Annual report 2016...Table of contents 1. Listing of publications 3 1.1 Refereed articles 3 1.2...

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IViR (Institute for Information Law)

Annual report 2016

Annual report 2016

IViR (Institute for Information Law)

Table of contents

1. Listing of publications 3 1.1 Refereed articles 3 1.2 Non-refereed publications 5 1.3 Academic books / Book editing 7 1.4 Book chapters (academic) 8 1.5 PhD theses 10 1.6 Conference papers published in proceedings 10 1.7 Professional publications 11 1.8 Publications aimed at the general public 15 1.9 Other research output 16 1.10 Media appearances 31

2. IViR events 34 2.1 IViR Speaker Series 34 2.2 PhD Defences 34 2.3 Conferences, symposia, (expert)workshops 34 2.4 Summer courses 35

3. IViR fellowships 35

4. Awards and grants 35

3Annual report 2016

1. Listing of publications

1.1 Refereed articles1. Angelopoulos, C. ; Smet, S. / Notice-and-fair-balance: how to reach a compromise

between fundamental rights in European intermediary liability. In: The Journal of Media Law. 2016 ; Vol. 8, No. 2. pp. 266-301.

2. Bodó, B. / In the Name of Humanity. In: Limn. 2016 ; Vol. 6. pp. 19-21.3. Bosch, B.F.E. ; van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Wifi-tracking in de winkel(straat): inbreuk op de

privacy?. In: Privacy & Informatie. 2016 ; Vol. 19, No. 6. pp. 238-246.4. Bosker, M. ; Garretsen, H. ; Marlet, G. ; Ponds, R. ; Poort, J.P. ; van Woerkens, C. /

Bijdrage aardbevingen aan waardedaling woningen in Groningen overschat. In: Economisch Statistische Berichten. 2016 ; Vol. 101, No. 4733. pp. 294-298.

5. Bostyn, S.J.R. / Personalised medicine, medical indication patents and patent infringement: emergency treatment required. In: Intellectual Property Quarterly. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 2. pp. 151-201.

6. Bostyn, S.J.R. / Medical treatment methods, medical indication claims and patentability: A quest into the rationale of the exclusion and patentability in the context of the future of personalised medicine. In: Intellectual Property Quarterly. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 3. pp. 203-230.

7. Eskens, S.J. / New Notification Obligations and Fines Under the Dutch Data Protection Act. In: European Data Protection Law Review. 2016 ; Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 224-226.

8. Eskens, S. ; van Daalen, O. ; van Eijk, N. / 10 Standards for Oversight and Transparency of National Intelligence Services. In: Journal of National Security Law & Policy. 2016 ; Vol. 8, No. 3. pp. 553-594.

9. Guibault, L. ; Salamanca, O. / Fitting the Bill: FOSS and Alternative Copyright Licensing in the Netherlands. In: Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law. 2016 ; Vol. 12. pp. 311-338.

10. Gürses, S. ; Kundnani, A. ; Van Hoboken, J. / Crypto and empire: the contradictions of counter-surveillance advocacy. In: Media, Culture & Society. 2016 ; Vol. 38, No. 4. pp. 576-590.

11. Handke, C. ; Bodo, B. ; Vallbé, J.J. / Going means trouble and staying makes it double: the value of licensing recorded music online. In: Journal of Cultural Economics. 2016 ; Vol. 40, No. 3. pp. 227-259.

12. Helberger, N. / Policy implications from algorithmic profiling and the changing relationship between newsreaders and the media. In: Javnost. 2016 ; Vol. 23, No. 2. pp. 188-203.

13. Hugenholtz, B. / De rechtspositie van de audiovisuele maker binnen de publieke omroep. In: Mediaforum. 2016 ; Vol. 28, No. 4. pp. 110-115.

14. Hugenholtz, P.B. ; van Velze, S.C. / Communication to a New Public? Three Reasons Why EU Copyright Law Can Do Without a “New Public”. In: IIC. 2016 ; Vol. 47, No. 7. pp. 797-816.

15. Hviid, M. ; Schroff, S. ; Street, J. / Regulating Collective Management by Competition : An Incomplete Answer to the Licensing Problem?. In: Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law. 2016 ; Vol. 7, No. 3. pp. 256-270.

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16. Kannekens, E. ; van Eijk, N. / Oneerlijke handelspraktijken: alternatief voor privacyhandhaving. In: Mediaforum. 2016 ; Vol. 28, No. 4. pp. 102-109.

17. Magre, J. ; Vallbé, J.J. ; Tomàs, M. / Moving to Suburbia? Effects of Residential Mobility on Community Engagement. In: Urban Studies. 2016 ; Vol. 53, No. 1. pp. 17-39.

18. Marlet, G. ; Ponds, R. ; Poort, J. ; van Woerkens, C. / Waardedaling door aardbevingen : prijseffect. In: Real Estate Research Quarterly. 2016 ; Vol. 15, No. 2. pp. 19-29.

19. Moeller, J. ; Trilling, D. ; Helberger, N. ; Irion, K. ; De Vreese, C. / Shrinking core? Exploring the differential agenda setting power of traditional and personalized news media. In: Info. 2016 ; Vol. 18, No. 6. pp. 26-41.

20. Nieuwenhuis, A. / Kunst en belediging: sleutelroman en karikatuur. In: Mediaforum. 2016 ; Vol. 28, No. 1. pp. 2-11.

21. Ó Fathaigh, R. / Keena v Ireland and the Protection of Journalistic Sources. In: Irish Journal of European Law. 2016 ; Vol. 19, No. 1. pp. 97-103.

22. Oostveen, M. / Identifiability and the applicability of data protection to big data. In: International Data Privacy Law. 2016 ; Vol. 6, No. 4. pp. 299-309.

23. Poort, J.P. / De privékopie in internationaal perspectief. In: AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht. 2016 ; Vol. 40, No. 5. pp. 121-125.

24. Poort, J. ; Baarsma, B. / Measuring the Welfare Effects of Public Television. In: Journal of Media Economics. 2016 ; Vol. 29, No. 1. pp. 31-48.

25. Sax, M. / Big data: Finders keepers, losers weepers?. In: Ethics and Information Technology. 2016 ; Vol. 18, No. 1. pp. 25-31.

26. van Daalen, O.L. / Het Schrems/Facebook-arrest en de gevolgen voor internationale doorgifte. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht. 2016 ; Vol. 22, No. 3. pp. 75-80.

27. van der Sloot, B. / Introduction. In: Ethics and Information Technology. 2016 ; Vol. 18, No. 1. pp. 1-7.

28. van der Sloot, B. / The Practical and Theoretical Problems with ‘balancing’: Delfi , Coty and the Redundancy of the Human Rights Framework. In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 2016 ; Vol. 23, No. 3. pp. 439-459.

29. van Eechoud, M. / Bridging the gap: Private international law principles for intellectual property law. In: Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 4. pp. 716-723.

30. van Eechoud, M.M.M. / De ontsporing van het begrip databank. Enige bedenkingen bij HvJEU Freistaat Beieren/Verlag Esterbauer. In: AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht. 2016 ; Vol. 40, No. 2. pp. 25-30.

31. van Eijk, N. / Een normatief toetsingskader voor gegevensverwerking. In: Nederlands Juristenblad. 2016 ; Vol. 91, No. 22. pp. 1528-1533.

32. van Gompel, S. / Formalidades del derecho de autor en la era de internet: filtros de protección o facilitadores de licenciamiento. In: Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología. 2016 ; Vol. 5, No. 1. pp. 9-55.

33. van Gompel, S.J. / Over wetgeving, implementatie en beleid – Kroniek van het auteurs-recht in Nederland 2010-2016. In: Auteurs & Media. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 3. pp. 250-258.

34. Yakovleva, S. ; Irion, K. / The Best of Both Worlds? Free Trade in Services and EU Law on Privacy and Data Protection. In: European Data Protection Law Review. 2016 ; Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 191-208.

5Annual report 2016

35. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J. / Mensen aanwijzen maar niet bij naam noemen: behavioural targeting, persoonsgegevens en de nieuwe Privacyverordening. In: Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht & Handelspraktijken. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 2. pp. 54-66.

36. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J. ; Trilling, D. ; Möller, J. ; Bodó, B. ; de Vreese, C.H. ; Helberger, N. / Should We Worry about Filter Bubbles?. In: Internet Policy Review. 2016 ; Vol. 5, No. 1.

37. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J. / Singling Out People without Knowing Their Names - Behavioural targeting, pseudonymous data, and the new Data Protection Regulation. In: Computer Law & Security Review. 2016 ; Vol. 32, No. 2. pp. 256-271.

38. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. / Het ‘right to be forgotten’ en bijzondere persoonsgegevens. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 4. pp. 220-225.

39. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. ; Gray, J. ; van Eechoud, M. / Open data, privacy, and Fair Information Principles: towards a balancing framework. In: Berkeley Technology Law Journal. 2016 ; Vol. 30, No. 3. pp. 2073-2130.

1.2 Non-refereed publications Articles1. van der Sloot, B. / Machtsstrijd over persoonsgegevens: De zaak Schrems v. Data

Protection Commissioner van het Europees Hof van Justitie. In: Ars Aequi. 2016 ; Vol. 65, No. 4. pp. 248-252.

2. van der Sloot, B. / Editorial. In: European Data Protection Law Review. 2016 ; Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 145-147.

3. van der Sloot, B. / Editorial. In: European Data Protection Law Review. 2016 ; Vol. 2, No. 1. pp. 1-10.

4. van Eechoud, M.M.M. ; de Zwaan, M.R. / Rechtspraak in het kort, actualiteiten, agenda. In: AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht. 2016 ; Vol. 40, No. 4. pp. 109-111.

5. van Eijk, N. / Betere waarborgen voor de werkwijze van inlichtingendiensten. In: Ars Aequi. 2016 ; Vol. 65, No. 6. pp. 436-439.

6. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J. ; Trilling, D. ; Möller, J. ; Eskens, S. ; Bodó, B. ; de Vreese, C.H. ; Helberger, N. / Algoritmische verzuiling en filter bubbles: een bedreiging voor de democratie?. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 5. pp. 255-262.

7. Bosker, M. ; Garretsen, H. ; Marlet, G. ; Ponds, R. ; Poort, J. ; van Woerkens, C. / Naschrift bij: Bijdrage aardbevingen aan waardedaling woningen in Groningen overschat. In: Economisch Statistische Berichten. 2016 ; Vol. 101, No. 4735. pp. 382.

8. van Eechoud, M. ; Poort, J. / Bom onder het internet - naschrift. In: Nederlands Juristenblad. 2016 ; Vol. 91, No. 43. pp. 3188.

9. van Eechoud, M. ; Poort, J. / Hof van Justitie legt bom onder het internet. In: Nederlands Juristenblad. 2016 ; Vol. 91, No. 37. pp. 2763-2764.

Reports1. Bosker, Maarten ; Garretsen, H. ; Marlet, G. ; Ponds, R. ; Poort, J.P. ; van Dooren, R. ; van

Woerkens, C. / Met angst en beven : Verklaringen voor dalende huizenprijzen in het Groningse aardbevingsgebied. Utrecht : Atlas voor gemeenten, 2016. 86 p.

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2. Bostyn, S.J.R. ; Iserentant, Hannes; Sattler de Sousa eBrito, Clara ; Taormino, Joseph; Farquharson, Andrew; Jacob, Robin; Knuth Lethola, Sisko; Pereira, Gautier; Puigdomènech, Pere; Schneider, Ingrid; Czörgö, Szonja; Then, Christopher; Würtz Lindum, Peter; Yates, Siobhan, Kamperman Sanders, Anselm. / Final Report of the Expert Group on the development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering. European Commission, 2016. 265 p.

3. Caspers, M. ; Guibault, L. / Baseline report of policies and barriers of TDM in Europe. FutureTDM, 2016. 103 p.

4. Caspers, M. ; Guibault, L. / Collection of TDM regulations and barriers. FutureTDM, 2016. 243 p.

5. Eskens, S.J. ; van Daalen, O.L. ; van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Geheime surveillance en opsporing : Richtsnoeren voor de inrichting van wetgeving. IViR, 2016. 53 p.

6. Favale, Marcella ; Schroff, S. ; Bertoni, Aura. / Requirements for Diligent Search in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Italy. EnDOW Project, 2016.

