AOP 2014 RFP(3)

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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CLIENT  Ms.  Patricia  Ritter-­‐  Art  on  Porcelain  LLC  510-­‐612-­‐0969    -­‐  Chandler,  Arizona,  85249  USA  

 Project  Overview:  This  project  would  be  to  update,  an  existing  ecommerce  site  that  acts  as  an  online  market  place  similar  to    

• The  MAIN  purpose  of  this  redesign  will  be  to  simplify  the  existing  site.  • Simplify  existing  sites  essential  features.  Other  non  essential  features  will  be  

eliminated.  • Shipping  is  a  big  issue.    This  aspect  of  the  site  need  to  be  simplified.  Ebay  has  

a  good  one.  • Uploading  images  needs  to  be  simplified.    We  now  have  multiple  cropping  

sizes  and  it  is  too  hard  to  keep  track  of  them.  The  users  should  be  able  to  use  one  size  for  all  uploads.  

• Each  seller  creates  his  or  her  own  stores  with  a  different  look  and  feel.  They  are  able  to  customize  their  own  site.  This  is  hard  to  do.    It  needs  to  be  easier  to  upload  an  avatar  and  banner  etc.  

• There  will  be  flat  fee  for  every  studio.  There  will  be  one  price  for  a  studio.  No  free  studio’s.    Vendors  will  have  the  ability  to  buy  space  on  the  front  page  by  using  ads.  

• There  will  be  free  pages  for  Non  Profits  to  advertise  club  meetings,  etc.  This  will  be  made  possible  only  by  the  admin  of  the  site.  

• A  Teachers  forum  will  be  used  for  the  general  public  to  ask  questions  about  the  art  form  and  how  it  is  done  etc.  (This  will  be  free  for  customers  to  access.  But  only  paid  subscribers  can  be  teachers  of  the  forum.  

• There  will  be  a  search  to  find  a  teacher/vendor  by  name  or  studio  name.  Each  will  be  able  to  have  a  page  to  list  the  name  of  their  studio,  hours  or  operation,  classes  etc.  

• There  will  also  be  an  area  where  art  shows,  seminars  and  schools  will  be  able  to  post  their  events  for  a  fee.  

• This  website  will  provide  a  platform  where  the  database  administrator  can  add  or  disable  from  the  system.  This  also  needs  to  be  simplified.  

o Vendor  can  download  information  from  the  database  and  also  view  various  reports  that  are  available.    

o It  will  provide  a  knowledge  base  for  the  user  to  get  the  required  information.  

• The  current  event  calendar  and  the  process  to  list  an  event  is  to  hard.    It  needs  to  be  simplified.  The  dates  and  times  are  to  hard.  


• No  studio  should  show  up  in  searches  or  viewable  on  the  site  until  all  the  required  information  is  completed  by  the  user  to  be  a  published  studio.  

 • I  want  to  have  the  different  ads  that  we  offer  now,  but  one  system  and  one  

price  that  can  be  changed  by  the  admin.  They  should  all  be  located  in  the  same  space  and  have  the  same  system  to  operate.  

o Spotlite  needs  to  be  minutes  not  hours.    

• Admin  has  ability  to  sell/ad  and  update  banners  on  the  site.  • We  need  to  simplify  the  back  end  for  studio  owners.    Way  too  much  to  do  and  

very  difficult  to  use.  o Not  so  many  emails  to  users,  paid  packed  shipped  etc.  o Listing  and  finding  a  listing  on  the  back  end  should  have  a  search  so  

you  do  not  have  to  scroll  through  pages  of  product  listings.  • You  should  be  able  to  search  for  Events  from  the  Home  page.  • Be  able  to  have  an  online  webinar  for  an  additional  fee  in  each  studio.  • Change/slimplify  admin  side  of  catagory  system  • Site  admin  should  have  ability  have  sales  reports  like  the  rest  of  the  site  

 Details  of  the  project    

• Database  designing  • Web  based  Application  • HTML  and  GUI  coding  • Functionality  coding  • Functionality,  validation  and  usability  testing  • Database  importing  • Search  engine  optimization  • Training,  provided  with  instruction  manuals  on  website/database  

structure  and  maintenance  • Project  deployment  schedule  

 Salient  features  of  the  project    

• Flexible  system  and  user  friendly  • The  web  site  should  include  all  standard  security  features  and  should  

implement  the  current  best  practices  for  design  of  all  sites  for  security,  quality,  etc  

• Information  will  be  kept  private,  security  and  hacker  proof.  • Client/server  model  for  relationship  between  backend  admin/users.  • Web  based,  fast  and  yet  simple,  easy,  to  load.  • 24/7  accessibility  • Modular  development  making  it  easy  to  add  features  later  • Search  engine  optimized  


• Easy  manageable  for  end  user  and  administrator  • Testing  for  all  browsers  compatibility  • Extensive  site  search  features  for  all  • Site  map  • CSS  style  sheets  • Content  Management  • Site  will  be  copy  writed.    Must  not  be  able  to  copy  it.  • Users  do  not  have  to  register  to  buy  • Multiple  payment  methods  • Add  upgrades  automatically  

 Basic  Features:    •  User  Registration  

• Customer  • Vendor  

•  Profile  Management  •  Seller  Section  •  Forums/blogs  

• Site  blog  • Vendor  individual  blogs  

•  Feedback  • For  buyer  and  seller  

•  FAQ  •  Reporting  system  to  tag  bad  users  etc.  •  Product  Management  •  Sales  &  Consignments  for  sellers  •  Category  Management  •  Social  media  integration  

• Face  Book,  Twitter,  Instagram  etc  •  Generic  web  e-­‐mails  for  all  users    •  Ability  to  have  monthly  newsletters  that  can  be  downloaded  •  Catalog  that  can  be  downloaded  •  Email  can  be  automatically  sent  to  users  main  email  •  Content  Management  System  •  Backend  Management  (registered  sellers  etc.)    

