“TƏSDİQ EDİRƏM” ADNSU-nun rektoru, professor...“TƏSDİQ EDİRƏM” ADNSU-nun rektoru,...

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ADNSU-nun rektoru, professor

___________ Mustafa Babanlı

“ ” 2017-ci il

Title of the Program

PhD Program in Business Administration

Title of the Program (in Azerbaijani)

Müəssisələrin təşkili və İdarəedilməsi üzrə PhD Proqramı (Management)

Highest Academic Tier



Program is taught in English

Academic degree awarded

Title in (in Azerbaijani): Müəssisələrin təşkili və İdarəedilməsi üzrə PhD elmi

dərəcəsi (Management)

Title in English: PhD in Business Administration

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Business Administration Program

PhD Program

PhD Program Approval Date

PhD Program in Management is approved Academic Council of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry

University on 29.03.2017 (Protocol №07).


Aim of the PhD Program

In line with the mission of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, the Program is aimed to

provide research-focused teaching experience to its students and train highly qualified PhDs that

possess competitive knowledge for local and international markets and share values of democracy and

high professional ethics. The Program strives to generate new knowledge and meet educational and

training requirements set in this field by the contemporary society.

The Program was developed in partnership with Georgia State University J. Mack Robinson College

of Business (Atlanta, USA).

Aim of the PhD Program at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University is to equip students with

theoretical basis in the field, to develop skills necessary for academic learning and research and to give

them necessary knowledge. As the part of the program, students will not only gain theoretical

knowledge, but also skills for successful continuation of their career in scientific research and

academic fields. Graduates will be able to apply contemporary research methods to generate new

knowledge and use the best available teaching methods to educate others, in line with the

contemporary standards in academia to improve control over current challenges. Education received as

a part of the program, will be a sound foundation for a success in future professional development for

doctorate students and will enable them to synthesize theoretical and practical knowledge.

Doctorate students will be able to apply and to test their theoretical knowledge in number of scientific

projects as a part of the seminars. Key to success of this program is to provide doctorate students with

experience on how to combine theoretical and practical knowledge. Namely, doctorate students will be

able to start research activities in different directions, demonstrate their professionalism, and gain

experience in relationships in a business environment. This is an initial step for successful start of

scientific or academic career.

Outcomes/Prospects of PhD Program


Graduates of PhD program in business administration will possess in-depth and systematic knowledge

and relevant skills in business administration field.

Doctorate students will develop the following competences and general skills, as well as skills and

knowledge related to specific subjects:

I. Knowledge and Understanding

Evidence-based contemporary knowledge that allows revisiting and improving current status of

knowledge, or applying innovative methods (in line with requirements for peer-reviewed

manuscripts); understand new frameworks that emerge after revisiting and renewing current


1. Critical appraisal of scientific literature

2. Capacity to analyze business institutions

3. Study origins of managerial theory and its development

PhD Program Description


II. Practical Application of Knowledge

Plan, implement and supervise innovative research studies; develop innovative research, analytical

methods and approaches that are oriented to create new knowledge and can be published in

international peer-reviewed journals.

1. Knowledge and ability to collect data and to use innovative analytical methods

2. Skills to conduct research independently

3. Determine connection among organizational behavior variables and analyze them

4. Conduct scientific research relevant to the field of study

5. Apply managerial concepts to business practice.

III. Analytical Skills

Critical appraisal, analysis and synthesis of new, complex and controversial ideas and approaches that

create a basis for development of new methodologies; independently identify right and effective

solutions for problems.

1. Data analysis and synthesis skills

2. Strategic planning and decision-making skills

3. Cognitive skills

4. Skills to synthesis different theories in the field.

IV. Communication Skills

Present and link new information with existing knowledge clearly and argumentatively; participate in

thematic discussion with local or international scientific communities.

1. Be a part of a research team

2. Teaching and pedagogical skills

3. Leadership skills

4. Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations.

