“What are the needs of senior tourists in TOURAGE …...Project „Developing Senior Tourism in...

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Project „Developing Senior Tourism in Remote

Regions” (TOURAGE )

“What are the needs of senior

tourists in TOURAGE regions?”

Report on the results of the Questionnaire for local

seniors on tourism

February 2014


This brochure was produced by TOURage in partnership of INTERREG IVC pro-

gram and the European Union. It does not necessarily represent the official views

of the European Union.

Edited by Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Regional Development and Environmental Management

Agency/Észak-Alföld Regional Development Agency Nonprofit ltd.

Layout by Vidzeme Planning Region, Latvia



Introduction - About the TOURage project ........................................................ ..4

1. TOURage methodology ....................................................................................... ..6

2. Data collection ...................................................................................................... ..7

3. Data analysis of the local senior questionnaire ............................................ ..9

3.1. Background information ...................................................................... ..9

3.2. Travel patterns of seniors ..................................................................... 13

3.3. Motivation and needs ............................................................................ 19

4. Main findings ........................................................................................................ 26

Annex 1: Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 28


Introduction - About the TOURage project


The project has grown out from the idea that although demographic change brings

many challenges it can also bring opportunities to the regions. Tourism is one of the

fastest growing industries in the Europe and relatively remote regions have both a lot

of unexploited and unknown development potential in this regard. The project seeks

to identify good practices on developing tourism possibilities for growing segment of

elderly travelers.

The results gained in this collaboration will be essential instrument to communicate

to the rest of Europe the means by which "The Senior Tourism Model" can be created

and enhanced and also what kind of tools can be used to improve regional senior

tourism policies.

TOURage project is funded by the Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG

IVC aimed at improving the effectiveness of regional policies and instruments. The

project runs from January 2012 until December 2014.


The overall objective of the project is to enhance the regional economy by means of

senior tourism development and to support active and healthy ageing. The project

aims to enlighten the responsible personnel of regional authorities, decision-makers

and politicians in the field; its challenges and benefits; its future trends and above all

good practices exchanged and deployed.


Identifying and exchanging good practices will help to overcome the chal-

lenges connected to senior tourism ("silver tourism") and develop a clear un-

derstanding of central possibilities of silver tourism in the partner regions.

Evaluating the most important challenges facing silver tourism in the part-

ner regions.

Exchange experiences on senior tourism through successful seminars, work-

ing groups and study visits.

Deepening of the relations between partners and their respective regions.

Developing joint methodologies and giving policy recommendations based on

good practices exchanged during the project.

Dissemination of the obtained project results for the benefit of releavnt tour-

ism stakeholders at a local to European level.

Increasing networking capacity and synergies within European-wide silver

economy networks and projects.

Finding solutions to turn population ageing into an asset and overcome

structural change by new innovative means.

Promote sustainable regional economy and wellbeing.


The partnership consists 11 partners from 9 European Union Member States. The

TOURage partners are the following:

Regional Council of North Karelia, FINLAND, Lead Partner

Web: www.pohjois-karjala.fi

Vidzeme Planning Region, LATVIA Web: www.vidzeme.lv

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Regional Development and Environmental Management


Web: www.szszbmfu.eu

Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency, HUNGARY

Web: www.balatonregion.hu

Region of East Macedonia & Thrace, GREECE

Web: www.pamth.gov.gr www.pamth.eu

Regional Development Agency of the Prešov Self-Governing Region, SLOVAKIA

Web: www.arrpsk.sk

Association of Polish Communes of Euroregion Baltic, POLAND

Web: www.eurobalt.org.pl

Bourgas Regional Tourist Association, BULGARIA

Web: www.brta.eu

Podkarpackie Region, POLAND

Web: www.wrota.podkarpackie.pl

West Regional Authority, IRELAND

Web: www.wra.ie

County Council of Granada, SPAIN

Web: www.dipgra.es

*North-West Regional Development Agency, ROMANIA (until 31.12.2012)



In order to examine the Good Practices presented by each project partner related to

senior tourism, a two way approach will be adopted.

1. TOURage Methodology

Chart 1: Methodology of TOURage project

Based on the results of the supply and demand side activities, in each partner

region implementation plans will be developed on concrete measures to foster the

Good Practice transfer and mainstreaming between the participating regions. As

an additional output the Senior Tourism Model will be developed as a main

output of the TOURage project, which could be the regional input for EU policy

development activities in the field of senior tourism in the future.

As part of the project’s demand side activities a survey was conducted among

domestic seniors and foreign tourists. In order to better understand the needs of

the target group of ageing tourism, there is a necessity to develop a questionnaire

for them. In order to develop comprehensive results on the needs of senior

tourists, two questionnaires were created which were a:

Questionnaire to 55 years or over tourists travelling into the project


Questionnaire to local retirement pensioners.

With the local senior questionnaire, the travelling habits, motivations and needs

of the regional seniors that are on retirement pension are revealed. The results of

this questionnaire can be employed in the development of regional tourism ser-

vices for senior tourists in order to meet the needs of senior citizens and in the im-

provement of regional, national and EU level tourism policies.

Based on regional analysis conducted in the field of senior tourism; demographic

change & demand and supply side activities will be implemented:-

Supply side activities: good practice collection, evaluation and selection

methodology, study visits and preparation of good practice catalogue.

