.

Talented instrumentalists assisted the Choir throughout the year and added so much to performances. Special thanks to Mark Campbell, Jason Altieri, Stacia Porter, and Tim Morris for their talents and time.

At present the musical instruments are in good repair, although we do need to replace the tonal cloth in the front of the sanctuary and at the back of the balcony. While a sample has been approved, the Board must seek other sources for purchase and installation.


Once again, Honorary/Memorial Anthems were generously purchased by members of the congregation and performed by the Senior Choir during the Sunday worship Service.

Let Us Praise – Fred North IIIGlorious Day – Barbara Frye in honor of my sister-in-law, Linda JohnsonAlleluia – Karen Burinskas in memory of my aunt, Sally LewisYou Raise Me Up- Mark and Cyndy Skripol in memory of Cyndy’s father, Peter AdamsHow Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place – Kris and George Jacobi in loving memory of Mrs. Mabel and Mr. George Jacobi, and Mr. James MorrisseyLord, I Lift Your Name on High – Laurel Atwood in memory of my mother, Barbara Stengle AtwoodSimple Gifts –Doris Provost in memory of loved ones, past and presentPsalm 150 – Linda Keenan given in loving memory of my children, Michael Joseph and Kellan Blaire

Respectfully Submitted,The Board of MusicCrystal Snow, Doris Provost, Sue Gamache, Kim Chambers, Leslie Kennard, and Betsy Sturrock

E. Board of Pastoral Relations

Board of Pastoral Relations Annual Report, June 2015

The Board of Pastoral Relations (BPR) is the representative body of the First Congregational Church that acts as the advisor to the Pastor. We support her leadership, and serve as liaison between the Pastor and the Congregation, especially in the event of conflict. Last year, Peter Sturrock had been our chairperson, but he assumed the position of Council Moderator in August. He was a great leader and will be greatly missed. I cannot fill his shoes and miss him and am working to fill his role.

We meet every other month, and Pastor Sara attends all meetings. The Capital Campaign was Pastor Sara’s biggest focus at church, and our goal was not only reached but went over the top.

The small groups are ongoing. If you have some time, come join and meet new people. If you have ideas of what you would like to see, let Pastor Sara or a BPR member know. Each year a different type of survey is done; this year, we interviewed staff who work closely with Pastor Sara. Also we will be evaluating Pastor Sara. In general, staff believe that Pastor Sara actively participates in meetings and is there to help wherever she is needed.

If you have a negative church experience, please see one of us. If you are happy with the way Pastor Sara is leading, absolutely let us know that, also. This is the one Board that is explicitly required to keep any information confidential; we do not repeat anything you bring to us, and our minutes are not on file. We are here for you. We meet every other month, beginning in June this fiscal year 2015-16.

Personally, I think our congregation is growing, and I’m excited that our Capital Campaign will bring a new look to our physical space.PeaceMarj Roach, ChairBPR Members: Nancy Caldwell, Joyce Knowlton, Jim Watson, Rick Bocetti, Ed Tomastik, and Marjorie Roach


F. Board of Stewardship

As of this report, we have a total of 78 pledges for a total of $126,004 for current expenses, $3,434 for UCC Missions and $4,368 for First Church Missions. Giving at this point seems to be down by about $25,000 which is a concern, and the Church Council has cut back on the expense side of the budget as much as it can. We remain optimistic and want to thank our church community for their continuing support to the church and its ministries and missions.

Respectfully submitted,Board of Stewardship: Lou Watson, Kris Jacobi, and Buz Taber

G. Board of TrusteesAnnual Report of the Board of Trustees – May 20, 2015

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the care and custody of the church property and is in charge of its financial affairs as subject to the laws of the state. The Board met all year long at least once a month. The three main areas of focus this year were improvements to the apartments, maintaining the integrity of the physical space, and executing Capital Campaign projects as approved at last year’s annual meeting.

We spent most of the summer collecting proposals for the following five projects: fire safety upgrades, steeple renovation, roof replacement, heating and cooling improvements, and Johnson Hall renovations. Estimates of costs for each were submitted to the Capital Campaign Committee for use in their fundraising events throughout the fall of 2014.