Front-­‐end  • Home  • Shop  • Log  in  • Join  now  • Sell  • Interact  


• News  o Did  you  Know  o Interact  o Just  for  fun  o How  its  made  

 • Shopping  Cart  • Contact  • Support  • FAQ  • Terms  of  Service  • About  Us  • Press  • Search  

o Gift  ideas  o Advanced  search  o Artist  o Sellers  o Teacher  o Events  o Ask  the  Experts  o Categories  o Opportunity  Knocks/Commissions  

• More  to  Be  Determined  TBD      

E-­‐commerce  Features:  The  admin/CMS  and  user/customer  will  have  following  features:  Others  TBD  

 • Admin  Login  • Manage  Categories  • Manage  Sub-­‐Categories  • Manage  products  • Manage  Transactions  • View  sold  product  details/Manage  Sells  Activity  • Have  a  Gallery  of  work  • Receive  E-­‐Mails  that  are  forwarded  to  a  users  account  • Reports  like  Google  back  end  • Shopping  cart  setup  • General  store  settings  • Display  settings  • Email  settings  • Product  catalog  send  to  customers  (option)  automatic  pdf  mail  form  • Specials,  discounts,  and  other  marketing  features  


• Shipping  options  • Payment  options  • Order  management  • UNLIMITED  Active  Listings  • Full  Custom  Fusion  Studio  • Personal  Domain  /  URL  • Preferred  Placement  in  Searches  • Customization  Options  • Up  to  6  Pictures  Per  Product  • Up  to  10  Studio  Categories  • Multiple  Quantity  for  Items  • Community  Interaction  • Social  Media  Promotion  Tools  • Rapid  Cart  (sell  on  your  blog!)  • Add  Custom  Widgets  in  Studio  (like  Face  Book  Kiosk)  • Integrated  Payment  Processing  • Google  Analytics  &  Site  Statistics  • Global  Shipping  Profiles  • Social  Media  Resource  Library  • Live  Instant  Flagging  • Unlimited  Item  Of  The  Hour  • Face  book  -­‐  Kiosk  Application  • Full  Feature  Studio  Blog  • Fast,  One-­‐Page  Listing  Process  • Sticky  Cart  (reserves  buyers  item)  • Fast,  Accurate  Filtered  Site  Search  • One  Button  Relist  • Vacation  Mode  &  Sales  Mode  • Education/Training/Support  • Listings  SEO  Optimized  • Google  Base  (Auto  Submitted)  • View  Prices  in  Any  Currency  • Artisan  Profile  with  Photo  • Credibility  Program  (Artifacts)  • No  Third  Party  Ads  on  Listings  • Increased  Trend  Pages  Exposure  

o Pay  extra  for  highlight  on  front  page  etc.  • Increased  Gift  Guide  Exposure  • Coupon  Codes  with  Tracking  • Customizable  Bio  Options  • Help  Section  

o Sellers  o Buyers  

• How  to’s  for  help  section  on  all  features  of  site  



 • Brows  Products  • Buy  Products  • View  Final  Order  • Multiple  Payment  Method  • Receive  E-­‐Mails  that  forward  to  main  email  • Send  wish  list  to  others  • Connect  to  Amazon  wish  list  

 Roles  definitions    Guest  is  not  a  logged  in  user.  They  would  be  able  to:  

• Browse  and  search  website  stores  content,  etc.  • Login  • Register  as  user  without  having  a  studio  • Buy  

Buyer/  registered  users  are  logged  in  the  system.  • Buy  products  online  • Participate  in  blogs  • Have  a  wishlist  they  can  forward  to  Amazon  and  or  others  

Sellers  would  be  the  registered  users  that  are  paying  a  fee  to  the  administrator    • Buy  products  online  • Participate  in  teacher  blog  • View  events  calendars  • View  teachers  pages  • Participate  in  site  blog  • Can  register  to  build  their  individual  stores  and  sell  the  products  online  from  

the  site  and  can  manage  their  payments  from  the  buyer-­‐  • (The  commission  to  the  site  owner  will  be  added  at  a  later  date)  • Events  are  schools  that  want  to  advertise  their  events  to  users/sellers  on  the  

site  Administrator  -­‐  Administrator  is  able  to  manage  all  aspects  of  the  system.    PROJECT  FEATURES  HOME  PAGE  •  Register  •  Sign  in  •  Shop  •  Sell  •  Ask  the  Expert-­‐Teacher  Forum  •  News  •  Events  •  Blogs  


•  Shopping  Cart  •  Browse  and  or  search  Product/studio/teacher    Front-­‐end  

• Home  • Shop  • Log  in  • Join  now  • Sell  • Interact  • News  

o Did  you  Know  o Featured  Artist  o Interact  o Just  for  fun  o How  its  made  

• Shopping  Cart  • Contact  • Support  • FAQ  • Terms  of  Service  • About  Us  • Press  • Search  

o By  color  o Gift  ideas  o Advanced  search  o Artist/name  o Event/name  o Teacher/name  o Ask  the  Experts  o Categories  

• More  to  Be  Determined  TBD  o Shipping  o Gifts  o Coupons  o Sales  


o Landscapes  o Women  o Children  o Men  o Floral  o Animals  o Pets  


o Folk  Art  o Wedding  o Illustration  o Cartoon  o Art  Deco  o Commissioned  o Home  Décor  o Furniture  o More  TBD  


o Christmas  ! Ornaments  

o Valentines  Day  o Easter  o Eggs  o Halloween  o Thanksgiving  o New  Years  o Spring  o Fall  o Winter  o Summer  o Fourth  of  July  o Saints  Patrick’s  Day  o Mothers  Day  o Fathers  Day  o (Other  foreign  holidays  to  be  determined)  o More  TBD  

 • DOLLS  

o Vintage  o Draped  o Sculpted  o Painted  o More  TBD  


o Landscapes  o Women  o Children  o Men  o Floral  o Animals  o Folk  Art  


o More  TBD    

• JEWLERY  o Earrings  o Necklace  o Pins  o Bracelet  o Rings  o More  TBD  

 • SCULPTURE     -­‐  etc.  

o Landscapes  o Women  o Children  o Men  o Floral  o Animals  o Folk  Art  o Baskets  o Pets  o Retro/Kitsch  o Seasonal  o More  TBD  

