Annual Report 2007 - Sheraz Manzoor Haider Access to Justice Programme, Ministry of...

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LEAD Pakistan

We believe that the biggest challenge for leadership in the 21st century is to create, strengthen and support networks of people and institutions promoting change towards sustainable development –

development that is economically sound, environmentally responsible and socially equitable. Hence, our mission for the next decade (2006-2015) is to influence poverty alleviation through leadership and capability enhancement programmes, facilitating effective service delivery at all levels with a

gender balanced approach

LEAD Pakistan LEAD House, F-7 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan

Tel: +92 51 111 511 511; Fax: +92 51 2651512 Email:

January 2007

Table of Contents*

1. Governance, host institutions’ arrangements and linkages within the LEAD family...4 2. Finance........................................................................................................6 3. Capacity Development Activities ......................................................................9 4. LEAD Pakistan’s activities in Partnership with others.........................................13 5. LEADnet/Information Technology Activities: ....................................................19 6. Involvement of Fellows ................................................................................20 7. Raising LEAD Pakistan’s Visibility ...................................................................21 8. Plan for 2008..............................................................................................23 9. Statistics:...................................................................................................25 ANNEXURES:.....................................................................................................27

Annex – 1: List of MOUs signed by different Organizations in year 2007 .................27 Annex – 2a: List of employees in LEAD Pakistan in year 2007 ...............................28 Annex -3 Income and Expenditure Statement 2006 (Audited) ...............................29 Annex -3 A Income and Expenditure Statement 2007 (Un-audited)........................30 Annex-4: Donor Organizations and Projects Funded.............................................31 Annex-5 (a): Graphical Representation of Number of Fellows & Associates..............32 Annex-5 (b): Fellows and Associates .................................................................33 Annex-6: Trainings in 2007..............................................................................34 Annex- 7: Organizational Structure ...................................................................35 Annex - 8 ......................................................................................................36 Annex -9: Training Calendar 2008.....................................................................37

* This report follows the format furnished by LEAD International to LEAD Member Programs for their annual reporting. The report covers only those activities that fit under the prescribed format. For information on our additional activities during 2007, please visit LEAD Pakistan’s website.


Board of Governors in 2007

1. Mr. Farooq Rehmatullah (Chairman Board) Director General Civil Aviation Authority

2. Ali Tauqeer Sheikh

CEO & Secretary of the Board, LEAD Pakistan

3. Mr. Shakil Durrani Chairman, Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Pakistan

4. Musharaf Hai

Country Business Manager Citigroup Pakistan

5. Sheraz Manzoor Haider Access to Justice Programme, Ministry of Law

6. Dr. Tariq Hassan

Attorney International Legal Services

7. Ms. Ameena Saiyid Managing Director - Oxford University Press

8. Dr. Syed Tauqir Hussain Shah

Advisor, International Labor Organization (ILO)

9. Dr. M. Suleman Shaikh Secretary to the Board of Trustees, SZABIST (Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of

Science & Technology)

10. Dr. Fareeha Zafar Chief Executive, SAHE (Society for the advancement of Education)

11. Mr. Vaqar Zakaria

Managing Director-Hagler Bailly Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.

12. Mr. Qazi Azmat Isa Senior Community Development Specialist: World Bank

13. Ms. Salima Hashmi Dean, Beaconhouse National University School Of Visual Arts

Ex-officio Members

14. Dr. Syed Zahoor Hassan

Vice Chancellor-Lahore University of Management Sciences

15. Mian Muhammad Jamil Secretary Ministry of Environment


1. Governance, host institution arrangements and linkages within the

LEAD family

a. Board of Governors: LEAD Pakistan’s Board of Governors consists of 13 members, including two ex-officio members —Vice Chancellor of Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS); and Secretary, Ministry of Environment. The 30th Board of Governors meeting was held on December 19, 2006 at LEAD House, with a pledge to continue to provide effective governance and active support to all LEAD activities.

Two new members were co-opted:

Mr. Qazi Azmat Isa, Senior Community Development Specialist: World Bank

Ms. Salima Hashmi, Dean, Beaconhouse National University School Of Visual Arts

Mr. Shafqat Kakakhali retired from LEAD Pakistan board during 2007. Biographical sketches of Board Members are available on our website: b. Staff & Institutional Development:

STAFF: Based on its strategic planning in year 2004, LEAD Pakistan underwent a major restructuring and overhaul of its organizational set-up in year 2006. Four independent departments were established:

• Project Development Department (PDD) • Project Management Department (PMD) • Core Services Department (CSD) • Operations Department (OP)

Five main programme areas governed LEAD Pakistan’s activities during 2006, namely: Corporate Social Responsibility, Education, Environmental Management, Governance and Health. LEAD Pakistan is now operating with staff of 32 highly skilled professionals in their respective field of expertise. The first two departments i.e. PDD and PMD are headed by General Managers assisted by Managers, Coordinators, Assistant Coordinators and YPOs; while the later two departments are lead by Managers and a team of Coordinators, Assistant Coordinators and YPOs. Each department provides specialist services and has a defined area of focus. Delivery of quality services to its partners in all the programmatic and operational areas is ensured through ISO 9001: 2000 & Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) certification, making it distinct from other non-profit organizations in Pakistan. Program Development Department PDD: This section specializes in designing of projects/programmes for other organizations. The department has two units - Knowledge Management & Information Management (KM & IM) which help carve the procedural requirements by providing pertinent information based on the updated database and data summaries. Program Management Department (PMD): PMD specializes in effective management and execution of LEAD Pakistan’s projects and grassroots interventions. This department has successfully carried out projects throughout


the country with more than 200 professionals in the field, addressing grassroots levels. Core Services Department: Core Services Department is further divided into Training Unit, Research Unit, Communications Unit, and Monitoring & Evaluation Unit. During 2007, the Special Project Unit (SPU) was merged with PMD. All of these units carry out activities in their respective fields. Operations Unit (OD): Finance & Accounts Unit (F & AU) : F & AU is responsible for maintenance of financial book keeping. The unit manages periodic auditing of its accounts through F. Ferguson & Co. (member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Pakistan). Human Resource & Administration Unit (HR & AU): AU is responsible for human resource management, logistical support and event management. This unit has managed the organization in line with the Quality Management System (QMS), which helps ensure quality services in all the procedures.LEAD Pakistan project staff consists of 10 people, appointed in two project offices, covering five districts of Khairpur and Manshera.

Refer to Annex-2(a) and (b) for details.


2. Finance From its inception in 1996 through 2001, LEAD Pakistan relied almost exclusively on grant from Rockefeller Foundation, for its survival. (All core expenses as well as programme activities were underwritten by an annual grant agreement, averaging Rs. 17.7 million during this period. We began to systematically diversify our resource base in 2001. It was during the third year of this drive - in 2003 - that we, for the first time, generated revenue that equaled the grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. This meant that size of the revenue almost doubled during this year. This trend continued in 2004, when revenue increased by 18%. The grant component in 2004 declined steeply and constituted only 30% of the total. We continued with this hyper growth in 2005, as the size of the revenue pie grew from Rs. 41.3 million in 2004 to Rs. 106.9 million in 2005, posting an increase of 158%. Remarkably, the grant share was reduced in 2005 to a mere 5.8%. Audit financial report for FY 2006 showed an increase of 32%, resulting in total revenue of 141.5 million. See Annex 3 for details. The Audited accounts for 2007, once approved will be posted on LEAD Pakistan’s website and printed in its forthcoming annual report. {Since 2000, LEAD Pakistan has posted its audited account on its website. This action demonstrates LEAD Pakistan’s commitment to transparency and accountability to its stakeholders. The Grant from LEAD International that was the lifeline only three years ago - indeed, a sine qua non, become unessential in the overall portfolio of LEAD Pakistan. The Rapid growth was unprecedented for LEAD in Pakistan or anywhere internationally within the LEAD Member Programs. The Most important message of this development was simple, yet important: LEAD in Pakistan can survive without an annual grant from LEAD International. Income for 2007 In year 2007, LEAD Pakistan generated has an estimated total revenue of Rs.95 million, including contracted service income of Rs.90 million. The Net Income in excess of expenditure is around Rs.19 million. For a detailed analysis of Income and Expenditure Statement, refer to Annex-3 A.

