AP World History - Wikispaces 3: c. 600 -1450 CE Regional and Transregional Interactions Major Trade...

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AP World History

Map Review

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Migration to South America (12000BCE)

Chavin Cult- (1000-400 BCE)

Agriculture to Mesoamerica (8000BCE) Maize to Mesoamerica (4000BCE) Olmec- 1200BCE-Collassal Heads Bantu

Migrations 2000BCE


9000BCE Pastoralism

Lower Egypt

Upper Egypt


Minoan Crete

Mycenaean Greeks

Phoenicians (maritime trade) Jericho (city-state)

Mesopotamia Tigris & Euphrates Rivers

Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro


Vedas Caste System

Unit 1 To 600 BCE: Technological and Environmental Transformations

Unit 2 600 BCE-600 CE: Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies

Maya (300 BCE-900CE) Calendar- (400 BCE( Tikal (600-800 CE)

Mohica/Moche state (300BCE-700CE) **quipu records

Domestication of the camel (600 BCE)

Kingdom of Ghana

established (400CE)

Christianity adopted Axum


Rome (originally Etruscan) -Roman Republic founded (509 BCE) -Punic Wars (264-146BCE) v. Carthage -Julius Caesar (100BCE-44CE) -Roman Empire (27BCE-476CE) -Empire split (330CE)- east becomes Byzantine Empire -Pax Romana (27BCE-140CE) -Jesus of Nazareth (6-30CE) -Spread of Christianity begins (0 BCE)

Greece: Sparta and Athens (democracy). -Conquests of Alexander the Great (336-323BCE) -Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) -Socrates, Aristotle and Plato (450-350BCE)

Persian Empires: Achaemenid (550BCE); Seleucid (323 BCE); Parthian (247 BCE) -Key leaders: Darius & Xerxes - Capital: Persepolis (Royal Road) -Persian Wars (500-479 BCE) -Zoroastrianism (600BCE) -Alexander invades Persia (334 BCE)

Classical India - Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE) (Buddhism) - Mauryan Dynasty (322-185BCE) (Ashoka) - Hindu Texts: Mahabharata & Ramayana - Gupta Dynasty (320-550CE)

Classical China -Period of Warring States (403-221 BCE)= Confucianism; Legalism; Daoism -Silk Roads open in 200BCE) -Qin Dynasty (221-206BCE) -Han Dynasty (206-220CE) -Buddhism arrives in China (300CE)

Unit 3: c. 600 -1450 CE Regional and Transregional Interactions

Major Trade Routes: 1. Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) 2. Silk Roads 3. Mediterranean Trade 4. Sub-Saharan Africa

Islam (Shi’ite/Sunni) -Prophet=Muhammad -Text=Quran -5 Pillars (ie. Hajj) -Sharia Law Mosque

Dar-al-Islam (realm of Islam) -Caliphates (Umayyad 661-750) (Abbasid 750-1200s) -Al Andalus= Berbers of N. Africa conquer Iberian Peninsula. University of Cordoba, Spain. -Mamluk= converts who control Egypt -Dehli Sultanate of Northern India (1200s-1400s) -Conversion to Islam in W. Africa (Ghana, Mali) -Key Cities: Cordoba; Baghdad; Dehli -Spread of Arabic language. -calligraphy; Arabic numerals; astrolabe;

Dehli Sultanate


Byzantine Empire






West African Kingdoms -Ghana (700-1100), Mali (800-1550). -Conversion to Islam c. 900 -Polytheistic blend with Islam -Mansa Musa (Mali king 1280-1337)= hajj (gold) -Major city= Timbuktu -Portuguese slave trade begins 1450s -Travels of Ibn Battuta (1325-1353)

Swahili Coast -Hub for trade in Indian Ocean Basin -Great Zimbabwe -Adopted Christianity

China -Sui (589); Tang (618); Song (960); Yuan (Mongol) (1279-1368) -Compass invented (c. 800) -Confucianism gains new popularity -Bubonic plague (1331) Tributary system -Zheng He’s Expeditions 1405-1433

Japan -Nara Japan (710-794); Heian period in Japan (749-1185) -adopts Confucianism and Buddhism; Chinese writing and government org. -1300’s feudalism begins

Korea -Silla Kingdom 668 -Trade with China and IOB -1300’s invaded by Mongols

Ankgor Kingdom (Cambodia) (889-1431)