7. Hirsch Ballin, E. ; Broeders, D. ; Schrijvers, E. ; van der Sloot, B. ; van Brakel, R. ; de Hoog, J. / Big Data in een vrije en veilige samenleving. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2016. 169 p. (Rapporten aan de regering / WRR; 95).

8. Kerste, M. ; Weda, J. ; Poort, J. / Notitie Herwaardering kavel A2. Amsterdam : SEO Economisch Onderzoek, 2016. 6 p. (SEO-rapport; 2016-95).

9. Kerste, M. ; Weda, J. ; Poort, J. / Herwaardering kavel A2. Amsterdam : SEO Economisch Onderzoek, 2016. 4 p. (SEO-rapport; 2016-53).

10. Kerste, M. ; Poort, J. ; Rougoor, W. ; Weda, J. ; Witteman, J. / Waarde landelijke commerciële radiovergunningen: verlenging 2017. Amsterdam : SEO Economisch Onderzoek, 2016. 72 p. (SEO-rapport; 2016-94).

11. van Breda, B. ; van Eijk, N. ; Irion, K. ; McGonagle, T. ; van Voorst, S. / Smart TV and data protection. Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016. 82 p. (IRIS special).

12. van der Sloot, B. ; van Schendel, S. / International and comparative legal study on Big Data. The Hague : Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, 2016. 123 p. (WRR working paper; 20).

13. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Schriftelijke bijdrage tijdens de hoorzitting van de vaste commissie voor Binnenlandse Zaken over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten. Amsterdam : IViR, 2016. 2 p.

14. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Second opinion inlichtingenverstrekking door omroepen. 2016. 6 p.15. van Hoboken, J.V.J. ; Schulz, Wolfgang. / Human rights and Encryption. Paris : UNESCO,

2016. 85 p. (Internet Freedom Series; 8).16. Europe Economics. / Study on remuneration of authors of books and scientific journals,

translators, journalists and visual artists for the use of their works. Brussels : Publications Office of the European Union, 2016. 327 p.

Case notes (academic)1. Dommering, E. J., (2016). Case note: EHRM (48876/08: Animal Defenders International

/ Verenigd Koninkrijk), No. 321, No. ECLI:NL:XX:2013:362 , Apr 22, 2013. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie; Vol. 2016, No. 34/35).

2. Dommering, E. J., (2016). Case note: EHRM (9540/07: Vural / Turkije), No. 336, No. ECLI:NL:XX:2014:801 , Oct 21, 2014. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie; Vol. 2016, No. 36).

7Annual report 2016

3. Dommering, E. J., (2016). Case note: HvJ EU (C-293/12, C-594/12, C-363/12: Digital Rights / Ireland en Schrems / Ireland), No. 446/447, No. ECLI:EU:C:2014:238 , Apr 08, 2014. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie; Vol. 2016, No. 45/46).

4. Dommering, E. J., (2016). Case note: HR (14/01737: vervalste KLM personeelspas), No. 469, No. ECLI:NL:HR:2015:3057, Oct 13, 2015. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie; Vol. 2016, No. 48).

5. Hugenholtz, P. B., (2016). Case note: HvJ EU (C-463/12: Copydan Båndkopi / Nokia Danmark), HvJ EU (C-435/12: ACI Adam e.a. / Stichting de Thuiskopie en Stichting Onderhandelingen Thuiskopie vergoeding), HR (12/03239: Staat der Nederlanden / NORMA e.a.), No. 186, No. ECLI:EU:C:2015:144, Mar 05, 2015. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (NJ); Vol. 2016, No. 16/17).

6. Hugenholtz, P. B., (2016). Case note: HvJ EU (C-572/13: HP Belgium / Reprobel), No. 370, No. ECLI:EU:C:2015:389 , Nov 12, 2015. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (NJ); Vol. 2016, No. 38).

7. Hugenholtz, P. B., (2016). Case note: HvJ EU (C-201/13: Deckmyn / Vandersteen), No. 351, No. ECLI:EU:C:2014:2132, Sep 03, 2014. (Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (NJ); Vol. 2016, No. 37).

Contribution to conference – Papers1. Poort, J.P. / Borderline exploitation of copyrighted works.

2016. Paper presented at Reconstructing Rights Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.2. van Gompel, S.J. / Legal pragmatism in nineteenth-century intellectual property

lawmaking: A case study of the 1869 patent abolition in the Netherlands. 2016. Paper presented at International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP), 8th Annual Workshop ‘Intellectual Property and Resistance’, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

3. Helberger, N. / News readers’ privacy and fair algorithmic media practices: Lessons to be learned from media law and theory. / 2016. Paper presented at Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC).

4. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J.; Poort, J.P. / Online price discrimination & data protection law. 2016. Paper presented at Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Arlington, United States.

1.3 Academic books / Book editing1. Arnbak, A.M. / Securing private communications : protecting private communications

security in EU law - fundamental rights, functional value chains, and market incentives. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. 275 p. (Information Law Series).

2. McGonagle, T. ; McGonagle, M. ; Ó Fathaigh, R. / Freedom of expression and defamation : A study of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2016. 69 p.

3. McGonagle, T. ; McGonagle, M. ; Ó Fathaigh, R. / Liberté d’expression et diffamation : Étude de la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Strasbourg : Conseil de l’Europe, 2016. 75 p.

4. Pessers, L.W.P. / The Inventiveness Requirement in Patent Law : An Exploration of Its Foundations and Functioning. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. 343 p. (Information Law Series).

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5. Ramalho, A. / The Competence of the European Union in Copyright Lawmaking : A Normative Perspective of EU Powers for Copyright Harmonization. Cham : Springer, 2016. 249 p.

6. Dreier, T. (Editor) ; Hugenholtz, P.B. (Editor). / Concise European copyright law. 2 ed. Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2016. 697 p. (Concise IP).

7. McGonagle, T. (Editor). / Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. December 2016 ed. Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016. 457 p. (IRIS Themes).

1.4 Book chapters (academic)1. Bostyn, S.J.R. / Rijksoctrooiwet 1995. Arts. 53a-53c. Intellectuele eigendom: de

tekst van de Auteurswet, de Wet op de naburige rechten, de Databankenwet, de Benelux-verdragen en wetten betreffende merken en tekeningen of modellen, de Handelsnaamwet, de Rijksoctrooiwet 1995, de Wet inzake topografieën van halfgeleiderprodukten en de Zaaizaad- en plantgoedwet 2005 voorzien van commentaar en met toevoeging van enige andere nationale en Benelux-regelingen. editor / P.F.G.A. Geerts ; D.J.G. Visser. 5e. ed. Deventer : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 632-641 (Tekst & commentaar).

2. Bostyn, S.J.R. / Rijksoctrooiwet 1995. Art. 25. Intellectuele eigendom: de tekst van de Auteurswet, de Wet op de naburige rechten, de Databankenwet, de Benelux-verdragen en wetten betreffende merken en tekeningen of modellen, de Handelsnaamwet, de Rijksoctrooiwet 1995, de Wet inzake topografieën van halfgeleiderprodukten en de Zaaizaad- en plantgoedwet 2005 voorzien van commentaar en met toevoeging van enige andere nationale en Benelux-regelingen. editor / P.G.F.A. Geerts ; D.J.G. Visser. 5e. ed. Deventer : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 595-599 (Tekst & commentaar).

3. Bostyn, S.J.R. / Rijksoctrooiwet 1995. Arts. 2a-3. Intellectuele eigendom: de tekst van de Auteurswet, de Wet op de naburige rechten, de Databankenwet, de Benelux-verdragen en wetten betreffende merken en tekeningen of modellen, de Handelsnaamwet, de Rijksoctrooiwet 1995, de Wet inzake topografieën van halfgeleiderprodukten en de Zaaizaad- en plantgoedwet 2005 voorzien van commentaar en met toevoeging van enige andere nationale en Benelux-regelingen. editor / P.F.G.A. Geerts ; D.J.G. Visser. 5e. ed. Deventer : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 533-549 (Tekst & commentaar).

4. Dommering, E.J. / Het meningloze tijdperk. Zonder Tegenspraak Album 30 . Die Keure, 2016. pp. 74-79

5. Dommering, E.J. / A few legal and economic questions. I have a friend who knows someone who bought a video, once. On collecting video art.. 2016.

6. Fahy, R.F. / Comparative Study on Investigative Journalism - Ireland. Comparative Study on Investigative Journalism. editor / Jörg Ukrow ; Gianna Iacino. EMR (Institute of European Media Law), 2016. pp. 216-225

7. Fahy, R.F. / Current national developments. Regional and local broadcasting in Europe. editor / Maja Cappello. Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016. pp. 23-35 (IRIS Special).

8. Fahy, R.F. ; Kevin, Deirdre. / Spain. Regional and local broadcasting in Europe. editor / Maja Cappello. Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016. pp. 85-90

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9. Fahy, R.F. ; Kevin, Deirdre. / United Kingdom. Regional and local broadcasting in Europe. editor / Maja Cappello. Strasbourg, 2016. pp. 103-108

10. Guibault, L. ; van Gompel, S. / Collective Management in the European Union. Collective management of copyright and related rights. - 3rd edition. editor / D. Gervais. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 139-174

11. Hugenholtz, P.B. / Flexible copyright : Can EU Author’s Right Accommodate Fair Use?. New Developments in EU and International Copyright Law. editor / I.A. Stamatoudi. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 417-433 (Information Law Series).

12. Hugenholtz, P.B. / Towards Author’s Paradise: The new Dutch Act on Authors’ Contracts. Liber Amicorum Jan Rosén. editor / G. Karnell. Visby : ab, 2016. pp. 397-407

13. Hugenholtz, P.B. / Making the Digital Single Market Work for Copyright. Extending the Satellite & Cable Directive to content services on line. The Digital Single Market Copyright: Internet and Copyright Law in the European Perspective. editor / M. Franzosi ; O. Pollicino ; G. Campus. Ariccia : Aracne, 2016. pp. 51-65

14. Hugenholtz, P.B. / Something Completely Different: Europe’s Sui Generis Database Right. The Internet and the Emerging Importance of New Forms of Intellectual Property. editor / S. Frankel ; D. Gervais. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 205-222 (Information Law Series).

15. Irion, K. / A special regard: The Court of Justice and the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection. Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen - Recht unter Beobachtung und in Aktion: Festschrift für Wolfhard Kohte. editor / U. Faber ; K. Feldhoff ; K. Nebe ; K. Schmidt ; U. Waßer. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. pp. 873-890

16. McGonagle, T. ; van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Introduction. Regional and local broadcasting in Europe. editor / M. Cappello. Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016. pp. 11-21 (IRIS Special; 1).

17. McGonagle, T. ; van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Conclusions. Regional and local broadcasting in Europe. editor / M. Cappello. Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2016. pp. 117-119 (IRIS Special; 1).

18. Tsoutsanis, A. / Benelux-verdrag inzake de intellectuele eigendom (merken en tekeningen of modellen). Hoofdstuk 4: Oppositie. Intellectuele eigendom: de tekst van de Auteurswet, de Wet op de naburige rechten, de Databankenwet, de Benelux-verdragen en wetten betreffende merken en tekeningen of modellen, de Handelsnaamwet, de Rijksoctrooiwet 1995, de Wet inzake topografieën van halfgeleiderprodukten en de Zaaizaad- en plantgoedwet 2005 voorzien van commentaar en met toevoeging van enige andere nationale en Benelux-regelingen. editor / P.F.G.A. Geerts ; D.J.G. Visser. 5e. ed. Wolters Kluwer, 2016. pp. 316-327 (Tekst & commentaar).

19. van der Sloot, B. ; Broeders, D. ; Schrijvers, E. / Introduction: Exploring the boundaries of Big Data. Exploring the boundaries of Big Data. editor / B. van der Sloot ; D. Broeders ; E. Schrijvers. Amsterdam/The Hague : Amsterdam University Press/Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, 2016. pp. 11-23 (WRR verkenning; 32).

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20. van der Sloot, B. / Is the Human Rights Framework Still Fit for the Big Data Era? A Discussion of the ECtHR’s Case Law on Privacy Violations Arising from Surveillance Activities. Data Protection on the Move: current developments in ICT and privacy/data protection. editor / S. Gutwirth ; R. Leenes ; P. De Hert. Dordrecht : Springer, 2016. pp. 411-436 (Law, Governance and Technology series; 24).

