Annual Review 2012/13 for St Clare Hospice

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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A look back at how the Hospice has performed during the last financial year. Includes details of how we spent money, where our money came from and how many people in west Essex and the East Hertfordshire border we were able to help. There's also stories from some of the people we have cared for.




Introduction St Clare Hospice cares for people who have been diagnosed with a life–limiting illness that is no longer responding to curative treatments.

Supporting families through a most critical time of their life will always be St Clare’s focus and the Hospice’s specialist palliative care services aim to meet the physical, psychological, social, spiritual and emotional needs of the people we care for, ensuring we respect and encourage individuality, dignity and self-esteem.

Our care and support extends to families and friends both during the illness and through bereavement, ensuring they have timely access to skilled, compassionate and sensitive care. The services St Clare Hospice provides are free of charge to the people living in West Essex and the border of East Hertfordshire.

It costs £2.8million a year to run St Clare Hospice, with only 30% of our funding coming from the NHS. We are therefore extremely grateful to our local community and trusts for the support we receive, helping us raise money each year to continue our services.



ContentsOur Values 4

Chairman’s Message 6

Chief Executive’s Message 8

Inpatient Care 10

Day Therapy 13

Georgie’s Story 14

Community Team 16

Bereavement Care 18

Janice’s Story 20

Celebrating Volunteers 23

Fundraising 24

Retail and Lottery 27

Quality of Our Care 28

Finance 30

Future Plans 32




Care We treat patients and families the way we want to be treated – with kindness, compassion and respect.

TeamworkWe value the unique contribution that all our staff and volunteers make in the delivery of excellent care for our local community.

QualityWe are passionate in our pursuit of excellence and dedicate ourselves to achieving the highest standard in all aspects of our work.

IntegrityWe are honest and ethical in everything we do and accept the responsibility for the trust placed in us.

Our Values



“I was impressed by the whole Hospice; I was happy to be there and felt calm and relaxed.” Today||||||||.Tomorrow.TogeTher


During the course of this year, St Clare Hospice has really started to gather momentum in developing its services for people living in the community. The growth of the Hospice has been wonderful to see, with the implementation of our five year strategy providing a solid base on which to further extend the excellent range of services, ensuring they continually meet the needs of our patients and their families into the future.

Ensuring each and every patient receives the care and support they deserve will always be the cornerstone of what we do. The past year has been about ensuring our foundations are sound and I step down as Chairman in the confidence that a stable framework is in place to enable St Clare to continue its

vital work this year and beyond. The Hospice prides itself on its much respected standing in the community it serves, thanks mainly to the passion and commitment of our staff, volunteers and supporters. Without them, none of what we do would be possible.

I would also like to thank my fellow Trustees for their unstinting support during my time as Chairman and for their continued dedication to St Clare.

Michael R Chapman DL - Chairman

Chairman’s MessageThe Hospice prides itself on its much respected standing in the community it serves, thanks mainly to the passion and commitment of our staff, volunteers and supporters.




St Clare Hospice has continued to make a valuable contribution to the care of local people who are suffering from a life-limiting illness. Building on oursolid foundations, we have an approach that is forward thinking, responsive and flexible to the ever changing healthcare landscape, and most importantly meets the needs of patients and families. We have worked closely with colleagues across health, social and corporate sectors, sharing knowledge, experience and resourcesfor the benefit of local people.

It has been inspiring to see the development of our services, clinical and non-clinical teams working together, rising to challenges but at all times keeping patients and relatives at the heart of all we do. The year ended with the launch of our vision, mission, values and five year strategy. Following two years of

dedicated work, we have co-ordinated every aspect of Hospice life – centred round the patient – and presented our future vision.

Finally, I wish to thank all our dedicated supporters, volunteers and staff who continue to work with such passion, enthusiasm and commitment. I have been so fortunate to meet many patients and families who all have a story to tell and are willing to share so much with us at such a difficult time in their lives. We have listened, learned and shared, but most importantly we continue to be shaped on a daily basis by those who use our services. Thank you.

