AP English Language and Composition Course1a... · 2019-06-22 · and experience. AP English...

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AP English Language and Composition Course

Don Stoll, Professor EmeritusWriting Arts Department

Rowan University

Self Introduction…Prepare a 1 minute self introduction for a

specific audience – the participants in this Institute

Purpose– to make audience want you on their team –

Include relevant personal information, professional information, reason(s) for taking the workshop, etc.

Opening thoughts….Good decisions are made on the basis of valid premises, sound logic, and the accurate projections of short- and long-term futures. If a decision is substantiated on any other grounds, it did not deserve to be made in the first place.

David Murphy, sports writer for PhillyNews


Academic Writing


Workshop Materialsn Website – stollonlang.org/n Workshop Handbookn Handouts

College Board Equity and Access Policy

The College Board strongly encourages educators to make equitable access a guiding principle for their AP programs by giving all willing and academically prepared students the opportunity to participate in AP. We encourage the elimination of barriers that restrict access to AP for students from ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups that have been traditionally underserved. Schools should make every effort to ensure their AP classes reflect the diversity of their student population. The College Board also believes that all students should have access to academically challenging coursework before they enroll in AP classes, which can prepare them for AP success. It is only through a commitment to equitable preparation and access that true equity and excellence can be achieved.


Recruiting AP Lang Students

Overview: AP English Language and Compositionn History of APn History of AP Lang

n Grew out of AP English Literature (1980)n Addition of Synthesis FRQ (2007)n Changes 2019

n Status 2019n 585,000 exams/1,700,000 essays

Overview: AP English Language and Compositionn Designed to serve as equivalent to

College Composition & Rhetoric coursen How the College Composition course

functions in the 2019 college curriculumn Orientation to Academic Discoursen Distinguished from Literature coursen Relationship to academic disciplines


AP Course Audit Purposen Provide AP teachers and administrators with

clear guidelines on curricular and resource requirements that must be in place for AP courses.

n Give colleges and universities confidence that AP courses are designed to meet the same clearly articulated college-level criteria across high schools.

AP Course Audit Requirementsn New AP Lang teachers will not need to

submit a syllabus in 2019n Teachers who have already submitted a

syllabus and received approval will need to attest that they are aware of the changes in the course.

Audit & Curriculum Requirements

1 The course teaches and requires students to write in several forms (e.g. narrative, expository, analytical, and argumentative) about a variety of subjects (public policies, popular culture, personal experiences).

2 The course requires students to write papers (essays) that progress through several stages or drafts, with revision aided by teacher and peers.


Audit & Curriculum Requirements

3. The course requires students to write in informal contexts.

4. The course requires non-fiction readings.5. The course requires students to analyze how

graphics and visual images relate to written texts and serve as forms of text themselves.

6. The course teaches research skills including the ability to formulate a research question, identify, evaluate, use, and cite (using a recognized style guide) primary and secondary sources.

AP Course Curriculum Requirements

7. The course offers sufficient practice to help students develop the following writing and compositional skills associated with academic discourse:

n Wide-ranging vocabularyn Mastery of a variety of sentence structuresn Logical organization and “sign-posting” skillsn A balance of generalizations and specific illustrative detailn Effective use of rhetorical techniques

Changes for 2019/2020n Required registration for the exam in

early falln Creation of support network mirroring a

specific approach to the course available to teachers.

n Change in scoring from Holistic to Rubric-based.


Fall Registration:College Board Rationalen Researchn Teacher Request for Supportn Teacher request for feedback

Course content remains the sameStudent outcome continues to be:n mastery of delivering writing samples that

indicate a clearly delineated and intellectually honest position/point of view

n regarding a concept/issue/practice about which there may be multiple positions

n as an argument with clear claim(s) and compelling evidentiary support

n in a form that conforms to the standards and conventions of academic discourse.

To do so, students must be able to

n Demonstrate their ability to distinguish between non-disputable issues and disputable issues (Ramage & Bean)

n Demonstrate their ability to formulate and articulate an intellectually honest position/point of view on this issue

n Demonstrate their ability to put this into writing


AP Teacher focuses on helping students master skills of academic discourse

The conventions, practices, and processes of academic discourse are:

n developing claim-based arguments supported by reasoned thinking and evidence;

n a facility with shaping arguments for different audiences by selecting claims and evidence that are audience appropriate

n using written language appropriately for the specific task and audience.

Course Framework Componentsn Big Ideas & Enduring Understandings

n Rhetorical Situationn Claims and Evidencen Reasoning and Organizationn Style

n Skillsn 8 Categories

Big Ideas & Enduring Understandings

Rhetorical Situation - RHSn Individuals write within a particular

situation and make strategic writingchoices based on that situation.


Big Ideas & Enduring Understandings

Claims and Evidence - CLEn Writers make claims about subjects,

rely on evidence that supports the reasoning that justifies the claim, and often acknowledge or respond to other, possibly opposing, arguments.

