Another Year After Sep. 11 Events

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  • 8/4/2019 Another Year After Sep. 11 Events


    Ronen Netanel

    A Year Later I Still Remember

    A year has passed, and still memories from that journey

    Another year after, and the memories and pictures from that journey are still strong. The preparing, the

    flight, the visit, the people I met, the events, the hole which was created by the airplane, the aircraft

    that hovered above me a moment before, the nonstop telephone ringing, the willing to back home for

    the New year Holiday , the people who decided to jump out of the burning building to their deaths. I

    dont know why I am writing these words, I think it is mostly that I wish you to understand the events

    which happened before and after.

    The preparations

    When I decided to visit in Manhattan, it was after long desions making process to decide

    whether to travel to Ireland, Helsinki or Manhattan. The plan was to take a flight in August 26th, but the

    I.D.F had different plans for me. A short military service from September 2nd till September 4th, delayed

    my journey, despite my requests to not participate in this drill. I was determined the day after the drill

    to take a flight to New York, so I found myself packing a luggage with hope to get on board to El Al flight

    019 on Sep 5th. Since I work in an airline I can have a low fare tickets on standby basis, I couldnt make a

    reservation to hotel in New York. It was a very strange feeling of mixed emotions, mainly fear, before

    the flight. I had travelled a lot to Europe but I felt it is different traveling to U.S.A , I wondered whether

    it was safe enough ? But, since I am not the first passenger and not the last one in the morning of

    September 5th, I arrived to Ben Gurion Airport in order to get on board in LY 019 flight.

    The flight

    In the airport I met Dalit, she and I studied together in the tourism school and she used to work

    at the airport. Since I had a standby ticket basis I had to wait to the end of the check in before I get a

    seat, so I had long time to spend it the terminal, Dalit has an American nationality and she didnt hide

    her missing to New York, just before the end of the check In she back to work and I got a seat in the

    plane. Although my many flights, it was the first time I flew in the New Boeing 747 400. At 11:45 the

    engines set powered and time and mileage countdown has started. Nearly 11 hours flight, more than a

    day work, nearly half day to cross the world in 900 1000 kph speed.

    Fortunately, the flight was not boring, as for most of the flight I had a very interesting

    conversation with Ofra, who sitting next to me. Ofra is a Psychologist who worked in the most

    problematic places: Africa, Kosovo, and beside her work she used to explain the Israeli policy as part of

    the Foreign office program. Of course most our conversation was about politics as well as social issues

    and security Issues. Ofra was very happy when I told her about the news report that a young terrorist

    who intended to blow himself up and become a shahid, a holy martyr, but he was caught in a

    checkpoint before he could follow through with his operation. He said that he meant to do it for the

    money but he was very glad that he was caught and didnt succeed and actually had regrets in regards

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    to what he meant to do because he wanted it for the wrong reasons, which was not because an

    ideologies reasons, but because of a bad economic situation. Another interesting conversation I had on

    the plane was with religious Jewish people from Brooklyn in regards to the differences between

    religious and secular Jews. At about 17:00 the 747 landed at the Newark airport in New Jersey. Long

    lines greeted us, the 450 El Al passengers to the passport control, attendants from different origins and

    different accents directed us to the lines. I was sent to the line were American passport holders were

    going through, and perhaps it is a faster way than the foreigners line, and I have been saved of

    answered many questions regarding my attention to visit in the U.S. Through the windows I saw

    airplanes landing and taking off every moment. The controller was very surprised when he realized that

    I have visa to the U.S for two years and this is my first visit, maybe that the reason why I crossed fast to

    the baggage claim. After I booked a hotel and did lottery I caught a bus to the city.

    New York New York City

    Through the windows of the bus, I could see the skyscrapers of Manhattan over the river, but I

    didnt notice the exact location of the main places. The explanations given to me by the taxi driver

    didnt help either in regards to that. When I arrived to the hotel, I got a room, and after more than two

    days without sleeping I found myself suddenly on Thursday morning September 6th. It was real exciting

    when I stepped out of the hotel with the map in my pocket and found myself on 5 th avenues, 6th, 7th, and

    the Empire State Building. I felt New York, the tumultuous streets, the steady stream of pedestrians on

    the pavements and it always seemed to me that I was walking against the stream.