21. van der Sloot, B. ; van Keller, L. / Mediaagenturen im internationalen Vergleich. Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Mediaagenturen in den Niederlanden. Handbuch Mediaagenturen: Aufgabenfelder, Geschäftsmodelle, Vertrags- und Wettbewerbsrecht = Media agencies in law and practice. editor / J.-C. Gaedertz ; M. Martinek ; S. Ory. München : C.H. Beck, 2016. pp. 457-480

22. van der Sloot, B. / The Individual in the Big Data Era: moving towards an agent-based privacy paradigm. Exploring the boundaries of Big Data. editor / B. van der Sloot ; D. Broeders ; E. Schrijvers. Amsterdam/The Hague : Amsterdam University Press/Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, 2016. pp. 177-203 (WRR verkenning; 32).

23. van Eechoud, M. / Open data values: Calculating and monitoring the benefits of public sector information re-use. Informationen der öffentlichen Hand: Zugang und Nutzung. editor / T. Dreier ; V. Fischer ; A. van Raay ; I. Spiecker gen. Döhmann. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. pp. 107-142 (Studien zur informationsfreiheit; 3).

24. van Eechoud, M.M.M. / Netherlands. International copyright law and practice: Release 27. editor / P.E. Geller ; M.B. Nimmer ; L. Bently. New York : Matthew Bender, 2016. pp. NETH 1-100

25. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Country report: The Netherlands. Comparative Study on Investigative Journalism. editor / J. Ukrow ; G. Iacino. Vol. 2016 Saarbrücken : EMR (Institute of European Media Law), 2016. pp. 1-7

26. van Gompel, S.J. / Directive 2014/26/EU - on collective management of copyright and related rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online use in the international market (Collective Rights Management Directive). Concise European Copyright Law. editor / T. Dreier ; P.B. Hugenholtz. 2. ed. Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2016. pp. 541-628 (Concise IP).

27. van Hoboken, J.V.J. / From Collection to Use in Privacy Regulation? A Forward Looking Comparison of European and U.S. Frameworks for Personal Data Processing. Exploring the Boundaries of Big Data. editor / Bart van der Sloot ; Dennis Broeders ; Erik Schrijvers. Amsterdam : Amsterdam Un. Press, 2016. pp. 231-259

1.5 PhD theses1. Angelopoulos, C.J. / European intermediary liability in copyright: A tort-based analysis.

2016. 370 p.2. Hijmans, H. / The European Union as a constitutional guardian of internet privacy and

data protection. 2016.

1.6 Conference papers published in proceedings1. Breemen, V.E. / Digital libraries, digital law? A tale of copyright challenges and chances.

What do we lose when we lose a library?: Proceedings of the conference held at the KU Leuven 9-11 September 2015. editor / M. Collier. Leuven : KU Leuven, 2016. pp. 179-187

11Annual report 2016

2. Caspers, M. ; Guibault, L. / “A right to ‘read’ for machines: assessing a black-box analysis exception for data mining”. Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology: ASIST 2016 : proceedings of the 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. editor / A. Grove ; D.H. Sonnenwald ; L. Harrison ; C. Blake ; C. Schlögl ; I. Peters ; B. Endler-Jobst ; C. Cool ; Y.-L. Theng. Silver Spring, MD : Association for Information Science and Technology, 2016. (Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology).

3. Helberger, N. / Profiling and targeting consumers in the Internet of Things - A new challenge for consumer law. Digital Revolution: challenges for contract law in practice. editor / R. Schulze ; D. Staudenmayer. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. pp. 135-161

4. Margoni, T. / or How to Apply Creative Commons Licences to 3D Printed Products in the Light of the Most Recent Developments of the European Court of Justice Case Law. 3D Printing: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Dimensions. editor / B. van den Berg ; S. van der Hof ; E. Kosta. The Hague : Asser Press, 2016. pp. 37-63 (Information technology and law series).

1.7 Professional publications Articles1. Breemen, J.M. ; Breemen, V.E. / Mediarecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol.

138. pp. 8012-8013.2. Breemen, J.M. ; Breemen, V.E. / Mediarecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol.

139. pp. 8075-8077.3. Breemen, J.M. ; Breemen, V.E. / Mediarecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol.

140. pp. 8150-8152.4. Breemen, J.M. ; Breemen, V.E. / Mediarecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol.

141. pp. 8222-8224.5. Hins, W. / Poolse toestanden bij de publieke omroep?. In: De Hofvijver: politiek van Den

Haag tot Brussel. 2016 ; Vol. 6, No. 61.6. Nieuwenhuis, A. / Democratie, groepsbelediging en haatzaaien. In: Ars Aequi. 2016 ;

Vol. 65, No. 11. pp. 821-824 .7. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. Court of Justice of the European Union: GS Media v.

Sanoma Media Netherlands. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 9. pp. 5-6.8. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. Body of European Regulators for Electronic

Communications: guidelines on EU net neutrality rules. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 9. pp. 8-9.

9. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. European Commission: Decision on funding of film production and distribution in Germany. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 9. pp. 7-8.

10. Ó Fathaigh, R. / IE-Ireland: New access rules for broadcasters. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 9. pp. 18-19.

11. Ó Fathaigh, R. / IE-Ireland: BAI media research funding scheme 2016. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 9. pp. 19.

12. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union: European Commission: Proposals for new telecoms package. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 10. pp. 5-6.

13. Ó Fathaigh, R. / IE-Ireland: Broadcaster’s handling of interviewee’s unplanned criticism of political party was fair and objective. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 10. pp. 15.

14. Ó Fathaigh, R. / NL-Netherlands: Interactive digital television provider ends data protection violations. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 9. pp. 20.

12 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

15. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. European Commission: Support for private broadcasters in breach of EU state aid rules. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 8. pp. 4.

16. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. Court of Justice of the European Union: Austro-Mechana v. Amazon EU and Others. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 7. pp. 6-7.

17. Ó Fathaigh, R. / WIPO. WIPO: New international survey on private copying. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 3. pp. 4-5.

18. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. Court of Justice of the European Union: Advocate General’s opinion on private copying compensation and general state budgets. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 2. pp. 4.

19. Ó Fathaigh, R. / European Union. Court of Justice of the European Union: Hewlett-Packard Belgium v. Reprobel. In: IRIS. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 1. pp. 6-7.

20. van der Ree, J.-W. ; Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. / Privacybescherming. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 3. pp. 201-203.

21. van der Ree, J.-W. ; Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. / Privacybescherming. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 4. pp. 236-237.

22. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Telecommunicatierecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol. 139. pp. 8077-8078.

23. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Telecommunicatierecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol. 138. pp. 8013-8014.

24. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Telecommunicatierecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol. 141. pp. 8224-8225.

25. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Telecommunicatierecht. In: Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal. 2016 ; Vol. 140. pp. 8152-8153.

26. van Gompel, S.J. (Editor) ; Koelman, K.J. (Editor). / Rechtspraak in het kort. In: AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht. 2016 ; Vol. 40, No. 5. pp. 144-151.

27. Volgenant, O. ; McGonagle, T. / Persvrijheidsmonitor 2015. In: Villamedia Magazine. 2016 ; Vol. 8, No. 4. pp. 24-27.

28. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. / Privacybescherming. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 2. pp. 134-135.

29. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. (Editor). / Privacybescherming. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 5. pp. 293-297.

30. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. (Editor). / Privacybescherming. In: Computerrecht. 2016 ; Vol. 2016, No. 6. pp. 365-368.

Books 1. Dommering, E.J. / Het Verschil van Mening : Geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen

idee. Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 2016. 687 p. Book chapters1. McGonagle, T. / Journalists. Culture and Human Rights: The Wroclaw Commentaries.

editor / A.J. Wiesand ; K. Chainoglou ; A. Sledzinska-Simon ; Y. Donders. Berlin : De Gruyter, 2016. pp. 206-208

2. McGonagle, T. / Media Content (Diversity of, and Access to). Culture and Human Rights: The Wroclaw Commentaries. editor / A.J. Wiesand ; K. Chainoglou ; A. Sledzinska-Simon ; Y. Donders. Berlin : De Gruyter, 2016. pp. 223-225

13Annual report 2016

Reports1. Caspers, M. ; Guibault, L. / FutureTDM policy framework. FutureTDM, 2016. 32 p.2. Eskens, S. ; Timmer, J. ; Kool, L. ; van Est, R. / Beyond control: Exploratory study on the

discourse in Silicon Valley about consumer privacy in the Internet of Things. Den Haag : Rathenau Instituut, 2016. 48 p.

3. Irion, K. ; Iakovleva, S. ; Bartl, M. / Trade and Privacy: Complicated Bedfellows? How to achieve data protection-proof free trade agreements. Amsterdam : Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, 2016. 89 p.

4. Kerste, M. ; Witteman, J. ; Poort, J. / Quick Scan Reserveprijs DVB-T. SEO Economisch Onderzoek, 2016. 38 p. (SEO-rapport; 2016-05).

5. Leerssen, P. ; Maalderink, R. ; McGonagle, T. / Compilation of selected best practices for the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 & Proposals for further follow-up activities : Council of Europe Steering Committee on Media and Information Society Workshop : How to protect journalists and other media actors in Europe: implementing the Council of Europe’s standards : Strasbourg, 30 June 2016. Amsterdam : IViR, 2016. 24 p.

6. van Eijk, N. / Computercriminaliteit III. Vaste commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie, Rondetafelgesprek 11 februari 2016. Bijdrage. Den Haag : Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, 2016. 2 p.

7. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Onvoldoende waarborgen in nieuwe nationale veiligheidswet. 2016. 6 p.

8. van Hoboken, J.V.J. ; UPTURN. / Data Brokers in an Open Society. UPTURN, 2016. 74 p.9. Wijminga, H. ; Klomp, W. ; Poort, J.P. ; van der Jagt, M. / International Survey on Private

Copying : Law & practice 2015. Geneva : World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 2016. 172 p.

Web publication1. Breemen, V. / A matter of interpretation: libraries land a ‘victory’ in CJEU’s judgment on

e-lending. 2. Caspers, M. / The role of Anne Frank’s diary and academic freedom for text & data

mining. 3. Caspers, M. / The Commission’s proposed TDM exception: Who’s to benefit?. 4. Caspers, M. / FutureTDM is Mapping the Legal Barriers to TDM in Europe. 5. Caspers, M. / Neighbouring Rights, Publishers, and a TDM Exception. 6. Caspers, M. / Why a Copyright Exception Should Go Beyond TDM. 7. Caspers, M. / Deliverable on Regulations and Policies on FutureTDM. 8. Caspers, M. / Some observations of the French TDM exception. 9. Fahy, R.F. / Polish mayor’s private prosecution of local journalist for insult violated

Article 10. 10. Fahy, R.F. / Ordering politician to publish apology for defaming Polish newspaper

violated Article 10. 11. Helberger, N. / Facebook is a new breed of editor: a social editor. 12. Poort, J.P. / De ontvlochten uitgeverij. In: IE-Forum. 2016.13. van Eijk, N. / Big data is de hype voorbij: Nieuwe regelgeving leidt tot realistischer

beeld. 14. van Eijk, N. / Nieuw toezicht op inlichtingendiensten gebrekkig.

14 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

15. van Eijk, N. / Towards a more flexible, incentive-based framework for European Media regulation.

16. Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.J. ; Trilling, D.C. ; Eskens, S.J. ; Möller, J.E. ; Bodó, B. ; de Vreese, C.H. ; Helberger, N. / De filterbubbel doorgeprikt : Het negatieve effect van gepersonaliseerde media valt mee.

Case notes1. Breemen, V. E., (2016). Case note: EHRM (nr. 562/05: SIA AKKA/LAA / Letland), No. 240,

No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2016:0712JUD000056205, Jul 12, 2016. (European Human Rights Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 12).

2. Eskens, S. J., (2016). Case note: EHRM (nr. 47143/06: Roman Zakharov/Rusland), No. 86, No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2015:1204JUD004714306, Dec 04, 2015. (Computerrecht; Vol. 2016, No. 3).

3. Hins, A. W., (2016). Case note: EHRM (rolnummer 37428/06: Bremner tegen Turkije), No. 8, No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2015:1013JUD003742806, Oct 13, 2015. (EHRC. European Human Right Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 1).

4. Hins, W., (2016). Case note: EHRM (931/13: Satamedia/Finland), No. 1, No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2015:0721JUD000093113, Jul 21, 2015. (Mediaforum; Vol. 2016, No. 1).

5. Kabel, J. J. C., (2016). Case note: Rb. Noord Holland, No. ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2016:7375, Aug 31, 2016. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 5).