Big Ideas & Enduring Understandings

Reasoning and Organization REOn Writers guide understanding of a

text’s lines of reasoning and claims through that text’s organization and integration of evidence.

Big Ideas & Enduring Understandings

Style - STLn The rhetorical situation informs the

strategic stylistic choices that writers make.


Skill Categories – Rhetorical Situations

n Skill Category 1 – Readingn Explain how writer’s choices reflect the

components of the rhetorical situationn Skill Category 2 – Writing

n Make strategic choices in a text toaddress a rhetorical situation

Skill Categories – Claims and Evidence

n Skill Category 3 – Readingn Identify and describe the claims and

evidence of an argumentn Skill Category 4 – Writing

n Analyze and select evidence to develop and refute a claim

Skill Categories – Reasoning and Organization

n Skill Category 5 – Readingn Describe the reasoning, organization,

and development of an argumentn Skill Category 6 – Writing

n Use organization and commentary to illuminate the line of reasoning in an argument


Skill Categories – Style

n Skill Category 7 – Readingn Explain how writer’s stylistic choices

contribute to the purpose of an argumentn Skill Category 8 – Writing

n Select words and use elements of composition to advance an argument

The two “tested” skills associated with mastery of academic discourse

First, the exam challenges students to read argument effectively, defining this task as facility at analysis using a number of written selections representing different eras and styes and holding students accountable to demonstrate this skill in the Multiple Choice section of the exam. In addition, students’ facility with effective reading is tested in the “analysis” question and in students’facility with interpreting the prompts for the other two free-response essays.

Claim based argument

n The second tested skill is the student’s ability to compose a claim-based argument using appropriate reasoned thought and evidence. The three free-response essays hold students accountable to demonstrate this skill - all three require a claim and the use of reasoned thought and evidence to support that claim.


Skills associated with mastery of academic discourseUsing evidence in a Claim based argument

n For the analysis essay the evidence lies in the rhetorical techniques of the writer;

n For the argument essay the evidence lies in the student’s general knowledge and experience;

n For the synthesis essay the evidence lies in a combination of the student’s general knowledge and experience and a series of sources related to the essay’s topic.

General knowledge, Experience as Evidence

Success in the course depends in part on student’s having both general knowledge and experience. AP English Language and Composition teachers need to devote class time to helping students both to acquire general knowledge and experience and to learn how to use this knowledge and experience as evidence to develop and support claim-based arguments.

Directed Reading AssignmentBecause most 16/17-year-olds are not accustomed to doing purposeful reading and because they lack a clear sense of what “evidence” is and how to use it, I suggest you implement an on-going low-stakes assignment that is not threatening to them, places a minimum of grading time on the teacher, and gives them an opportunity to practice some fundamental analysis skills developing a position based on evidence.


Directed Reading AssignmentThe first week of school ask your students to submit an assignment due every week until the week after the Exam.n Students are to locate two (2) articles.

n Articles must appear in print or on the internet, n have an identifiable author or authors, n be between 400 and 600 words long,n and be “about” something that can be identified.

Directed Reading AssignmentThe source and topic(s) of the articles are not prescribed – they can be from any publication or blog or website the student chooses as long as they meet the 4 criteria above. Examples of possible articles include (but are not limited to) those dealing with gaming, sports, fashion, celebrities, entertainment, self-help, politics, current events, science, history, etc.

Directed Reading Assignmentn Students must submit for each article a single sheet

that:n Identifies the article’s title, author(s), and where the article

was publishedn Identifies what the or single sentencen Includes a 30-50 words summary of the article’s contentn Identifies what the author(s) purpose for writing the article isn Identifies any of the author’s writing devices (examples of

writing devices include structural devices such as Q&A, interview, descriptive, narrative, instructional, argumentative, etc.; diction and syntax; imagery) that standout.


Directed Reading AssignmentAt the end of each grading period assign an in-class essay that carries a grade. Students are permitted to bring to the class the folder including all the sheets they have in their folder and use the material in these sheets to develop their essay.

Directed Writing PromptPrompt: Identify an issue about which you can take a position. Write a 350 – 500 word essay in which you take a position on this issue and develop your position using evidence and reasoned thought. You may use the material in your directed-reading folder as you see fit. Your essay should follow the structural and stylistic conventions of academic writing


n The Exam

n The Prompts

n Scoring

n Workshop Materials


AP English Language Examn Date – Second Wednesday of AP Exam

schedule at 8 amn Website -

apcentral.collegeboard.com/apcn 2019 Fee - $94n Fee Reduction Program

AP English Language Examn Exam Structure

n How the exam is constructedn Committee of 8 (4/4)

n Psychometricians & Specialists

n Testing Questions

Section I - Multiple Choice Questions

n 45% of grade, n 60 minutes allotted n 45 questions

n 23-25 Reading questionsn 20-22 Writing questions


Multiple Choice Examn 5 sets of questionsn Reading Skills

n 2 Reading passage with 11-14 questions each

n Writing Skillsn 3 passages with 7-9 questions each

AP English Language Examn Section II - Free Response Questions

n 55% of graden 3 Questions requiring written response

n Q1 – Synthesisn Q2 – Rhetorical Analysisn Q3 – Argument

n 135 minutes

III. The Promptsn Read the prompts carefully -n Recognize there is a pattern to the

prompts -n Read the selectionn Write an essay in which you…… n Pay close attention to the word following “you”