    Thats how I started my visit in Manhattan, walking through the various areas, walking down the

    avenues, exploring the village, and perusing the shops. I remember running after the the FedEx

    employee who dropped an envelope when he took out the many envelopes from his box; I was the only

    one who ran after him and returned the envelope. He was very surprised and thanked me. It was very

    interesting to understand the people in New York, every morning I sat and had coffee in MacDonalds,

    and I watched the people who left their homes at 8:00 or 9:00 am, or even later and were buying

    breakfast or lunch, I couldnt understand why cant they peeper food at home and take care about

    nutrition, and they found the answer in MacDonalds. But this is the routine in their lives, and who I am

    to change it? Before

    the trip to the U.S I knew that I wanted to buy a camera for myself, and I found one that fit my budget

    on Saturday morning, September 8th, and right away I started to take pictures of the streets and the

    people of New York. It was very interesting to see how people respected the law, the police. New York

    City is a mix of people from many countries and every place I have been treated as local and not as

    foreigner, with full respect in the stores or from the people who sold watches in the streets

    (approaching me with yes sir, no sir, I am sorry sir).

    On September 8th it was Labor Day. Everyone participated in the parade, no matter his opinion,

    associations, or institutions; a few people who called for a justice trial for someone who was in jail in

    Michigan even came. During the parade I had an interesting conversation with a police officer about

    New York. Part of the 7th avenue became a mall and no one thought or expected what would happen.

    Later that day I visited the U.N gardens, and even though it was a place that fully hoped for peace, I

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    couldnt stop thinking about the Non action of the U.N soldiers in regards to the three kidnapped Israeli

    soldiers by Hizbolla, a terrorist organization. In the morning of Sunday September 9th I went to the

    harbor area, where I saw the Statue of Liberty, then I made my way to Clinton Castle, where there was

    an old man who collected money and sang- from the old testament I assume A man most love his

    brothers before he dies and clapping hand three times. How ironic it was that in this area these words

    were sounds, less than 48 hours before the shocking day.

    Then I continued to the Wall Street area and on the way to the twins building area, I entered to

    a kiosk to buy a soft drink. I realized that the two clerks in the store where Muslim, and later brothers.

    At the beginning they thought that I came from the Dominicans, but I decided to tell them where I was

    really from, that I am from Israel, and I was very surprised from the knowledge of Fuad Benjamin Ben

    Elieser (formerly a minister), that his origin is from Iraq, that Ariel Sharon is from Russia and Benjamin

    Netanyahu is the most hated person and that we are killing a pregnant ladies and children. When I told

    him that the violence comes from both sides he agreed with me that there is also Palestinian terror but

    that only the Israelis are killing pregnant ladies and children. He told me that he has Israeli friends and

    that he doesnt have any problem with Israelis as long they are not in Israel. Moreover he said thatThat Yasser Arafat gets no respect at all and even the pedestrians are not interested in him, but the

    detriment is in Muslims, one question I asked him make me understand this person and what he

    represents was when I asked him if he believed that Jews have the right to our own state and his silence

    was the answer. Before I left as a friend, he told me that the war with the Jewish is commanded by the

    Quran, and so will be all the time. I could see the poisonous hate came that came out his moth, and he

    couldnt look in to my eyes, he just looked straight on the wall.

    After I proceeded to the World Trade Center area, I was impressed by the buildings, I knew that

    there is a view point in top of the building, but I thought to myself if once there a terror attack, I can

    never know what else can be. So I decided not to go up to the view point and I just entered to the shopcrossed the street Century 21. On Monday September 10th, I chose to visit the woos-bury outlet,

    located in New Jersey. There was a light rain that day, and continued in the evening, and I went to the

    Empire state building in order to go up to the view point, but because the clouds, I have been told that

    the visibility is0, and when I looked up I couldnt see the top of the building, however I decided to go

    up, and when I arrived to the view point, all the clouds dispersed. The visibility was perfect, and it was a

    spectacular view of New York at night.