LEAD Pakistan 2006 Activity Report

Status Project Title and Brief Description

Funded by

Project Value ( US $)

Underway Employment Support Systems for Social & Economic Empowerment of Women

ILO $99,995

Underway From Survival to Sustainability: Nurturing Adaptive Livelihood Strategies after Earthquake Disaster

IDRC $73,314

Underway SOIF Communication LI

Underway From Chaos to Coordination: Harnessing Potential of Volunteerism in Disaster Response

SOIF/LI $40,000

Underway Furthering Collaboration between LEAD India and Pakistan on local partnerships

SOIF/LI $40,000

Underway Implementing Public Safety Reforms in Four Districts of Punjab

ADB $51,700


Underway Social Audit of BRSP ENI $30,630

Underway BHC- Climate Change BHC $10,000

Underway PLAN PLAN $98,400

Underway Leadership for Local Leaders on Environment

UNDP/GEF $16,002

Closed Assessing and Developing Capacity to Improve Participatory Environmental Management in Selected Districts of Pakistan

ADB * $116,030

Closed Democratized Education Management and Ownership (DEMO)

USAID $4,578,829

Closed Public-Private Partnership in Small Scale Agribusiness and Processing Enterprises (E3P)

IFAD $200,000

Closed Reinventing Khes for improved livelihood SMEDA $34,191

Underway Impetus paper on privatisation in Pakistan FNSt $3,333

Closed IFAD Impact Assessment Study IFAD $25,000

Closed Installation of Hand Pumps and Hand Washing Activity in 20 Government Primary Schools of District Sukkur and Khairpur

Unilever $2,525

Closed Female Farmers’ Capacity Building through Exposure Visits

Ii-LED $7,222

Closed Gender Equality Research: An Assessment of Women's Political Participation in Pakistan

NDI * $6,615

Closed Pre-Budget Discussion Papers FNst $6,000

Closed Empowering Youth for Grassroots Democratic Development – Community Youth forums

BC * $102,953

Closed Enhancing Citizen Voice, Strengthening local Accountability and Increasing Participation in Local Governance

DFID $14816

Closed Leadership course for Mobilizing Reproductive Health

Packard $8716

Closed Foundation Course of Leadership BEF


Closed Sindh Devolved Social Services Program SDSSP * $5,780

Closed Establishment of a Forum or Similar Mechanism for Forest Policy Analysis, Formulation and Monitoring its Implementation

FAO/NFP * $28,000

Closed Training on Social and Environmental Aspects

NHA * $40,396

* Projects prior to 2007 but implemented and completed in 2007 Sponsors of LEAD Pakistan During the year 2007, LEAD Pakistan won support from some new sponsors and donors, while continuing to work with the existing ones. The List of donors who supported LEAD Pakistan financially in different projects includes:

• Asian Development Bank (ADB) • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) • International Fund for Agriculture and Development (IFAD) • International Development Research Centre (IDRC)British Council (BC) • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Refer to Annex-4 for details.


3. Capacity Development Activities LEAD Pakistan after a lengthy, competitive and rigorous process of screening and evaluation completed the selection of Associates for Cohort-12 in January 2007. {Due care was taken to carry out the selection process on an equitable merit basis. Thirteen Associates were finally selected for the programme. The Composition of this Cohort like previous ones, is a mix of mid-career professionals, reflecting sectoral diversity from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Corporate/Business, Academia and Government. Cohort-12 represents judicially selected members, hailing from four provinces and federal capital. The Interview panel for the selection of Associates for Cohort-12 constituted of seven distinguished members, including four LEAD Fellows:

• Usman Qazi (cohort 8) • Azhar Qureshi (cohort 5) • Mehmood Nasir (cohort 5) • Amjad Zafar Khan (cohort 10)

In order to access a wider group of professionals and maintain sectoral diversity within the selected group, it was decided to have Open Houses in different regions of the country. LEAD Pakistan organized Open Houses in major cities, namely Quetta, Hyderabad, Lahore and Sukkur in 2006. Broader objective of holding these meetings was to identify, encourage and facilitate the prospective candidates for C-12, and to share the experiences of Fellows and Associates of LEAD. Detailed profiles of Cohort 12 Associates are available on our website: LEAD Pakistan has developed an extensive database of all its Fellows and Associates. These Fellows and Associates are kept in loop by regular information sharing through emails etc. All Cohort Meeting (ACM), LEAD Club meetings and our News Letter ‘Making the Difference’ (MTD) are the activities specifically carried out in order to keep our network intact. In the year 2007, one Distance Learning Course and one National Training Session was offered to interested fellows on scholarship basis, to strengthen their commitment to LEAD Pakistan and to familiarize them with the new cohort. Also, selected fellows went to Indonesia for International Training Session of C-12, to reinforce their relation with LEAD Pakistan and its new fellows. Orientation Training Session-Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Orientation Training Session was organized in order to introduce participants to the state of the environment in Pakistan and to Multilateral Environment Agreements, their impact on national initiatives and their utility at the local level.

Distance Learning Course- Project Proposal Writing:

LEAD Pakistan organized its Distance Learning Module on Project Proposals Writing. The Four week module was designed for cohort participants to develop and complete a project proposal conforming to commonly accepted requirements of funding agencies. The Various stages of project proposal writing were explained to the participants. 1st National Training Session- Alternative Energy and Business Opportunity:

It was aimed to deliberate and review action and progress towards extended energy access and security by key players in energy sector, especially in the context of Pakistan. Through this session LEAD Pakistan shared best practices/ business models with the trainees in energy efficiency and diversity at the local as well as global level.

2nd National Training Session- Alleviating Poverty Profitably: Meeting Millennium Development Goals with Social Enterprises:


This training course aimed to explore the role and contribution of social enterprises, micro finance institutions, and small business enterprises in meeting challenges of poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihood, and empowerment of the marginalized people and disadvantaged groups. The session brought together leading experts, practitioners, civil society leaders and trendsetters in their respective fields, to share perspective, views and experiences.

Regional Training Session- Mega Cities:

Overall objective of the training programme was to provide knowledge on various aspects of good governance in urban environment management and to equip participants with the framework, vision, and strategies for planning and managing good urban environment governance.

Distance Learning Course- Environment Conflict Resolution:

The training described and contrasted the different views of a conflict, particularly the functionalist, interactionist, and structuralist approaches, and distinguished between good and bad conflict. Participants were trained in hands-on skills in dispute resolution, principled negotiation and mediation. It summarized the sources of conflict and outlined the styles and strategies that people adopt to handle conflict successfully. Besides the conflicts among people and groups, issue of Environmental Conflict and its resolution; was also addressed in the training, owing to its pivotal role in issue resolution. as it is as important as the solution of any issue.