Demand side activities: questionnaire on senior tourism needs and

study based on the questionnaires.


2. Data Collection

Based on the project methodology and previous Working Group meeting discus-

sions, partners received a template for the local senior questionnaire from the Com-

ponent 3 leader. The questionnaire (see Annex) was composed of 22 questions. 11 of

these questions dealt with the motivations and need of senior tourists in Europe, 3

were region specific questions to bring local added value for the partners and 8

questions on general characteristics of seniors answering on the questionnaire.

Questionnaire was targeted to the persons who are on retirement pension. The offi-

cial retirement age varies in different countries. Although there are some specific

national regulations which results that some people can be retired under the official

retirement age (special job conditions, health issues). It resulted that some seniors

answering for the questionnaires are under the official retirement age of the respec-

tive country.

Based on the template, national versions of the questionnaires were translated, and

specific cover letters were attached on behalf of the representatives of the partner


Project partners used different methods to meet with local seniors and ask for their

opinion on tourism related issues. These methods included:

Meeting with local senior clubs;

Distribution of questionnaires on exhibitions;

Sending questionnaires to local seniors or groups.

Questionnaires were collected between Autumn 2012 and Spring 2013 in the

TOURage partner regions. The target number was 150 completed questionnaires

per partner. As a result 1,704 questionnaires were filled and analyzed. The regional

average of completed questionnaires was 142, but as the Baltic Euroregion partner

involved two regions the average number of questionnaires per partner amounted

to 155 (over the decided target number). Please see the table below for a breakdown

on the number of questionnaires completed by each partner region:

Table 1: Number of Filled Questionnaires in TOURage Regions

Region Country

Number of filled


North Karelia Finland 183

Vidzeme Latvia 177

Baltic Euroregion - Pomorskie Poland 154

Baltic Euroregion – Warmia-Mazury Poland 47

Podkarpackie Poland 150

Presov Slovakia 150

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Hungary 129

Balaton Hungary 150

Bourgas Bulgaria 150

Granada Spain 175

West Region of Ireland Ireland 129

East Macedonia and Thrace Greece 110


There was varied responses to the different type of questions within the

questionnaire. The following table shows the response rate for each of the questions:

Table 2: Response Rate for


No. of



No. of




1 1633 96%

2 1422 83%

3 1452 85%

5 1412 83%

6 1284 75%

7 1424 84%

8 1420 83%

9 1291 76%

10 1436 84%

11 1457 86%

12 1384 81%

13 1341 79%

15 1677 98%

16 1640 96%

17 1552 91%

19 1672 98%

20 1651 97%

21 1645 97%

22 1501 88%

* This table illustrates the response rate for non-text datas only


3. Data Analysis of the Local Senior Questionnaire

The data analysis of questionnaires collected in TOURage regions was following

these steps: each partners received code lists for questionnaire, based on them, the

questionnaires were coded, and sent for Component 3 leader for analysis. This

common template for encoding received answers could provide the opportunity to

analyse datas on project level.

Received coded tables were checked individually, whether they were correctly

recorded. After the revision of datas, regional answers were merged in a single data

analysis table. This was the basis of data analysis on project level, which included

in some cases some regional comparative analysis as well, to have a better

understanding of project level datas.

Questions are grouped into 3 groups: background information, travel patterns,

motivations & needs. The analysis is following this structure of questionnaire. The

analysis is summarizing the most important tourism patterns of local seniors in

TOURage partner regions. It is the basis to further evaluate good practices collected

in the project, and to better understand what developments are necessary in

European regions to better exploit opportunities in senior tourism.

3.1. Background Information

A total of eight questions from the questionnaire were focusing on some general

characteristics of seniors answering for the questionnaire (age, gender, marital

status, education, and income level). One of the aims of these questions was to

make sure that the respondents are in the right target group, i.e. are seniors who

are on retirement pension and live in the TOURage regions.

The following table shows the number of respondents by their nationality. We have

to mention that because of the two Hungarian and two Polish TOURage partners

that there is an overrepresentation on project level in the number of respondents by

these countries.

Table 3: Nationality of Respondents


Number of


Finnish 183

Latvian 177

Polish 351

Slovakian 150

Hungarian 279

Bulgarian 150

Spanish 175

Irish 129

Greek 110

TOTAL 1704


In gender terms, the majority of seniors answering the questionnaire were women

(69% - 1,156 female). This shows the demographic fact that older aged women hold

the majority over older aged men in society. But this also signal that they are more

active in such activities where the questionnaires were distributed, e.g. senior club

activities and exhibitions organised for seniors. This higher representation of

women also has an effect on the results of the questionnaires, as the motivations

and needs of seniors are illustrating women interests more than men.

Graph 1: Gender Ratio of Respondents (Question 15, N=1677)

The average age of seniors answering the questionnaire was 68.3 years (1,641

answers). 59,5 percent of the respondents were under 70 years old, 38,8 percent

were between 70 and 84 years old as 85 years old or over represented 1,9 percent of

the respondents. There was a fairly balanced response from young and older senior

groups, which is indicated in the table below. Please note that the questionnaire

was targeted to people who are on retirement pension. The official retirement age

varies in different countries and in some special cases (health issues, job conditions)

people can retire even before reaching that age. Due to this, some respondents were

under the official retirement age of their country.