6. Kabel, J. J. C., (2016). Case note: Vzr. Rb. Amsterdam (Vincent Mentzel / InBev), No. ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2016:1482, Mar 18, 2016. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 3).

7. Kabel, J. J. C., (2016). Case note: Rb. Amsterdam (C/13/602306/KG ZA 16-136: Van Huut / CRI Residence Amstelveen): Doemdenken?, No. 3, No. ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2016:1577, Mar 21, 2016. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 2).

8. Kabel, J. J. C., (2016). Case note: Rb. Rotterdam (X / Interlynx), No. ECLI:NL:RBROT:2015:9825 , Dec 23, 2015. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 2).

9. McGonagle, T., (2016). Case note: EHRM (22947/13: Magyar Tartalomszolgátatók Egyesülete (MTE) en Zrt / Hongarije), No. 140, No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2016:0202JUD002294713, Feb 02, 2016. (European Human Rights Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 7).

10. McGonagle, T., (2016). Case note: EHRM (11882/10: Pentikäinen /Finland), No. 52, No. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2015:1020JUD001188210, Oct 20, 2015. (European Human Rights Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 3).

11. van der Sloot, B., (2016). Case note: EHRM (rolnummer 28601/11: G.S.B. tegen Zwitserland), No. 73, Dec 22, 2015. (EHRC. European Human Right Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 4).

12. van der Sloot, B., (2016). Case note: EHRM (rolnummer 931/13: Satakunnan Markkinapörssi Oy en Satamedia Oy tegen Finland), No. 4, May 21, 2015. (EHRC. European Human Right Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 1).

13. van der Sloot, B., (2016). Case note: EHRM (rolnummer 17429/10: Kalda tegen Estland), No. 111, Jan 19, 2016. (EHRC. European Human Right Cases; Vol. 2016, No. 6).

14. van der Sloot, B., (2016). Case note: ECHR (App no 28601/11: GSB v Switzerland: Is Tax Data Sensitive Data?), Dec 22, 2015. (European Data Protection Law Review; Vol. 2016, No. 2).

15. van Eechoud, M. M. M., (2016). Case note: Rb. Rotterdam (Korpa Kaartspel), No. ECLI:NL:RBROT:2016:550, Jan 20, 2016. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 4).

15Annual report 2016

16. van Eechoud, M. M. M., (2016). Case note: HvJ EU (C-572/14: Austro Mechana / Amazon Sarl e.a.), No. ECLI:EU:C:2016:286, Apr 21, 2016. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 3).

17. van Eechoud, M. M. M., (2016). Case note: Rb. Midden Nederland (Protestantse Gemeente Bilthoven), No. ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2016:6956, Dec 28, 2016. (AMI; Vol. 2016, No. 6).

18. van Eijk, N. A. N. M., (2016). Case note: HvJ EU (C-362/14: Schrems / Data Protection Commissioner), No. ECLI:EU:C:2015:650, Oct 06, 2016. (Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken; Vol. 2016, No. 4).

19. van Gompel, S. J., (2016). Case note: Rb. Den Haag (Vzr.) (C/09/503621/KG ZA 16-54: Bavaria/Your Hosting), No. ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:2608, Mar 16, 2016. (AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht; Vol. 2016, No. 3).

20. van Gompel, S. J., (2016). Case note: Hof Den Haag (200.189.508/01: Your Hosting/Bavaria), No. 8, No. ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2016:2137, Jul 19, 2016. ( AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht; Vol. 2016, No. 5).

1.8 Publications aimed at the general public Articles1. Arnbak, A.M. / Datamining: Tussen technologie en democratie bij verkiezingen. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016 ; pp. 11.2. Arnbak, A.M. / FBI vs Apple: Gevecht om de macht woedt in digitale wereld. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.3. Arnbak, A.M. / Datalekken: Katalysator die privacy volwassen maakt. In: Het Financieele

Dagblad. 2016.4. Arnbak, A.M. / Encryptie: Privacy en veiligheid in Europa. In: Het Financieele Dagblad.

2016.5. Arnbak, A.M. / Nieuw toezicht: Stortvloed aan data schreeuwt om ingrijpen. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.6. Arnbak, A.M. / Chefsache: Bestuurders aansprakelijk na ernstige cyberaanval. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.7. Arnbak, A.M. / Echtscheiding: Brexit legt dataschisma bloot tussen EU en VK. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.8. Arnbak, A.M. / Verkiezingsfraude: Westen wankelt ook in digitale domein. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.9. Arnbak, A.M. / Internetroutes: Nationaal internet is onveilig. In: Het Financieele

Dagblad. 2016.10. Arnbak, A.M. / Internetkanon: Hoe slimme apparaten aanvallen. In: Het Financieele

Dagblad. 2016.11. Arnbak, A.M. / Slimme software: Computer kan werk rechter verbeteren, maar niet

vervangen. In: Het Financieele Dagblad. 2016.12. Arnbak, A.M. / Glocalisering: De mondiale cybersecurity-reguleringsgolf. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.13. Arnbak, A.M. / Krachtproef: Kan mensheid de kwantumcompuer aan?. In: Het

Financieele Dagblad. 2016.14. Hins, W. / Zo’n huisbezoek is niet zo onschuldig als het lijkt. In: NRC-Handelsblad. 2016 ;

pp. O&D.

16 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

15. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Poolse toestanden in Hilversum. In: De Volkskrant. 2016.16. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Hoe voorkomen we dat web-bedrijven alle macht in handen

krijgen?. In: Vrij Nederland. 2016.17. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Veel weerstand tegen hacken op afstand door politie. In: AD. 2016.18. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / Veel weerstand tegen hacken op afstand door politie. In: De

Stentor. 2016.19. van Eijk, N.A.N.M. / American Tech Giants Face Fight in Europe Over Encrypted Data. In:

New York Times. 2016.20. van Gompel, S.J. / Rechtmatig of niet, Anne is online te lezen. In: Het Parool. 2016 ; pp.


1.9 Other research output Invited lectures/keynotes/presentations/workshops1., 19 Feb 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), – The

Struggle over the Future of »Pirate« Libraries and Universal Access to Knowledge, 19/02/16, Stuttgart, Germany

2. – An Ethnographic Inquiry into the Guerilla Open Access Movement, 7 Jul 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property 8th Annual Workshop, 6/07/16 → 8/07/16, Glasgow, United Kingdom

3. Custodians.Online – An Ethnographic Inquiry Into The Guerilla Open Access Movement, 10 Oct 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), ECREA Conference 2016, 9/11/16 → 12/11/16, Prague

4. Politieke profiling, ook in Nederland?, 26 May 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), NLUUG Voorjaarsconferentie 2016, 26/05/16, Utrecht, Netherlands

5. Politieke profiling, ook in Nederland?, 17 Nov 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), EPC Jaarcongress 2016, 17/11/16, Den Haag, Netherlands

6. Putting the Canaries in the Data Mine: Some Suggestions for the Practical, Ethical and Legal Challenges of Researching the ‘Black Box’, 2 Apr 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), Unlocking the Black Box: The Promise and Limits of Algorithmic Accountability in the Professions, 2/04/16 → 2/04/16, New Haven, United States

7. Putting the Canaries in the Data Mine. Some Suggestions for the Practical, Ethical, and Legal Challenges of Researching the ‘Black Box’, 9 Oct 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), ECREA Conference 2016, 9/11/16 → 12/11/16, Prague

8. Still platforms: the apparent stability of digital intermediaries in the face of change and challenge, 7 Oct 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), Association of Internet Researchers conference 2016: Internet Rules, 5/10/16 → 8/10/16, Berlin, Germany

9. The Knowledge Singularity, 2 May 2016, Balázs Bodó (Speaker), RADiCAL.PiRATiCAL, 2/05/16, Malmo, Sweden

10. EPO’s approach on patentability: exclusions of patentability – approach for software and pharmaceutical products – assessment of novelty (disclaimer) and of inventive step (problem-solution approach), 4 Jul 2016, Sven Bostyn (Invited speaker), CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, France

11. Findings of the Expert Group on the development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, 18 May 2016, Sven Bostyn (Keynote speaker), Ministerie van EZ

17Annual report 2016

12. Findings of the Expert Group on the development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, 30 Nov 2016, Sven Bostyn (Invited speaker), De Clercq & Partners, Belgium

13. IP Life Sciences Exchange, Maximising innovation, growth and the value of your pharmaceutical and biotechnology IP through practical strategies, 15 Nov 2016 → 16 Nov 2016, Sven Bostyn (Invited speaker), IQPC Ltd, United Kingdom

14. Octrooien voor farmaceutische producten, 31 Oct 2016, Sven Bostyn (Keynote speaker), Spui 25

15. Patents and diagnostic testing, 3 Nov 2016, Sven Bostyn (Invited speaker), GLOBE B/NESS PUBLISHING, United Kingdom

16. Patents and diagnostic testing: another marriage on the rocks or a(n) (un)wanted relationship?, Patents and licenses on biomarkers; a blessing or a burden?, 11 Jun 2016, Sven Bostyn (Keynote speaker), European Haematology Association (EHA), Netherlands

17. Recent developments in biotech patenting, 23 Mar 2016, Sven Bostyn (Keynote speaker), University of Liège

18. Second medical indication patents and infringement in Europe, 7 Dec 2016, Sven Bostyn (Invited speaker), Newtonmedia, United Kingdom

19. Protecting traditional cultural expressions: on ‘legal diversity’ & knowledge commons, 21 Oct 2016, Kelly Breemen (Invited speaker), Sciences Po Law School, Paris (France)

20. Copyright’s view on libraries, and the future contours of the ‘library privilege’ in copyright law, 23 May 2016, Vicky Breemen (Invited speaker), Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen, UvA

21. Het Verschil van Mening. Geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee., 7 Sep 2016, Egbert Dommering (Speaker), De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam

22. A publisher’s “neighbouring right” to what/for?, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), Future of copyright - What added value from a new neighbouring right for the publlishing industry?, 16/06/16, Brussels

23. Copyright & licensing challenges EU law, 8 Mar 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), Big Open Legal Data Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 8/03/16

24. Fundamental rights, 23 Apr 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), Conference Copyright, related rights and the news in the EU: Assessing potential new laws, 23/04/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

25. International copyright reform in support of open legal information, 16 Oct 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), Open Data Research Symposium, 16/10/16, Madrid, Spain

26. One publisher’s IP, two key objections against P-PIP, 16 Oct 2016 → 17 Oct 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), 1st Annual Conference of the Centre for Law and Internet (CLI), Law and Society in the Digital Era, 16/10/16 → 17/10/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

27. pPIP - Publishers’ Intellectual Property?, 25 Nov 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), VMC Studiemiddag Nieuws: vrij en/of beschermd?, 25/11/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

28. Publisher’s intellectual property right, 11 Oct 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), Roundtable Reality Check: The Real Relationship between Technology & Culture, 11/10/16, Brussels

29. Stand van zaken uitputting HvJEU, 12 Jun 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), VvA studiemiddag Dienst of Goed?, 12/06/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

18 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

30. The regulatory minefield of open government data, 9 Dec 2016, Mireille van Eechoud (Invited speaker), Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit, 9/12/16, Paris, France

31. AVMS reform - a media regulatory framework fit for purpose for Europe’s press publishers?, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), 16/11/2016, European Parliament

32. Big Data: Key to the Future or the End of Privacy, 25 Jan 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Seminar Vodafone Institute and Data-Pop Alliance, Brussels, 25/01/16

33. Cookies, netneutraliteit en eindgebruikers, 12 Dec 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Academie voor wetgeving

34. Cybercrime: Back to the future, 9 Jun 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), International Federation of Computer Law Associations (IFCLA), 9/06/16

35. De vrijheid van meningsuiting verkwanseld, 7 Sep 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam

36. Does net neutrality work? The Dutch Case, 9 Sep 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), TS Europe 2016, 7/09/16 → 9/09/16, Cambridge, United Kingdom

37. Does Privacy by Design Require Regulatory Intervention?, 6 Jan 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Catalyzing privacy by design, Computing Community Consortium, Washington, 6/01/16

38. EU-framework for audio-visual mass media: new policies for the circulation of European content (incentive driven and future proof), 4 Mar 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Panel discussion Promoting Cross-Border Circulation of European Audiovisual Content (conference EU presidency), 4/03/16

39. European Law and Institutions, 27 Oct 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), Understanding EU Law, Institutions and Policymaking: An advance legal colloquium for privacy leaders, 27/10/16, Washington, United States

