anti-Obama CXXX

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  • 7/29/2019 anti-Obama CXXX


    This blast e-mail was just received from Linda Rosen [Patriot of Lower Bucks, Doylestown, PA 18901,

    215-262-3115]; her header is Please contact your representative and Senators and say no to attacking

    Syria [and] FORWARD TO OTHERS [because] Theres Strength In Numbers. [It has been reformatted,

    halving its length while retaining the myriad articles which are consistent with points made earlier.]

    Again deferred is a compilation of hyperlinks, but the key-point is that BHOs desire to launch a war

    should not be permitted; when Kerry suggested the Saudis would finance the bombing, the immediate

    reaction was to wonderwhether the U.S. would become Mercenaries for Al-Qaedaand, indeed, noting

    the current balance of forces, the immediate reaction was first articulated byDennis Kucinich when he

    claimed a Syria strike would turn US into 'al Qaeda's air force.'In any case, this blast e-mail is intended

    to capture the range of communications and documentation that has been flooding the Internet.

    BHOs path to war [even if he attempts to limit the bombing to a finite time-frame]

    violates major principles of war, many of which served as the basis for his [& Kerrys]

    scathing critique of Bush-43s approach to Iraq/Afghanistan; this includes NOT invoking

    the element of surprise, achieving critical-mass, having clearly-defined and readily-

    achievable objectives, hoping for the best but planning for the worst, and articulating

    an exit-strategy. It is not credible to suggest, for example, that the time-delay was

    endorsed by Gen. Dempsey; multiple reports suggest ASSAD is stashing WEAPONSAMONG CIVILIANS and is moving troops, even as BHO has asked the US military to

    revise the Syria strike plan 50 times. Indeed, during Congressional testimony, Kerry

    initially refused to rule-out use of U.S. ground troops in Syria, then backtracked.

    Note these scenes of executions by rebels and of a rebel eating the heart of one of Assads soldiers;

    both have gone viral, and it seems no one from the rebel world has challenged their authenticity.

    In contrast, these scenes of alleged-death from sarin gas [due to Assad] are FAKE; the people in the

    photo were not victims of sarin and they arent even dead, as per the description of sarin and its

    characteristic symptoms provided by the CDC (Center of Disease Control & Prevention).,d.dmg,d.dmg,d.dmg,d.dmg,d.dmg,d.dmg
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    1. Sarin makes the lungs unable to absorb oxygen, so that victims die of respiratory failure,that is, suffocation. As a result, a person dying of sarin appears blue, and after death

    looks blackened, particularly in the extremities. All of the victims shown have a very

    healthy even lively color.

    2. Sarin also operates on the nervous system, causing victims to convulse violently violently enough to dislocate joints and break bones. As this veteran put it, their bodies

    look like human pretzels. These victims show no signs of such violent convulsions. In

    fact, none of them even show the characteristics of rigor mortis, particularly in the

    wrists, hands, and jaws.

    3. Because sarin is a nerve agent that interferes with the respiratory system, its telltaleeffects on the body include: runny nose, watery eyes, drooling and excessive sweating,

    diarrhea, vomiting, and increased urination. And yet, the bodies, which have obviously

    not been cleaned because theyre still wearing clothes, are not covered in drool, snot,

    sweat, vomit, urine, or diarrhea. In fact, they are remarkably clean, particularly in the

    groin area of the underwear and pants.

    4. Sarin is absorbed by the skin and by clothing, and is transferred by touch as well as byair. Also, a person who gets exposed to sarin by touch immediately knows it because it

    will cause nerve damage to the area touched, inducing local muscle twitching and

    sweating. And yet the man standing there is completely unprotected from the sarin that

    should be emanating from the victims bodies and clothing, even though he would

    immediately notice discomfort if he handled the bodies and would suffer from

    poisoning without wearing a proper breathing apparatus.5. Because sarin is absorbed by clothing, the first treatment for exposure is to remove all

    clothes; yet, ALL of the victims still are wearing clothing.

    6. Sarin doesnt do anything that would prompt placement of bandages on foreheads;indeed, people would probably want to remove any such covering.