Mongols-nomadic tribes=Khanate of Golden Horde, Khanate of the Great Khan; Chagatai Khanate and Ilkhanate (Persia). -Genghis Khan (1167-1227) -Khubilai Kahn (1264-1294) -Mongols conquer China and Persia (1215-1219) -1237-1240: conquest of Russia (only successful winter invasion)

-Innovators of: military tactics; fast food; fork; pants; postal system; -Tributary System

Byzantine Empire -Split between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic (1054) -Constantinople falls to Turks (1453) -Bubonic Plague enters Europe (1347)

Capetian Dynasty 987 to 1328 Founded by Hugh Capet= French Monarch

Middle Ages Europe -Charlemagne (768-814) -Louis the Pious (814-840) -Magna Carta (1215) England -Hanseatic Trading League -Renaissance (1300’s) (da Vinci, Michelangelo)

***FEUDALISM*** Holy Roman Empire -Foundation of the Holy Roman Empire (962) 1300’s Little Ice Age Begins=Bubonic Plague

Vikings -raids of coastal areas begin c. 800s - Leif Ericsson reaches Newfoundland (1000)


ly Land

-collapse of Mayan city of Teochitlan (900) Aztecs -replaced the Toltec in 1200s -capital: Tenochtitlan (Lake Texcoco) (founded 1300) -pictographic writing -polytheistic, belief in Quetzalcoatl -Tributary system

Cahokia mound (900-1250)

Inca -Andes Moutains -Nazca Lines -Quipu (knot system) for record keeping. -Capital: Cuzco -Maize and potatoes -Tributary system

Major Trade Cities: •Novgorod •Timbuktu •The Swahili city-states •Hangzhou •Tenochtitlan

•Calicut •Baghdad •Melaka •Venice •Cahokia

Unit 4 1450-1750: Global Interactions

Maritime Empires

Portuguese Spanish

Dutch British French

Russian Empire (**land expansion**) Russian tsar Peter the Great (1628-1725)

Songhay Kingdom (1464-1591)

Qing Dynasty China (1644-1911) -Manchu rule -Expulsion of Christians from China (1700s)

Jesuit Matteo Ricci in China (1582-1610)

Ottoman Empire (1453-1922) **Gunpowder Empire -Ottoman Turks take over Constantinople (1453) -Ottoman devshirme (Christian boys converted to Islam) -Millet system -Capital: Istanbul -Key Leaders: Suleyman

Safavid Empire (1501-1722) **Gunpowder Empire -Muslim Shiism -Key leaders: Isma'il I and Abbas I -Capital: Ishfahan -known for textiles and carpets

Mughal Empire India (1526-1858) **Gunpowder Empire -Muslim rulers; large Hindu pop. -Religious toleration -Key Leaders: Babur; Akbar; Aurangzeb -Taj Mahal

Europe -Enlightenment (1700s)(Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, -Protestant Reformation (1500s)(Martin Luther) -Henry VIII- Church of England -English Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603) -Establishment of the English East India Company (1600) -Glorious Revolution of England (1688) -Establishment of the Dutch Trading Company (1602)

From America: potatoes; maize; manioc

$$Cash Crops$$ -sugar -tobacco

To America: disease; okra; rice; horses; pigs; cattle; slaves


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Unit 5 Industrialization and Global Integration, c. 1750 to c. 1900

•Europe’s location on the Atlantic Ocean •The geographical distribution of coal, iron and timber •European demographic changes •Urbanization •Improved agricultural productivity

•Legal protection of private property •An abundance of rivers and canals •Access to foreign resources •The accumulation of capital •The development of machinery •The Factory System

factors leading to the rise of industrial production:

Production and export of single natural resources •Cotton •Rubber •Palm oil •Sugar •Wheat •Meat •Guano •Metals and minerals

Global Empires British French German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dutch United States Japan

Japan -Meiji Restoration (1868) -Japan invades Korea (1876) -Russ-Japanese War (1904-1905)

Russian Empire -Russian tsarina Catherine the Great (1762-1796) -Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829) -Karl Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) -Rebellions of 1848 -Crimean War (1853-1856) -Alexander II (1855-1881)

French and Indian War (1754-1763) American Revolution (1775-1783) Declaration of Independence (1776) Louisiana Purchase (1803) War of 1812 (1812-1814) Monroe Doctrine (1823) Mexican-American War (1845-1848) American Civil War (1861-1865) Spanish-American War (1898)

Independence of Haiti (1804) *Toussaint Louverture Construction of the

Panama Canal (1913)