40. Finding the Balance Between Data Utility and Privacy, re-imagining the social role of the European company in the age of Big Data, 25 Jan 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Workshop, Vodafone, Brussels, 25/01/16

41. Geheime surveillance en opsporing, 18 Nov 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), NL-Kabel42. Net Neutrality: The Netherlands, 7 Nov 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), University

of Oslo, Norway43. Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC), 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Privacy

Law Scholars Conference (PLSC), 1/01/1644. Privacy studies: ‘Law’, 20 Nov 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker)45. Rondetafelgesprek Computercriminaliteit III, 11 Feb 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited

speaker), Rondetafelgesprek Vaste commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie, Tweede Kamer, 11/02/16

46. Rondetafelgesprek met ZMK inzake nieuwe Wiv, 31 Mar 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Rondetafelgesprek CTIVD, Zoetermeer, 31/03/16

47. Safe Harbor 2.0? The Future of US-EU Data Sharing’, 9 Feb 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), The Privacy Law Salon, Miami, 9/02/16

48. Soberheid en overvloed, 22 Jan 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), TSOC, Wassenaar, 22/01/16

49. Standards for oversight and transparency, 31 Mar 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), EuroISPA, Amsterdam, 31/03/16

50. Systematic Government Access to Private Sector Data, 1 Mar 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Workshop, Londen, 1/03/16

19Annual report 2016

51. Technology is eating entertainment, 28 Sep 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), DLA Piper European Technology Summit, 28/09/16, London, United Kingdom

52. Telecommunicatierecht, 28 Nov 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Academie voor wetgeving

53. Telecommunications law, 18 Feb 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), Course EU regulated markets, 18/02/16

54. The Benelux Region: A discussion on legal institutions and political culture, 27 Oct 2016, Nico van Eijk (Speaker), Understanding EU Law, Institutions and Policymaking: An advance legal colloquium for privacy leaders, 27/10/16, Washington, United States

55. Toezichthouders, (hoe) functioneren zij?, 15 Feb 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Mediadiner, Leiden, 15/02/16

56. Towards a more flexible, incentive-based framework for European Media regulation, 16 Feb 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), Future Media Lounge – February 2016 session, ‘A media framework for the 21st century: is regulatory convergence necessary?’, 16 February 2016, European Parliament, Brussels

57. Towards a succesful and consistent implementation of the GDPR, 16 Mar 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), CIPL GDPR Project Workshop, 16/03/16

58. Towards new regulatory concepts for the regulation of audiovisual media, 15 Mar 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), W. Schulz (Invited speaker), EuroCPR 2016, 15/03/16

59. Transatlantic interoperability of privacy law: about national security/law enforcement, data breaches and more, 8 Jul 2016, Nico van Eijk (Invited speaker), IViR Summercourse on Privacy Law and Policy, 4/07/16 → 8/07/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

60. Article 10 and the Chilling Effect, Ronan Ó Fathaigh (Invited speaker), Legal Research Network Conference, 17/10/16 → 19/10/16, Ghent, Belgium

61. Entre utopie scientifique et réalité(s) d’aujourd’hui : quel avenir pour l’Open science?, 24 Nov 2016, Alexandra Giannopoulou (Speaker), AdaWeek, 24/11/16, Paris, France

62. Ancillary copyright and internet freedom, Stef van Gompel (Invited speaker), A public roundtable on ancillary copyright and internet freedom organised by MEP Marietje Schaake of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, 28/09/16 →Brussels, Belgium

63. Auteurscontractenrecht, Stef van Gompel (Invited speaker), PAO Actualiteiten Auteursrecht, 14/11/16, Leiden, Netherlands

64. Auteursrecht op smaak, Stef van Gompel (Invited speaker), VIE/AIPPI Symposium Intellectuele Eigendom, 16/03/16, Zeist, Netherlands

65. Geschiedenis en gedachten achter het octrooirecht en auteursrecht, 13 Oct 2016, Stef van Gompel (Invited speaker), Intellectueel eigendom: Bezit het onzichtbare! Bijeenkomst studentengenootschap Kairos, 13/10/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

66. IE smaakt naar meer, 28 Jan 2016, Stef van Gompel (Invited speaker), IE-Diner, 28/01/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

67. Legal pragmatism in nineteenth-century intellectual property lawmaking: A case study of the 1869 patent abolition in the Netherlands, 7 Jul 2016, Stef van Gompel (Speaker), International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP), 8th Annual Workshop ‘Intellectual Property and Resistance’, 6/07/16 → 8/07/16, Glasgow, United Kingdom

20 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

68. Recent Case Law of the Court of Justice of the EU, 5 Jul 2016, Stef van Gompel (Speaker), IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law, Amsterdam, 4/07/16 → 8/07/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

69. Van gisting tot goesting: Auteursrecht op smaak, 18 Nov 2016, Stef van Gompel (Invited speaker), ‘Van hop tot pint: Bier in IP perspectief’: Najaarsvergadering Beneluxvereniging voor Merken- en Modellenrecht (BMM), 17/11/16 → 18/11/16, Leuven, Belgium

70. Copyright and Licenses, 2 Jun 2016, Lucie Guibault (Speaker), ’Uopen Journals’ - Utrecht University Library, Netherlands

71. Finding Copyright in the Pursuit of Knowledge: Elements of Control and Freedom in Digital Research, 17 Nov 2016, Lucie Guibault (Speaker), CDE (Centro di Documentazione Europea), Università Bocconi ASK (Art, Science and Knowledge), Università Bocconi, Italy

72. La publication en libre accès au cœur de la demande européenne. État des lieux et enjeux juridiques en matière de diffusion de la recherche., 14 Jan 2016, Lucie Guibault (Speaker), Aix Marseilles / CRNS, France

73. Me and My Smartwatch: how close are we? An Analysis from a European Consumer Protection Law Perspective, 11 Apr 2016, Lucie Guibault (Speaker), Cyber-Physical Systems Week 2016

74. Rights and Jobs in Journalism - Authors’ rights enforcement: Fair contracts for quality journalism, 30 May 2016, Lucie Guibault (Speaker), European Federation of Journalists, Belgium

75. Symposium Designing and shaping open science, 5 Apr 2016, Lucie Guibault (Invited speaker), SURFAcademy, University of Groningen, Erasmus University, Netherlands

76. Text & Data Mining: Barriers, Paths and Passable Roads, 24 May 2016, Lucie Guibault (Keynote speaker), LREC 2016 - Legal Workshop, Slovenia

77. Vergoeding voor auteurs bij de exploitatie van hun werken, 31 May 2016, Lucie Guibault (Speaker), Expertmeeting verbetering positie werkenden culturele sector, Netherlands

78. From contested to shared responsibility, 22 Sep 2016 → 23 Sep 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), University of Oxford

79. From contested to shared responsibility, 8 Nov 2016 → 11 Nov 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

80. Future Media Minds, 25 Jan 2016 → 26 Jan 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), European Magazine Media Association, Belgium

81. Journalism in the Age of Data-analytics: Towards algorithmic journalistic ethics, 15 Sep 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), OSCE, Austria

82. Legal and ethical issues of Big Data, 17 Feb 2016 → 18 Feb 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), Alan Turing Society, United Kingdom

83. Legal aspects of the sharing economy, 8 Nov 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), European Parliament

84. Media user privacy, 2 Jun 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), PLSC, United States85. Media user privacy and smart TVs, 27 Apr 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker),

Landesmedienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany86. Platforms and media diversity, 7 Jul 2016 → 8 Jul 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker),

London School of Economics

21Annual report 2016

87. Shrinking Common Core, 14 Mar 2016 → 15 Mar 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), EuroCPR

88. User perspective of privacy and Big Data, 14 Apr 2016, Natali Helberger (Speaker), Florence School of Regulation, EUI

89. ‘Algorithmic accountability and transparency’, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), 7/11/16, Brussels, Belgium

90. DRM, Privacy and Autonomy, 1 Nov 2016, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), MAPPING General Assembly: Online business, Security and Fundamental Human Rights – Enabling trust on the Internet, 31/10/16 → 1/11/16, Prague, Czech Republic

91. Encryption and Human Rights, 11 Nov 2016, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), The XXXI Nordic Conference on Law & IT, 10/11/16 → 11/11/16, Stockholm, Sweden

92. Privacy After the Agile Turn, 25 Nov 2016, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), KU Leuven

93. The Digital After the Agile Turn, 22 Nov 2016, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), The Digital is Political, Isn’t it?, 22/11/16 → 23/11/16, Oslo, Norway

94. The Right to be Forgotten and the European Model for Intermediary Liability, 24 Oct 2016, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), Law Borders and Speech Conference, 24/10/16, Palo Alto, United States

95. The Right to be Forgotten for Public Interest Archiving, 11 Oct 2016, Joris van Hoboken (Invited speaker), International Conference: Right to be forgotten vs. Right to remember, 10/10/16, Brussels, Belgium

96. Copyright and the Digital Single Market. Europe’s Agenda for Copyright Reform, 28 Apr 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret, 28/04/16, Copenhagen, Denmark

97. Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. The EC’s Autumn Surprise, 29 Sep 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), International Olympic Committee

98. Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. The End of Territoriality?, 10 Mar 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Oxford University

99. Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. Towards Unification?, 20 May 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), European Copyright Society Conference, 20/05/16 , Barcelona, Spain

100. Current Issues in EU Copyright Law, 18 May 2016 → 19 May 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Magister Lvcentinvs, Universiteit van Alicante

101. Current Issues in EU Copyright Law, 3 Nov 2016 → 5 Nov 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Católica Global School of Law, Lisbon (Portugal)

102. European Copyright Law: the EU’s Digital Agenda, 28 Dec 2016 → 30 Dec 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Munich Intellectual Property Law Center

103. Hyperlinking after GS Media: is the World Wide Web coming to an end in the EU?, 20 Sep 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Universiteit van Zurich

104. Legalizing the Non-Commercial Online Use of Works: Towards a Universal Right of Remuneration, 26 Sep 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Reconstructing Rights Symposium, 26/09/16, Brussels, Belgium

105. Money in the bank or pie in the sky? Remuneration rights as an alternative to copyright enforcement online, 12 May 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association (BLACA)

22 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

106. Money in the Bank or Pie in the Sky? Remuneration Rights as an Alternative to Copyright Enforcement Online, 21 Sep 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), ETH Zurich, Switzerland

107. Portability of content in the Digital Single Market, 16 Feb 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), European Internet Forum, 16/02/16, Brussels

108. Reconstructing Rights: Common Ground, 26 Sep 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), Reconstructing Rights Symposium, 26/09/16, Brussels, Belgium

109. The unification of copyright law in the EU, 26 Jun 2016 → 29 Jun 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), ATRIP Conference, 26/06/16 → 29/06/16, Krakau

110. Towards Trade Deals as a Guarantor of Access to Knowledge?, 28 Sep 2016, Bernt Hugenholtz (Speaker), WTO Public Forum, 28/09/16, Genève

111. Trade and Privacy, Difficult Bedfellows?, 12 Oct 2016, Marija Bartl (Speaker), Kristina Irion (Speaker), European Parliament, Belgium

112. The Reform of the e-Privacy Directive: How to get it Right?, Public conference organized by the Greens/EFA, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 6 April 2016 / Kristina Irion (Speaker)

113. European Private Law at the Time of Growing Inequality, panellist at the CSECL Birthday Conference, De Burcht, Amsterdam, 30 Sep 2016 / Kristina Irion (Speaker)

114. Protection of Children Online: an Update, presentation at the OECD Working Party on Security and Privacy in the Digital Economy (SPDE), Paris, France, 15-16 Nov 2016 / Kristina Irion (Speaker)

115. Panellist of the main session on TTIP, TISA, CETA: Is Privacy a Commodity for Trading, CPDP International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 28 Jan 2016 / Kristina Irion (Speaker)

116. Digitale reclame: juridische aanpak van beauty- en gezondheidsvloggers, 17 Nov 2016, Jan Kabel (Speaker), LISA’s Lawvertisement Symposium Reclamerecht, 17/11/16, Groningen, Netherlands

117. Noten schrijven, deLex, 13 Oct 2016 / Jan Kabel118. Reclame en oneerlijke handelspraktijken. Code Europese ontwikkelingen, Stichting

Reclame Code, PAO, 11 Apr 2016 / Jan Kabel119. Reclame en oneerlijke handelspraktijken. Europese ontwikkelingen,