International Training Session-Climate Change:

This session aimed at developing a better understanding of how communities are adapting to the impact of climate change, and in what ways developing countries can be supported in the adaptation process. It produced a working group presentation that addressed challenges, identified opportunities and formulated recommendations to support adaptation, particularly for developing countries. This helped in enhancing the ability of participants to assess and apply learning insights about climate change and adaptation from the Indonesian context to their own countries

Lead Associate Projects (LAPs) themes C-12:

• Pakistan Wheat Policy: Quest for food security? (Ahsan Ali Mangi)

• Bio Fuel in Pakistan: Business Opportunity & Growth Prospective (Azhar


• Developing an Ecological Footprint Calculator for Offices in Pakistan (Dina Khan) • Establishing a network of 100 CBOs/NGOs in Sindh (Suhail Abro) • Research Component: To identify employment opportunities for women in rural

and urban areas of Sukkur and Khairpur (Frida Khan) districts • Best Practices in Public Interest Litigations in Sindh (Hyder Shar) • Public Interest Litigation (PIL): Case Study of Islamabad Challets (Zia Hashmi) • Training Module on Livestock Management and How Micro crediting can enhance

the economic livelihoods in earthquake affected areas (Maryam Khawaja) • A project proposal to set-up health, safety and environment department in Warid

Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd ( Naokhaiz Iqbal) • Standard Operating Procedure for Career Counselling and Placement Centrer

(CCPC) of Sarhad University (Taiba Shaukat)


b) Management Development Program (MDP) 2007: Distance Learning Course- Project Proposal Writing Jan 8-Feb 16, 07: LEAD Pakistan organized its Distance Learning Module on Project Proposals Writing. The four week module was designed for cohort participants to develop and complete a project proposal that conforms to commonly accepted requirements of funding agencies. Various stages of project proposal writing were explained to the participants. LEAD Pakistan got a very encouraging response from the market for this course. Twenty three participants enrolled for this course, besides requests for more training programmes from various quarters. Distance Learning Course- Leading with Values: Essential Leadership Skills for a Changing World June 25-July 25, 07: LEAD Pakistan offered this course to provide a platform where our younger generation could interact with other people from diverse mindsets and aspirations. Participants shared their perspective and learnt from each other’s experiences. Since Pakistan is a developing country, there is dire need for the capacity building of eminent individuals, who can play their role in national development. Resident Training Session- Leadership Skills Sep 10-14, 07: The Focus of this course was to assist the participants with leadership potential to take a step forward and increase their personal impact, their impact in their organizations, and a collective impact on the education policies and practices in the country. It was a group of 20 mid-career professionals, most of them with a background of health in general and reproductive health in particular. Resident Training Session- Leadership Skills Nov 19-23, 2007: The session aimed to empower individuals in decision-making and managerial roles with leadership, management, and decision-making skills; stimulating creativity, innovation and collaboration among them, through providing a platform where they could share perspectives and experiences. It equipped the participants with essential leadership and management skills, including teambuilding, communication and presentation skills, report writing and general administrative skills. Participants were mainly academicians. Trainings Planned for 2008

LDP Trainings: Cohort-13

1) Preparatory work on selecting the class for 2008 has been initiated. Taking into account the experiences and lessons learnt with the current cohort, the modalities for the new class, especially regarding the composition of the next cohort (age, stage i.e. mid-career v/s beginners etc) and the structure of the programme will be revisited.

LDP/Fellows Network: Some activities to invigorate the Fellows network were initiated. A point person was designated to manage the network. To engage the fellows in our current work, we invite participation on scholarship basis to attend various trainings. (Fellows from pervious cohorts see this as a good opportunity to network and meet with their newer counterparts. Moreover, we invite them as faculty to take training sessions for LDP as well as other trainings, selection process for Cohorts, mentoring for LAPs etc. Through the email group, we periodically exchange information relevant to their work. Training opportunities and job announcements are also circulated to keep the network engaged.


Upon BoG recommendations, LDP analysed the identified reasons for the relative decline of interest in cohort programme and to reinvigorate the Fellows programme, by offering a coherent institutional response.( In this pursuit, the cohort program consultations were conducted with LEAD Senior staff and Fellows, in order to determine market trends and competitors who offer similar opportunities. Re-examination is expected to redefine the purpose, nature, and structure of the cohort training, identify new institutional partners, explore new ways of sponsorships, and recommend new products and services for the network.


4. LEAD Pakistan’s activities in Partnership with others Democratized Education Management & Ownership (DEMO) The DEMO project, sponsored by USAID/ESRA and initiated in September 2004, was successfully completed in April 2007. (By the end of three years, we have worked on improvement plans for approximately 3,000 government primary schools in Sukkur and Khairpur districts. During the course of three years, LEAD Pakistan has trained 27,000 community members - majority of them were members of School Management Committees (SMCs) in basic school management techniques. An investment of US $4 million was made in these schools through micro-grants. The grants were provided in two tranches, the first tranche of $1,300 was provided to 2,346 schools, while the second tranche worth $800 was given to 1,694 schools. The project provided SMCs with an opportunity to develop the School Improvement Plans (SIPs) for their schools. This was probably for the first time in the history of two districts (maybe all over the province) that school-based planning was undertaken. Also, it was for the first time that the SMC and community members sat together and planned to resolve their issues, with or without government funding. The concept was well-taken by all stakeholders and replicated by the Education Department in Sindh Devolved Services Support Project (SDSSP). The European Union in their budgetary support to the Government of Sindh has also considered this as a successful model. In our conversation with EU and the Reforms Support Unit (RSU) for Education, there was a positive bent towards bringing LEAD’s learning into their programmes. For the same reason, EU has requested LEAD Pakistan to supervise a research (funded by World Bank and European Union) on the functioning and future of SMCs in the province. Recently, Planning & Development Department of the Government of Punjab has also shown inclination towards replicating this social mobilization methodology in the province. It will be premature, however, to predict the final outcome of these discussions. Enhancing Public Private Partnerships In May 2005, LEAD Pakistan, supported by a country grant from IFAD, initiated a pilot project titled Pilot Testing of a Public-Private Partnership to Develop Capacity for Small-Scale Agri-Business and Processing Enterprises, in District Thatta, Sindh. The project aimed to improve the livelihood opportunities of small farmers in areas of livestock, dairy and aquaculture, through upscaling of proven agri-business innovative approaches, and the successful testing of those innovative approaches by developing public-private partnerships for small-scale agribusiness and processing enterprises. The Project area consisted of nine villages of District Thatta, encompassing 341 households and engaging 2,595 people. Out of the total population, 1,190 were females, which is approximately 45% of the total. Field activities of the project, abbreviated as Enhancing Public Private Partnerships (E3P), came to an end in September 2007, after two years of donor funded assistance During the project life, a total of 169 training sessions have been conducted with a total participation of 1,531 farmers (956 males and 575 females), 132 VA sessions have been conducted, six training modules have been developed and run in the communities; milk production, calf rearing, goat rearing, rice cultivation, tomato cultivation as well as health, hygiene & household development. Sindh Devolved Social Services Program (SDSSP) Another pilot project, an off shoot of the DEMO model, was undertaken in District Khairpur in 2007. LEAD partnered with the SDSSP and District Government Khairpur and worked with 20 schools in two talukas. Unlike in the case of DEMO, the funds used in this instance were government funds, provisioned for SMCs. The DEMO model was strictly adhered to and the amount invested by the SMCs (their fund only) was $17,000 approximately. The pilot project superbly demonstrated that replication of the DEMO model within the