The answers for the questions shows a good representation of all age groups of

seniors. The oldest senior answering the questionnaire was 95 years old, so this

proves as well the broad age cohort of senior respondents and represents varied

results on the needs of domestic senior travellers.

Question 15.

Gender □Male □Female

Question 16.

How old are you? _________ years old

Table 4: Age Groups of Respondents (Question 16, N=1641)

Age Group Number of Respondents Ratio of Total Respondents

47-54 14 0,9%

55-59 141 8,6%

60-64 330 20,1%

65-69 490 29,9%

70-74 375 22,9%

75-79 177 10,8%

80-84 84 5,1%

85-89 24 1,5%

90+ 6 0,4%


A total of 1,552 answered this question. On average the seniors had retired for al-

most 10 years (9.5 years) ago. More than half of the respondents had retired less

than ten years ago. However there is respondents who have been on retirement 15-

20 years which shows that the involved seniors are representing a wide variety,

having experiences in senior tourism and activities, and their answers are a good

sample of their motivations and needs towards senior tourism. (See also question 16

on the respondents age.)

Table 5: Years on Retirement Pension of Respondents (Question 17, N=1552)

Years Number of Respondents Ratio of Total Respondents

1-4 477


5-9 424


10-14 257


15-19 199 12,8%

20+ 195


A total of 1,672 seniors responded to this question. Most of the respondents were

married (55%), whilst 25% were widow/widower. When we are talking about

tourism it is important to notice that a high proportion of this group is single (10%),

divorced (7%) or a widow/er (25%). For example the specific senior club activities

and especially tourism group tours are targeting these seniors, who are looking for


The following table and graph show the answers received:

Graph 2: Marital Status of Respondents

(Question 19, N=1672) Table 6: Marital Status of

Respondents (Question 19, N=1672)

Marital status Number of


married 916

single 166

in a relationship 48

widow/widower 424

divorced 118

no answer 32

Question 17.

How long have you been on retirement pension? _______years ______months

Question 19.

Marital status

□married □widow/widower

□single □divorced

□in a relationship


The seniors who responded to the questionnaire (1651) have a balanced educational

background with 22% having a university degree, 20% has completed elementary

school, and 58% has secondary education. This balanced level ensures a good

representation of seniors with all types of educational background in this TOURage


The following table and graph shows the received answers relating to educational


Graph 3: Education Level of Respondents

(Question 20, N=1651)

Table 7: Education Level of

Respondents (Question 20,


Level of education Number of


University degree 365


school/vocational 516

Upper secondary

school 447

Elementary school 323

No answer 53

Every fifth of the respondents (total number of respondents is 1,645) are still working

(9% full time, 7% part time, 5% as entrepreneur). It is also an important message of

the answers, that seniors are opened to entrepreneurship, with 84 seniors answered

that he/she is running his/her own business. Majority (79 %) of the respondents are

not working or running enterprise during the retirement.

The following table and graph show the answers:

Graph 4: Employment During Pension

Question 21, N=1645) Table 8: Employment During

Pension (Question 21,


Yes, full-time 153

Yes, part-time 110

Yes, I am entrepreneur 84

No 1298

No answer 59

Question 20.

Education level

□ University degree □ Upper secondary school

□ Technical/trade school/vocational □ Elementary school

Question 21.

Are you still employed as a retirement pensioner?

□ Yes, full-time □ Yes, I am entrepreneur

□ Yes, part-time □ No


A total of 1,633 respondents answered this question, with 12% of respondents have

not travelled since retirement. According to this questionnaire, 56% of respondents

preferred to stay on holiday a week or less, and 19% 8-10 nights. 13% answered that

they stay on holiday usually 2 weeks or more. Thus, even though slight majority of

respondents usually stay on a holiday one week or less it is important to notice that

only every 7th respondent stays usually 2 weeks or more when they go on holiday.

Graph 7: Usual Length of Holiday Since

Retirement Pension (Question 1, N=1633)

Table 10: Usual Length of Holiday

Since Retirement Pension

(Question 1, N=1633)

1 - 3 nights 413

4 - 7 nights 506

8 - 10 nights 316

2 - 3 weeks 158

1 month or more 39

Have not travelled while on

retirement pension 201

No answer 71

Graph 8: Usual Length of Holiday Since Retirement Pension – Regional

Comparison (Question 1, N=1633)

Question 1.

What has been the usual length of your holiday since you have been on retirement


□1 - 3 nights □2 - 3 weeks

□4 - 7 nights □1 month or more

□8 - 10 nights □Have not travelled while on retirement pension

3.2. Travel Patterns of Seniors

A total of 11 questions were included in the questionnaire of local senior tourists in

order to find the motivations and needs of seniors in connection with tourism. The

first 8 questions are related more to the general travel patterns of the seniors, for

which we are focusing in this part of the analysis.


TOURage project as an interregional cooperation project was created on the idea that

senior tourism has a lot of potentials in the European Union. We focused on two main

fields: how senior tourism can contribute to regional economies, and how senior

tourism activities can enhance the cooperation between European regions.

Our results (1,422 respondents) show that every third senior mostly travel abroad

during their holidays, which shows that seniors has an important market potential

not only in their home country but also abroad.

Graph 9: Destination of Travel During

Retirement Pension (Question 2, N=1422) Table 11: Destination of Travel

During Retirement Pension

(Question 2, N=1422)

abroad 406

in home country 1016

no answer 282

There are some regional differences; in some countries there is a higher proportion of

seniors that are mostly travelling abroad.