The focus in the fall was on our apartment tenants. We had two tenants in arrears, and our Rent Manager, Marjorie Roach, spent much time and effort working with them without success. We were forced to evict both. Consequently, both apartments received major upgrades through December, January, and February, and both units are now rented. Following a review of comparable rents in our area, the rents were increased, and the Rent Manager has been authorized to compute actual rent based on the tenant’s ability to pay. Once units are upgraded, the average rent is approximately $600 for a 1-bedroom unit and $650 for a 2-bedroom unit. In accordance with recommendations of the Apartments Mission Committee, we will continue to seek tenants who fall through the cracks of social service support; i.e., they have a source of steady income but are either ineligible for subsidized housing or not quite middle income, perhaps due to changes in life circumstances.

In December, we were notified that the Coventry Early Childhood Center was planning to vacate at school year end. Having rented increasing space in the church building for decades, their program has grown such that they have run out of room here. We have been exploring other uses for the space and the possibility of renting some of the downstairs to other tenants. We will recommend that a committee be formed at the annual meeting whose charge will be to recruit tenants to rent the area under the sanctuary, leaving the Education Wing available for Sunday School, youth programs, and choir.

Throughout the year, we have been discussing how best to implement the Capital Campaign projects to keep the space safe and flexible while reducing our energy costs. We started by installing the fire alarm system, and that project is nearly complete. This spring we have been collecting bids for the HVAC and roofing. Having the downstairs vacant this summer might turn out to be very beneficial in getting our projects completed.


In January we lost Peter Sturrock, our financial advisor, a former Trustee, and a good friend. His death made us recognize that the role of managing the church’s financial affairs was being ignored because Peter had his eye on it. Trustees is routinely overwhelmed in keeping up with the physical properties and, having received Council’s approval, will propose the formation of a Board of Finance at this year’s annual meeting. Conceptually, the Board of Finance would meet year round and absorb the Board of Stewardship, assuming the roles of managing the church’s finances and underwriting the annual budget through conducting a pledge drive.

Respectfully submitted,Your Board of Trustees-Dan McClintock (Chairman,) David Cayer, Jim Wicks, Fred North II, Michael Olzinski, and Ed Figiela; Karen Burinskas, Marj Roach, and Marcia Campbell, ex-officio non-voting members


A. "Onward and Upward" Capital Campaign Committee

BACKGROUND. At a Special Congregational Meeting in March 2014, the commencement of a capital campaign was approved. The Capital Campaign Committee was formed and held its first meeting in April 2014 to begin planning and strategizing. Our Committee consisted of Co-Chairs Pastor Sara Worcester and Peter Sturrock* along with Ed Figiela, Herb Ridyard, Marj Roach, Kim Smith, and Nancy Tomastik. [*Peter Sturrock, who greatly enhanced our committee, is now sadly missed and fondly remembered.]

We were lucky to have had Rev. Patricia Bjorling as our (free-to-us) Consultant from the UCC Connecticut Conference. She had a wealth of ideas, materials, and samples to share with us along the way, which were combined with an abundance of experience, creativity, and task dedication of our Committee members. Our Biblical basis was the New Testament verse, "I am the vine, you are the branches..."

PROJECTS. The campaign raised funds for five major repair projects on our church building: the steeple, the roof, the fire protection system, the heating and cooling systems, and Fellowship Hall renovations (flooring, handicap-accessible bathroom makeovers, and storage closet). We wrote a long article in the September Newsletter describing everything in detail.

METHODS. We met monthly until August, at which time the meeting frequency increased and eventually became weekly. The number of emails/attachments were in the hundreds as Committee members collaborated on ideas back and forth! Each of us took an area of responsibility as our task assignment but also often assisted each other.