    7. The man standing is wearing US regulation Army camouflage pants.8. In the hot weather of the Syrian summer, if these bodies were dead, they would

    promptly either show signs ofrigor mortis or bloating.

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    9. Its highly unlikely that all of these victims died on their backs, and none show any signof blood-pooling (which would occur, after coagulation, at the bodys lowest points);

    furthermore, if a body is later turned on its back, the dark-colored blood would remain

    where it had been, either on the front or the side of the body.

    Syria Video Turns the Debate on U.S. Intervention: The tape made New York Times editors sick. Lloyd

    Grove on the footage of a rebel slaughter thats upended talk of an authorized U.S. intervention

    by Lloyd Grove Sep 6, 2013 4:30 AM EDT The Daily Beast

    The raw video was so grisly, and so barbaric, that the New York Times staffers who watched and

    edited it for online publication were made physically ill, according to the newspapers

    spokeswoman. Shortly after the Times posted it in the wee hours Thursday morning, the video

    went viral, leading the influential Drudge Report, proliferating on Twitter, Tumblr, and other

    social-media sites, and dominating cable news and broadcast outlets. It also became a tricky

    problem for the Obama White House.

    The scene of Syrian rebels standing over seven soldiers of the Syrian regular army while the

    rebel commander recited a bloodthirsty poemand pointing rifles and a pistol at the heads of

    their prostrate, shirtless, and badly beaten prisonerswas shocking enough. Times video editors

    tactfully blackened the screen as the rebelswho, just like the United States government,

    oppose the regime of dictator Bashar al-Assadbegan to execute the soldiers; the only

    indication of the slaughter taking place was a noisy fusillade of 10 seconds in length. Then an

    image flashed of the broken bodies in a mass grave.

    Atrocities of the Syrian Rebels (GRAPHIC, NSFW): Who are the FSA fighters?

    by Austin Petersen 04 Sep 2013 The Libertarian Republic

    As the US government debates on whether to assist Syrian rebels in their war against Bashar al-

    Assad, American citizens are learning more about their potential allies every day. The Free

    Syrian Army fighters are reportedly made up of al Nusra forces, which are al Qaeda affiliated

    fighters who have committed incredible acts of brutality in their effort to gain control of the


    The war in Syria has raged for two years with over 100,000 casualties and has no clear ending.

    United States Secretary of State John Kerry has issued reports in the past week revealing that

    the government of Assad is using chemical weapons on its own people. The President of the

    United States Barack Obamahas now reached his infamous red line, where he declared that

    the US will intervene to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.The New York Times has reported

    that the president has deployed a group of CIA backed rebels, who have begun to make their

    way onto the battlefield.

    But the FSA fighters backed by the US government are not all likely to be so friendly to America

    if they do win. Despite enormous casualties and alleged gas attacks by Assad, rebel fighters have

    woven their own trail of devastation across the countryside, slaughtering innocents and

    murdering children in the name of Islam. Would America be more secure with a non-secular
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    Syrian government?... (To see the gruesome videos posted by the terrorists oops! I mean our

    allies in the fight to topple Assad click the headlines link. Dave)

    Putin presses US Congress over Syria, says Kerry lied

    MOSCOW Wed Sep 4, 2013 10:23am EDT Reuters

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday the U.S. Congress had no right to approve

    the use of force againstSyriawithout a decision from the U.N. Security Council, and that doing

    so would be an "act of aggression".

    He said "anything that is outside the U.N. Security Council is aggression, except self-defense.

    Now what Congress and the U.S. Senate are doing in essence is legitimizing aggression. This is

    inadmissible in principle."

    In remarks that could raise tension further before he hosts PresidentBarack Obamaand other

    G20 leaders on Thursday, Putin also said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry lied to Congress

    about the militant group al Qaeda's role in the Syrian conflict.

    "They lie beautifully, of course. I saw debates in Congress. A congressman asks Mr. Kerry: 'Is al

    Qaeda there?' He says: 'No, I am telling you responsibly that it is not'," Putin said at a meeting

    of his human rights council in the Kremlin.

    "Al Qaeda units are the main military echelon, and they know this," he said, referring to the

    United States. "It was unpleasant and surprising for me - we talk to them, we proceed from

    the assumption that they are decent people. But he is lying and knows he is lying. It's sad."

