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CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427 August 31, 2016 Volume XXXVI - Number 34

“I Hope You Know”

God, the master builder and sovereign creator, created the church so that He could fulfill His eternal purpose in providing a family and a fellowship wherein His glory could be seen (Ephesians 3:10). Stop and look at the ravages in the world around us. From the division that exists socially, economically, spiritually, racially, and religiously, we are in a time of great need to realize the eternal purpose of God is made known by the existence of the church. The church does not exist so men may have a hobby to somehow express themselves artistically or theologically, or to divide themselves intellectually or academically. The church does not exist so that we can find ways to hold up one set of generational traditions or teachings over another. The church exists to make known what God has always intended His purpose to be, to have His glory seen among His creation, and shared in consecration. Of all places where the ills of the world should never be found, they should never be discovered in the church. We are to be the one group and gathering, the one organization with the objective to transcend the failings of the world. "I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth are named" (Eph 3:14). No deeper racial divide could have existed, than that of Jew and Gentile. Yet it was Paul a Jew of Jews, who wrote to the Gentiles about their common Savior, their common salvation, their common sanctity (see Ephesians 2), because the eternal purpose of God is and has alway been a body for His people, one in which divisions and separations do not threaten, because self was never the focus, only the sovereign. Our day and age is not the only era to include racial tensions. Yet God's remedy was not to create a white church or black church, a Pakistani church or an Israeli church. The answer then and now remains the church.

Just as the church was created with grand purpose, so too, man’s created purpose was not so that God could have a hobby or a distraction from the work of being God. Man was made so that God's purpose could be shared, to have family and fellowship. But when man did sin, for the moment it seemed all hope was lost. But here is the truth we overlook and become distracted by in our lives, man's wickedness cannot thwart the purpose of God. God's purpose was not to create man just so man could sin. What man did in sin, was to prove that nothing and no one is able to distract or deter God from His ultimate purpose. The purpose of God is seen in His family and fellowship of the church. Not even sin’s distractions can keep God from fulfilling His purpose. In spite of our sin and self, God accomplishes His will. He calls us into the body of His Son, not to stand separated by race or ethnicity, by class or culture, but as one in Christ. He calls us into the body of His Son, not to plant our theological flag in the ground of tradition or treatise, but on the revealed truth of the One who is truth, the Word, the Son, our Lord (John 17:17). He calls us into the body of His Son, not to continue to be marked and molded by the influence of the world, but through a transforming faith, look more like Him who is and was and will forever be the embodiment of God's eternal purpose, Jesus Christ. I hope you know, the purpose of God is our purpose as the church!

Centerville Church of Christ Friends & Family Day

September 4, 2016

“Come To The Garden…

You Are Not Alone !”

Speaker: Bryan McAlister

potluck lunch at 11 a.m.

No 6p Worship

OVER 60 JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH enjoyed another fantastic Lighthouse last Wednesday. Bryan & Mendy McAlister prepared a delicious meal and everyone enjoyed all the Lighthouse had to offer. The excitement carried on into class as we continued our study on “Follow the leader.” Thanks to the McAlisters for hosting and for all who were able to join us! WE DID HAVE TO END THE LIGHTHOUSE A LITTLE EARLY… as we went upstairs to see Sara True give her life to Christ through baptism. On top of that, the night before Weston Elkins did the same as his father baptized him. What a blessing these two are to our youth group and what an example they are to us. Take the opportunity to encourage these two in their walk and we pray this will be an encouragement to others who are thinking about this important decision. SATURDAY WAS A BUSY DAY… The trap shoot/skeet shoot was reported to be a lot of fun. Thanks to Team Harvest and Monty Dunn for putting together this time as Patrick Allen and Monty came home with the wins. Be looking for more activities that Team Harvest is hosting in the months to come... Saturday evening the weather was not as cooperative for our Family Day at Camp Meribah. Those that were able to come enjoyed being together, some good hotdogs, and several games. Thanks to Derek, Rachel, and Boone Newsom for putting this together and for all they do for Camp Meribah! AS YOU NOTICE THE CALENDAR TO THE LEFT you will see a busy month ahead. With all the sports, band, ROTC, clubs, and other activities going on, I know it can be difficult at times to be at things. I do encourage you to be at what you can and always represent Christ in all you do. September and October Calendars are available on our webpage and on our App. You can also keep up with our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts as well as our Remind 101. Stay involved, connected, and informed with all that is going on and encourage others to join us! RUSH AT FREED-HARDEMAN is one of those things coming soon. This will be for the Junior & Senior High with the bus/buses leaving at 7am and returning by 12:30am.