ACTIONS TAKEN. We held many events and accomplished many activities, such as the Leadership Appeal; Kick-off Sunday Service and Kick-off Dinner; the Campaign Song sung by the congregation, Adult Choir, and Cherub Choir; the materials packets, brochures, and video presentations; the hallway bulletin board display; mailings, including the follow-up thank you notes and letters to donors; brief talks to the congregation along with the unveiling of the ever-increasing campaign donations; a dedicated website with videos of interviews, the theme song sung by the congregation, the official campaign kickoff, and the 11/23/14 Children's Message with the blessing of campaign pledges . The website is still there, and you're invited to view it.


OTHER VOLUNTEERS. In addition to our Committee, many people had roles in this campaign, such as Scott Rhoades (artist for the steeple-thermometer and wall mural), Karen Burinskas (finances, reports, set up of electronic funds transfers), Marcia Campbell (correspondence, campaign website setup), Jim Bement (videos, website setup), Fred North II and the Senior Choir (rehearsals, music), Mark Campbell (music), and many others in various supportive roles. The campaign was truly a cooperative effort on many fronts. THANK YOU to all participants!

FUNDS. We set a campaign goal of $250,000 and monitored our pledges each Sunday in November with a talk and an exciting unveiling of the amounts on a steeple-thermometer. Eventually our church surpassed the goal by reaching $259,933 in 3-year pledges plus the $46,576 in capital improvement start-up funds already on hand, for a grand total of $306,509. As of April 30, 2015, an actual $97,162 in pledges came in plus the start-up funds of $46,576 = $143,738 on hand. We look forward to other pledge funds coming in as project work continues.

PROJECT STATUS. As of April 30, (1) Wiring/installing the fire alarm system is nearly complete; (2) Bids and design for the heating & cooling systems are happening now; (3) Bids for roofing and closets/flooring in Johnson Hall are happening now, with hopes of beginning that work in the Summer and Fall 2015.

DONOR RECOGNITION. We recognized all pledges with the donor names on the beautiful wall mural in the hallway. (By the way, the Campaign is still "open" for anyone who would like to be a donor; additional names will be updated and added to a leaf on the hallway tree mural.) THANK YOU TO ALL DONORS!

Also our Committee voted to have pledges at the level of $10,000 and more (in $5,000 increments) be recognized, with the donor's permission, in the Annual Reports of 2015, 2016, and 2017.

$10,000 14,999 $20,000 - 24,999Linda Keenan 2 anonymous gifts

$15,000 - 19,999 $60,000 - 64,9992 anonymous gifts 1 anonymous giftGeorge & Roy CampbellNancy & Edmond Tomastik

B. Coordinator of Ushers

Because our Coordinators of Ushers, Walter Chambers and Bob Ford, both resigned and no individual volunteered to replace them, Pastor Sara took on the coordinating, training, and scheduling of a group of 9 volunteers. So far, this model has been very successful, ensuring that visitors and members feel welcomed and supported. As the year progressed, our substitute usher moved and two regular ushers each needed to take a hiatus secondary to medical concerns. Even so, the regular ushers were consistent and amazing, and we added two more substitutes and one more regular. If you would like to usher, please let Pastor Sara know. If you would like to take on the role of Coordinator of Ushers to free up Pastor Sara’s time for other programs, please let us know!

Ushers: Laura Hill, Sue Gamache, Aim Gamache, Barbara Tufts, Dean Tufts, Elmer Taylor, Christina McClintock, Barbara Frye, and Anne-Marie Perkins; Substitutes: Will Jones and Nancy


C. Cradle Roll Prepared 5/15/15

The names of eight babies were added to the Cradle Roll of First Congregational Church of Coventry upon baptism during the fiscal year of June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015, an increase of one from the previous year. As of May 31, 2015, the current enrollment is 28 children, an increase of five from the previous year, their ages ranging from three months through four years.

During the period of June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015, birthday cards were mailed to 27 children on the Cradle Roll, one more than in 2013-14. Once a child has reached their fourth birthday, the child is “promoted” and eligible to attend Sunday School at First Congregational Church. Six children, two fewer than in 2013-14, were promoted during the current fiscal year, and consequently these names have been removed from the Cradle Roll as of June 1, 2015.Please refer to the attached report for more detail.