Government framework was possible, if cooperation from the community and the local government was sought. Environmental Conflict Resolution (ECR) Funded by ADB, ECR officially titled as ‘Assessing and Developing Capacity to Improve Participatory Environmental Management in Selected Districts of Pakistan’ was completed in August 2007. The selected districts for the project were Abbottabad and Kasur. The project was initiated in August 2006. LEAD initiated its activities by first undertaking a thorough and comprehensive situation analysis that highlighted the major environmental challenges within a respective district. Concerned stakeholders were regularly engaged for discussions on the three issues, highlighted per district. From the themes highlighted, three per district, concerned stakeholders were regularly engaged for discussions on the three issues. In order to have a more focussed impact and sustain the cause, LEAD Pakistan successfully formed three district government recognized Networks, per district. These Networks were also introduced to the. Approaches of Participatory Environmental Management and Conflict Resolution were also introduced to Networks through three, two-day capacity building exercises. These were highly beneficial in highlighting the gravity of the respective issue. Concepts were introduced and clarified to 75 participants. LEAD Pakistan also did what no other NGO had ever done before: It initiated discussion and debate of the environment on the platform of Musalihat Anjuman that traditionally deals with civil and family cases. It is expected that the Networks and other stakeholders will utilize this platform to address their environmental concerns at mohallah or UC level, thereby catalyzing a formal change in Masalihat Anjuman’s mandate in the long run. Leadership for Local Leaders on Environment – UNDP GEF LEAD Pakistan in partnership with UNDP’s GEF programme is undertaking a capacity building initiative for integral local stakeholders, with respect to environmental governance. The project, “Leadership for local leaders on Environment” is a one year project starting from November 2007 to September 2008, and is based in District Badin. District Badin is among the socio-economically deprived districts in Sindh and is therefore the selected site for this project. Weak governance and lack of institutional capacities among the concerned stakeholders are factors that are leading to serious environmental problems within the district. In order to address these weaknesses, LEAD Pakistan has modified its flagship programme of Leadership Development Programme, within a shorter time frame, to equip selected stakeholders of District Badin, in order to improve management of environmental issues. The Project activities are to start off with a Training Needs Assessment of the selected trainees. Based on that TNA, training modules are to be developed centred around the theme of environmental governance. There are two rounds of trainings for the trainees under this project. /the First is the Orientation Training Session (OTS), set locally, that will equip them with the basic concepts and tools for environmental governance./ and the Second training will be case study based. It /and will be organized at an international location. In the second training session (i.e. International Training Session), trainees will visit different areas to learn different techniques of managing the environment. Implementing Public Safety Reforms in Four Districts of Punjab - ADB The Government of Pakistan is executing Access to Justice Program (AJP) with the assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) since 2002. The AJP focusses on judicial and legal reforms, as well as police, prosecutorial, and local government reforms, to enable access to justice. ADB for a particular part of the programme has partnered with LEAD Pakistan to undertake a capacity assessment and capacity building exercise of police training in four districts of Punjab, namely, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Multan and Faisalabad.


The project is a short term exercise of one month (January 2008), geared at initially reviewing and assessing current training tools, methodologies and content. Based on this analysis, a training manual is to be developed addressing the gaps identified in training needs analysis exercise. The areas of police training to be covered in this manual have often been overlooked in the police training curricula. These are:

i. Law - including court system, criminal procedure, police structure and preparation of challans.

ii. Community Policing Approaches. iii. Investigation - including stop, search, and arrest protocols.

Around 120 master trainers in the above identified four districts are to be trained in the new techniques and content. The Envisaged training manual comprising of the ToT modules and case studies thus developed will become part of the curriculum and will focus on imparting skills and expertise for the trainers. It will address the specific needs of police recruits and public. Social Audit of BRSP – ENI (December 2007 – January 2008) Under this project, LEAD Pakistan is undertaking a third party Social Audit of Bhit Rural Support Programme. The BHIT RURAL SUPPORT PROJECT (BRSP) is a one of its kind and highly successful initiative in Pakistan. It is a pioneering partnership between Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP) and Eni Pakistan Limited, established to promote development in Eni’s operational area located in Union Council Jhangara (District Jamshoro, Sindh). Social auditing is a process which involves extensive research, requiring consultation and involvement of stakeholders. In the context of BRSP, it would involve mapping the efficacy and effectiveness of the community development programme, along with an evaluation of health, education, Natural Resource Management, water and physical infrastructure projects in BRSP villages. Furthermore, the Audit will assess the model (how social sector partner multiplied corporate benefits for communities, through additional resources brought in) and the broad contours of ENIs relationship with the community. The Research will also examine the institutional capacities of the BRSP team in project area and TRDP team, facilitating from head office. Female Farmers’ Capacity Building through Exposure Visits With a view to resuming farming and livestock rearing in the earthquake affected areas, LEAD Pakistan was approached by I-LED to conduct an exposure visit of female farmers from district Manshera, to various dairy enterprises in and around Lahore. The Purpose of this exposure visit was to introduce the participants to successful livelihood initiatives in other parts of the country, to develop their capacities and empower the farmers by imparting knowledge and skills on farms, farming systems, and livestock rearing, the intensification and diversification of farming systems, value addition and marketing intervention, as well as to encourage the adoption of relevant practices within their own areas. Exposure visit was from 30-31st of July 2007. It provided an opportunity to participants to visit Idara-e-Kissan, Hallah and Haleeb Milk Processing Plants. The Participants were encouraged to learn experiences of these institutions and inculcate best practices. Reinventing the Khes for improved livelihood- AHAN (June 2007- May 2008) There is regular production of Silk Khes / Khaddar by local craft persons of Amb Village. At present, they are solely dependent on middlemen for their sales. Due to low quality raw material and out of fashion designs, the product is losing its position in the market and customers purchase them at very low prices. AHAN, through the support of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA), partnered with LEAD Pakistan to build the capacity of existing artisans that work on khes production in a selected area in Sindh. The Selected project area for the project was Amb village in District Khairpur. The Project aimed at training master trainers by the renowned designer “Deepak Perwani” at a training centre established in


Karachi and establishment of weaving training cum production centre in village Amb, for back end training and production by the artisans of village Amb. The Project proposed that after the training of these craft persons, the production and quality would be enhanced manifold. Each craftsperson would be able to produce a larger variety of modern and fashionable products relating to their talent and craft. Based on the quality and market demand, it is projected that the craft persons would be able to increase their earnings substantially. The project was closed in December by AHAN due to community conflict. During the time period from June to December, a baseline of the village was undertaken along with training of selected master trainers in Karachi, with Deepak Perwani as their trainer. The Community also formed and registered its their CCB and was able to generate 20% of funds against the proposal of construction for a production and training centre in the village. From Survival to Sustainability: Nurturing Adaptive Livelihood Strategies after the Earthquake Disaster (IDRC) The IDRC funded Livelihood Project was implemented in Balakot Tehsil of Manshera District. The Project was rolled-out in three successive phases. The First phase comprised of an Action Research Study of pre and post earthquake livelihood conditions and available alternative means of livelihood. Poverty and vulnerability; two mutually reinforcing outcomes of the earthquake were investigated through a Household Survey, Village Assemblies and Focus Group Discussions. As part of Action Research Study, five case studies were also developed. These case studies provided basis for building three capacity building modules on ‘available alternative sources of livelihood’ (identified through Action Research Study). In the second phase, three capacity building modules were extracted from the Action Research Study report and case studies. These capacity building modules were used to deliver three ToT trainings (5-days each) to four nominees from each of the six project’s Implementing Partners (IPs). The third phase comprised of rolling-out of trainings to respective community members, by each beneficiary/recipient of the trainings provided by LEAD. From Chaos to Coordination: Harnessing the Potential of Volunteerism in Disaster Response. LEAD International-Volunteerism Project was implemented in Balakot Tehsil of Manshera District. Through the project, state-of-the-art trainings on disaster response and management were delivered to 150 local youth and six Local Community Organizations (LCOs) from six selected Union Councils (UCs) of Balakot Tehsil. These trainings were aimed at building capacity of 150 volunteers and six LCOs in response to disaster situations. These six LCOs were were already involved in providing/managing/partnering on various relief and/or rehabilitation projects/programmes in Balakot Tehsil. Following these trainings, LP facilitated the creation of a Local Disaster (natural and/or either man made) Response Network (LDRN), which comprised of LEAD-trained 150 volunteers and six LCOs. Individual profiles of these LEAD-trained volunteers were developed. These profiles included personal (name, contact, location, etc.) and professional information (specific skills and interest areas with regard to disaster response and management) and willingness to volunteer (number of hours, days, weeks or months in an year and priority-wise list of areas/regions showing personal desire of a volunteer to volunteer in selected/prioritized area). These profiles will soon be placed on a custom-made web-portal, which will serve as a connecting source between LDRN-Balakot and outside institutions (public/private) that are/will be interested to work with/through LDRN-Balakot in Balakot/Manshera region or wish to utilize LDRN-Balakot’s volunteer services elsewhere, where its services will be needed. After placing LDRN-Balakot’s web portal on its own website, LP will hand over LDRN-Balakot’s complete management/operational responsibilities to one of the better established, managed and run LEAD-trained LCOs (from among six LCOs that were provided training on disaster response and management). It is envisaged that under the


