AOM16 Lean Insights Big Impact

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Lean Insights, Big Impact


Out of toilet paper? Tweet it!


The world is changing faster today than at any other point in history.


No memory of the 20th CenturyY2K is a meaningless termHong Kong has always been part of China9/11 has always been in their textbooksNapster has always been legalNetflix and eBay have always existedThe weird sounds from dial-up? What?

College Freshmen today…



2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day


Changes are getting STEEPer.





The number of people 65 and older will triple by mid-century to 1.5 billion.



Organovo has made its 3D printed liver tissue commercially available.



We are preparing to take humans to mars.











The number of years it took to double the GDP per capita:



India is the fastest growing major economy in the world.



The US has had 13 $1B+ extreme weather events so far this year.



SMOG is blamed for 7 million deaths every year.




Syria has been decimated sending upwards of 5 million people fleeing.


In such a disruptive climate it’s increasingly hard for

companies to grow.




1980 2011


Average number of years S&P 500 companies survived on the index:


We’re living in an increasingly VUCA world.



The world is littered with dead companies that didn’t adapt

fast enough.


Kodak, while out of bankruptcy, is just a shell of its former self.


Blackberry lost another $670 million US in the first quarter.


Blockbuster went from 9000+ stores in its prime to only a handful today.


So the big question is, how do you not only survive,

but thrive in a VUCA world?


Some companies turn to new technology.

Others try switching up their business model.


But strategy born from customer experience is more likely to lead to sustained success.


Companies that foster meaningful experiences with customers outperform the stock market by 133%.

And increase share of wallet by 46%.

− Havas Media






Not all experiences are equal.


Companies that create meaning in people’s lives enjoy more loyalty, higher margins, and ultimately bigger profits.


So how do you figure out what experiences people will want?


This takes deep insight into what people desire.


But in a rapidly changing world, getting to insights quickly is

what’s important.

So how do we do that?


We can borrow a page from the Lean Startup playbook.



Product management

Specify before building

Failure is exception

Operates on complete data


Customer development

Build iteratively

Failure is expected

Operates on good-enough– Steven Blank

Traditional Lean


The ability to quickly figure out what customers want, building on learnings through an iterative process.

Lean Insights


1 Hangout With Your Customers

Six Principles of Lean Insights


The Axe team went to parties with young guys to learn how to connect with them.

1 Hangout With Your Customers


2 Utilize Friends and Family

Six Principles of Lean Insights


Dove discovers unmet needs from an employee’s wife to develop a new marketing strategy.

2 Utilize Friends and Family


3 Ask Multiple Whys

Six Principles of Lean Insights


Target shops with teens and gains an insight worth $8B USD annually.

3 Ask Multiple Whys


4 Prototype Quickly and Often

Six Principles of Lean Insights


Kimberly Clark uses QVC to identify the message that pays.

4 Prototype Quickly and Often


5 Embrace Extreme Users

Six Principles of Lean Insights


Swingline Staples tests a new product with airline check-in agents, and saves millions.

5 Embrace Extreme Users


6 Don’t Wait for Approval, Go!

Six Principles of Lean Insights


An HP designer goes rogue to work with engineering and create a new printer.

6 Don’t Wait for Approval, Go!


1 Hangout With Your Customers

Six Principles of Lean Insights

2 Utilize Friends and Family

3 Ask Multiple Whys

4 Prototype Quickly and Often

5 Embrace Extreme Users

6 Don’t Wait for Approval, Go!


Thank You!




We landed a space probe on a comet 300 million miles from earth.



Netflix executives called customers to go watch movies with them in their homes.

1 Hangout With Your Customers