“Gafas Violetas” (Violet Glasses) is a ˜lm series created by the … · 2020. 11. 11. · TIVE...

Post on 31-Mar-2021

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Fu r t h e r i n fo r m at i o n a t gafasv io letas@incaa .gob.ar

“Gafas Violetas” (Violet Glasses) is a �lm series created by the National Institute of Cinema

and Audiovisual Arts of Argentina, from a gender perspective bringing to the audience a

wide range of movies focused on diverse aspects of the issue. The promotion of the

women’s empowerment, sexual diversity, non-binary identities as well as the objection of

gender stereotypes through the aesthetic and narrative proposals are aspects addressed

on the titles available at the full catalogue. “Gafas Violetas” also seeks to promote equity in

the cinematography sector, as the majority of �lms are directed by women.

The six programs chosen for this catalogue tackle issues about children and adolescents

from a gender perspective necessary to understand the gender inequality in our societies.

Each program is composed by a feature and a short �lm which complement (and reinforce)

the message and the idea exposed on the movie.


Two best friends from the Northwest arrive in Buenos Aires hopeing for a better future. Victims of a lie, they must work in a brothel. One for her will adapt to survive and the other will try to scape.

COLONIA DELICIAEla lives in Colonia Delicia, Misiones and transits throu-gh the sexual awakening. Her father rejects her concerns out of fear. The appearance of Ivan, a photographer, awakens in Ela the illusion of satiating her desires, but vanishes when she reveals that Ivan's sexual intentions are di�erent to hers.

2010 | 98' | UA | FICTIONDirector & Scriptwriter: Gabriela David | Producers: Pablo Bossi, Juan Pablo Buscarini | Cinematography: Miguel Abal | Editor: Enrique Angeleri Cast: Luis Machin, Luciano Cáceres, Cecilia Rossetto, Paloma Contreras

2017 | 16' | UA | FICTION Director & Scriptwriter: Cinthia Konopacki | Producer: Santiago CarabanteCinematography: Constanza Sandoval, Luca Dacruz | Editor: Guillermo RoviraCast: Natalia Leal, Omar Holz, Alejandro Scholler

Para más información y contacto por actividades:gafasvioletas@incaa.gob.ar

Saturday, November 14th, 2020


Yolanda, a young girl of Wichi origin, tells in her native language (Wichi Lhämtes), the story of how, as a family maid in a "criollo" home, she has her hair unjustly cut: this is her most particular trait, her beauty. This event jeopardizes her cultural ties with the "criollo" world and de�nes her destiny.


They live in the shadow of what is rightfully theirs.

2012 | 82' | U | FICTION Director & Scriptwriter: Daniela Seggiaro | Producer: Álvaro UrtizbereaCinematography: Willi Behnisch, Julia Giargulli | Editors: Ana Poliak, Martín Mainoli, Daniela Seggiaro | Cast: Rosmeri Segundo, Ximena Banús, Camila Romagnolo, Víctor Hugo Carrizo

2015 | 15' | U | FICTION Director & Scriptwriter: Natural Arpajou | Producer: Lorena CabreraCinematography: Oscar Ayala Paciello | Editor: Juan Pablo DocampoCast: Hebe Duarte, Fiorella Richeri

Para más información y contacto por actividades:gafasvioletas@incaa.gob.ar

Sunday, November 15th, 2020


After breaking up with her husband, So�a takes her daughters to a town near the sea. Each of them lives this interlude as a challenge to reconnect, confront their fears and free themselves.


1997, Christmas Eve. Camila (11) steals a shirt from her brother, rides a bike and gets distracted by a guy who buys �reworks. She gets into the water, plays with her cousins and wears a dress for the dinner. After observing her family through a VHS camera, Camila begins to regis-ter herself.

2017 | 80' | U | FICTIONDirector & Writer: Nadia Benedicto | Production Proyecto AguilaPhotography: Matías Quinzio | Film Editing: Sabrina GazzaneoCast: Leticia Mazur, Sofía Del Tu�o, Lucía Frittayon

2017 | 13' | U | FICTIONDirector & Writer: Micaela Gonzalo | Production: Mariana Luconi | Photography: Federico Lastra | Film Editing: Ignacio Masllorens | Cast: Tali Slipak, Ornella D'elía, Mauro Gonzalo, Tobías Milstein

Saturday, November 21st, 2020

Para más información y contacto por actividades:gafasvioletas@incaa.gob.ar


Nachi is twenty-six years old. The discouragement and dissatisfaction for the present that can’t accomplish and the near future each time more uncertain when she is four years from being thirty. At that moment she meets Nina, a rapper, has her �rst gay sexual relationship.


