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Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 1 Review 1. In relation to Web site design, what is the purpose of tools and technologies?

To make Web site design easier.

2. Describe briefly why the Internet is transactional in nature, as opposed to media such as magazines or television.

TV and magazines are passive in nature, thus an interruption occurs between receiving

information and acting upon it. The Internet requires action and participation at every

step – this constant decision-making (such as opening the browser, visiting a site, and

staying at a site or leaving) is a series of transactions. This transactional nature makes

the Internet interactive.

3. The Web site designer should design to provide users with a satisfying experience when they visit the site. What is the primary goal of this focus?

To give users what they want, not what designers think users want.

4. What is the key difference between Web design and print or television design?


5. Why is it important for Web designers to know XHTML?

So that Web designers can make the best use of available Web development tools.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 2 Review 1. Why does the composition of a Web team often change from one project to the next?

Different projects require different skill sets.

2. Name some of the tools that make it possible for Web teams to be geographically disbursed and still work closely together.

E-mail, online conferencing, instant messaging, intranets.

3. What Web development team member is responsible for gathering client requirements and managing resources?

Project manager.

4. What Web development team member converts requirements into a blueprint for the development of the Web site?

Information architect.

5. What are the goals of a Web development methodology?

To make development of Web sites more predictable and efficient.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 3 Review 1. What is the Project Management Institute (PMI)?

A non-profit membership organization that sets ethical and professional project

management standards.

2. What is the purpose of an issues log?

An issues log allows you to document problems that need to be escalated to managers

or executives outside the Web development team for resolution. Issues often arise

during the course of a project that require authoritative decisions in order for the team

to complete tasks and keep the project on track. You can use the issues log as backup

documentation to support any time, resource or cost changes that may accrue due to

circumstances beyond the project team's control.

3. How can project scope be controlled and scope creep avoided?

By understanding the requirements at the outset of the project, by planning

adequately, and by communicating with stakeholders regularly.

4. Why must all stakeholders agree to the Web site project objectives?

The objectives, or project goals, form the yardstick by which the success or failure of

your Web development project will be measured.

5. Briefly describe a situation in which a stakeholder on a Web development project may require a change to the project plan.

Answers will vary. Examples include changes due to costs, risks, availability of

personnel, or desires about the site's functionality or its look and feel.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 4 Review 1. What is the bottom-up approach in Web design?

In site design, you first design user scenarios (system behaviors in response to user

behaviors), then the look and feel of the site emerge later. This approach is the reverse

of the design process that one might expect — to design the site's look and feel, then

conform user interaction to the design.

2. What is a tactic?

A tactic is a method used to implement a strategy.

3. What is the basic business premise followed by successful online businesses?

Successful online businesses have fulfilled an unmet need. Online book selling is an

example of a business that succeeded on the Web because it offered at-home shopping

and timely delivery to users.

4. Name at least one tactic you could use to implement a Web strategy in which your goal is to create a mailing list of customers.

Offer customers a gift (such as a screen saver or a free product) if they submit a form

with their mailing information. Offer customers a coupon or discount for their first

purchase. Offer a monthly drawing for a prize to users who submit their information.

5. Briefly describe an example of an effective metaphor you could use when designing a Web site for a travel company, a zoo, or a candy seller (or some other business of your choice).

Metaphor examples are creative in nature and can vary greatly, but should involve

some visual cues that relate to the business at hand. For example, a travel company

site could use a metaphor such as a world map, an island, luggage or an airport. A zoo

site could use a metaphor such as a zoo map, a jungle, a lion cage or a selection of

different animals. A candy sales site could use a metaphor such as a box of chocolates,

multi-colored jellybeans or a candy store counter.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 5 Review 1. Studies have found that most users do not read Web pages — instead, they scan

them looking for key words and phrases. How does this user habit affect Web page layout?

Web page layout should be designed to allow users to quickly scan and find the

information they seek. Developers can lay out pages using white space to make them

uncluttered and easier to scan, and use headlines that link interested users to more

detailed information.

2. Web users demand speed. How can you design your Web pages to fulfill this demand?

Provide pages that are small in file size by using images sparingly and choosing file

formats carefully.

3. What are the two numeric formats used to define color values on the Web?

RGB (red, green, blue) and hexadecimal code.

4. What is the main limitation of font usage on Web sites?

A font must be registered on the user's system to be rendered in the browser; an

unregistered font will render as a default font instead.

5. Name two layout elements you can use to create white space in your Web page design.

Tables, frames, transparent GIFs, positioning using CSS.

6. What is branding, and how can a Web site contribute to it?

Branding is the practice by which a company tries to create an image of itself in the

minds of the public with the hopes that consumers will purchase its products or

services. The most important element of a company's brand is its logo. A high-quality

Web site that is designed to enhance the company's image and support its other

branding efforts can be an important component of any company's marketing strategy.