    September 11th, the day I was supposed to return home, I had two choices, to take the flight from J.F.K

    at 15:30 or to take the flight from Newark at 20:00. After I packed the luggage and stored it in the

    luggage room, I was heading to the mid town, to a sports shop I have seen before, it was on 12th or 14th

    street, between the 4th and 5th avenue, and as I remember it was at about 8:45, when a strange noise ofa jet plane cause me to lift my head and see an American air lines plane. I didnt think about the fact

    that commercial airplanes are not allowed to fly over Manhattan, but certainly the strange noise made

    me think that the airplane is going to crash and the pilots are trying to make an emergency landing in

    Newark. A few seconds later I heard an explosion, at the beginning I refused to believe that it was the

    airplane and I thought maybe this noise came from the people who fixed the road. A minute later, when

    I turned left to the fifth or sixth avenue, I saw the north tower with the hole that the plane made.

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    It is very difficult to describe the feeling of that moment, when hundreds of people lost their

    lives. The streets were empty, and the curiosity took me towards the buildings, and the few people who

    went out and saw the building, the first respond was Oh My god. The first thing I did was to call to my

    brother . He is a police officer and at the moment I called him, he was in a toast in the central police

    headquarter toward the Jewish New Year which was on September 18th that year. It took not to long

    until the telephone lines had collapsed, fortunately my father reached me at the moment he heard in

    16:00 News (in Israel) that a plane crashed in to the World Trade Center. During my run towards the

    tower, people got out and asked what happened? I told them that it was an American airlines plane

    that crashed. At one moment I just stopped when something inside told me to stop here, dont

    proceed. Of course with the very unpleasant situation as a devotee to photography, I wanted to get

    closer, to take better shots, but something told me Stop here, it was in the corner of the 6 th Av. and

    Minetta. More and more shocked people gathered where ever I looked there were people and held

    each other, crying, and knew someone in the building. The strange thing that I told to people who stood

    next to me that I though it was an accident but everyone knew that it was a terror attack.

    The sirens of emergency vehicles got stronger and so was the number of people who got out the

    street, when I told to people that I am from Israel, suddenly they understood me and the situation in

    Israel. A man who parked the car next to us turned the volume high so we could hear the news updates,and we heard that there were two hijacked planes, and later that there are four hijacked planes, and

    even they told that there might be eight hijacked airplanes. Eighteen minutes past since the airplane

    crashed in to the building, the smoke curled up and the fire got stronger, and the people around me and

    I couldnt believe that the top of the building would stay, and there was a chance that this part would

    fall down. Suddenly we heard another strong explosion, and a huge fire exploded out of the second

    building, and we understood that it was another airplane, and we updated from the radio. In that

    moment as a foreigner, I tried to find what closer to me, and I found it in Jeremy Epstein, an American

    Jew who lives in New York. Jeremy was on the way to jury duty, when the train stopped and gave an

    order to all passengers leave the underground and the station. The news about another airplane who

    crashed it to the Pentagon and the knowledge that there are more hijacked planes, made me fear that

    one plane will crash in to the crowd in the fifth or sixth avenue. I told to Jeremy that it was not a war

    between the Israelis or the Americans and the Palestinians, it was the beginning of a civilization war. The

    fire expanded to the lower floors, and people who couldnt get out and save themselves from the

    burning buildings decided to jump to them death, hundred floors or more, I saw dozens jumping from

    the building. Astonishment caught all the people in the street when the second building that was hit

    collapsed. Dust replaced the tower, and even when I knew it collapsed I asked if it is true, while we saw

    a people with dusty suit waking back to the city, ambulances with broken windows, and then the first

    building that was hit, disappeared. In one moment, a tower of more than one hundred floors

    disappeared in a dusty cloud.