Tanya Curry - Chief Executive

Chief Executive’s MessageBuilding on our solid foundations, we have an approach that is forward thinking, responsive and flexible to the ever changing healthcare landscape.




St Clare Hospice has eight Inpatient unit beds and cares for patients with a life-limiting illness, such as cancer, motor neurone disease and end stage heart failure, who need the specialist support of our Inpatient team.

People are admitted for a range of reasons, including symptom control, assessment or end of life care. We provide 24/7 care to patients and their families in beautiful, comfortable surroundings.

Inpatient Care

• We cared for 193 new patients in our Inpatient unit.• Patients stayed an average of 11 days.• 44% of patients were discharged home.• Due to streamlined admission systems, including out of hours admissions, bed occupancy increased to 86%. • One in 10 patients cared for at the Hospice had a non-cancer diagnosis.




“I always feel lighter and brighter after a Day Therapy group. I enjoy meeting the other members and appreciate the efforts of the staff.”



Day Therapy Day Therapy services at St Clare provide care and support to patients and families in a wide range of ways, offering patients the opportunity to engage in therapeutic activities all designed to support and promote independence and self confidence.

The clinical team work with patients and their families in such a way to encourage people to explore their feelings and have some of those difficult conversations in a safe

place. In the past year, the number of new patients attending Day Therapy has increased from 103 to 188. This rise has been attributed to an increase in referrals from colleagues working with non-cancer patients and from our own Community Palliative Care Team.

• 43% of people attending Day Therapy had a non-cancer diagnosis.• The team saw 188 new patients.• A neurological group for patients and carers has continued in partnership with South Essex Partnership Trust Community Neurological Specialist Nurses and has seen a greater number of patients this year with neurological disease.

• The Breathlessness Group led by our physiotherapist has continued to develop and patients say they have seen a significant reduction in their symptoms after attending the sessions.• The Next Step monthly drop-in group for patients who have been discharged from other groups has been relaunched and now regularly has 10 attendees.



“I don’t remember who first told us about St Clare Hospice but I remember we were all a bit frightened and needed some persuasion. But once we visited, the pressure on allof us was just lifted.

Everyone was so welcoming, the grounds were wonderful and we all felt a sense of relief.’’

Georgie’s Story


Georgie and her mum Tracy


Georgie Beck was just 11 when her mum Tracy was first diagnosed with breast cancer. As a single parent and with Georgie her only child, it fell to her young daughter, supported by her grandmother, Betty, to care for Tracy until life got too difficult for them to cope on their own.

Georgie, now 21, said: “I don’t remember who first told us about St Clare Hospice but I remember we were all a bit frightened and needed some persuasion. But once we visited, the pressure on all of us was just lifted. Everyone was so welcoming, the grounds were wonderful and we all felt a sense of relief.

“Mum had been adamant she didn’t want to go into the Hospice, she thought it was just a place to pop her clogs. We thought we would have a huge job in persuading her but once she saw how it could help her, and us, she didn’t take much persuading. In fact she went in – and came back

home again – maybe five times over the next six months. She said it was the nearest thing to feeling like home and we felt that too.”

Tracy died when Georgie was 17. “People often told me that they knew how I felt, but it was only the staff at St Clare who I believe really got what I was going through, while Mum was alive and after she passed away. They were more than just a shoulder to cry on. They really listened and were on hand to talk about everything.”

Georgie has taken part in the Midnight Walk every year since Tracy died and has raised more than £3,000 so other families can benefit from the services and support provided by St Clare.



Our specialist team visit patients and families in their own home to provide support, information and advice. The team work alongside GPs, District Nurse colleagues and other allied healthcare professionals to plan, deliver and respond to the changing needs of families at home.

The community service is continuing to expand to meet the growing demand to support people in their own homes and preventing unnecessary hospital admissions.