III. The Prompts - Synthesisn FRQ 1 presents students with 6-7 sources organized

around a specific topic. Two of the sources ar visual, including at least one quantitative source. The remaining sources are text-based excerpts ~ 500 word per source

n This question assesses the student’s ability to:n Respond to the prompt with a thesis that may establish a line

of reasoning.n Provide evidence from at least 3 of the provided sources to

support the thesis. Indicate clearly the sources used through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Cite sources.

n Explain the relationship between the evidence and the thesisn Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situationn Use appropriate grammar and punctuation

III. The Prompts - SynthesisAs the internet changes how and what people read there has been

considerable debate about the future of public libraries. While some commentators question whether libraries can stay relevant, others see new possibilities for libraries in the changing dynamics of today’s society.

Carefully read the following six sources, including any introductory information for each source. Then synthesize material from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well-developed essay in which you develop a position on the role, if any, that public libraries may serve in the future.

Your argument should be the focus of your essay. Use the sources to develop your argument and explain the reasoning for it. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sources you are drawing from whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc. or by using the descriptions in parentheses.

III. The Prompts - SynthesisEminent domain is the power governments have to acquire property from private owners for public use. The rational for eminent domain is that governments have greater legal authority over lands within their dominion than do private owners. Eminent domain has been instituted in one way or another throughout the world for hundreds of years.Carefully read the following six sources, including any introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the notion that eminent domain is productive and beneficial.


III. The Prompts - AnalysisFRQ2 presents students with a passage of non-fiction prose 600-800 words. Students are asked to write an essay that analyzes the writer’s rhetorical choices.n This question assesses the student’s ability to:

n Respond to the prompt with a thesis that analyzes the writer’s rhetorical choices

n Select and use evidence to develop and support the line ofreasoning

n Explain the relationship between the evidence and the thesisn Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situationn Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating

the argument.

III. The Prompts - AnalysisIn 1997 then Secretary of State Madeline Albright gave the commencement speech to the graduating class at Mount Holyoke College a women’s college in Massachusetts. Read the following excerpt from her speech carefully. Then write a well-developed essay in which you analyze the choices Albright makes to convey her message that perseverance can make a difference

III. The Prompts - AnalysisThe passage below is the opening of a speech made in

1960 by American journalist and politician Clair Booth Luce to journalists at the Women’s National Press club. In this speech Luce went on to criticize the tendency of the American press to sacrifice journalistic integrity for the perceived public demand for sensationalist stories. Read the passage carefully and, in a well-developed essay, analyze how Luce uses this introduction to prepare the audience for her message. Support your analysis of her rhetoric with specific references to the text.


III. The Prompts - ArgumentFRQ3 presents students with a literary or rhetorical concept or idea. Students are asked to write an essay that argues their position using evidence.n This question assesses the student’s ability to:

n Respond to the prompt with a thesis that may establish a line of reasoning

n Select and use evidence to develop and support the line ofreasoning

n Explain the relationship between the evidence and the thesisn Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situationn Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating

the argument.

III. The Prompts - ArgumentIn her book, Gift from the Sea, author and aviator Anne Marrow Lindbergh (1906 – 2001) writes, “We tend not to choose the unknown which might be a shock or a disappointment or simply a little difficult to cope with. And yet it is the unknown with all its disappointments and surprises that is the most enriching.”Write an essay in which you argue your position onthe value of dealing with the unknown.

III. The Prompts - ArgumentIn her book, Gift from the Sea, author and aviator Anne Marrow Lindbergh (1906 – 2001) writes, “We tend not to choose the unknown which might be a shock or a disappointment or simply a little difficult to cope with. And yet it is the unknown with all its disappointments and surprises that is the most enriching.”Consider the value that Lindbergh places on the unknown. Then write an essay in which you develop your own position on the value of dealing with the unknown. Use appropriate, specific evidence to illustrate and develop your position.


III. The Prompts - ArgumentThe passage below is an excerpt from

Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges. Read the passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you develop a position on Hedges’ argument that “the most essential skill…is artifice.” Use appropriate, specific evidence to illustrate and develop your position.

The Scoringn The reading contextn The trainingn The Rubricn The instructions to readersn Insider tips