V. Learning Skills

Readiness to develop new ideas and processes based on contemporary achievements and knowledge

for teaching, work and research.

1. Study and use innovative methods for data collection and analysis

2. Prepare and publish scientific manuscripts

3. Skills to conduct large-scale business studies

4. Study, critically apprise and use models in the field of management in research activities.

VI. Values

Study and develop innovative approaches for establishing values

1. Skills to internalize, study, teach and promote ethical standards and apply them at their

scientific work.

2. Skills to internalize, study, teach and promote social corporate responsibility principles and

apply them at their scientific work.

PhD Program Standards

Standards for PhD program in Business Administration are the following:

Taught program is in line with the program objectives and study outcomes framework;

Teaching methodology and organization of teaching process, as well as student evaluation on

study material is adequate;

Students’ achievements and personalized approach;


Educational resources are available.

Admission Requirements *

Masters Degree Diploma from the university;

At least average 3.7 GPA from Master’s program;

Successful interview with Admission Committee of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry


Motivation letter;

Proof of English language proficiency (if such proof/certificate is not presenting, applicant will

have to undergo an exam).

Prospects for Employment

After completion of the program, graduates have an employment prospects in the following industries:

Educational institutions

Scientific research institutions

Analytical research center

Management consulting firms

Analytical, research and forecasting department in public and private sectors;

Top managerial positions in companies.

Program Volume in Credit Hours

PhD in Business Administration program consists of 180 ECTS credits. Optimal duration of the

program is 4 years. Maximum duration is 5 years. Teaching process is structured around semesters:

fall and spring semester.

1 ECTS credit equals to 25 hours of academic work that includes contact hours for doctorate students

(lections, seminars, examinations, etc.), as well as time they spent working independently.

Academic year is built on semester principle. The first (Fall) and the second (Spring) semester

includes 15-15 calendar weeks. Accordingly, the school year is scheduled for 30 weeks.

PhD Program in Business Administration includes taught component (50 ECTS credits). Students can

choose from four elective courses, equals to 24 credits. They should take at least two elective courses,

equals to 12 credits. First two subjects should be seminars and the following two – methodology.

Student can choose one out of available two seminar topics and at least one methodological subject out

of available; seminar on final exam (15 ECTS credits); teaching assistantship (15 ECTS credits) and

research components (100 ECTS credits).

After duration of PhD program in is over, student who were not able to complete the whole program

will have a right to continue studies for additional semesters (not more then 2) and he/she will

maintain student’s status during this period.


Student Evaluation and Grading System

Students will be graded with a 100-score system. Total score consists of shares of scores according to

teaching and learning methods employed. Student’s accomplishments are evaluated based on the

following criteria:

Evaluation of independent work;

Weekly Evaluation;

Mid-term Evaluation;

Final Exam.

Students are evaluated based on their verbal and written performance (test, case discussion, open

questions, essays, etc.), group or individual work and presentation skills.

Scores in the grading system are distributed according to the following chart:

Students are graded with 100-score system

The following grades will be considered satisfactory:

(A) - Excellent – maximum score: 91.00–100.00

(B) – Very Good - maximum score: 81.00 – 90.00

(C) - Good - maximum score: 71.00 – 80.00

(D) - Satisfactory - maximum score: 61.00 – 70.00

(E) - Sufficient - maximum score: 51.00 – 60.00

The following evaluation will be considered unsatisfactory:

(FX) - Insufficient – 41.00-50.00 of maximum score that means that student needs to put more

work to pass the subject and is given an additional time for independent work and one more

chance to take final exam.

(F) - Fail – 40.00 or lower of maximum score that means that student’s accomplishment of the

course is fully unsatisfactory and he/she had failed to complete the course.

Teaching methods and forms employed to achieve

study objectives

Lecture Seminar Analysis of scientific publications

Independent work PhD dissertation

Different teaching methods are employed during the teaching process to address all aspects of topics

covered. Those include verbal methods, textbook methods, writing, discussion/debates, explanations,

problem-based learning, deductive teaching, analytical and synthesis methods and others. Those

teaching methods complement each other during the teaching process. Course syllabus provides

detailed information about teaching methods used.