    Kerry portrait of Syria rebels at odds with intelligence reports

    By Mark Hosenball & Phil Stewart WASHINGTON | Thu Sep 5, 2013 1:11am EDT Reuters

    Secretary of State John Kerry's public assertions that moderate Syrian opposition groups are

    growing in influence appear to be at odds with estimates by U.S. and European intelligence

    sources and nongovernmental experts, who say Islamic extremists remain by far the fiercest and

    best-organized rebel elements.

    Revealed: Pentagon knew in 2012 that it would take 75,000 GROUND TROOPS to secure Syria's

    chemical weapons facilities

    By David Martosko 5 September 2013 The Daily Mail (UK)

    Securing Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles and the facilities that produced them would likelyrequire the U.S. to send more than 75,000 ground troops into the Middle Eastern country,

    MailOnline learned Wednesday. That estimate comes from a secret memorandum the U.S.

    Department of Defense prepared for President Obama in early 2012.

    U.S. Central Command arrived at the figure of 75,000 ground troops as part of a written series of

    military options for dealing with Bashar al-Assad more than 18 months ago, long before the U.S.
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    confirmed internally that the Syrian dictator was using the weapons against rebel factions within

    his borders.

    'The report exists, and it was prepared at the request of the National Security Advisor's staff,' a

    Department of Defense official with knowledge of the inquiry told MailOnline Wednesday on

    condition of anonymity. 'DoD spent lots of time and resources on it. Everyone understood that

    this wasn't a pointless exercise, and that eventually we would be tasked with going and getting

    the VX and sarin, so there was lots of due diligence.'

    The logistical difficulties of bringing Syria's chemical warfare infrastructure under control

    stands in stark contrast with the text of a resolution passed Wednesday by a powerful Senate

    committee, and with assurances Secretary of State John Kerry has given committees in both

    houses of Congress.

    The War Powers Resolution, which passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee late

    Wednesday on a bipartisan 10-7 vote, includes text noting that it 'does not authorize the use

    of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Syria for the purpose of combat


    If President Obama were to deploy ground forces in Syria, the final words of that phrase 'for

    the purpose of combat operations' could become a loophole large enough to drive a

    Humvee through.

    Speaking to the committee on Tuesday as he made the case for a congressional authorization to

    bomb critical Syrian military sites, Kerry seemed to leave open the possibility that 'boots on the

    ground' could be marshaled specifically to secure chemical weapons stockpiles 'in the event

    Syria imploded, for instance.'

    Kerry also mused on a scenario in which 'there was a threat of a chemical weapons cache falling

    into the hands of al-Nusra or someone else and it was clearly in the interest of our allies and allof us the British, the French and others to prevent those weapons of mass destruction falling

    into the hands of the worst elements.'

    'I dont want to take off the table an option that might or might not be available to a president

    of the United States to secure our country,' Kerry concluded

    Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL): Syria Intelligence Manipulated

    By Steven Nelson September 5, 2013 US News And World Report

    Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., who is aggressively lobbying against a military strike on Syria, says the

    Obama administration has manipulated intelligence to push its case for U.S. involvement in the

    country's two-year civil war.

    Grayson made the accusation in aninterviewpublished Wednesday by The Atlantic and offered

    more detail in a Thursday discussion with U.S. News. He says members of Congress are being

    given intelligence briefings without any evidence to support administration claims that Syrian

    leader Bashar Assad ordered the use of chemical weapons.
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    Grayson said he cannot discuss the classified briefings, but noted details in the administration's

    public, non-classified report are being contested.

    The White House released its four-page publicreportAug. 30, arguing that Assad's government

    killed 1,429 people on Aug. 21 with a planned chemical weapon attack. Evidence cited in that

    report included "intercepted communications involving a senior official intimately familiar with

    the offensive who confirmed that chemical weapons were used."

    Grayson, however, says "the claim has been made that that information was completely


    He points to anarticlepublished by The Daily Caller that alleges the communications actually

    showed Syrian officers were surprised by the alleged chemical weapon attack. The

    communications, according to unnamed sources paraphrased in article, were intercepted by

    Israeli intelligence and "doctored so that it leads a reader to just the opposite conclusion."

