App supervisors' half day prog

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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WELCOMEApprentice Supervisor half day

training programme



AgendaTiming Activity

13.30 Welcome and introduction to programme, house keeping Aims & objectives, Participant expectations

13.45 A day in an apprentice’s life – planning a productive day

14.00 Transition to work – adapting to the world of work

14.15 Successful inductions – setting boundaries – motivation and how toSustain it and performance management

15.30 Break

15.45 Coaching approaches to motivation

16.50 Review of afternoon’s training

17.00 Close

This half day course has been designed to assist Apprentice Supervisors in their supervisory role, and provide some basic techniques and methodologies from a coaching perspective in: Motivating apprentices Introducing them to the world of work Stimulating their participation in everyday work practices and culture.

Methodology for induction, rapport and apprentice role parameters

Managing expectations, setting boundaries Techniques for motivating apprentices Basic coaching approaches Performance management

Key Learning Objectives:

Introductions: Who’s In The Room?

• Your name

• Your role

• Your company

• Expectations for today

How would you like to work together?

Confidentiality - Chatham House rules

Mobile phones off/ on silent


Commitment to the programme and process


Time Keeping - not keeping others waiting



Non Judgmental

Apprentice Supervisors


A day in the life of an apprentice

Planning a productive day

Typical day in the life of your apprentice (activity )

All Behaviours are LEARNED

Typical day in the life of your apprentice (activity )

Complete an individual “day in the life of” workload analysis template

Discuss your results in small groups and prepare to feedbackyour collective analysis and related key findings or issues in plenary

As a group we will explore a generic apprentice’s day as a pie chart on flip chart sized paper for display

Typical day in the life of your apprentice (activity )

Things to consider: What are the activities your Apprentice will be engaged in from waking to sleeping? for example – dressing, travel, work duties, learning new skills, practicing new skills, eating, personal chores, entertainment etc How much time might be devoted to each activity? What might be the level of satisfaction attached to each activity What might be the overall level of satisfaction for the day?

Work activity timetable

Sample output of a “Day In the Life Of” (activity)

Effectiveness rating



Learning new skills

Ready for work1/2 hour

Evening entertainment

5 hours

Regular duties3 hours

Learning newskills1/2 hour

Not usefully engaged

? hours


1 hour

Travel 1 hour

Personal chores1 hour

“Day In the Life Of” (activity) – note down your observations from previous activity . Are there any sizable gaps in the workday of your apprentice where they are not practically engaged or left to their own devices?

Key observations



Transition to work – adapting to the world of work

We are creatures of habit

The brain and body are designed to create autonomic functions so that we don’t keep

having to learn the same things

Both mental and physical patterns become hard-wired through repetition

Thought and behaviour patterns start from a very early age

They influence how we see the world

They influence how we see ourselves

Transition to work – adapting to the world of work

There has to be a compelling enough reason for adults to be willing to learn new

behaviours and attitudes

They have to be convinced it is worth the effort

They have to believe that the desirable outcome is likely to happen

Any risk factors need to be mitigated by a worthwhile outcome

Every thought you have has its own neural pathway. The more attention the thought is given, the more ‘hard-wired’ the thought or belief becomes

Your hormonal systemgives your feeling reactionto ideas and experiences





Pancreas & Outer Adrenals

Testes & ovaries

Kidneys & inner Adrenals

Important considerations to bear in mind

Each human being sees the world and their place in it in a unique and different way

Never assume that someone else can read your mindNever assume that what makes sense to you automatically makes sense to someone elseNever assume that what is logical to you is logical someone elseNever assume that your values are necessarily shared by another or universally heldNever assume that others think the same way as you do or that there is something wrong with them if they don’t

Never assume…

Apprentice Supervisors


Working practice and culture

Setting Boundaries

Successful Inductions/ sustained engagement


Performance management

Tips for setting boundaries

Personal Check your own feelings/stress levels/ emotions before you start your meeting. Be clear in your own mind about what is acceptable behaviour and conduct and what is not. Not being clear and firm can be read as tacit agreement to flouting boundaries.

Be friendly but firm from the start by outlining what you can achieve together. It is better to come across as less friendly at the start and warm up as the relationship progresses. It’s hard to get tougher further down the road.


