AOM16 Multigenerational Marketing

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Gordon Fowler Generational Motivation


Generational Motivation


If you were born between… Then you are a...

1925 - 1945 Civic / Silent Generation

1946 - 1964 Baby Boomer

1965 - 1980 Gen X’er

1981 - 2000 Echo Boomer / Gen Y / Millennial

4 Gens



1.  Global 2.  National 3.  Pop Culture 4.  Family Structure


Success comes from…..

Understanding the four generations and their WIIFMs in order to gain their trust and engage with you.


1. Civics


Civics…the basics

• Born between 1925-1945

• AKA Matures, Seniors, GIs, Greatest Generation, Builders

• 59 million


Civics…characterized by

• Dedication and Sacrifice

• Hard work

• Conformity

• Stability and Security

• Respect for Authority

• Delayed Gratification


Civics… Give respect, loyalty, honesty

• Build a face-to-face relationship

• They are referral builders

• Communicate authentically and understand HOW they want to be communicated with

• Deliver on your promises

• Use storytelling as a way to reinforce


Civics… Customer outreach messaging

• Stress history and credibility of your organization

• Include titles of position and responsibility when appropriate

• Provide updates on your success as relates to their previous experiences

• Include personal stories


2. Baby Boomers


Baby Boomers…basics

• Born between 1946-1964

• AKA Boomers, “Me” Generation

• 74.9 million – 2nd largest generation


Baby Boomers…characterized by

• Work

• Self

• Involvement

• Personal Gratification

• Community


Baby Boomers…are about

• Personal gratification

• Optimism

• Satisfying the “self” first

• Community involvement

• The “team” win

• Rewards


Baby Boomers…so they want This to be about them.

• Provide individualized service to them

• Don’t discuss all the other things you need to do

• Keep the focus on them

• Make them feel like servicing them is the center of your universe

• When you are with them, limit any external interruptions


Baby Boomers…

• Want to know that you are part of their community

• This is the original “involved” generation – protesters, environmentalists, etc.

• This group has always been involved and will always be involved

• Make it clear that you are part of their community

• Your services will make an integral part of their journey towards “what’s next”


3. Generation X


Gen-X…the basics

• Born between 1965-1980

• AKA X’ers, Baby Busters

• 48 million

• Original “latchkey” kids


Gen-X…characterized by

• Seeking a sense of family

• Desiring fun/freedom

• Techno-literacy

• Seeking balance

• Fierce independence

• Skepticism

• Change


Gen-X…characterized by Their Heroes?

• No heroes or icons other than – themselves!

• Much of Gen X has spent a lot of time alone, figuring things out themselves.

• Why idolize anyone?


Gen-X…so they want Hands off!

• Embrace the “latch-key within” and give them space

• Understand and acknowledge fierce X’er independence

• The DYI mentality – Home Depot & IKEA generation

• Be there when needed AND get-gone when you are not (on-demand)!


Gen-X… Customer outreach messaging

• Provide a fun, light experience

• Offer freedom of choice – communicate options at every opportunity

• Volunteer opportunities for self and with their kids

• Provide planning contingency – what are the options if this doesn’t work


4. Generation Y



• Born between 1981-2000

• AKA Gen Y, Echo Boomers, Millennials

• 75.4 million – largest generation


Gen-Y…characterized by

• Optimism and fun

• Moral and civic minded

• Confidence (strong egos)

• Community

• Techno-fusion

• Collaboration

• Civic engagement

• Still skeptical

• More DYI than X’ers


Gen-Y…so they want

• Guide and lead but don’t tell (democratic nature will be offended).

• Affirm their confidence.

• They ARE inexperienced and WON’T ask for help – but they do expect it on THEIR TERMS.

• Resist the parenting impulse!


Gen-Y…so they want Customer outreach messaging

No comparisons to other groups/causes Provide FYI, or “just in case” gentle messages vs. in your face appeal Be a part of the community you serve and “stand for something” Help them get what they want and they will be your social advocates… referrals will come from this group


(5. Generation Z)


5th-Gen…the facts

• Rather text than talk

• Very short attention span

• Growing up fast: behavior beyond their years

• Growing up in smaller households; with older parents

• Parents are more advisors than traditional parent roles

• Very collaborative and creative

• Very concerned about the environment


Twitter: @3foldcomm


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