    "What they say in The Daily Caller is that [intercepted communications] would lead one to the

    opposite conclusion," Grayson said. "I don't know if it's right or wrong, [but] there's a verysimple way to find out, that's for the administration to show me and other members of

    Congress" translated transcripts of the intercepts, he said

    Everyone in This Syria Play is a Liar

    September 05, 2013 The Rush Limbaugh Show Trascript

    RUSH: Folks, the Syria news today -- it was bad yesterday. It was embarrassing yesterday.

    Today the whole world is laughing at us, and I am not kidding. Even liberals. Even these wacko

    Looney Tunes pajama-clad website posters, these progressives, as they call themselves. These

    people think Obama and Kerry are lying to 'em. They don't want another war. They don't want a

    single missile launched ever. They think they're being lied to.

    I mean, Obama doesn't even have his base on this. And according to whip counts and head

    counts right now, it looks like Obama's request for a congressional authorization for the use of

    force in the Syria isn't going to pass the House, after all, thanks to those obstreperous

    Republicans. Now, for those of you in Rio Linda, that means stubborn. So everything is going

    according to plan. Once again Obama will be able to blame the evil House Republicans for all of

    the nerve gas damage that's taking place in Syria.

    Now, you know, Vladimir Putin is saying that Obama and Kerry are lying. And I don't know

    about you, but I find myself to be in a really curious situation. Who do I believe, Vladimir Putin

    or Barack Obama and John Kerry? See, this may be a little tough to hear, but I know that John

    Kerry lies about things. I know that Barack Obama big time misrepresents things. That's what

    the whole Limbaugh Theorem is. I know liberals lie as a matter of course. They have to. We

    know that they lied about Benghazi and the stupid video. So here they're telling us one thing,

    and Putin says, "No, no, no, no, it's just the exact opposite."

    Russia says they have compiled a 100-page report blaming the Syrian rebels for the chemical

    weapons attack, not Assad, just as we reported on this program on Tuesday. A 100-page

    report. Now, I don't know about you, but what does it feel like to have to agree with a former
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    KGB agent? "The Russian statement warned the United States and its allies --" which, in this

    case, is France "-- not to conduct a military strike against Syria until the United Nations had

    completed a similarly detailed scientific study into the August 21st attack." Russia's done their

    own. It's a 100-page report. Russia has found that the Syrian rebels did the attack.

    Now, if you think, "Yeah, come on, Rush, don't fall for this. I mean, this is Putin. This is Russia." I

    know. But the New York Times, which is Obama's Bible, the New York Times: "Brutality of

    Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West." You see, the regime has tried once again to portray the

    rebels in Syria, the enemies of Bashar Assad, as innocent, harmless men, women and children

    being forced out of their homes, wandering aimless in the Syrian desert. Don't have any guns;

    don't have any weapons; don't have anything; don't have any food; don't have any water; don't

    have any nurse;, don't have any doctors. This is the picture, the rebels, the anti-Assad forces,

    people, I mean, they are God's gift.

    And even the New York Times: "The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners

    with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men

    Sign the Petition to Stop U.S. Assistance to al Qaeda in Syria.

    The United States is at war with al Qaeda; it must not help al Qaeda.

    Syrian rebels affiliated with al Qaeda and other jihadist groups, including the Muslim

    Brotherhood, have committed atrocities across Syria.

    They murdered a Catholic priest. They slaughtered civilians and regime prisoners. They attacked

    a Christian village even while Congress debated intervention, shelling nuns and other civilians.

    They cut out and ate the hearts of their enemies and brazenly recorded it for the Internet.

    The Assad regime's use of chemical weapons is horrific, but the U.S. must not support jihad in


    Sign the Petition to Stop U.S. Assistance to al Qaeda in Syria.

    Jay Sekulow

    ACLJ Chief Counsel

    American Center for Law and Justice

    Catholic Patriarch of Syria: U.S. Attack on Syria Would Be Criminal Act

    September 3, 2013 - 11:40 AM By Michael W. ChapmanCNS News

    ( Were the Obama administration to launch an attack on Syria, as President

    Obama has said he intends to do, it would be a criminal act, which will only reap more victims,

    said Gregory III, the leader of the Greek Catholic Church in Syria and Lebanon.
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    We must listen to the Popes appeal for peace in Syria, said Patriarch Gregory III. If Western

    countries want to create true democracy then they must build it on reconciliation, through

    dialogue between Christians and Muslims, not with weapons. This attack being planned by the

    United States is a criminal act, which will only reap more victims, in addition to the tens of

    thousands of these two years of war. This will destroy the Arab worlds trust in the West.