A seven-day pilot service provided the foundation of a business plan to further develop a Hospice at Home service, while collaborative working with the hospital, community and voluntary sector has also proved successful and allowed further development of services and enhanced clinical knowledge.

Community Team

• The team made more than 2,284 home visits.• On average we care for each patient for 49 days. • More than 9,115 supportive telephone calls were made by our specialist nurses.• The team saw 518 new patients.


“As always, all questions were answered with respect, but alsowith honesty.” Today||||||||.Tomorrow.TogeTher


Bereavement Care “I am very, very grateful for the bereavement therapy I have received. It has truly been a lifeline.”


The St Clare Bereavement service provides individualised care and is responsive to people’s needs. Bereavement care is delivered by a team through individual counselling sessions, group sessions or through a peer support group.

Our Hospice Chaplain also provides care throughout the patient and family’s journey. The Chaplain’s involvement in the local community is really showing positive benefits, helping develop community links by giving presentations about St Clare services at schools, churches and other events.

The regular memorial services at the Hospice have been very successful, with families expressing their thanks for having this opportunity to share and reflect. We are, on average, supporting more than 150 families at each event.

Following a review of the Bereavement service earlier in the year, the Hospice will be looking to extend the service and develop our care, ensuring we meet the pre-bereavement needs of patients and families.




Janice’s Story “Janice was so buoyed by the visit; for a while she forgot everything and couldn’t stop smiling. Once back inside she was bubbling with happiness and couldn’t wait to phone her brother to tell him.

It was a lovely thing for St Clare and Ada Cole to do.”



At St Clare Hospice, we always strive to make every day count for our patients, which is why our animal-loving Chaplain Joyce Smith went the extra mile to arrange a special visitor as a surprise for terminally ill Janice Whitall.

Joyce got in touch with the Redwings Ada Cole Memorial Stables after Janice told her she loved donkeys and that one had lived in the field next to her house when she and husband George lived in France. The Nazeing based animal sanctuary was more than happy to help brighten Janice’s day and brought donkey, Jessie, along to St Clare to meet her.

Joyce said: “They arrived with Jessie, the most beautiful donkey, who was happy to be stroked and touched. Janice had no idea until she came outside.”

Janice’s husband George added: “I was in on the surprise but Janice knew nothing. She couldn’t believe that people at the Hospice had arranged something so wonderful just for her. She did joke that it was a good job it wasn’t an elephant that was her favourite animal!”

Janice died just a week after Jessie’s uplifting visit. George said: “Janice was so buoyed by the visit; for a while she forgot everything and couldn’t stop smiling. Once back inside she was bubbling with happiness and couldn’t wait to phone her brother to tell him. It was a lovely thing for St Clare and Ada Cole to do.”




Celebrating Volunteers Our dedicated team of more than 520 volunteers engage in all aspects of the Hospice’s work and it is true to say we really could not provide all we do at St Clare without them. The skill and dedication of each and every volunteer cannot be underestimated and is worth more than £1.3million a year to the charity. That is how much we estimate it could cost St Clare if we had to pay for all the ways that our volunteers support us.

Their value to the Hospice, but most importantly to the people we care for, cannot be put into words.

Their commitment enables St Clare to become more innovative, effective and efficient in its provision of care within the community.

The annual Volunteers Thank You event held during National Volunteers Week in June 2012 celebrated the significant contribution our volunteers make throughout the year. Long service awards were presented to those who have given 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service in honour of their achievements and loyalty to St Clare.



‘‘As a very busy Hospice, it would be impossible for us to function without the dedication and support of our volunteers.’’


Generating voluntary income enables us to provide our services free of charge to the community. In the current economic climate this means finding evermore inventive and profitable ways to raise funds.

We continue to foster excellent relationships with our supporters, raising greater awareness of the Hospice’sservices and costs. The recruitment of a Community Fundraiser for the Uttlesford district has resulted in an increase in funds generated in this key area. From St Clare events such as the Starlight Walk, to supporters who opentheir gardens or climb mountains, the range of fundraising ideas across our catchment area never ceases to amaze us.Many people choose to support us by making donations in memory of a loved one and we are also very grateful to those who leave us a gift in their Will. Both of these highlight the gratitude patients and their families feel towards the Hospice.