Respectfully Submitted,Susan W. MillsCradle Roll

D. Church Fair Committee

CHURCH FAIR 2014 RESULTSWe hoped to make $10,000 this year. However, fair day and post-fair sales got us to just over $7,000. We postponed our spring tag sale to bring back Attic Treasures at next year's fair, and so our totals are significantly under budget. Regardless, we had lovely weather and even lovelier volunteers. Thank you SO MUCH to Karen Bement, Betsy Sturrock, and Kim Chambers for years of managing/hosting our fair!

Pre-Fair Sales & Donations $275.00Raffle $1,832.00Country Kitchen $1,530.00Lunchroom $594.60Tea Cup Auction $565.00Gift Gallery/Crafts $517.50Gems & Jewels $415.25Baskets $399.00Nature's Boutique $321.50Post-Fair Sales $496.65Yankee Candle (we will keep 40%) $206.40*Total Fair Net Revenue $7,152.90

Kid's Booth (not included in Fair budget) $66.00* 40% of total sales of $516.00

E. Community Suppers Committee

The Community Suppers of the Month for the 2014-2015 year started out fairly strong. The second half of the year, however, had very low turnout. This might have been due to weather and competition with other suppers being offered at the same time. Throughout the year we have had a wonderful group of volunteers who have helped with the setup, food prep, and cleanup. A special thanks goes out to Chef Rick for all his hard work purchasing the food, prepping, and cooking the meal. Also noteworthy for consistently


helping all year long are Rod Rodrigues, Crystal Snow, Doris Provost, Carol Aubin, Regina Malsbary, Karen Burinskas, Heather Hill and her friends, the Lussiers, and the Skripols. Apologies for unintended omissions – we appreciated every bit of help!

Submitted by,The Community Suppers of the Month Committee.

F. Flower Committee

The Flower Committee currently consists of four members whose efforts throughout the year beautify the church and enhance the significance of specific holidays and church events. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ON THIS COMMITTEE. You can be a friend of the church to join – no membership required.

In fall, the committee was responsible for the Horn of Plenty during the Thanksgiving season. The fruit was delivered to Coventry Human Services after the service. The first week of December, we participated in the annual “Hanging of the Greens” which adorn and decorate the exterior of the church during the season of Advent. Following that we beautified the sanctuary with the poinsettias. The poinsettias also adorned the Johnson Hall during our annual Tree Lighting & Carol Sing event. Many thanks go to all that donated monies for this. On Easter Sunday the chancel was adorned with Easter lilies in the shape of the cross along with hydrangeas and azaleas. Again, many thanks to all that donate monies for this. The final formal event took place on Remembrance Sunday. We provided carnations, and the deacons presented them to family members who had lost loved ones during the past year.

Church members and friends support all activities financed through individual contributions throughout the year in memory of loved ones. The flower committee calendar is located across from the church office where you can sign up to provide flowers for the sanctuary on the Sunday of your choice in memory or in honor of a loved one. The current balance in the committee’s fund is: $554.73

Respectfully submitted,Flower committee: Linda Keenan, Karen Bement, Pam LaMarche, and Betsy Sturrock

G. Gardening Committee

With the help of a small group of dedicated volunteers, the perennial gardens on the church grounds have been maintained spring and fall. Planting, weeding, dividing, pruning, and mulching take place in the spring. In the fall the gardens are cut back and prepared for winter. The gardens continue to beautify the outside grounds of the church Please take the time to walk outside and enjoy the spectacular perennial gardens. Interested in gardening or want to learn? Please join us on our work days.

