ANOREXIA AND BULEMIA. What is an eating disorder? An eating disorder is an obsession with food and...

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What is an eating disorder?An eating disorder is an obsession with food and weight that harms a person's well-being. Although we all worry about our weight sometimes, people with an eating disorder go to extremes to keep from gaining weight. There are two main eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulemia.


Did you know?•8,000,000 or more people in the United States have an eating disorder. •90% are women. •Victims may be rich or poor. •Eating disorders usually start in the teens but may begin as early as age 8. Source: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.


Warning Signs of Anorexia Nervosa (provided by Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, Inc.)

Dramatic weight loss

Preoccupation with weight, food, calories, fat grams, and dieting

Refusal to eat certain foods, progressing to restrictions against whole categories of food (i.e., no carbohydrates, etc.)

Frequent comments about feeling "fat" or overweight despite weight loss

Anxiety about gaining weight or being "fat"

Denial or hunger

Development of food rituals (i.e., eating foods in certain orders, excessive chewing, rearranging food on a plate)

Consistent excuses to avoid mealtimes or situations involving food

Excessive, rigid exercise regimen despite weather, fatigue, illness, and injury, the need to "burn off" calories taken in

Withdrawal from usual friends and activities

In general, behaviors and attitudes indicating that weight loss, dieting, and control of food are becoming primary concerns

Check out the burger girls!

Warning signs of anorexiaDeliberate self-starvation with weight loss

Fear of gaining weight Refusal to eat

Denial of hunger Constant exercising

Greater amounts of hair on the body or the face Sensitivity to cold temperatures

Absent or irregular periods Loss of scalp hair

A self-perception of being fat when the person is really

I am edgy but starving!

What is bulimia?

• Bulimia is eating a lot of food at once (called bingeing), and then throwing up or using laxatives to remove the food from the body (called purging). After a binge, some bulimics fast (don't eat) or over exercise to keep from gaining weight. People with bulimia may also use water pills, laxatives or diet pills to "control" their weight. People with bulimia often try to hide their bingeing and purging. They may hide food for binges. Bulimics are usually close to normal weight, but their weight may go up and down.

Can you see them? My bones…..just call me boneylicious

Warning signs of Bulimia• Evidence of binge-eating, including disappearance of large amounts of food

in short periods of time or the existence of wrappers and containers indicating the consumption of large amounts of food

• Evidence of purging behaviors, including frequent trips to the bathroom after meals, signs and/or smells of vomiting, presence of wrappers or packages of laxatives and diuretics

• Excessive, rigid exercise regimen despite weather, fatigue, illness, and injury, the need to "burn off" calories taken in

• Unusual swelling of the cheeks or jaw area

• Calluses on the back of the hands and knuckles from self-induced vomiting

• Discoloration, staining of the teeth

• Creation of complex lifestyle schedules or rituals to make time for binge-and-purge sessions

• Withdrawal from usual friends and activities

• In general, behaviors and altitudes indicating that weight loss, dieting, and control of food are becoming primary concerns

Karen Carpenter died February 4, 1983 of heart failure caused by chronic anorexia nervosa.

She was thirty-two years old. She battled with it from 1975-1983 (when she died). She went to New York at the end of 1981 for a year of treatment by a psychiatrist but the damage had apparently been done. Plus, you can't beat anorexia with an hour in a doctor's office. She remained obsessed--or trapped--by it. She was an extreme case and she fought to over come the disease throughout the last two years of her life but she couldn't or she just simply ran out of time. Her body couldn't take anymore. She'd been starving herself for seven years, using laxatives, drinking water with lemon, taking dozens of thyroid pills daily, and even throwing up.



Princess of Sweden

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What is anorexia nervosa?Anorexia nervosa is an illness that

usually occurs in teenage girls, but it can also occur in teenage boys, and adult

women and men.  People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They lose

a lot of weight and are terrified of gaining weight. They believe they are fat even

though they are very thin. Anorexia isn't just a problem with food or weight. It's an attempt to use food and weight to

deal with emotional problems.

What are the problems caused by anorexia?

Girls with anorexia usually stop having menstrual periods. People with anorexia

have dry skin and thinning hair on the head. They may have a growth of fine hair all over their body. They may feel cold all the time, and they may get sick often. People with

anorexia are often in a bad mood. They have a hard time concentrating and are always

thinking about food. It is not true that anorexics are never hungry. Actually, they are always hungry. Feeling hunger gives

them a feeling of control over their lives and their bodies. It makes them feel like they are good at something--they are good at losing weight. People with severe anorexia may be

at risk of death from starvation.

