Answering Service Maryland

Post on 09-May-2015

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description Answering Service Maryland Specialists | Answer Pro Online provides premium answering services to business in Maryland and nationwide. Call Today for a free consultation!


Answering Service Maryland

Do You Have A Small to Mid-Sized Business in Maryland?Thinking About a 24 Hour Virtual Receptionist/Answering Service?

Our intention with this guide is to provide you with the knowledge you need to properly weigh your options. As they say, knowledge is power!

Answering Service Maryland Experts

There are many reasons why businesses find themselves in the position of exploring options for answering or virtual receptionist services, in Maryland, and across the country.

The first thing you will want to explore is the benefits of outsourcing answering or virtual receptionists services, over hiring a traditional receptionist for your business.

The next step is taking a close look at your business and your business growth model for the coming weeks, months, and years. In this way, you can fully examine whether or not answering services are right for you and your business.

Answering Service Maryland Experts

One of the most obvious benefits is business image. So many small businesses choose to buy a toll free number, slap a recorded voice mail on there, and hope that potential customers will come pounding down the door.

In actuality, much research shows that, if a potential customer does not hear a real human voice when they call, the majority of the time they will hang up and call another company.

Answering Service Maryland Experts

This means there is a simple credibility problem with having your business line answered by a pre-recorded message.

This credibility problem is solved immediately when a live receptionist answers the customer’s call, with a friendly voice, and with your business name.

Immediately, the potential customer feels a sense of calm and respect for the legitimacy of your business.

Answering Service Benefits

The next benefit is the indisputable fact that answering services, or virtual receptionist services are more cost effective, by leaps and bounds, than hiring a traditional receptionist.

Answering services come in monthly plans for all business budgets, from start-ups, to small business, all the way up to enterprise-level businesses.

Answering Service Benefits

Now think about the traditional route. Not only do you need to hire a receptionist full-time, but you need an office space complete with all of the equipment and office supplies, and overhead necessary to even give that receptionist a workspace!

This is exponentially more expensive! -- Even for those businesses who already have an established office, and are incurring the associated overhead costs.

Answering Service Benefits

While wages of course vary, the national average salary for a receptionist is$ 25,000. That’s $2,083 per month!

Now, compare this with the average costs of outsourcing your answering services, and you have a no-brainer. Answering services can be contracted for as low as$80 per month, depending on your call/minutes volume. Now that is pretty compelling math!

Answering Service Maryland Benefits

As can be seen, even with a more robust plan, on average, you will save potentially thousands per month by outsourcing this important aspect of your business.

Here’s another benefit of contracting out your answering services…


Answering Service Benefits

Professionalism means that you can rest assured that answering service receptionists will handle your calls with the utmost of care, following exactly your specifications.

How many times have we all called a business to be met with a receptionist who lacked good manners, the right tone, who did not seem that they wanted to help us at all?

Too many times to count!!!

Answering Service Benefits

With the right answering service, you can rest assured that you have the best of the best answering your calls-that means your potential and existing customers will get off the phone and think, “wow, that was helpful, pleasant, and met my needs exactly!”

Just think for a moment about how this will help the growth, image, and functioning of your business.

Answering Services Benefits

So now comes phase 2. We now know about the many benefits of outsourcing your answering services. But is it right for your business at this time?

We aim to help you answer that question with this guide. What follows is a list of important questions you must ask yourself to decide…

Are Answering Services Right For Your Business?

How are you currently handling your customer calls – both existing and new prospects?

Is it working well? Are your customers happy? What is your conversion rate for new customers?

What is the cost? Did you hire someone to answer your calls?

Are Answering Services Right For Your Business?

If you did hire a receptionist, what is the monthly/yearly cost?

Is your receptionist wearing multiple hats? Did you hire them to function in a more specialized capacity, but they are also tasked with answering the phones?

Would you benefit from having that person focused more so on their specialized task?

Are Answering Services Right For Your Business?

There are many considerations when you are deciding what’s right for your business.

One of the best things you can do is contact reputable answering services in your area to see what is being offered, and at what price point.

You can then decide if answering services are the right fit for your business.

Answering Service Maryland Experts

Feel free to call our offices today for your FREE consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Answer Pro2308 Rock Spring RdForest Hill, MD 21050Toll Free: (866) 842-9400Phone: (410) 879-0735Fax: (410) 838-0610

Answering Service Maryland | Answer PRO