Respectfully submitted,Grounds Committee: Sabrina Nadeau, Crystal Snow and Joyce Wicks

H. Memorial Committee

Report for memorials for June 2014 to May 2013Total number of memorials written: 89Total number of persons remembered: 5Total amount of memorial donations received: $7,680.00


I. Mission Trip CommitteeMission trip 7/12-20/14 Alderson, West Virginia

An intergenerational group of 18 participants traveled in two 12-passenger vans to Alderson, West Virginia, from July 12-20, 2014. During the trip we worked with Alderson Ministerial Association (AMA) and stayed in a local community center, which had separate baths and bunk rooms for men and women, as well as a kitchen and dining facility. Work included home repairs for disadvantaged residents, including scraping, painting, repairing a leaking roof and rotting siding, putting up sheetrock, repairing window panes, power washing and minor construction (which included mentoring in the use of a nail gun and circular saw), as well as assistance in a thrift store run by the AMA. Evening activities included games, Bible study, reflection time, and a moving silent worship service. One night we joined the members of Grace United Methodist Church for their annual church picnic and games, and we donated several backpacks full of school supplies to their annual school supply drive. One day was devoted to a fun day when we visited Cass State Park and Scenic Railroad. Fundraising helped offset the cost of the trip and allowed some participants to attend at little or no cost. Relationships were built and flourished within our group and with members of the Alderson community. A worship service was held upon our return reflecting on the group’s experiences during the trip followed by a coffee hour honoring our sponsors.

Andrew Wicks (Chair), Karen Burinskas, Therese John, Peter Larson, Fred North III, Jim Wicks, Joyce Wicks – Mission Trip Committee


J. Nominating Committee


Moderator Ed Tomastik (860-429-3593)Moderator-in-TrainingClerk of the Council Susan Campbell, 860-416-3026Treasurer Marcia Campbell, 860-456-2296Financial Secretary Karen Burinskas, 860-888-2356Superintendent of Sunday School Caroline Johnson, 860-990-3134Cherub Choir Director Jason Altieri, 860-456-8660/Mark Campbell, 860-836-0466Cradle Roll Susan Mills, 860-742-5358Memorials Carol Hodgkins, 860-642-6627Rent Manager Marj Roach, 860-742-8549Tolland Association Delegate Leslie Kennard, 860-429-9531UCC CT Conference Delegates Jim Bement, 860-742-9797/ VACANTMember-at-LargeHistorian/Archivist

Term Expires– 2016 Term Expires – 2017 Term Expires – 2018

BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION:*Bob Johnson (860-742-1748) Bill Worcester (860-432-8765) Kim Smith (860-818-1723)*Caroline Johnson (860-990-3134) Cathy Green (860-643-0821) *Ed Ingraham (860-423-9695)

BOARD OF DEACONS:Bob Ford (860-895-8223) Jim Bement (203-464-9749) *Peter Larson (860-742-4162)Jo Ann Aitken (860-742-9734) *Linda Keenan (860-742-1047) *Fred North III (860-742-6448)Karen Bement (860-805-9134 Mark Skripol (860-202-7736) *Marilyn Barrette (8607425261)_________________________ _________________________


BOARD OF MISSIONS:Cyndy Skripol (860-742-0292) *Edwina Rodrigues (860-742-7197) Anne-Marie Perkins (860-871-8248)Joyce Wicks (860-742-5831) *Robin Carlson (860-742-6118) *Lil Ford (860-895-8223)

BOARD OF MUSIC:Doris Provost (860-742-4260) Kim Chambers (860-455-6476) *Crystal Snow (860-429-5463)Barbara Frye (860-742-6459) Sue Gamache (860-429-0032) *Betsy Sturrock (8604871763)

BOARD OF PASTORAL RELATIONS:Joyce Knowlton (860-742-9498) *Marjorie Roach (860-742-8549) JoAnne Watson (860-742-0419


Rick Boccetti (860-455-9101) Nancy Tomastik (860-429-3593) Ed Hill (860-742-7803)

BOARD OF TRUSTEES:Jim Wicks (860-742-5831) Michael Olzinski (860-428-6111) *David Cayer (860-202-2821)*Dan McClintock (860-423-1393) Ed Figiela (860-742-5428) Fred North II (860-455-5037)

Sebastian Szafranski (860-890-5538)

BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP OR FINANCE:*Kristin Jacobi (860-450-0845) ___________________________ Courtland “Buz” TaberLeslie Kennard (860-429-9531) ___________________________ Lou Watson (860-742-0419)Treasurer and Financial Secretary, ex-officio non-voting

