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Non Sequitur “It does not follow”

Roadmap: 2

1. Define 2. Example3. Fiction example 4. Conversation example5. Cadbury video6. Dual purpose7. Used the most8. How to avoid it9. Questions

Non Sequitur



A conclusion or reply that doesn’t follow logically from the previous statement


Using in a sentence:We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.

Using in dialogue:Imagine that a girl says, “I’m worried that my mom is mad at me,” and her friend replies, “I wonder what you call a male ladybug?”

- The non sequitur clearly shows that her friend wasn’t listening


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In literature, it’s an event or line of dialogue which comes out of nowhere

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In conversation, it’s something that is said,

which seems quite absurd - to the point of confusion due to

lack of proper meanings

Let’s see how it is used in a commercial

Cadbury's Gorilla Advertisement

Dual Purpose 1. They are fallacious in nature, often causing

people to spread inaccurate information2. On the other hand, they are so wrong, they’re

comedic. Watching someone make a giant leap from one thought to another can unexpected or absurd enough to surprise a laugh out of the audience.


Used for comedic effect in- Movies - Novels- T.V. shows- Practice of Law- Theatre of the Absurd

Where are they used the most?9

How to avoid it- Having a response that supports

evidence - Relating to the topic - Paying attention




Any questions?

Works Cited 1. Classroom, Colburn. “Simpsons Logical Fallacies: Non-Sequitur.” YouTube, YouTube, 5 Mar. 2019,


2. “Non Sequitur - Dictionary Definition.” Vocabulary.com, www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/non%20sequitur.

3. “Non Sequitur.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,


4. “Non Sequitur.” TV Tropes, tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NonSequitur.

5. Person. “NON SEQUITUR.” Cheezburger, I Has A Hotdog, 29 May 2014, cheezburger.com/8204916480.

6. YourDictionary. “Non Sequitur Examples.” YourDictionary, 7 Feb. 2019,