    After an f 15 of the American air force started to fly in the area, I wondered why the army

    didnt send it earlier, why couldnt they find the planes before they crashed. I dont know if the shock

    and screaming were for the faith of the people in the building or for the buildings themselves which wasa symbol of New York and U.S.A. it was like a horror film which had come true, like a bad show or like

    when someone described her sons pc game that needs to destroyed the World Trade Center! After the

    buldings collapsed, all the people turned, downed his head, and walked back to his place. Even after few

    days I traveled in New York, it was strange to me to not see the two towers, the missing buildings

    created a strange space, even for me. The lives in New York City stopped, Jeremy who gave me a

    secure feeling, offered me his help in case that I will not find a place to stay. I went back to the hotel and

    fortunately the receptionist was Ali. He is originally from Turkey and has been living in New York more

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    than 30 years. During my stay at the hotel I had the opportunity to speak with him a lot, of course the

    hotel could except every other guests in any price, but since I was a guest of the hotel, Ali gave the

    choice to stay or not, and since the airspace of the U.S.A had closed he warmly recommended me to

    stay. As I heard all the people needed to get out from the offices, shops and all the bridges and

    tunnels were closed and Manhattan isolated.

    What now? For how long the air space will be closed? For one day? Three days? Three weeks?

    Is America going to attack Al Qaida tomorrow? Is the terror attack finished or should we expect more

    surprises? Maybe they responded with a chemical weapon over New York? In such situation I can never

    know, my budget is limited and finally my flight ticket is on standby status.

    Manhattan was isolated, all the bridges and tunnels were closed and all the people called to

    leave everything and step out. Like a young guy from Quincy who came to Manhattan to 42nd street for

    his work, and when he got the order to get out immediately he left his wallet inside the building. Since

    he couldnt get out from Manhattan, he had to stay in Manhattan without money and personal

    equipment. This person arrived to the hotel and Ali provided him a room after Ali was promised by

    phone with this mans employer that the payment will be arranged.

    Despite all the attempts to reach my family by phone only it was only by the late afternoon

    (midnight in Israel) I succeeded to contact them. The screen showed live updates about the victims and I

    thought about the police officer I talked to him during the Labor Day, is he alive? The fire fighters I saw

    when I walked in a street one day. Half of the fire fighters lost their lives! And many police officers in

    addition to civilians as well. I thought about the two Tunisians who sad that there will be no peace at all.

    And in spite of their support for terror as I see it, I didnt wish they got hurt in the attack.

    Of course I couldnt sleep at night and late in the evening I went out and headed to Times

    Square to eat something. Only few shops were open and tourists came to eat. The screens in the Time

    Square which usually is full of information and updates from the Stock Exchange, updated the names of

    the victims from the plans and the buildings. T.V started publish the victims names: a CNN reporter, thecommander of the rescue forces who died during the collapsing building, and that America was in a high

    alert under the title: America is under attack.

    A whole division was sent to Manhattan while the victims were sent to Long Island. I couldnt

    realize that in a place that people from all over the world who worked there, came beasts with no hearts

    and did what they did. When will the hate stop? At midnight, when the sun rose in Israel, the

    telephone started ringing every few minutes; my brothers, parents, friends. The ring tone as knows from

    Toccata - sky (J.S. Bach) rang all the time and I couldnt sleep at night. The phone calls I did to El Al in

    Israel and to the branch in New York did not provide me any answers. The air space in Israel and in U.S.A

    was closed.

    In the morning I went out, the dust that the wind carried headed to Long Island was felt on 32nd

    street as well. Only few people and cars were in the streets, people with heads down, the news papers

    sold out early and I felt it was like the day after the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was murdered. The

    American pride had been trampled, the New York city Break!