 • MIXED  MEDIA  -­‐  etc  

o Glass  o Sculpture  o Metal  o Hand  assembled  o Novelty  o More  TBD  

 • SUPPLIES  -­‐  etc  

o Paint  o Brushes  o White  porcelain  o Bisque  o Tools  o Other  o Patterns  and  studies  o Handmade  supplies  o Vintage  supplies  o Jewelry  supplies  

! Beads  ! Etc  


o More  TBD    

• TEACHERS  o Classes  o Instruction  o Shop  location  and  hours  


o Signed  o Collectibles  o Vintage  o Jewelry  o Porcelain  o Sculpture  o Studies  o Postcards  o More  TBD  

 •  Privacy  &  Security    •  Connect  with  Social  Networking  site    •  Feedback  

o Can’t  leave  feedback  for  self  o Can  only  leave  feedback  if  registered  

 •  Terms  and  Conditions    •  Privacy    •  FAQ    •  Contact  Us    USER  REGISTRATION/BUYER  To  create  a  new  registered  user:  

• Guests  fill  in  the  «User»  entity  data  with  password  in  2  fields.  • If  the  passwords  don't  match,  warning  is  shown  and  Guest  is  returned  to  

previous  step,  they  will  not  have  to  re  enter  previous  information  • If  the  email  is  already  used,  the  system  offers  Guest  to  reenter  the  data  or  

retrieve  password.  • E-­‐mail/ID  and  password  provided  by  the  user  during  registration,  email  

along  with  the  password  would  be  used  to  log  into  the  system.  • All  the  registration  information  will  be  editable  by  user  in  future.  • After  getting  registered  on  the  site  user  will  receive  a  registration  

confirmation  E-­‐mail.  


• If  no  problems  occur,  the  new  user  is  created  and  Guest  becomes  logged  in  as  the  new  free  user.  


• Seller  fills  in  the  «User»  entity  data  with  password  in  2  fields.  • If  the  passwords  don't  match,  warning  is  shown  and  seller  is  returned  to  

previous  step,  they  will  not  have  to  re  enter  previous  information  • If  the  email  is  already  used,  the  system  offers  to  reenter  the  data  or  

retrieve  password.  • The  system  offers  the  seller  to  fill  in  a  profile.  (All  information  must  be  

completed  by  seller,  name  address,  phone  etc  or  will  not  be  able  to  sell.)    • Seller  will  then  be  offered  to  buy  subscription  package  

! Package  will  cost  a  monthly  fee  or  a  larger  block  of  time  for  a  reduced  price  

! Seller  must  leave  credit  card  information  to  use  site,  this  must  be  able  to  be  verified  by  the  system  that  it  is  current  and  correct.  

! The  seller  will  automatically  be  charged  the  monthly  fee  unless  cancelled.    There  will  be  a  30-­‐day  cancellation  policy.  

• User/buyer  can  change  the  language  and  the  system  will  show  the  appropriate  transaction  for  the  translated  entities.  

• Using  this  E-­‐mail  user  will  be  able  to  confirm  registration.  • If  the  user  fails  to  confirm  his  registration  after  a  particular  interval  of  

time  his  information  will  be  removed  or  deleted  from  the  site  and  he  will  not  be  charged.  He  must  then  start  the  registration  process  from  the  beginning.  

 Registration  elements  •  First  name  [Text]  •  Last  name  [Text]  •  Email  [Text,  unique]  •  Password.  [Text,  stored  in  database]  •  Security  Question  [Select  from  Dropdown]  •  Security  Answer  •  Sellers  Select  package    Subscription  Management  

• The  Seller  has  to  choose  the  subscription  plan  to  create  their  store  and  get  the  features  and  functionality    

• The  subscription  package  describes  how  much  a  user  should  pay  for  becoming  a  seller  and  how  long  this  status  will  last.  

 The  subscription  package  will  have  the  following  fields:  

• Name,  address,  phone,  email  • Length.  Number  in  Months  Etc  • Sellers,  would  choose  one  subscription  package  and  would  be  able  to:  


• Buy  subscription  package.  o Renew  Subscription  

Login  • Guest    • Sellers  • Administrator  user  • New  users  

 Steps:  Email  address  used  during  the  initial  registration.  

• If  a  Login  Name/Password  is  not  found  in  the  database  for  that  particular  e-­‐mail  address,  User  will  be  asked  for  original  email  address  and  security  question  then  e-­‐mail  will  be  sent  to  the  user  with  appropriate  login  information.  

Change  Password  • User  can  change  the  password  after  successful  login.  

o New  password  o Old  password  o Confirm  password  

Login  Section  • User  will  be  asked  username  and  password  for  login.  • Member  will  get  welcome  message  (Ex:  Welcome  “Username”)  after  

successfully  logging  in.    ADMINISTRATION  Allows  administrator  to  browse  users:  

• The  system  shows  first  page  of  the  user  lists  to  administrator  with  paging.  • Will  have  ability  to  delete  all  photos  of  users  • Administrator  could  navigate  the  list  using  page  controls.  • Admin  can  view  the  member  detail.  • Admin  can  delete  the  user  completely  • Administrator  could  save  or  reject  changes.  • Admin  can  activate/inactivate  any  of  the  users.  

Subscription  Management  • Admin  would  be  able  to:  • List/View  subscription  packages.  • Manage  subscription  package    • Edit  subscription  package  including  price  • Delete  subscription  package.  • Set  the  features  provided  to  the  subscribed  members.  

 PROFILE  MANAGEMENT  BUYER  PROFILE  PAGE  The  buyer  profile  page  will  have  the  following:  


• Save  Shipping  Profile  • Upload  Picture  • Chat  in  the  site  blog  • Chat  in  Teacher  blog  • Chat  in  Ask  the  Expert  • Contact  Sellers  • Save  Shopping  Cart  • Wish  list/Hot  list  

o Send  email  to  friend  ADMINISTRATION  

• Admin  can  disable/block  buyer’s  profile  • Admin  can  add/edit/delete  any  information  on  the  buyer’s  page.  • Admin  can  disable/block  buyers  profile  • Admin  can  add/edit/delete  any  information  on  the  buyer’s  page.  