Be clear about your/ the company’s expectations regarding time keeping, professional conduct, dress code etc Inform apprentice of any particular professional relationships that directly affect her/him such as a buddy or line manager and what these roles will mean to them. Make sure any buddy or line manager have their own guidelines to follow on relational boundaries

Before a successful induction can be created and/or rapport built, we need to consider some of the background to an apprentice’s previous experiences:

− List the characteristics of the school/HE education environment that they have just left

− What was required of them?

− List the characteristics of the work environment they are about to enter or have entered

− What is required of them?

What might they be gaining through work?What might they be losing through work?

What creates a successful induction & sustained engagement?

In small groups, brainstorm your ideas

for a new apprentice’s induction that would be:



Clear about what is expected


A successful induction – sustaining engagement

The welcome, including who we are and what we do

‘Tell me about yourself’ – based on discovery questions

How we all work together and why

What you (the apprentice) will be doing

What your day will look like

Who’ll be looking after you and working with you

Contracts (including Camden’s Code of conduct for apps) and why we make them

How we can help you meet your goals

Performance management criteria and when PM review will take place

Employee complaints procedure and employer disciplinary procedures

Any other questions?

Discovery questions - to help you build a better understanding of what matters most to your apprentice

What do you want (from life/work/hobbies etc)? Encourage him/her to talk

positively about what s/he hopes to achieve and what matters most to him/her When and where do you want this? How do you think work will help you achieve this? What do you think you’ll need to do to get the best experience from work? Is there any help you need with that right now? Would you be able to ask for help should you need it? How do you think you would feel if you achieved what matters most to you? What might that lead to?


Brain storm in small groups:

What are the key factors involved in motivation? What are the key factors involved in de-motivation?

Capture your ideas on flipchart paper


The 4 Prime motivators for human beings are:

Unconditional Love or Acceptance Health and Vitality Creativity Satisfaction/Contentment

Key de-motivators are:

Boredom Low self-esteem, poor self confidence and self image Negative self-talk Fear of taking any risks

The de-motivators are the cause of most people’s ‘bad habits’ and typically are default patterns of behaviour.Often we return to these old patterns when under stress


Brain storm in small groups:

What might keep an apprentice motivated in the workplace? What might cause an apprentice to become de-motivated?

Capture your ideas on flipchart paper

Guide to considering your apprentice’s role

It is important to consider upfront what are prerequisites and what can be acquired. This can also be used as a soft-outcomes indicator and a way of offering encouragement and identifying progress to the apprentice

Aspects of the role

Mindset (think, feel)

Behaviour (say, do)

Interpersonal skills

Technical skills


What will they be doing?

What kind of attitude is required? Do they have it already? How do they need to develop in this area?

Which behaviours are appropriate for their role? Any development needed?

Which skills are needed for their role and to fit in? Any development needed?

What skills do they have? What skills must they acquire? How are they progressing?

What knowledge do they need to start? What must they acquire? How are they progressing?

Motivation - tips

Know ‘what matters most’ to your apprentice (see discovery questions) Help them see links between their own goals, ambitions and ‘what matters most’ to them and their work and role. If dealing with any kind of disciplinary issue, first of all help them to see the connection between their actions and the impact it has on what matters most to them. Use the ‘guide to considering your apprentices role’ to offer praise where its due, and identify areas of weakness for development and then agree a development plan with them. Have regular meetings to discuss their work and progress Use coaching as a method of introducing accountability

Performance management:

Planning a meetingThe apprentice/reviewee must know at the outset what is expected of them 

Performance management:Objective setting  Focus on priorities for the individual Objectives should be time bound, challenging and achievable Different timescales for different objectives No specified number or type Reviewers responsible for ensuring rigour Reflect the need for a satisfactory work-life balance Reflect experience and aspirations

Objectives Should Contribute to the organisation’s culture and business/ operating objectives and be determined with regard to: the reviewee’s job description any relevant pay progression criteria relevant team, department, or organisational objectives a satisfactory work/life balance the reviewee’s professional aspirations relevant professional standards

Performance management:

Performance criteria This should show what success will look like at the end of the cycle (ie when the next PM review is scheduled for)  The basis on which performance will be assessed If this assessment will form the basis for a recommendation on pay progression Applied appropriately in terms of equal opportunities considerations Performance criteria need to be determined at the planning meeting which relate to:  The objectives Observation of the reviewee’s performance by line manager Any other evidence to be taken into account  What does success look like?