Adolescence is many times a sinuous and lonely road. Ana and Carla meet to experience with their desires, determinations and fears; to live �eeting but critical moments.

2016 | 63' | UA | DRAMADirector & Scriptwriter: Majo Sta�olani | Producers: Majo Sta�olani, Cristina Guzmán | Cinematography: Sebastián Sorín | Editors: Federico Jacobi, Majo Sta�olani | Cast: Lara Crespo, Florencia Bobadilla, Adrián Santander, Mathias Percat

2017 | 16' | UA | FICCIÓNDirector: Lucía Ravanelli | Scriptwriter: Lucas Perna | Producer: Hugo SoutoCinematography: Carola Forster | Editor: Jessica Dubois | Cast: Rocío Bilota, Juan Pablo Burgos, Sofía Del Tu�o, Rosario Ramos Isola

COD. 61170036

Para más información y contacto por actividades:gafasvioletas@incaa.gob.ar

Sunday, November 22nd, 2020

Para más información y contacto por actividades:gafasvioletas@incaa.gob.ar


From her own personal experience and from talking with her lifelong friends, Melisa (24) wonders about the mandates and prohibitions that mold the cultural construction of the female gender, especially in relation to the image. With humor and candidness, the �lm portraits a feminine world seen from the inside, from conversations, personal photos and home movies.


Her crown is so heavy, they had to remove weight from it. She couldn’t carry it. It would fall o� her head. But now she doesn’t want anything else to be done with it because she looks so pretty.

2016 | 77' | U | FICTION Director & Scriptwriter: Melisa Liebenthal | Producer: Eugenia Campos Guevara | Cinematography: Lucas Pérez Sosto | Editors: Sofía Mele, Melisa Liebenthal | Cast: Camila Magliano, Michelle Sterzovsky, Jose�na Roveta, Sofía Mele

2013 | 19' | UA | DOCUMENTARY Director & Scriptwriter: Manuel Abramovich | Producers: Melanie Schapiro, Manuel Abramovich | Cinematography: Manuel Abramovich, Juan Renau | Editor: Iara Rodríguez | Cast: M. Emilia Frocalassi, Analía Basania


Nachi is twenty-six years old. The discouragement and dissatisfaction for the present that can’t accomplish and the near future each time more uncertain when she is four years from being thirty. At that moment she meets Nina, a rapper, has her �rst gay sexual relationship.


Adolescence is many times a sinuous and lonely road. Ana and Carla meet to experience with their desires, determinations and fears; to live �eeting but critical moments.

COD. 61170004

Saturday, November 28th, 2020

Para más información y contacto por actividades:gafasvioletas@incaa.gob.ar


A woman, Luisa, and her 14 year-old daughter, a sleepwalker in the teenage awakening. A marriage at the edge of a silen-ced crisis. A ritualistic and endogamic family: grandmother, siblings, and cousins. Summer, sweat, alcohol. Naked bodies, bodies in transition and their gazes upon those new bodies. A New Year's celebration in the family's ancestral country home is the necessary trap to awaken the sleepwalkers.


On her �rst day of work as a street vendor, Aldana loses her young son. In her attempt to get him back she will return to a past of violence from which she believed she had escaped

2019 | 107' | UA | DRAMA Director & Scriptwriter: Paula Hernández | Producers: Juan Pablo Miller, Paula Hernández | Co-Producers: Santiago López, Diego RobinoCinematography: Iván Gierasinchuk | Editor: Rosario SuárezCast: Érica Rivas, Ornella D’Elía, Marilú Marini, Luis Ziembrowski, Daniel Hendler,Valeria Lois, Rafael Federman

2019 | 20' | UA | DRAMADirector & Scriptwriter: María Victoria Andino | Producers: María Victoria Andino& Daniela Echeverri | Cinematography: Emilia Paloma Oldrino | Editor: SusiAndersen Leunda | Cast: Noelia Vergini, Bruno Cremonesi, Amparo Maldonado

Sunday, November 29th, 2020

Fu r t h e r i n fo r m at i o n a t gafasv io letas@incaa .gob.ar