To be successful, a branding effort should be unique, attractive and memorable. If a

company's Web site is sloppy and does not incorporate a visual theme or coherent look,

users are unlikely to remember the site or the company.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 6 Review 1. Name three types of information about the user audience that a Web designer can

use to increase usability.

Demographics (such as age, education, income or location); users' hardware (such as

connection types and speeds); users' software (such as browser brands and versions,

and plug-ins).

2. What are the five elements of Web site usability?

Quality content, easy navigation, information architecture, search capability and

relevant services.

3. Why is it important for Web pages to have conventions, or functions that are similar across many sites?

Having standards and conventions for the placement and functions of certain Web site

elements makes users more comfortable with navigating and using the Web.

4. Should a site developer participate in the usability testing of his or her own site? Why or why not?

No — a site's usability should be tested by users who have little or no exposure to the

site and, if possible, limited exposure to the Internet. The site developer cannot

objectively evaluate his or her site's usability because the developer has an intimate

knowledge of the site's functionality and intentions.

5. Describe the most effective test pool for conducting a Web site usability test.

The most effective test pool would consist of as few as five or six users but as many as

possible. Participants should include users of various backgrounds and Internet-skill

levels, some who are involved in the site's particular industry but more actual audience

members. Members of the site's design team should not participate.

6. What types of tasks should participants in a usability test be asked to perform?

Participants should be given a list of actual real-world tasks with no indication of how

to perform them. They should also be asked to note elements of the site that they like

and dislike, as well as their overall impressions.

7. What is the WAI, and what is its purpose?

Web pages should be accessible to all people, including those with disabilities. To

assist in this mission, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created the Web

Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The WAI works with worldwide organizations to ensure

that core technologies used on the Web, such as HTML, CSS, XML and DOM, are

equally accessible to users with physical, visual, hearing and cognitive disabilities.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 7 Review 1. Studies show that users are taking longer to upgrade their browsers as more users

come online. What are two factors involved in the decreasing rate of browser migration?

User base has grown beyond the technically adept. Newer users may not know how to

upgrade their browsers. Recent browser upgrades have been less compelling than

previous ones. The download size of upgrades has grown faster than available


2. What are some of the reasons that people switch to an alternative browser?

Microsoft Internet Explorer has had a history of some security problems. Some more

technical users have switched to newer browsers that may be faster or offer features

that Firefox or Internet Explorer do not yet support. Users with disabilities may require

the use of a specialized browser.

3. What are ActiveX controls?

Software components based on Microsoft's ActiveX technology that can be used to

enable interactive content on the Web. Using ActiveX controls in your Web site limits its

usability to a Web audience using only the Microsoft browser.

4. What type of pop-up windows should you avoid using?

You should avoid using pop-ups that automatically present content that users did not

request, such as advertisements.

5. Why are pop-up windows less effective for advertising today?

Because they are overused, many users find them annoying, and thus many users are

using pop-up blockers in their browsers.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 8 Review 1. Why must a Web designer provide navigation in a site?

So users can quickly understand how to find their way through the site and feel

comfortable enough to focus on the site experience.

2. What is the difference between primary and secondary navigation?

Primary navigation consists of the navigation elements that are accessible from most

locations within the site (for example, an About Us link). Secondary navigation elements

allow the user to navigate within a specific location (for example, links within the About

Us section to Investor Information, Corporate Locations, Press Releases, etc.).

3. Name two types of indicators that users can reference to gain positional awareness.

Headings; colors; images; path markers; site map.

4. What is site structure, and what role does it play in site navigation?

Site structure describes the way in which files are stored on the Web server, including

the hierarchy created by organization of folders. Choosing meaningful names for files

and directories helps users understand the structure and depth of a site by looking at a

given page's URL.

5. Name three of the five points to consider when formulating a navigation action plan.

Determine users' goals and needs; learn from navigation that works; go deeper than

the home page; provide quick links; design for various user preferences.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 9 Review 1. Why is file size an important consideration when choosing graphics for your Web


File size directly affects download time, so developers must consider bandwidth

requirements for images used on a page. Even though users expect to see graphics,

they are frustrated by lengthy download times.

2. Name two common forms or uses for graphic images in a Web site.

Navigation (image maps, graphical buttons and links); identity and branding (corporate

logo, trademarks); content illustration; visual backdrops for other activities.

3. What is a pixel?

The term "pixel" is short for "picture element." A pixel is the smallest unit of information

displayed by a computer monitor. A visual display consists of a grid filled with pixels.