umbrella of one of the selected LCOs, LDRN-Balakot will gain required momentum and strength to continually play a significant role towards fulfillment of present and future disaster response and management requirements of Balakot/Manshera region. Empowering Youth for Grassroots Democratic Development – Community Youth forums The project aimed to increase capacity and engagement of young people in local governance in the selected districts of Sindh province. It was expected that trainings would empower youth to resist extremism. The Project also attempted to increase an understanding at local government level of the benefits of youth engagement in planning and decision-making. Through these skills’ development initiatives, the project enabled selected youth in Sukkur & Khairpur districts to develop an understanding of and commitment to grassroots activism. The project involved capacity building of up to 60 young people from Sukkur & Khairpur districts of Sindh. Installation of Hand Pumps and Hand Washing Activity in 20 Government Primary Schools of District Sukkur and Khairpur LEAD Pakistan was approached by Unilever Pakistan to identify 20 Government Primary Schools of District Sukkur and Khairpur, in need of clean drinking water. In each of the identified 20 schools, a water hand pump was installed. The Objective of the activity was to provide the facility with clean drinking water to the school children and teachers. In addition to the installation of hand pumps, a basic health and hygiene training and hand wash activity was arranged for the teachers, community members and students to promote good hygiene practices. Employment Support Systems for Social & Economic Empowerment of Women The project was implemented in two phases in selected UCs of Sukkur & Khairpur. During the first phase, an intensive Employment Opportunity Identification Study (EOI) was carried out covering rural and urban parts of Sukkur & Khairpur districts. Current trends and gaps in the local job market and required skill levels of project beneficiaries were assessed through Action Research Studies and six case studies. The second phase involved trainings of targeted beneficiaries. The trainings helped develop capacities of 650 urban females and 350 rural females and provided them with necessary support services for securing decent employment opportunities. Enabling Effective District Leadership for Reproductive Health in Pakistan LEAD has initiated a 2 year project with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation starting October 2007-September 2009. The project will be implemented in two districts of Pakistan; Khairpur-Sindh and Lodhran-Punjab. Objectives of the proposed project are to evolve and deliver a replicable, practical and sustainable training model for district leadership development in reproductive health, create and enable a network of district-based leaders for RH improvement at a local level, and demonstrate enhanced, multi-sectoral local leadership capacity. Currently LEAD is involved in the initial stages of project planning and undertaking the situation and stakeholder analysis of the two districts. Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) Faisalabad: A Training Need Analysis and training was undertaken by LEAD Pakistan for the Strategic Planning Unit in district Faisalabad, for the assessment of selected CSOs. Objective was to understand the organization and staff-level training needs, in the area of local governance, accountability and demand articulation for citizen’s rights and to train them in the same capacity. Project introduced Local Government Ordinance and service delivery responsibilities of local governments to the participants. It also focussed to inculcate vision among participants, regarding development priorities of their localities, through sector classification at Union Council Level. Session worked on analyzing gender segregated needs of the community and ensuring that these needs are incorporated into local government development plans and delivered. Steps for enhanced citizen participation in the local government and better service delivery by the local governments, by means of efficient Monitoring Committees were also considered in the training. Need and means to


develop linkages between civic leaders, elected representatives and government officials were also highlighted. The Focus of the project was to build orientation of participants on Local Government Ordinance, service delivery responsibilities of local governments; focussed vision of participants regarding development priorities of their localities, through sector classification at Union Council Level; analyzing gender segregated needs of the community and ensuring that these needs are incorporated into local government development plans and delivered. Enhanced citizen participation in the local government; better service delivery by the local governments by means of efficient Monitoring Committees; linkages between civic leaders, elected representatives and government officials were focal considerations. Leadership course for Mobilizing Reproductive Health (Packard Foundation) In collaboration with Packard Foundation, LEAD Pakistan designed and conducted a five- day Leadership course, for Mobilizing Reproductive Health (LDM). The session aimed to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders working in health sector and provide them a common platform to share perspective and experience. By positing health, in the larger context of sustainable development, the course aimed to explore cross sector linkages as well as to broaden the horizon for thought and perspective. The Focus of this course, therefore, was to on helping those with leadership potential, to take a step forward and increase their personal impact, their impact in their organizations, and a collective impact on the education policies and practices in the country. It was a group of 20 mid-career professionals, most of them with the background of health in general and reproductive health in particular. Foundation Course of Leadership (Balochistan Education Foundation): LEAD Pakistan and Balochistan Education Foundation (BEF) conducted a five-day Foundation course on Leadership for Education Sector Managers. The course aimed to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders working in the education sector and providing them a common platform to share perspective and experience. By positing education in the larger context of sustainable development, the course aimed to explore cross sector linkages as well as to broaden the horizon for thought and perspective. Focus of this course, therefore, was on helping those with leadership potential to take a step forward and increase their personal impact, their impact in their organizations, and a collective impact on education policies and practice in the country. It was a group of 22 mid career professionals; mainly from educational background. LEAD-FNSt Research Papers In April 2007, LEAD Pakistan signed a contract with Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNSt) to undertake research and develop short discussion papers on the following two themes; Federal-Provincial as well as Inter-provincial Consensus on the Dispensation of Financial and Natural Resources. Former paper was launched in June 2007, followed by a policy dialogue. Impact Assessment Study The Research Unit at LEAD Pakistan conducted Impact Assessment Study of Barani Village Development Project (BVDP) and Barani Area Development Project (BADP), on behalf of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit for IFAD funded project. The scope of study involved: Development of Survey Tools, Supervision of Data Collection Process, Data Entry and Processing, and Statistical Analysis of the Data and Tabulation. The Study was completed in July 2007 FNSt Booklet on Privatization.



6. LEADnet/Information Technology Activities: • Support to LEAD Associate Training: The LEADnet hosted information about

Cohort 12 and designed a database for this purpose. provides detailed information about the activities related to Cohort 12.

Distance learning course and discussion boards: In year 2007, two Distance Learning Courses (DLC) were organized by LEAD Pakistan. IT designed and managed secure websites for Environmental Conflict Resolution and Project proposal accompanied to the DLC’s.

• Developed Organizational Outlook shared Calendar

Use of Staff Calendar in Outlook 2003 was practiced that enabled the user to confirm free/busy status of team members or another group of people.

Shared Official Calendar helps keep track of everything going on at work: keeping up with schedules and integrating work events. It provides the power to enhance communication and keep everyone informed at work.

• Implementation and Upgrading of IT Infrastructure: Planned and

implemented upgradation of old Windows 2000 environment to Latest Microsoft -Windows 2003 Servers and Microsoft-Exchange 2003 email system on Dell Xeon based servers, which improved the reliability of infrastructure. Implemented Internet Security & Acceleration (ISA) enterprise Edition as a Proxy and firewall Server for client access and security purposes. This ISA server contains more Security features and logging system for user activities. Upgraded to DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) for faster and secured internet connectivity and data movement over internet line. Implemented FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server for moving files between LEAD Pakistan project offices and Head Office (the FTP server now requires a LIVE-IP, so it can be published on web for its availability on the internet. Implemented Latest version of Internet Information Server (IIS) for secure website hosting. This new version provides more security features for web hosting. Upgraded and implemented separate server for Routing and Remote Access (RAS) on windows 2003 for providing access to internet for office users.

• Developed fully operational ICT-Help Desk which provided seamless services to all the corporate and project staff.

• Provide DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and secured internet connectivity and data movement over internet line during off hours.

Upgradation of Wireless network which includes network access identification with respect to signal strength. With improved WiFi, network productivity improved through use of internet-sharing, data transmission, emailing, while protecting all wireless transmissions with 128-bit encryption.

• Implemented User email policy after one leaves LEAD Pakistan. This policy document is an introduction to the issues of legitimate use, information security, and privacy that arise from the use of computers, software, and electronic information. The total focus of this manual is to improve LEAD Pakistan’s efficiencies in order to respond promptly to our users needs.