Graph 10: Destination of Travel During Retirement Pension – Regional

Comparison (Question 2, N=1422)

In generally, one week or less is the most usual length of holiday for the respondents.

The highest numbers of seniors that have not travelled in retirement were found

from the regions of Presov (55%), Vidzeme (23%) and East Macedonia and Thrace

(13%). Seniors from Granada, Warmia Mazury, Bourgas, West Ireland and North

Karelia are travelling the most out of the TOURage partners. Reasons to travel or

not to travel might be financial but also relate to culture, habits, social issues etc.

(see also question 17).

Question 2.

During retirement pension do you mostly travel ...? Choose 1

□abroad □in home country


Especially seniors from North Karelia and West Ireland mostly travel abroad (almost

every second). The Greek respondents are travelling abroad the least.

We have received 1,452 answers for this group of question dealing with the most

usual seasons for travelling. The respondents were allowed to choose more than one

option. The results show that they usually travel in summer and autumn (both more

than 50 % of respondents), but for this age group travelling in spring is also quite

common period.

Graph 11: Season of Senior Tourism

(Question 3, N=1452)

Table 12: Season of Senior Tourism

(Question 3, N=1452)







Winter 238

There are also regional differences in prefered seasons for travelling. Winter in the

majority of the regions is not preferred, but in North Karelia seniors choosing winter

as equally as other seasons for holiday. In Vidzeme, Presov, Pomorskie, East

Macedonia and Thrace summer even in senior age is the most important season for

travel (see Graph 12).

Graph 12: Season of Senior Tourism – Regional Comparison (Question 3, N=1452)

Question 3.

During retirement pension do you usually travel in..? Choose 1 or more

□Spring □Autumn

□Summer □Winter


Most of the seniors (47% out of 1,412 respondents) prefer to organise their travel

individually. There was one important note on the role of different pensioner

organisations and associations, and also some social tourism schemes were

mentioned by respondents. The pensioner organisations (like Active Retirement

Ireland, pensioners’ clubs, thematic pensioner associations) are key players in

organising group travels for seniors. Also some other associations (like tourism,

religious, handicapped) are coordinating travel for seniors (although they are not

specifically focusing on seniors in their offers). The social tourism scheme of National

Public Health Organisation in Finland and SOREA programme in Slovakia was also

mentioned as a specific way of organising a holiday trip. The relatives and ex-co-

workers are important travel mates (see also answers on Question 8), they were

mentioned as organizers of holidays as well, not only as reasons of travel (see

Question 10).

Graph 13: Organisation of Holiday Trips

During Retirement Pension (Question 5,


Table 13: Organisation of Holiday

Trips During Retirement Pension

(Question 5, N=1412)

Travel / accommodation organised

individually 665

Travel/accommodation booked

through a travel agency 411

Package tour/all inclusive holiday

booked via internet 60

Package tour/all inclusive holiday

booked through a travel agency 121

Other 155

No answer 292

Question 5.

How have you usually organized your holiday trips during retirement pension? Choose 1

□Travel / accommodation organised individually

□Travel/accommodation booked through a travel agency

□Package tour/all inclusive holiday booked via internet

□Package tour/all inclusive holiday booked through a travel agency

□Other, name it:______________________________________

Question 6.

From the following information sources, which have been the most important ones when

you have made a decision about your travel plans? Choose 3

□Own personal experience □Internet

□Relatives and family □Travel / tourist agencies

□Friends □Media (newspaper, radio, TV)

□Recommendations of other people □Social media (Facebook, twitter, blogs etc.)

□Guidebooks and magazines (commercial) □Other, name it:___________________

□Travel catalogues, brochures (non-commercial)

Personal experiences (21%), family (19%) and friends (19%) are the most important

sources of information for making decisions on the travels of seniors. The media and

social media are not relevant sources of information, although the internet is

mentioned in 7% of the answers as a source of finding information. The categories of

other specific sources of information were mentioned such as; the role of pensioner


organisations (senior clubs & Active Retirement Ireland) is crucial, but also the

suggestions of doctors are mentioned as well.

In order to get a clear indication of the decision making of seniors, it is worth

mentioning two concrete information sources (stated under ’other source’ by seniors)

with books and dreams of young age being a source in making a decision. It shows

also that seniors are sentimental, and do not dependent on the mass media such as

newspapers, radio and TV (with only 2% of respondents mentioning this as a source

of information) in deciding their travels in most cases.

Graph 14: The Most Important Information

Sources for Decisions on Travels (Question 6,


Table 14: The Most Important

Information Sources for Decisions

on Travels (Question 6, N=1284)

Own personal experience 632

Relatives and family 586

Friends 580

Recommendations of other people 283

Travel / tourist agencies 242

Internet 225

Travel catalogues, brochures (non



Guidebooks and magazines



Media (newspaper, radio, TV) 71

Social media (Facebook, twitter,

blogs etc.)


Other 86

The overall findings in Question 7, shows that the bus is the most common mode of

transport of seniors (39%). Using own cars for relatively shorter distances is a

common mode of transport (26%). It is also popular to take an airplane for travelling

(20%). Train is the fourth common mode of transportation (13%). As other modes of

transport a number of the respondents mentioned camping caravans, which is a way

of travelling for longer periods and to access more rural locations. It is worth

mentioning that there were differences between the regions. For example in North

Karelia the plane was the most usual mode of transportation while bus was the

second common.