 SELLER  PROFILE  PAGE  The  Seller  profile  page  will  have  the  following:  

• Save  Shipping  Profiles  • Upload  Pictures  • My  Products  • Chat  in  all  Forums  • Contact  Sellers  • Wish  list/Hot  list  items  • Create  "My  Market"  

o Google  backend  ADMINISTRATION  

• Admin  can  disable/block  sellers  profile  • Admin  can  add/edit/delete  any  information  on  the  seller’s  page.  • Admin  can  disable/block  sellers  profile  • Admin  can  add/edit/delete  any  information  on  the  seller’s  page.  


• After  login,  the  user  can  navigate  to  their  personal  account  and  site,  backend.  • Can  also  see  how  their  store  looks  to  buyers.  • The  vendor  can  choose  items  to  sell  and  upload  product  into  this  site.  • Can  arrange  their  products  for  sale  • Can  assign  studio  categories  • Profile  Management  • To  list  the  item,  the  seller  has  to  complete  their  full  profile  

o All  Account  Info.  o Address  o Payment  to  Admin  (must  be  verified)  

• Choose  Payment  Methods  to  accept  payment  • Upload  Banner  and  Avatar  


• Complete  Bio  o The  seller  has  to  post  their  Bio  to  introduce  themselves  to  sellers  and  

each  other.  It  covers  the  following:  • Intro  • Skills  &  Techniques  • Interests  

About  Vendor  • Upload  Pictures  • Post  Buying  policies  • Customize  studio  • My  Products  • List  New  Items  • Choose  Store  fronts  • Customize  store  • Studio  Categories  • Layout  options  • Add  Widgets  • Featured  Gallery  • Custom  Gallery  • Active  Item  • Deactivate  item  

The  seller  can  keep  the  record  of  all  his  uploaded  items  in  the  site  and  the  seller  can  perform  the  following  action  as:  check  all/deactivate  all  etc.  

• Inactive  Items  • The  seller  can  keep  the  record  of  all  his  inactive  items  in  the  site.  • Shipping  Profile  • Shipping  Profile  Name  • Items  Ships  to  • Primary  Shipping  • Secondary  Shipping  • Featured  Items  • Featured  Studio  Gallery  • FAQ  Section  • Guide  • My  Orders  • My  Purchases  • Sold  Items  • Archived  Orders  • My  Messages  • Inbox  • Send  Items  • Compose  • Options  • My  Favorites  


• My  Studio  • My  Stats  • My  Bio  Page  • My  Gallery  • My  Widgets  • My  Blog  etc.  • My  Account  • Contains  all  the  account  details  • Seller  can  add/edit/delete  the  account  details.  

ADMINISTRATION  • Admin  can  disable  all  sellers  profiles  • Admin  can  manage  the  products  uploaded  by  the  vendor.  • Manage  the  payment  methods.  • Keeps  track  of  the  subscription  plan  that  was  taken  by  the  seller  to  get  the  

access  of  the  several  features  that  were  set  by  the  admin.    MODULES  MANAGEMENT  SEARCH  PAGE  The  request  entity  is  used  to  perform  searches.  The  entity  has  the  following  fields:  

• PAINTING-­‐FINE  ART  o Landscapes  o Women  o Children  o Men  o Floral  o Animals  o Pets  o Folk  Art  o Wedding  o Illustration  o Cartoon  o Art  Deco  o Commissioned  o Home  Décor  o Furniture  


o Christmas  o Ornaments  o Valentines  Day  o Easter  o Eggs  o Halloween  o Thanksgiving  o New  Years  


o Spring  o Fourth  of  July  o Saints  Patrick’s  Day  o Mothers  Day  o Fathers  Day  o (Other  foreign  holidays  to  be  determined)  

 • DOLLS  

o Vintage  o Draped  o Sculpted  o Painted  


o Landscapes  o Women  o Children  o Men  o Floral  o Animals  o Folk  Art  


o Earrings  o Necklace  o Pins  o Bracelet  o Rings  


o Landscapes  o Women  o Children  o Men  o Floral  o Animals  o Folk  Art  o Baskets  o Pets  o Retro/Kitsch  o Seasonal  


o Glass  o Sculpture  


o Metal  o Hand  assembled  o Novelty  


o Paint  o Brushes  o White  porcelain  o Bisque  o Tools  o Other  o Patterns  and  studies  o Handmade  supplies  o Vintage  supplies  o Jewelry  supplies  

! Beads  ! Etc  


o Classes  o Books  o Studies  o Instruction  


o Signed  o Collectibles  o Vintage  o Jewelry  o Porcelain  o Sculpture  o Studies  o Postcards    

• Allows  searching  and  browsing  for  results  o User  fills  the  search  request  fields.  o System  matches  the  fields  with  the  listing.  o The  search  matching  the  request  is  shown  to  user  with  paging.  o User  is  able  to  navigate  the  list  with  paging  controls.  o User  could  view  a  desired  field  from  the  list.  


• All  the  categories  would  be  listed  on  the  Product  page.  • On  selecting  a  category,  the  subcategories  are  listed.  • All  the  subcategories  are  displayed  with  the  number  of  items  available.  


• Clicking  on  any  of  the  categories  takes  the  user  to  the  Product  Details  Page.  • The  user  can  also  search  for  the  product  by  entering  keywords.  • The  various  brands  offering  the  product  will  be  listed  on  the  page.  


• The  vendors  upload  the  products  to  the  website.  • The  vendors  have  a  page  from  where  they  can  upload  products  to  the  

website.  • The  vendors  add  the  products  as  per  the  category  and  sub-­‐categories  of  the  

choosing.  • The  vendors  add  the  listing  price  of  the  product  while  adding  the  product  

and  quantities.  • The  vendor  uploads  all  the  product  details.  