Jurisprudentielunch Reclameboek, deLex, 11 May 2016 / Jan Kabel120. Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights - Media Pluralism and Democracy, Tarlach

McGonagle (Invited speaker), 17/11/16 → 18/11/16, Brussels, Belgium121. Challenges for the right to freedom of expression, freedom of information and media

freedom: the Council of Europe, Tarlach McGonagle (Invited speaker), 15 Jul 2016, Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners, 15/07/16, Florence, Italy

122. Guidelines on National Minorities and the Media in the Digital Age: Proof of concept presentation, 2 Dec 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Speaker), OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

123. Hate speech: an online regulatory sinkhole?, 12 May 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Keynote speaker), Hate speech online: regulation, liability and fundamental rights, 12/05/16, Helsinki, Finland

124. Hate speech: contesting the boundaries of free speech, 28 Jun 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Speaker), Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute 2016, 28/06/16, Oxford, United Kingdom

23Annual report 2016

125. How to deal with hate speech online effectively, 12 May 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Speaker), Hate speech online: regulation, liability and fundamental rights, 12/05/16, Helsinki, Finland

126. Introduction: the need for follow-up on Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors, 30 Jun 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Invited speaker), How to protect journalists and other media actors in Europe: implementing the Council of Europe’s standards, 30/06/16, Strasbourg

127. Introductory remarks, Session 3: Impact of ECHR on the upcoming self-regulatory initiatives, 5 Jul 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Speaker), ECtHR’s Case-law on Intermediary Liability, 5/07/16, Tilburg, Netherlands

128. Regulating online speech: Liability, hate speech and incitement - where are the limits of democracy?, 16 Jun 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Speaker), Privatising the rule of law online: Freedom of speech, copyright and platforms in the digital single market, 16/06/16, Brussels

129. Responding to Digital Dominance: the Role of the Council of Europe and Standard Setting for Democracy and Fundamental Rights, 8 Jul 2016, Tarlach McGonagle (Invited speaker), Digital Dominance: Implications and Risks, 8/07/16, London, United Kingdom

130. Borderline exploitation of copyrighted works, 25 Nov 2016, Joost Poort (Speaker), Unfair competition workshop, 24/11/16 → 25/01/17, Helsinki, Finland

131. International Survey on Private Copying WIPO – Thuiskopie, 23 Jun 2016, Joost Poort (Speaker), International conference on private copying, Hermitage Museum Amsterdam, 23/06/16

132. Panelist, 24 Jun 2016, Joost Poort (Speaker), CREATe Festival, 23/06/16 → 24/06/16, London, United Kingdom

133. Private Copying and the Cloud: Introduction to topic and Moderation of Panel Discussion,23 Jun 2016, João Quintais (Speaker), International conference on private copying, Hermitage Museum Amsterdam, 23/06/16

134. Licensing audio- visual archives from a copyright Perspective: Between Assumptions and Empirical Evidence, 12 Jul 2016, Simone Schroff (Keynote speaker), Digital Humanities 2016, 11/07/16 → 16/07/16, Krakow, Poland

135. Sound and Vision’s Broadcasting Archive: What are the low hanging Fruits?, 22 Sep 2016, Simone Schroff (Speaker), Making broadcasting archives available online, 22/09/16, Hilversum, Netherlands

136. Sound and Vision’s Broadcasting Archive: What are the low hanging Fruits?, 13 Sep 2016, Simone Schroff (Speaker), Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid

137. The Politics of the Digital Single Market: The Case of Copyright, Competition and Collective Management Organizations, 17 Jun 2016, Simone Schroff (Speaker), ECPR Standing Group of the European Union 2016 Annual Conference, 15/06/16 → 18/06/16, Trento, Italy

138. Big Data, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), Ziggo Rondetafel, 1/01/16139. Big Data2, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), Erasmus University Students, 1/01/16140. Big Data and privacy, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), LIEC, 1/01/16141. Big Data en privacy, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), PRANO, 1/01/16142. Big Data in een veilige samenleving, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), NJCM,

1/01/16 143. DPAs and enforcement, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), CPDP, 1/01/16

24 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

144. Privacy, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), Awesome IT, 1/01/16145. The model of the completely independent DPAs, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited

speaker), Workshop Hielke, 1/01/16146. Where is the Harm in a privacy violation?, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker),

PLSC, 1/01/16147. WRR Big Data and privacy, 2016, Bart van der Sloot (Invited speaker), NJCM, 1/01/16148. Automated profiling after the GDPR, more regulation needed?, Frederik Zuiderveen

Borgesius (Speaker), IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, 7/11/16, Brussels, Belgium

149. Behavioural targeting & personal data, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Privacy Law and Policy Summercourse, 4/07/16 → 8/07/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

150. Big data, 4 Oct 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Competition Workshop ‘Big data, platforms and privacy’, CBP Netherlands Bureau for Economic and Policy Analysis, 4/10/16 → 4/10/16, The Hague, Netherlands

151. Big data and discrimination, 26 May 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), NJCM, Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists, 26/05/16, The Hague, Netherlands

152. Big data, discrimination & privacy, 25 Oct 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Big Data Debate, Dutch Association of Insurers, 25/10/16 → 25/10/16

153. e-Privacy Directive review, 6 Apr 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, Hearing e-Privacy, 6/04/16, Brussels, Belgium

154. From mass- to personalised communication – implications for society, law & policy, 19 Sep 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Natali Helberger (Speaker), Judith Möller (Speaker), Balázs Bodó (Speaker), Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap [Ministry of Education, Culture and Science], 19/09/16, The Hague, Netherlands

155. Online price discrimination, 27 Oct 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Online price discrimination: eLaw Open Minded series, 27/10/16, Leiden, Netherlands

156. Online price discrimination, 26 Apr 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Institute for Human Rights (College voor de Rechten van de Mens), 26/04/16, Utrecht, Netherlands

157. Online price discrimination & data protection law, 11 Jan 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Speaker series of the Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, Amsterdam, 11/01/16

158. Online price discrimination and data protection law, 30 Sep 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Joost Poort (Speaker), TPRC, The 44th Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy, 30/09/16 → 1/10/16, Washington, United States

159. Online price discrimination and data protection law, 2 Jun 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Joost Poort (Speaker), Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC)

160. Online price discrimination and data protection law, 15 Mar 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Joost Poort (Speaker), EuroCPR, 14/03/16 → 16/03/16, Brussels, Belgium

161. Online price discrimination and data protection law, 10 Mar 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Joint Centre for Intellectual Property Law (CIPIL) and Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) research seminar, 10/03/16, Cambridge, United Kingdom

25Annual report 2016

162. Panel chair: ‘It’s getting personal: AI and privacy challenges in fintech’, 26 Jan 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), CPDP Computers, Data Protection Law and Privacy Conference, 25/01/17 → 27/01/17, Brussels, Belgium

163. Panel member: ‘Facebook 007’, 6 Oct 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Big Brother Awards Belgium, 6/10/16, Brussels, Belgium

164. Panel member: ‘Instant Big Data Targeting: Programmatic Ad Tech & Beyond’, 24 Jan 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Privacy Camp, 24/01/17, Brussels, Belgium

165. Panel moderator: ‘Consumer credit, profiling, and automated decision-making’, 25 Jan 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), CPDP Computers, Data Protection Law and Privacy Conference, 25/01/17 → 27/01/17, Brussels, Belgium

166. ‘Political behavioural targeting’ (panel moderator), 27 Jan 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), CPDP Computers, Data Protection Law and Privacy Conference, 27/01/16 → 29/01/16, Brussels, Belgium

167. Political microtargeting, 23 Sep 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Sanne Kruikemeier (Speaker), Tom Dobber (Speaker), Judith Möller (Speaker), Balázs Bodó (Speaker), Damian Trilling (Speaker), Natali Helberger (Speaker), IViR leestafel at the Institute for Information Law, 23/09/16

168. Price discrimination and Fair Information Principles, 1 Jun 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), PLSC pre conference, Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center, 1/06/16, Washington, United States

169. Privacy and the Internet, 13 Oct 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), ‘Privacy and the Internet’, Privacy symposium, Ministry of Economic affairs, 13/10/16, The Hague, Netherlands

170. Privacyrecht is nooit af [Privacy law is never finished], 30 Jun 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), D66 symposium Privacy van de 19de naar de 21ste eeuw [Political party ‘D66 symposium Privacy from the 19th to the 21st century’], 30/06/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

171. Review of the ePrivacy Directive, 12 Apr 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), European Commission Stakeholder workshop: Towards a future proof ePrivacy Legal Framework, 12/04/16, Brussels, Belgium

172. Right to personal data protection and cooperative intelligent transport systems, 21 Mar 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), Conference Data Protection & Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, 21/03/16 → 22/03/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

173. The great data race - How commercial utilisation of personal data challenges privacy, 29 Jan 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), CPDP Computers, Data Protection Law and Privacy Conference, 27/01/16 → 29/01/16, Brussels, Belgium

174. Tracking walls, take-it-or-leave-it choices, and EU data privacy law, 1 Oct 2016, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Speaker), TPRC, The 44th Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy, 30/09/16 → 1/10/16, Washington, United States

Editorial work1. Sven Bostyn (Member of editorial board), Journal of International Biotechnology Law2. Mireille van Eechoud (Editor), AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht3. Nico van Eijk, Referee Fonds Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO)

26 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

4. Nico van Eijk, Referee papers International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Europe-conference

5. Nico van Eijk (Programme Committee Member), TILTing Perspectives 20176. Ronan Ó Fathaigh (Reviewer), IRIS7. Stef van Gompel (Member of editorial board), AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- &

Informatierecht8. Stef van Gompel (Editor), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) project, ed. by L.

Bently & M. Kretschmer9. Stef van Gompel (Reviewer) Reviewer of article, Internet Policy Review, Journal on

Internet Regulation, 201610. Lucie Guibault, BRAIN: Belgian Research Action Through Interdisciplinary Network,

BELSPO: Belgian Science Policy Office, Belgium, Peer-review of proposals submitted for call of proposal in the area of digital preservation and infrastructure of cultural heritage, 28 Oct 2016

11. Natali Helberger (Reviewer), IAMCR 201612. Natali Helberger (Editorial board member) Journal of Information Policy, 201613. Natali Helberger (Reviewer), Expert reviewer FWO, FWO, 2016 14. Natali Helberger (Reviewer), Expert Reviewer KU Leuven, KU Leuven, 2016 15. Joris van Hoboken (Reviewer), Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference,

Brussels, Belgium16. Joris van Hoboken (Reviewer), Internet Policy Review17. Joris van Hoboken (Reviewer), Privacy & Informatie18. Bernt Hugenholtz (Member of editorial board), Journal of World Intellectual Property19. Bernt Hugenholtz (Editor in chief), Kluwer Law International20. Bernt Hugenholtz (Editor), Nederlandse Jurisprudentie21. Bernt Hugenholtz (Reviewer) Advising legislation: European Parliament Workshop on

the academic evaluation of the Copyright reform proposal, 19 Oct 2016 22. Jan Kabel (Member of editorial board), AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- &

Informatierecht23. Jan Kabel (Programme Committee Member), Privacy & Informatie24. Tarlach McGonagle (Reviewer), Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom25. Tarlach McGonagle (Reviewer), European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights:

Contributions to the second Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights26. Tarlach McGonagle (Editor), Guidelines on National Minorities and the Media in the

Digital Age27. Tarlach McGonagle (Reviewer) National Academic Coordinator, Chapter on the

Netherlands, Final Report, International Legal Research Group on Freedom of Expression - Protection of Journalistic Sources, 2016

28. Joost Poort (Reviewer), Information Economics and Policy29. Joost Poort (Reviewer), International Journal of Cultural Policy30. Alexander Tsoutsanis (Member of editorial board), Berichten Industriële Eigendom31. Alexander Tsoutsanis (Reviewer), Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice32. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Big Data & Society33. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Economia Politica34. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), European Journal of Law and Technology35. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), European Journal of Risk Regulation36. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), International Data Privacy Law

27Annual report 2016

37. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Journal of Information Policy38. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Legal Issues of Economic Integration39. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Media and Communication40. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Report ‘Profiling and selecting: an advisory

report on the use of profiling in the implementation of immigration policy’ (‘Het gebruik van profielen in de uitvoering van het Vreemdelingenbeleid’), Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Adviescommissie voor vreemdelingenzaken), The Hague, Netherlands

41. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), 24 Hours of Communication Sciences conference 2016

42. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Reviewer), Springer Books, 2016

Memberships1. Sven Bostyn, Expertencommittee Europese Commissie, Voorzitter Expertencommittee

ter evaluatie van richtlijn 98/44/EG betreffende de wettelijke bescherming van biotechnologische uitvindingen

2. Ot van Daalen, Member Advisory Board Bits of Freedom 3. Ot van Daalen, Member Advisory Board SIDN Fonds 4. Egbert Dommering (Member), Auteurs- en Mediarecht5. Mireille van Eechoud (Member), Commissie Auteursrecht (wettelijke adviesraad

Minister van Justitie)6. Mireille van Eechoud (Member), European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)7. Mireille van Eechoud (Member), Executive Committee ALAI8. Mireille van Eechoud (Member), Raad van Advies Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens9. Mireille van Eechoud (Member), Universitaire Onderzoek Commissie (UOC)10. Mireille van Eechoud (Chair), Vereniging voor Auteursrecht, Amsterdam11. Mireille van Eechoud, International Law Association, London, UK, Coordinator

subcommittee ‘initial ownership’, Committee on Intellectual Property and Private International Law

12. Nico van Eijk (Member), Jurylid internetscriptieprijs, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen

13. Nico van Eijk (Member), Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW)

14. Nico van Eijk (Member), Lid UvA-werkgroep Wetenschappelijke Integriteit (WWI), UvA,15. Nico van Eijk (Member), Lid UvA-klankbordgroep allocatiemodel, UvA16. Nico van Eijk (Member), WODC17. Stef van Gompel (Member), Commissie Auteursrecht18. Stef van Gompel (Chair), Studiecommissie voor de geschiedenis van het auteursrecht

van de Vereniging voor Auteursrecht19. Stef van Gompel (Member), Vereniging voor Intellectuele Eigendom / de Nederlandse

groep van AIPPI (l’Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle)

20. Lucie Guibault (Member), Advisory Board H2020 Science with and for Society, European Commission (DG Research and Innovation)

21. Lucie Guibault (Member), European Commission H2020 Advisory Group22. Lucie Guibault (Member), NEXA Center for Internet and Society, Politecnico de Torino23. Jaron Harambam (Member), COST

28 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

24. Natali Helberger (Member), Faculty of Law’s Ethics Committee ,Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid (Organisational unit)

25. Natali Helberger (Member), Member Scientific Committee Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid (Organisational unit)

26. Natali Helberger (Member), Florence School of Regulation, EUI27. Natali Helberger (Member), Media ombudsman28. Natali Helberger (Member), Universiteit van Amsterdam (Organisational unit)29. Natali Helberger (Member), International Telecommunications Society – ITS, Member of

the Scientific Committee of the International Telecommunications Society30. Natali Helberger (Member), High Level Connect Advisory Group (CAF), European

Commission, DG Connect, European Commission, 2016 31. Natali Helberger (Member), High Level Expert Group on the Internet of Things,

European Commission, 2016 32. Joris van Hoboken (Member), European Digital Rights (EDRi)33. Joris van Hoboken (Member), Klankbordgroep Big Data34. Joris van Hoboken (Member), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands35. Bernt Hugenholtz (Member), Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law,

Cambridge University36. Bernt Hugenholtz (Member), CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business

Models in the Creative Economy37. Bernt Hugenholtz (Member), Dutch Directors Guild38. Bernt Hugenholtz (Member), Electronic Frontier Foundation39. Bernt Hugenholtz (Member), European Copyright Society40. Bernt Hugenholtz (Chair), Vaste Commissie Plagiaat (Buma-Stemra)41. Kristina Irion (Member), International Advisory Board of Electronic Privacy Information

Center (EPIC), Washington, Verenigde Staten 42. Kristina Irion (Member), European Champion of Freedom Award, member of the

selection committee 43. Jan Kabel (Chair), Commissie van Beroep NICAM (Kijkwijzer)44. Jan Kabel (Chair), Geschillencommissie Bureau Kredietregistratie (BKR)45. Jan Kabel (Chair), Geschillencommissie LIRA46. Jan Kabel (Chair), Geschillencommissie VEVAM47. Jan Kabel (Chair), Reclame Code Commissie48. Tarlach McGonagle (Member & Rapporteur), Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts

on Media Pluralism and Transparency of Media Ownership 49. Tarlach McGonagle, (Member), [Netherlands] School of Human Rights 50. Tarlach McGonagle, (Member), The Euromedia Research Group, Member 51. Tarlach McGonagle, (Member), Vereniging voor Media- en Communicatierecht

Studiecommissie Bronbescherming, Member 52. Tarlach McGonagle, (Member), Advisory Board, Information Law and Policy Centre,

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study, Member, University of London

53. Tarlach McGonagle (Coordinator) IViR-European Audiovisual Observatory Partnership Agreement

54. Tarlach McGonagle (Member),Advisory Committee to the Dutch branch of UNESCO on the Netherlands’ input into the Council of UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)

29Annual report 2016

55. Joost Poort (Member), Advisory Board of ‘Auteursrechtdebat’56. Joost Poort, CREATe Honorary Economics Fellow57. Joost Poort (Board Member), European Policy for Intellectual Property Association

(EPIP) 58. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Member), Big Brother Award

PhD supervision & oppositions1. Examination of R. Pratt, Trinity College Dublin, 2 Dec 2016 / Bostyn, Sven2. PhD supervision B. Hanuz, University of Liverpool, 2016 / Bostyn, Sven3. Falling off the cliff. The role of the courts in the erosion of patent term extensions in

the European Union, Sven Bostyn (Examiner),4. Promoter H. Hijmans, Universiteit van Amsterdam/Vrij Universiteit Brussel, 5 Feb 2016 /

van Eijk, Nico5. Promotiecommissie J. Weinand Metzdorf, The implementation of the Audiovisual

Media Services Directive by the national regulatory authorities, Nico van Eijk (Examiner)6. Promoter B. van der Sloot, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / van Eijk, Nico7. Supervisor A. Roberts, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / van Eijk, Nico8. Member doctoral committee S. Ausloos, KU Leuven, 2016 / van Eijk, Nico9. PhD supervision J.M. Breemen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / van Eechoud,

Mireille10. PhD supervision M. Oostveen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / van Eechoud, Mireille11. Examination of S.F. Schwemer, University of Copenhagen, 9 Dec 2016 / Guibault, Lucie12. PhD supervision V.E. Breemen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Guibault, Lucie13. PhD supervision J.P. Quintais, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Guibault, Lucie14. Co-supervision L. Oprysk, University of Tarty, Estonia, 2016 / Guibault, Lucie15. ”Digital Content Licensing. Licensing and access arrangements between competition

law and sector regulation”, Lucie Guibault (Examiner)16. Examination of C.J. Angelopoulos, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 22 April 2016 / van

Gompel, Stef17. PhD supervision B. van der Sloot, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Helberger, N.18. PhD supervision S. Eskens, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Helberger, N.19. PhD supervision M. Sax, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Helberger, N.20. PhD supervision T. Dobber, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Helberger, N.21. Pre-promotie S. Schewemer, University of Copenhagen, 2 Jun 2016 / Hugenholtz, Bernt22. Promoter C.J. Angelopoulos, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 22 Apr 2016 / Hugenholtz,

Bernt23. PhD supervision V.E. Breemen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Hugenholtz, Bernt24. PhD supervision J.P. Quintais, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Hugenholtz, Bernt25. PhD supervision M. Oostveen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Irion, Kristina26. PhD supervision J.M. Breemen, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / McGonagle, Tarlach27. External examiner, (Irish-language) Communications Studies BA and MA Programmes,

National University of Ireland, Galway, Tarlach McGonagle (Examiner)28. PhD supervision A. Kuczerawy, K.U. Leuven, 2016 / McGonagle, Tarlach 29. NGO participation in international lawmaking, Jean d’ Aspremont (Examiner), Aernout

Nieuwenhuis (Examiner)30. Supervision S. Eskens, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2016 / Zuiderveen Borgesius, F

30 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

Organization & chairships conferences/workshops1. Balázs Bodó (Participant), 2016 Euhackathon, Brussels, Belgium, 15 Nov 2016 2. Balázs Bodó (Participant), Who Controls the Public Sphere in an Era of Algorithms?,

New York City, United States, 26 Feb 20163. Mireille van Eechoud (Organiser), R. Danbury (Organiser), Lionel Bently (Organiser),

Conference Copyright, related rights and the news in the EU: Assessing potential new laws, 23/04/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

4. Mireille van Eechoud (Chair), VvA studiemiddag Dienst of Goed?, 12/06/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

5. Mireille van Eechoud (Organiser), M.R.F. Senftleben (Organiser), VvA studiemiddag Dienst of Goed?, 12/06/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

6. Nico van Eijk (Organiser), Lecture judge Spano (European Court of Human Rights), 28/10/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

7. Nico van Eijk (Organiser), Studiemiddag VMC, Amsterdam, 17/06/168. Nico van Eijk (Organiser), VMC Studiemidddag Nieuws: vrij en/of beschermd?, 25/11/16,

Amstserdam, Netherlands9. Ronan Fahy (Participant), Addressing regulatory asymmetries: video-sharing platforms,

targeting on-demand services, and services outside the EU, Strasbourg, France, 12 Dec 2016

10. Stef van Gompel (Organiser), Bernt Hugenholtz (Organiser), IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law, Amsterdam, 4/07/16 → 8/07/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

11. Stef van Gompel (Organiser), Methods and constraints for including evidence in IP lawmaking: 5th International CopyCamp Conference, 27/10/16 → 27/10/16, Warsaw, Poland

12. Lucie Guibault (Organiser), 5th Europeana Licensing Workshop, 24/11/16 → 25/11/16, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

13. Lucie Guibault (Organiser), World Blind Union Workshop: Guidelines for Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty, 28/01/16 → 29/01/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

14. Lucie Guibault (Participant), Balancing Intellectual Property Claims and the Freedom of Arts and Communication, Bieleveld, Germany, 30-1 Apr/May 2016

15. Lucie Guibault (Participant), EC Copyright Reform Discussions, Brussels, Belgium, 15-16 Nov 2016

16. Lucie Guibault (Participant), Symposium on international and comparative user rights in the digital economy, Washington D.C., United States, 18 Mar 2016

17. Natali Helberger (Organiser), Amsterdam Privacy Conference, 23/10/1618. Natali Helberger (Participant), CPDP, 1/01/1619. Joris van Hoboken (Member of programme committee), 2016 International Workshop

on Privacy Engineering, 26/05/16, San Jose, United States20. Joris van Hoboken (Member of programme committee), Second International

Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing and Cloud Supported Internet of Things, 8/04/16, Berlin, Germany

21. Bernt Hugenholtz (Chair), Reconstructing Rights Symposium, 26/09/16 → 26/09/16, Brussels, Belgium

22. Bernt Hugenholtz (Organiser), Summer Course International Copyright Law, 4/07/16 → 8/07/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

31Annual report 2016

23. Kristina Irion (Organiser), Member of the Scientific Committee of Computer Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Conference, 1/01/16

24. Tarlach McGonagle (Organiser), The Rule of Law and Human Rights: Interrelated and Interdependent?, 9/11/16, Amsterdam, Netherlands

25. Tarlach McGonagle (Participant), Freedom of expression and media convergence, Expert meeting, invited expert, London, United Kingdom, 7 Sep 2016

26. Tarlach McGonagle (Participant), Internet Freedom: a constant factor of democratic security in Europe, Strasbourg, France, 9 Sep 2016

27. Joost Poort (Participant), Reconstructing Rights Symposium, 26/09/16 → 26/09/16, Brussels, Belgium

28. Marijn Sax (Participant), Health, Technology, and Moralization, Delft, Netherlands, 2-3 Dec 2016

29. Simone Schroff (Participant), 5th Europeana Licensing Workshop, Luxembourg, 24-25 Nov 2016

30. Simone Schroff (Participant), Copyright X Summit, Prato, Italy, 18-20 May 2016 31. Simone Schroff (Participant), Lucie Guibault (Organiser), EnDow Workshop on the

diligent search requirement and crowd-sourcing, 30/03/17 → 30/03/17, Amsterdam, Netherlands

32. Bart van der Sloot (Organiser), 25th APPR internal meeting, 1/01/1633. Alexander Tsoutsanis (Participant), Legal drafting - principles, Settlement Agreements

and NDA’s, Post Graduate Course for Patent Attorneys, 2 Nov 2016 34. Alexander Tsoutsanis (Participant), Nagoya Protocol - Indigenous Resources and Plant

Breeders Rights’, 28 Sep 201635. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Participant), CPDP Computers, Data Protection Law and

Privacy Conference, 27/01/16 → 29/01/16, Brussels, Belgium36. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Participant), Sophie Boerman (Participant), ICA Annual

Conference of the International Communication Association, 11/06/16 → 11/06/16, Fukuoka, Japan

1.10 Media appearances1. Marco Caspers, Horizon Magazine, Copyright shift would put Europe ahead in ‘future

of research’ data mining, 14/09/162. Marco Caspers, Science|Business, EU Commission to propose strong text and data

mining rights for researchers, 8/09/163. Ot van Daalen, De Volkskrant, Nieuwe Commissie gaat privacy van burgers toetsen bij

aftappen internetdata, 16/04/164. Ot van Daalen, NRC Handelsblad, Europees Hof keurt online controle werknemers

goed, 13/01/16 5. Ot van Daalen, NRC Handelsblad, Mag de baas met je meegluren, 14/01/166. Egbert Dommering, Met het oog op morgen, Interview, Het Verschil van Mening.