Question 7.

What mode of transportation you have usually used when you go on holiday during

retirement pension? Choose 1

□Airplane □Car

□Boat □Motorbike

□Train □Bicycle

□Bus □Other, name it:________________


Graph 15: Usual Transportation Mode During

Retirement Holiday (Question 7, N=1424) Table 15: Usual Transportation

Mode During Retirement

Holiday (Question 7, N=1424)

Bus 555

Car 369

Airplane 276

Train 185

Boat 31

Bicycle 4

Other 4

Motorbike 0

No answer 280

Besides the spouse/partner (48%), friends are the most common travel mates based

on the answers received (31%).

The seniors are usually travelling with friends either in smaller groups (20%) or with

specific group travel, focusing on seniors (11%). The third largest group of travel

mates are relatives (11%). It is important to note that based on these answers that

for seniors it has a crucial importance to know previously those persons who they are

travelling with.

Graph 16: Travel Mates During Retirement

Pension (Question 8, N=1420)

Table 16: Travel Mates During

Retirement Pension (Question 8,


Spouse, partner 696

Friend(s) 278

Group travel with people you

know 164

Alone 104

Own child/children 83

Other relative(s) 44

Grandchild/children 27

Group travel with people you

have not met before 13

Other 11

No answer 284

Question 8.

With who have you usually travelled during retirement pension? Choose 1

□Spouse, partner □Alone

□Own child/children □Group travel with people you know

□Grandchild/children □Group travel with people you have not met before

□Other relative(s) □Other, name it _________________________



3.3. Motivation and Needs

Question 9-11 are especially focusing on motivations and needs of seniors. As they

are handled as a new emerging market of tourism products, these specifications

could be important to develop new destinations and services especially designed for

senior citizens.

Financial reasons and health problems are the main barriers of travel for

respondents. Financial issues are linked to peripheriality and this is especially

evident in low income areas of Europe, which shows the importance of social

tourism for seniors. In the Finnish partner region, North Karelia, the respondents

ranked this barrier also the most significant but on the contrary to 74% average of

the project level data, 34 % of North Karelian seniors perceived it as a barrier. It is

also interesting, that 59% of the total project results feel that health problems are

the biggest barrier (2nd highest rank), but in North Karelia it is the lowest value at

only 23% (5th highest rank). Overall, the 3rd and 4th barriers to travelling are the

lack of time and a lack of interesting supply, but there is a financial divide behind

these answers as well.

The third group of barriers includes missing travel companion, lack of

transportation connections, safety of the destination and the travel. They are more

related to the logistics of senior tourism, which are in line with the findings that

they prefer to travel in groups (not alone), looking for safe holiday locations, where

they can get all the necessary quality services, and the destination should be easily

reached by direct transportation links (see answers for transportation modes).

Question 9.

If you sometimes have decided not to travel for a holiday when you have been on

retirement pension, which of the following barriers have been reason for not to travel?

Please answer to all. Evaluate Y=Yes, N=No, n.a=Don’t know.

Financial reasons Y N n.a

Lack of time Y N n.a

There was no supply which I‘m interested in Y N n.a

I was concerned about safety in the destination Y N n.a

I was concerned about safety during traveling Y N n.a

I had health problems Y N n.a

Transportation connections were lacking Y N n.a

I didn‘t have a travelling companion Y N n.a

Accessibility in destinations was weak Y N n.a

I didn‘t have needed travel documentations Y N n.a I’m not interested in making holiday trips Y N n.a

Other, name it: Y N n.a


Table 17: Barriers of Not Travelling During Retirement Pension (Question 9,



of travel

Not a

barrier of



of travel


Not a


of travel




Financial reasons 910 381 70% 30% 0

I had health problems 684 513 57% 43% 94

Lack of time 439 651 40% 60% 201

There was no supply which I‘m

interested in 307 685 31% 69% 299

I didn‘t have a travelling companion 266 807 25% 75% 218

Transportation connections were

lacking 236 749 24% 76% 306

I was concerned about safety in the

destination 229 792 22% 78% 270

I was concerned about safety during

traveling 221 799 22% 78% 271

Accessibility in destinations was weak 177 796 18% 82% 318

I’m not interested in making holiday

trips 145 868 14% 86% 278

I didn‘t have needed travel

documentations 110 921 11% 89% 260

Other 45 174 21% 79% 0

What should be noted also as an important non-barrier factor, is seniors are ready to

travel and make holiday trips (with only 18% answering that they are not interested

in travel), and they have the necessary travelling documents for that (only 11% does

not have). Therefore, it is more social (financial and health) issues in the peripherial

TOURage regions that is preventing them to take part more actively in senior

tourism activities.

As other reasons the illness of partner, family issues, gardening, lack of need to

travel was mentioned in some cases. Besides in some specific cases such issues like

tiring journey, travel agency bankruptcy, pregnancy of daughter, payable single

supplement, spouse’s reluctance to travel by car was also mentioned.

Graph 17: Barriers of Not Travelling During Retirement Pension

(Question 9, N=1291)


It should be noted that altogether 1291 seniors responded to the question. However,

some respondents did not provide answers to all options listed in the question. For

this reason, the number of respondents varies slightly between different barriers.