7. Involvement of Fellows Achievements:

LEAD Fellows’ Activities in 2007. Mehjabeen Abidi Habib (C-??) contributed a chapter on Community Leadership in Pakistan for the first independent, international book on 'Leadership is Global' published by Japan's Shinni oen Foundation. This book features the writings of 22 co-authors from around the world and has been edited by Thais Corral, who is also a LEAD Fellow. She also received the prestigious 'Science and Practice of Society and Ecology Award (SPES) 2007' for publishing academic paper in the journal 'Ecology and Society'. Her paper was titled, “Revolt and remember: how the Shimshal Nature Trust develops and sustains social-ecological resilience in northern Pakistan.”Munir Ahmed (C-7) initiated the first ever PTV Home transmission on the International Mountain Day Dec 11, 2007. It was a day long live transmission. He was invited as guest in the morning show from 7:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. He also hosted a PTV News prime time talk show on the President's special development package for Northern Areas. Mr. Munir is also responsible for initiating the proposal with the Ministry of Environment for observing World Environment Day on June 5, 2007 at a national level. On May 22, he also arranged a Stakeholders Consultation on Biodiversity and Climate Change on behalf of the DEVCOM-Pakistan (Development Communications Network) at LEAD House in collaboration with LEAD Pakistan IUCN and WWF. Ahmad Khan (C-7) successfully established four offices for the Pakistan Wetlands Regional Programmes. He also conducted a research on trade in freshwater turtles in Pakistan. The results revealed a well organised and networked trade taking place throughout Pakistan. This helped in motivating provincial wildlife authorities to not only make amendments in the Wildlife Acts of North West Frontier and Punjab Provinces, but to also confiscate large quantities of turtles in parts of Sindh and NWFP. He was also the first person to be involved in relief work in the isolated localities of the Makran Coastal Areas. Mr. Khan conducted an assessment of the damages in the isolated localities of the Makran Coastal Areas in 2007. Mr. Aftab-ur-Rehman Rana (C-8) launched an environmental education programme titled “National Children Mountain Conservation Meet” on the occasion of International Year of Mountains-2007, without any aid from the government or donor organizations. He initiated the proposal with the Ministry of Environment for observing World Environment Day on June 5, 2007 at national level. On May 22, he also arranged a Stakeholders Consultation on Biodiversity and Climate Change on behalf of the DEVCOM-Pakistan (Development Communications Network) at LEAD House in collaboration with LEAD Pakistan IUCN and WWF.

LEAD Pakistan has developed an extensive database including all its Fellows and Associates. These Fellows and Associates are kept in loop by regular information sharing through emails etc. All Cohort Meeting (ACM), LEAD Club meetings and our News Letter ‘Making the Difference’ (MTD) are the activities specifically carried out in order to keep our network intact. In year 2006, two exposure visits were undertaken by LEAD Pakistan in its project areas of Sukkur and Khairpur. These visits involved LEAD †Fellows and Associates through different activities like sharing of technical expertise and advisory roles. Around six of LEAD Pakistan’s Fellows and Associates participated in each trip. The Field trips also helped them in familiarizing themselves with LEAD Pakistan’s portfolio, its services and activities.


8. Raising LEAD Pakistan’s Visibility

The year 2007 was a significant year for LEAD Pakistan, as templates for most of the publications were developed. During this year, LEAD Pakistan worked towards creating a better visibility of its portfolio and raising its public awareness.

In this regard, the first step was to revamp and restructure LEAD Pakistan’s official website and make it more interactive and user-friendly.

LEAD’s Promotion and Visibility through Effective Communications Strategy LEAD Pakistan secured a small project from the Special Opportunities & Investment Fund in January 2007. The fund was requested for promoting LEAD’s image and visibility through an effective communication strategy. Within almost six months after the project was approved, the following is a summary of the activities that were carried out with the help of a consultant:

A communications strategy has been developed that encompasses various

elements and stakeholders that need to be addressed while discussing LEAD’s image attributes, activities, strengths and overall visibility.

In terms of implementation of the communications strategy, the basic outline for the LEAD profile has been developed for in-house review and sharing with relevant stakeholders.

The Existing LEAD website has been revisited; content has been developed and is being edited. Web-pages have been designed and will be uploaded, once the entire web-content has been finalized.

In terms of LEAD’s portfolio development, project summary profiles have been

developed and finalized. These highlight LEAD’s strength in working at the grassroots level. Report will be published in the next quarter.

Templates have been developed for updates, case studies and occasional papers. Case study writing protocols and processes have been streamlined. Based on templates, six LEAD Updates have been developed and edited. These will be published in the next quarter. In addition, three case studies have been developed based on the template. One of them has been translated into local (Sindhi) language.

One biannual newsletter has been developed, designed, edited and printed (Suhai). It has been distributed widely amongst different stakeholders, to raise awareness about LEAD’s work at the grassroots level and the activities that we have been involved in.

Flyers and brochures for impact-oriented LEAD activities, projects and trainings have been developed.

Water and Environment Sanitation Pakistan (WES-Net Pakistan). In February, 2007, Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) Pakistan invited expression of interests from various NPOs in Pakistan. After assessment of EOIs in December 2007, WSP announced the establishment of Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WES-Net Pakistan) Pakistan. LEAD Pakistan was assigned the role of “Research Coordination”. Economic Freedom Network Pakistan. FNSt engaged LEAD Pakistan for consultations to develop Economic Freedom Index in Pakistan. After consultations with FNSt it was decided that LEAD Pakistan will develop research papers on key issues/themes of economic freedom. In collaboration with key experts and members of EFN, these will be in the form of 8-10 impetus papers that can be used in developing the Economic Freedom Index in Pakistan. International Biodiversity Day:


Global climate change is an established fact and it is adversely affecting the life form on the planet. LEAD Pakistan organized International Biodiversity Day in May 2007. Various organizations – WWF, IUCN, Pakistan Wetland Program, media, academia and senior professionals from research and government participated in the event. Book Launching Ceremony by Ayesha Siddiqua: LEAD Pakistan hosted a book launching ceremony by Ayesha Siddiqua. It was a significant event with more than 250 participants from media, civil society, academia, politics and NGOs. The Speakers and the author discussed civil military relations in Pakistan. Because of the controversial subject, the event enjoyed tremendous media coverage. Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction LEAD Pakistan organized shared learning dialogue on disaster risk reduction in Pakistan in collaboration with King’s College London (KCL) Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET-Pakistan), and Pakistan Institute for Environment and Development Research (PIEDAR). The learning dialogue was part of a DFID funded research project on climate change and disaster risk reduction in South Asia, with ongoing program components in India, Pakistan and Nepal. The Research program is directed towards identifying appropriate policies, programmes, financial mechanisms, institutional points of leverage and geographical scales from global, national and local level, for effective disaster risk reduction. In case of Pakistan, a scoping study of Muzaffarabad Tehsil and the Lai Basin has been completed. and a A detailed case study of Lai Basin in Rawalpindi/Islamabad is in progress. The learning dialogue was directed towards sharing initial insights on disaster risk reduction policies in Pakistan in general and the ongoing research in the Lai Basin in particular. DEMO Survey of Schools After two years of DEMO project implementation by LEAD Pakistan, the Research Unit carried out a representative follow-up survey to gauge the impact of our project intervention on school enrollment. The Survey was a pre-post testing of two observations: Time 1: Baseline (Developed as Census for both districts) and Time 2: Collection of Indicators through Follow-up Survey. Objectives of the DEMO follow-up survey were to collect current school level indicators from randomly selected schools and its comparison with baseline data; identify the impact of specific phase of intervention on school enrollment; and to assess the effectiveness of DEMO intervention holistically on school enrollment. Resource Centre In its Annual 2007, RSU planned to establish a Resource Centre at LEAD Pakistan. Aim of the Resource Centre is to provide support to LEAD Pakistan’s Programme Staff regarding their need for various publications, project documents, researchers, official publications and training modules. All the available resources have been entered into a searchable database. Community Service During 2007, LEAD Pakistan undertook various community service activities:

Islamabad Traffic Police: A joint seminar on the traffic and parking issues of Islamabad, with Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) in February. Furthermore, LEAD Pakistan advised ITP to conduct a survey to document citizen’s perception about ITP’s performance. RSU helped ITP in undertaking plan and undertake this survey. RSU completed the survey analysis in May 2007.