SELLER  ADMINISTRATION  • Admin  manages  the  products  on  the  page.  • Admin  can  add/delete  the  listed  products.  • Admin  can  arrange  the  products  as  per  the  category.  • Admin  can  add/delete  the  product  Image.  • Admin  can  add/edit/delete  the  product  price.  • Admin  can  add/delete  the  products  listed  on  the  page  • Admin  can  upload  images  of  the  product.  • Admin  can  edit  the  price  of  the  product.  • Admin  can  manage  the  listings  • Admin  can  arrange  the  items  as  per  the  category  and  sub-­‐category  • Admin  can  upload  the  products  within  the  category  • Admin  can  manage  the  products  listings  within  the  category  • Add/edit/delete  a  product  category  • Views  a  store  product  category  listings  • Keeps  track  of  the  store  category  products  list  • Manage  the  products  listed  in  the  particular  category  • Manage/View  the  seller  category  


• The  details  of  the  product  will  be  displayed  on  this  page.  • After  the  user  clicks  the  product,  the  product  details  page  will  be  displayed.  • A  detailed  description  of  the  product  will  be  available  on  this  page.  • Up  to  (TBD)  at  least  four  images  of  the  product  will  be  displayed.  • The  user  can  click  on  the  product  image  to  enlarge  it.  • The  user  can  put  item  in  shopping  cart  amount  in  the  provided  box.  • User  can  calculate  shipping  on  the  item  • Tell  a  friend  Button  sends  email.  • Option  to  add  the  product  to  the  wish  list.  • The  user  can  ask  seller  questions.  




• The  buyer  can  choose  the  category  where  he  can  find  the  list  of  products  related  to  that  particular  category.  

• The  category  would  be  as  listed:  [TBD]  • Under  the  categories  there  would  be  sub  categories  • The  Buyer  can  view  the  products  of  the  selected  category  • The  Buyer  can  select  the  product  of  the  particular  category  and  add  to  cart  

for  purchasing  that  product  • Buyer  can  select  the  Category  of  the  store  as  well  as  the  products  • Buyer  can  add  to  his  shopping  cart  to  buy  at  any  time  


• Selects  the  Products  from  the  Deal  offers  • View  Product  description  • Add  to  cart  • Sale  price  and  Actual  price  

Seller:  • Seller  can  provide  the  deal  offers  in  their  products  sales  • Seller  can  manage  the  everyday  deals  in  their  store  

ADMINISTRATION  Admin  would  be  able  to  

• Add/Edit/Delete  the  products  that  are  on  sale  • Manage  the  Daily  deals  • Manage  Sellers  who  put  the  products  on  offers  • Manage  the  price  of  the  products  


• The  buyer  can  pay  the  individual  store  owner  and  with  respect  to  the  product  sale;  

• The  buyer/seller  can  manage,  view  and  track  their  Account  Details  and  the  payment  History  

• Select  the  Product  &  add  to  cart  • Check  the  total  price  of  the  product  to  purchase  with  shipping  • Calculate  Shipping  Payments  • Sales  tax  

Check  out  • Shipping  Info  • Calculate  Shipping  Payments  • Pay  To  Seller  • Choose  Payment  Methods  like  PayPal,  Google,  Amazon,  Checkout  etc.  [most  

popular  ones]  Credit  Card  Info  


• Payment  Gateway  like  PayPal  etc.  login  if  any  • Payment  after  order  confirmation  • Send  confirmation  email  to  buyer  and  seller  after  sale  is  complete  

ADMINISTRATION  Admin  would  be  able  to  

• Manage  the  Payment  section  • Keep  track  of  the  shipping  orders  

 FAQ  MANAGEMENT  All  site  users  would  be  able  to  view  the  FAQ  categories  and  their  FAQs  and  could  post  their  questions  to  administrator.  ADMINISTRATION  FAQ  category  Management:  Categories  for  questions  and  answers.  More  TBD.  The  entity  has  the  following  fields:  

• Name.  Text.  • FAQ  items.    • List.  • Create  FAQ  category.  • Edit  FAQ  category.  • Delete  FAQ  category.  • FAQ  item  Management:  

Registered  User  would  be  able  to:  • Browse  FAQ.  • Question  and  answer.  

The  entity  has  the  following  fields:  • Question.  Text.  • Answer.  Text.  • Categories.  List.  • Order,  Position  in  the  list.  

Sellers  individual  BLOG  • Users  would  be  able  view  site  blog  and  their  relevant  comments  on  each  

seller’s  site.    Only  registered  sellers  users  would  be  able  to:  

• Post  to  their  respective  blogs  • Post  comment  on  all  others  blogs.  • Edit  their  respective  Blogs  • Delete  their  respective  posted  Blogs  • Delete  their  respective  received  Comments  

 ADMINISTRATION  Admin  can  Accept/Reject  all  Blogs  and  Delete  all  Blogs    SOCIAL  NETWORKING  INTEGRATION  


Provide  the  integration  of  Social  Networking  sites  like  Face  book,  Twitter,  Instagram,  Amazon  wishlist  etc  to  promote  the  site  and  maximize  the  SEO    FEEDBACK  MANAGEMENT  

• The  users  can  post  feedback  related  to  the  product.  • The  feedback  would  be  posted  on  each  product  page.  • The  user  can  view  the  feedbacks  posted  by  other  users.  • The  buyers  and  seller  can  post  the  feedback  to  each  other.  


• Admin  keeps  track  of  the  feedback  sent  by  the  members  and  can  reply  back  through  emails.  

• Can  also  delete  all  feedback.    BLOG/FORUM  An  Internet  Blog/forum  is  a  web  service  for  holding  discussions.  

• There  would  be  Discussion  Boards  between  the  buyers/vendors  on  each  vendor’s  site.  

o It  allows  people  to  post  a  message,  which  is  visible  to  everyone.  Other  members  can  read  it  and  post  a  reply,  which  will  also  be  visible  to  everyone.  Thus  a  discussion  can  build  up  without  all  users  having  to  be  online  at  the  same  time.  

• When  a  new  posting  is  created,  it  is  given  a  topic  or  a  subject.  Other  users  may  reply  to  topics.  

• Posts  display  the  author’s  member  name  and  reputation  with  a  link  to  the  member  profile.  

• Users  cannot  create  new  categories  or  subcategories.  Admin  can  create  the  category/Sub  category.  

• Replies  are  shown  below  the  topic.  Users  will  be  able  to  view  previous  and  next  replies  in  the  thread.  