Table 18: Motivations for Holiday (Question 10, N=1436)



Not very

important Neutral






importance Rank

to enjoy rest and silence 83 108 194 447 604 3,96 1

to escape routines 103 67 241 483 506 3,87 2

to spend time with my

family 160 82 184 367 561 3,80 3

to improve quality of life 79 98 318 448 430 3,77 4

to experience something

new 138 98 218 513 435 3,72 5

to make friends and

socialize 191 182 326 381 307 3,31 6

to look for romance 614 186 268 142 108 2,20 7

other 83 13 49 46 73 3,05

The survey provided an opportunity for respondents to name any missing holiday

motivations. The respondents mentioned that they are looking for new places to visit,

and especially mentioned to explore their own country (Greece, Latvia) and its

cultural and natural heritage. It was noted that one important goal was not only to

spend time with family but also with friends on a holiday. In a few cases sport (e.g.

golf, ski) and cultural activities (art classes, dance) were also mentioned as holiday

motivations. Health and rehabilitation was also mentioned together with relaxation

and being away from daily practices.

On the overall project level, enjoying rest and silence is the most important factor for

seniors when they are planning their holidays. It is an important condition when a

certain region plans to extend senior tourism environments. Regions has to offer

places which are relaxing, and provide a safe environment for seniors. Family is also

a major factor as a motivational factor for holidays, in many cases family members

(children, grandchildren) are living abroad, and the holidays could be a way to meet

with family members. For seniors, it is also important to escape daily routines,

improve quality of life and experiencing something new.

Question 10.

When you are considering a holiday trip, how important do you consider the following

holiday taking motivations? Please answer to all. Evaluate on a scale from 1 (=no importance)

to 5 (=extremely important).



Not very


Neutral Some




to enjoy rest and silence 1 2 3 4 5

to improve quality of life 1 2 3 4 5

to make friends and socialize 1 2 3 4 5

to look for romance 1 2 3 4 5

to experience something new 1 2 3 4 5

to escape routines 1 2 3 4 5

to spend time with my family 1 2 3 4 5

Other, name it: 1 2 3 4 5


Graph 18: Motivations for Holiday (Question 10, N=1436)

Interesting to note also, that making new friends or socializing has the biggest

variation among the answers and it received second least amount of extremely

important and some importance answers. Looking for romance is minor motivation

for senior to go on holiday and almost 50% of respondents answered that it has no

importance. It can be summaries that they are more interested in travelling with

their family and friends, and just to have an enjoyable, and relaxing holiday in a new

location. It is important to notice that also in this question there was a variation

between the regions. All those regions who prepared a regional report made available

their summaries at the www.tourage.eu project website.

It should be noted that altogether 1436 seniors responded to the question. However,

some respondents did not provide answers to all options listed in the question. For

this reason, the number of respondents varies slightly between different motivations.


The findings under question 11 show that nature, safeness, historical sites, quality of

services and easy transportation connections are the top 5 attractions for seniors

when choosing a destination. Doing heavy physical activities, sports, snow, making

handicrafts, dancing, camping and city life are activities that do not interest senior

travelers. Based on the analysis of 31 factors, we can say that a perfect offer for a

senior could be shaped out of the top 5 attractions. Even in previous questions, safety,

easy access, quality of services, nature and the historical sites were mentioned, so we

can say that the senior tourists in peripheral TOURage regions could be attracted by

these factors. Also local culture interests respondents.

In addition, it is important to say that respondents are looking for quality accomoda-

tion (not camping) Health and medical services and low prices are also important.

Question 11.

If you consider going on a holiday what attracts you when you are choosing the

destination? Please answer to all. Evaluate on a scale from 1 (=no importance) to 5 (=extremely

important) how important the following attributes/activities of a destination are to you.


importance Not very

important Neutral Some

importance Extremely


Nature 1 2 3 4 5

Historical sites 1 2 3 4 5

Events and festivals 1 2 3 4 5

Local culture 1 2 3 4 5

Gastronomy 1 2 3 4 5

Wellness services 1 2 3 4 5

Healthcare and medical services 1 2 3 4 5

City life 1 2 3 4 5

Country life 1 2 3 4 5

Beach and sun 1 2 3 4 5

Snow 1 2 3 4 5

Religious sites 1 2 3 4 5

Meeting local people 1 2 3 4 5

Visiting friends and relatives 1 2 3 4 5

Doing sports 1 2 3 4 5

Light physical activities 1 2 3 4 5

Heavy physical activities 1 2 3 4 5

Shopping 1 2 3 4 5

Dancing 1 2 3 4 5

Making handicrafts 1 2 3 4 5

Learning new things and educating

myself 1 2 3 4 5

Low prices 1 2 3 4 5

Sustainability and environmental

friendliness in the destination 1 2 3 4 5

Good accessibility of services and

activities 1 2 3 4 5

Easy transportation connections 1 2 3 4 5

Safeness 1 2 3 4 5

High quality hotel accommodation 1 2 3 4 5

Cottage accommodation 1 2 3 4 5

Camping 1 2 3 4 5

Quality of services 1 2 3 4 5

Possibility to use mobile guides in the

destination 1 2 3 4 5

Other, name it: 1 2 3 4 5


Table 19: Attraction Factors Choosing a Destination (Question 11, N=1457)