4. List at least three image file formats (or corresponding file name extensions).

Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg, .jpeg); Graphics Interchange Format (.gif);

Tagged Image File Format (.tif); bitmap (.bmp, .pcx); WordPerfect Graphic (.wpg);

Portable Networks Graphics (.png); Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

5. Name at least two guidelines for optimizing your image files.

Use colors from the browser-safe color palette; use the fewest colors possible; use solid

colors when possible; avoid anti-aliasing; use optimization utilities.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 10 Review 1. What factors should a Web designer consider when choosing multimedia for a Web


The compatibility of tools and technologies used in multimedia, and the audience's

expected capabilities for viewing the multimedia.

2. What investment do Web users make in a Web site, and how does this involve the use of multimedia?

Users do not pay to view a Web site. The only investment users make is their time.

Multimedia must be chosen carefully to interest users while conserving their time, thus

increasing the chances that users will linger, do business, and return.

3. Which type of animation multimedia are Web designers advised to avoid, and why?

Scrolling text (in applets, marquees, browser status bar, etc.) has proved to annoy

users. Information that is scrolled in this way is often ignored, overlooked, or read only

in part.

4. Name at least two audio file formats (or their corresponding file name extensions).

Macintosh native format (.aiff); UNIX native format (.au); MIDI (.mid); QuickTime (.mov);

Windows native format (.wav); MPEG Audio Layer-3 (.mp3)

5. Briefly describe the process used for streaming video.

The video file begins to play as soon as it reaches the user's player application; the

user can watch the video while the remainder of the file continues to download through

a streaming server. By contrast, in non-streaming video, the entire file must be

downloaded before it begins to play.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 11 Review 1. What is opt-in e-mail?

Opt-in e-mail is an e-mail list service that is created legitimately by subscribing only

users who specifically request to be added to the list. This includes listserve group

members and recipients of promotional e-mail from businesses.

2. What is opt-out e-mail?

Opt-out e-mail is an e-mail list service that requires subscribers to unsubscribe

themselves if they do not want to continue receiving messages. Opt-out is implied for

opt-in e-mail services, although it is often used in unsolicited e-mailing lists to give the

appearance that recipients requested their addition (opted in) to the list.

3. What is the purpose of a patent?

Patents grant inventors the sole right to their inventions.

4. What is the purpose of a privacy policy?

A privacy policy advises visitors to a Web site about the types of user information being

collected by the site and how that information is used.

5. What term is used to describe the practice of buying domain names that you do not intend to use? Is this practice illegal?

Domain squatting (or cyber-squatting). Domain squatting is not illegal, but it is

considered unethical for Web development professionals.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 12 Review 1. What does the acronym HTML stand for?

Hypertext Markup Language.

2. What is a markup language, and how is procedural or presentational markup different from structural or logical markup?

A markup language is used to instruct computers how to process data. Procedural

markup instructions affect the appearance of text and elements on a page (e.g.,

boldface). Structural or logical markup is used to specify what the data represents (e.g.,

section heading) and thus describes the content.

3. What is the term for the specialized pieces of code used by HTML to instruct HTML interpreters how to display text? How are these pieces of code designated in type?

HTML uses tags to apply instructions for displaying Web pages. Tags are enclosed

within angle brackets ( < > ).

4. Who oversees the standards developed for HTML?

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the standards organization that controls the

evolution of the language by establishing recommendations and standards.

5. Name the current recommended version of HTML and its three variants or "flavors."

HTML 4.01 is specified in three flavors: Transitional, Strict and Frameset. Extensible

HTML (XHTML) also derives from HTML 4.01.

6. What is a deprecated tag?

Deprecated tags and attributes are those that have been replaced by other HTML

elements in more recently published standards. You can still use most deprecated tags,

but they will be removed from future versions of the standard so you are encouraged to

begin using their replacements.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 13 Review 1. What does the acronym XML stand for?

Extensible Markup Language.

2. What are two limitations of HTML that may not be immediately apparent?

Increased server load and Internet traffic, and search engine overload.

3. What is "well-formedness" in XML, and how important is it?

A "well-formed" XML document adheres to strict construction rules. Well-formedness is

the minimum requirement for an XML document; XML documents that do not follow the

well-formedness requirements will cause a "fatal" error in XML interpreters, which

means that the XML document will not render at all.

4. For what type of data is XML the more appropriate document-creation language than HTML?

XML is the more appropriate language for data that needs persistence over time

because it will be retrieved, searched and reused. HTML is still most appropriate for

documents not intended for future use.

5. What is XHTML, and how does it relate to HTML and XML?

Extensible HTML (XHTML) is the latest reformulation of HTML 4.x from the W3C.

XHTML combines characteristics of HTML and XML to create a transition from HTML

toward XML while providing backward-compatibility.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 14 Review 1. What is the preferred way of creating page structure, according to the W3C?

By using CSS positioning. The W3C now recommends against using tables for page


2. Can you make an X/HTML table invisible? If so, how?

Yes, you can make an HTML table's borders invisible by setting the <table> tag's

border attribute value to "0". This practice is common when using tables for page


3. Which tags are required to create a simple frameset Web page?

The <frameset> tag with either the cols or the rows attribute.