Other Resources Available for the


Relations with international institutions:

Georgia State University, USA;

University of Siegen, Siegen;

Near East University, North Cyprus;


TOBB Economics and Technology University, Turkey;

BISC – Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing, USA.

Library and Study Resources

MBA Program Library (2000 units);

Electronic Library;

Internet (Wi-Fi coverage on the whole campus);

Computer center;

Study area;


IT platforms to support research activities.

Academic Plan Attached not available

Program’s Hourly Plan Attached not available

Description of Courses Attached not available

Competency Framework for each Subject Attached not available


PhD Program Academic Plan

(Modules, subjects and credits)

# Subject Credits Status Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4




Teaching Methods 2 Required 3


Academic Writing 6

Required 3


Organizational Behavior 6

Required 3


Decision Analysis 6

Required 3


Leadership 6

Elective 3


Strategic Management 6 Elective 3

Methodological Subjects


Statistical Theory 6

Required 3


IT for Management

Support 6 Required



Quantitative and

Qualitative Research

Methods 6 Elective 3


Operations Research 6 Elective 3

11 Data Analysis 6 Required 3

Teaching and Assistantship

12 Teaching and

Assistantship 15 Required 3 3 3 3 3 3

Final Exam

13 Preparatory Seminar for

Final Exam 15 Required 15


14 Submission and approval

of dissertation proposal 30 Required


15 Submission and defense of

dissertation 70 Required 70



PhD Program Hourly Plan

№ Subject






























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1. Teaching Methods 2/50 15 6 3 3 23 27

2. Academic Writing 6/150 27 6 9 9 99 51

3. Organizational Behavior 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

4. Decision Analysis 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

5. Leadership 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

6. Strategic management 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

7. Statistical theory 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

8. IT for Management Support 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

9. Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Methods 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

10. Operations Research 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

11. Data Analysis 6/150 42 6 3 3 96 54

12. Teaching and Assistantship 15/375 0 0 270 0 105

13. Preparatory Seminar for Final Exam 15/375 5 10 0 0 360

14. Submission and approval of dissertation

proposal 30/750 5 3 0 0 742

15. Submission and defense of dissertation 70/1750 5 3 0 0 1742


Overview of Courses Taught as a part of PhD Program

Subject Title Teaching Methods

ECTS credits 2 ECTS credits

Prerequisites None

Term I

Brief Description of the Course

Teaching methodology course provides practical instructions to PhD students to help them

master academic teaching methods and the art of working with the audience.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Knowledge and ability to collect data and to use innovative analytical methods;

Teaching and pedagogical skills;

Leadership skills;

Cognitive skills;

Apply management concepts to business practice.

Subject Title Academic writing

ECTS credits 6 ECTS credits

Prerequisites None

Term I

Brief Description of the Course

Good academic writing style is essential for every student to complete PhD program. It enables

them to write scientific articles and present results of their research using different academic

styles. The course also helps students to develop their writing skills for reports, presentations,

thesis, articles and books.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Critical appraisal of scientific literature;

Data analysis and synthesis skills.


Subject Title Organizational Behavior

ECTS credits 6 ECTS credits

Prerequisites None

Term II

Brief Description of the Course

Objective of the seminar in organizational behavior is to train theoretician/analyst, researcher or

practitioner who possesses skills to understand effective organizational behavior and further

develop it. The course covers micro and macro environment in organizations; values, attitudes

and behavior of individuals, groups and macro units within organization.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Critical appraisal of scientific literature

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Capacity to analyze business institutions

Determine connection among organizational behavior variables and analyze them

Study, critically apprise and used in research activities models in the field of


Skills to synthesize different theories in the field

Study origins of managerial theory and its development

Subject Title Decision Analysis

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None

Term III

Brief Description of the Course

The objective of the course is to introduce students the basic principles of solving real-world

decision making problems, help them understand decision objectives, analyze decision

environment, choose decision criteria, and study behavior of a decision maker.