ADMINISTRATION  Admin  would  be  able  to:  

• Post  Blog/Forum  Topics  • Edit  Blog/Forum  • Accept/reject  Forum  posted  by  the  users  • Delete  all  Forum/Blog’s  

 WEB  GENERIC  E-­‐MAILS  This  application  would  generate  automatic  mails/email  alerts  that  would  be  directed  to  the  customer’s/vendors  email  ids  that  they  have  used  during  their  registration  process.  Automatic  mails  like:  

• Registration  confirmation  • Account  Deactivation  • Account  Activation  


• After  the  Purchase  • Any  Site  Updates  • Marketing  Messages  • E-­‐Mail  Notifications  • Automatic  charges  for  admin  fees  • Newsletters  • Etc  

 CONTENT  MANAGEMENT  SYSTEM  Users  would  be  able  to  view  contents  of  this  application.  Content  pages  contain  useful  information  for  users.  The  entity  has  the  following  fields:  

• About  • Guide  • Become  Seller  • Purchase  Products  • Other  Details  etc.  • Blog/Forum  • FAQ  • Art  Daily  News  • Staff  Announcements  • From  the  founder  • Vendor/Artisan  Spotlight  • Tech  updates  • Design  Tips  and  Tricks  

 OTHER  ADMINISTRATION  FEATURES  The  site  administrator  will  be  entitled  to  an  administrator  panel  with  a  secured  login.  After  the  administrator  logs  in  he  will  be  able  to  access  the  different  sections  of  his  panel.  Following  will  be  the  sections  for  the  admin  panel  that  we  have  not  covered  above:    Administrator  Login  and  Forget  Password  This  section  will  enable  the  administrator  to  login  in  to  his  admin  panel.  There  will  be  a  link  for  forget  password,  on  clicking  the  same  the  administrator  will  be  prompted  to  enter  his  user  name  and  after  he  clicks  submit  his  password  will  be  mailed  to  him.  User  and  their  profile  Management  

• Buyer  • Seller  

Global  settings  Managed  by  Administrator  • System  Emails  

Administrator  Manage  Content  • Content  pages  

Product  Gallery  Management  


• Admin  can  add/edit/delete  category/subcategory  of  products.  • Admin  can  remove  any  image  from  product.  • Admin  can  set  the  photo  gallery  access  setting.  

Database  Management  • There  would  be  a  database  administration  in  terms  of  managing  

supplier/category/product/info  and  images  Master  data  management  

• Admin  can  Add/Edit/Delete  the  data  from  the  master  table.  • Admin  can  get  the  list  of  master  table.  

Master  Management  by  Administrator  • Page  Adjustments  • Master  Variables  • Site  Language  • Site  title  

Other  tools  Managed  by  Administrator  • Manage  Admin  Login  • Logout  

 SALIENT  FEATURES  (Your  comments  and  suggestions  please.)  

• Keep  in  mind  the  speed  of  the  site  for  users,  how  will  you  accomplish  this?  • In  database  point  of  view  will  you  use  views  and  store  procedures?  Please  

explain.  • Will  you  use  techniques  such  as  caching,  avoiding  round  trips,  and  validating  

input  early  to  reduce  unnecessary  processing?  What  do  you  recommend?  • How  will  you  handle  pool-­‐shared  resources  that  are  scarce  or  expensive  to  

create  such  as  database  or  network  connections?    o Will  you  use  pooling  to  help  eliminate  performance  overhead  

associated  with  establishing  access  to  resources  and  to  improve  scalability  by  sharing  a  limited  number  of  resources  among  a  much  larger  number  of  clients  

• Do  you  recommend/prefer  early  binding  where  possible  Does  it  minimizes  run-­‐time  overhead?  Is  this  the  most  efficient  way  to  call  a  method?  What  is  your  recommendation?  

• Need  to  consider  cross-­‐platform  interoperability  for  this  use  xml  o List  all  browsers  and  versions  

• Interactivity  • What  will  you  use  for  application  interactivity?    

o Ajax  (Atlas)  is  one  solution.  • Table  of  contents  with  expand/collapse  features.  How  will  you  handle  this?    

o (e.g.,  blue  triangles,  plus-­‐minus  signs)  that  lack  text  labels.  • Will  you  use  Menu  bars  in  application?  • Flexibility-­‐please  describe.  • Do  you  recommend  that  the  application  will  be  object  orientated?  


• Will  you  divide  the  Application  into  components?  What  do  you  recommend?  o Like  Presentation  layer  o Business  layer    o data  access  layer  

• Can  components  be  reused  with  minimum  changes?  • Security  and  protection  against  spam  and  bots.  How  will  this  be  handled  and  

what  do  you  suggest?  • Are  you  using  SQL  injection  for  security  purpose?  • Will  you  use  web  services  for  security  purpose?  • Decoding  and  encoding  the  data,  you  comments?  • Backup  for  the  site  after  the  build  is  an  important  part  of  implementation  

please  gives  examples  and  suggestions  for  this.  o Will  there  be  consideration  given  for  this  in  the  build  process?    How  


• Graphic  Design  -­‐  Images  and  photographs  o The  graphic  design  of  the  site  is  defined  as  the  'Design  Phase'.  Will  you  

suggest  stock  photography  and  images  to  use  on  the  site?  Who  is  responsible  for  the  costs  associated  with  this?  All  images  and  photographs  costs  that  are  required  on  the  site  such  as  logos,  pictures  etc.  must  be  approved  by  the  client  unless  otherwise  specified.    

o How  many  comps  will  you  provide  in  your  bid?  • Copy  Writing  

o Will  this  be  provided?  o How  will  this  be  handled  and  what  project  management  procedures  

will  be  used?  • Work  Approach  

o What  is  your  work  approach  and  how  will  you  project  manage  the  site  build?  

o What  if  any  project  software  will  be  used?  o What  is  your  review  and  approval  process?  o What  is  the  sign  off  process?  o What  is  your  development  process?  o Scope  and  functionality  of  site?  o Screen  mock-­‐ups  reviewed  and  signed  off,  procedures?  o How  will  you  transfer  of  the  whole  site  with  code.  o What  is  your  cancellation  policy?  o What  is  your  feedback  policy?  o How  is  testing  done?  