4. What is the difference between a frame and a frameset?

A frame is a single element of a frameset. A frameset is the structure that combines a

set of frames in a single Web page window. A frame is the scrollable region in a

frameset in which pages can be displayed, and each frame has it own URL.

5. What do the terms "relative sizing" and "absolute sizing" mean in reference to framesets?

Relative sizing means that frame sizes (the columns or rows) are expressed in

percentages, because the actual size of each frame will be relative to the size of the

browser window in which it is viewed. Absolute sizing means that frame sizes are

expressed in pixels, because the size of each frame remains constant, or absolute,

regardless of browser window size.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 15 Review 1. What is a style sheet?

A style sheet is a document containing a set of predefined styles, or formatting

instructions, that can be applied to Web pages. Styles save time in writing X/HTML

code for a site because they allow you to make one change that affects multiple

X/HTML elements, periodically or throughout a site.

2. What does the term "cascading style sheets" mean?

Cascading style sheets refers to the use of multiple and overlapping style definitions in

a single document. The term "cascading" refers to inheritance, or the hierarchical

relationship between different types of styles. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the

name for the W3C specifications defining the CSS version 1 and 2 recommendations for

style sheet technology.

3. Name at least three text style elements that can be changed with style sheets.

Font color; background color or image; font weight, size, and style; font family; text

decoration (underline); line height (vertical space between lines, or "leading"); indent;

margins; alignment of any text element.

4. What is a style guide, and how is it relevant to a Web designer?

A style guide is a standards document or manual that establishes conventions for

performing certain tasks when preparing text for publication. Web designers use style

guides to standardize and apply general design guidelines for creating effective Web


5. Name at least two significant changes from the CSS1 specification to the CSS2 specification.

Media types (e.g., onscreen, print, speech synthesis, Braille); paged media

(transparencies and page breaks); aural style sheets (speech synthesis); bi-directional

text (Arabic and Hebrew languages); font support (font matching and synthesis on

client side); relative and absolute positioning.

6. When would you want to use a class selector rather than a tag selector in your style sheet formatting?

You should use a class selector when you want to apply the same style to multiple


Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 16 Review 1. When developing content for a Web site, why should detailed information and

technical specifications be located two or three clicks deep in the site architecture?

Visitors who are interested will find this information if the links are clearly labeled, but

it is not necessary to load every visitor with that much data, especially when most are

just looking for basic information.

2. What is purpose of the <!DOCTYPE> tag?

The <!DOCTYPE> tag specifies the version of X/HTML used in an X/HTML document.

Using the <!DOCTYPE> tag helps ensure that your X/HTML code is rendered correctly

in browsers. It precedes the opening <html> tag in an X/HTML file.

3. Name three types of metadata that can be defined by the <meta> tag.

Expiration date; author name; keywords to be used by search engines; a description of

the page to be displayed in search engines; cookie data; target page and delay for

automatic refresh; page caching in browser; window in which hyperlinks open; browser

identification; reply e-mail address.

4. Which attributes are used with the <meta> tag?

The content attribute and either the name attribute or the http-equiv attribute. You

define the type of metadata with the value you assign to the name or http-equiv

attribute, and you specify the information itself as the value of the content attribute.

5. What is the difference between a search engine and a directory, or information portal?

A search engine uses an automated process, often called a "robot" or "spider," to

discover new Web pages to index. By contrast, a directory finds sites to index only by

manual submission.

6. Briefly explain the concept of relevance in the context of search engines, as well as the criteria used to determine it.

Search engines rank search results according to relevance to the given search query.

Relevance varies depending on the search engine, but generally it is ranked by

matches with keywords provided in the search query, in the following order of

precedence: 1) keyword match in the page title; 2) keyword match in the beginning of

document content; 3) frequency of keyword matches.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 17 Review 1. What are the advantages of using Expression Web to develop and manage a Web site?

Expression Web reduces the amount of development time because it uses a GUI (or

WYSIWYG) interface for design. Also, the product learning curve is reduced for many

users because of the similarity of Expression Web to other Microsoft applications.

2. What are the disadvantages of using Expression Web to develop and manage a Web site?

Transitioning from FrontPage to Expression Web may be challenging for users who are

used to FrontPage. Web designers should understand CSS positioning to most

effectively use the CSS layout features of Expression Web.

3. What is an Expression Web view? Name at least three of the views available in Expression Web.

The various Expression Web views allow the user to access different components of the

application and perform different types of functions on their Web pages. Views include

Page view, Folders view, Publishing view, Reports view and Hyperlinks view.