ANOREXIA: THE CASE OF TRACEY GOLD. Tracey was first diagnosed with anorexia at age 12 by her pediatrician. Fortunately, she recovered after four months of psychiatric treatment. In her late teens---more specifically in 1988, at age 19---she relapsed, following a decision that she wanted to lose some weight. A 500-calorie diet was put together for her, for purposes of going from her weight at the time, 133 lbs, to her "ideal weight" of 113 lbs. It took her a couple of months to achieve that. The problem was, Tracey just couldn't stop dieting, not even after starting psychotherapy in the spring of 1990. In the beginning of 1992, she was down at 90 pounds, and was forced to leave Growing Pains. Following a brief hospital visit, she returned home, working with a nutritionist and a leading therapist. Her weight was stabilized. However, after some months, she again fell back into the visicious circle of self-induced starvation. This time, her weight dropped to as low as 79 pounds. She eventually recovered, and resumed her acting career. Coincidentally, Tracey played a young woman suffering from anorexia in the 1994 TV movie For the Love of Nancy, based on the true story of anorexia victim Nancy Walsh.

Eating disorders continue to be on the rise among athletes, especially those involved in sports that place great emphasis on the athlete to be thin. Sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, dancing and synchronized swimming have a higher percentage of athletes with eating disorders, than sports such as basketball, skiing and volleyball. According to a 1992 American College of Sports Medicine study, eating disorders affected 62 percent of females in sports like figure skating and gymnastics.


In sports where the athletes are judged by technical and artistic merit, they are under enormous pressure to be thin, because many of the judges consider thinness to be an important factor when deciding the artistic score. In 1988, at a meet in Budapest, a US judge told Christy Henrich, one of the world's top gymnasts, that she was too fat and needed to lose weight if she hoped to make the Olympic squad. Christy resorted to anorexia and bulimia as a way to control her weight, and her eating disorders eventually took her life. At one point her weight had plummeted as low as 47 lbs. On July 26, 1994, at the age of 22, Christy Henrich died of multiple organ failure.


Famous gymnasts Kathy Johnson, Nadia Comaneci and Cathy Rigby have come forward and admitted to fighting eating disorders. Cathy Rigby, a 1972 Olympian, battled anorexia and bulimia for 12 years. She went into cardiac arrest on two occasions as a result of it.

                                                                  In the 1968 Summer Olympics at Mexico City, a blond,

pigtailed 15-year-old girl earned the highest U.S. scores in gymnastics. She captured the hearts of millions of people around the world and changed the course of women's gymnastics in the United States. That teenage athlete was Cathy Rigby, the first American woman to win a medal in World Gymnastics competition. She holds 12 international medals, eight of which are gold. While Cathy excelled in the Olympics, she also suffered from an eating disorder."We didn't know very much about nutrition. Neither did the coaches," Cathy said, recalling how her eating disorder started. The coaches would tell the athletes what their weight should be, somewhat arbitrarily. Cathy weighed about 94 pounds at the time and was eating one meal a day to maintain her weight at the prescribed 90 pounds. One night, near the end of training camp, the team went out for pizza to celebrate. "I had three pieces and panicked, knowing I would be weighed-in the next day." Cathy knew one girl on the team was taking laxatives but had no idea it was her way of maintaining her weight. Another girl said she threw up everything she ate. That night Cathy tried the latter method, but it didn't work. "When I hit puberty and went up to about 104 pounds two or three months later, I worked a little harder at either starving myself or becoming bulimic."

Ms. Yoculan began learning about eating disorders through her involvement with gymnast Kelly Masey. Kelly was an NCAA national champion as a freshman and competed her entire freshman year at 110 pounds. Ms. Yoculan recalls "Every time she weighed, she cried. Every time she gained two pounds, it affected her performance. If you asked her if she'd had enough sleep, she'd think, 'Do I look fat?' " Kelly returned to school after summer vacation weighing 94 pounds. The pressure resulting from her early success apparently triggered her eating disorder.

Having an eating disorder puts gymnasts at great risk for sudden death from cardiac arrest. It is usually difficult to convince athletes that they are in need of help because they usually believe that they will become a better athlete, and perform better, if they lose more weight. Gymnastics is one sport where the size of the gymnast has changed drastically over the years. In 1976 the average gymnast was 5'3" weighing 105 lbs, and in 1992 the average gymnast was 4'9" weighing 88 lbs.