• Customer  Requirements  all  but  not  limited  to  o Use  industry-­‐standard  practices    o Testing  to  be  done  by  internally  by  peers  and  externally  by  clients,  

and  findings  of  reviews  are  tracked  to  closure.    o All  site  requirements  are  to  be  clearly  defined  


o How  long  do  you  estimate  it  will  be  to  build  the  site?  • Project  Management  

o Will  you  have  a  project  kick-­‐off  meeting  to  mark  the  beginning  of  the  project?    

o Will  you  create  a  comprehensive  Project  plan,  which  outlines  all  the  critical  aspects  related  to  the  smooth  project  execution?  These  include  but  are  not  limited  too:  • General  Planning  and  Milestones  • Scope  Management  • Team  formation  and  Engagement  • Integration  Planning  • Communication  Planning  • Quality  Management  • Risk  Management  and  Mitigation  • Procurements  Management  • Tracking  and  Control  Mechanisms  • Detailed  Schedule  (please  provide)  

• Process  tailoring  also  forms  an  important  part  of  this  project.  One  process  does  not  fit  all,  hence  adjustments  may  be  required.  What  plan  do  you  have  for  this?    

o This  is  to  be  documented  in  the  Project  Plan.  • Detailed  Design  

o Define  and  map  the  entire  system  in  details,  as  well  as  the  functional  process  flow.  

o The  content  of  the  design  document  should  contain  but  is  not  limited  to  the  following  main  items:  

! Block  Diagram  ! Overall  System  Architecture.  ! Class  Diagram  ! Screen  Shots  and  field  Validations  ! Flow  diagram/Sequence  Diagram  ! Database  Diagram  ! Deployment  View  

• Design  Reviews  o How  is  the  design  finally  approved?  

! Design  specific  errors  will  be  identified  and  resolved  in  a  timely  manner.  How  will  these  works?  

! The  design  will  be  given  to  the  customer  for  review.  • Development  

o Coding  activities,  how  will  this  be  done?  ! What  are  the  organizational  coding  guidelines  for  different  

technologies?    ! Will  internal  and  inline  commenting  be  done  along  with  the  

coding  activity?    


! Completion  of  each  module  results  in  preparation  of  test  cases  and  unit  level  testing,  how  will  this  be  done?  Please  give  examples.  

o Code  reviews.  How  are  they  done?    o Be  sure  that  the  developed  code  adheres  to  the  organizational  

guidelines  for  coding.    o How  will  reviews  be  done  upon  completion  of  each  software  unit?    o Coding  will  be  done  according  to  laid  out  guidelines  and  that  code  is  

readable,  clean  and  maintainable.  • Testing  

o What  levels  of  testing  will  be  defined  and  followed:  All  but  not  limited  too.  

o Unit  Testing  o Functional  Testing  o Integrated  Testing  o System  Testing  o etc  

 DEVELOPMENT  STANDARDS  What  are  your  development  standards?    

• Search  Engine  Standards  which  ones  will  you  use,  what  others  do  you  suggest?  • H1  tag  for  each  and  every  Web  site?  • Meta  Tag  keywords,  description,  title  to  be  inputted  on  each  and  every  

web  page?  • Site  Map  to  be  implemented?  • ALT  tags  to  be  provided  for  each  and  every  image  in  the  web  site.  • What  will  you  implement  to  avoid  more  usage  of  images,  to  avoid  in  the  

delay  the  loading  of  the  web  page?  • Will  you  need  co-­‐operation  from  us  to  implement  any  of  the  above  named  


• Will  the  design  of  the  web  site  be  so  that  the  web  pages  will  appear  without  horizontal  scrollbar  in  all  resolutions?  

• Browser  support,  the  web  site  will  be  viewed  on  any  commonly  used  browser  and  will  automatically  scale  with  different  screen  settings.  

• Uniform  navigations  in  all  the  web  pages  of  a  web  site.  • We  you  implement  Cascading  Style  Sheets  (CSS)  for  the  web  site?  


• Prepare  the  Test  Cases  based  on  the  design  and  functionality  • You  will  cosmetic  bug  test  for  each  site  before  delivery.  • You  will  be  need  to  check  for  spelling  grammar  etc  • What  procedures  do  you  have  for  testing  for  the  connectivity  of  the  link,  

like  whether  all  the  links  embedded  are  working  properly,  are  there  any  


links  which  are  not  targeted  to  their  original  path,  are  there  any  links  which  lead  to  an  unknown  page  etc….  

• Validation  Check,  what  is  your  procedure  for  this?    DELIVERY  STANDARDS  

• Framing  up  of  Functional  Specifications  and  Time  line  for  Project.  • What  is  the  before  delivery  checklist  on  the  functionality  part  and  how  will  it  

be  maintained?  • Will  you  have  a  checklist  by  which  we  can  check  whether  all  the  above  

standards  are  maintained  in  a  web  site?    

We  will  want  weekly  reports,  which  will  accumulate  following  details:  • Project  Status.  • Work  completed  in  that  Week  • Work  to  be  completed  in  the  next  week  • There  will  be  only  one  resource  (Developer/Designer)  assigned  on  the  

project.  • Weekly  Conference  calls  • TBD  

 Project  Deliverables,  what  is  your  schedule?  Deliverables  of  this  engagement  document  will  include  but  are  not  limited  to  the  following:  

• Pre-­‐Production:-­‐This  step  includes  the  generation  of  a  basic  application  for  framework  for  programming  the  website.  This  step  will  also  include  upon  the  finalization  of  the  web  directory  structure.  Graphic  design  options  shall  be  presented  to  client  based  on  the  IDS  and  web  design  questionnaire  for  Client’s  approval.  

• Production:-­‐The  various  activities  in  the  Production  /  Creation  of  the  website  are  given  below:  

o Database  Design  in  MySQL.  o Integration  of  the  Content  Management  System  o Programming  of  the  Administration  Area.  o Programming  of  the  Users  Area.  o Creation  and  finalization  of  the  graphics.  o Creation  of  artwork  for  banners,  icons,  page  hardware,  etc.  