Learning Outcomes

1. Critical appraisal of scientific literature

2. Skills to synthesize different theories in the field Analyzing a management decision

situation and defining alternatives, states of nature, payoffs and outcomes

3. Choosing the appropriate utility model for solving the formulated problem.

4. Solve the formulated problem and interpret the results


Subject Title Leadership

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credit

Prerequisites None

Term III

Brief Description of the Course

The course covers individual behavior in an organization with leadership aspects. The first part

of the course covers topics such as importance of effective leadership and ability to influence

necessary changes in the society and organization. It covers topics such as variety of

organizational behavior, individual attitudes, motivation/incentives, individual differences,

culture, ethics, power, conflict resolution and others. All the above-mentioned topics and other

key topics in management will be taught using evidence-based education methods and evidence-

based empirical research, as well as based on an existing knowledge in psychology and

management. Learning process is further supported by reviewing specific cases and identifying

general concepts as this is suggested by research/evidence-based thinking and helps managers to

solve work-related challenges.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Leadership skills

Skills to synthesize different theories in the field

Apply management concepts to business practice

Subject Title Strategic Management

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None

Term IV

Brief Description of the Course

Course introduces students with complex aspects of organization’s strategic development.

Tactical and strategic decision in organizational management will be reviewed. The primary

focus areas of the seminar are different strategic management models, strategic advantages and

core corporate values as a source of strategic advantage.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Critical appraisal of scientific literature

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Capacity to analyze business institutions

Strategic planning and decision-making skills

Study and critically apprise models in the field of management and apply them in

research work

Skills to internalize, study, teach and promote social corporate reasonability principles

and apply them at their scientific work

Study origins of managerial theory and its development


Subject Title Statistical Theory

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None

Term I

Brief Description of the Course

Aim of the course is to prepare students to conceptually understand results of real-life research

data analysis. It will focus on key concepts and use of computerized data processing/analysis

software. The course will also help students to identify appropriate statistical models for a

research topic.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Knowledge and ability to collect data and to use innovative analytical methods

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Subject Title IT for Management Support

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None

Term II

Brief Description of the Course

This course will introduce students with modern information technologies and how to use them

to support management in business organizations. The course emphasizes how rapid advances in

hardware and software technology may impact strategy, structures and processes of an

organization. Particular attention is paid to the search, acquisition, processing, interpretation and

use of information. The course explores approaches for developing information systems for

support of management and decision making in organizations.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will have the following skills:

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Skills to analyze processes in organizations and how they can be leveraged or redesigned

using emerging technologies;

Determine the costs and benefits associated with the development of information


Describe, and critical evaluate the state of current management information system

Redesign information system on the basis of new information technologies


Subject Title Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None

Term III

Brief Description of the Course

The course is devoted to the theory and application of research methods to solving problems

in the field of management. The main focus is on understanding and applying of appropriate

quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The themes cover philosophical

frameworks for quantitative and qualitative research and their differences, research design, data

collection methods, data analysis, research ethics, and current issues in qualitative research.

During the course, research project of each student will be reviewed and methodological

issues will be discussed further.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Skills to conduct research independently

Data analysis and synthesis skills

Be a part of a research team

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Determine connection among organizational behavior variables and analyze them

Skills to conduct large-scale business studies

Knowledge and ability to collect data and use innovative analytical methods Study and

critically apprise models in the field of management and apply them in research work

Conduct scientific research relevant to the field of study


Subject Title Data Analysis

ECTS credits 6 ECTS Credit

Prerequisites None

Term IV

Brief Description of the Course

This course will introduce PhD students with quantitative methods for data collection and

analysis. After completion of the course, students should be able to conduct high-quality

quantitative studies independently. It will focus on use of computerized data analysis software to

process data with respect of complex organizational characteristics and provide tools to

argument and generalize study results.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Critical appraisal of scientific literature