*second term (6 full years completed)


A. FoodshareWe are still going strong and growing. Neither rain, snow, nor hot sun keep the

many volunteers from giving their time to a total of 3,545 people from 10:00-10:30 a.m. every other Wednesday during the year. The truck rolls in about 9:45 a.m., and within less than 10 minutes, six tables are set up with produce and other good stuff; at least 2-3 volunteers are handing out the food; others are collecting the numbers, taking the food out of the truck, carrying the bags to the cars if needed, putting trash away—all with a smile. A high was reach a few weeks ago – 190 served; a low of 90 was the last date in December. Some Foodshare recipients help Marcia assemble the Church Call newsletter, and some go through the line only to return and help out, saying, “This is the least I can do.” I wish I could remember all their names and share them with you.

Thank you to all who are here most every time (if I forget someone, I'm sorry. Let me know so that I can thank them personally). They are Kathy Barnes, Barbara Johnson, Bruce Macaro, John Grcena, Crystal Snow, Edwina Rodrigues, Joshua, Bob LaMarche, Jeff Mercer, Aim Gamache, Robert Jarish, Paul Kripriak, Jerry, and Judy Ringuette, Laura Hill, Donna Smith, Dan, Lynne Simmons, and Michael Suchecki. Apologies for any misspelled names.

If you know people who could use the food, tell them to come on down. The only thing we cannot do is let you take home for anyone more than yourself. Sorry them’s the rules.

Respectfully submitted,Marj Roach, CoordinatorDavid Cayer, Trustee Representative and volunteer

B. Friendly Circle

Friendly Circle is an active, hardworking group working to provide service to our church and community. Firstly, we give a huge heartfelt thank you to all who have given


so much of themselves and their time. We are continuing to make and distribute prayer shawls to the sick and homebound. We are in the process of working with an organization called Project Linus which entails making blankets for children ages birth through 18 who have experienced a crisis. These blankets are distributed to area hospitals. We continue the work of the Foodshare program twice monthly, which has been extremely successful in our community. We also host funeral receptions and continue to support our church and community in the following ways:

Donate baked goods for coffee hour once a month, usually the 3rd SundaySponsor Red Cross Blood Mobile every JuneDonate food and essentials to Coventry Human Services and/or WAIMDonate to the Holiday Committee of Coventry Human ServicesDonate to the Coventry Clergy Fuel BankDonate to the Tow of Coventry for two summer campershipsDonate food items and make gift baskets for the Church Fair RaffleMake and donate prayer shawls to the sick and homeboundAssemble, address, and stamp monthly newsletters

Contributions to Outside Organizations Income Coventry Clergy Fuel Bank $300.00 Funeral Receptions $500.00Person Fuel Bank Donations $125.00 Hosted CT UCC History Workshop $130.00Town Holiday Committee $300.00 Bake Sale $187.00Coventry Town Fuel Bank $150.00 Donations from members $125.00TOTAL $875.00 TOTAL $942.00

Respectfully submitted,Edwina Rodrigues, TreasurerFriendly Circle

C. Thrift and Gift Shop

Thrift and Gift Shop Annual Report – May 28, 2015The Thrift and Gift Shop is an important ministry of First Church. With a small

dedicated group of volunteers, we receive donations that we sell at modest prices; then we donate all our profits back into the community.

This year we have decided to adopt the mission of affordable housing in Coventry. The church-owned apartments provides such housing; however, they are in desperate need of updating. The Thrift and Gift Shop has committed to providing a donation of $10,000 per year in matching funds for the next 5 years for a total of $50,000 so that many of the necessary repairs and upgrades can be made. We also will continue to support more than a dozen groups, as we have in the past.

We welcome members of our church family to join us in our ministry by volunteering at the Thrift and Gift Shop so that we can continue to minister to those in need.