4. Describe a weakness of the Expression Web Accessibility Checker.

The Expression Web Accessibility Checker looks for the presence of the alt attribute for

an image, but does not check to ensure that text is provided between the quotation

marks that specify the contents of the attribute. If a Web designer creates a page using

an Expression Web template, and does not supply alternate text for the existing

images, the Accessibility Checker will not flag the images as requiring alternate text.

5. If you type invalid code into the Code window, what will happen?

The invalid code will be highlighted in the Expression Web Code window. By default,

Expression Web highlights both invalid and incompatible HTML.

Web Design Specialist Review Answers

© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 18 Review 1. What are three approaches to page layout supported in Expression Web? Which of

these methods is recommended?

The three approaches to page layout are to distribute content using tables, framesets or

CSS positioning. The method recommended by the W3C is CSS positioning.

2. In Expression Web, how is a division affected by its float property setting?

The float property setting forces the division to position itself to a particular edge of the

browser window, an adjacent division or the given division's parent layer (if it is a

nested division).

3. Name at least three properties you can modify with the Page Properties dialog box in Expression Web.

Page title; font styles; font colors; background colors; background images; margins;

languages used; and other custom features.

4. What are the default property settings when you insert a statically positioned division into a page?

There are no default property settings for inserting a statically positioned division into a


5. In order to use dynamic Web templates in your Web site, which Web site property must be enabled?

The Maintain The Site Using Hidden Metadata Files setting must be enabled if you

want to use dynamic Web templates in your Web site.

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© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 19 Review 1. In Expression Web, what type of database data can you integrate into your Web site?

Expression Web allows you to integrate data from SQL databases, Oracle databases,

Microsoft Access databases, and XML data stores.

2. List two reasons why you should avoid using components in your Web pages that are reliant on FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSEs).

Support for FPSEs is limited, and FPSE-reliant components use code that is not

standards-compliant. It is recommended that you use the features in Expression Web to

replace the old webbot components using new techniques and tools.

3. What is the purpose of a Web form?

A Web form is one method for obtaining information from users.

4. Which types of styles take precedence in Expression Web?

In Expression Web, local style rules typically take precedence over general style rules.

That is, styles defined in an inline CSS take precedence over those defined in an

internal or external CSS, and styles in an internal CSS take precedence over styles in

an external CSS.

5. If you want to integrate data from databases or XML on your page, what type of page should you use?

You can integrate read-only XML data on HTML pages using data views. If you want to

integrate data from databases on your site, or if you want to integrate XML data that is

updatable, then you need to use ASP.NET pages.

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© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 20 Review 1. What are some of the advanced features supported by Dreamweaver CS5 that

simplify Web site development?

CSS positioning and behaviors for advanced page layout and design; ability to import

existing X/HTML without reformatting; DHTML capabilities; customizable features for

cross-platform and cross-browser development; absolute positioning with AP elements;

conversion of AP elements into tables and vice versa.

2. What is the main advantage to using AP elements in Web page layout? What is the main disadvantage?

The ability to create a page using AP elements allows you to use absolute positioning

for layout of elements on the page. The main advantage is that you can control the

exact size and location of elements on the page. The main disadvantage is that

absolute positioning does not allow pages to scale to fit larger or smaller browser


3. Which icon is used to identify and position AP elements in Dreamweaver?

The small box that appears above the element is the element selector, which is used to

select and move the element.

4. After inserting an image or other content into an AP element, it is good practice to resize the element. To what dimensions should you resize elements?

You should resize elements so that they match the size of the image or content as

closely as possible.

5. How do you choose types of content to insert into a page in Dreamweaver?

By selecting the content type from the Insert bar.

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Lesson 21 Review 1. Is it advisable to place one AP element on top of another when creating pages in

Dreamweaver? Why or why not?

If you are going to convert your page layout from AP elements to HTML tables, then

your elements cannot overlap because HTML tables do not support overlapping. If you

are going to publish your page with CSS positioning, then the elements can overlap.

2. What basic shapes can you use to create image map hotspots in Dreamweaver, and what purpose do these hotspots serve?

Dreamweaver allows you to draw image map hotspots in the basic shapes of rectangle,

circle or polygon. A hotspot is the area within the image map that is linked to a target

page or file.

3. What feature of Dreamweaver allows you to create supporting Web site pages that have many consistent elements but can be modified in specified regions?


4. Using Dreamweaver, what types of existing page content can you import into your Web pages?

You can import existing content created as Rich Text Format (RTF), Word documents

and X/HTML into the Web pages you create with Dreamweaver. You can also import

HTML created with the Microsoft Word Save As Web Page feature; however, Microsoft

adds much proprietary code to these documents, so Dreamweaver first "cleans" the

document by deleting the unnecessary tags and data.

5. What is a Z-index, and how useful is it when creating your Dreamweaver pages?

A Z-index is a number assigned to each AP element on a page to designate the order of

appearance if elements overlap. The Z-index for each element appears in the AP

Elements panel for a given page. The Z-index is irrelevant if you plan to convert your

page layout to tables before publishing because elements cannot overlap.