1st European settlement (1788) James Cook explores Australian, New Zealand and Hawai’I (1768-1780)

Ottoman Empire -Selim III (1789-1807) -Mahmud II (1808-1839) -Tanzimat era (1839-1876) -Young Turks Revolt (1908)

Africa -Napoleon Bonaparte invades Egypt (1798) -Slave trade ends (Great Britain (1807), U.S. (1808), France (1814), Netherlands (1817) -Muhammad Ali becomes ruler of Egypt (1805) -Slavery abolished (Great Britain (1833); France (1848); U.S. (1865); Cuba (1886) -Construction of the Suez Canal (1859-1869) -King Leopold III (Belgium) establishes Congo Free State -Diamonds discovered in South Africa (1866) -Imperialist scramble for Africa (1875-1900) -Berlin Conference (1884-1885) -Gold discovered in South Africa (1886) -Boer War (1899-1902) -Belgium controls Belgian Congo (1908)

Europe -Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) -French Revolution (1789) -Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789) -Napoleon’s final defeat at Waterloo (1815) -Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) -Queen Victoria (England ) (1837-1901) -Italian unification (1866) -German unification (1871)

India -Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833) -Indian National Congress founded (1885)

Period 6: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, c. 1900 to the Present

India -Mohandes Gandhi launches Non-Cooperation Movement (1920) -India and Pakistan gain independence (1947)

China -Revolution & establishment of republic (1911) -Mao Zedong guerilla tactics (1930) -Long March (1934) -Japan invades (1937)=Rape of Naujing -People’s Republic of China established (1949) -Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) -Tiananmen Square (1989)

Japan -Invasion of Manchuria (1931) and China (1937) -Atom Bombs (Hiroshima & Nagasaki) (1945)

Middle East -Iranian Revolution (1979) -Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) -Gulf War (1991) -Taliban take power in Afg. (1996) -Afghanistan War (2001) -Iraq War (2003)

Africa -Union of S. Africa established (1910) -Italy invades Libya (1911), Ethiopia (1935) -African National Congress created (1912) -Revolution of Egypt (1919) -South Africa gains independence (1948), Apartheid instituted. -Morocco & Tunisia gain independence (1956) -Suez Canal crisis (1956) -Ghana gains independence (1957) -Kenya gains independence (1963) -Civil War in Uganda (1971-1994) -Angola gains independence (1975) -Zimbabwe gains independence (1980) -Assassination of Anwar Sadat (1981) -Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa, Apartheid ends (1994)

Vietnam War (1959-1975) Paris Peace Accords (1973)

Korean War (1950-1953)

Central America -Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) -Fidel Castro seizes powers in Cuba (1959) -Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) -Panama regains control over Canal zone (1999)

South America -Evita Peron (1919-1952)

North America -U.S. enters Great War (1917) -U.S. stock market crashes=depression (1929) -Japan bombs Pearl Harbor (1941) -Truman Doctrine (1947 -Marshall Plan (1948) -JFK assassinated (1963) -MLK Jr. assassinated (1968) -September 11, 2001

Scientific Innovations -Big Bang Theory -Psychology (Freud)

New Medicines -Polio vaccine -antibiotics

Poverty Diseases -Malaria -Tuberculosis (TB) -Cholera

Epidemics -1918 Spanish Influenza -Ebola -HIV/AIDS

Lifestyle Diseases -Diabetes -Heart disease -Alzheimers

War Technology -Tanks -Airplanes -Trench Warfare -Firebombing -Atomic Bombs

Wartime Casualties -Nanjing -Dresden -Hiroshima

Leaders -Mohandes Gandhi -Ho Chi Minh -Lenin -Mao Zedong

Terrorist Organizations -IRA -ETA -Al Qaeda

-Great War (1914-1918)=Treaty of Versailles (1919) League of Nations -Russian Revolution (1917) -Lenin’s New Economic Plan (1921) -Benito Mussolinin leads Italy (1922) -First Soviet 5-Year Plan (1929) -Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany (1922) -Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) -World War II (1939-1945) Holocaust (1941-1945); United Nations

-Berlin Blockaid/Airlift (1948-1949) -NATO established (1949) -Kruschev in Russia (1953-1964) -Berlin Wall (1961-1989) -Soviets invade Czech. (1968), Afg (1989) -SALT Treaty (1972) -Margaret Thatcher British Prime Minister (1979) -Soviet Union collpases (1991) -European Union formed (1993)