    What or who have led Syria to this thin red line, this point of no return? said Patriarch Gregory

    in remarksfirst reported by on Aug. 28. Who created this hell in which our people

    have been living for months? Every day, Islamic extremists from all over the world are pouring

    into Syria with the sole intent to kill and not one country has done anything to stop them, even

    the U.S. has decided to send in more weapons.

    Iran threatens brutal attacks on Americans, Obama family if US hits Syria

    4:08 PM 09/05/2013 Reza Kahlili The Daily Caller

    As Congress debates whether to support President Obamas call for a limited strike against Syria

    for the alleged use of chemical weapons, Iran is vowing to back Bashar al-Assads regime to thehilt and threatening to unleash terrorism should the U.S. strike.

    Qassem Soleimani, the head of Irans Quds Forces, Wednesdaytold the Assembly of Experts

    the body that chooses the supreme leader that [w]e will support Syria to the end.

    And in an unprecedented statement, a former Iranian official has warned of mass abductions

    and brutal killings of American citizens around the world and the rape and killing of one of

    Obamas daughters should the United States attack Syria.

    Alireza Forghani, the former governor of southern Irans Kish Province, threw down the gauntlet

    last week. Forghani is an analyst and strategy specialist in the supreme leaders camp and

    closely aligned with Mehdi Taeb, who heads the regimes Ammar Strategic Base, a radical thinkthank, and thus speaks with the blessing of the Islamic regime.

    Hopefully Obama will be pigheaded enough to attack Syria, and then we will see the loss of

    U.S. interests [through terrorist attacks], he threatened. In just 21 hours [after the attack on

    Syria], a family member of every U.S. minister [department secretary], U.S. ambassadors, U.S.

    military commanders around the world will be abducted. And then 18 hours later, videos of

    their amputation will be spread [around the world].

    Asimilar actwas committed in a video of the torture of William Buckley, a CIA station chief who

    was abducted in Beirut in 1984 and later killed by Hezbollah on Irans order

    A blast from Obamas past: Theres no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down

    on its citizens from outside its borders.

    Published on Nov 18, 2012 President Barack Obama

    AUDIO AS INCOMING-- As violence rages on the Middle East, U.S. President Barack Obama in

    Thailand defended Israel's right to protect itself. (SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. PRESIDENT, BARACK

    OBAMA, SAYING: "There's no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its
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    citizens from outside its borders. So we are fully supportive of Israel's right to defend itself from

    missiles landing on peoples homes and workplaces and potentially killing civilians."

    Russia gave UN 100-page report in July blaming Syrian rebels for Aleppo sarin attack

    By Matthew Schofield, McClatchy Foreign Staff September 5, 2013


    BERLIN Russia says a deadly March sarin attack in an Aleppo suburb was carried out by Syrian

    rebels, not forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, and it has delivered a 100-page report laying

    out its evidence to the United Nations.

    A statement posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry website late Wednesday said the report

    included detailed scientific analysis of samples that Russian technicians collected at the site of

    the alleged attack, Khan al Asal in northern Syria. The attack killed 26 people.

    A U.N. spokesman, Farhan Haq, confirmed that Russia delivered the report in July.

    The report itself was not released. But the statement drew a pointed comparison between what

    it said was the scientific detail of the report and the far shorter intelligence summaries that the

    United States, Britain and France have released to justify their assertion that the Syrian

    government launched chemical weapons against Damascus suburbs on Aug. 21. The longest of

    those summaries, by the French, ran nine pages. Each relies primarily on circumstantial evidence

    to make its case, and they disagree with one another on some details, including the number of

    people who died in the attack.