    All the flights had been cancelled and many passengers who intend to fly to Israel to the Jewish

    New Year eve. which was on Sep. 17th. became stuck in the U.S.A., so my when my brother called El Al

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    about the possibility to purchase a ticket, got the answer: if he has a lot of money he can buy a ticket.On

    Wednesday 12/9 at 23:00 I got a message that there is a special El Al flight that got a special permission

    to leave Toronto, with stop in La Guardia and continue to Tel Aviv. Very fast like a refugee I packed

    myluggage and left the newspaper, small change, and food I bought (dairy products) in the room.

    The receptionist was in shock and told me that the airports were closed, but I was determinedto find a taxi to the air port, even if there was the smallest chance to get the flight. I went out to the

    empty street almost and I tried to stop a taxi. The first Afro American very politely refused to take me

    because if he left Manhattan he wouldnt be able to get back and also the second driver. The third taxi

    driver, a white and blond person who refused I was so upset,I just banged the door. (I am sorry about

    that- this is not my way) he proceed about 30 meters, stopped the car, stepped out the car and shouted

    at me (while I was pretty sure he came to hit me) I know it is my duty to take you but I wont t ake you

    because you are jerk, OK I thought to myself go away. The fourth driver from South America accepted

    to take me but he said it will coast alot because the movement from state to another, Lincoln tunnel is

    closed because an alert of an explosion, so the rate was double; 100$ this is the rate I paid for bring me

    to La Guardia Airport. After few attempts to get out from Manhattan he succeeded from WashingtonBridge, big turn to the airport.When I arrived to the terminal there was a very long queue for the El Al

    counters specially Ultra Orthodox.

    The airport was open just for this flight and although the rest of the terminals were not working,

    wardens pulled cars who parked when brought passengers to the terminal and left the cars without

    supervision (probably because a security reasons). At the moment I arrived to El Al counters I heard an

    announcement saying that the check in was closed and also for service (Air lines employees) and there

    was no option to get on board. I heard sound of joy of Five El Al employees who got seats and been

    asked to proceed to the gates. The El Al supervisor yelled that they open registration for more flights

    expected, and many people ran to the counter on the other side of the terminal. One of Orthodox hit

    the trolley and strongly hit another person who groaned in pain. As a human being I expect ed that theperson would stop to say he is sorry but he wouldnt. Only his friend said he is sorry. After two hours

    most of the people went back home and the check in area looked empty. Suddenly the five employees

    back ( five friend who back from trip in Mexico). They told me that they arrived to the planes doors, but

    suddenly the captains and pilots came and of course they have high priority than regular employees.

    What now, we all asked? Caesar, the El Al supervisor came happily to announce that two more flight

    expected to be on Thursday at 14:00 and 16:00 from Newark. Two Boeing 777 were expected to depart

    from Tel Aviv.

    The first morning lights appeared and the El Al employees went back to the city to relatives and I

    was left almost alone in the terminal. Only two Airlines operated flights that night. El Al and Air Canada.

    The explanation was that the Americans trust the security procedure of those Airlines. In the morning

    few passengers arrived to the terminal, part of them heard about the flight, part arrived without

    knowing anything. Finally it was nice to know more people and switch experiences. The shock, the

    shame and the fears about what happened in the World Trade Center looks on the Americans faces.

    Twice we called to get out of the terminal, and when a car started burning in the parking space the caps

    ran over frantically. During the day by the Cell phone I got information that the flights will land in JFK Air

    port, after in Newark, later in JFK or in Newark, Finally in JFK. During the afternoon there were doubts if

    the flights departed and at 17:00 El Al representative announced that both flights were canceled. I met

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    all kinds of people in the terminal: The first was a 50 60 old man, with pilots sunglasses, his hair

    combed to the side, slow talking, and probably work in the air port authority that know everything but

    cant tell anything. Roy, about 20 years old afro American who worked as cleaner in the terminal was

    very surprised that I came from the Holy land and his big dream was to visit Israel. I wish him his dream

    will come true. In the evening a father and his daughter from Tel Aviv, Ori, a trader and me, decided to

    find hotel close to the airport and in the morning to continue to J.F.K . On Friday morning El Al told me

    on the phone that the two 777 are on the way to JFK. The departures expected to be at 14:00 and