Not very

important Neutral







1. Nature 63 44 141 556 653 4,16

2. Safeness 66 51 194 408 648 4,11

3. Historical sites 69 75 241 561 454 3,90

4. Quality of services 90 40 221 570 402 3,87

5. Easy transportation


104 85 258 458 460 3,79

6. High quality hotel


124 84 315 452 382 3,65

7. Low prices 130 117 275 443 408 3,64

8. Local culture 99 131 287 530 311 3,61

9. Good accessibility of

services and activities

91 125 366 442 316 3,57

10. Healthcare and

medical services

147 162 298 379 369 3,49

11. Beach and sun 158 171 304 365 387 3,47

12. Sustainability and


friendliness in the


136 126 377 384 303 3,45

13. Gastronomy 150 177 307 383 310 3,40

14. Learning new things

and educating myself

182 146 296 468 252 3,34

15. Visiting friends and


226 168 271 332 371 3,33

16. Events and festivals 173 236 393 339 212 3,13

17. Wellness services 223 200 353 295 232 3,09

17. Meeting local people 192 196 412 355 170 3,09

19. Religious sites 233 203 358 308 236 3,08

20. Country life 217 228 426 291 171 2,98

25. City life 266 274 410 269 97 2,74

26. Dancing 447 225 316 205 140 2,52

27. Doing sports 478 247 309 191 97 2,38

28. Snow 502 242 296 188 88 2,33

29. Making handicrafts 519 244 309 163 88 2,29

30. Camping 604 189 280 135 87 2,16

31. Heavy physical


622 245 279 98 67 2,04

Other 88 14 59 17 30 2,46

21. Cottage


278 197 385 306 142 2,88

22. Possibility to use

mobile guides in the


365 148 328 304 135 2,76

23. Light physical


358 208 333 321 135 2,75

23. Shopping 294 283 359 288 121 2,75


Graph 19: Attraction Factors Choosing a Destination (Question 11, N=1457)

It should be noted that altogether 1457 seniors responded to the question. However,

some respondents did not provide answers to all options listed in the question. For

this reason, the number of respondents varies slightly between different attractions.


4. Main findings

Based on the analysis of the 1,704 questionnaires filled by senior citizens in

different European partners of TOURage project, some main conclusions could be

drawn upon. It is important to acknowledge that there is variation between the

partner regions and not all questions are analysed on a regional level in this survey

report. Results give the overall picture of the senior motivations, needs and habits

in the TOURage regions.

In generally, age is usually not an obstacle to tourism; even the older seniors (80+)

are interested in tourism activities, and they should receive specific services

according to their needs and interests. It is important to highlight that between

seniors there are variaties and differences between the ages and individuals. There

should be different services and assistance for younger and older seniors and

diverse offer.

The seniors are open to travelling abroad also during their retirement, however it is

more of a question on whether service providers can understand their specific

needs. The regional strategies should focus better on how to reach international

senior tourists, and how to attract them into their respective regions. Despite the

fact that every tenth respondent has never travelled during the retirement. Those

who can afford it are also interested in travelling abroad.

Seniors prefer to organise their travel individually without the help of other

institutions like travel agencies. In case of group travel, they prefer to participate

through local senior organisations. They are usually using the bus as a

transportation mode, but for abroad a growing number of them are using air travel

as well.

Usually they travel with family members and friends. Many of them are single or

widow(er), therefore specific group offers should be created for them.

Although majority of the respondents are not working during retirement some of

them are still working or entrepreneurs. This may be because of financial reasons,

but some are also working during the first period of retirement, as they feel

themselves active enough to be working in the labour market. Because of these

employment trends, those seniors are not able to travel for longer periods than any

other tourist.

Summer is the most favourable season for travel but autumn and spring are almost

as favourable seasons. There are some regional differences in preferred seasons, so

in some countries winter is a usual holiday period as well for seniors. According to

this survey there seems to be potential in developing off-season tourism offers for

the seniors as they are mostly willing and able to travel througout the year.


The main barriers of travel are financial reasons and health problems, where more

social support schemes or other senior discounts or affordable off-season products and

packages should be created to make it possible for these groups to get involved in

tourism. Also it is important to notice that for many seniors the lack of interesting

supply is a barrier. This highlights the fact that it is important to study what are the

actual needs, interests and motivations of the seniors and develop the products which

they are interested in. This can be supported with the regional, national and EU level

(senior) tourism strategies.

The most important sources of information relating to tourism are their own

experiences or family members/friends. The media and social media does not reach

this target group successfully yet. Therefore, different communication channels

should be used for this age group by tourist service providers. As the use of interent

is still rather low among the seniors also it is important to invest in paper brochures

for example.

The most important holiday motivations are rest and silence, and meeting with

family members. Nature, safeness, historical sites, quality of services and easy

transportation connections are the top attraction factors of seniors. This information

can help entrepreneurs to design tourism offer for seniors



1. What has been the usual length of your holiday since you have been on

retirement pension?

□1 - 3 nights

□4 - 7 nights

□8 - 10 nights

□2 - 3 weeks

□1 month or more

□Have not travelled while on retirement pension

If you have not travelled, go to question 9. If you have travelled, please

answer all of the following questions.