    The Russian statement warned the United States and its allies not to conduct a military strike

    against Syria until the United Nations had completed a similarly detailed scientific study into the

    Aug. 21 attack. It charged that what it called the current hysteria about a possible mi litary

    strike in the West was similar to the false claims and poor intelligence that preceded the U.S.invasion of Iraq in 2003

    Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?

    By Yossef Bodansky Global Research, September 01, 2013 Global Research

    There is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East mostly

    affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters which makes a very

    strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in

    the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.

    The extent of US foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation becauseavailable data puts the horror of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing


    On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance

    preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition

    military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence [Mukhabarat

    Amriki] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used
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    as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign

    sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the

    regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to a war-changing

    development which would, in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.

    The opposition forces had to quickly prepare their forces for exploiting the US-led bombing in

    order to march on Damascus and topple the Bashar al-Assad Government, the senior

    commanders explained. The Qatari and Turkish intelligence officials assured the Syrian regional

    commanders that they would be provided with plenty of weapons for the coming offensive.

    Indeed, unprecedented weapons distribution started in all opposition camps in Hatay Province

    on August 21-23, 2013. In the Reyhanli area alone, opposition forces received well in excess of

    400 tons of weapons, mainly anti-aircraft weaponry from shoulder-fired missiles to ammunition

    for light-guns and machineguns. The weapons were distributed from store-houses controlled by

    Qatari and Turkish Intelligence under the tight supervision of US Intelligence

    Being Your Own Man

    September 4th, 2013 - 1:13 pm byRichard Fernandez PJ Media

    TheWashington Postnotes that certain Arab countries have offered to pay for the invasion of


    Secretary of State John Kerry said at Wednesdays hearing that Arab counties have

    offered to pay for the entirety of unseating President Bashar al-Assad if the United

    States took the lead militarily. With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and

    to assess, the answer is profoundly yes. They have. That offer is on the table. Asked by

    Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) about how much those countries would contribute,

    Kerry said they have offered to pay for all of a full invasion.

    Voters Heckle John McCain Over Push For Syrian Strike

    Jason Howerton The Blaze Sep. 5, 2013

    A number of Sen. John McCains constituents are not happy with the Arizona Republicans

    support of President Barack Obamas plan to take military action against Syria. Voters made that

    much perfectly clear when they confronted him at a town hall in Phoenix on Thursday.

    We didnt send you to make war for us. We sent you to stop the war, one man said to

    applause,CNN reports.

    Another man told McCain Congress is ignoring its duty to represent voters.

    D.C. Delegate: Only Democrat Loyalty Can Save Obama on Syria

    Sep. 3, 2013 10:00pm Becket Adams The Blaze
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    Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) is uncertain about the of the prospect of the U.S. striking

    Syria, but the non-voting D.C. delegate to Congress said she could see herself voting out of

    loyalty to the Democrat Party and President Barrack Obama.

    Speaking during the Bill Press show Tuesday morning, Del. Norton explained that the situation in

    Syria requires attention, but shes not sure if the response should involve the U.S. military.

    I cant believe that the only way to address it is a slight bombing which will somehow punish

    somebody or deter somebody, she said.

    The shows host then asked if it would be justified for the president to act even if Congress says,


    No, oh boy, no, she answered. I think itll be like the red line trap. He said if the red line

    you cross it. I think once you say, Im going to Congress, you cant say, Okay, Im going to do it


    Its important to note that Del. Norton cannot actually cost a vote in the debate. Still, she told

    Press: If [Obama] gets saved at all, I think itll be because, itll be because of loyalty of

    Democrats. They just dont want to see him shamed and humiliated on the national stage.

    A war the Pentagon doesnt want

    By Robert H. Scales Published: September 5 The Washington Post

    Robert H. Scales, a retired Army major general, is a former commandant of theU.S. Army War College.

    The tapes tell the tale. Go back and look at images of our nations most senior soldier, Gen.

    Martin Dempsey, and his body language during TuesdaysSenate Foreign Relations Committee

    hearings on Syria. Its pretty obvious that Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, doesntwant this war. As Secretary of State John Kerrys thundering voice and arm-wavingredounded in

    rage againstBashar al-Assads atrocities,Dempseywas largely (and respectfully) silent.