Submitted by Thrift and Gift volunteers





2014-2015 2015-2016

Anticipated Revenues:

Operating Budget:Pledged for Current Expense

(Includes Building Fund) 149,333 156,000Unpledged Envelopes 10,000 7,500Loose Offering 6,000 6,500Investments 14,000 18,000Supper of the Month 8,400 3,000Church Fair 10,000 9,000Miscellaneous income 7,142 12,000

Rentals:Coventry Early Childhood Center, Inc. 41,221 0Downstairs Tenants 0Apartments & Other Rentals 47,100 45,000Total Rentals 88,321 45,000

Total Operating Budget 293,196 237,388

Missions:1Missions, UCC 3,053 2,435Missions, Local 7,307 5,6302Mission Board Pew Envelopes 1,100 1,000Church School 200 300Total Missions 11,660 9,365

TOTAL REVENUES $304,856 $266,365

1Pays UCC Per Capita Dues and Tolland Association Dues First2Self Funding



ProposedExpenditures: 2014-2015 2015-16

Operating Budget:

Pastoral MinistrySenior Minister:Salary 42,033 42,033Voluntary Annuity Contribution 13,170 13,170Required Annuity (14%) 10,924 11,088Social Security Offset 5,969 5,969Professional Travel and Auto Expenses 1,404 1,404Housing Allowance 24,000 24,000Continuing Education 500 250Sabbatical Fund 500 750TOTAL PASTORAL MINISTRY 98,500 98,664

TrusteesChurch Office:Secretary: Wages (85% of salary goes to voluntary TSA) 18,500 18,500Payroll Taxes 500 500Office Supplies 3,500 3,500Postage 1,500 1,700Telephone 1,600 1,800Maintenance and Repairs 2,000 1,000Total Church Office 27,600 27,000

Custodial:Custodian:Wages and sub-contracting 16,000 16,000Payroll Taxes 804 804Supplies 1,000 1,000Total Custodian 17,804 17,804

Honorariums:Treasurer 500 500Financial Secretary 500 500Total Honorariums 1,000 1,000

Meeting House and Educational WingElectric 14,000 12,250Oil 7,800 5,800Water 1,250 650Sewer 2,320 2,500Insurance (includes apartments) 17,200 15,285Maintenance & Repairs 10,000 10,000Total Meeting House and Educational Wing 52,570 46,485


Miscellaneous:Snow Removal 4,500 4,500Parking Lot Lighting 550 600Workers Compensation Insurance 2,200 2,200Rubbish Removal 6,000 3,100Total Miscellaneous 13,250 10,400

Apartments:Taxes 9,200 9,500Maintenance & Repairs 10,000 10,000Utilities (water/sewer) 2,000 2,000Honorarium Rent Manager 1,000 1,000Total Apartments 22,200 22,500

Debt Service:Mortgage 14,208 14,208Capital Projects 5,000 0Total Debt Service 19,208 14,208

TOTAL TRUSTEES 153,632 139,397

Music:SalaryOrganist/Choir Director 20,630 20,630Payroll taxes 1,854 1,854Section Leaders 0 0Organ/Piano Main. 1,000 1,000Substitute pay for to cover vacation/Christmas Eve: 400 400Supplies/Music 500 500Choir robes 150 0Honorarium cherub choir director 400 0Sabbatical Fund/Continuing Education 430 0Guest musicians 750 0Background Checks 150 0

TOTAL MUSIC 26,264 24,384

Diaconate:Coffee Hour Expenses 300 300Services, Supplies and Conferences 800 800Honorarium 200 0Books & study supplies 200 200Seekers' Bible Study 100 100Settled Supply Minister 1,400 1,400



Christian Education:Youth Directors:Salary:Senior P.F. 0 0Junior P.F. 0 0Payroll Taxes 0 0Teacher Educational Development 900 500Adult Education 900 900Curriculum/VBS 700 700Materials and Supplies 750 750Sr. Pilgrim Fellowship Fund 0 0Jr. Pilgrim Fellowship Fund 0 0Pilgrim Fellowship Fund 300 300Silver Lake Scholarship 400Nursery Care:Supervision Salary 2,000 0Payroll Taxes 200 0Nursery supplies 150 0TOTAL CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 5,900 3,550