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© 2010 Certification Partners, LLC — All Rights Reserved Version 1.0

Lesson 22 Review 1. How does Dreamweaver simplify the process of creating rollover effects?

Dreamweaver includes a useful dialog box designed specifically for rollover creation.

You need only provide the image you want to use and the target to which you want the

image to link.

2. What keyboard shortcut can you use to preview the current page in your default browser when using Dreamweaver?

The F12 key.

3. How can you use Dreamweaver's Assets panel to simplify Web page development?

The Dreamweaver Assets panel contains groups you can use during development to

store objects and files that will be used repeatedly. When you place an object in the

Assets panel, you can then access that object and place it on any other page of the

Web project.

4. Which Dreamweaver feature allows you to add interactive elements to a page, and upon what are the functions of these elements based?

Dreamweaver offers a feature called Behaviors to allow you to add interactive elements

to a page. The function of a behavior is based upon a user action, such as mouse

movement or keyboard input.

5. What is Drag AP Element, and what does it enable your Web site visitors to do?

Drag AP Element is a function you can implement with Dreamweaver behaviors. It

enables end users to click an object on your Web page and drag it to another region of

the screen. Thus users can move an element such as a menu or image on the screen to

customize your page to their preferences or for their convenience.

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Lesson 23 Review 1. Why is it important to use the ALT attribute of the <img> tag?

Search engine bots use this tag to help rank pages, and applications for people with

disabilities also use these tools.

2. Why do open-source GUI HTML applications allow individuals to choose between different versions of HTML and/or XHTML?

Because all a developer needs to do is choose a version of HTML or XHTML and then

remain consistent throughout a project.

3. Why is it important to have a page that uses proper spelling and grammar?

Search engine bots will give a lower score to pages that are not created using proper

spelling and grammar. Individuals may turn away from your pages, feeling that if you

cannot spell or use proper grammar, your product may be similarly shoddy.

4. A customer has called, complaining that the site you designed does not quite look or feel the way she expected. What tool could you have used to help ensure that your customer was aware of what the site would look like when it was completed?

A template. Using a template helps everyone agree on what kind of look and feel the

site will have once it is completed.

5. What is a potential drawback of open-source GUI HTML editors? What is one potential benefit?

GUI HTML editors may not have all of the features that a suite of applications has,

such as Adobe Creative Suite. Potential benefits may include lower cost, better

adherence to W3C standards, and the presence of just enough features to allow a solid

designer to be creative.

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Lesson 24 Review 1. How is Fireworks different from other image-editing applications?

Fireworks includes features from various image-editing tools, such as vector-based and

raster-based applications and image optimizers. Fireworks also includes features for

adding animation and interactivity using image states, layers and slices.

2. What is the purpose of image slices in Fireworks?

Fireworks uses image slices to divide large graphics into smaller pieces for use on the

Web. A slice is a section of a larger graphic that has been divided into smaller graphics

during export. Slicing an image makes it easier to use in a Web page layout, increases

the perceived download speed, and makes it possible to apply behaviors to parts of an


3. How are image layers different from image states?

Image layers are used to group or separate objects on the canvas when editing. When

a layer is deleted, all the objects on that layer are deleted. Image states are like

multiple canvases in a document. They are similar to the frames in a movie clip:

Animation occurs when a series of states are shown in rapid succession.

4. The New Document dialog box in Fireworks allows you to specify properties such as canvas size and color, but it does not offer file format selection. Why not?

Because PNG is the native format for image documents created in Fireworks. You are

not offered the option of creating files of any other format, although you can save files

in other formats.

5. Why is cropping an important part of image creation?

Cropping is important because excess space around an image inhibits effective Web

page layout visually and increases file size unnecessarily.

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Lesson 25 Review 1. What four characteristics of Flash determine its unique functionality?

Vector graphics, streaming capability, the timeline, and layers.

2. Is it advisable to develop a Web site completely with Flash? Why or why not?

Although it depends on several factors, in general it is recommended that you use

Flash for certain elements of a site but not entire site creation. The reasons for this

include the time required to develop and update Flash elements, the advanced Flash

skills required to update content, and the relative effectiveness of using only limited

Flash elements (such as a splash page or navigation elements).

3. What keyboard shortcut can you use to return your mouse pointer to a Selection arrow anytime when drawing in Flash?

The V key on the keyboard.

4. How do the functions of the Paint Bucket tool and the Ink Bottle tool differ?

The Paint Bucket is used to change fills, whereas the Ink Bottle is used to change the

colors of lines and borders.

5. How does drawing with the Pen tool differ from drawing with the Pencil tool in Flash?

Both the Pen and Pencil tools in Flash allow you to draw lines. The Pencil tool enables

you to draw freeform, and apply optional smoothing and straightening to your lines.