    Dempseys unspoken words reflect the opinions of most serving military leaders. By no means

    do I profess to speak on behalf of all of our men and women in uniform. But I can justifiably

    share the sentiments of those inside the Pentagon and elsewhere who write the plans and

    develop strategies for fighting our wars. After personal exchanges with dozens of active and

    retired soldiers in recent days, I feel confident that what follows represents the overwhelming

    opinion of serving professionals who have been intimate witnesses to the unfolding events that

    will lead the United States into its next war.

    Significantly Larger Than Most Anticipated: 'This military strike could do more damage to Assad'sforces in 48 hours than the Syrian rebels have done in nearly two years of civil war'

    BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff September 5, 2013 7:53 pm

    ABCs Jonathan Karl reported President Obamas plan for a Syrian strike could be significantly

    larger than most anticipated Thursday on World News Tonight.
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    Karl quoted an unnamed national security official who claimed the attack could do more

    damage to Assad in 48 hours than the Syrian rebels have done in two years:

    JONATHAN KARL: [] ABC News has learned the presidents national security team is preparing

    for a significantly larger military attack than most had anticipated. The air campaign which is

    expected to last at least two days will potentially include an aerial bombardment of missiles and

    long range bombs fired from B-2 and B-52 bombers flying from the United States. That in

    addition to a relentless assault of Tomahawk missiles fired from those four Navy destroyers in

    the eastern Mediterranean. Those ships are loaded with nearly 200 missiles, plans call for firing

    the vast majority of them. As one senior national security official told ABC News, this military

    strike could do more damage to Assads forces in 48 hours than the Syrian rebels have done in

    nearly two years of civil war. Thats more than President Obama seemed to be suggesting just

    days ago

    GOP Congressman and Marine Corps Vet Pulls Support for Syria Strike: The Presidents Leadership

    Has Degraded

    Sep. 6, 2013 12:40pm Madeleine Morgenstern The Blaze

    Rep. Michael Grimm said he has withdrawn his support for military action in Syria because he

    has lost faith in President Barack Obamas ability to lead.

    Grimm (R-N.Y.) first said he supported taking action against President Bashar Assads regime,

    but announced Thursday he hadchanged his mind.

    Whats changed the most is the presidents leadership has degraded, Grimm said Friday on

    Fox News.

    Grimm, a Marine Corps veteran, said he first backed the president because he wanted to

    support the commander in chief.

    It seems like he has done just about everything he can to bungle this and I really have lost faith

    in his ability as the commander in chief to handle this crisis in Syria, Grimm said

    US Officials: US Considers Training Syria Rebels

    WASHINGTON September 6, 2013 By LOLITA C. BALDOR AP & ABC News

    The Obama administration is considering a plan to use U.S. military trainers to help increase the

    capabilities of the Syrian rebels, in a move that would greatly expand the current CIA training

    being done quietly in Jordan, U.S. officials told The Associated Press on Thursday.

    Any training would take place outside Syria, and one possible location would be Jordan

    17 Reasons that Going to War with Syria is a Mistake Even if Congress Declares War

    September 5, 2013 by William Lafferty Freedom Outpost
  • 7/29/2019 anti-Obama CXXX


    Whether one or several nations should attack Syria for its use of chemical weapons is a matter

    of international law. If the security of the United States were at issue, it would be a matter of

    domestic law. Absent an emergency, military response by the United States would require a

    declaration of war by the Congress and implementation of the declaration by the president.

    Make no mistake: the firing of missiles into a foreign state is an act of war. If a Russian warship

    anchored near New York fired a series of missiles into the mainland United States, few of us

    would have difficulty saying that was an act of war.

    In the United States, we have only one way under the constitution to go to war: the Congress

    must declare war and the president must carry out Congress's order. If what is going on now in

    the Congress is other than a declaration of war, say a resolution of support or approval that will

    not serve as a legal basis for war to be initiated.

    And that brings us to the wisdom of going to war. Suppose the Congress declares war, what are

    the reasons that would be a mistake?

    1. The United States has not been attacked.

    2. The security of the United States is not at issue, and war should always be a response of last

    resort to a threat to our security.