Eating disorders are significant problems in the worlds of ballet and other dance, figure skating, gymnastics, running, swimming, rowing, horse racing, ski jumping, and riding. Wrestlers, usually thought of as strong and massive, may binge eat before a match to carbohydrate load and then purge to make weight in a lower class.


Special concerns: wrestlers and quick weight loss Everyone who uses drastic and unhealthy methods of weight loss is at risk of dying or

developing serious health problems, but the deaths of three college wrestlers in the latter part of 1997 triggered re-examination of the extreme weight-loss efforts common in that sport. Athletes in other sports have died too; runners and gymnasts seem to be at high risk. The deaths of three young men in different parts of the U.S. in the late 1990s has

put the problem once again before the public.

News reports say that the three were going to school in North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Authorities believe they were trying to lose too much weight too rapidly so they could compete in lower weight classes. The wrestling coach at Iowa State University has

been quoted as saying, "When you have deaths like this, it calls into question what's wrong with the sport. Wrestlers believe that, foremost, it's their responsibility to make

weight, and that mind set may come from the fact that they find themselves invincible." They share that mind set with others who use dangerous methods of weight loss, both

athletes and non-athletes.

Two of the young men were wearing rubber sweat suits while they worked out in hot rooms. One died from kidney failure and heart malfunction. The other succumbed to cardiac arrest after he worked out on an exercise bike and refused to drink liquids to

replenish those he lost by sweating. One was trying to lose four pounds, the other six.

Wrestlers share a mentality with people who have eating disorders. They push themselves constantly to improve, to be fitter, to weigh less, and to excel. They drive themselves beyond fatigue. One coach reports that "wrestlers consider themselves the best-conditioned athletes that exist, and they like the fact they can go where no one's gone before. The instilled attitude among these kids is that if they push and

push, it'll pay off with a victory." No one expects to die as a consequence of weight loss, but it happens.

When a clamor arose for the NCAA to do something, to make rules prohibiting drastic methods of weight loss, a representative said, "We could make every rule in the book,

but we can't legislate ethics.


Diana, Princess of Wales, one of the world's most beloved women, suffered from bulimia. It is said to have developed during her unhappy marriage to Charles, Prince of Wales. When she married, Princess Diana was normal weight. By 1987, she was emaciated. She helped women worldwide face their own eating disorders when she publicly discussed her own. At the time of her tragic death in an auto accident in 1997, she seemed to be in recovery.

What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?

People with anorexia starve themselves, avoid high-calorie foods and exercise constantly. People with bulimia eat huge amounts of food, but they throw up soon after eating, or take laxatives or diuretics (water pills) to keep from gaining weight. People with bulimia don't usually lose as much weight as people with anorexia.

Jane Fonda, actress, activist, athlete, wife and mother, was one of the first famous women to openly discuss her eating disorder. In the late 1970s, she went public with her "bulimarexia," the binge-and-vomit cycle that nearly ruined her health. Overwhelmed by the the demands of the Hollywood culture, she spent nearly 20 years in the relentless pursuit of thinness. She changed her life by opening her heart and mind to Buddhism, yoga, healthy eating and the relentless pursuit of exercise.    .


What's wrong with trying to be thin?

If it isn't treated, anorexia can cause the following health problems: • Stomach problems • Heart problems • Irregular periods or no periods • Fine hair all over the body, including the face • Dry, scaly skin • If it isn't treated, bulimia can cause the following health problems:• Stomach problems • Heart problems • Kidney problems • Dental problems (from throwing up stomach acid) • Dehydration (not enough water in the body)

What are the warning signs of both bulimia and anorexia?

• The following are possible warning signs of anorexia and bulimia:

• Unnatural concern about body weight (even if the person is not overweight)

• Obsession with calories, fat grams and food

• Use of any medicines to keep from gaining weight (diet pills, laxatives, water pills)

• More serious warning signs may be harder to notice because people who have an eating disorder try to keep it secret. Watch for these signs:

• Throwing up after meals

• Refusing to eat or lying about how much was eaten

• Fainting

• Over-exercising

• Not having periods

• Increased anxiety about weight

• Calluses or scars on the knuckle (from forced throwing up)

• Denying that there is anything wrong

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An estimated 2 million people in the United States, primarily girls and young women, have been diagnosed with some form of eating disorder.