Geschiedenis van een verkeerd begrepen idee, 5/09/167. Mireille van Eechoud, BBC, EU lawyer sides against Playboy in hyperlinks cases, 7/04/16,

Comment on Advocate General Opinion in GeenStijl/Sanoma case CJEU8. Nico van Eijk, Eerste Kamer Handelingen I, (wetsvoorstel Toekomstbestendig maken

van de publieke mediadienst 34.264), 2/02/169. Nico van Eijk, BNR Radio, De kijker krijgt zenderpakket op maat, 13/07/1610. Nico van Eijk, BNR Radio, Ask me Anything: Biometrische opsporing, 16/12/16

32 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

11. Nico van Eijk, Broadcast Magazine, 2016-2, p. 46-47, Onafhankelijkheid publieke omroep moet beter worden geborgd, 1/01/16

12. Nico van Eijk, De Ingenieur, Rechtspraak moet wennen aan nieuwe techniek, 01/01/2916

13. Nico van Eijk, De Stem, Persoonsgegevens dit jaar 2.000 keer op straat, 27/07/1614. Nico van Eijk, De Volkskrant, Van virtueel protest naar ‘ratten vangen in Zaandam,

15/09/1615. Nico van Eijk, De Volkskrant , Mediawet verplicht omroep volgens staatssecretaris tot

informeren: Dekker wil openheid NPO over kosten, 28/11/1616. Nico van Eijk, De Volkskrant, Goede Tijden voor de modeketen, 21/12/1617. Nico van Eijk, Een Vandaag, Politie voert gezichtsherkenning in, 16/12/1618. Nico van Eijk,, MediaMagazine, Dekker: Benoemingen Raad van

Toezicht volgens Mediawet: interview, 28/02/1619. Nico van Eijk, Metro, Overheid moet open zijn over aanvraag Facebookdata, 22/12/1620. Nico van Eijk, Netkwesties, De vrijheid van meningsuiting verkwanseld, 8/09/1621. Nico van Eijk, NJB Blog, Geheime surveillance bij opsporing, 22/11/1622. Nico van Eijk, NOS journaal, Verbod anonieme simkaarten, 7/09/1623. Nico van Eijk, NOS Journaal, Wraakporno, 31/08/1624. Nico van Eijk, NOS/Nieuwsuur, Whatsapp, 17/09/1625. Nico van Eijk,, Politie: maak treiterende vloggers strafbaar, 6/09/1626. Nico van Eijk,, Lof en kritiek op inzien van eigen digitale zorgdossier, 4/10/1627. Nico van Eijk,, Onderzoekers UvA: meer toezicht nodig op hackwet, 22/11/1628. Nico van Eijk,, Politie gaat verdachten opsporen met gezichtsherkenning,

16/12/1629. Nico van Eijk,, NOS, Strijd tussen FBI en Apple: maakt het tech-bedrijf kans?

Interview met Nando Kasteleijn, 17/02/1630. Nico van Eijk, Mag de AIVD mij straks zomaar aftappen? Interview met Joost Schellevis,

15/04/1631. Nico van Eijk, Plasterk denkt na over aftappen chat-apps en wifihotspots: interview met

Joost Schellevis, 20/04/1632. Nico van Eijk, NRC, Binnen enkele seconden is er een biometrische match, 17/12/1633. Nico van Eijk, NRC en NRC-next, Deze foto mocht niet in de krant, 15/09/1634. Nico van Eijk,, Meer toezicht nodig op controversiële terughackwet, 22/11/1635. Nico van Eijk, Revu, Wie denkt Ismail Ilgun wel dat hij is?, 21/09/1636. Nico van Eijk, Stentor, Hacken is zo oud als internet, 20/07/1637. Nico van Eijk,, UvA-onderzoekers missen waarborgen tegen misbruik

bevoegdheden in hackwet, 22/11/1638. Nico van Eijk, Villamedia, ‘Staatsbemoeienis met NPO neemt toe’: interview door Linda

Nab, 12/01/1639. Nico van Eijk, Poolse praktijken bij de publieke omroep, 12/01/1640. Nico van Eijk, Poolse Mediawet niet onafhankelijk? Wij doen precies hetzelfde, 2/02/1641. Nico van Eijk, Is de Nederlandse pers een politiek speeltje geworden?,13/03/1642. Nico van Eijk, Is Nederland racistisch?, 29/05/1643. Joris van Hoboken, De Correspondent, En hup, Google verbreekt alweer een belofte,

24/10/1644. Kristina Irion, Trump win offers window for EU privacy regime to go global, 18/11/2016,


33Annual report 2016

45. Kristina Irion, Transatlantischer Zoff: Digitaler Datenschutz oder digitaler Protektionismus, 16/07/2016,

46. Kristina Irion, Privacy onvoldoende gewaarborgd in handelsverdragen EU, 13/07/2016,

47. Kristina Irion, EU stelt privacy burgers onvoldoende veilig, 13/07/2016, Digital Telegraaf 48. Kristina Irion, EU stelt privacy burgers onvoldoende veilig, 13/07/2016, Eindhovens

Dagblad Kristina Irion, Audienz bei den Chefunterhändlern, 13/07/2016, taz.de49. Jan Kabel, BNR Nieuwsradio, Toelaatbaarheid van het Amsterdamse Ja Ja Sticker

voorstel, Interview bij BNR Nieuwsradio, 12 december 2016.50. Tarlach McGonagle, Hate speech: it’s the victim’s perspective that matters, 19/05/16,

Deutsche Welle Akademie #mediadev interview, May 2016, 3 pp.51. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, 27/02/16, Radio interview: ‘Heb je (n)iets te verbergen?’

[‘Nothing to hide?’], Radio Swammerdam, Amsterdam, 27 February 2016. 52. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, 27/05/16, Quoted in: ‘Op zoek naar de risicoburger’

[‘Looking for the risky citizen’], Trouw, 27 May 201653. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, 25/10/16, Quoted in: ‘Dit gebeurt er met jouw data op

de grootste Belgische websites’ [‘This happens with your data on the largest Belgian websites’], Apache, 25 October 2016.

54. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Radio interview Nieuws en co, CCTV and privacy, 10/10/16

55. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Tweakers, ’EU-Hof: dynamische ip-adressen zijn ook persoonsgegevens voor websitehouders, 19/10/16

56. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, NOS Radio1 Journaal, ‘Politie gaat verdachten opsporen met gezichtsherkenning’, 16/12/16

57. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Fears of Facebook bias seem to be overblown, Wall Street Journal, 16 May 2016 /

58. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Our paper ‘Zuckerberg to Meet With Leading Conservatives on Facebook Bias Claims, 16 May 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

59. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Europese consultatie e-privacy verordening – voor wie is dat interessant?, ISPToday, 10 May 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

60. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Kritiker bezweifeln Wirksamkeit von Privacy Shield, Radio interview, German national radio, 4 July 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

61. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Facebook overweegt te waarschuwen voor nep-nieuws, NOS, 19 Nov 2016 /

62. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Marqt toont tweets van klanten in winkel zonder toestemming, Parool, 3 Dec 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

63. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, EU-hof: locatie- en telecomdata mogen niet zomaar worden verzameld, NOS, 21 Dec 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

64. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, EU-Hof: massaal verzamelen telecomgegevens is niet toegestaan, Tweakers, 21 Dec 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

65. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, CJEU Data Retention Judgment, BNR Nieuwsradio, 21 Dec 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

66. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Facebook de schuld geven van Trump. Dát is pas elitair, De Correspondent, 2016 / Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

34 Institute for Information Law (IViR)

2. IViR events

2.1 IViR Speaker Series • 22 January – Lies van Roessel (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society,

Berlin), Playing without Rules? An Empirical Study into Imitation and Innovation in the Games Industry.

• 19 February – Maurits Kaptein (University of Tilburg), Persuasion Profiling, Personalization, Bandits, and all that.

• 18 March – Christina Angelopoulos (Institute for Information Law/Information Law and Policy Centre, Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, University of London), Knowledge and the Hosting Safe Harbour in the Context of Web 2.0.

• 8 April – Lionel Bently (CIPIL, University of Cambridge), The right to quote as enshrined in “Article 10(1) of the Berne Convention: Global, Mandatory Fair Use?”.

• 20 May – Lee Bygrave (Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law), Information Concepts in Law: Generic Dreams and Definitional Daylights.

• 3 June – Jonathan Askin (Brooklyn Law School), talk about his experiences with clinical education.

• 17 June – Personalised Communication group, presentation research infrastructure: Robin.  

• 15 July – Kristina Irion & Svetlana Yakovleva (Institute for Information Law), EU privacy and data protection standards and free trade agreements.

• 2 September – Viktor Tron (code artist at Ethereum DΞV / lead developer of Swarm) and Aron Fischer (engineer on the Colony and Swarm projects), Implications and applications of the Blockchain, including for copyright.

• 14 October – Martin Fredriksson Almqvist (Linköping University), Commons and Commodities: Knowledge, Natural Resources and the Construction of Property.

• 28 October – Robert Spano (Judge European Court of Human Rights), Intermediary liability for online user comments - the Delfi Jurisprudence.

• 18 November – João Quintais (Institute for Information Law), Copyright in the Age of Online Access: Alternative Compensation Systems in EU Copyright Law.

• 9 December – Daniel Gervais (Vanderbilt University), Public Health, Human Rights and International Investment Agreements: Lessons from the Trenches of Lilly v Canada.

2.2 PhD Defences• 5 February – Hielke Hijmans, The European Union as a Constitutional Guardian of

Internet Privacy and Data Protection: the Story of Article 16 TFEU. • 22 April – Christina Angelopoulos, The European Harmonisation of Intermediary Civil

Liability for Online Copyright Infringement.

2.3 Conferences, symposia, (expert)workshops• How Do Rights Revolutions Occur: Free Speech and the First Amendment, Amsterdam,

3 February.• Expert Seminar on Protecting EU fundamental rights on internet, Institute for

Information Law, Amsterdam, 5 February.• Conference on Copyright, related rights and the news in the EU: Assessing potential

new laws, Institute for Information Law in cooperation with CIPIL University of

35Annual report 2016

Cambridge, Amsterdam, 23 April.• Microsoft seminar, Amsterdam, 27 May.• ENDOW workshop Making Sense of Diligent Search, Amsterdam, 30 June and 1 July.• Microsoft symposium, Brussels, 26 September.• Meeting with Robert Spano (Internet-Judge, European Court of Human Rights),

Amsterdam, 28 October.• Empirical Legal Studies Workshop, Jointly organized by IViR (UvA), RILE (EUR) and NSCR

(VU Amsterdam), Amsterdam, 7 October.

2.4 Summer courses • IViR Annual Summer Course on International Copyright Law, 4-8 July. • IViR Annual Summer Course on Privacy Law and Policy, 4-8 July.

3. IViR fellowships

• Lionel Bently (CIPIL, University of Cambridge), April• Daniel Gervais (VanderBilt Law School), December• Ikuko Komachiya (Japanese lawyer), January – December

4. Awards and grants

• Dr. Christina Joanna Angelopoulos from University of Cambridge was placed Proxime Accessit for her thesis on “European Intermediary Liability in Copyright”.

IViR - Institute for Information Law P.O. Box 15514,1001 NA Amsterdam, The Netherlands