2. During retirement pension do you mostly travel ...? Choose 1

□abroad □in home country

3. During retirement pension do you usually travel in..? Choose 1 or more





4. Please name max. 3 latest destinations of your holiday trips (min. 1 night)

that you have made on retirement pension:

Destination 1:_______________________________

Destination 2:_______________________________

Destination 3: _______________________________

5. How have you usually organized your holiday trips during retirement

pension? Choose 1

□Travel / accommodation organised individually

□Travel/accommodation booked through a travel agency

□Package tour/all inclusive holiday booked via internet

□Package tour/all inclusive holiday booked through a travel agency

□Other, name it:______________________________________

Annex 1

Questionnaire on the customer-needs in tourism for the local seniors on retirement



6. From the following information sources, which have been the most

important ones when you have made a decision about your travel plans?

Choose 3

□Own personal experience

□Relatives and family


□Recommendations of other people

□Guidebooks and magazines (commercial)

□Travel catalogues, brochures (non-commercial)


□Travel / tourist agencies

□Media (newspaper, radio, TV)

□Social media (Facebook, twitter, blogs etc.)

□Other, name it:__________________________________

7. What mode of transportation you have usually used when you go on

holiday during retirement pension? Choose 1








□Other, name it:______________________________________

8. With who have you usually travelled during retirement pension? Choose 1

□Spouse, partner

□Own child/children


□Other relative(s)



□Group travel with people you know

□Group travel with people you have not met before

□Other, name it __________________________________


9. If you sometimes have decided not to travel for a holiday when you have

been on retirement pension, which of the following barriers have been rea-

son for not to travel? Please answer to all. Evaluate Y=Yes, N=No, n.a=Don’t


Financial reasons Y N n.a

Lack of time Y N n.a

There was no supply which I‘m interested in Y N n.a

I was concerned about safety in the destination Y N n.a

I was concerned about safety during traveling Y N n.a

I had health problems Y N n.a

Transportation connections were lacking Y N n.a

I didn‘t have a travelling companion Y N n.a

Accessibility in destinations was weak Y N n.a

I didn‘t have needed travel documentations Y N n.a

I’m not interested in making holiday trips Y N n.a

Other, name it:

Y N n.a

10. When you are considering a holiday trip, how important do you consider

the following holiday taking motivations? Please answer to all. Evaluate on a

scale from 1 (=no importance) to 5 (=extremely important).



Not very


Neutral Some




to enjoy rest and silence 1 2 3 4 5

to improve quality of life 1 2 3 4 5

to make friends and


1 2 3 4 5

to look for romance 1 2 3 4 5

to experience something


1 2 3 4 5

to escape routines 1 2 3 4 5

to spend time with my


1 2 3 4 5

Other, name it:

1 2 3 4 5


11. If you consider going on a holiday what attracts you when you are

choosing the destination? Please answer to all. Evaluate on a scale from 1 (=no



Not very


Neutral Some




Nature 1 2 3 4 5

Historical sites 1 2 3 4 5

Events and festivals 1 2 3 4 5

Local culture 1 2 3 4 5

Gastronomy 1 2 3 4 5

Wellness services 1 2 3 4 5

Healthcare and medical


1 2 3 4 5

City life 1 2 3 4 5

Country life 1 2 3 4 5

Beach and sun 1 2 3 4 5

Snow 1 2 3 4 5

Religious sites 1 2 3 4 5

Meeting local people 1 2 3 4 5

Visiting friends and relatives 1 2 3 4 5

Doing sports 1 2 3 4 5

Light physical activities 1 2 3 4 5

Heavy physical activities 1 2 3 4 5

Shopping 1 2 3 4 5

Dancing 1 2 3 4 5

Making handicrafts 1 2 3 4 5

Learning new things and

educating myself

1 2 3 4 5

Low prices 1 2 3 4 5

Sustainability and

environmental friendliness in

the destination

1 2 3 4 5

Good accessibility of services

and activities

1 2 3 4 5

Easy transportation


1 2 3 4 5

Safeness 1 2 3 4 5

High quality hotel


1 2 3 4 5

Cottage accommodation 1 2 3 4 5

Camping 1 2 3 4 5

Quality of services 1 2 3 4 5

Possibility to use mobile guides

in the destination

1 2 3 4 5

Other, name it: 1 2 3 4 5



12. Have you ever visited the following attractions in your region? Please

answer Y=yes, N= no, n.a=Don’t know

13. Which attraction would you suggest the most for a senior tourist visiting

your region? Please put the destinations into order of significance from 1 to 5 (1:

most, 5: least)

14. Would you rather recommend some other than above mentioned options

to a senior tourist visiting your region?

If yes, name it:



15. Gender □Male □Female

16. How old are you? _________ years old

17. How long have you been on retirement pension? _______years


18. Place of residence

Country: _______________ Region: _________________________ Municipality:


Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 1 Y N n.a

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 2 Y N n.a

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 3 Y N n.a

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 4 Y N n.a

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 5 Y N n.a

Serial number

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 1

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 2

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 3

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 4

Based on Regional Analysis on Tourism – Attraction 5


19. Marital status



□in a relationship



20. Education level

□ University degree

□ Technical/trade school/vocational

□ Upper secondary school

□ Elementary school

21. Are you still employed as a retirement pensioner?

□ Yes, full-time

□ Yes, part-time

□ Yes, I am entrepreneur

□ No

22. Annual income compared to national/regional yearly average of

retirement pensioners

□Deeply under the average

□Under the average


□Over the average

□More than double of the average