The innovative Clarity Business Club has proved a success by introducing new businesses to the work of the Hospice. One in particular, Handelsbanken in Bishop’s Stortford, has taken us to their hearts, completing a sponsored cycle ride

in icy weather to raise vital funds. In addition, we continue to enjoy the amazing support of Weston Homes and Daniel Robinson & Sons. Whether the support is financial or providing services, it is gratifying that even with difficult trading conditions St Clare still attracts corporate support.

Raising income from trusts and charitable foundations continued to be difficult due to an increasingly competitive market for these funds. However, the end of the year saw some improvement in the number of successful applications.

However you have chosen to support the work of St Clare Hospice during the past year, we thank you. Working together will ensure we can continue to provide such valuable care in our community.


Most successful fundraising events of 2012/13:• Midnight Walk• Spring Raffle• Light Up A Life• London Marathon


“Every pound that someone raises is absolutely vital because it means so much to the patients and their families that we care for.”


“The St Clare shops are fantastic. I wouldn’t have got better serviceat a West End store.”



Retail & Lottery St Clare Hospice shops had a steady trading year which, combined with careful cost control, resulted in a net contribution of £493k. Sales through the seven shops remained stable, although profit was reduced due to planned refurbishment costs at the Saffron Walden store. However, this significant investment has transformed the shopping experience for our customers.

The recruitment of a staff member dedicated to Gift Aid at our Harlow outlet has been a great success, seeing income from Gift Aid increase by 16%.

The trial Sunday opening in Bishop’s Stortford has been extended due to its popularity and success. Online trading via eBay was also positive, helping maximise income on unusual or more valuable items.

The lottery is still proving popular and along with the Spring Raffle has raised £190k, an increase of 12%. The number of players has risen, with more than 6,500 entering the draw each week. Our canvassers can be seen throughout the area and this regular source of income allows us to plan ahead for future care projects.



Quality of Our CareAt St Clare we understand that the measurement of quality and results is fundamental in healthcare and it is something the Hospice team look at very closely. We are always striving to deliver the best service we possibly can and spend time looking at the information available to us.

In addition to our Care Quality Commission inspections, our Quality Account provides a comprehensive overview of our clinical care, achievements and plans for the future. This is submitted to the Department of Health annually and can be found on our website

In addition to this, we look at all areas of our work and pride ourselves on our comprehensive approach to risk management. One of the most fundamental areas of our information comes from the people that use our services. We actively seek the views of everyone who uses any of the services at St Clare, encouraging and welcoming feedback to help us improve and develop our services.


“Just to reiterate once again, the staff are an asset to the Hospice. The caring and dedicationis second to none.”


Finance Despite the continued challenging economic climate, we were pleased to be able to maintain levels of key income, with an ongoing focus on managing expenditure across all areas of the Hospice. In the financial year 2012/13, total expenditure was £2,838kand income generated was £3,065k.

This resulted in a financial surplus of £227k being achieved, which will enable us to continue to develop our services caring for patients and families in the new financial year.

For every £1 we spentl 83p went on care for our patients and their families

l 16p went on generating funds and income

l 1p went on ensuring that our charity runs effectively

• The Hospice continued to invest in developing and improving services for patients and their families. This was reflected by an increase in patient care expenditure amounting to £2,368k in 2012/13.

• We continued to be well supported by our local community, with donations, events and other fundraising activities showing a small increase. This was encouraging to see given the difficult economic backdrop.

• Net proceeds from our seven shops and supporting retail activities totalled £493k.

• Profits generated from our weekly lottery and Spring Raffle reached £190k, a 12% increase on the previous year.

• Legacy income was down from the previous year but was still better than expected. St Clare was fortunate to receive £294k from people who remembered the Hospice in their Wills.