Cost is $20 for t-shirt and registration plus two meals on your own. Sign-up list is on the Youth News Board and the deadline to sign up will be Sept. 14. KEEP SHARPENING ONE ANOTHER and look for ways to lead others to Christ! Always… follow His path, -Craig

Wednesday Nights L2L

L2L Classroom in Lighthouse

September 1 Prayer

Breakfast Luke & Gracie

Brown 7:00-7:30

September 2 5th Quarter Fellowship Hall

After game - 11:30 September 11

Jr High Fireside Elkins & Jacobs

Lighthouse 7:00-9:00

September 13 L2L @ Tulipwood

6:00 September 14 Lighthouse

5:00-7:00 September 17 RUSH @ FHU Jr & Sr High 7am-12:30am September 18

Sr High Fireside Riley & Reagan

Qualls 7:00-9:00

September 23 5th Quarter

Bus Garage After game-11:30

September 25 Sparks &

Intermediates at The Movies

1:00-5:00 September 27

HCHS Volleyball Tailgater 4:30-6:00


BUDGET $ 12,784.oo

Camp Meribah $ 109.00

Centerville Church of Christ Sunday 9am / 6pm

Wednesday 7pm

Please Pray For:

Thank You

Fg Memorial

Billy Garner 88 Years Old

September 9, 2016

September Celebrations

Bobbie June Kittrell 87 Years Old

September 12, 2016

David & Jane Talley Married 54 Years

September 20, 2016

Percy Lancaster 88 Years Old

September 21, 2016

...a Memorial has been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund in memory of Lula Mae Gilliam by the following: Jerry V. Smith, Kim & Randy James, Vivian Loveless, Wanda Givens’ Ladies’ Class. ...a Memorial has been given to the Day School in memory of Varden Blackwell by the following: Dr. James L. Hutton and Dr. Heather Owens, Carolyn Phillips, John & Wanda Givens and family, Martha Johnson. ...a Memorial has been given to the Mable Dunn Mission Fund in memory of Pat Dwyer by Doug & Maxine Shepherd. ...a Memorial has been given to the Day School in memory of Lula Mae Gilliam by R.M. & J.A. Decraene.

Kathy McDonald writes: “ Thank you so very much for the beautiful wind chimes. My brother retired from the Navy so your gift will always remind me of him as chimes were a big part of his life. Bob and I love you all and are so thankful for your prayers and words of comfort. In Christ…” Maxine Shepherd writes:“I want to thank you all for the birthday cards I received. It is so nice to be remembered.” Shane Willis writes: “I would like to thank each of you for the cards, food, and every kindness shown to me since my surgery and recovery. I appreciate it very much.” Percy & Polly Lancaster write : “Dear Church, Thank you so very much for your prayers, food, and calls. You do so much good for your members and everyone else.” Katie Bates writes: “I would like to thank everyone for the cards and good wishes on my 96th Birthday."

...We express our sympathy to the family of Betty Casteel who passed away. She was the mother of Kenneth Thompson, a Tulipwood Resident. ...We express our sympathy to the family of Marilyn Mason who passed away in Florida. She was the mother of Holly (Bryan) True. ...We express our sympathy to the family of Patricia Slaughter who passed away. She was the sister of Connie (Rodney) Mayberry.

Fg Sympathy

Please Pray For: ...Bill Allen, father of Ann Hooten, is recovering at Horizon Medical Center and improving daily. ...Allene Gordon has been diagnosed with bile duct cancer and is undergoing treatments; her husband Thurman is also dealing with health problems. They are the grandparents of Kristen (Brad) Garland. ...Linda Halbrooks spent a few days in the hospital but is recovering and doing better. ...Alisa Harrington is recovering from knee replacement surgery. ...Mike Rochelle is being treated for a leg infection. ...Judy Fenner is at the Hillview Nursing Home in Columbia, Tennessee.

cBaptism Baptisms ...We rejoice with Weston Elkins who was baptized August 23, 2016 by his father. Weston is the son of Mike & Regina Elkins. ...We rejoice with Sarah True on her baptism August 24, 2016. She was baptized by Craig Shelton. Sarah is the daughter of Ray & Shelda Qualls and Wayne & Lakisha True. ...Gage Condor and John Terlecki were baptized August 26th by members of the Jail Ministry.