    3. No international body has determined that a human rights violation did in fact occur

    Obama Says Intervention in Blitz, Kosovo, Rwanda Was Also Unpopular, Promises to address

    American people on Syria Tuesday; won't say whether he'll go around Congress if he doesn't get


    By Bridget Johnson September 6, 2013 - 8:50 am PJ Media

    President Obama remained fuzzy on whether hell strike at Bashar al-Assad without approval

    from Congress, telling reporters at the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg that he wont engage in

    parlor games before the whipping and final vote is done.

    Insisting hes not itching for a military action, the president also compared the current

    situation Americans face to the intervention questions posed by the blitzkrieg on Britain and the

    Rwandan genocide, noting that getting involved today probably wouldnt poll very well.

    Obamas statement at the press conference focused on economic issues, yet even as we

    focused on our shared prosperity and although the primary task of the G-20 is to focus on our

    joint efforts to boost the global economy we did also discuss a grave threat to our shared

    security: and thats the Syrian regimes use of chemical weapons.

    He announced that he would directly make a case to the American people from the White

    House on Tuesday.

    Syrias neighbor Iraq in midst of violent upheaval

    by Jim Kouri September 5, 2013 Conservative Action Alerts
  • 7/29/2019 anti-Obama CXXX


    While the eyes of most world leaders are focused on Syria, 56 people were killed and another

    170 were wounded in separate attacks in Syrias neighboring Arab country,Iraq, on Tuesday,

    according to a police source who monitors Islamist terrorist bombings.

    At least one dozencar bombing attacks were perpetratedthroughout the Iraqi capital of

    Baghdad. The areas attacked were mostly-Shiite neighborhoods. As a result of the 12 bombings,

    47 people were killed and approximately 160 others were wounded, said Mike Snopes, a former

    military intelligence officer and police detective who now serves as a consultant for a number of

    U.S. and multinational corporations.

    According tovarious reportsgathered by Snopes:

    * Eight Iraqis died and 28 others sustained wounds when two cars containing improvised

    explosive devices (IEDs) exploded in a crowded marketplace in Baghdad.

    * In another bombing, an IED loaded into an automobile exploded near a restaurant in eastern

    Baghdad, killing eight civilians and wounding 25 others. Earlier in the day, four people were

    killed and 14 were wounded in a car IED blast in the same area, Snopes added.

    * In yet another similar IED explosion in southwest Baghdad, seven people were mortally

    wounded and several others were seriously injured.

    * In the southeastern part of the city, a car bomb explosion killed four pedestrians and wounded

    14 others.

    The prime suspects for these bombings and terrorist attacks is al-Qaeda in Iraq, although the

    group changed its name last month to its new name theIslamic State of Iraq and Syria(ISIS

    clearly expressing the organizations ideological inclinations and political aspirations, according

    to Al-Monitor.

    Tuesdaysterrorist attackswere not all bombings, with an incident occurring in southern Iraq in

    which several masked gunmen perpetrated a home invasion and murdered a man, his wife and

    their three children. Gunmen also killed two civilians in a street ambush in Baghdads business

    district, according to Det. Snopes.

    The death toll from violence in Iraq in August 2013 was 841, according to a United

    Nationsreport released on Sept. 1, 2013.

    Syrian Electronic Army hacks Marines website

    By Associated Press September 2, 2013 New York Post

    WASHINGTON Pro-Assad computer hackers today broke into the Marine Corps recruiting

    website, redirecting visitors to a screed that called President Barack Obama a traitor who

    wants to put your lives in danger to rescue al- Qaida insurgents.
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    A Marine Corps spokesman confirmed that the site,, was tampered with and

    redirected temporarily, but no information was put at risk.

    Capt. Eric Flanagan wouldnt say who was responsible for the hacking, but the site was

    redirected to a message from the Syrian Electronic Army, a hacker group thats claimed

    responsibility for disrupting the New York Times website, Twitter and other media sites the

    group sees as sympathetic to Syrias rebels.

    The message to the Marine Corps was a plea for Americans to fight alongside the Syrian army

    and not aide the rebels.

    President Barack Obama is seeking congressional approval for U.S. military intervention in Syria

    in response to the suspected August chemical weapons attack on Syrian rebels who are trying to

    oust Syrian President Bashar Assad from power.

    The full message as it appeared on the redirected site is below: