Annual Report 2013-2014 National Council of Jewish Women ...

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Annual Report 2013-2014 National Council of Jewish Women

Rockland Section

National Council of Jewish Women

Rockland Section

July 31, 2014


Executive Summary

The membership year 2013-2014 was an excellent year for National Council

of Jewish Women, Rockland Section.

Over a dozen long-standing Community Service projects continued to

provide emergency services and aid to people in need, including toddlers,

children, teens, seniors, and women who are victims of abuse. Newer

projects also grew in size and participation.

Eight high quality General Meetings were held with outstanding speakers

and attendance—one meeting with over 80 people! New this year was a film

and discussion meeting about hunger.

Our State Policy Advocacy was highlighted by a trip to Albany in support of

the Women’s Equality Act. Several state senators and assembly members

were visited. Other state-wide meetings were attended.

Fundraisers were very successful this year, including the Shalach Manos

project, Theater Party, Pool Party, Book Clubs, Tributes, Yad B’Yad Cards,

Calendar Journal and Script. New this year was the Military Bridge dinner

which was well attended and lots of fun!

Membership increased by over 10% this year, due to both the gift

membership opportunity and excellent outreach efforts like the Meet and

Greet evening.

On a less positive note, the NCJW Replay Thrift Store closed after 38

years of operation in Nyack. A commemorative event is planned to honor

Thrift Shop Manager Addy Frankel and Salesperson Celine McKenna. In

addition, we will honor all of the thrift shop volunteers.

With excellent administrative support provided by our Secretaries and

Treasurers, and a strong group of 2014-2015 Officers, Directors and

Committee Chairs provided by the Nominating Committee, the Rockland

Section is well positioned for a bright future in the coming year.



Executive Summary ………………………………… 1

Contents ………………………………………………….. 2

Community Service ………………………………… 3

Programming ………………………………………….. 5

State Policy Advocacy (SPA) ………………….. 7

Fundraising ………………………………………………. 8

Membership …………………………………………….. 10

Thrift Shop Operations …………………………… 11

Administration ……………………………………….. 12

Appendix A—Collaborating Organizations. 13

Appendix B—2013-1014 Board Members .. 14


Community Service Co-Vice Presidents: Brenda

Greenberg, Merri Rosenbaum

This encompasses a large number of

projects that enrich our community.

Each project is chaired by a member

of NCJW, who often leads a group of

members to undertake the particular


Busy Boxes, Chair Leslie Ratner:

Originally started to help children who

accompany parents to social service

appointments, these boxes are decorated and

filled with various small toys and educational

materials. This year thirty-five (35) Busy

Boxes were delivered to the Department of

Social Services for children in emergency

shelter and foster care.

Camperships, Chair Judy Greenberg: To make summers better for children

in need, we work with camps in Rockland County who donate a month or two

of camping experience for children, who we screen to fit certain criteria

demonstrating need. This summer five (5) camps have accepted a total

of 27 campers.

Camp Scholarships, Chair Sandra Platzman: NCJW offers direct financial

aid in the form of scholarships to families in need of help to pay for summer

camp. This summer six (6) children were awarded scholarships of

$500 each to attend one of three (3) camps.

Food Pantry, Chair Rhoda Appel: Money donated by members attending

General Meetings is used to purchase food staples for non-sectarian food

pantries. This year, the chair accompanied a pantry director to purchase

$300 worth of food items that were most needed.

Helping Hands, Chair Minna Kaufman: Not only NCJW members, but

women residing in retirement communities are welcome to assist with this

project. They knit hats, scarves, gloves, mittens and baby blankets, which

are donated to the homeless and underprivileged groups in our community.

This year over 150 hats and scarves were created and donated.


High School Service Awards, Chair Judy Gerstenhaber: Graduating High

School students, with outstanding community service experience and

excellent recommendations, are given a monetary award

to help with college expenses. This year two

outstanding students from different high schools

each received $500.

Jog for a New Beginning, Chair Natalie Plaut: New

sweat suits are purchased and provided to women who

are victims of domestic abuse, often at a hospital or

shelter with only the clothes on their back. They leave

the hospital or shelter in clean clothes and with dignity.

This year 8-10 sweat suits were donated.

Luggage for Freedom, Chair Audrey Kirschenbaum: Gently used suitcases

are packed with linens for bedrooms,

kitchens and bathrooms, and provided to

women who are leaving shelter to start a

new home. Items are collected year round

and packed in the spring. This spring 25-

30 filled bags of luggage were


Spirit of Rockland Book Donation, Chair

Janet Burton: Gently used books are

collected and then donated to the Special

Victims Unit at Good Samaritan Hospital. Books are for youngsters and

teens to keep them occupied, while either they or their parents receive

services from medical and police personnel. Over 200 books were

donated this year.

Survival Kits and Wash Your Troubles Away

Cleaning Supplies, Chairs Ilse Spatz, Judy

Greenberg, Elissa Nuremburg: Members collect

small toiletries, soaps, lotions, etc. which are

given to the shelter for use by clients. In addition,

we shop for and provide buckets filled with

cleaning supplies for women who are starting

anew in a new living situation. Hundreds of

toiletries and 15 supply-filled buckets were

provided this year.


Tales for Tots, Chair

Marcia Scheer:

Volunteers read to

young children in

daycare and early

childhood centers. This

year NCJW volunteer

readers provided 104

hours at four (4)

different pre-schools.

Wrapped in Love Fleece Blankets, Chair Susan Steinfink: NCJW

volunteers create

cuddly fleece

blankets for

children in


Shelter. This year

27 blankets were

created and

donated. With a

grant from the

JCC Teen


Initiative, the

program will be expanded next year to include hand-made teddy bears and

blankets for teens.


Programming Program Chairs: Natalie Plaut, Susan


NCJW Rockland provides its members with

a schedule of very diverse General

Meetings with topics of great interest.

This year’s speakers and programs


Beatrice Kahn from our National

organization speaking about the history and current focus of NCJW.

Rabbi Paula Mack Drill teaching about women of the Torah

Marty Cohen addressing us about the U.S. Presidents from 1872 to the


A film, A Place at the Table, about the hunger problem in the U.S.

A program featuring four writers in our section, Ellen Belitsky, Jenny

Kalsner, Ann Letzter, and Arlene Shapiro.

The fascinating true story of Persian Jewish Immigration to the U.S. as

told to us by Dr. Sam Wiseman.

Marty Schneit entertaining us with an armchair tour of Jewish Harlem and

the famous people who lived there.

The Installation Dinner, featuring our Installation Program and music by

“Vintage Vibes” Mike Frank and John Grunberg.



State Policy Advocacy

(SPA) Co-Vice Presidents State Policy

Advocacy (SPA): Rhoda Appel,

Barbara Etelson

SPA Activities were focused in

two main areas this year—

Women’s Equality Legislation

and Human Trafficking.

A trip to Albany was organized

by SPAs in NY State to lobby for Woman's Equality Legislation. Five members

of our section attended and met with state Senators David Carlucci and Dean

Skelos; Assembly members Ellen Jaffee and Kenneth Zebrowski; and

representatives from Asssemblyman Silver’s office. Legislators were urged to

pass all ten parts of the Women’s Equality Act (WEA). Planning and wrap up

reports were prepared. Calls were also made to our local legislators’ offices

when we returned home, to once again urge them to pass this important

legislation for all women in NY State.

NCJW was represented at two separate community awareness meetings

about Human Trafficking; one organized by law enforcement in advance of

the Super Bowl and another organized by Jewish Clergy and the Center for

Safety and Change. In addition, we co-sponsored a special showing of a film

about Trafficking. One of our book club meetings focused on human

trafficking and we met with the author to understand more about his

research on this issue.

Articles were written for NCJW’s monthly bulletin about trafficking, voting

rights and of course the 10 parts of the WEA. Members were urged to contact

both state and

federal officials

about these



Fundraisers Co-Vice Presidents Fundraising: Judy

Fishlin, Marsha Milich

A number of successful fundraisers were

planned by wonderful committees and

attended by many members and guests:

Pool Party in the summer with catered

lunch, raffle prizes, fashion show,

vendors for shopping, games,

swimming and relaxing with friends.

Military Bridge in the fall with buffet

dinner, prizes, fun and a good time had

by all.

March brings Purim and our



Manos event




packing and


these bags

to members.

A number of

bags are

also donated to people at the Rockland

Psychiatric Center.

Antrim Theater Party in the spring where we

see a show and enjoy the performance.

Monthly Book Club meetings where pot-luck

lunch and book discussions take place.

Nominal donations are used for Yad B’Yad Israel granting programs.

We’re always looking for new and enjoyable fund raisers to support the many

programs our section supports.

Additional funds come from Membership Dues, Calendar Journal, Tributes

and Yad B’Yad cards, donations for annual giving/program support, and food

pantry collections at General Meetings.


Figure: Percentage of Funds that come from Larger Individual Fundraisers

Our Fundraisers are Multi-Dimensional!