    16:00. We took a taxi to JFK air port and I hoped that because these flights get in to Saturday there will

    be no religious people and I could have seat. There were long lines in the terminal, and when I passed

    the security I said that there are about 40 50 employees (Stand by passengers with higher priority than

    me). The few stand by passengers were the Captains daughter, service managers son and seniors

    employees, as well as the employees I met in Newark who went to relatives in the city. The passengers I

    know took off and I was againleft in the terminal. Police officers woke me up and very politly asked me

    to get down to the entrance and clear the area. The Red Cross provided cots and blankets for the

    passengers. The air space was still closed but we hoped it would open on Saturday. Except Muffins and

    Drink, there was no other place to by food. Special editions of Time and Newsweek were in stands but I

    didnt want anything to remind me the horror I saw. It was nice to know people from all over the world

    like two young boys and girl from northern Israel, who came to see the Michel Jackson show. I thought

    they were crazy until I saw two English young girls who dressed and had hats like Michael Jackson. I met

    one from El Salvador; he came to united sate to become a chef. He taught to take washed grapes, dip it

    in sugar and put it in a fridge for couple of hours. During Saturday the terminal came back to life and El

    Al passengers from Los Angeles and San Diego got the message to take the early flight on Saturday. Part

    of them flew on Saturday against their wish but, they didnt have a choice. In this situation everyone

    wants to back home. I wanted to be at home before the Jewish New years eve in Sep. 17th. and

    therefore I had a few options in case I couldnt reach a flight; I could ask Jeremy and I am sure he would

    have helped me, and my father contacted our far relatives who invited me to their place. There was

    also Sharon I know who came to visit her sister in Philadelphia or just rent a car and travel to Vermont

    and return home after the holiday, but all I wanted at this time was to be back home, back to my family.

    Fortunately, I had also a stand by tickets on Lufthansa Airlines, so I decided to search for the

    counters that were in different terminals. When I reached the counters, the representative explained

    to me very politely that there are three flights expected to land but they still dont know what was

    exactly happening, and they certainly understood me since they are airlines employees themselves, and

    they asked to come back and check every two hours if there is something news! Yes, these are the

    Germans that people so love to hate.

    The evening came and everybody had known that there was permission from the airport

    authorities to open the sky for commercials flying. I arrived to the El Al counters at about 22:00, a very

    long line was already there and when I approached the supervisor with another El Al employee, we were

    told that he couldnt help with service at all at the moment. So I decided to take the luggage and cross

    the other terminal and back to Lufthansa counters, there they asked me to wait and they believed that

    everything would be all right. After a while I noticed that were calling for a stand by passengers (a

    regular passengers who pay for the tickets full fare) the supervisor tried to help all the passengers, and

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    when she came to me and asked what about me, immediately she sent to the counters to check in and

    asked me to hurry to the plane. In the meantime, when I was on my way to the gate, I updated my

    brother that I was on the way to Frankfurt. I got the last seat in the right side of the Boeing 747 400.

    Half after midnight the airplane took off, rain started and from the window I could see the area

    of the ground zero, despite the rain a cloud of dust that still hung over.

    Lufthansa Frankfurt

    Next to me during the flight sat a little fat person who reminded me of an Israeli comedian in a

    costume (Eli Ytzpan) his name is Khan, from Pakistan, I told him that I came from Israel and all the flight

    we just talked and laughed about everything. We talked without hate to each other, without caring that

    was Muslim and I am Jewish, often he pushed his elbow towards me to look how one guy tried to close

    the door of the luggage cabin over his head, but he pushed only from the side instead in the middle so

    the door couldnt close and about other funny things. Also I talked to Egyptian guy who was returning

    back home after few years and he is very open minded concerning the Egypt West / Egypt Israel

    relationship. I assumed that many of the Muslims wear returning back home because the fear of what

    can happen to them following the terror attack. Also in this flight I saw many Breslau Rabbi followers

    who were heading to Ukraine for praying on Breslau Rabbi grave. We took off after midnight and we

    started to descend at 12:30 in the afternoon and just before landing the captain demand from all the

    passengers to return them seats immediately, at the moment I thought that something happened, but it

    was a Breslau follower who didnt finish the morning prayer and refused to return to his seat.