Other:Supper of the Month 2,500 2,500Expenses for 2014 Capital Campaign 3,000 0Church Fair 700 700Total Other 6,200 3,200

Stewardship 0 100


Missions:Connecticut Conference UCC per capita Dues 2,200 2,200Tolland Association Dues 195 195UCC Missions Pledged Less Dues (Miss. Soc. CT) 658 40Local Missions Pledged 7,307 4630Church School Collections 200 300Mission Board Pew Envelopes 1,100 1,000Total Missions 11,660 9,365

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $304,856 $281,160





Total Pledge Giving 136,252.58 149,333.00 91.2%

Unpledged Giving 7,946.00 10,000.00 79.5%

Loose Offering 6,049.95 6,000.00 100.8%

Total Investments 13,408.21 14,000.00 95.8% Pershing 10,914.31 Missionary Society 1,449.20 Yeoman's (Fee Settlement) 1,000.00 Great-West 44.70

Suppers of the Month - Gross Profit 6,846.60 8,400.00 81.5%

Total Church Fair 8,281.90 10,000.00 82.8% Fair & Tag Sales 6,449.90 Raffle Ticket Sales 1,832.00 Vendor Booths 0.00

Total Miscellaneous 3,236.11 7,142.00 45.3% Initial Offering 34.00 Church Call 145.00 Debt Reduction 253.00 Thanksgiving 283.00 Christmas 1,132.52 Easter 756.00 Adult Education 88.00 Coffee Hour Revenue 524.59 300th Anniversary Fundraising 20.00

Total Rental Income 85,987.72 88,321.00 97.4% Coventry Early Childhood Center, Inc. & Coventry School System 45,109.20 41,221.00 Alcoholics Anonymous 300.00 Apartments 39,463.52 47,100.00 Hall Rentals 150.00 Rental-Late Fees & Past Rent 965.00

TOTAL BUDGET REVENUES 268,009.07 293,196.00 91.4%



Total Missions - Local 9,713.45 8,407.00 115.5% Missions - First Church 8,074.45 Missions Board Fund Raising 1,639.00

Total Missions - UCC 4,978.19 3,053.00 163.1% UCC Missions 3,287.22 Neighbors In Need 204.00 UCC Strengthen the Church 205.00 One Great Hour of Sharing 462.00 Veterans of the Cross 207.00 CWS - Blankets 236.00 Disaster Relief Drives 227.00 Church School 149.97

TOTAL MISSIONS REVENUE 14,691.64 11,460.00 128.2%


Memorial Fund 7,440.00 Junior PF 662.75 Capital Campaign 99,414.65 Apartment Mission Fund 10,000.00 Anonymous Giver 870.50 Watson Scholarship 750.00 Clergy Fuel Bank 82.66 Exchange Fund2 8,728.78 Turkey Dinner 100.00 Flower Committee 1,059.00 Music/Bibles 300.00 Mission Trip Fundraising 14,889.45TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 144,297.79


Respectfully Submitted,

Karen BurinskasFinancial Secretary



This was another year of change, this time most directly a result of our Honoring the Past Capital Campaign this fall that succeeded beyond our expectations. We have very generous members and friends!

That said, much of the generosity was directed toward specific programs (i.e., various Missions giving, Anonymous Giver, Music Memorials, Memorials, Apartments upgrades, Youth Car Wash) which are important and wonderful; however, they cannot pay our day-to-day expenses.

For the first time I can recall, the 8% shortage in Pledges to Current Expenses was the primary reason we did not meet our budget. Our Operating Budget fell short by almost $10,000, and that was even accounting for boards cautiously monitoring their expenses and spending less than they hoped.

We are looking at another serious shortfall in the coming fiscal year, driven largely by declining pledge giving and the preschool's departure. Although amicable, the preschool's leaving creates a $40,000 loss of income. We have cut everywhere possible and have not given any pay raises for over 5 years now. It's time to take a serious look at other sources for funding the programs that will keep us relevant, growing, and of service to our community in sharing God's Word.

Financial Reports follow.

Respectfully Submitted,Marcia CampbellTreasurer.