You are invited to a Bridal Tea for Emily Gatewood, bride elect of Justin Atkinson, Sunday, September 11th from 1:30-3:00 P.M. at the

Outreach Center. Emily and Justin are registered at Town Crier and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

A Bridal Tea

Place Stamp Here

Placing Membership

Bible Hour: Brandon & Charity McCauley, Riley Qualls, Colby Shelton, Grady Teet, Alexis Hudgins, Alex Seagraves, Reagan Qualls, Madelyn True Prayer “Daniel” Pantry Item: corn

Prepare Communion

9/4 & 11: Jeremy & Meredith Qualls

9/18 & 25: Patrick & Anita Allen

*Bible Hour Resumes September 11th

To Drive Bus in September 9/4: Josh Bradley A.M. Brandon McCauley P.M. 9/7: Mike Goodpasture 9/11: John Bradley A.M. Phillip Allen P.M. 9/14: Lonnie Mayberry 9/18: Michael Bryant A.M. Mark Chessor P.M. 9/21: George Garland 9/25: Andy Weber A.M. Lonnie Mayberry P.M. 9/28: Patrick Allen

Lord’s Supper P.M. Chris Hughes Bryce Hughes

Meals On Wheels 9/7 : Glenda Delk 9/14: Shirley DeVore 9/21: Regina Elkins 9/28: Marge Gilmer PICK-UP MEALS AT


RADIO ROOM Clay Chessor Patrick Allen Jim Hudgins Chris Teet

USHERS: Bobby Breece Ronald Coates Monty Dunn Don Chessor


9/4: Dane Gilbert, Riley Haithcoat, Eli Jacobs, Landon Jenkins, Jagger Lawson 9/11: Finn Martin, Jackson Mayberry, Walker Mayberry, Joseph McCauley, Jackson McDonald 9/18: Will McDonald, Zane Nash, Major Qualls, Aiden Wallace, Aden Weber 9/25: Cameron Wright, Thomas Alderson, Wyatt Aydelott, Knox Bailey, Lake Bates

Please be up front by 8:50

NURSERY Carla Totty


Kay Mayberry

Prayer Week of September 4


Randy Wright S.M.D.

Patrick Sullivan S.E.W.

Ward Mayberry S.E.D

James Prince W.E.B.S.

Brian Qualls W.E.D.

Grady Teet Greeters: Mike & Ridonna Goodpasture, Mike & Regina Elkins, Lonnie & Marilyn Gilliam, Wayne & Jean Qualls, Gary & Becky Gatewood, Shane & Tammy Willis

NURSING HOME SERVICES LIFE CARE CENTER HICKMAN CO. NURSING HOME 9/4: Daniel Dressler 9/4: Mike Brown 9/11: Shane Willis 9/11: Marshall Spencer 9/18: Bryan & Connor 9/18 : Robert Bowman 9/25: Fairfield 9/25 : James Aydelott

Tulipwood Service - John Bradley

Read Scripture:

9/4: John Alderson 9/11: Monty Dunn

Elders’ Prayer Gary Gatewood

Wait on Table 1st Sunday

Jimmy Copley

2nd Sunday Jim Hudgins

3rd Sunday

Dr. Jerry Nash

4th Sunday Bill McDonald

Right Side

Cody Woods Philip Jacobs

Samuel Gilbert Ken Dickerson

Left Side

Danny Skelton Thomas Chessor Peter Houston Eric Mayberry

Alternates Wayne Chessor Daniel Dressler

Those To Serve In September

We want to welcome Matthew & Jenny Fakes to our church family. Their address is: 907 Shady Circle Centerville, Tennessee 37033 Welcome !

We want to welcome Wayne & Janis Rediker to our church

family. Their address is: 3128 East Beaverdam

Centerville, Tennessee 37033 Welcome !

2016 Child Safety Classes

Classes begin October 5th. Sign-up sheet is in the lobby or contact the Church office at 931-729-4201 or James Aydelott at 615-418-2683 jaydelot52@gmail.com or any member of the Child Advocacy Ministry group.

THE THURSDAY MORNING LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS...will resume Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 9:30 A.M. at the Out reach Center . We especially encourage new members to meet and study the bible and get acquainted. Topic: How to Renew Your Spiritual Life by Aubrey Johnson. If you have any questions please contact Martha Leath at 931-623-0733.