The Pen tool enables you to draw more precise shapes and smoother lines by clicking

to create straight line segments between anchor points, or by dragging to create C-

shaped or S-shaped curves.

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Lesson 26 Review 1. Name two elements of a Flash movie that you can control with the timeline.

Speed at which movie is played; user event that starts or stops movie; point in movie

that action starts or stops; breaks in action of movie.

2. How is a blank keyframe similar to a normal frame? How is it different?

Both normal frames and blank keyframes contain no new content. However, a normal

frame inherits content from the preceding keyframe, whereas a blank keyframe stops

the preceding content so that the movie can receive instructions for some new action.

3. When you add a layer to a Flash movie, what are you essentially adding to that movie?

Another timeline.

4. What three file formats are created when you publish a Flash movie, and what is the purpose of each file?

Flash files are automatically saved in FLA, SWF and HTML formats. The FLA file

contains the Flash movie application. The SWF file contains the Flash movie that opens

in a browser. The HTML file is an automatically generated HTML page with the movie

embedded, so you can preview the movie in a browser before adding it to an actual

page or site on the Web.

5. What three symbol types can you choose from when designating a Flash symbol?

Graphic symbol, button symbol or movie clip symbol.

6. A symbol uses a reference point that is indicated by crosshairs. What is the term for this reference point, and can it be moved?

The reference point is called the symbol index point, and it can be moved using Symbol

Edit mode.

7. In what three ways can you obtain a Flash button to add to your movie?

You can use a button from the default Flash Library, you can use the Flash drawing

tools to create a button shape, or you can import a graphic with which you can create a

button in Flash.

8. What four button states are specified on the timeline, allowing you to assign different actions to the different states?

Up, Over, Down and Hit.

9. Which keyboard shortcut allows you to launch the HTML page in the browser to preview your Flash file?


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Lesson 27 Review 1. What are the two different types of tweens in Flash, and how do they differ?

Motion tweens and shape tweens. In a motion tween, an object moves from one location

on the screen to another. In a shape tween, an object transforms into another object.

2. What are the three rules you must apply when creating tweens in Flash?

Only one tween can exist in a layer at a time. Objects must be symbols in a motion

tween. Objects cannot be symbols in a shape tween.

3. What keyboard shortcut can you use to test a tween in Flash?


4. If you want to create a tween that follows an S-shaped path, what must you do?

Create a basic straight-line motion tween and then modify the motion path using the

Selection, Subselection or Free Transform tools.

5. How is tweening in the current version of Flash different from tweening in Flash versions prior to CS4?

In versions prior to CS4, tweening was timeline-based. In Flash CS4 and CS5,

tweening is object-based. A motion tween consists of one target object over the entire

tween span. Motion tweens can have only one object instance associated with them

and use property keyframes instead of keyframes. A motion tween span is treated as a

single object in the timeline.

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Lesson 28 Review 1. Which area or mode of Flash is used to develop a movie clip, and why?

Movie clips are developed in Symbol Edit mode because movie clips are symbols.

2. What keyboard shortcut can you use to create a new blank symbol?


3. What are some common uses of sound in Flash files?

Button mouseover events and button click events are often used to alert users to their

actions. Background music, narration and dialog are also commonly incorporated in

Flash movies.

4. Which X/HTML tags are required to insert a Flash file into an X/HTML page that will function correctly in both older and newer browsers?

The X/HTML <object> and <embed> tags.

5. Why might you resize the Flash movie stage?

You might need to resize the stage if you use Flash to create a movie that is smaller

than the default stage size.

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Lesson 29 Review 1. What is the purpose of ActionScript in Flash?

ActionScript is used to define actions and events that users can trigger for objects,

which provides an interactive element to Flash movies.

2. What is the purpose of a mask in Flash?

To cover an area of the stage and allow a specified region to show through.

3. To create a mask, what component of the movie must you modify?

A layer.

4. What are some of the benefits of using Flash to design e-learning applications?

Small file sizes for quick downloading; interactivity for user participation; rich media

content; and cross-platform compatibility with a widely used and easily installed free

browser plug-in.

5. What are some of the accessibility issues involved in using Flash on Web sites?

Like other multimedia, Flash files may not be usable by Web users with disabilities

that limit their vision or hearing. Flash may also not be accessible to users who use

mobile devices or other specialized browsers. And Flash files require the Flash Player

plug-in, which, although widely used, may not be installed on some users' browsers.

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Lesson 30 Review 1. A characteristic of an object, such as width or color, is called what in programming?

A property.

2. What term is used to refer to languages such as JavaScript that do not support object inheritance and subclassing, but that depend for functionality on a collection of built-in objects?