    When we landed I saw an El Al Boeing 757 that had landed minutes before. I was very glad for the

    opportunity to back with that plane home. After the passport control I found my way to El Al counters.

    The airport security lines were very long, but since I heard alot of people speaking Hebrew around me, I

    was pretty sure the flight will be delayed because of the circumstances but when I arrived to the check

    in the flight already left, 20 minutes before. Thirty angry passengers remained in Frankfurt (they cant

    blame El Al, the flight must depart on time), so I asked the supervisor when was the next flight and if he

    could accept me with a Lufthansa ticket after I explained to him my situation. He told me that day afterthere was another flight and he would make all the efforts to help me. Also I checked with Lufthansa

    about the next flight, today at 23:30 but it was over booked so I dont have a chance. Since that was my

    first time in Frankfurt, after the meal I left the luggage in a luggage service and went to the city. Since it

    was Sunday all the shops were closed. The city was so quiet and peaceful compared to New York, it was

    very cold that day (8 degrees Celsius) and I was very pleased again that I bought the coat that I had used

    as a blanket at the airport and here in Frankfurt.

    When I went back to the airport I have been told that there are 26 people over on the Lufthansa flight,

    but, everything is possible. I arrived to the check in, just before they closed it, and very fast I got seat.

    Also I was surprised to find among the passengers my Cousin and her husband who return from

    Washington D.C.

    The flight in the Airbus A 340 wasnt quiet; there was allot of turbulences and thunderstorms we just

    flew in over Croatia I think. On Monday, September 17th, at around 04:00 we landed in Ben Gurion

    Airport, after almost a week delay, and the terminal was almost empty. When I returned the cell phone

    at the airport, I pasted though gate 4, and while I was waiting for the flight to New York, I remembered

    that something bothered me, that I didnt had good feeling, and I even considered to take the luggage

    and back home and not get on the flight to New York.

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    Thats how I succeed to return home with a Stand by ticket, before the holiday. I see it as a miracle, but

    I am sure that many other who wish to arrive home before the New Years Eve didnt arrive.

    Thank God, I wasnt in a real dangerous situation, but it was very unpleasant experience.

    10 years after

    All my appreciations to the American people in particular to the people of New York City and to the

    American Nation. You faced a very difficult situation during and after the horrible terror attacks. A

    beastly people who thought by killing innocence people at work, on planes in order to increase

    instability to the gentle social texture of America, the breath of people to live, work and succeed. I

    appreciate the people I saw on T.V who helped each other, who understood that they are allowed to

    cry, but in other hand you had to continue, to pick up the pieces.

    Recently I visited (with help of friend of mine, a tour guide Mr. Jordan Horn) a new memorial site, the

    site is on a mountain on the way to Jerusalem and it makes me strong feeling that we live in different

    countries but we all here have the same wish: to live in peace, to succeed, to have a good life. No onehas the right in the name of any other religion: not Muslims, not Jewish, not Christians, and not

    Buddhists to kill, to hate, to destroy other nations.

    I would like to thank to my friend in America Mr. Jeremy Epstein, who reminds me, what we all forget

    sometimes to help as you can.

    Dear Reader,

    Do not make any change or any commercial with the document without written permition from the

    writer - Ronen Netanel.

    Thank you

  • 8/4/2019 Another Year After Sep. 11 Events


    A man most love his brothers before he die (and clapping hand three times)

    World trade Center, 48 hours before the attack

  • 8/4/2019 Another Year After Sep. 11 Events


    The North building, moments after the first hit

    The second collapsing building

  • 8/4/2019 Another Year After Sep. 11 Events


    The new Scenery

  • 8/4/2019 Another Year After Sep. 11 Events