• Integration:-­‐Integration  of  the  developed  work  together  (Graphics  and  Programs)  

• Proof  Reading:-­‐This  process  will  include  checking  for  typographical  errors  induced  in  the  production  stage.  

o Who  is  responsible  for  this?  Do  you  have  a  copywriter?  • QA/  Testing:-­‐QA  will  have  layers  of  review  that  includes  Peer  Review  and  

Review  by  the  Lead  Software  Engineer.  What  is  your  process?  o Apart  from  this  the  QA  engineer  who  will  check  quality  of  all  the  

functionalities  and  links.  


• Delivery:-­‐The  developed  website  will  be  delivered  on  to  the  designated  server  either  using  FTP  or  a  File  Upload  application.  Any  server  level  permissions  issues  will  also  be  handled  in  this  phase.  

• Backup:  -­‐What  will  you  implement  to  work  with  this  aspect?    TECHNICAL  REQUIREMENTS  are  there  other  items  you  will  use?  The  Site  will  require  as  follows  but  not  limited  to  

• The  client  side  Language  used:  JavaScript/AJAX,  HTML  • The  Project  will  be  developed  on  Linux  • The  Backend  Database  will  be  MYSQL  • Server  Side  Scripting  Language:  PHP  • Designed  layouts  –  Adobe  Photoshop,  Flash  (please  define)  

 RESOURCE  ALLOCATION-­‐Please  define  

• Section  Resources  • Project  Management  IT  Manager    • Technology  Architecture  Technology  architects  • Documentation  IT  Manager  • Technical  Writer  • Copy  Writer    • Engineering  &  Web  • Development  • Software  Engineer  • Testing  and  QA    

o Testing  Engineer  • Graphic  Designing    

o Graphic  Designers    PROJECT  DELIVERY  Specifications-­‐Be  specific.    

1. 1.Generation  of  HTML  and  CSS  Cropping,  generation  of  Images,  HTML  and  CSS  based  on  the  design  approved  by  Client.  

2. HTML  Mock-­‐up-­‐Full  HTML  mock-­‐up  with  all  the  content  pages,  forms  and  other  specific  pages.  

3. Database  Design  Database  design  as  per  business  functionality  4. Administration  Area  

• Phase  I  –  Content  Management  • Phase  II  –  Logs  /  Event  tracking  • Phase  III  –  Forms  and  other  activities  

5. User  Area  /  Presentation  Area  • Phase  I  –  Generation  of  Content  Pages  • Phase  II  –  Programming  various  layouts  and  logic  • Phase  III  –  Programming  of  logic  

6. Validations  Client  side  validations  using  JavaScript  with  browser  checks?  How  is  this  done?  


7. Validations  Server  side  validations  using  PHP  8. Graphics-­‐Generation  of  graphics:    

• Custom  Images    • Banners  (Static)  • Banners  Animated)  &  Icons  

9. Integration-­‐Integration  of  all  the  areas  above  to  form  the  fully  functional  website.  • Testing  &  QA  Testing  and  Quality  assurance  checks  • Testing:      

o Black  Box  Testing      o Stress  Testing  o Security  Checks  Testing  

• Debugging  any  bugs  found    • Final  Implementation  /Delivery  • Total  Estimated  Time  Days?  

10. ROLES  &  RESPONSIBILITIES-­‐please  clearly  define  activity  Responsibility  • Project  Initiation  • Receipt  of  requirements,    • File  structure,    • Discussions  regarding  the  layout  of  pages  and  other  functionalities  • Web  design  questionnaire  and  design  options    • Creation  of  design  options  • Finalization  of  design.  Client/?  • Programming  of  Administration  area?  • Programming  of  User  Area?  • Testing  and  QA?  • Review,  comments  acceptance  from  client  for  all  the  areas  Client  • Fixes  all  reported  bugs  and  issues  • Final  Acceptance  Client  

11. MILESTONE  FOR  PAYMENT-­‐Please  clearly  define  • FINAL  PRODUCT  DELIVERED-­‐Project  Time  line  

12. COST  ESTIMATION  • The  Development  and  QA  cost  for  the  entire  project  will  be  what  amount  

in  US$    • The  project  will  be  delivered  in  how  many  days?  

13. SUPPORT  • During  the  development  process  will  I  be  able  to  see  day-­‐to-­‐day  progress  

at  our  server?  • What  are  your  hours  of  operation?  • I  would  like  one  project  manager  assigned  as  my  point  of  contact.  • Provide  a  six  Months  (180  Days)  free  support  after  the  site  has  gone  live.  

o Any  bugs  will  be  fixed  during  this  stipulated  time  period.  14. POST  IMPLEMENTATION  TRANSITION  


• Handoff  process  (from/to):  The  Development  Process  will  be  carried  on  servers  owned  and  maintained  by?  What  do  you  recommend?  

• Once  the  development  process  and  the  final  testing  commences  the  entire  application  with  the  code  bases  will  be  transferred  to  the  client’s  servers.    

• The  client  servers  will  be  accessible  for  3  weeks  there  after  for  testing  and  bug  rectification.    

• Any  additionally  code  bases  after  this  time  will  also  be  sent  to  the  client  on  a  DVD.  

• All  code  bases  will  be  shipped  to  the  client  on  a  DVD.  15. ON  GOING  SUPPORT  PACKAGES  

• What  support  packages  do  you  offer?  • CUSTOMER  SERVICE  PLAN  

o The  warranty  period  of  the  application  will  be  180  days.  Any  bugs,  minor  changes  in  the  functionality  or  the  reporting  will  be  taken  care  of  immediately.  

o After  the  initial  warranty  period  free  email  supports  will  be  provided  for  three  months.  

16. ANNUAL  MAINTENANCE  CONTRACT:  • After  completion  of  free  support  what  sort  of  contracts  do  you  offer?  • Any  modification,  Changes  will  be  taken  care  of  under  this  contract.  • You  will  address  any  technical  issue  on  a  priority  basis  and  we  should  get  

a  proper  response  with  in  24  Hrs.    

Respectfully  submitted  AUGUST,23,  2014  Patricia  Ritter