Data analysis and synthesis skills

Be a part of a research team

Skills to conduct research independently

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Determine connection among organizational behavior variables and analyze them

Skills to conduct large-scale business studies

Study and critically apprise models in the field of management and apply them in

research work

Conduct scientific research relevant to the field of study

Subject Title Teaching and Assistantship

ECTS credits 15 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None


Brief Description of the Seminar

PhD students enhance their knowledge in teaching methods in the first semester of the first

academic year. Starting from the first semester of the second academic year to the second

semester of the fourth academic year students teach at the university and provide assistance to

their professor in the selected subject. Overall, each PhD Student teaches 6 courses in II-IV

academic years and this includes at least 45 hours teaching in each subject.


After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Teaching and pedagogical skills

Leadership skills


Subject Title Submission and approval of dissertation proposal

ECTS credits 15 ECTS credits

Prerequisites None

Term VI

Brief Description of the Paper

In spring semester of the third academic year PhD students have a preliminary discussion of

their dissertation proposal. For this, PhD student should provide comprehensive theoretical

analysis of the study topic, present objectives of the study and its potential results. This proposal

should also reflect detailed work plan for the study and its timeline. After approval of

dissertation proposal, student has one more year to complete his/her dissertation and defend it.

Dissertation proposal is evaluated based on the criteria defined in the Charter on Dissertation of

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.


After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Leadership skills

Skills to conduct research independently

Determine connection among organizational behavior variables and analyze them

Strategic planning and decision-making skills

Study and critically apprise models in the field of management and apply them in

research work

Skills to synthesize different theories in the field

Subject Title Preparatory Seminar for Final Exam

ECTS credits 30 ECTS Credits

Prerequisites None

Term V

Brief Description of the Seminar

In the beginning of third academic year PhD students should take a final exam. 10 topics will be

selected from the covered material and PhD students will be tested orally on those topics. On the

examination day, student will be given 10 hours to prepare for the questions. Students receive

only two type of evaluation for the final exam: pass or failure.


After completion of the course students will have the following skills:

Critical appraisal of scientific literature

Leadership skills

Skills for appraisal of scientific works and formulation of relevant recommendations

Capacity to analyze business institutions

Cognitive skills

Skills to synthesize different theories in the field


Subject Title Dissertation

ECTS credits 70 ECTS credits

Prerequisites None


Brief Description of the Thesis

By the end of the 4th year, PhD student should defend his/her dissertation. Dissertation defense is

done through a student’s presentation of his/her work to the Dissertation Board. Duration of this

session is agreed mutually by the Board and the student. Dissertation should be a complete piece

of academic work that reflects objectives and values of the researcher about the topic of study

and demonstrates clear scientific analysis. Dissertations are evaluated in accordance with a

Charter on Dissertations of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.


After completing a dissertation, student acquires the following skills:

Knowledge and ability to collect data and use innovative analytical methods

Skills to internalize, study, teach and promote ethical standards and apply them at their

scientific work

Prepare and publish scientific manuscripts

Leadership skills

Skills to conduct research independently

Skills to conduct large-scale business studies

Conduct scientific research relevant to the field of study


Competency Framework for Subjects


ct C







Practical Application

of Knowledge Analytical Skills




Skills Values

























Methods x x x x x



Writing x x



Behavior x x x x x x x



Analysis x x x x x x x


Leadership x x x


Strategic Management x x x x x x x



Theory x x


IT for



x x x x


Quantitative and


Research Methods

x x x x x x x

10. Operations

Research x x x

11. Data Analysis

x x x x x x x x x

12. Teaching and

Assistantship x x



Seminar for

Final Exam

x x x x x x


Submission and

approval of



x x x x x x


Submission and

defense of


x x x x x x x

BA Proqramlarının direktoru, professor R.Ə.Əliyev