• NHS income was £848k, which represented 30% of our expenditure. This was in line with the previous year.

This summary financial information has been taken from the audited statutory Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended March 31st, 2013. Copies can be obtained from

Financial Highlights



Income Total: £3,065k

Donations, events and fundraisingLegacies (Gifts in Wills)Retail contributionLottery contributionNHS incomeInterest, research and other income


Expenditure Total: £2,838k

Patient Care Inpatient Unit Community Service Day Therapy and Outpatients Psychological and Family Support

Fundraising expenditure Governance and other costs

£1,103k £138k£848k £190k £ 293k £493k

£33k £437k £401k £451k £126k £1,390k


Future Plans• To develop a Hospice befriending service as part of the Community Team.

• To implement a pilot Hospice at Home Service.

• To establish a new Patient and Family Support service.

• To finalise and implement a full communications and marketing strategy.

• To undertake a programme of refurbishment at the Hospice, enhancing clinical space and maximising the use of office space, to ensure efficiency of resources.

“We are more than happy with the care both our relative and us received. St Clare made a distressing situation as easy as they could. Thank you.”



St Clare Hospice could not continue caring for local people without the many kind individuals, companies, groups, clubs, trusts and societies who support us. We are indebted to our community and supporters and sincerelythank you for all you do.

Thank you



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Please kindly return this slip to:FREEPOST RRLY-EZLX-YJLK, St Clare Hospice, Stone Barton, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood, HARLOW CM17 9JX

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Please treat all gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future donations as Gift Aid donations.You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, you change your name or home address, or you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. St Clare Hospice will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give.

Registered Charity No 1063631



Patrons Lord BraybrookeLady BraybrookeMrs Eleanor Laing MPLady MurrayMr Ian PatersonLord Petre Mr Bill Rammell

Vice PatronsMrs Jo Brennan Dr John Hill Mr Gary NeillMr Tom Sweetman (deceased 02/04/2013)Mr Bob WestonMr John Wickens Mrs Paula Winter

ChairmanVice ChairmanVice ChairmanRetired* 11/10/2012

Resigned 25/04/2013

Appointed 21/05/2012Appointed 20/05/2013Appointed 20/05/2013Appointed 20/05/2013

Trustees (and Directors as defined by the Companies Act 2006)Mr Michael Chapman DL Mr John Frazer Mr Phil Quincey Mrs Judy Davidson Mr Patrick Foster FCIOB Mrs Debbie Bodhanya BSc (Hons) RGN MBA PgCEmededMs Julie Kendall BA (Hons) MBA Mr Brian MooreMr David Thomson BAcc CADr Ronald Morgan MB ChB FRCP Dip Pall Med Mr David Dunkley Mrs Jennifer Minihane BSc (Hons) RGN Mr Andy Skelton*Retired at AGM under Article 30(3) having served nine consecutive years.

Company Secretary:Mr Phil Quincey

Directors Team:

Chief ExecutiveMs Tanya Curry BSc (Hons) RGN DipHE MBA

Medical DirectorDr Giovambattista Zeppetella BSc (Hons) MBBS MD (Res) FRCGP FRCP

Director of Finance and ResourcesMr Riyad Islam BA (Hons) ACMA CGMA DChA

Director of Fundraising and MarketingMrs Elizabeth Palfreman BA (Hons) MInstF (Cert)

Director of Patient CareMs Louise Cameron BSc (Hons) RN DipHEAppointed 05/11/2012

Patrons, Trustees and Senior Management Team


Donation Form, I would like to support the work of my local Hospice.

Please kindly return this slip to:FREEPOST RRLY-EZLX-YJLK, St Clare Hospice, Stone Barton, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood, HARLOW CM17 9JX

Maestro/Switch only

36Registered Charity No 1063631

St Clare HospiceHastingwood RoadHastingwoodEssexCM17 9JX

Tel: 01279 773700

Photos byTrupti Patel of Kush Digital Photography

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