3. When creating JavaScript code, where does the code reside and how is it activated?

JavaScript code resides within an X/HTML document, and in some cases is embedded

directly within certain X/HTML tags (which is called inline scripting). JavaScript is

activated by an event, to which the script is instructed to respond with a designated


4. What are three strengths of JavaScript?

Short development cycle, mild learning curve, and platform independence.

5. How is DHTML different from X/HTML?

Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is not a single technology like X/HTML, but a group of

technologies (including HTML 4.x and later, CSS, scripting and the DOM) used together.

DHTML offers more interactive pages than X/HTML. It can also reduce server load by

dynamically changing content without another server request.

6. What role does the DOM play in DHTML?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a key component of DHTML. It is the DHTML

interface that allows programmers to create document structure, and navigate and

manipulate content.

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Lesson 31 Review 1. What is the primary purpose of a plug-in?

To extend the functionality of a browser by providing efficient and seamless integration

of multimedia formats.

2. During the planning process, Web developers shape their users' experiences. When creating a Web site that will require plug-ins, what must a developer provide?

The developer must provide effective ways for first-time users to download and install


3. In what three ways can plug-ins be installed?

Online, offline, and pre-installed by the browser manufacturer.

4. What is a rich media ad?

Rich media ads are typically advertisements that require some sort of plug-in for the

viewer to be able to see them. Most frequently, rich media ads use Flash or another

video or audio format to try to catch the viewer's attention and get them to click through

to the advertiser's site. Rich media ads can feature user interaction, sound, vector

animation and even streaming media.

5. Name at least three of the main characteristics of applets.

Applets are small, fast, secure, multi-threaded, cross-platform compatible, and they run

on the client side.

6. Which X/HTML tag is used to embed an applet in a Web page?

The <object> tag is correct according to the HTML 4.0 and later standards. The

<applet> tag is still frequently used, but is deprecated in favor of <object>.

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Lesson 32 Review 1. What is the default port for HTTP servers?

Port 80.

2. For what purpose is port 443 used?

Port 443 is the default port for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections, which provide

data security.

3. What is the purpose of DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) maps uniquely hierarchical user-friendly domain

names (such as to specific numerical IP addresses (such as

4. What server-side technology is a simple protocol that can be used to communicate between X/HTML forms and an application?

Common Gateway Interface (CGI).

5. What is the formal term for a cookie?

Persistent client state HTTP cookie.

6. What is Secure XML?

Secure XML is XML data that is encrypted then transmitted over the Internet using

digital signatures to ensure privacy and data integrity.

7. What is RSS, and what is its purpose?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) files provide a simple way to syndicate links to content

on your site.

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Lesson 33 Review 1. What is a query, and what does it produce?

In database terms, a query is a question from the user to the database table. The query

returns a value, which consists of information from the database.

2. What is the purpose of SQL?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the standard language for accessing information

from a database.

3. What is 4GL?

Fourth-generation language (4GL) describes query languages that more closely

resemble verbal language than the previous generations of computer language.

4. Name at least three information types that can be contained in a database.

Plaintext, X/HTML, XML, images, or any combination of these formats can be stored in

a database. So can inventories, with dynamic current information about product


5. Name at least two DBMS technologies.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC); Java Database Connectivity (JDBC); Computer

Output to Laser Disk (COLD); Binary Large Object (BLOB); Virtual Sequential Access

Method (VSAM); Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM); Online Analytical

Processing (OLAP); Report Program Generator (RPG); ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).

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Lesson 34 Review 1. What is a staging server?

A staging server is a Web server used to develop and test a site. It is separate from the

server that will host the published site on the Internet. The staging server is generally

accessible only to the development team members who are working on the site and to

authorized members of the organization for which the site is being developed.

2. What two options exist for Web site hosting?

You can host the site yourself in-house, or you can contract an Internet Service Provider

(ISP) to host the site for you.

3. What three factors must be considered when deciding how to host your Web site to the public?

Cost, speed and reliability.

4. What is the purpose of FTP?

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer files between computers or a computer

and a server. FTP can be used to transfer Web site files to a server where the site will

be hosted.

5. What is one advantage of using Expression Web or Dreamweaver to publish your Web site instead of using a generic FTP client?

A publishing tool is built into each application, so if you developed your site using

Expression Web or Dreamweaver, you need not obtain, install and learn to use another

application to publish it.

6. What is one advantage of using a generic FTP client such as WS_FTP Professional to publish your Web site?

If you are manually coding your pages or using some other site-authoring tool, WS_FTP

Professional is reliable and available in a limited trial version for free.

7. What are the benefits of using a version-control system to track changes you make to a published Web site?

Version-control systems allow you to have a complete record of each change and to

easily restore any file or the entire site to its exact version at any previous date.

8. What is a denial-of-service (DOS) attack?

A denial-of-service (DOS) attack is an attack on a server that causes a loss of service to

users by consuming all of the server's available network bandwidth.