Mobilink: Engaged Mobilink to collaborate with LEAD Pakistan in different

community welfare activities in and around Islamabad and in some earthquake hit areas. These activities will continue over the next six months.

Unilever: Reached an agreement with Unilever to furnish hand pumps in some

schools of Sukkur and Khairpur.


PIA: Reached an agreement with PIA to print an article on environment in its Humsafar magazine, mentioning LEAD. Discussions are underway with PIA to print for printing environmental messages on boarding cards.

Staff Training workshops: In addition to developing and delivering training programmes to external clientele and audience, LEAD Pakistan also believes in capacity building and fulfilling knowledge gaps of its staff.

Behavioral Interview Techniques: A day-long training workshop was organized in March for senior staff at LEAD Pakistan, on how to apply behavioral techniques in interviews while hiring people. The Participants included General Managers, Managers, and Coordinators.

Governance & Transparency Workshop: A two-day training workshop for in-house audience in the first week of May was organized on the theme of Governance and Transparency. The Speakers‡ deliberated in detail on the respective assigned topics. The Workshop was a part of our consultative process through which we intended to develop a better understanding of the Governance issues and advocacy for our future work. The Training helped to fill knowledge gaps and build capacity and understanding on the issues of Governance.

Workshop on Knowledge Management: Workshop on “Tacit Knowledge Management" by Dr. Ronny Adhikariya was held for all programme staff at LEAD Pakistan. Dr. Adhikariya discussed in detail about the importance, application of and better use and management of knowledge and information in growing and expanding organizations.

Gender and Development: In addition to five thematic areas namely Governance, Education, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environment, and Health, LEAD Pakistan has adopted “Gender” as its cross-cutting themes. The Programme Development Department (PDD) in collaboration with HR Unit organized a gender sensitization workshop for the programme and admin staff to be oriented with basic concepts as well as contentious issues related to women’s empowerment. The Goal of the workshop was two-fold; to build capacities to systematically integrate gender into LEAD Pakistan’s projects and programmes as a critical component in pursuing the sustainable development agenda as well as increase understanding of employees about gender.

9. Plan for 2008 LEAD Pakistan has broad and wide-ranging plans to develop a complete up-to-date portfolio of the organization. The Communication Unit would work to develop introductory brochures for the organization. A series of brochures and other print material would be added to the existing promotional material. The Initiatives and tasks undertaken during the year 2006 would be carried forward for completion and further expansion in the year 2007. • Website: LEAD website will be made functional. Its content and information will be regularly updated for keeping the public informed about the latest initiatives and policies undertaken. • Publications: LEAD Views publication would be standardized and regularized in year 2007. It will deal with the current and contemporary issues of sustainable development, human stories, research findings and invaluable field-tested information. • LEAD plans to publish Occasional Papers, Case Studies and Researches during 2007. For this year, about 10 Occasional Papers are to be published. • Improving our ability to communicate will have two-fold benefits: It will inform about policies that could help advance our mission, and by increasing our


visibility, make LEAD Pakistan more attractive to new members and donors, by increasing our visibility. • Documentaries: The second documentary would be completed during this year.


10. Statistics: Fellows and Associates:

LEAD Pakistan has a total of 138 Fellows and Associates, including 99 Fellows and 39 Associates. This figure comprises of mid-career to senior management professionals hailing from wide-ranging sectors, including academia, business and industry, civil society institutions, NGOs, donors and government etc. This group represents a diverse geographical distribution of all four provinces of the country, the federal capital and a number of foreign countries like UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia etc. Among the Fellows there are 20 females and 79 males, while among the Associates there are nine females and 30 males. All of them are successful professionals and leaders in their own field, possessing dynamic profiles. For detailed analysis kindly refer to annex-5. Trainings: LEAD Pakistan selected trainers on different projects during year 2007:

• For E3P (Enhancing Public-Private Partnership) project, 169 trainings were carried out and five trainers hired.

• For DEMO (Democratized Education Management Ownership), 55 trainings offered and seven trainers hired.

• LDP had five trainings and 32 trainers. • For Foundation Course of Leadership, 42 participants attended two

trainings. • 58 Participants attended four Distance Learning Courses (DLC).

For details, refer to annex-6.


Plans for 2008 and Beyond Projects & Partnerships: • Keeping in view its broad vision and mission, LEAD Pakistan intends to reach out

to all similar and like-minded organizations and institutions in the country, strengthening its support and portfolio by exchange of expertise, know-how and invaluable field-tested knowledge.

• LEAD Pakistan also plans to reach out to organizations and institutions in the

region, in order to expand its presence and foothold in diverse regions and communities. This is one criterion that international donors also endorse and support extensive grassroots level work by NGOs with the communities.

• In addition to responding to Request for Proposals and EOIs (Expression of

Interest) of numerous organizations, LEAD Pakistan also plans to reach out to potential donors and funding organizations and come up with innovative ideas and initiatives to design projects for programmatic support and building mutual partnerships.

LDP Trainings: • Multilateral Environmental Agreement- Orientation Training Session

C-13 ( March 2008) • Leadership Skills- Distance Learning Course ( April 2008) • Alternative Energy and Business Opportunities- 1stst National

Training Session C-13 (June 2008) • Conflict Resolution- Distance Learning Course (July 2008) • Alleviating Poverty Profitably: Meeting MDGs with small

enterprise- 2nd National Training Session C-13 (August 2008) • Climate Change and Energy- International Training Session C-13

(November 2008) • Mega Cities- Regional Training Session C-13 ( February 2009)

MDP Trainings:

• Project Proposal Writing- Distance Learning Course (February 2008) • Leadership Skills- Resident Training Session ( February 2008) • Leadership Skills- Resident Training Session ( May 2008) • Negotiation Skills- Resident Training Session ( August 2008) • Leadership- Distance Learning Course ( October 2008) • Leadership (Executive)- Resident Training Session ( November 2008) • Leadership Skills- Distance Learning Course (December 2008)

Networking activities planned for 2008:-

2) LEAD Club Meeting: Club meeting is planned for the year 2008. 3) MTD (Making the Difference):Two2 issues of our electronic newsletter MTD

would be released in 2008.


ANNEXURES: Annex – 1: List of MoUs signed by different Organizations in year 2007

Date of Signing Partner in Memorandum of

understanding Scope of Work

Apr-23-2007 District Government Kasur & LEAD Pakistan

Feb-15-2007 District Government Abbottabad & LEAD Pakistan

Feb-28-2007 Sindh Rural Support Programme (SRSP) & LEAD Pakistan

Feb-14-2007 Grant agreement Lead International & LEAD Pakistan

Jan-23-2007 Sindh Education Trust (SET) & LEAD Pakistan


Institute of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering of Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET) & LEAD Pakistan


Institution of Business Administration Sukkur & LEAD Pakistan


Annex – 2: List of employees in LEAD Pakistan in year 2007

Employee Name Department Employee Designation

1 Sobia Fatima CEO YPO

2 Muhammad Javed CEO Assistant Coordinator

3 Nadeem Ahmed CSD Coordinator

4 Syed Arsalan Sabah Zaidi CSD Coordinator

5 Sobia Omer Faisal CSD YPO

6 Rehmat Karim CSD Coordinator

7 Nimrah Zubair CSD Trainee

8 Sameer Javed CSD Trainee

9 Raja Rooken Zaman ORD Assistant Coordinator

10 Syed Zulfiqar Ahmad ORD Assistant Coordinator

11 Yasir Mehmood ORD Assistant

12 Saqib Shehzad ORD Dispatch Rider

13 Ejaz Ali ORD Head of Support Staff

14 Atif Haider ORD Manager

15 Muhammad Yousaf Hussain ORD Incharge

16 Tariq ORD Driver

17 Azfar Hasan Ansari ORD Assistant

18 Waseem Shaikh ORD Assistant

19 Javed Masih ORD Janitor

20 Manzar Shahzad ORD Incharge

21 Hina Salim Lotia PDD GM

22 Danish Pervaiz Mughal PDD Assistant Coordinator

23 Ayesha Shaukat PDD Assistant Coordinator

24 Dina Khan PDD Assistant Coordinator

25 Amjad Zafar Khan PMD Manager

26 Naseer Ahmed Memon PMD Provincial Coordinator

27 Gul Muhammad Mastoi PMD Coordinator

28 Sabrina Saeed Khan PMD Assistant Coordinator

29 Aisha Mansur PMD Assistant Coordinator

30 Hammad Raza PMD Coordinator

31 Shahzad Ashraf PMD Coordinator

32 Hyder Bux Shar PMD YPO LEGEND: PDD: Project Development Department PMD: Project Management Department PMO: Project Management Office CSD: Core Services Department OD: Operations Department