Shalach Manos Theater Party Pool Party Military Bridge Comradery



Jewish Heritage


Fund Raising




Food & Vendors

Fun & Food

Money for



0 20 40 60 80 100

Calendar Journal

Military Bridge

NCJW Afternoon

Pool Party

Shalach Manos

Theater Party





Co-Vice Presidents Membership: Judy

Greenberg, Minna Kaufman

Current Membership totals 278, of which

178 are regular members and 100 are life

members. NCJW Membership activities for

2013-2014 included:

Created and mailed membership dues letter with information about NCJW

Sent out Happy New Year card with list

of meeting dates

Wrote articles for monthly bulletin

Sent packets with NCJW information to prospective members

Maintained list of new members, address changes, and deletions

Coordinated lists of "snow birds" and "snow flakes" Planned a “Meet and Greet” get together to welcome new, newish and

prospective members


Thrift Shop Operations Vice President: Claire Tashker, Thrift Shop Manager: Addy Frankel

NCJW Replay Thrift Store operated at 145 Main Street, Nyack, NY for its 38th

year. Addy Frankel and sales

person Celine McKenna staffed

the store 6 days a week, with

volunteers staffing the store

every Saturday. Several

months saw wonderful

donations and sales. Some

months, especially in the

winter, experienced lagging

sales due to unusually cold

and snowy weather.

Ultimately, the building owner

requested that we vacate the

property, which he had rights

to do, because he had other plans for the space. After much discussion about

the state of the business and potential alternatives, it was decided to close

the store on July 11, 2014. Brisk business took place during the final month

of June.

A celebratory event will take place to honor Addy, Celine and all the


1998 2014


Administration Administrative Secretary: Devra Kanter

Financial Secretary: Estelle Horvitz

Co-Treasurers: Helene Leibowitz,

Rhoda Lonow

Bulletin: Iris Kramer

Email: Janice Beibin

Website: Susan Grill, Rochelle Welsh

With the change in procedures this

year, many of our members are

receiving the monthly bulletin

through email, thus saving our

section the cost of printing, paper &

postage. Currently there are

approximately 100 members who still

receive a hard copy bulletin but we're trying to GO GREEN!

Monthly Bulletins and email communications were regularly created and

delivered. Website was updated regularly.

With many members spending time in Florida during winter months, keeping

track of temporary addresses, start and end dates, has been quite a


For the upcoming 2014/2015 program year, our members are requested

to communicate temporary change of address to Devra Kanter

through either email: or phone: 845-638-1691.


Appendix A – Collaborating Organizations The following list represents organizations that NCJW Rockland collaborates

with or donates to.

Big Brothers Big Sisters, Town of

Ramapo, Town of Haverstraw

Camp Scholarships

Center for Safety & Change

Luggage for Freedom

New Beginnings

Survival Kits

Cleaning Supplies

Child Care Resources of Rockland

Tales for Tots

Dept. of Social Services, Children &

Family Services

Busy Boxes

Fleece Blankets

Teddy Bears

County Emergency Services

Clothing & Necessities

Helping Hands

Homeless Necessities

Meals on Wheels

Covered Cupboards

Ramapo Senior Center

Jewish Community Center

Teen Leadership Initiative Grant

NY Regional Food Bank & other

Rockland Food Pantries

People to People

Personal Hygiene

Rockland County Day Camps:

Deerkill, Gate Hill, Ramaquois, Blue

Rill, Deer Mountain


Rockland Psychiatric Center

Shalach Manos

Rockland County Public Schools

High School Service Awards


Rockland District Attorney, Special

Victims Unit

Book Donations

Yad B’ Yad Program of NCJW

At-risk Children in Israel


Appendix B – 2013-2014 Board Members

President Rochelle Welsh

Co-Vice Presidents, Community Service Brenda Greenberg

Merri Rosenbaum

Co-Vice Presidents, Fund Raising Judy Fishlin

Marsha Milich

Co-Vice Presidents, Membership Minna Kaufman

Judy Greenberg

Co-Vice Presidents, State Policy Advocacy Rhoda Appel

Barbara Etelson

Vice President, Thrift Shop Claire Tashker

Administrative Secretary Devra Kanter

Financial Secretary Estelle Horvitz

Recording Secretary unfilled

Co-Treasurers Helene Leibowitz

Rhoda Lonow

Directors Janet Burton

Marsha Fixler

Susan Grill

Audrey Kirschenbaum

Janet Stravitz

Immediate Past Co-Presidents Niki Plaut

Susan Steinfink

Honorary Board Member Addy Frankel

Committee Chairs (not listed above)

Iris Kramer, Janice Beibin, Leslie Ratner, Sandy Platzman, Billie Kahn,

Carol Zane, Judy Gertenhaber, Ilse Spatz, Marcia Scheer, Ellen Levine,

Jackie Solomon, Gwenn Canfield, Sharyn Bobroff, Arlene Lander,

Edythe Carr, Rickie Werfel, Shelly Berger