Performance management:

Observation and Other evidence  The Performance Management policy should include a protocol for observation The organisations Performance Management policy should link to arrangements for team improvement, self-evaluation and any development planning Observation Guidelines  Observations should be agreed before hand, limited to a set time a number during any PM cycle Only persons with direct professional knowledge of the work of the apprentice can provide evidence. Written feedback given on observation within 5 days 

Performance management:

MonitoringThere is a regulated process for raising concerns Regulatory provision for raising other concerns or where circumstances changeClear right of appeal Should includeProfessional dialogue throughout the yearShare evidence when it becomes availableEither party can request a meeting during the cycleMove from Performance Management into capability procedures if/when necessary

ReviewThere should be no surprises At the review meeting, review performance against the performance criteria established at the outset or previous PM meetingReview statements should be kept on file for a specified period (ie: 2 years, 5 years, 6 years etc) from the end of the cycle

Performance management:

Form headings Review from previous cycle brought forward WWW/EBI – further actions Discussions points New Objectives Priorities Skills and training needs Next steps Other significant points Sign 


Apprentice Supervisors



So what is coaching?

“Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes”

“Unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance, helping them to learn rather than

teaching them”

Gallwey, 2000

How does change work?

“Change is a two part process.

Unlearning one pattern/old-self habit and replacing it with

a new one”

It is important to focus upon what is desired rather than what is not desired

Coaching is:

Skills & techniques that ensure coachee refines own performance and ideas Facilitation and problem solving - provides clever structures Quality plans and actions to reach meaningful measurable goals Giving responsibility to the coachee to provide their own answers Providing perspective and feedback Facilitating the the performance, learning and development of another Providing inputs for new ways of doing things

Coaching principles:

Coachee is resourceful and can resolve own problems

Solution focused and empowering but not doling out advice

Creates vision, mission and objectives

Developing confidence to act

Creating change through action

Believe in your coachee’s potential

The art of asking questions


We want to ask questions that can be used to pursue thought in many directions. We want to help a coachee to explore their own ideas, to open up problems, to uncover assumptions and to distinguish what we know from what we don't know.  Good questioning helps a person unravel their thoughts and beliefs to see whether they still serve a useful purpose and to explore new ideas they can embrace they support what they are trying to do.

The art of asking questions

Questioning can be used to pursue thought in many directions and for many purposes, including: to explore complex ideas, to get to the truth of things, to explore problems, to uncover assumptions and to distinguish what we know from what we don't know.

Coaching questions are systematic, disciplined and focus on fundamental concepts, principles, theories, issues, or problems. 

The art of asking questions

The process:1. clarify their thinking e.g., ‘Why do you say that?’, ‘Could you explain further?’2. Challenging assumptionse.g., ‘Is this always the case?’, ‘Why do you think that this assumption holds here?’3. Determining the evidencee.g., ‘Why do you say that?’, ‘Is there reason to doubt this evidence?’4. Exploring alternative viewpoints and perspectives e.g., ‘What is the counter argument for?’, ‘Can you see this another way?’5. Examine the implications and consequences e.g., ‘But if...happened, what else would result?’, ‘How does...affect...?’6. Question the question e.g., ‘Why do you think that I asked that question?’, ‘Why was that question important?’, ‘Which of your questions turned out to be the most useful?’

Negative self talk

 One of the greatest blocks to moving forward is our negative self-talk

What is negative self-talk? What examples of it can you think of? What personal examples do you have? How do you normally deal with your own negative self-talk? Does your negative self-talk stop you from doing things?

Coaching activity - negative self-talk tool


Think of something important that you have wanted to achieve for some time, but as yet have not had much or any success. Write it down.

What skills or resources do you have that could support you achieving your goal?

List some of your negative self-talk that is getting in the way

Which negative thoughts are absolutely true and which are not?

What are the actual obstacles to you reaching your goal?

Agree some actions you can take now that are positive steps towards achieving your goal.

How important is your goal to you? Is it worth changing some negative beliefs in order to achieve it?

Coaching activity

Read through and answer the negative self-talk tool

In pairs, take turns to coach each other

The first coachee talks the coach through the sheet

The coach asks the coachee the challenging beliefs questions

Remember to listen carefully and ask questions, but don’t give

advice or tell your coachee what to do

See if you can help your coachee to identify from the top right

hand box of the self-talk tool some positive, affirming qualities and


See if you can help your coachee agree to some steps/ goals that

will help them take action towards their objectives.

Planning – in small groups:

How will you implement today’s learning in your workplace?

What has been of most value to you? What might you do differently? What words or phrases do you remember? What were the key points?

Review of the day

What went well? Even better if?