Annex -3 Income and Expenditure Statement 2006 (Audited)






National grant from Rockefeller Foundation, New York

through LEAD International, New York -

Amortization of Deferred Grant 1,307,955

Contracted services income 138,898,853

Other income 1,354,052



National grant (including LAPS expenditure) -

Contracted services expenditure 98,670,281


Excess of income over expenditure for the year

transferred to funds 42,890,579


Annex -3 A Income and Expenditure Statement 2007 (Un-audited)



FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 (Un- Audited)



National grant from Rockefeller Foundation, New York

through LEAD International, New York -

Amortization of Deferred Grant -

Contracted services income 94,411,561

Other income -



National grant (including LAPS expenditure) -

Contracted services expenditure 75,413,723


Excess of income over expenditure for the year

transferred to funds 18,997,838


Annex-4: Donor Organizations and Projects Funded

Donor Organization Project Sponsored

LEAD International From Chaos to Coordination: Harnessing the Potential of Volunteerism in Disaster Response

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

From Survival to Sustainability: Nurturing Adaptive Livelihood Strategies after the Earthquake Disaster

LEAD International Leadership Development Program United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Democratized Education Management and Ownership (DEMO)

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),

Pilot Testing of Public - Private Partnerships to Develop Capacity for Small Scale Agri-Business and Processing Enterprises ( E3P)

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),

Impact Assessment Study of NWFP Barani Area Development Project and Barani Village Development Programme

Government of Pakistan Technical Assistance for Sindh Education Plan Support Programme

National Democratic Institute (NDI) An Assessment Of Women's Participation In Political Parties

SPU, Faisalabad Civil Society Participation in Local Government

International Labor Organization (ILO) Employment Support Systems for Social & Economic Empowerment of Women

ILED- CNFA Women farmers exposure visit

PLAN Pakistan Plan Pakistan Venhari CBO capacity Building programme

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Pakistan Police Training Programme Asian Development Bank (ADB) Environmental Conflict Resolution (ECR) British Council LEAD- British Council: Youth Programme Packard Foundation Leadership for District Health managers

British High Commission Pakistan Options for Adaptation and Mitigation for Climate Change

Balochistan Education Foundation LDM training for BEF District Government Khairpur and SDSSP

School Management Committees (SMCs) Strengthening Pilot Project” Khairpur

Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNSt) Policy Papers on Economy of Pakistan

Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNSt) Impetus Paper on Impact of Privitisation in Pakistan


Annex-5 (a): Graphical Representation of Number of Fellows & Associates

Distribution of Fellows and Associates by Sector

Distribution of Fellows and Associates by Region


Annex-5 (b): Fellows and Associates

Fellows and Associates Fellow Associate

sector Male Female Male Female Total

Academia and Education 7 3 0 1 11 Business and Industry 6 2 3 0 11 Business and Industry; Oil and Gas 4 0 0 0 4 Consultant 6 1 0 1 8 Donor 6 1 3 1 11 Government 14 1 11 2 28 Media 5 0 0 0 5 NGO 25 7 11 4 47 Other 6 5 2 0 13 Total 79 20 30 9 138

Fellow Associate Region Male Female Male Female Total

Sindh 15 2 3 2 22 NWFP 8 2 3 4 17 Punjab 15 4 9 2 30 Balochistan 6 3 3 1 13 Bangladesh 0 0 2 0 2 Canada 1 0 0 0 1 Federal 25 3 9 0 37 France 1 0 0 0 1 Malaysia 0 1 0 0 1 Northern Area 1 0 0 0 1 Romania 1 0 0 0 1 Saudi Arabia 1 0 0 0 1 Tanzania 1 0 0 0 1 UK 1 0 0 0 1 USA 0 2 0 0 2 Western 1 0 0 0 1 Al Qahirah 1 0 0 0 1 Other 1 3 1 0 5 Total 79 20 30 9 138


Annex-6: Trainings in 2007

Trainings Trainees

Abbreviation Project Male Female Total Tra

E3P Enhancing Public Private Partnerships 169 956 575 1531

DEMO Democratized Education Management and Ownership 55 918 136 1054

LDP Leadership Development Program 5 11 5 16 3

ECR Environment Conflict Resolution 139 108 31 139

SPU-Trainings Civil Society Participation in Local Government 1 5 12 17

SDSSP School Management Committees (SMCs) Strengthening Pilot Project” Khairpur 2 68 12 80

Packard Leadership for District Health managers 1 13 8 21

BEF Leadership Skills for Managers 1 15 6 21

ILO Employment Support Systems for Social & Economic Empowerment of Women 3 0 55 55

BC-Youth Forums LEAD- British Council: Youth Programme 6 28 30 58

DLC Distance Learning Courses 4 38 20 58

IDRC-Livelihood Project IDRC-Livelihood Project (training on research instruments) 1 26 4 30

IDRC-Livelihood Project IDRC-Livelihood Project (training on research instruments) 1 24 4 28

SOIF-Volunteerism Project

SOIF-Volunteerism Project (Volunteerism & disaster response & management) 1 167 2 169

Total 389 2377 890 3267 8


Annex- 7: Organizational Structure


Chief Executive Officer

Programme Development Department

Core Services Department

Executive Assistant

Project Management Department

Operations Department

Internal Auditor – Finance Manager - Human Resource Unit

Coordinator – HR Section

Assistant Coordinator – HR Section

YPO – Human Resource Unit

YPO – Internal Audit (Finance)


Internal Auditor - QMS

YPO – Internal Audit (QMS)


Annex - 8


Annex -9: Training Calendar 2008

Training Session

Themes Date Venue

Distance Learning Course Project Proposal Writing

14 Jan-14 Feb 2008

Online course

Resident Training session Leadership Skills 18-22 Feb 2008


Orientation Training Session (OTS)

Multilateral Environmental Agreements

31 March - 4 April 2008


Distance Learning Training ( DLT)

Leadership (RK) 7 April-7 May 2008

Online Course

Resident Training session Leadership (Aqeel Tirmazi)

26-30 May 2008 Islamabad

First National Training Session (1 NTS)

Alternative Energy and Business Opportunity

23-27 June 2008 Islamabad

Distance Learning Training (DLT) Conflict Resolution

7 July-7 August 2008

Online Course

Resident Training session Negotiation Skills

4-8 August 2008 Islamabad

Second National Training Session (2 NTS)

Alleviating Poverty Profitably: meeting MDGs with Small Enterprise

25-29 August 2008 (sep is Ramzan)


Distance Learning Course Leadership(Abu Akif)

13 Oct- 13 Nov 2008

Online course

International Training Session (ITS) Climate & Energy

24-28 Nov 2008 Mexico

Resident Training session Leadership skills (Aqeel Tirmizi)

8-12 Dec 2008 Islamabad

Distance Learning Course Leadership (Nuzhat Lotia)

22-Dec 08-22 Jan 2009

Online course

Regional Training Session (RTS) Mega Cities

23-27 Feb 2009 Bali, Indonesia

Colour Legends • For cohort-13 trainings. • For resident training session • For distance learning courses.